How much does daniel radcliffe weigh. Daniel Radcliffe - unbelievable but true! ELLE And another question

Numbers surround a person everywhere: dates, numbers of apartments and houses, telephones, cars, time. The same numbers on the clock is one of the ways of the Universe to give a sign to a person. In order to correctly interpret the meaning of the signal, it is important to realize in what period of life it appeared.

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Digit Meanings

Numerology experts say that numbers have magic power. By numbers, they predict fate, make wishes. Those who believe in the magic of numbers have repeatedly seen in practice how the number of an apartment or car affects the fate of a person. To manage numbers and be able to decipher their meaning, you need to know the meaning of each digit separately.

"Unit"The figure of confidence, driving energy and strength, a new beginning
"Deuce"A sign of restraint, patience and gentleness
"Troika"The figure of the connection between the present and the future, mental activity and meditation. Symbol of creativity
"Four"Denotes organization, diligence, activity to achieve goals. In the fate of a person determines the stability and strength of the position in society
"Five"Symbolizes prudence, caution, attentiveness
"Six"Indicates moral values: kindness, honesty, truthfulness. Symbolizes the successful resolution of conflict situations. In angelic numerology, six is ​​not a bad number and has nothing to do with the devil.
"Seven"A symbol of good luck and a sign that promises success in business Denotes the favor of Fate towards a person
"Eight"Numerologists interpret the eight as the number of changes.
"Nine"Symbol of wisdom, development inner world, obtaining and accumulating experience
"Zero"Enhances the energy of other numbers, symbolizes infinity, eternity, freedom

To understand what the numbers “say”, you need to find out their general meaning and compare the interpretation with your own situation. For example, a person is about to start a new business and the number “1” accompanies him: it means that you should expect good luck. Since "zero" reinforces "10" can also be considered a very good numerological sign.

In more detail about how numbers affect a person’s life, psychic Alena Kurilova told the channel “Everything will be kind”.

Angelic numerology

The same numbers on the clock are considered part of angelic numerology. With the help of numerical messages on the dial, the watchmen help to pay attention to the situation. Therefore, time is one of the most effective ways connection with the powers that be.

At the sight of the same numbers on the clock, people make a wish, believing in the magical power of the cherished minute. If we take angelic numerology as true, then the interpretation of paired or mirror symbols is much more difficult.

What does the coincidence of numbers on the clock mean:

  • a sign from above - you should be more careful, make a balanced decision;
  • Angel's hint to a question or desire;
  • part of the rhythm of life, universal being, a sign of forward movement;
  • happy moment;
  • the message of the universe is to listen to your intuition.

The coincidence of numbers must be a coincidence. Deliberately waiting for the same numbers is not associated with angelic numerology. Only their spontaneous and unexpected appearance can be considered a sign from above.

Interpretation of coincidences

To decipher the combination of repeated numbers on the clock, not only the designation of the numbers is important, but also the time of their appearance. It is especially worth looking at electronic scoreboards, which, unlike the dial, show exact digital values: 22:22, 11:11, 16:16, etc. The same numbers on the clock are interpreted taking into account the phase of the moon. Growing indicates the future, falling indicates the present or past.

From midnight to early morning

In the period from midnight to 5 in the morning, the same numbers on the clock are deciphered as follows.

00:00 Sign of Fate about a happy time for the fulfillment of desires
01:01 There is a chance to receive favorable news or a profitable offer from the opposite sex
02:02 The appearance of a friend or ally who will help solve difficult problems and situations; it is worth taking a closer look at others and especially new acquaintances
03:03 There is no need to be afraid of change, the supreme forces are on your side, implement your plans, implement your plans
04:04 A sign of fate about the need to "hold your horses", in the near future you will need to be patient and wait for a better chance to implement plans
05:05 Believe in yourself, but do not fuss, changes await you

From morning to afternoon

After waking up, the brain works most actively, the connection with the higher mind intensifies, so the same numbers on the clock are most often a response to thoughts, reasoning, reflections. Also, the repetition of numbers in the morning promises success in the work begun.

Seeing the time 11:11 on the clock before starting an important business promises success. Do not doubt the decision - fate gives good.

During the day

You can find out what the same numbers on the clock in the daytime mean from the table.

Evening time

The signs of fate at this time of day relate to unfinished business, relationships with loved ones, or answers to questions posed during the day.

Mirror figures

Mirror numbers are endowed with a magical meaning to a lesser extent, but if a person sees them often, you should pay attention to this. Such coincidences indicate a certain delay in time and space. Perhaps, having started a business, you will have to return to the starting point or change the plan of action.

01:10 Don't lay your hands on it anytime soon high hopes, the result of the case will not come immediately
02:20 Restrain emotions, watch the words, there is a chance to say too much
03:30 Improving relationships with the opposite sex
04:40 Not the best day
05:50 Do not take risks, beware of natural elements
10:01 A reliable friend will appear in your life
12:21 The day promises new acquaintances
13:31 Feel free to make a wish
15:51 Possible love relationships
20:02 Time to rest
21:12 Plan for life changes
23:32 Pay attention to your own health

Video "What numbers bring good luck: the secrets of a numerologist"

Numbers carry positive or negative energy. What numbers can be considered successful, said the author of unique methods in numerology, the author of the book "Digitized World" Sergey Kuznetsov. Video from Pravda channel.

Daniel Radcliffe- the actor who played the main role in the film "Harry Potter" decided to devote himself to the world of cinema when he was still a five-year-old child. Parents who knew many of the pitfalls of the film industry tried to dissuade their only son from this idea, but to no avail. Thanks to the perseverance and talent of the young man, millions of fans know him today - he is one of the most sought-after and highly paid actors.

Actor Daniel Radcliffe height

In Harry Potter, Daniel appeared at a young age, but since he starred in the film for 10 years, his growing up took place in front of many fans. Indeed, by the last part of the picture, the actor has matured, but he has not grown much at all. "Little Wizard" - Daniel Radcliffe received such a nickname for his small stature - only 165 cm.

When the film started shooting, the actors playing the main roles were about the same height. How tall Daniel Radcliffe would be in a few years, the creators of the film franchise could not imagine, but left him in the lead roles even after his stage colleagues and Rupert Grint had grown significantly. This was also due to the fact that the actor, firstly, perfectly got used to the character, and secondly, Daniel had excellent physical fitness - he performed most of the stunts on his own, only the most dangerous scenes were duplicated by stuntmen.

Is Daniel Radcliffe happy with his height and weight?

Daniel admits that during the filming of Harry Potter, he wanted to be a little taller than his friends, and when they began to overtake him in centimeters, he even got worried. But over time, the actor came to terms with his appearance. When people are surprised at the meeting and say something like: "You are much smaller than I thought," Daniel replies: "No, I'm just much further away from you than you thought."

By the way, the enviable rich British groom is not only not tall, he has a very slim figure- its weight varies from 60 to 65 kg. But, again, this does not at all prevent him from being the No. 1 object for many girls who dream of winning the heart of a male wizard, who, in turn, is in no hurry to make a choice.

Read also
  • "In shorts and with a gun." The new image of Daniel Radcliffe surprised the fans

Height and weight are not the main thing in a person, according to Daniel. He is a versatile person and can attract attention with his interests. For example, an actor, in addition to his work in cinema and theater, devotes a lot of time to reading, loves animals, plays football.

After participating in the global Harry Potter franchise, when his face flaunted absolutely everywhere, from pillowcases to toothbrushes, professional growth Daniel Radcliffe looks even more impressive. The wizard boy made the audience see him as a serious man. In 2008, he burst onto Broadway in the production of Equus / Equus, ridiculed his own image of a star child in the TV series Extras / Extras, played a major role in the American television adaptation of Bulgakov's Notes of a Young Doctor / A Young Doctor's Notebook. In this The 25-year-old Briton's transformation is completed with the release of his first romantic comedy. "Friendship and no sex", where Radcliffe tries not to recapture Zoe Kazan from the handsome Ralph Spall - a modern version of the Hollywood masterpiece "When Harry Met Sally". Behind the scenes, Daniel is in a serious relationship with actress Erin Darke, whom he met last year on film set Drama Kill Your Darlings. In a candid interview with ELLE, the actor talked about losing his virginity, filming naked, and how to act around friends.

ELLE What do you need to find in a girl's apartment in order to immediately understand: you are incompatible with her?

DANIEL RADCLIFFE Well, if she had a whole shelf of vegetarian cookbooks, I'd know I was in trouble.

ELLE Wouldn't a complete set of Harry Potter books be more dangerous?

D.R. Come on! Many have them. It would be wrong to deprive yourself of a chance because of such a trifle.

ELLE You stripped in "Friendship and no sex", completely naked in "Equus"... Are you comfortable naked in public?

D.R. No. Rather, relatively comfortable. I have to say, the first time I had to get naked on a Broadway stage at 17, I was nervous as hell.

ELLE Was embarrassed later to meet girls who said: “Oh, I saw Equus ...”?

D.R. Not particularly. I didn't date many girls at that time. But such a dialogue would most likely continue with the words: “Oh, cool, you saw me naked!”

ELLE What changed for you the day you lost your virginity?

D.R. Hmm... You know, I'm probably one of the few who had a really great first time!

ELLE Really? Did everything go according to plan?

D.R. It was with a girl I knew well. I am happy to say that since then I have had many more successful sex, but the first time for me was not as terrible and awkward as others. For example, like my friend, who got drunk and indulged in passion with a stranger under the bridge.

ELLE Yeah, do you think it's better to have sex when sober?

D.R. I do not rule out that for someone drunk sex is the ultimate dream. But personally, for me and the person with whom I do this, it is much better sober.

D.R. In my youth, at the age of 16-19, I was fond of writing and during that period I wrote many love poems. But today I can say with all responsibility - there is not a single one of them that I would like to see printed or found on the Internet. ( laughing.)

ELLE There are rumors that you are engaged...

D.R. No.

ELLE Do you believe in marriage?

D.R. Haven't figured it out yet. In my opinion, the most romantic act that you can do is to stand in front of a crowd of friends and relatives and confess your love to your only one.

ELLE Sounds like the words of the heroine Zoe Kazan from "Friendship and no sex" ...

D.R. Is it? Did she say the same there?

ELL Yes.

D.R. Well, apparently, these words sunk into my soul. There is something fantastic in marriage ... On the other hand, all this that accompanies the wedding ... In general, while I have doubts, but I think that sometime in the future I will have all this.

ELLE The film "Friendship and no sex" asks the audience the eternal question: "Can a man and a woman be friends?" What do you think?

D.R. In fact, these are two whole questions that are always trying to fit into one! Can a man and a woman be friends? Of course, I have many friends of women with whom I have not had sex and no reason to have it.

ELLE And another question?

D.R. Can a man and a woman who are romantically or sexually attracted to each other be friends without it becoming a problem? This is a much more difficult question. Ultimately, sooner or later they will have to explain themselves. I would definitely want to find out the relationship, because otherwise I would go crazy. That's the big difference between me and my character in Friendship and No Sex. Wallace is able to live in painful uncertainty much longer than I could.

ELLE And how long could I, I wonder?

D.R. It would probably last a few months.

ELLE In Harry Potter you worked with many legendary English actresses. Did any of them give you good advice about girls?

1. For about two years, Daniel has been in a relationship with 22-year-old British artist Roseanne Cocker, whom many of the actor's fans consider unworthy of his love (mainly because of her appearance). It's not up to them to decide, but since November 2010, when the couple started dating, the fans' dislike for Roseanne has only intensified. Dan himself believes that you need to build your own world with only one single girl that you love with all your heart. A good example for him is the relationship of his father with his mother - because. Daniel's dad only had one girlfriend and that girl is his mother.

2. The actor is only 1.65 cm (5 feet 5 inches) tall.

3. Daniel is an atheist. He does not believe in the existence of God and relies only on himself in this life.

4. Radcliffe's favorite book is The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. He admitted that he would gladly take part in the film adaptation of this immortal work.

5. idols young actor in the profession are Brad Pitt and George Clooney.

6. Daniel does not like to look at himself in films, so he has not seen many films with his participation ...

7. One of Daniel's worst fears is the fear of nuclear war.

8. Also, the actor is insanely afraid of becoming the living embodiment of the hero Ryan Reynolds from the movie "Buried Alive", that is, Radcliffe is afraid that he may be buried before his death.

9. Daniel loves pranks, so he visits with pleasure humorous shows in different countries world where he always feels at ease.

10. As soon as little Daniel, at the age of 8, found out that he had a chance to get a role in a film about the wizard Harry Potter, he immediately began to read J.K. Rowling's books, which was not easy for him, because. in his childhood intellectual development was extremely weak due to illness (fact no. 21). But having mastered the book, he was able to bypass 16,000 boys at the casting.

11. Daniel does not like to sunbathe, so his skin has a natural pale tint.

12. To recuperate while filming movies, Radcliffe drinks Diet Coke and eats candy bars. There can be no question of any diet during filming!

13. In an interview, Daniel admitted that if he had a revolving potion at his disposal, he would have reincarnated as Spider-Man.

14. Radcliffe's favorite animals are wolves, so it is no coincidence that on the cover of The Face magazine he appeared in the company of a husky dog ​​(huskies are very similar to wolves).

15. Madame Tussauds has this wax copy of Daniel:

16. The actor knows how to fold his tongue twice and three times. He demonstrated this unusual skill at one of the shows ...

17. In addition, Daniel can rotate his arm 320 degrees! Unfortunately, I did not find a suitable photo, but the fact is the fact.

18. The actor is not indifferent to Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman. He likes them not only as beautiful actresses, but also as attractive women.

19. Daniel is a music lover.

20. The actor writes poetry and publishes under the pseudonym of Jacob Gershon. The pseudonym is a combination of his middle name and the Hebrew form of his mother's maiden name, Gresham. Poems about infidelity, about pop idols (particularly Pete Doherty) won the love of many people who did not even suspect that these creations were the work of Daniel. Some of the works are conducted on behalf of the narrator and tell about the seduction of women and relationships with prostitutes.

21. Daniel suffers from a mild form of dyspraxia (dyspraxia is the inability to correct execution goal-directed movements), so in the movies he cannot perform too complex tricks. Once the actor said that at school he was terribly clumsy, he studied poorly because of this illness, but he always dreamed of becoming an actor, no matter how he was dissuaded.

22. Dan is still friends with Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.

23. Took dance lessons because he thinks acting profession everything can be useful.

24. Daniel got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most profitable star in the last 10 years. Radcliffe's film projects bring in an average of $558 million per film, which is the best result among actors.

25. The seven things Daniel would like to do in life are:

To write a book. Read as many books as possible.

Go to Australia, attend the cricket game of the English team and the Australian team, while watching the victory of the British.

One day to manage a small country.

Everyone says they'd like to swim with the dolphins, right? I would also like, but not to swim with dolphins, but to roller-skate with them. That would be fun.

Get married and have children.

Do more than seven things.

Text: Maria Melnikova

Photo: Getty/Fotobank, Rex/Fotodom

On January 28, one of the shortest Hollywood actors, Elijah Wood, turned 33 years old. Well, not all star beauties can boast of the growth of basketball players, but this makes us love them no less! the site presents 7 more well-known "boys-with-a-thumb", which by their example prove that men of small stature sometimes reach such heights that their taller colleagues are unable to conquer.

Elijah Wood

Height: 168 cm

It's no secret that young actor Elijah Wood became Frodo's hobbit in The Lord of the Rings due to his small height for a man - only 168 centimeters. Many journalists who interviewed Elijah during his visit to Moscow last year, note that behind his fragile appearance lies a kind nature, devoid of even a hint of ambition, arrogance and star whims. Wood willingly talks about his favorite character - Frodo Baggins - and even admits that he still cannot "get out of character", although no less than 8 years have passed since the end of the filming of The Lord of the Rings!

“Little hobbits also have an incredible love for life, the ability to make friends, they love good food and sweet conversation,” Elijah Wood said in an interview. Russian newspaper". “These are the most wonderful things in our life. I felt a little like a hobbit even before filming because of my small stature, but now I really have become one in the depths of my heart. I never refuse to talk about Frodo and my amazing experience on The Lord. And I'm not offended if they recognize me as a hobbit and address me as if I really were Frodo. With such a role, it could not be otherwise!

AT still water, as they say, devils are found - Elijah is no exception. The actor, despite all his love for the image of Frodo Baggins, did not "go in cycles" in the role of a cute brave kid and decided to star in more "tough" films. So, last year in Moscow he presented the new thriller "Maniac" directed by Frank Khalfoun, and in his further creative plans - shooting in the action movie "Open Windows" and the horror film "Contagion".

With such a “load”, the small, but remote Elijah does not have any time for his personal life at all - the last known public sweetheart of Wood was the actress Franka Potente. It turns out that now the actor's heart with big blue eyes and wild curls is free - which cannot but please the large army of Elijah Wood's fans.

Tom Cruise

Height: 170 cm

When the Oblivion star was signing autographs at the Moscow Oktyabr cinema at the premiere in April 2013, he was completely invisible in the sea of ​​admiring fans. However, Tom has long ceased to be complex because of his "hurtful" height of 170 centimeters for the Hollywood sex symbol, although gossips they say that he specially sews shoes for himself to order - the heels of such shoes are thicker than those of standard ones.

Tom really experienced in childhood: according to American biographers, at school he tried to communicate with more “smaller” guys in order to look taller, and in order to build up a centimeter or two, he was actively engaged in various types sports. When he met the red-haired beauty Nicole Kidman and the couple began to often go out together, the photographers had to hide their smile - Nicole was 10 centimeters taller than her ex-husband!

“You can imagine the ‘diplomatic’ problems that arose whenever I went out in public with my ex-husband, - admitted Nicole Kidman in an interview with the Australian magazine VOX. “Believe me, the difference in our height never made him smile!”

Through life, Tom Cruise was accompanied by recognized Hollywood divas, usually taller than him: Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz and his ex-wife Katie Holmes. Even Cameron Diaz, who worked with the actor on the set of the comedy Wichita, could hardly resist his charm. It must be that after breaking up with Kidman Cruise, he finally got rid of his complexes - especially since in the eyes of the world community this man of short stature has long been no longer Tom-"dwarf", but the most real tom Cruz, "heavy" and solid even for Hollywood crowded with stars.

Dustin Hoffman

Height: 166 cm

“You rarely see an Oscar winner shorter than the statuette itself,” colleagues joke about Rain Man Dustin Hoffman. But the talent, confirmed by five Golden Globes and two Oscars, does not depend on growth in any way. However, even at school, an ugly and short boy was bullied in such a way that it is hard to imagine how he survived at all!

“For my classmates, I was not just a “dwarf” or “short man,” the actor later recalled in an interview with the American magazine Vanity Fair. - I was a "human stump ..."

The Graduate star Hoffman told Vanity Fair that the persecution continued even after he starred in a great comedy directed by Mike Nichols and became world famous: what angle will shorten my nose in the frame, and in general - what to do with me. And when I was leaving and accidentally dropped a one-cent coin from my pocket, someone picked it up and handed it to me pitifully: “Take it, baby, I’m afraid you might come in handy.”

However, Dustin has always been very popular with women - the actor has been happily married twice and has six children: two from his first marriage and four from his second.

Gael Garcia Bernal

Height: 168 cm

"Little Muck" from The Bad Education, The Motorcycle Diaries and The Science of Sleep, 35-year-old Gael Garcia Bernal has been topping the lists of "the sexiest Latin American actors on the planet" for several years now. In order to earn such a reputation, Gael did not need to seduce models and actresses in real life. Bernal's charm was formed thanks to his roles, in each of which he found a piece of his personality - a little Mexican, ready to do absolutely anything for the sake of success with women.

And the girls willingly reciprocate Bernal - restrained Natalie Portman, with whom the actor had the longest romance, did not hold back her emotions in one of the interviews. “This guy is just a green-eyed demon,” Natalie told the American magazine Cosmopolitan.

Indeed, earlier “small, but remote” (by the way, absolutely not ashamed of his short stature) Gael Garcia Bernal was famous for his windiness and carelessness. Handsome actor broke a lot female hearts until in 2009 he married Mexican actress Dolores Fonzie and became the father of two charming kids - son Lazaro and daughter Libertad.

Ben Stiller

Height: 169 cm

Today, "the main comedian of Hollywood", 48-year-old Ben Stiller (who is a full centimeter shorter than the famous "shorty" Tom Cruise) is raising two kids with actress Christina Taylor, and six years ago, his Don Juan list was replenished with a new trophy almost every week. Calista Flockhart and Amanda Peet could not resist the crazy charm of "funny baby" Ben, according to rumors.

Ben himself is not at all embarrassed by his small stature and jokes about this in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine: “All I need on the set is a taller girl, passionately hugging me, and my sense of humor!”

By the way, Stiller is considered one of the most dedicated actors, which is why directors love him so much. He must have been inspired by another "little" famous artist - Dustin Hoffman, whom Ben met on the set of the sparkling comedy Meet the Fockers. Hard work eventually led Stiller to the director's chair: this year, the wonderful comedy of his authorship, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, was released on the screens (in leading role also shone Ben).

Daniel Radcliffe

Height: 165 cm

The little wizard Harry Potter (played by Daniel Radcliffe) in touching glasses matured, but ... never grew up. It was impossible to predict, because when the shooting of the children's film franchise in seven parts began, Radcliffe was still just a child, like his colleagues and best friends - Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. And when the guys grew up, Dan could not "catch up" with them and at first he was very worried.

“Actually, the shooting went on for a long time, and for a while Emma and Rupert grew as slowly as I did. We all looked about the same, so everything was great at first,” Radcliffe said in an interview with the American magazine Empire. “But I was still worried, because I always wanted to be a little higher than I am. Now I have come to terms with it. Not so long ago, I came to the conclusion that you can suffer about this, but you can laugh and joke. Plus, I'm Harry Potter! Now when people see me and say, “God! You are much smaller than I thought!” - I usually calmly answer: "No, I'm just much further from you than you thought."

Since then, Daniel has been choosing older women (does he assert himself?), And more serious roles (for example, in the thriller The Woman in Black, which Radcliffe presented in Moscow in February 2012). The status of the "mini-groom" is already estimated at more than 30 million pounds sterling - so hurry up, girls, to win the heart of the Briton, otherwise another lucky woman may be in your place!

Jack Black

Height: 168 cm

A virtuoso playing the acoustic and electric guitars, as well as an inimitable sense of humor, help the Hollywood "man with a fingernail", 44-year-old Jack Black, to charm on the screen Kate Winslet (in the melodrama "The Holiday") and Gwyneth Paltrow (in the comedy "Love is Evil") . To many viewers and fans of Jack Black's talent, he resembles a good-natured panda (Black voiced this bear named Po in the Kung Fu Panda cartoon), and film critics make fun of his short stature - however, also without malice.

At the 2011 Cannes Film Festival, when Jack and Angelina Jolie presented the next part of the cartoon about the adventures of the fighting panda, Afisha magazine described such Funny case: “Stanislav Zelvensky passed by (Russian film critic, - approx. site). Upon learning what was happening, he immediately with a ringing cry of "Angelina!" jumped over the heads of the guards and photographers, and upon landing, he announced with pleasure that Jack Black (who, in fact, Panda) is even lower than Jolie, that is, quite a dwarf! tall people to such things great importance give, it turns out.

Jack himself does not seem to have complexes about his height at all. The feeling of loneliness is unfamiliar to him - for 7 years he has been happily married to actress Tanya Hayden. According to the editor of the American men's magazine FHM, who interviewed Black last year, “He's not just not-Hollywood, he's positively anti-Hollywood. Amid crowds of perfect Californian "beach bodies" with Botox pouts and bronzed faces, this 200-pound shorty unashamedly makes victorious runs down the street in Beverly Hills in the rays of the morning sun. It was Jack, without breaking himself, who managed to become one of the brightest stars of this city.

Danny DeVito

Height: 155 cm

“Shorty,” any woman will laugh to herself if she notices me from the height of her heels ... ”, - the star of the films Batman Returns and Big Fish, 69-year-old Danny DeVito, sadly noted at the dawn of his career. The great comedian has always been critical of his own appearance. But tiny growth - only 155 centimeters! - became for him a kind of pass to the cinema.

“It was so insulting to always stand last in physical education classes at school! And what is it like to run cross-country and, drenched in sweat, trail in the very tail, because your short legs refuse to cover such distances? DeVito later recalled in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Once one of the Hollywood agents said future star world cinema that DeVito is not tall enough to act in films. How wrong he was! Graduated from the American Academy dramatic art in New York, in 1966, the aspiring actor nevertheless found work in the summer theater of the Eugene O "Neill Center in Connecticut. There he met Michael Douglas, and their many years of friendship turned out to be very fruitful. Together they starred in several unforgettable films - "Romance with a stone”, “Pearl of the Nile”.

Since then, the "pocket man" managed to take lessons in playing love scenes from Sophia Loren herself (in the film "Lady Liberty") and proved to Hollywood that real feelings exist - his marriage to actress Rhea Perlman lasted 30 years (the couple had three children ), although the lovers broke up in 2012, remaining best friends. But DeVito’s self-confidence, who presented the cartoon “Lorax” in Moscow in the same 2012 (Danny voiced the main character), is not to be held - it will last for a dozen Hollywood stars. It is she who allows this cheerful legendary actor, director and producer to give us, the audience, so much joy and warmth.