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We love and revere in the East the most cheerful of the Japanese gods, the fat merry fellow Hotei: the meaning of the figures of this deity has a single meaning - happiness, joy and wealth.

What does Hotei with a bag behind his back symbolize?

Small oriental talismans, or netsuke, traditionally carved from wood, are today made from clay, plaster, glass, and metal. Netsuke Hotei in Feng Shui is important in any oriental family.

It is carried with them as a talisman for good luck in money matters. According to popular beliefs, this god collects all the failures and illnesses of his owner in his bag, gives him strength of mind and wisdom at crucial moments. But the main thing is that it attracts money like a magnet, helping its owner achieve financial well-being.

The figurine itself means abundance and radiates exclusively positive energy.

Fulfillment of desires

One of the seven Buddhist gods of happiness is loved and revered not only in the East. He can hold various objects in his hands: coins, pearls, a staff, a fan, a bowl, a rosary, a basket. Depending on which of them the figure, figurine, or netsuke is made with, it is designed to help its owner in one or another area of ​​life.

Hotei is the god of wealth, but he also brings good luck to those who seek spiritual growth. A widespread amulet in the form of a pyramid with a god enclosed in it, surrounded by golden sand and coins, helps to move along career ladder, teaches you to focus on important things and the correct distribution of priorities.

Hotei with pearls was created for those who want to grow spiritually and are drawn to knowledge. If it is performed in the environment of children, its purpose is to help parents raise and provide for the younger generation.

To attract money, you can become the owner of any kind of this god. But Hotei with coins, a peach, as well as a god riding a toad or a turtle with a dragon's head have a special effect.

What does the legend say

In Japanese, hotei is a canvas bag. The wandering monk Tsitsy became the prototype of the god of the same name. He was fat, bald, cheerful, kind, and, like any wanderer, he carried a canvas bag with him everywhere, where he put generous alms. According to legend, life energy and love for people brought success, health and prosperity to others. On the frequently asked question about the contents of his immense bag, Tsitsy invariably joked: “I have the whole world in it!”.

Always cheerful and endearing, he loved to communicate with people, listened to them for a long time, amused them, dispelling sadness. His infectious laugh inspired people to believe in better times.

From village to village there was a rumor that this monk carries good luck in a bag and generously gives it to people, taking away illnesses, sorrows and problems from them. In the Middle Ages in Japan, he was recognized as one of the seven gods of happiness for his easy carefree disposition. Hotei is sometimes called differently: Buddha, Maitreya, Budai. But in all ages it is equally desirable in any Chinese or Japanese home.

figurine size

Whatever the size of the figurine, Hotei will bring good luck and money to the house if you choose the right place for it.

Netsuke are traditionally carried around as a good luck amulet or placed in a conspicuous place, such as on a desktop.

Human-sized sculptures are often placed at the entrance to the room facing the door, so that those who enter can show their respect to him and mentally ask him for the secret.

The most popular are small souvenir figurines or table compositions.

But the effectiveness of the deity does not depend on the size of his image. As in any other business, it is important not only to have a figure, it is important to sincerely believe in its power.

deity material

Hotei with a bag in Ancient China, As in ancient japan, traditionally carved from wood or bone. The fangs and horns of wild animals were also used as material. He is one of the favorite netsuke characters. Later it was made from metals, cast from glass, cut from gems (agate, jade, opal). A miniature symbol of wealth and happiness, made in the style of netsuke, was carried with them in shells and hollow gourds.

Today in stores you can find a god molded from gypsum, clay. It is found made of plastic, porcelain, carved from coral.

The material used to make this talisman does not matter. More important is its color.

It is believed that Hotei white or golden has the true power. The place where it will be installed must be clean. Only surrounded by purity can a god help others. Chaos and garbage kill his energy.

Where to place the figurine

Buddhists believe that if there is a figurine of Hotei with coins or a bag behind his back at home, then any desire is fulfilled. The main thing is to believe. Well, rub Hotei's big belly 300 more times, while asking the same number of times for the realization of a dream.

Although the figure of any Hotei in the house like a magnet attracts good luck and cash flows. If in northern part of the apartment or house place a cheerful fat man with a bag in his hands or behind his back, he will help in career and financial affairs.

For a god with a pearl or a scroll, the northeast wing of the room is suitable - the zone of wisdom. Such a talisman will help in studying and building a career.

The eastern part is considered health zone. This is the place for the pumpkin jovial.

The only rule for all figures is that they must face the entrance to the room.

God of happiness, prosperity, wealth and fun. It's all Hotei. It is believed that the figurine of this god brings prosperity and well-being to the house. Therefore, it is very often used as a talisman.

God Hotei is depicted as a smiling fat man with a big belly and with some object in his hands. He even has an earthly prototype - a monk named Buddha, who wandered through the villages and brought joy and happiness.

To fulfill desires and attract good luck in business, you need to rub Hotei's stomach 300 times. At the same time, mentally ask the deity for help. This should be done every day. Why the belly? The fact is that according to Eastern religions, the soul is located there. And besides, the belly also personifies generosity.

Many-sided Hotei.

Hotei is quite multifaceted and is a kind of “magnet” not only for money. It can help in achieving other already intangible values.

For example, a figurine of a god in whose hands bamboo protects against diseases and symbolizes good health and longevity. A pearl, in the hands symbolizes wisdom, a fan - will sweep away all obstacles on the way to your dream.

Wealth is directly attracted by Hotei holding a gold ingot in his hand.

In addition, it differs in belonging to a man or a woman. If a standing or dancing Hotei is considered a male talisman, then a seated one is considered a female one.

Making a figurine of Hotei.

As the saying goes "size does not matter" however, the larger the Hotei figure, the better and stronger his influence. Don't skimp on materials either. Artificial materials are not capable of attracting energy. And, therefore, the figure of God will not be a talisman. The strongest Hotei is made of precious or semi-precious materials. It is able to activate positive energy and absorb negative.

Where to place Hotei.

Depending on what Hotei holds in his hands, his location will depend. In Feng Shui, the dwelling is divided into zones and each of them has its own Hotei. For example, in the health zone, you should put a figure of a god with bamboo, in the zone of wisdom and knowledge - a figure with a pearl. To attract respect, goodness and prosperity to the house, Hotei, who is standing next to the front door, can handle this. He "likes" prominent and open places.

Whatever place you choose for Hotei, he will certainly help you. Brings health, prosperity and success. And his cheerful smile will give joy, good mood and good spirits.

Tell your friends about these rules, let them also launch the energy of wealth into their lives.

Hotei is the god of wealth, fun and happiness. In Feng Shui, Hotei is used to harmonize space and fill a person's life with joyful moments. Now the Buddha of abundance is known as a money god, but he is happy to help in other areas: in a career, study, and even in family matters.

Such souvenirs have long been in demand in the East, but these talismans are gaining popularity in our country. To correctly apply the attribute of an unfamiliar culture, you need to know how to choose an amulet and where to put it. Let's look into all these issues.

Many have heard that the Hotei figurine helps to attract wealth. Such an interpretation of this deity is characteristic of modern times. In Shinto, a traditional Japanese religion, Hotei is one of the seven gods that bring good luck. Therefore, his abilities are wider than the increase of funds.

Hotei, or the laughing Buddha of abundance, is the god of wealth, fun and happiness.

God's appearance is not the most attractive - he is bald and fat, but he always smiles sincerely and good-naturedly. Due to the visual similarity of Hotei and the enlightened Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, these two characters are often confused. Therefore, the god of wealth, fun and prosperity also began to be called the "Laughing Buddha." But the "Buddha" Hotei has a canvas bag with him, and figurines of the real Buddha are made without it.

There are two versions explaining why God needs a bag behind his back. According to one of the assumptions, he hides all human sorrows and troubles there, leaving only positive. Another version claims that it is from this bag that people are given gifts - wealth and happiness.

Several legends have survived to this day that reveal the origin of the talisman:

  • The first legend about Hotei says that a real-life man, a monk, was the prototype of God. He lived in China many years ago and his name was Qi-Tsy. The monk could not sit still - he loved to travel around different countries. Over time, people began to notice that where Chi-Tzu appeared, fun always reigned, happiness and money started. This led to the fact that the craftsmen began to make figurines of a monk from stone and wood, so that they would bring good luck.
  • According to another legend, the Laughing Buddha was Maitreya. And this man was so handsome that he captivated with his beauty all the women he met on his way. Tired of rejecting maidens in love and breaking their hearts, the god reincarnated as an unattractive man. Well, in order to console the grieving girls, he gave them happiness and wealth. Since then, this person has been considered a deity that brings prosperity.

Types and meaning of Hotei figurines

Hotei with children will help to acquire healthy offspring.

Among the assortment of talismans in magical shops there is always a figurine of the god Hotei. Surely you have noticed that the miniature figures of this god are found in different forms. A man in a pyramid with coins, in the company of a toad and even Hotei with children. But which one to choose?

It is easy to decide if you know what meaning they put into these figures:

  • Hotei on a toad is one of the most powerful money talismans. with red eyes and a coin in his mouth, he does a great job of attracting money. But along with the Laughing Buddha, Chan Chu will make you even richer!
  • The owner of the statuette of a god with a dragon turtle will learn how to make profitable deals. He will become wise and thoughtful, like a turtle, and from the dragon he will receive strength and good luck.
  • The option with a god in a pyramid, where gold-colored sand and coins are poured, contributes to career success. Such a Hotei helps to focus on one big goal, as well as bring it to a successful conclusion.
  • A god holding a pearl in his hands has a positive effect on the spiritual development of a person.
  • Those who decide to have children will need a figurine with kids. Such an amulet helps not only with the birth of a baby, but also provides for its maintenance.
  • Hotei with a fan, the patron of happiness is able to bring drastic changes into your life - of course, positive ones. He will bestow luck and money on his owner.
  • God with coins or gold bars is another money talisman. In some variations, there is a figurine with a yoke to which a basket of gold is attached. Such a figurine differs from a figurine with a toad in that, in addition to attracting money, it also teaches how to handle them correctly.
  • The deity of happiness with a rosary in his hands helps those who seek knowledge and self-improvement.
  • A figurine with a staff of bamboo or ginseng favors the achievement of wealth and longevity.

The classic version of the image of the god Hotei is with a bag behind his back. Such a little thing will give its owner prosperity in all areas of life.

As you can see, there are really many variations of the Buddha distributing happiness. Get the one that suits your desires or needs. But it is better not to buy a figurine spontaneously, but to think over everything in advance. You have to decide where you are going to put it. Based on the zone of which element the talisman will be in, select its material.

Where to put the figurine of Hotei in the house

After buying a talisman, you need to choose a place for him in the house. You can’t put a figure anywhere, because then its influence on your life will be chaotic, too unpredictable. To know where to put the god, you need to use the Bagua grid.

In Feng Shui, the Bagua octagon is a special scheme with which you can determine the location of various zones in a selected part of the house.

Draw a Bagua polygon on a piece of paper or download an image to your handheld device. In addition, you will need to know which direction is north. Having determined the north direction, position the Bagua so that its northern part, which is responsible for the career, coincides with the geographical north.

Now you can choose a place for the figurine. Although the Buddha of Abundance is most often asked for money, the southeastern wealth zone is not the only space where the god Hotei can reside.

  • A god with a pearl is perfect for placement in the wisdom zone. It is located in the northeast.
  • The god of wealth and fun on the pyramid of coins should be placed clearly in the north, because this is a career zone.
  • It is best to attach a figurine surrounded by children in the west or in the east - there is a sector of children and families.

Remember the meaning different types netsuke, and you will easily understand where to place the amulet.

Please note that the material of the talisman and the area in which it will be placed must match or at least be in harmony with each other. That is, you can not put a figurine made of metal in the fire zone, because the interaction of these elements leads to the destruction of the metal.

How to handle the Hotei figurine

The figurine of Hotei is allowed to be placed in almost any area of ​​the Bagua. But at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the god occupies a prominent, so to speak, honorable place. It is not customary to hide this talisman from prying eyes - on the contrary, everyone who enters should see it.

Putting a miniature figurine of Hotei on bookshelf or on the desktop, do not force it with other knick-knacks. Place the amulet in front of other figurines and photographs.

To negotiate with Hotei, rub his belly clockwise exactly three hundred times.

Place the god of fun on a clean, clutter-free surface. By no means on the floor. If the god Hotei is short, then he should be at eye level or slightly below this line. Only large statues are allowed on the floor.

One interesting tradition is connected with the use of Hotei's netsuke. It is believed that if you stroke the belly of a god, he will fulfill his cherished desire. In order for the dream to come true for sure, you need to know how to properly stroke Hotei's stomach.

There is nothing complicated about this, although this procedure will take a decent amount of time. To make requests heard, rub the pot-bellied figure on the stomach. They do this strictly clockwise and a certain number of times - exactly three hundred.

You can stroke the deity's belly before leaving the house. According to legend, this helps to get a small dose of luck for the current day.

Look at the figurine more often, thinking about your innermost desires, do not forget to rub it before going out and remove dust from the god in a timely manner and the talisman will bring you happiness.