The best tennis strategy. "Ladder" in tennis betting

Can it bring live tennis betting strategy stable income? This is the dream of many cappers who are just starting to place bets, or have been betting for a long time. I have looked at a huge number of in various ways games - some turned out to be too risky, others banal, others unpromising and unprofitable. Today I will tell you how to place bets on tennis and at least be insured against large losses.

Live tennis betting strategy: to bet or not?

I want to approach this topic from a different angle. I'm not a tennis fan, so I don't bet on tennis. Besides, I hardly delve into this sport. Everything that I write next was told to me by one very successful capper who makes deals on tennis matches.

First, let's highlight the main advantages of tennis that allow a handicapper to make a profit:

  • Wide range of matches for every day
  • Matches throughout the year
  • It is enough to analyze the game of two tennis players

But, in my opinion, these are dubious advantages. Firstly, there is really a lot of tennis live every day. However, this is always a temptation for players who are undisciplined. They constantly get into some kind of jungle and drain the bank. It’s another matter when a capper monitors the play of 1-2 tennis players, which allows him to easily determine in what form they are approaching a particular match.

Many different tennis tournaments also sometimes result in failure for the players. I have nothing against Grand Slam tournaments, but little-known Challenger level tournaments or lower ITF tournaments are simply full of strange matches.

What can we say if the legendary Novak Djokovic himself admitted in one of his interviews that he was offered to play a scripted match at the very beginning of his career. The Serb was offered 10 thousand dollars - a big temptation for little-known and novice tennis players. There is no particular need to strain where the prize money is scanty, so many players make money at the expense of the office. How this all happens - I don’t know. But, as a rule, a third party is also involved in this - a certain “Singapore syndicate”. As a result, we have the fact that organizing a fixed match in tennis is as easy as shelling pears.

But when there is a fair fight, full of emotions, tennis becomes a wonderful sport:

Read also Value Betting - what is it and what is it used with?

Yes, well-known tennis players at more or less respectable tournaments do not get carried away with this. It is quite easy to suspect foul play - this is a blow to prestige and reputation. Many are not ready to sacrifice this for the sake of profit. Although, there are exceptions. Many tennis players from Eastern European countries are involved in such events; unfortunately, there are also representatives from Russia.

In any case, it’s up to you to decide whether to bet on live tennis or not.

Is there a good live tennis betting strategy?

I revised many approaches and concepts of the game. This includes a live tennis betting strategy 40 40, a tennis betting strategy for games, a tennis betting strategy for games and points. I want to say that almost all of them are unprofitable. The strategy for serving the favorite looks good. Here, in principle, you can make a profit, but slowly and routinely. The main thing to follow is:

  • Bet on the favorite to serve
  • Select only matches played on hard surfaces
  • Watch the game live and after 2-3 innings start betting

But, again, the odds are small, are you ready to bet 5 thousand rubles for 100-200 rubles? Agree, a dubious pleasure. Yes, there is a category of tennis players who hit aces like out of a cannon: Isner, Karlovich and a couple more can be found. Their serve very rarely fails, but if you bet on their serve and it suddenly fails, it will be very painful. Because it takes a long time to earn profits, but everything is lost in a matter of minutes.

Some also suggest playing this way using financial strategy catch up - here I am completely against this approach. This is disastrous, especially for beginners. Now I will tell you what you should focus on before placing a bet on tennis. This concept was told to me by my foreign partner. I don't know how it works, but I think it is quite successful, since I have seen its results.

In this article, I don’t want to retell everything that the Internet is filled with and is replete with at every turn: the strategy of betting on live tennis on sets, points and catch-up games. All this is so hopeless and pointless. Ask 100 cappers who bet on live tennis, are they in the black or in the black? 90 of them will tell you: “Go to hell with these tennis players.” Maybe 10 people have found their own approach to the live tennis betting strategy.

Live betting on tennis is popular for obvious reasons: a huge selection of events at almost any time of the day, instant results (no need to wait for the start of the match, as in pre-match betting - you found a match in the line, bet, and after a few minutes you know whether you won or not) . Therefore, many tennis fans have switched from pre-match analysis to live betting.

Below are the basic strategies for playing tennis live. However, before you get acquainted with them, it is worth understanding a few critical details.

1. Difference between men's and women's tennis

It would seem: identical surfaces, identical rackets, the same ball. However, the difference is colossal. Nature decreed that women are physically weaker. Because of this, women's serves are weaker than men's. This means that women play receptions more successfully than men. We continue the logical chain: it turns out that women do not take their serve so often. In a men's match, on average, there are only 2-3 breaks (this is when the host wins the game) per set. Girls sometimes manage to take each other's serves over and over again, producing entire series of 2-3 breaks in a row.

Women are also less resilient and stable. It happens that one of the opponents plays a great game, wins 3-4 games in a row, but literally after 5 minutes her game turns from brilliant to disgusting. It often happens that a tennis player first wins the first set devastatingly (6:1, for example), and loses the second with a similar score. Men are more stable in this regard, winning games more often on their serves.

The ATP ranking is good, but it does not show the objective strength of a player. It is based on the amount of points obtained in ranking tournaments. However, there is another system, invented by the Hungarian Arpad Elo. The Elo rating is based on who a tennis player beats or loses to. More points are awarded for defeating a top opponent than for defeating a mediocre one. Likewise, more points are deducted for losing to an underdog than for losing to a grandee. This rating allows you to more objectively assess the level of players.

Comparison of ratings (June 2017)

3. Mindfulness is everything

If you're watching a match live, stay focused. Any little thing - microtrauma, change in weather conditions, increased emotionality, calling a coach to the court - can become decisive. Pay attention to the playing style of tennis players - some often play under the opponent's backhand, some like to go to the net, and some prefer cutting shots. All these nuances will help you predict the further course of events in a tennis match and, accordingly, make winning bet for live tennis.

4. Insurance

Overlap in live. How? Let’s say we are playing with equal opponents, who were given 1.95 versus 1.95 before the match. We bet on one of them. Let's say he wins the first set. Accordingly, the odds for his opponent’s victory jump sharply (say, to 3.5). It turns out that you can bet a certain amount in live on the second tennis player and, regardless of the outcome, end up with a profit!

5. Psychology

Whatever live tennis strategy you choose, everything will go down the drain without discipline, self-control and composure. It is important to clearly understand what you are doing. Don’t try to win all the money on the planet in one go: play for an hour, raise the bank by 20-30%, and that’s enough. Go for some fresh air and take a break. Strictly adhere to the strategy that was considered winning initially. After a series of failures, you cannot bet chaotically on everything, trying to quickly win back - this will lead to failure. Remember: by choosing a strategy, you will win over the long haul, but not every day and not right now. Don’t talk about competent bankroll management.

And now - best live tennis strategies. Of course, they are not win-win (there are no such things), but very effective when used correctly. Perhaps they will help you realize some points that you had not noticed before, and will also inspire you to create your own live tennis betting strategies.

1. Strategy for live tiebreakers

When the score in the set becomes 6:6, a tiebreaker is played. Whoever wins 7 points first wins the set. There are some rules here. Some people do tiebreakers better, some worse. Trivial, difficult for someone to cope with high blood pressure, but for some, on the contrary, it brings them into tone. Therefore, before reviewing the match, it is important to carefully study how both tennis players perform in tiebreakers. Finding the necessary statistics is not a problem today. So, the strategy is extremely simple: whoever has a higher percentage of winning tiebreakers is the one we bet on. At the same time, do not forget about the specifics of surfaces: the same tennis player can win tiebreakers on clay, but lose on hard.

2. Strategy for the favorite in live tennis

Perhaps the most popular. We find the favorite of the match and bet on victories in the games where he is the server. This strategy is especially good in men's tennis because... men are more stable on their serves. It is recommended to bet not from the very beginning of the match, but after 3-4 games to make sure the favorite is in good shape. Yes, this strategy provides for low odds, however, the probability of passing will be very high, so you can bet on catch-up or ladder. The best surface for this strategy is grass.

3. Strategy for breaks in live

A modified version of the previous strategy. A break is winning the game on a return. Here it is better to use second-tier favorites, since the odds for breaks from giants like Djokovic or Nadal will still be low. So: we open the ELO rating, take a player from 7-20th place, find his match (he should be considered the favorite of the match), watch several games (you need to determine what form the player is in), and if everything is ok, we start betting. The odds for breaks will be from 2 to 3. Don't forget to take into account the surface: for this strategy, clay is best, because... The ball flies slower after the rebound, and therefore it is easier to make a break.

4. Strategy for the underdog on break point in live

A winning, but more complex strategy. It requires attentiveness, but allows you to catch a solid odds. So, we need an underdog who can hold his serve well. We wait for the moment when the underdog is at the reception with an equal score (4:4, 5:5, etc.), and in the event of a break, it will be the underdog who will serve for the set in the next game. Let's watch the current game very carefully. If the moment comes when the underdog has a break point (a chance to take the opponent’s serve), and he has not lost a single serve in the set, then we quickly bet on the underdog to win the set. Yes, the strategy is risky, but the probability of an underdog winning in such conditions usually remains underestimated. You need to bet on a break point so that the odds do not have time to fall.

Many different game systems have been developed for betting in tennis. A collection of 8 strategies is popular.

Double bet strategy

This is the most interesting system from the collection. Based on two bets on different markets of the same event. Typically, bets are placed on the exact score 2:0 and TB games in the match, although other options are also possible.

Conditions for selecting games:

  • There is a favorite in the fight.
  • Good odds. The odds for the selected outcomes should be such that if you pass one of the bets, you, at a minimum, remain “in your own pocket.” The following conditions must be met for forks:

sum 1/K1 + 1/K2 > 1

K1 AND K2 – odds for 2:0 and TB of the base value of games in the match.

  • The meeting involves a fight. For a game-by-game total, the preferred situation is when the opponents feel confident in their serve.

It is more convenient to distribute the existing bank at two rates to equalize the profit received using an online calculator.

When you pass one of the bets, you receive a small income. This happens when the favorite wins 2:0 and the total number of games is less, or the underdog wins 2:1 and the total number is greater.

If two bets win, the profit becomes noticeable. In fact, only the option of an easy victory for an outsider is losing when the selected total of games does not break through.

Let's look at how the strategy works using the example of tennis matches. The choice was small, so the selection was not strict - only based on the balance of forces (without taking into account strong serves).

Example. WTA tournament finals in Chinese Taipei



Let's check the compliance of the coefficients with the conditions of the strategy and the calculation of bet values ​​(with a bank of 100 rubles) using an online calculator.

The screenshot shows the size of the bets and the profit as a percentage when at least one bet is passed. The smaller the difference in class, judging by the odds, the greater the expected profit.

Match results:

In the first case the score was 2:0, in the second the implicit favorite lost, losing both sets in the tiebreaker. The bet on TB games played.

Summary of examples. The examples considered brought us a small income. By carefully selecting games, taking into account all the factors affecting the game, the chances of success increase.

Betting strategy on breaks in games

Bets on zero handicap by game

Not all bookmakers offer such bets. To date, they have not been found in Marathon; they were present in Betcity.

With a zero handicap, it is possible that the tennis player will lose in sets 1:2 (in matches up to 2 wins), but the bet will go through due to the greater number of games won. For example, when the score is 1:2 (6:7, 6:2, 6:7).

The odds for a zero handicap are close to the odds for a clear win. It is difficult to predict the plot of the game in which such a bet will be useful.

Negative handicap

Betting on a negative handicap has a logical basis. There is a clear favorite in the match; the opponent has weak arguments for his serve. In this case, the bookmaker’s odds for the stronger tennis player to win will be minimal. Players have the opportunity to get an acceptable odds by choosing a bet on victory with a negative handicap.

Example. Petra Kvitova and Kristina Mladenovic met in the final of the women's tournament in St. Petersburg. The bookmaker identified the Czech tennis player as the favorite, setting the odds for her victory at 1.41. It was possible to bet on Kvitova's win with a handicap at significantly higher odds - 1.66 or 2.0.

The meeting ended with a more than confident victory for Petra Kvitova with a score of 2:0 (6:1, 6:2).

Tennis uniform

Tennis is an individual sport where it is necessary to take into account all the nuances concerning the athletes. A tennis player's readiness for a match includes his level of physical fitness and psychological state.

“Physics” is the absence of injuries, the ability to withstand a long confrontation. Psychology is influenced by a variety of factors: victories or defeats in recent matches, personal problems, motivation for a specific tournament (prestige, the need to protect rating points).

There are situations when, after the most important victory in his career, an athlete falls into a psychological “hole” and cannot show his level. For example, Caroline Wozniacki's game at the tournament in St. Petersburg immediately after winning the Australian Open 2018, where she lost in the quarter finals.

Long term rates

Long-term betting is based on the fact that the bookmaker, when placing quotes on the winner of a future tournament long before it starts, is based on the current state of affairs. By the time the competition starts, the odds may change, for example, if a tennis player wins a major tournament.

Experienced bettors, who are able to predict an improvement in the quality of play of one of the favorites, can place a bet at a high odds, and in the final stage of the tournament, as an insurance policy, place bets on the opposite side.

Additional bets

The most common bets in tennis are outcome, total, handicap. There are less popular markets: the number of aces, unforced errors, tiebreak probability and others. Bookmaker analysts rely on the performance of tennis players over a certain period. However, the schedule for the upcoming match is important.

A deep knowledge of the fundamentals of tennis, the playing styles of athletes, current form, and the study of statistics will help make betting on these markets a profitable business. You just need to be an experienced bettor and thoroughly understand tennis.

Strategies for express events with small odds

Proponents of the strategy believe that by choosing matches with a clear favorite (odds for victory 1.2-1.5) or markets with additional totals (handicaps) and combining them into an express bet, one can achieve success. The individual qualities of tennis players, as well as cases when one of the opponents refuses to continue the match, makes tennis a rather unpredictable sport, so we do not recommend using express tactics.


The considered strategies are unequal in their importance for betting; some of them can be attributed more to tactical techniques. Handicap bets, including zero, can be partially used when developing your own game models. The “Double Bet” strategy and “catching” a break in the game are worthy of attention.

Tennis betting strategy: TOP 3 tennis betting offices + 6 best betting strategies.

Although football occupies a leading position in sports betting, tennis is gaining more and more popularity every day.

It is in the top three among games that bettors place bets on.

Today we will look at tennis betting strategies, and also figure out how they work.

6 Best Tennis Betting Strategies

Systematic + individual approach is the key to success in tennis betting.

Every year, bettors create new betting strategies that are 60-70% winning, but there are a number of classic methods from tennis.

No. 1. Tennis betting strategy “Double Bet”.

An analogue of sure bets in regular sports betting. The method gives 100% results, and with proper analysis it is almost impossible to lose.

The best way to explain the strategy is with an example.

Let there be 2 tennis players whose total number of games set by the office is 22. The ratio of the odds is 2.7 to 1.2 to the less/more number of games played in the game.

We take into account the influence of the field and the serving skill of each player. Based on this, bookmakers set values ​​for each tennis player.

Usually, the offices are staffed by people who are no less interested in profit than you are, which is why it will be very difficult to beat the professionals on their own field.


In this situation, it is practically impossible to make a profit in the usual way. What to do?

Analyze the statistics of serves received by each athlete on the current field - this will give you an idea of ​​​​the position of forces in the match.

Let us come to the conclusion based on the results that the total will bring us more winnings.

Now we make 2 bets:

  • Total is higher.
    He has a coefficient of 1.2 with a value of 22 games.
    With a bet of 100 rubles, we get 1.2*100 = 120 rubles.
  • The victory of your intended athlete with a set score of 2:0. With a bet of 45 rubles, you will receive 45*2.7 = 121.5 rubles.

If 1 bet passes, go to “0”; on the 2nd pass, double your money.

There can be any number of combinations of the considered strategy.

No. 2. Tennis betting strategy - handicap.

It is also called “Zero Handicap”.

The essence of the strategy is to make a profit in games where the odds of winning are almost equal.

With values, for example, 2.2 to 2.2, you are invited to place a bet with a handicap on one of the tennis players based on the number of games. The coefficient in this case is close to what is given initially.

To make a profit, you need your favorite to defeat your opponent with a difference of at least 1 game. If the difference is greater than 1, the bookmaker will return your money.

Strategy Advantage– the opportunity to receive money, even if your player is ultimately defeated.
For example, if the results are 6:1, 4:6, 4:6, the first player will receive 14 games, and the second will receive 13. Although the 2nd one wins when betting on the 1st one, you will still make a profit.


To make the right choice, you should analyze the psychological stability and fighting qualities of a tennis player.

If this person is ready to fight for every point even in an unfavorable situation for himself, then the zero handicap betting strategy is exactly what you need.

Feature strategy is possible without even guessing the winner of the game.

In handicapping strategy there is such a thing as “ negative handicap" This arrangement is used when there is a large gap between the leader and the outsider.

If you set the value (-2.5), then to make a profit it is necessary for the favorite to win with a minimum gap of 3 games.

No. 3. Tennis betting strategy - breaks.

If you like to bet live, then this strategy is for you.

To analyze the situation, you should personally observe the process and draw conclusions about the game itself over short periods of time.

The odds per receiver in games can reach 4.0-5.0.


You will need skills in psychological analysis and a clear understanding of the situation on the court. Such bets are best made in tennis.

How is the delivery going? Is the opponent's total advantage? — By answering these questions, you will be able to make the right betting decision.

Feature of the strategy– enhanced monitoring of players in real time. Instant bet and profit in just 5-10 minutes.

No. 4. Tennis betting strategy – form.

What form a player is in for the current match is a key factor in determining the size of the bet and the probability of winning.

For the strategy, you will need to select several players from the TOP 100 and track changes in their physical form throughout the season.

It is the physical condition of the player in the match that decides 40-50% of the probability of his victory. This factor is very rarely taken into account by bookmakers, and therefore beginners should turn to the “form” strategy.


Compile an information table of match data with odds for the selected player. Do not forget to take into account what injuries he received and when, as well as how this affected the performance of games against opponents.


Maximum attention is paid to the physical condition of the tennis player.

If, for example, one of the top players has suffered a series of losses due to injury, and the bets on him have fallen, you can take advantage of the situation and grab a big jackpot.

When a tennis player gets into shape, bet on him.

Bookmakers try not to sharply increase the odds on a tennis player who has had a series of failures, so the profit can be up to 300% of the bet.

No. 5. Price UP strategy.

A difficult to understand, but completely paying off strategy for betting on tennis. To understand all the intricacies, you will have to rack your brain a little.


Let's select 2 players from the top 100 and track the bets on each game from several bookmakers. We are interested in the victory of the first player, so we will carry out calculations for him.

To make it easier to navigate, it’s worth making a table:

OutcomesOffice 1Office 2
Victory Player 11,5 1,66
Victory Player 21,76 1,55
Player 1 - Player 2: 2-05 5,4
Player 1 - Player 2: 2-14,1 3,5
Player 2 - Player 1: 2-05,1 4,2
Player 2 - Player 1: 2-13,45 3,34
  1. 1/5.4 = 0.19
  2. 1/4.1= 0.24
  3. (0.19 + 0.24)*100 = 43%

The amount was 43%, and now let’s convert it into coefficient values ​​and get 100%: 43% = 2.32.

As a result, instead of the standard office value of 1.5, we got 2.32, which greatly increases the profit margin.

  • B – amount of winnings;
  • ST1 – bet size on the outcome 2:0 in favor of the 1st tennis player;
  • ST2 – bet size on the outcome 2:1 in favor of the 1st;
  • Kof – coefficient.

Then for a winning amount of $500:

500*5.4/(5.4*4.1-5.4-4.1) = 213.6$

This is exactly the amount that should be bet on the victory of the 1st player with a score of 2:0 with odds of 5.0.


The strategy allows you to increase your income by betting not on the overall outcome of the match, but on victories with a certain score.

The more companies receive your bets, the more money you can take it if you win.

Don't forget about the risk of losing money if you fail.

No. 6. Set Point Strategy.

You can increase your profit in case of a successful bet in Live mode.

It is this static strategy that will allow you to increase your income from the standard 12-15% to 40-60%.

The method in question should not be used in “dead matches” - where tennis players come out after injuries and without motivation to win. Poor physical shape or lack of attitude will only worsen the situation when betting on such a player.


We track online how many points a tennis player has scored per game.

Let's assume the favorite wins with a 70:60 odds. The default value is 80 points. Divide 80/60 = 1.33 - we got the average values ​​that bookmakers will put out for the match.

Let's calculate the number of totals for both:

  • 18*1.33=24
  • 18/1,33=13.53

18 is a constant that represents the average number of points scored in the first set.

We drew parallels between the gameplay of both players. All that remains is to determine the probability of winning the match for each of them.

The example below shows the use of a strategy based on opportunity face-to-face meetings players.

Let the favorite win the match with a score of 21:18. The data is taken from the history of previously held meetings.

Let's calculate the probability of everyone winning:

  • 21/(21+18) = 53.84% — the probability of the favorite winning the current match.
  • 18/(21+18) = 46.15% - the probability of an outsider winning.
  • Now, knowing the potential outcomes, the average bets on the players will be - 1/0.5384 = 1.85 and 1/0.4615 = 2.16. Taking into account early calculations, you should give preference to the favorite, even with a lower odds of winning.

    Correctly determining the values ​​will provide a number of advantages and will protect you from wrong decisions, because you will have your own statistics and match analysis on hand.

    The best bookmakers for betting on tennis

    Almost all offices on the Internet accept bets on tennis, but are there any sites among them with the most favorable conditions?

    We found 3 for you that Special attention focus specifically on tennis. They are characterized by flexible conditions and constant promotions for betting on this sport.

    Top 3 Tennis Betting Sites:

      Impeccable reputation and high reliability.

      New players have the opportunity to place their first bet for free.

      One of the market leaders.

      A special feature is the coefficients, which are an order of magnitude higher than those of competitors.

      One of the best bonus programs among all the offices.

      Only positive reviews.

    Of course, you can go the old fashioned way and place a bet at one of the bookmakers in your city.

    But it’s much more convenient to analyze matches online on your own PC with live broadcast and tracking of all game nuances.

    Factors Influencing Tennis Betting Strategies

    Why do people choose tennis for betting? There are a number of reasons that make this game more predictable than others.

    Main reasons for betting on tennis:

    • the absence of such a thing as a “draw”;
    • games all year round;
    • player rating, which allows you to decide in advance on the leader;
    • minimum surprises.

    Tennis not so much simple game, as it might seem at first glance. There are many external and internal factors that can play a role in the outcome.

    Let's look at each of them in more detail.

    1) Type of site surface and weather.

    Court surface plays important role for any tennis player. It will be very difficult to play dozens of matches on grass and then suddenly switch to hard.

    Typically, tennis players are given 1-2 weeks to adapt.

    No matter how much time passes, in this case you still won’t be able to give it your all. It is not for nothing that many titles are awarded taking into account the surface of the courts on which a tennis player wins.

    The type of coverage has the greatest impact at the end of the season, when there are a huge number of games and minor injuries. Some matches are played at a high level, while others are only at 60-70%.

    Determining what form the athlete is in is one of your tasks. You should analyze at least 5 - 8 games and see what the difference in strength was between the player's victories and defeats.

    And, of course, the weather. Rain, strong wind, unbearable heat - all this affects the condition of a tennis player. The outcome of the match may not end in your favor if you do not take these factors into account from the very beginning.

    2) The athlete’s mood is an important factor when choosing a tennis betting strategy.

    Motivation is the main indicator on which the success of both the player and the bettor who bet on him depends.

    You will have to work hard to dig up the necessary information and understand how the person is going to behave in the upcoming match.

    What can influence motivation:

    • The amount of the fee for the game.
    • It may differ depending on the level of the tournament and the tennis player’s rating.
    • Weather.
    • If an athlete takes part in several tournaments, he will give his all in a more class-based one.

    To determine a strategy, you will have to sift through more than one source of information on the Internet.

    Tournaments can typically accommodate up to 300 people, so you should only focus on those players who will be on your radar for the rest of the season.

    3) Position in the ranking and physical fitness of the tennis player.

    It’s no wonder that betting on “dark horses” in tennis is one of the most profitable. Often, at small commercial tournaments, sensations occur that do not receive much publicity, but do not go unnoticed by bookmakers.

    A player from the Top 100 against the Top 10 clearly has fewer chances, but again, does it make sense for him to give his all in a match that is unimportant for him before future qualification in a top tournament?

    This factor is very important to consider when choosing a tennis betting strategy.

    The best athletes are active almost all year round and participate in a lot of tournaments. If you select 5-10 tennis players and keep statistics only on them, you will clearly be able to trace the patterns of the ups and downs of the athlete’s condition.

    4) Head-to-head matches and league type

    It is in tennis that in order to make a decision on a bet, you need to pay attention to the history of head-to-head confrontations between tennis players.

    Bookmakers give the highest odds to those who are at the same level. In such matches, with the right strategy and analysis, you can get the maximum a large sum for this sport.

    The pressure factor of past match outcomes can play a cruel joke on you. When choosing a strategy, you should not rely only on this data. It is better to pay attention to what form a person is in and what significance the current game has for him.

    There is a myth that women's tennis is more predictable than men's tennis. This is far from true.

    The ATP and WTA leagues are equal to each other. The only significant difference that should be taken into account is the level of the game system. For women it is 3 levels, for men it is 5 levels.

    The men's league is more independent of the emotional factor. There were cases when girls from the TOP failed games against completely unknown tennis players, but in the next match, as if nothing had happened, they showed an excellent result.

    5) Statistical data.

    The combination of analyzing statistics of innings won with games and court coverage can increase the likelihood of determining the outcome of the match by 20-40%.

    In addition to paying attention to serves, you should also pay attention to the break points in the game. There is even a specially developed strategy for betting on breaks, which we will talk about a little later.

    High-quality data collection will allow you to determine the most effective strategy for each individual case. In this way, it will be very easy to increase your winning percentage on bets.

    Tennis betting is considered one of the most popular options for making money on bets.

    You will learn about its 5 key features from the video:

    As you can see, not everything is so simple. Only taking into account all factors will allow you to find the optimal approach to sports betting.

    Tennis betting follows one unspoken rule. Major tournaments are ideal for high odds on favorites.

    Commercial competitions focus more on dark horses, making it more difficult to analyze and choose the right bet...

The strategy of betting on the favorite in tennis is popular among a certain part of bettors. They claim that with its help you can earn substantial money with virtually no risk. Opponents of the technique complain that a successful game will require a substantial bankroll, and a series of several unsuccessful matches will completely devastate the gaming account. In this article we will look at the main strategies for betting on the favorite in tennis.

Betting strategy on the winner in tennis - catching up

The technique is based on the classic catch-up - increasing each subsequent bet in case of an unsuccessful outcome until a positive result occurs. The winnings should cover all losses from unsuccessful bets and bring profit.

To successfully play the strategy of betting on the winner in tennis, you will need a significant bank. It must be divided so that there is enough money for 5-7 iterations (bet). This will help you get even if you run into a bad streak. Ideally, if you have enough money for 10-15 laps.

For example, we bet 1000 rubles on the Favorite to win, odds 1.55. Our tennis player is losing.

In the next meeting we bet not 1000, but 3000 rubles on the same athlete. The coefficient is 1.60. Defeat again.

We're raising our bets on him winning the next game. We bet 9000 rubles. The coefficient is 1.60. The bet is closed.

Let's calculate the winnings: 9000 * 1.60 = 14400 – 9000 (our bet) – 4000 (lost bets) = 1400 rubles of net profit.

  • Coefficient.
  • Previously lost funds.
  • Desired winnings.

The choice of bookmaker plays a key role. Find the office with the lowest margin. The ideal option is if it does not exceed 5%. At first glance, it seems that the difference between the coefficients is not so significant. But any professional player knows that every hundredth is important at a distance. This is especially noticeable when playing with low odds.

Selection of matches for betting on the favorite in tennis

We come to the most interesting part – selecting matches for betting. At this moment special attention needs to be paid. After all, a thorough analysis will allow you to more accurately predict the result of the upcoming game.

To determine the favorite, the bettor must first study the ratings of tennis players.

In theory, everything is quite simple - the higher an athlete is on the list, the stronger he is. In practice, things are somewhat different.

Tennis players have a fairly busy calendar. They often save their energy by not scattering themselves on minor tournaments. Some athletes participate in to get in shape, while others allow them to earn money or ranking points.

In any case, if we are talking about a prestigious tournament, it is unlikely that the fifth racket will lose to the 128th.

Tennis betting based on factor strategy

  • Carefully study the statistics of head-to-head meetings between athletes.
  • The degree of penetration of the odds. Analyze the last 10 games of a tennis player. If he constantly breaks the bookmaker’s handicap, then the bookmaker’s analysts underestimate him.
  • Statistics of performances on a specific surface for each athlete for the calendar year.

Bet on the tennis player who wins in all three indicators.

For example, take the match between Djokovic and Dimitrov:

Statistics of head-to-head matches on grass. Djokovic (2-0).

Statistics of personal games. Djokovic (6-2).

Degree of handicap penetration over the last 10 games: Djokovic (+14), Dimitrov (+7).

Statistics of performances on the relevant surface for the calendar year:

Djokovic (11-3).

Dimitrov (7-3).

In all respects, Djokovic wins confidently. If a tennis player wins in terms of indicators, then you need to bet on him. Bookmaker analysts share our opinion, presenting the tennis player as the undisputed favorite of the match. The odds for Djokovic to win are 1.36.

In the current ATP rankings, Dimitrov is ranked fifth and Djokovic is ranked 22nd. But the favorite of the match is the Serbian tennis player. The fact is that Novak missed a lot due to injury and at the time of the match with Dimitrov he was returning to big sport. He is just getting into optimal playing condition, so he may not be in the best shape. This factor must be taken into account when choosing a match. In such games, the bettor needs to carefully monitor the bookmaker's line. Value coefficients may slip through it.

Strategy based on ELO rating

This rating does not show the number of points scored in various tournaments, but the pattern of play of each tennis player. Analysts form it based on the real strength of a certain opponent. A match with a more skilled opponent will bring more points to your treasury than a game with an outsider. The ELO ranking does not take into account the stage of the tournament.

For example: a difference of 100 points means that the tennis player will win with a probability of 64%, 200 points - 76%, 300 - 85%, 400 - 91%, 500 - 95%.

The pass rate of bets on the favorite to win, made using this strategy, was more than 70% in the 2017 season.

If you want to get more accurate calculations, you can use ELO on a specific coating. Add total ELO and ELO on ground.

Let's enter the following parameters:

  • Current ELO rating.
  • Current ELO rating on the relevant coverage.
  • ELO rating three months ago.
  • ELO rating on coverage three months ago.

We calculate the relative index for each tennis player:

I (index) = (current ELO + current ELO on the cover) / (ELO three months ago + ELO on the cover three months ago).

You need to bet on the athlete with a higher score.

Live betting strategy on the favorite in tennis

The technique is based on changes in live quotes. If the match started unsuccessfully for the favorite (odds for victory no more than 1.60) (for example, behind in games), then the odds for his victory increases (1.80-1.90). If the quotes have increased by 10% or more compared to the preliminary ones, then it is a favorable time to enter the game. Bets must be placed only in the first game. It is advisable to bet in the first six games.

Tennis matches rarely develop according to a well-established scenario, so live odds change quite often. This allows bettors to earn additional profit.


We looked at the main strategies for betting on the winner in tennis. If you strictly follow the rules, you can count on significant profits. Analyze statistics of tennis players' performances. This will help you make better predictions. Test the method on a virtual account. If you start winning consistently, switch to real money.