Why Oblomov did not find a place in life. b) superstitious fears and fear of the new

Topic. Oblomov and Oblomovism. Causes of Oblomovism.

Lifestyle, which is characterized by laziness, apathy, inability to solve problems, empty daydreaming are defined in the novel by the word "Oblomovism". This concept has become a household word.

Oblomoshchina is rooted in the family nest of Ilya Ilyich. In chapter 9 of the 1st part of the novel, the causes of Oblomovism are revealed ("Oblomov's Dream").

Causes of Oblomovism

1. The upbringing and formation of peace took place in conditions of dead rest:

“Nothing is needed: life, like a calm river, flowed past them; they had only to sit on the banks of this river and observe the inevitable phenomena that, in turn, without a call, appeared before each of them.

"TSilence and imperturbable calm also reign in the morals of people in that region. There were no robberies, no murders, no terrible accidents; neither strong passions nor daring ventures thrilled them")

a) primitive life, the absence of any high life goals;

“The Oblomovites did not believe in emotional anxieties either. They never embarrassed themselves with any vague mental or moral questions."

"Care for food was the first and main concern of life in Oblomovka."

b) superstitious fears and fear of the new.

The episode with receiving a letter - fear of a new one

“In Oblomovka, they believed everything: both werewolves and the dead. Will they tell that a haystack was walking around the field - they will believe; if anyone misses the rumor that this is not a ram, but something else, or that Martha or Stepanida is a witch, they will be afraid of both the ram and Martha ... - so strong is faith in the miraculous in Oblomovka ”

“Death happened to them from a dead man taken out of the house before with his head, and not with his feet from the gate; fire - from the fact that the dog howled three nights under the window ... "

2. Negative example of parents:

a) the estate fell into disrepair;

(No one does the housework, the manager steals, the rotten gallery stands until it collapses, the bridge is laid only when the peasant falls from it into the ditch They were stingy, never spent an extra penny even on candles

“- So, what [porch] staggered? Oblomov answered. - Yes, it didn’t fall apart, even though it’s been worth sixteen years without amendment ...

Andhe turned his eyes in the other direction, and the porch, they say, is tottering and still and still has not collapsed”)

b) inactivity of parents;(Father never bothered himself with anything)

“The boy is accustomed to seeing how his father all day knows that he walks from corner to corner, with his hands folded back, sniffing tobacco and blowing his nose, and mother goes from coffee to tea, from tea to dinner”

Oblomov himself - the old man is also not without work. He sits at the window all morning and strictly observes everything that is done in the yard.

— Hey, Ignashka? What are you talking about, you fool? he asks a man walking through the yard.

“I’m bringing knives to sharpen in the servants’ quarters,” he replies without looking at the master.

- Well, carry it, carry it; well, look, sharpen! Then he stops the woman:

- Hey, grandma! Woman! Where did you go?

“To the cellar, father,” she said, stopping, and covering her eyes with her hand, she looked at the window, “to get milk to the table.”

- Well, go, go! - answered the barin. - Look, don't spill the milk.

- And you, Zakharka, little shooter, where are you running again? shouted afterwards. - I'll let you run! I see that you are running for the third time. Went back to the hallway!

And Zakharka went back to doze in the hallway. If the cows come from the field, the old man will be the first to see that they are watered; If he sees from the window that the cur is chasing a chicken, he will immediately take strict measures against disorder.

c) A frivolous attitude to the education of parents, and therefore Ilya himself. Parents protected Ilyusha from excessive studies in the sciences.

(“Everyone in the house was imbued with the conviction that teaching and parental Saturday should never coincide together, or that the holiday on Thursday is an insurmountable barrier to learning for the whole week. “How long before sin?” said father and mother. won’t leave, but you can’t buy health ... "

“Today you will not go; Thursday is a big holiday: is it worth it to go back and forth for three days? Are you healthy? ... Sit at home this week, and there - what God will give "

The old people understood the benefits of enlightenment, but only external benefits. “They dreamed of an embroidered uniform for him, imagined him as an adviser in the chamber, and his mother even as a governor; but they would like to achieve all this somehow cheaper, with various tricks .... not hard"

3. Disability to work“Everything was done for him by Zakhar and three hundred more zakhars”…. (“If Ilya Ilyich wants anything, he only has to blink - already three or four servants rush to fulfill his desire ...”.

“Zakhar, as he used to be a nanny, pulls on his stockings, puts on a shoe, and Ilyusha, already a fourteen-year-old boy, only knows that he is laying down one or the other leg ...”)

4. Suppression of independence. Excessive guardianship of parents and nannies.

(“And the whole day and all the days and nights of the nanny were filled with turmoil, running around: either torture, or living joy for the child, or the fear that he would fall and hurt his nose ...”

"Nanny! Do not you see that the child ran out into the sun! Take him into the cold; bake his head - it will hurt, it will become nauseous, he will not eat ... "

“What are you, God be with you! Now it’s damp to walk, you’ll catch a cold on your legs; and it’s scary: now the goblin walks in the forest, he takes away small children ”

“He sometimes ... wants to rush and redo everything himself, and then suddenly his father and mother and three aunts in five voices will shout: - Why? Where? And Vaska, and Vanka, and Zakharka for what?)

5. Restriction of children's curiosity, inquisitive mind.

(“Then his mother let him go for a walk in the garden, around the yard, in the meadow with strict confirmation to the nanny not to leave the child alone, not to allow horses, dogs, goats, not to go far from home, and most importantly, not to let him into the ravine” ..

Nanny's Tales - a distraction from reality

“She whispers to him about some unknown side, where there are neither nights nor cold, where miracles are all happening, where rivers of honey and milk flow, where no one is anything all year round does not, but day-to-day they only know that everyone is walking good fellows, such as Ilya Ilyich, and beauties, which cannot be said in a fairy tale, nor described with a pen ”

“Nanny or legend so skillfully avoided everything that really exists in the story that imagination and mind, imbued with fiction, remained in his slavery until old age. The nanny kindly narrated the tale of Emel the Fool, this evil and insidious satire on our great-grandfathers, and maybe also on ourselves.

“The boy's imagination was inhabited by strange ghosts; fear and longing settled down for a long time, perhaps forever, in the soul. He sadly looks around and sees everything in life harm, misfortune, everything dreams of that magical side where there is no evil, trouble, sorrow, where Militrisa Kirbityevna lives, where they feed so well and dress for nothing ... ")

Fruits of upbringing

Closeness from real life, limited aspirations, excessive parental care, the desire to protect the child from all problems gave rise to apathy and laziness, cowardice and selfishness in Oblomov.

1. Unwillingness to complete educational tasks.

(How did Oblomov perceive the lessons given while studying at the Stolz boarding school? Did he show interest in learning? How did he relate to reading?)

Of necessity, he sat in the classroom ... and with difficulty, with sweat, with sighs, he learned the lessons given to him.

... considered it as a punishment sent down by heaven for our sins.

Serious reading bored him. But the poets touched him to the quick ...

2. Studying at the University of Moscow, the awakening of noble aspirations, but "the flower of life blossomed and did not bear fruit."

(What were these noble dreams of Oblomov? - Chapter 5; Chapter 4, part 2)

“serve until you have the strength, because Russia needs hands and heads to develop inexhaustible sources; to work in order to have a sweeter rest, and to rest means to live on the other, artistic, graceful side of life, the life of artists, poets.

... I wanted to go around foreign lands after reading books in order to better know and love my own

3. Unsuccessful attempt at service, fear of problems, unwillingness to solve them.

(Why did you stop going to work?)

He once sent some necessary paper instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk.

Oblomov did not wait for the well-deserved punishment, went home and sent a medical certificate.

But this helped only for a while: it was necessary to recover, - and behind this, in the future, there was again daily going to office. Oblomov could not bear it and resigned.

4. Inaction and empty dreams of transformation and a happy carefree life.

(What was the usual, everyday "work" of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov?)

He has been tirelessly working on a plan for several years, thinking, thinking both walking and lying down, ... When he gets out of bed in the morning, after tea he immediately lies on the sofa, props his head with his hand and ponders, sparing no effort, until, finally, , the head will tire of hard work, and when the conscience says: enough has been done today for the common good.

Only then does he decide to take a break from his labors and change his caring pose to another, less businesslike and strict, more comfortable for dreams and bliss.

Freed from business worries, Oblomov liked to withdraw into himself and live in the world he created.

What is stagnation?

- negative attitude to work;

Oblomov despises work. Labor and punishment are synonymous for him.

- negative attitude to the education of the people;

“Literacy is harmful to a peasant: teach him, so he, perhaps, will not plow”

- Fear of change in the economy.

Oblomov was frightened by Stolz's proposal to build a highway to Oblomovka, build a pier, and open a fair in the city.

Roman Goncharova "Oblomov".

XXI Century. Reading experience.

As long as at least one Russian remains,

Until then, Oblomov will be remembered.

I. S. Turgenev.

A Russian writer cannot but be a patriot. However, the patriotism of a writer, a thinking person, prone to analysis is usually aimed at solving the eternal “sick” question: “how can we equip Russia?”

On this topic throughout the writing and human life thought Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov, whose 195th birthday we are celebrating this year. An excellent occasion to turn to the creative heritage of a great compatriot.

The concept of "patriotism" did not turn in Goncharov into "leavened patriotism."

He, like V. G. Belinsky, could argue that "true love for the Fatherland does not spare its shortcomings." Sincerely and selflessly loving his homeland, Goncharov could not help but notice some features of the national character, overcoming which Russia would be able to live well and freely, and no "fools and roads" would interfere with its prosperity. What did Goncharov see as problems and solutions?

Having visited the most exotic corners of the globe and returning home, Goncharov creates "Oblomov" - the most "Russian" novel of all written in the "golden age". No one before Goncharov was able to explore Russian so brilliantly and scrupulously. national character and identify its main features. The writer closely examines the immortal type of the Russian Master with his laziness and sluggishness, with his crystal clear heart and noble soul, but defenseless against worldly storms, with his remarkable mind and attraction to a carefree, contemplative existence. “The thought walked like a free bird across the face, fluttered in the eyes, sat on half-open lips, hid in the folds of the forehead, then completely disappeared, and then an even light of carelessness glimmered all over the face.” And further: “Ilya Ilyich’s lying down was not a necessity, like a sick person or a person who wants to sleep, or an accident, like someone who is tired, or pleasure, like a lazy person: this was his normal state.”

Why, then, did Oblomov, a man of remarkable intelligence and a comprehensive education, have a normal state of “lying”, and not some other action? Or rather, complete inaction, at times smoothly flowing into a lazy dream. Any external irritant, be it unpaid bills from a butcher shop, the need to move to another apartment as soon as possible, or a disorder in his own estate, instantly takes him out of his usual state, but only to be once again thrown out of a mildly inactive life.

Of course, Oblomov was not born so soft and apathetic. In his youth he studied, read, then served. However, his concept of labor was, to put it mildly, incorrect. “Life in his eyes was divided into two halves: one consisted of work and boredom - these were synonyms for him; the other - from peace and peaceful fun. Our hero was too lazy to study - “beyond the line under which the teacher, when setting a lesson, drew a line with his fingernail, he did not look in, did not ask anyone questions and did not require explanations.” Not wanting to overwork in his studies, he was afraid of overworking in the service: “... he believed ... that visiting a public place is by no means an obligatory habit that must be adhered to daily, and that slush, heat and simply dislike can always serve as sufficient and legitimate pretexts for not going into office." The idea of ​​life as a continuous holiday and bliss, about careless contemplation and free creativity took root in Oblomov, most likely because, being a landowner, he had everything necessary for life. He was content with what he had. When meeting with his old friend Sudbinsky, rejoicing at his service successes and material incentives, Ilya Ilyich does not refrain from sincere praise: "Well done!" But then he catches himself: “- Just work from eight o'clock to twelve, from twelve to five. Yes, still at home - oh, oh! Such an exorbitantly long working day for Oblomov is an unjustified feat.

Oblomov left the service due to his extremely sensitive nature, unable to bear the fact that, due to his imprudence, a certain document was sent instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk. “Looking at the others, Ilya Ilyich himself was frightened, although he and the others knew that the boss would limit himself to a remark; but his own conscience was much stricter than reprimand. Oblomov left the service, and gladly sat on his favorite sofa - the only place in the world where he was comfortable. What do we see after several years of his "disability"? “If it weren’t for ... a plate, but not a pipe just smoked leaning against the bed, or not the owner himself lying on it, then one would think that no one lives here, everything was so dusty, faded and generally devoid of living traces of human presence ... From the inkwell, if you dip a pen in it, only a frightened fly would escape with a buzz.

The lordly bored dreamer Ilya Ilyich is opposed in the novel by an absolutely positive character Andrei Ivanovich Stolz - a strong, active and creative nature. “... From his father’s forty he made three hundred thousand capital, and in the service of a court clerk he rolled over, and a scientist ... now he’s still traveling!” - this is how a friend of Oblomov speaks about Stolz.

Stolz owed his success in life to the education given to him by his father and to his personal will and energy. While Oblomov lies on the couch and does not know how to survive "two misfortunes", that is, moving to another apartment and the gradual decay of the family estate, Stolz works, studies, travels. Being friends since childhood, the main characters carried through the years a touching and disinterested affection for each other. Stolz constantly takes care of Ilya Ilyich, helpless in matters of life, tries to shake him up, give him the joy of life and a taste for it. “- If only Stolz would come soon! Oblomov dreams. “- He writes that it will be soon, but the devil knows where he staggers! He would take care of it." Stolz arrives, "settles" everything, arranges everything and saves both Oblomov himself and his Oblomovka from final ruin. What prevents Ilya Ilyich from solving his problems himself? God gave him enough reason, education and the ability to think analytically too. What is the reason for the inability to live and survive on your own, without the help of a nanny-Stolz? There is only one reason - "Oblomovism". Unwillingness to work constantly and hard, lack of habit of constant effort of will, self-control, self-discipline. This is not only and not so much banal laziness, but the habit of living slowly and exclusively for your own pleasure.

Oblomov is presented in the novel as an absolutely positive character, a pure and honest person, able to wake up from his apathy and stand up for the honor of a woman, for the good name of his best friend Andrei Stolz and for his (they are universal) ideals. Let us recall his fiery speech in a dialogue with the fashionable writer Penkin, who easily condemns “fallen” people:

“- ... Depict a thief, a fallen woman, an inflated fool. And don't forget the person. Where is the humanity? You want to write with one head! Oblomov almost hissed. – Do you think that a thought does not need a heart? No, it is fertilized by love. Stretch out your hand to a fallen man to lift him up, or weep bitterly over him if he perishes, and do not mock. Love him, remember yourself in him and treat him as if you were yourself - then I will read you and bow my head before you ... ". Here is how Stoltz speaks of his best friend: “For the fact that it is more precious than any mind: an honest, faithful heart! This is his natural gold; he carried it unscathed through life... Not a single false note was emitted by his heart, not a single dirt stuck to it. No fancy lie will deceive him, and nothing will lead him to a false path; let the whole ocean of rubbish, evil worry around him, let the whole world be poisoned with poison and go backwards - Oblomov will never bow to the idol of lies, his soul will always be pure, bright, honest ... This is a crystal, transparent soul; there are few such people; they are rare; these are pearls in the crowd!

The caress and hospitality of the Oblomov family sunk into the soul of the Spartan-educated Stolz. Throughout his life, Andrei Ivanovich remembered what he owed to the Oblomov family, who, without measure and count, wasted affection, love and warmth of the heart on a boy who was, in fact, alien to them. The character of Stolz was formed under the influence of two branches of education - Western rationalism and Russian sincerity. The "landscape of the Russian soul" with its invaluable properties - disinterestedness, generosity, a penchant for lofty contemplation and poetic softness, combined with the rationality, prudence and habit of everyday work characteristic of the Western way of life - this is the force that can "equip Russia." When the spirituality inherent in our people is successfully combined with Western activities and pragmatism, we can “catch up and overtake” Europe and America both in terms of living standards and in terms of common culture and culture of everyday life, and certainly in terms of the level of development of "free art" (remember Peter the Great).

In the meantime... Together we read Goncharov and together we think "how can we equip Russia."

The novel by I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov” appeared when the feudal system more and more revealed its failure, and the struggle of the advanced layers of Russian society became more energetic and implacable.

In its genre, "Oblomov" is a socio-psychological novel, giving a broad generalization in the concept of "Oblomovism", depicting the destructive influence of the noble-landlord environment on the human personality.

The image of Oblomov is the greatest artistic generalization of world literature, embodying the typical character traits generated by Russian patriarchal landlord life. One of the merits of Goncharov is that he reveals the socio-historical reasons for the emergence of such a character as Oblomov. Therefore, in the novel, an important place is occupied by the image of those conditions and the environment in which the formation of his hero took place.

All these ideas remained only words. Oblomov is used to having others act for him. And therefore, his whole life is a gradual extinction in him of valuable human qualities. He himself is aware of this and says to Stolz: "... my life began with extinction ... From the first minute, when I was conscious of myself, I felt that I was already extinguishing." For even more emphasisGoncharov also shows those who fought for Oblomov and tried to bring him back to an effective existence. Stolz tried to bring Oblomov out of the state of dead rest, to include him in life, but nothing came of it, because Ilya Ilyich had grown too strong for peace. Even Olga Ilyinskaya cannot revive Oblomov and bring him back to life. Olga's love captured and lifted him, but not for long. Laziness, fear of the hassle and affairs associated with marriage, turn out to be stronger than love, push him to the gap and forever plunge him into the half-asleep life of the Wheaten house, which he himself calls the pit.

Soul Drama Oblomov is all the stronger because he understands his spiritual fall. “He painfully felt that some good, bright beginning was buried in him, as in a grave, perhaps now dead, or it lies like gold in the bowels of a mountain ... But the treasure is deeply and heavily littered with rubbish, superficial rubbish." Oblomov understands the reasons for his spiritual death, and when Olga asked him: “Why did everything die? .. Who cursed you, Ilya? .. What ruined you? There is no name for this evil ... "-" There is, - he said almost inaudibly ... - Oblomovism!

Showing Oblomov's failure in life, Goncharov contrasts him with the intelligent and active Andrei Stolz, Olga Ilyinskaya with her independent, strong and determined nature.

But neither Stolz nor Olga could revive Oblomov to life. It is his name that is closely connected with the concept of "Oblomovism". N.A. Dobrolyubov in the article “What is Oblomovism?” gave a brilliant and still unsurpassed analysis of the novel. He notes that public importance novel "Oblomov" lies in the fact that it shows Russian life, created a "modern Russian type" and in one word defined characteristic phenomenon nobility and serf reality. “This word is Oblomovism; it serves as a key to unraveling many phenomena of Russian life. Dobrolyubov showed that the image of Oblomov is a socio-psychological type, embodying the features of a landowner of the pre-reform period. The state of nobility gives rise to moral slavery in him: “... the vile habit of obtaining the satisfaction of his desires not from his own efforts, but from others, developed in him an apathetic immobility and plunged him into a miserable state of moral slavery. This slavery is intertwined with the nobility of Oblomov, so they mutually penetrate each other and are conditioned by one another. The Oblomovs are all those whose words disagree with their deeds, who in words only want the best and are not able to translate their desire into action.

Dobrolyubov expanded the concept of "Oblomovism". This socio-psychological phenomenon does not disappear with the abolition of the feudal system. Its remnants - inertia, inertia, selfishness, parasitism, laziness, laxity, slovenliness - continue to live. Oblomovism is terrible because it destroys the capable, talented people and turns into an inert something, into miserable losers. The Oblomovs did not disappear at the end of the 20th century either. She is alive today.

Test based on the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" (Grade 10)
“There was one person after his heart… He loved news, and light, and science, and all his life, but somehow deeper, sincere… He believed him alone, maybe because he grew up, studied and lived with him ." A) the attitude of Stolz to Oblomov;
B) Oblomov's attitude towards Stolz;
C) Tarantiev's attitude towards Oblomov.
2. “Brought up in the bowels of the province, among the meek and dark customs and customs of the homeland, passing for twenty years from the arms to the arms of relatives, friends and acquaintances, he was so imbued family beginning that the future service seemed to him in the form of some kind of family activity "
A) Stolz B) Oblomov
B) Tarantiev "No, I feel ... not music ... but ... love":
A) Oblomov Olga;
B) Stolz Olga;
B) Olga Oblomova
4. “Life is a duty, a duty, therefore, love is also a duty”:
A) Stolz's words B) Olga's words
B) Oblomov's words
5. “I steal someone else's! I am a thief!
A) the words of Stolz, revealing his attitude towards Olga;
B) Oblomov's words, revealing his attitude towards Olga
C) Oblomov's words, revealing his attitude towards Agafya Matveevna
6. “It was some kind of all-consuming, invincible dream, a true likeness of death”:
A) about the inhabitants of Oblomovka;
B) about Oblomov
C) about the inhabitants of the Oblomovs' house.
7. “He is already over thirty years old. He served, retired, went about his business and actually made a house and money. He is involved in some company that sends goods abroad. He is constantly on the move."
A) Tarantiev
B) Oblomov;
B) Stolz.
8. "Literacy is harmful to a peasant":
A) the words of Stolz B) the words of Ilyinskaya
C) Oblomov's words.
9. “Some consider it simple, short-range, shallow, because neither wise maxims about life, about love, nor quick, unexpected and bold remarks, nor subtracted or overheard judgments about music and literature fell from the tongue”:
A) Agafya Matveevna
B) Olga
C) Maria Mikhailovna.
10. Name of Oblomov's son:
A) Ilya
B) Andrew
B) Michael
11. “Sometimes his gaze was darkened by an expression as if of fatigue or boredom; but neither fatigue nor boredom could for a moment drive away the softness from the face, which was the dominant and basic expression not only of the face, but of the whole soul ”:
A) Zakhar
B) StolzC) Oblomov
12. The actual reason for Oblomov's departure from the service:
A) getting fired
B) a personal request for resignation
C) not returning to work after illness
13. Who is the first in the novel to pronounce the word "Oblomovism"
A) Stolz B) Oblomov
B) Olga
14. “He was a man of about thirty-two or three years old, of medium height, of good appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, any concentration in facial features”:
A) Stolz B) Oblomov
B) Tarantiev15. “A man entered the room, in a gray frock coat, with a hole under his arm, from where a piece of shirt stuck out, in a gray vest, with copper buttons”:
A) Alekseev
B) TarantievC) Zakhar
16. What did Oblomov Stolz ask for at their last meeting:
A) take care of Agafya Matveevna
B) do not forget his son
C) do not leave his estate unattended
17. “You will notice that life and work itself is the goal of life, and not a woman”:
A) Tarantiev's words B) Oblomov's words
C) the words of Stolz Questions and tasks based on the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"
Tell us about the life of Stolz.

Part 4

Questions and tasks based on the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"
Tell us about the life of Stolz.
How does Stolz feel about the dream?
Why were Oblomov and Stolz friendly? (chapter 2)
What advice does Stolz give to Oblomov? (chapter 8)
Why didn't Oblomov go abroad? (chapter 5)
What are the relations between Oblomov and Olga?
Why does Oblomov like Tarantiev?
Did Olga Oblomov love, and did Oblomov love Olga?
Oblomov's ideal. Stolz's ideal. What do you like more?
Part 4
1. Oblomov lives on the Vyborg side, in the house of the widow Pshenitsyna. Has Oblomov changed? (Chapter 1)
2. Stolz's attempts to save Oblomov? (chapter 2)
3. Oblomov signs the loan letter. What is the state of his affairs? (Chapter 5)4. Meeting of Stolz and Oblomov. What surprised Stolz? (Chapter 6)5. How did things go with Oblomov, thanks to Stolz? (chapter 9)
6. The fate of Zakhar. (chapter 11). What is oblomovism?