Pig as a symbol that means. Year of the pig - what does the pig symbolize in different countries

Fortune telling by the shadows and deciphering the mysterious images drawn by fire is an activity available to every person. A mysterious mystical ritual is akin to seances. For its implementation, silence, twilight and the imagination of a fortuneteller are necessary.

In this article

How shadow divination is carried out

Guessing by shadows is fun and easy. Be patient and prepare carefully. For the ceremony you will need:

  1. Sheet of white paper.
  2. Plate.
  3. Candle.
  4. Wait for the evening or close the curtains tightly so that daylight does not blur the picture.
  5. Please note that when burning, the sheet will shrink. To make the shadow readable and clear, make the wad of paper large.

Take care of fire safety. Place a glass or pitcher of water nearby. Make sure that the flame does not break out of the saucer!

Gently crumple the sheet and set fire to it from a candle or match. Put it on a plate and watch what happens. The first impression is the most important. Pay attention to the shadow that will come from the crumpled sheet, and then fix the changes. When the paper turns to ashes, do not touch it so as not to destroy the image. Think about what you see and write down your feelings.

The video contains a brief instruction on divination using paper and candles.

When and where is the best time to do shadow divination?

For the ritual of divination by shadows, it is better to use non-residential premises. But if this is not possible, any room will do. Magicians say that it is undesirable to guess in the bedroom or nursery. But if there is no choice, then after the ritual, be sure to clear the space of accumulated unnecessary energy:

  • thoroughly ventilate the room;
  • sprinkle with holy water;
  • remove unnecessary information with the help of a candle flame: walk with it in all corners of the dwelling where you were guessing.

How to choose a day for divination

Experienced magicians advise divination, focusing on the lunar calendar. For positive divination and divination, select the days of the new moon. It is believed that during this period the answers to questions will be accurate and truthful.

In our country, the following have always been favorite for various kinds of fortune-telling and divination: Christmas week, Christmas holidays, New Year.

We advise beginners not to tell fortunes on the following days: 1, 19 and the final lunar day. Favorable will be: the second, fifth, sixth, twenty-fourth. It is best for divination to choose a night that falls from Friday to Saturday on the rising moon.

The lunar cycle is 29.5 days. That is, from one new moon to another. The first half is the so-called. spring, when all living things begin to move. The second is a period of withering and dormancy. That is why it is better to predict in the first half of the cycle, when vital energy is seething around.

We prepare the necessary tools

You already know that for divination with shadows, you need paper, a plate (saucer) and candles. All attributes must be carefully chosen, otherwise the result will be incorrect or you will erroneously interpret what you see.

Neutral or light colored candles, paper, deep plate

  1. The key to successful divination by shadows is the correctly chosen sources of light and fire. Traditionally, pink candles, golden and white flowers. It is allowed to use the magic attribute of purple or red color for divination. Try not to have decor and decorations on the candle. Brown candles, like black ones, are forbidden to light.
  2. Take a plate for divination in a single color. Without patterns and color print. It is best to use a metal tray as a stand. Take an in-depth ash container, as the paper will move during the combustion process.
  3. Leaves for divination should be white, without inscriptions, patterns or streaks.

Black candles are forbidden to be used for white magic.

What can and cannot be used for divination by shadows

Like any magical action, divination by shadows requires compliance with conditions that ensure a good result. Before you start divination, make sure that the requirements are met.

  1. For divination, choose a wall free of furniture or decor, painted in White color. If this is not possible, then use a clean sheet as a “screen”. No drawings or patterns.
  2. A dark room, tightly closed curtains and the absence of additional light sources are the key to a true divination.
  3. Silence and solitude. Make sure that nothing distracts from the process: turn off the phones, the computer, concentrate on the divination process.
  4. Remove the mirror from the room, remove the icons, remove or hang photographs. These are sources of redundant information. They create interference in the information field and affect the result.
  5. Eliminate drafts: close windows and doors. The flame of a candle should be even, not fluctuate and not go from side to side. Otherwise, the fortune-telling picture will be blurry.
  6. Remove jewelry and amulets. The soothsayer should not have rings (even a wedding ring), belt, watch, pectoral cross.
  7. Start fortune telling only in a good mood. Do not take up divination if you feel unwell, sick or angry.
  8. You can use a candle holder to keep the wax from dripping onto your hands or onto the floor.

In Russian there is a word "to unbelt". AT modern meaning it is interpreted as "getting out of control, doing what you want, misbehaving, etc." But initially, untying the belt on clothes meant something completely different: prepare for divination. In Russia, people took off their belts when they went to guess. Thus, a person deprived himself of any protection and surrendered to the hands of the Higher Forces.

How to correctly interpret the meanings of figures when divining by shadows

The figures that appear on the wall or on the white sheet can be very different. They are conditionally divided into the following categories:

  • animalistic (animals, birds, insects);
  • floristic (flowers, plants, trees);
  • abstract and geometric (intertwining fancy patterns);
  • architectural (houses, bridges, castles and other structures);
  • people's faces, figures;
  • things, interior items.

For divination, only clearly defined forms with rich color and lines are important. Pale and dim shadows are not taken into account when interpreting the image.

Let the paper burn out and look at the shadow it casts

You can decipher the resulting figures yourself or use the tips of specialists. It is important to know that each of us has our own associations with certain images. Keep this in mind when interpreting the shadow. Use intuition - the sixth sense will help you immerse yourself in the world of vivid images born by the subconscious. Know that the first thought and association may be the most correct. All other interpretations are attempts by the mind to control the situation.

Fortune-telling by shadows is best mastered by people with a rich spiritual world, attuned to the high vibrations of the Universe, with a developed imagination and fantasy. The interpretation of images and symbols is similar to the interpretation of dreams. The more practice a person has, the brighter the fantasy and the broader horizons, the more accurate the result will be.

This video presents a popular divination on wax. It can be compared to divination by shadows. You can show your intuition and imagination.

Why fortune-telling can be wrong. What influences the result?

It is not in vain that experienced esotericists give clear recommendations on what can be done when divining with shadows and what is strictly prohibited. The result is influenced by the mood of the fortuneteller, and the attitude to the process.

  1. Loneliness is the main condition for truthful divination. Do not turn divination into a game and fun fun. Do not guess in a noisy company or even together. The information that comes from outside at the time of the ritual belongs only to the questioner. Otherwise, the picture is distorted. The second person present during divination creates energy interference.
  2. Don't guess on a full moon. This is a common mistake people make. During the period of the full moon, negative energy is activated, which affects the result and accuracy of divination.
  3. Don't tempt fate too often! If the answer to the question did not suit you, humble yourself and do not ask again. Repeat the next session no earlier than a month later. Naturally, ask new question or make another wish.
  4. It is forbidden to guess two or three times a day. This applies not only to divination with shadows: any oracle requires rest.

Divination process: how to conduct and ask questions

The fire and the shadows it creates are mesmerizing. Fortune telling on burnt paper is a process akin to meditation. To feel the importance of the moment, to feel the sacred meaning, tune in to divination and carefully prepare for it.

  1. Ask a question or make a wish.
  2. Set fire to the paper, watch it burn, trying to catch the slightest change in the flame. Look for a response to what is happening in the depths of the subconscious.
  3. Do not try to see all the signs at once: focusing on any one, you will miss the big picture of what is happening.
  4. When the paper burns out, look at the shadow it casts. Think about what associations it gives rise to. Analyze feelings and sensations.
  5. When you ask the universe a question, be sure to write it down on a separate piece of paper, but don't burn it. Over time, you will be able to return to the question and find out if the wish came true.
  6. If a girl or woman is guessing by the shadows about marriage, we recommend that you take a closer look at the animalistic pictures. From the figure of the animal, you can find out what qualities the future spouse will have.
  7. Train yourself to write down the images and associations that come from observing flames and shadows. It is useful for the development of intuition, memory and magical abilities.

Fortune telling by the shadows cast by burning paper is good way know the near future. Fortune telling on a handful of ashes shows a distant perspective.

Guessing from the ashes like this:

  • wait until the paper in the plate is completely burned;
  • turn a handful of ashes at different angles;
  • peer into the figures, isolate the main thing, interpret the image.

Christmas divination of our great-grandmothers

For fortune-telling, the magical time of Christmas time is best suited. But you can use any other energetically strong day. For example, Ivan Kupala.

  • take a leaf, a candle and a box of matches;
  • set fire to the paper at the left corner, holding it vertically;
  • put the leaf close to the wall and see what shadows the burning flame casts;
  • images born of fire and paper will tell about the near future. For example, will life change in a month or a year (depending on which question is asked).

The video shows popular Christmas divination:

How to find out the name of the betrothed by burned paper

This method, known since ancient times, is suitable for young girls who want to know the name of their future husband.

Guessing on the betrothed

The ritual is simple to perform:

  • take a candle, a mirror, a saucer and a sheet of white paper;
  • cut the sheet into pieces according to the number of gentlemen;
  • write the name of the intended husband on each strip.

Guessing in the name of the betrothed should be in complete silence and loneliness. Remove jewelry and let your hair down if it's long.

Put the mirror on the table and light a candle in front of it. Set the name strips on fire. Hold paper sheets vertically. Put the unburned pieces in a plate or deep saucer. Concentrating on the flame of a candle, clearly pronounce the words of the spell, calling on the betrothed. This short phrase, which is pronounced in an arbitrary form.

The candle should burn out to the end, it is not necessary to extinguish it.

It is believed that on the same night, the one who belongs to you by fate will appear in night visions.

Great church and pagan holidays are filled with special energy. The days of the annual solstice are also such dates.

Beginner's mistakes when divining on the shadows, and how to avoid them

No one is immune from mistakes in fortune-telling. Here are typical misconceptions that interfere with the correct interpretation of the result and distort the meaning of divination.

  1. Do not try to interpret individual fragments of what you see without realizing the whole picture. First, fix the image in your head, and then get down to decoding.
  2. Look at all the pictures, not just the ones you like. What matters is not what you want to see, but what the universe says. The first figure examined in the flame is the most faithful. Pay attention to this image.
  3. If you are not a professional diviner, it is easy to forget the sensations and images. Record the ritual on camera or sketch thoughts on paper in words or pictures.
  4. If there is more than one person in the divination room, the results will be inaccurate. It will be difficult to understand whose future the shadows predicted.

Candles and mirrors help to see the future

Image Library

As in the case of the interpretation of dreams, there are special collections of images that are obtained when divining on the shadows. be guided ready-made texts or create your own glossary based on your personal feelings and intuition.

Common associative images:

  • butterfly or dragonfly - romantic, but non-binding relationship;
  • tower is progress career ladder, the beginning of a new life stage;
  • scales - do not rush to make a decision, weigh the pros and cons;
  • the rider is a symbol of good news and a successful resolution of the situation;
  • dove - peace and tranquility. Problems will remain in the past;
  • mountains - obstacles and difficulties on the path of life;
  • snake - symbolizes wisdom and deceit at the same time;
  • the dragon is the influence of third parties, the dark forces are trying to take over;
  • castle - you are under reliable protection and protection;
  • ring - do not dwell on problems, let go of the situation, and it will resolve itself.

These are just a few examples of images and interpretations. Pay attention - they all come from generally accepted archetypal signs. The dove is peace, the butterfly is frivolity, the fox is cunning, etc.

Knowing general principles archetypes and their classification, you can easily find the decoding of your visions when divining by shadows. This once again proves that esotericism is the key to understanding the world, expanding the boundaries of consciousness and self-improvement.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Divination on paper is a very easy way to get answers to exciting questions associated with love, fate and so on. Such rituals are especially popular among young girls. Methods for the implementation of rituals, in general, are not very complex. For most, all you need is a pen and paper. And the venue can be absolutely anything. That is why this type of divination has become widespread.

A feature of this method is the simultaneous application of numerology and standard divination principles. No additional magical attributes are required.

Everyone decides for himself how to relate to such an activity, in any case, it is interesting and exciting.

Features and principles

You can find a huge number of methods for performing rituals with a simple pen and a sheet in a cage. Many are sure that every person knows how his fate will turn out, and fortune-telling acts only as a tool to get this knowledge from the depths of consciousness. Despite all the variety of divination methods, it is important to adhere to some simple rules to be sure of the results you get:

  • Guessing is allowed only 1 time per day, since repeating the procedure is likely to give the wrong answer.
  • Absolutely all questions asked should be specific, it is recommended to pre-think and give the exact wording of the question of interest before writing it on a piece of paper.
  • An important component of the process is maximum focus and concentration, if you strive to obtain a believable result, and not do it for entertainment purposes.
  • It is best to be alone during the entire ritual. So the chance of success is much higher. It is not forbidden to do the ceremony with friends, but in this case it is rarely possible to achieve a serious mood and high concentration.
  • It is necessary to believe in the ritual and its plausibility, otherwise the predictions will not come true.
  • You can’t share the results of fortune-telling in any case, even with the closest people, otherwise everything can turn out quite differently.
  • It is forbidden to lie with the attributes of divination, namely paper and a pen, otherwise one should not expect reliable information.
  • You can not do the ritual during church holidays and on Sunday.
  • The best days for women are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, for men - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Immediately before the procedure, it is important to cut down all electronic household appliances. Nothing should be distracting.

As you can see, the rules to be followed are quite simple, and the process itself does not imply the presence of any magical and supernatural items and skills. However, this does not mean at all that divination with a pen and paper is ineffective. The following are the most commonly used truthful fortune-telling.

By the name of the boyfriend

Divination in names is very simple. To do this, write your own name in full on an ordinary cell sheet, as well as your full name. your lover. See which letters are found in both names and write them out in order in a column opposite each other (that is, letters from one name in 1 column, from another - in the second). Pairs of letters are obtained, the number of which must be counted. It is important that the number contains no more than one digit, but if it is two-digit, then you should simply add these two digits.

The result of divination for a loved one is interpreted as follows:

  • 1 - the partner is very selfish.
  • 2 - most likely, the couple does not have a happy future and it is better to rethink the path that the relationship is taking right now.
  • 3 - there is mutual understanding between people and there is harmony, a happy fate definitely awaits the couple.
  • 4 - there will be frequent quarrels and scandals based on small details and minor problems.
  • 5 - in this situation, the girl should often give in to her lover, otherwise it is best to cut off the love affair.
  • 6 - in marriage, a woman will take the leading position.
  • 7 - the couple will have success in relationships and a long happy life together.
  • 8 - partners understand each other perfectly and are ready to give in if necessary.
  • 9 is a good number, it speaks of a long-term happy relationship.

The values ​​of the numbers are uniquely defined, so the main thing here is not to make a mistake in simple calculations.

If the result of the ritual says that the guy is not in the mood to reciprocate, try using it - it's simple and effective way attract the attention of a loved one.

On sticks

Another 1 type of fortune-telling about a guy’s love, with which you can get information about what your loved one wants. The procedure is quite simple, just follow a certain algorithm:

  1. Sitting with a piece of paper at the table, it takes some time to think exclusively about your beloved.
  2. Then with eyes closed small straight lines are drawn on the sheet the width of the paper. After some time, listening to your inner voice, you need to stop drawing by saying the word “Stop” (you can do it in your mind).
  3. Return to the second stage two more times. At the end, 3 rows will be drawn on the paper.
  4. At the final stage, three vertical lines are crossed out on each line. Opposite each line, the number of remaining sticks is written, if all of them are crossed out, 0 is written.
  5. As a result, all the received numbers are put in a row. Example:

The following combinations of numbers 0, 1 and 2 are possible:

  • 000 - wants to be near a girl.
  • 001 - wants to meet.
  • 010 - shows love feelings.
  • 100 - does not feel anything in relation to the fortuneteller.
  • 101 - is a womanizer.
  • 110 - wants to kiss.
  • 111 - secret love, carefully trying to hide his feelings.
  • 002 - shows sympathy.
  • 020 - there are no feelings.
  • 022 - perfect fit.
  • 200 - sympathetic.
  • 220 - a meeting is possible.
  • 222 - he loves another person.
  • 012 - friendship is the maximum relationship with him.
  • 102 - not looking for serious communication.
  • 112 - loves a fortuneteller.
  • 120 - a great pair will come out.
  • 121 - recognition is coming from him.
  • 122 - will announce himself soon.
  • 201 - he has no trust in anyone.
  • 210 - often thinks about a girl.
  • 212 - there is jealousy.
  • 211 - there is pity.
  • 221 - he does not feel anything more sympathy.

Based on the value, you can already attempt the next step.

Fortune telling on hearts

Another way of divination for a guy, through which his feelings are also revealed. Draw a heart on paper. Only, if the person is right-handed, it is necessary to draw with the left hand, otherwise - with the right. Then all whole cells are circled along the borders of the picture.

The value of each digit from 0 to 6:

  • 0 - he feels the same as the girl.
  • 1 shows respect.
  • 2 - only friendship is available.
  • 3 - he feels sympathy.
  • 4 - often jealous.
  • 5 - often sees in dreams.
  • 6 - he does not feel anything.

The ritual is quite simple and fast.

With paper tubes

Another simple ritual for guys and boys that will help you find out about their attitude. Small pieces of paper are taken as attributes.

The following instruction is executed:

  • 1 large sheet is divided into 10 identical small ones.
  • Choose any one part and write in it I.O. loved one, while others are left clean.
  • A tube is made from absolutely every small piece of paper.
  • They are placed in a chest or box and mixed.
  • It is allowed to take out the leaves only one at a time, this is done no more than 3 times.
  • Each piece of paper must again be put back after the fortuneteller looks at it.

The results can be interpreted as follows: if a sheet with a name was raised twice and a clean one, then the boy has no feelings, in the opposite situation (twice clean and 1 time with an inscription), there is an opportunity to develop relationships; if all three times a sheet with an inscription fell out, then the couple is doomed to happiness.

LURDNISTEHB with decryption

This way in the name of guys is great for girls to know how boys feel. Algorithm:

  1. Three digits from 0 to 2 are taken, each of which means a name.
  2. The word "LURDNISTEKHB" is written in a vertical line by letters, opposite which sticks are drawn in an arbitrary way.
  3. After what has been done, it is necessary to cross out 3 lines in each row and count the number of remaining ones, then write the corresponding number.

See values ​​here:

  • "L" - loves.
  • "U" - respects.
  • "R" - jealous.
  • "D" - constantly thinking.
  • "N" - sympathetic.
  • "I" - interested.
  • "S" - suffers.
  • "T" is gravity.
  • "E" - dating someone.
  • "X" - wants to start a friendship.
  • "B" - will become a friend.

"Graph of Love"

This fortune-telling on paper is able to tell whether the beloved is thinking about the possibility of long-term happy relationship. This ritual can be used by both women and men. It is recommended that, in addition to standard paper, take not one, but two multi-colored pens. You need to act like this:

  • I.O. is written on the sheet. girl and guy. In the example presented, their names are respectively Maria Petrova and Pyotr Kuznetsov.
  • The same letters are crossed out in each name. The same is done with surnames. The example first removes "p" from the first part, and then "e" and "o".
  • After that, graphs are drawn, for clarity, it is advised to draw with different pens or pencils. First of all, the schedule is made for yourself, and only then for the object of sympathy. You should start from the same point. Moreover, each crossed out letter means a line drawn diagonally within one cell, and the remaining lines horizontally also along the cells. Something like this should come out:

Analyzing the resulting graph, we can conclude the following:

  • If the curves first intersect and then diverge, then it is hardly worth hoping for a long-term relationship. Most likely, fate will simply bring people together for a short time.
  • The curves are parallel, they are relatively far apart - the relationship will not work out.
  • The curves have merged into one - a great sign, a happy life together awaits the couple.

A paper sheet will tell the betrothed

Through this procedure, it is possible to understand how this or that man treats a woman. All you need is a sheet of paper and a pen.

To begin with, you should draw a table 7 by 7, horizontally on top of which the names of the months are written arbitrarily. On the right, each block is matched with the names of men, and on the left - the days of the week in random order. Below, the numbers from 1 to 7 are also randomly listed.

In the middle of the table, in each square, numbers are respectively written in the range from 1 to 31. Thus, a kind of calendar has turned out, which needs to be checked with the real one. If in reality there are any dates from the table, then it remains just to match the guys on the right and the numbers below. The latter will help to tell about the feelings of a man:

  • 1 - in the near future the guy confesses his feelings.
  • 2 - indifference.
  • 3 - a person strongly wants to be in a relationship and has serious intentions.
  • 4 - sympathizes with another, maybe a friend. There is a chance to switch his attention.
  • 5 - in love, there will be a meeting.
  • 6 - you should not start communication with him, as it will only lead to pain.
  • 7 - a long and strong friendship with him will begin.

Paper divination for the future

Divination on paper is necessary not only to learn about the feelings of a guy with it, but it is often used to find out your near future. Almost every person, to one degree or another, is interested in knowing what will happen to him at a particular time. You will also need paper and a pen or pencil.

The column writes the name of the day of the week, the prediction for which you want to get, and your own full name. Under it, each letter that occurs in it more than once is written out. For example:

Ivanova Julia Igorevna

I - 3, O - 2, B - 3, A - 3, H - 2.

After that, these letters are removed from the full name, the rest are written out and their number is counted. In the presented example, it turned out:

YULAGRE - the number of letters is 6.

After that, you can already see the interpretation:

  • 0 - nothing good will happen.
  • 1 - a chance meeting with an old friend is possible.
  • 2 - bad news at work, scandals in the family.
  • 3 - travel, or just a walk to unfamiliar places.
  • 4 - an unforeseen circumstance that will significantly affect the decision.
  • 5 - a date with a lover.
  • 6 - good news awaits.
  • 7 is a boring day.
  • 8 - some important good event or a pleasant acquaintance.
  • 9 is a typical standard day.

Thus, it will not be difficult to find out what will happen.

Will the dream come true?

By executing this algorithm sequentially, the secret will be revealed whether the wish will come true or not:

  • Take clean paper.
  • Focus on your thoughts about the dream. The question is asked specifically and clearly so that it can be answered with the words "yes" or "no".
  • A large number of vertical lines are randomly drawn. It is forbidden to count them.
  • Cross each pair with a horizontal line.

The meaning of the results is as simple as possible - if any line has a pair, then the dream will definitely come true, otherwise it won't.

Fortune telling with a pen on desire

Another method to check if a wish will come true is to write your own question and mark the same letters. Remove them and count the number of remaining ones. If you get a two-digit number, it is recommended to simply add up its components.

The resulting figure will tell about the prediction:

  • If one or eight came out, then, with a high probability, the plan was to happen.
  • In the case of a deuce or six, you should not hope for a favorable development of events.
  • Three or five indicate that it will take some effort and spent nerves to fulfill the desire.
  • If you get a four or nine, then you will have to look for someone's help to achieve your goal.
  • Seven hints that the dream will have to be abandoned due to its failure.

Thus, such a prediction will help to be aware of the possible development of events.

In the article, the emphasis was placed in almost all cases exclusively on the female audience only because the strong half of humanity is not particularly interested in such magical rites. The above rituals are as simple as possible to implement, but at the same time they are highly effective. They help answer many questions.

Winter is the time of fairy tales and fulfillment of desires, so the girls loved to spend Christmas time, lasting from Christmas to Epiphany (from January 6 to January 19), in fortune-telling and predictions. But, as practice shows, the most truthful answers to all questions asked it was possible to get it on the night of January 6-7, when Christmas fortune-telling was held.

On this night, young maidens in Russia gathered in a bathhouse, since it was the most secluded place and it was here, according to legend, that magical power flew in, answering all girlish questions without hiding. Before embarking on fortune-telling, the girls bathed, thus washing away all the troubles and problems that had accumulated throughout the day, and went with a clean head and a clean body to a dialogue with the power of magic and sorcery.

A prerequisite: the bath should have smelled of pine needles, so the fortunetellers brought spruce and pine branches, which diffused a pleasant aroma around the room from the heat, and they themselves could beat each other with spruce brooms, thereby pleasing magical power so that she was supportive and gave only truthful answers.

In some villages, various sweets and pastries were also brought to the bathhouse, which were placed on a bench covered with white cloth, it was believed that the spirits would wash, eat, listen to songs (the girls were sure to sing that day) and the happy ones would give good and true advice.

Today, all these ancient rituals are rarely observed by anyone, but fortune-telling at Christmas and Christmas time is also relevant among modern girls, therefore, the following methods of prediction will also be useful to them, however, it is still advisable to prepare for them accordingly, so as not to anger the magical power, as they say: instead of a bath - a sauna, instead of spruce branches - aromatic oils, but replace the white tablecloth with a snow-white towel and , of course, do not forget to take a steam bath to cleanse yourself of bad thoughts.

The meaning of figures for divination on wax, coffee, shadows and others

Here you will find a decoding of figures for folk fortune-telling on coffee and tea, as well as for fortune-telling on wax, shadows, mirror, lead, tin and the like. The database contains values ​​for 600 figures.

For each person, his future is a secret that I really want to know. This is probably where the repeated attempts to create a time machine came from. After all, no one knows what the future is. Christmas divination able to lift the veil of mystery.

Here you will find fortune-telling for marriage at Christmas time and Christmas: on buttons, a potted flower and threads. They will predict whether you will get married soon, what kind of relationship you will have with your spouse and what kind of character he has.

Christmas time is a great time for all kinds of fortune-telling, because on these days ordinary people do not work, but walk with might and main and celebrate Christian holidays - Christmas and Epiphany, and it is on these days that otherworldly forces are most active, which means that it becomes possible to look into your future without the help of specialists to find out what it promises!

What is a cherished dream? Everyone has her own, but it is for her sake that a person lives, breathes and moves. Someone is ready to turn mountains to fulfill their plans, and someone hopes for magic and is waiting for this magical moment. And surprisingly... he comes. The main thing is faith and hope that everything will work out!

Love is the greatest feeling on Earth, and in the entire Universe. This is a priceless gift, which, alas, is not given to everyone, but which many dream of. For the sake of love one can suffer, for the sake of love one can live, for the sake of love one can create. Therefore, it is love divination and predictions that are most in demand among both women and men.

We are all waiting for our soul mate, with whom we will go through life hand in hand, overcoming adversity and rejoicing in joint happiness. Therefore, unmarried girls strive to find out, looking into the future, what it is like - their beloved and unique.

Who among us would not like to know our fate? In an attempt to look into the future, we are not embarrassed by either the complexity of the methods, or the unusual means, or the originality of interpretations ... And the use of coffee for divination in the most amazing way "took root" in the practice of divination.

Quite an interesting process - guessing on burnt paper. Flame - a special force dependent on nature - can tell you about the future, about love and your desires. Fortune telling by the shadows, the meaning of the figures to understand and decipher is a skill that is easy to master. This is one of the ancient rites and is often used today. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare for the ritual, and also explain the meaning of the figures in divination by shadows.

Fortune telling by the shadows will help you find out your fate

What is included in the preparation for the ritual:

  1. To start divination by paper shadows, you need to pick up the time. The ritual should not be performed on a full moon. AT given period a great opportunity to attract a lot evil spirits. Therefore, the right time for the ritual is the first days of the new moon.
  2. You also need to choose a day. Best Option night from Friday to Saturday. The process itself should begin before midnight and end after twelve. If you do not violate all the given time frames, then the value will be more correct.
  3. There should be no mirrors in the room where the ceremony will take place. Because the information will change and there will be no result.
  4. There should not be any photographs in the room. In a different way, the ritual will be directed to the person who is depicted in the photo.
  5. When fortune-telling by paper shadows, you do not need to worry, worry. During the ritual, you do not need to be distracted.
  6. It is preferable to memorize or write down all the images. So the interpretation of fortune-telling will pass without difficulty.
  7. It is preferable to choose an ordinary plate, pastel color, perfectly white, without images and edging. So that during the ritual the paper does not fall out, there is no fire, it is recommended to pick up deep dishes with large margins.

Divination process

To perform the ritual of divination on the shadow of paper, you need to prepare. The first step is to prepare a candle, a flat plate and paper. There are special requirements for choosing the last element for the ritual.

Paper shadow divination should be done using newsprint. The newspaper has large sheets, and also such paper is well wrinkled. In extreme cases, when there is no newspaper, you can prepare paper from a notebook. Some people think that printer paper will be just right. But this paper cannot be used. It's just that paper doesn't burn well.

For divination, it is better to use newsprint.

How is divination carried out on the shadow of crumpled paper. First you need to pick up a piece of paper and crumple it in your hand. You need to roll a ball out of paper, but it should not be very tight. Preferably, when it will be a lump without a shape. After you make a lump of a leaf, you need to put it on a prepared large flat plate. Then just light the candle.

As soon as the candle began to burn, you can already turn off the light. You can already observe the shadow that has emerged from this piece of paper. This image must be stored in memory or written down.

The next step is to burn the paper. When you have singed the paper, you can start to look closely at the shadows on the wall. You can see similar characters listed below. It can be such meanings of figures as people, nature, animals, buildings, objects.

Everything that you see on the wall, all the shadows you need to remember, and even better, write it down on a piece of paper. This is especially important for beginners. The plate with burning paper should be gradually rotated. So you can see some new images.

The whole process of divination lasts until the paper burns. But divination by the shadow of the paper is not yet over, as an important stage begins - deciphering and unraveling the symbols that you wrote down. Before you start decoding, you need to bring a plate with burnt paper to a candle and evaluate the shape of the ash.

The meaning of the figures

Each person sees certain images and understands the meaning of the figures in his own way. It all depends on the question you want to know the answer to. Naturally great value has your imagination, without which the interpretation of divination is impossible. However, there are a few common characters. The following are among such figures when divining by a shadow from paper.

  • witch - the influence of a witch;
  • rider - events will have a favorable resolution;
  • groom - marriage;
  • people - condemnation;
  • face - a native person who will help solve the problem;
  • baby - pregnancy, starting a business;
  • man - meeting with a stranger;
  • bride - marriage soon;
  • profile - a person will appear in life who will change your life;
  • man - means acquaintance.
  • mountains are barriers;
  • tree - a favorable development of events;
  • star - protection of higher powers;
  • the forest is a deception;
  • flower - development, well-being;
  • pit - a fall in personality, financial difficulties.

The shadow of a tree that appears indicates a favorable development of events.


  • butterfly - love;
  • hippopotamus - unwillingness to move on;
  • squirrel - improvement of financial situation;
  • the bull is an aggressive person who will intrigue;
  • camel - problem solving;
  • wolf - quick changes associated with a new acquaintance; the symbol of the wolf speaks of a strong and courageous friend;
  • dove - peace and tranquility;
  • dragon - it is impossible to change the situation; the influence of higher powers;
  • hedgehog - hidden resources;
  • hare - avoiding responsibility;
  • the snake is a dangerous person, ready for any meanness;
  • cat - magical influence;
  • rabbit - means betrayal;
  • chicken - stable income;
  • wild boar - career advancement;
  • rat - meeting with a bad person;
  • a horse is a good stable job;
  • crocodile - a threatening person, a liar; unexpected problem;
  • swan - devotion, understanding, friendship;
  • lion - confidence; sudden help;
  • horse - minor domestic difficulties;
  • frog - recklessness, thoughtlessness;
  • bear - the need to settle down so as not to aggravate the situation;
  • mouse - excitement; small difficulties;
  • monkey - material income;
  • bird - rapid take-off, inspiration;
  • a pig is a malicious deceit;
  • a dog is a true friend;
  • elephant - a meeting with an influential person;
  • snail - slow resolution of events;
  • duck - sudden profit, income;
  • turtle - stagnation in activity.

The shadow of a bird promises a quick take-off in business


  • tower - career rise;
  • gate - new beginnings, transition to a different environment (moving, marriage, new job);
  • home - stable life;
  • castle - decisiveness, security;
  • well - secrets;
  • ruins - failure, separation, breakdown of relationships, loss of funds or independence;
  • church - marriage or funeral (specify by images).

Household objects:

  • shoe - professionalism in work; sudden romantic meeting;
  • bottle - a celebration; drunkenness;
  • scales - you need to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision;
  • ring - marriage;
  • baby stroller - new worries; birth of a child;
  • crown - development, prosperity, popularity;
  • cross - threats, illness, death;
  • bag - well-being, hoarding, sudden profit;
  • weapons - disagreements, conflict situations;
  • candle - marriage;
  • tank - the need for salvation;
  • transport - wandering;
  • teapot - a quick end to everyday problems;
  • hat - a secret, secrecy.

The one who saw the cross is waiting for illness, threats, and even death.

If you concentrate on your problem when guessing and interpreting the meaning of the figures, then there will be no problems with unraveling the image. A person who guesses must show a little ingenuity.

Divination mistakes for beginners

No one is safe from errors in divination on burnt paper. Here are the typical misconceptions that prevent the correct interpretation of the result:

  1. Do not try to interpret individual passages of what you saw without fully comprehending the picture. First, fix the image in your mind, and then get down to deciphering.
  2. Consider all the characters, not just the ones you like best. The first figure is the exact image that needs to be remembered.
  3. When you first guess on the shadows, you can always write down the information on paper or record the whole process on video. So it will be much easier to compare all the images together and in the future to correctly interpret them.
  4. If someone else is present in the room with you, then the images will not give a specific answer to the question. It will be difficult to realize whose future the images are talking about.

Fortune telling on burnt paper is carried out at Christmas time and all predictions concern the future - a year ahead. The interpretation of the figures is complete only if, along with the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven here, you use your imagination.

Proper preparation is of great importance in divination. If you break at least one rule, then the image will no longer be accurate enough. The interpretation of divination by the shadow of burnt paper must be taken seriously. What really matters is what mood you are in.

As for the symbols, there are also some features here. For example, when a symbol was clearly shown, this means that its meaning is the main one. The second most important figure is considered to be the one that was kept in the shadow for a long time.

It is worth remembering these two main images, and then proceed to interpret the rest. If you burned the paper and didn’t see any image, then you need to repeat the divination a little later. You can do fortune-telling after a week.

Why fortune-telling on burnt paper? The fact is that fire contains a special natural force that can reveal many secrets to us, if only we can ask the right question and are really ready to hear the answer. There are many ways to tell fortunes on burnt paper. Now we will talk about the most popular of them. It is worth noting that there are both simple and complex divination, so you can always choose the one that suits you the most.

simple divination

For this divination on burnt paper, you will need a regular sheet and matches. Before you begin this ritual, think of a question, concentrate, and then write it down on paper. After that, you need to take the sheet by the lower end so that it stands vertically in your hands. After that, set fire to its upper end and wait. If the flame flares up and the paper burns to the end, your wish will come true. If it goes out, then it is not destined.

Burnt paper shadows

This divination is often used on Christmas Eve. The fact is that in this ritual there really is something magical and mystical, because looking at the shadows, we always see some special images. For divination, we also need paper and matches. We take the sheet by the lower corner, put it vertically, set fire to the top one and look at the wall where the set fire to the sheet will cast its shadow. Watch carefully and do not forget that you need to include fantasy. In the shadows dancing on the wall, you will see symbols: faces, people, animals, trees, various objects. You must decipher the symbols that the fire gives you. They will mean what will help or hinder the fulfillment of your desires, the people you meet along the way, and much more. The main thing is to correctly interpret these images. Many begin to come up with what they would like to see. This cannot be done. You must simply observe and memorize the images. Only in this way fortune-telling will give you the correct answer.

paper and candle

In this case, in order to tell fortunes, we need not only paper and matches, but also a candle and a saucer. You need to take paper, put it on a saucer and set it on fire. After the paper caught fire, put a candle next to it. Thanks to the candle, the shadows cast by the burnt paper will become more distinct and precise. You will need to wait until the fire burns out, and then look at the shadow cast by the burnt paper.

If you can't see the image clearly, you can gently twist the saucer, just make sure that the paper does not crumble into ashes. On the wall in the images of shadows you will see something that will tell you exactly how the situation will develop further and whether your desire will come true.

During divination, always remember that you must fully concentrate on your question and not be distracted. Only in this case you will definitely get an answer that you understand. It is worth noting that there are many transcripts of such fortune-telling. But it is best to rely on your feelings and intuition. In this case, your consciousness itself will tell you what exactly these or those images mean.

thirteen sheets