What about urgant. "Evening Urgant"

Users took up arms against the popular TV presenter Ivan Urgant because of his new joke, sounded in a recent edition of the program " Evening Urgant"Angry fast the chairman of the National Parents' Committee, an expert, wrote to the showman on her Facebook page Public Chamber Russian Irina Volynets.

The woman sharply criticized the host's comic attempt to "resurrect" the corpse lying in the "pose" in the broadcast studio of actor Alexei Kravchenko, who played the main character in the TV series about the Great Patriotic War"Father's Coast", shown on Channel One.

“Ivan Urgant became incredibly disgusting. Today, half an hour ago, the popular TV presenter, whose sparkling humor I previously admired, made me look dumbfounded at the screen that suddenly became empty. The imposing, shiny man seemed well-read and very intelligent. being is not the same thing.

One can argue for a long time about the documentary authenticity of the television saga "Father's Coast" (it is especially meticulously criticized on the radio "Echo of Moscow", which generally means that the film turned out to be good), but here we are, like many compatriots, watching. And I think that a few moments after the terrible shots of the war, after the tragic death of one of the main characters of the film, rudely joking about the Great Patriotic War is the height of cynicism and bad taste.

With a laughingstock, Urgant tried to make a comic attempt to "resurrect" the actor Kravchenko, who was lying in the pose of a corpse in the studio of Evening Urgant, who played the hero of the film Makar Morozov, who died a heroic death, with the message that he would not be paid for participating in the series, after which the actor Kravchenko supposedly "rises from the dead" , imitating a terrible wheezing. The whole horror of the ongoing "humor" is aggravated by the fact that this actually unfunny joke is played out a minute after the end of the picture, when the viewer has not yet managed to get out of the state of living what is happening on the screen.

The pursuit of ratings, the complete lack of a sense of proportion, tact, the bottomless abyss between this snickering TV presenter and a normal mentally healthy person. Shame on the editors (if there is one), I won’t be surprised if Urgant, without the consent of anyone else, does such terrible blunders, from which it becomes hard on the soul.

I consider this act of Ivan Urgant an insult to the feelings of viewers, you need to know where and when you can arrange such a mess. Certainly not on the bones of our grandfathers who died for the Motherland. Is it possible that before the eyes of millions of Russians, each such Urgant can (and will) do everything that comes into his head, thinking only about increasing his own popularity, to make fun of everything and everyone, over the memory of those who died in the Second World War, over our feelings and our common grief?

Antics such as this reinforce me more and more in the thought that the main task of the main federal TV channels Still, there should be no profit. Others must be tasks! The time has come to begin the import substitution of meanings, and the forgotten Urgants are definitely not suitable for this purpose. What do you think?".

Alexey Kravchenko played in the series "Father's Coast" Makar Morozov, who died a heroic death. Channel One frame

In the comments to her post, the social activist stated that Urgant should leave Channel One: "It's time to drive him away from our TV. I played too much ...".

Note that shortly before this, Urgant's joke about "nightingale droppings" received a wide response. On the show "Evening Urgant" the presenter tried one of the cosmetics that the guest of the release, Irena Ponaroshku, brought. Urgant said that this product smells good. Then he learned that it was made from nightingale droppings. "This good name for the program on the Russia 1 channel, "Urgant joked, alluding to the host of Russia 1, Vladimir Solovyov.

Later, in his program "An Evening with Vladimir Solovyov," Solovyov said that Urgant was "joking nastily about him" in order not to get into the database of the Ukrainian site "Peacemaker", which tracks Russian citizens who visited Crimea bypassing Ukrainian legislation.

April 16 one of the most popular programs on Russian television - "Evening Urgant" - turns 4 years old. The 628th edition of the entertainment show, dedicated to the birthday of the program, will be shown by Channel One today, April 15.

For 4 years Ivan Urgant spent hundreds of years in the program studio interesting meetings. The most frequent guests popular show become Vladimir Pozner(TV presenter came to visit Urgant 8 times), musician Sergei Shnurov(8 times) and comedian Mikhail Galustyan(7 times).

Of the foreigners, the "permanent" guests of the program were: American actor and rock singer Jared Leto(he starred in "Evening Urgant" 3 times), winner of the "Golden Globe" and "Oscar" awards Robert DeNiro, German actor Til Schweiger and the star of "Wild Angel" Natalia Oreiro- they twice became participants in the popular Russian show.

AiF.ru asked the permanent presenter to talk about the most beloved, complex and funny episodes of Evening Urgant.

Favorite Release

“Usually it is customary to say that the most favorite issue is the very first. But during the filming of it, I was so worried that I don’t remember anything. Therefore, we will consider that my favorite issue is the second.

funniest guest

“A lot of people make me laugh, you can’t remember everyone. But if you remember in chronological order, then of the latter it was Maksim Galkin, Vladimir Mashkov And Danila Kozlovsky, Minister of Education and Science Russian FederationDmitry Livanov in company with a rapper Bastoy».

Most difficult issue

“The most problematic issues for me are those in which guests come who speak neither Russian nor English. At such moments, I can’t even imagine what our guest is talking about.”

Most unpredictable guest

“Everyone surprises me all the time. Of the last guests, the most surprised Semyon Slepakov. I didn’t expect at all that Semyon could be so cheerful and cheerful, it always seemed to me that he was a gloomy and serious person.


“It was not the guests of Evening Urgant who put me in the most difficult position during the filming, but I myself, when, having risen, pushed back my chair and then sat down in an empty place.”

Favorite headings of "Evening Urgant"

“I like those headings that for some reason did not get on the air. For example, "History Dymkovo toys" With Dmitry Khrustalev and "Let's set it on fire" with Alexander Gordon".

How to joke and not offend

“If you want a person not to be offended by your joke, then you need to think about something beautiful and tender. For example, I think of pink unicorns.”

Photo: Channel One / Ruslan Roshchupkin

Evening Urgant Gennady Khazanov 26 09 2018 watch online - Gennady Khazanov will talk about the new performance of the Vakhtangov Theater, where he played leading role, and the musical number will be presented by the Little Big rave group.

"Evening Urgant latest release» is back: the new year has even more meaning!

Every evening from Monday to Thursday, Ivan Urgant will see off the outgoing day together with the whole country. Cinema, sports, new gadgets, art… What is happening in the country and in the world? Actual characters, discussion of the events of the day and new music…

From Monday to Thursday, at half past twelve at night, Evening Urgant appears on television screens in order to spend this day with you. He usually has a good mood, which he sincerely wants to convey to his viewers. And he does it, which is why the Evening Urgant show has become so widespread. Yes, and people here are often very interesting perform, so the show is interesting.

Ivan Urgant himself speaks calmly about his project, but not without pleasure: a traditional show where 2 chairs, a table, a microphone and musicians in the studio somehow try to brighten up the end of the day for each person. In America, let's say, there are a lot of such shows. And if you take a new host for one of them, then it will already be new format, as each of them will give the show something different. And it is not surprising, therefore, that the surname of Urgant appears in the title of the show.

Our television should be both relevant and atmospheric. So says Ivan Urgant. And in the show "Evening Urgant" he is trying to prove that this is possible. It is important for the presenter to achieve the feeling that the program is on the air, that it is being filmed right here and right now. The live experience is just incredible. Ivan loves him very much. The program must respond quickly and promptly to any events that take place in the world.

Urgant believes that the program should react to any events in the same way as the viewer reacts to them. And at the same time, he does not set any missionary tasks at all.

Genre: TV show, entertainment
Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Ivan Urgant,