Who wrote the famous poem Dead Souls. Dead souls - the history of the creation of Gogol's poem briefly

Being engaged in gardening since very distant times, a person noticed that certain conditions of nature, lunar cycles in one way or another affect the plants grown by him.

By systematizing the accumulated knowledge, people began to take a more practical approach to the gardening process.

With the advent of the opportunity to leave their observations in the form of records, various kinds of tables for growing horticultural crops appeared.

Since these tables were timed to coincide with the phases of the moon, they became known as the lunar calendar.

Every year, such a lunar calendar comes out for gardeners and gardeners. It tells how best and when to carry out certain work.

Focusing on such a calendar, the gardener can choose the right time for planting various plants, carrying out any preparatory and chore work.

The only thing to take into account is that such calendars, although they show some accuracy, are nevertheless conditional and recommendatory in nature. Whether you use them or not is up to you.

The phases of the moon and their effect on plants

Before talking about the influence of the moon on plants, let's get acquainted a little with some astronomical data about the moon - this is quite interesting and mysterious satellite Earth.

If someone does not remember or does not know, then the following phases of the moon are determined:

Phase 1 is called the New Moon. It is determined when the sharp edges of the moon "look" to the left

Phase 2 - First quarter. The left half of the moon is dark and the right half is light

3 phase - Growing moon. During this period, 2/3 of the surface of the lunar disk is illuminated from right to left.

Phase 4 - Full Moon. The moon is fully illuminated. Often in the sky it hangs like a huge round penny. This time, despite the bright beginning of the moon, is marked by the manifestation of dark forces.

Phase 5 - Waning moon. When 2/3 of the surface of the moon is already illuminated, as opposed to 3 phases from left to right.

Phase 6 - Third quarter. At the same time, the right surface of the moon is dark, and the left is bright

Phase 7 - Falling month. During this period, the sharp edges of the Moon are deflected or "look" to the left.

It is believed that the best time for landing work is the period of the growing and waning moon.

Moreover, it is best to plant on the growing moon those plants that grow up and form a fruit on the surface of the earth, these are: eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, various trees and shrubs, as well as gourds.

On the waning moon, it is best to plant plants that form root crops, such as carrots, beets and potatoes.

During the new moon and full moon, no work can be done.

There are two total lunar eclipses in 2018, on January 31st and July 27th. As for solar eclipses, no total eclipses are expected, but three are expected to be incomplete: February 15, July 13 and August 11.

Table of the best days for planting and sowing according to the lunar calendar for 2018

Below are tables of the most favorable days for planting horticultural crops on the site.

At the same time, there are Prohibited days for landing:

Auspicious days in 2018 for work on the site

This table shows the days when it is most favorable to carry out various work on your site. This is mainly fertilizing, plowing, watering plantings, etc.

Planting calendar for 2018 for flower growers

What days in 2018 to pay special attention to


There are no gardening jobs this month. Preparations are underway for the season. At the end of the month, they begin sowing for tomato seedlings ( 20-23 , 29 , 30 ) eggplant, sweet pepper ( 20 , 21 , 25 , 26 , 29 ).


Sowing crops continues for seedlings for the greenhouse, as well as in open ground: eggplant and sweet pepper 17 , 18-21 , 25 , 26 ; tomatoes 17 , 18 , 25 , 26 ; hot pepper 9 , 10 ; celery ( 17 , 18-21 , 25 , 26 ).


Picking seedlings of winter sowing tomatoes, sowing seeds of cucumbers ( 25 , 26 ), onion heads (seedlings in boxes) - 18 , 19 ; cabbage (white cabbage) 20 , 21 , 25 , 26 , 31 ; broccoli - 25 , 26 , 31 ).


Sowing seedlings of cucumbers ( 23 , 29 ,30 ), zucchini ( 27-30 ); radish ( 1-3 , 7-9 , 12 , 13 , 30 ), onions on a feather and a head in ridges ( 27-30 ), dill, peas and spinach ( 23 , 30 ), carrots, beets, parsley ( 30 ). Digging up the site, the arrangement of ridges.


We continue sowing vegetables: carrots, beets, turnips, spinach, radishes, celery ( 6 , 10 ), garlic ( 1-3 , 7-9 ), radish ( 6 , 12 ), corn ( 18 , 19 ), beans ( 24-28 ).


If there are no frosts, you can plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, zucchini ( 15 , 16 , 21-24 ), root and bulbous plants should be planted on the waning moon ( 1 , 2 , 6 , 7 ).


Sowing winter radish ( 8,9 ), radish ( 30,31 ), planting rhubarb ( 30 ).


This month is usually harvested.


Harvesting continues. 30 - sowing dill.


Apricot seedlings, cherries, pears are planted 15 numbers, rowan 1-3 , apple trees 1-3 , 13 , 14 , 15 . Seedlings of other crops are only being dug in until spring plantings. Planting winter garlic 11-15 , 24-26 ).


Carrying out technical and economic work.


Also carrying out chores, checking seeds for wintering.

Good afternoon dear readers! I am sure that every person involved in the independent cultivation of vegetables, flowers or other crops has heard at least once about the influence of the phases of the moon on the planting and subsequent growth of plants.

It is for this that the lunar calendars of the gardener and gardener are created, and many adhere to them, because it is not in vain that there is a saying: “If you sow by the moon, you will reap the harvest twice!”. Therefore, let's figure it out together and see when is the best time to plant seeds for seedlings in 2019 ...

Favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings + unfavorable days

It is worth remembering that the climate is different in different regions of Russia. And therefore, if in one side of the country the first seedlings of tomatoes sprout, then in the other they can only prepare the ground for seedlings. Therefore, below are favorable days for planting seeds (for seedlings), focused on all cities of Russia.

Miscellaneous different types cabbage:

  • January: 1, 19-20, 28-29
  • February: 6-7, 20-22, 25-26
  • March: 5, 20-21, 24-25
  • April: 2-3, 20-21, 24-26, 29
  • May: 6, 9-11, 18-19, 24-28

Cucumbers, watermelon, melon:

  • January: 1, 19-20, 28-29
  • February: 6-7, 20-22, 25-26
  • March: 5, 20-21, 24-25
  • April: 2-3, 20-21, 24-26, 29
  • May: 6, 9-11, 18-19, 24-28
  • June: 3-5, 10-11, 15, 23-24

Squash, pumpkin, zucchini:

  • January: ---
  • February: 6, 7, 8, 24, 25
  • March: 5, 6, 7, 23, 24
  • April: 2, 3, 20, 21, 29, 30
  • May: 6, 9-11, 18-19, 24-28
  • June: 3-5, 10-11, 15, 23-24

Peppers and eggplants, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, tobacco:

  • January: 1, 9-15, 19-21, 24-26, 28-29
  • February: 6-7, 20-22, 25-26
  • March: 5-6, 10-11, 15, 20-21, 24-25
  • April: 20-21, 27-29
  • May: 4-6, 18-19, 24-28
  • June: 3-5, 10-11, 15, 23-24

Beans, peas, chickpeas, beans, lentils, corn, oats, rice, etc.:

  • January: --
  • February: --
  • March: 1, 2, 15, 16, 23, 24, 28, 29
  • April: 11, 12, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26
  • May: 8,15,18
  • June: 5, 12, 13, 15, 16


  • January: 1, 5, 9-19, 20-21, 24-25, 28-29
  • February: 6-7, 16-17, 20-26
  • March: 5-12, 15-16, 20-24
  • April: 2-3, 11-13, 18-21, 27-29
  • May: 1, 9-11, 18-19, 24-28
  • June: 3-7, 15, 23-24

Onion and garlic:

  • February: 4-7, 11-12
  • March: 3-12, 15, 30
  • April: 2-3, 6-8, 11-13
  • May: 1-2, 4-6, 18-19, 27-28
  • June: 1-5, 10-11, 21, 23-24

Potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, turnips, turnips, root parsley, daikon:

  • January: --
  • February: 2-3, 8-9, 11-12
  • March: 5-7, 10-12, 15
  • April: 1-3, 6-8, 11-13, 29
  • May: 1-2, 4-6, 9-11, 18-19, 24-28
  • June: 1-5, 10-11, 21, 22

And now we will find out on what days you should not plant seeds for seedlings:

Bad days:

  • January: 2, 6, 16-18, 21, 31
  • February: 5, 12, 15-19, 27
  • March: 2, 6.14, 16-18, 21-22, 31
  • April: 4, 5, 13, 15-17, 19, 20, 30
  • May: 5, 14-16, 19, 20, 27, 29
  • June: 3, 11-14 18, 26, 28
  • July: 1-2, 10, 12-14, 17, 27
  • August: 1, 10-12, 15, 23, 26, 29-30
  • September: 7-10, 14-15, 25, 27-28
  • October: 8-10, 14, 24, 28
  • November: 6-8, 12, 23, 26
  • December: 6-8, 12, 22, 26

By comparing these two lists, one can choose best days for planting future seedlings so that the harvest is rich and fertile.

Table of favorable days for planting vegetables and berries by month, indicating the phases of the moon

It takes 25.9 days for the Moon to make one complete revolution around the Earth. It consists of four phases.

The best way to deal with above-ground pests is on the growing moon. And on a decreasing one - in the roots of the plants themselves.

  1. New moon. At this time, it is recommended: pinching, pinching, pruning, removing diseased or withered branches, and pest or disease control. It is strictly forbidden: work with the soil. Not only the new moon itself, but also the day before it, as well as the day after.
  2. Waxing Crescent. good time for planting vegetables whose fruits are above the ground. For example, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers. Favorable will be: finding water for wells or wells, mowing the lawn, fighting slugs or snails, compacting compost. Not recommended: preservation of vegetables and storage of fruits.
  3. Full moon. At this time, it is worth moving on to working with the soil: loosening, hilling and other work that is directly related to the ground. But aboveground work should be excluded: work with the crown, pinching, grafting, pruning.
  4. Waning moon. At the beginning of this period, planting will bring good results: strawberries, cuttings, perennial flowers, tree or shrub seedlings. After this, the period of necessary pruning of shrubs, trees and other plants begins. Then comes the time for planting potatoes, as well as other root crops and legumes. But if the moon is in the sign of Virgo or Pisces, do not conserve or pickle vegetables.

Lunar calendar for sowing flower seeds for seedlings in 2018

Also, do not forget about planting and growing flowers. Such recommendations will be useful for both professional flower growers and just hostesses who love to decorate their backyard plots with beautiful flower beds.

Perennials, biennials:

  • January: 20-21, 24-25, 28-29
  • February: 1-3, 6-7, 20-26
  • March: 1, 3-4, 20-21, 28-30
  • April: 1, 6-8, 20-21, 29
  • May: 1-6, 9-11, 18-19, 27-28
  • June: 1-5, 10-11, 23-24, 29


  • January: 1, 19-20, 26-29
  • February: 1-3, 20-26
  • March: 1, 3-4, 20-23, 28-30
  • April: 1, 18-21, 24, 25-26, 29
  • May: 1-3, 9-11, 18-19, 22-23, 27-28
  • June: 3-5, 15, 18-20, 23-24

Tuberous and bulbous:

  • January: 7-8, 14-15, 19, 20, 24, 26
  • February: 4-7, 11-12
  • March: 3-12, 15, 30
  • April: 1-5, 11-13
  • May: 1, 9-11, 24-28
  • June: 3-5, 10-11, 21-24

This table provides a more detailed flower planting calendar:

Sowing calendar based on the sign of the zodiac

Do not forget about the zodiac signs. After all, each of them corresponds to its element. And this has a different effect on the growth and development of plants. Below is a table of the passage of the moon in the present 2018:

Let's divide all the signs of the zodiac into groups:

  • The most fruitless and unfavorable signs for gardeners and gardeners are the fiery Leo and Aries, as well as the airy Gemini and Aquarius.
  • Unproductive - earthly Virgo and fiery Sagittarius.
  • The most prolific, in terms of gardening and horticulture, are considered to be: aquatic Pisces and Cancer.
  • Average in terms of auspiciousness are water Scorpio, air Libra, earthly Capricorn and Taurus.

And now we will discuss each sign of the zodiac separately. What can you do when the Moon is in a certain sign of the zodiac?

  • Aries. Favorable time for weeding and spraying with special solutions from diseases and pests. It is undesirable to plant various garden and horticultural crops.
  • Taurus. This is a good and fertile sign. Suitable for planting any vegetable or herbs in the garden. The seedling transplant will go well. And with a waning moon, the planting of cabbage, greens, root crops, asparagus and legumes will be especially good.
  • Twins. Not a fertile sign. Therefore, only weeding and spraying of plants is allowed. The rest of the work is better to exclude.
  • Cancer. A good time to plant shrubs that bear fruit are gooseberries, raspberries and currants. The picking of seedlings will pass safely. The sign will render best influence for planting moisture-loving plants (for example: cucumbers, sweet peppers, tomatoes) and leaf seasonings (for example: lettuce, basil). Especially favorable during this period will affect the growing moon. And waning - favors the planting of root crops.
  • A lion. All work in the garden and garden is not recommended. In addition to spraying plants from diseases and pests, as well as weeding.
  • Virgo. This is the best time to plant plants, this will help them get sick less. Land care work will go well: weeding, loosening, hilling. But it is better to refuse sowing seeds. If the sign is in the growing moon, then planting shrubs that bring berries, medicinal plants and perennial flowers is recommended.
  • Scales. Transplanting seedlings will go well. With the waning moon, it is best to plant onions and root crops. And when growing - zucchini, cucumbers, legumes, pumpkins and berry-fruit trees. Seeds collected on this day will have a high germination rate. And the harvest is rich and ready for longer storage.
  • Scorpion. Also, like the previous sign, it contributes to a longer storage of the harvested crop. Picking plants will go well. It is good to plant moisture-loving plants on the growing moon (for example: tomatoes, zucchini). Decreasing - will contribute to a better growth of garlic, radishes and even a large number of garden crops.
  • Sagittarius. Work with the soil is excluded. It would be better to do weeding and spraying plants.
  • Capricorn. Take care of transplanting seedlings, pruning branches, grafting trees, planting shrubs, trees and perennials. In the waning moon, it is worth planting root crops. And on the growing one - cabbage, legumes and greens.
  • Aquarius. An unfavorable day for planting, but you can do weeding and spraying plants from pests.
  • Fish. It is not worth harvesting and seeds, because short term storage. It is also better to refuse planting and pruning trees. With the waning moon, plant root crops, herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes and other fruits.

Favorable days for sowing in Siberia, the Krasnodar Territory and the Moscow Region

And in conclusion of the article, I would like to clarify the timing of planting in certain regions of Russia.


Despite the harsh and harsh climate of Siberia, you can get quite an excellent harvest. You just need to stick to certain deadlines planting vegetables and fruits. The table below will help you with this.

Krasnodar region:

For residents Krasnodar Territory, such a voluminous calendar is presented here. Months are indicated in Roman numerals.

Moscow region:

Despite the milder climate of the Moscow region and the Moscow region, many of its inhabitants still try to rely on the lunar sowing calendar.

Video on how to make a lunar calendar for a gardener and gardener on lunar days yourself

And if you do not trust the lunar calendars that are posted on the Internet or in print publications, you can create such a calendar yourself. It’s not at all difficult, if you figure it out, you just need to be patient and persevering, and the author tells in detail how to compose correctly in the video that I recommend you watch:

That's all that can be said about the upcoming season of growing vegetables, flowers and fruits, and other crops. We hope that our article will definitely help you, so feel free to bookmark it so as not to lose it, and also share it with your friends by pressing the social network buttons.

And I wish you a rich harvest!

Until new posts!

As soon as the sun warms up to the very frosts, agrarian enthusiasts work on the earth. Every farmer knows that the fate of the future crop is decided by the quality of seeds, proper planting, good watering, daily war with whole hordes of pests and protection from many diseases. An important role in getting big and the location of the moon in relation to the earth.

Although 2018 is still far away, the lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener has already been compiled. Everyone can plan in advance the work on the location of the beds (taking into account crop rotation), prepare and enrich the land (organic matter and mineral fertilizers), order and purchase planting material (seeds, seedlings).

Lunar sowing calendar gardener gardener 2018

The location of the night star affects the biochemical processes occurring in living organisms. People have long noticed that the behavior of plants depends on the phases of the moon.
There are 7 phases of the moon, taking into account which the lunar landing calendar for 2018 is compiled:

  • New Moon - the sharp ends of the moon deviated to the left
  • The first quarter - the left half of the moon is dark, the right half is light
  • Waxing moon - 2/3 of the disk surface is illuminated (from right to left)
  • Full moon - the disk of the night star is fully illuminated
  • Waning moon - 2/3 of the surface of the disk is illuminated (from left to right)
  • The third quarter - the right surface of the moon is dark, the left is bright
  • Falling month - the sharp ends of the moon are deflected to the left

When is the best time to sow according to the 2018 lunar calendar?

It is believed that according to the gardener's lunar sowing calendar, plants that grow upwards and form fruit on the surface of the earth should be planted on the growing moon, these are:

  • eggplant
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • beans
  • gourds
  • trees
  • shrubs

Plants that form root crops (carrots, beets, potatoes) are planted on the waning moon. On the new moon and full moon, a ban on planting seeds and transplanting a huge species order of flora representatives!

Lunar calendar gardener gardener february

Preparatory work for the start of the new season begins in February. It is necessary to inspect and, if necessary, repair gardening equipment, check the germination of seeds and purchase the missing seed material.

  1. In the middle or end of the month, recommends the 2018 lunar calendar for sowing tomatoes, sweet peppers and celery root for further transplanting into greenhouses.
  2. At the beginning of the month, they trample down the snow under the trees, and if the winter is not snowy, they rake up under the roots to avoid early flowering.

Auspicious days:

  • 6, 8 (soaking seeds and sowing seedlings)
  • 12, 13, 21 - sowing seeds

Unfavorable dates: 2, 3, 14, 15, 19, 20

Lunar calendar gardener gardener March

We sort out and take out potatoes from the cellars to germinate shoots (stolons), and in the southern regions we plant early varieties (in the common people they call forty days), which can grow even at low temperatures.

If March is warm, we continue to work on the site:

  • We remove the fallen leaves, branches and plant greens (lettuce, parsnips, parsley, leaf celery) under the film, sprouted onions on a feather and green peas in the heated ground.
  • According to the gardener's calendar 2018, we continue to grow seedlings.
  • We fertilize garden crops with wood ash, humus, peat.
  • At the end of the month, if it is warm, we form the crown of trees, in the southern regions we cut the grapes, if you did not do this in the fall.

  • In mid-March, we carry out the first spraying of apple trees, pears and plums from pests.
  • We water bushes of white, red currant and gooseberry hot water up to 80 ° (before bud break).
  • On the first day of the month, it is good to pick and transplant seedlings, and we also continue to plant seeds to obtain new shoots.
  • The lunar calendar for planting seedlings for 2018 basically starts from the month of March.

Auspicious days: 6, 8, 17, 18

Unfavorable days: 2, 4, 13, 14, 16.

Lunar calendar gardener gardener april

In April, as the temperature rises and the probability of night frosts decreases, there is more work on the site. You can sow radish seeds, dill, carrots, spinach, parsley, green peas directly into the ground. We plant onions, turnips and root seeds on the waning moon. In the southern regions, we plant seedlings of cabbage (white, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Peking), cover with foil on cold days and nights.

We plant seedlings of fruit trees and berry bushes.

We spray trees from attacks on the leaves and ovaries of beetles and fungal diseases.

Auspicious days:

  • Day 3 - one of the best in the gardener's lunar sowing calendar for planting root crops
  • 17 and 18 - we transfer the seedlings to greenhouses and sow the beds with spicy and vegetable crops

Unfavorable days: 1, 14, 15.19

Lunar calendar gardener gardener for May

“As you work in May, you will get such a harvest” - this is the motto of farmers and a truth that has been tested for centuries.

  • At the beginning of the month, we take out hoses for irrigation and check the equipment for drip irrigation.
  • We plant potatoes, beets in loose, well-fertilized soil, for a waning month.
  • Seedlings of eggplant, sweet and hot peppers and tomatoes according to the lunar calendar 2018 are transferred to open soil after May 15.
  • We plant seeds of beans, zucchini, cucumbers, gourds in early May in areas with a high probability of frost at the end of the month. We spray the onion turnip and garlic from the bulb fly, it is good to plant bushes with marigold flowers between the beds.
  • On the 20th of the month, in the south, strawberry picking begins.
  • We carry out the third, last spring spraying after the flowering of horticultural crops from codling moth and fruit rot.

Auspicious days:

  • The gardener's lunar calendar for May is the planting of nightshade (potatoes, tomatoes), various types of seedlings. We annoy, everything that we did not have time to annoy.
  • 16, 17, 18 - sowing melons, as well as beans, peas
  • 13 - work in the garden

Unfavorable days: 1, 2, 6, 14, 21, 30, 31

Lunar calendar gardener gardener june

All the work of gardeners consists in caring for plants - timely watering, loosening and mulching the soil, we tie cucumbers on a net, stepchild tomatoes and fasten tall varieties to a support. If the weather is cold, we spray tomato bushes with an anti-late blight agent, we protect cucumbers from powdery mildew, and potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle.

In the lunar calendar of the gardener for the month of June, work is planned to collect and destroy the carrion of apple trees and pears affected by codling moth caterpillars and rot. The harvest of cherries is coming, the crop must be protected from starlings with repellent rattles and scarecrows.

Auspicious days:

  • 2, 11, 14, 15, 23 - planting annuals, transplanting any plants, watering, loosening and fertilizing the soil.
  • 14 - we plant spicy greens, different types of cabbage, melons, legumes.

Unfavorable days: 4, 19, 20, 30

Lunar calendar gardener gardener july

The main work in the garden is watering, loosening, plant nutrition, pest control, and harvesting as it matures. During this period, the scoop tomato fruits multiply and infect, and the cabbage leaves are cabbage whites, so it is necessary to spray in time.

In the garden, the crop ripens and props are installed under the branches of the trees so that they do not break under the weight of the fruits.

Favorable days: 8, 10, 22 - we plant greens (onions on a feather, lettuce, dill, spinach).
Unfavorable days: 1, 2, 5, 7, 28, 29.

Lunar calendar gardener gardener august

The main task in last month summer is the collection of fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as conservation and preparation for the winter. Jams, juices, vegetable salads, as well as freezing greens, vegetables and drying apples, pears and apricots.

Auspicious days:

  • 4- plant strawberries
  • 21 - work in the garden (grafting, replanting trees)

Unfavorable days: 2, 3, 24, 25, 29, 30

Lunar planting calendar september

In September, we continue to plant raspberries, blackberries, strawberries (selecting strong antennae, we separate from the mother plant). We remove potatoes from the site, it is good to cut dry tops a few days before harvesting. In the northern regions we plant winter garlic.

Auspicious days:

  • 19 is an extremely favorable time for farmers
  • 27, 28 need to be grafted, cuttings, pruned garden plants

Unfavorable days: 9, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26

Lunar sowing calendar gardener gardener october

In October, we plant winter garlic, since in September it is still warm enough and it will sprout, which can lead to freezing. Many farmers plant carrots, sorrel and parsley before winter, do not be afraid of seeds low temperatures and reduce spring work. We fertilize the soil with manure, ash, peat and dig.

Young seedlings are being planted in the garden. You can whitewash tree trunks for the winter with lime and clay from sunburn.

Lunar calendar 2018 gardener gardener table

The table of the lunar sowing calendar 2018 has its own characteristics depending on the region in which you live, but the general trends remain. It is necessary to refrain from working on the indicated unfavorable days in the plant calendar in order to get a quality harvest.

Gardener's planting calendar is a lunar astrological forecast that will help you choose the right and useful activity lovers of work on a summer cottage or house adjoining area.

Video: Lunar sowing calendar

The history of the creation of the poem "Dead Souls"

There are writers who easily and freely invent the plots of their writings. Gogol was not one of them. He was painfully uninventive on plots. With the greatest difficulty, the idea of ​​each work was given to him. He always needed an external push to inspire his imagination. Contemporaries tell how eagerly Gogol listened to various household stories, jokes picked up on the street, there were also tall tales. I listened professionally, like a writer, memorizing every characteristic detail. Years passed, and another of these accidentally heard stories came to life in his works. For Gogol, P.V. Annenkov, "nothing was wasted."

Plot " dead souls» Gogol, as you know, was obliged to A.S. Pushkin, who had long encouraged him to write a great epic work. Pushkin told Gogol the story of the adventures of a certain adventurer who bought dead peasants from the landlords in order to pledge them, as if they were alive, in the Board of Trustees and receive a hefty loan against them.

The history of fraudulent tricks with dead souls could become known to Pushkin during his exile in Kishinev. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, tens of thousands of peasants fled here, to the south of Russia, to Bessarabia, from different parts of the country, fleeing from paying arrears and various fees. Local authorities obstructed the resettlement of these peasants. They were pursued. But all measures were in vain. Fleeing from pursuers, fugitive peasants often took the names of dead serfs. They say that during Pushkin's stay in Chisinau exile, a rumor spread throughout Bessarabia that the city of Bendery was immortal, and the population of this city was called "an immortal society." No deaths have been recorded there for many years. An investigation has begun. It turned out that in Bendery it was accepted as a rule: the dead "do not be excluded from society", and their names should be given to the fugitive peasants who arrived here. Pushkin visited Bendery more than once, and he was very interested in this story.

Most likely, it was she who became the grain of the plot, which, almost a decade and a half after the Chisinau exile, was retold by the poet Gogol.

It should be noted that Chichikov's idea was by no means such a rarity in life itself. Frauds with "revision souls" were a fairly common thing in those days. It can be safely assumed that not only one specific case formed the basis of Gogol's design.

The core of the plot of "Dead Souls" was Chichikov's adventure. It only seemed incredible and anecdotal, but in fact it was reliable in all the smallest details. Serfdom reality created very favorable conditions for such adventures.

By decree of 1718, the so-called household census was replaced by a poll. From now on, all male serfs, "from the oldest to the very last baby", were subject to taxation. Dead souls (dead or fugitive peasants) became a burden for the landlords, who naturally dreamed of getting rid of it. And this created a psychological prerequisite for all kinds of fraud. Some dead souls were a burden, others felt the need for them, hoping to benefit from fraudulent transactions. It was precisely on this that Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov relied. But the most interesting thing is that Chichikov's fantastic deal was carried out in perfect accordance with the paragraphs of the law.

The plots of many Gogol's works are based on an absurd anecdote, an exceptional case, an emergency. And the more anecdotal and extreme the outer shell of the plot seems, the brighter, more reliable, more typical the real picture of life appears before us. Here is one of the peculiar features of the art of a talented writer.

Gogol began to work on " Dead souls" in the middle of 1835, that is, even earlier than over the "Inspector General". On October 7, 1835, he tells Pushkin that he wrote three chapters of Dead Souls. But new thing has not yet captured Nikolai Vasilyevich. He wants to write comedy. And only after the "Inspector General", already abroad, Gogol really takes on "Dead Souls".

In the autumn of 1839, circumstances forced Gogol to make a trip to his homeland, and, accordingly, take a forced break from work. Eight months later, Gogol decided to return to Italy to speed up work on the book. In October 1841, he again comes to Russia with the intention of publishing his work - the result of six years of hard work.

In December, the last corrections were completed, and the final version of the manuscript was submitted for consideration by the Moscow Censorship Committee. Here "Dead Souls" met with a clearly hostile attitude. As soon as Golokhvastov, who was chairing the meeting of the censorship committee, heard the name "Dead Souls", he shouted: "No, I will never allow this: the soul is immortal - there cannot be a dead soul - the author is arming himself against immortality!"

Golokhvastov was explained that we are talking about the revision souls, but he became even more furious: “This, and even more so, cannot be allowed ... this means against serfdom!” Then the members of the committee picked up: "Chichikov's enterprise is already a criminal offense!"

When one of the censors tried to explain that the author did not justify Chichikov, they shouted from all sides: “Yes, he doesn’t justify him, but he put him out now, and others will go to take an example and buy dead souls ...”

Gogol was eventually forced to take the manuscript and decided to send it to Petersburg.

In December 1841, Belinsky was visiting Moscow. Gogol turned to him with a request to take the manuscript with him to St. Petersburg and assist in its speedy passage through the St. Petersburg censorship authorities. The critic willingly agreed to fulfill this order and on May 21, 1842, with some censorship corrections, The Adventures of Chichikov or Dead Souls went out of print.

The plot of "Dead Souls" consists of three externally closed, but internally very interconnected links: landowners, city officials and Chichikov's biography. Each of these links helps to reveal Gogol's ideological and artistic conception in more detail and depth.