Maxim Galkin made fun of Yana Rudkovskaya's breakfasts. Maxim Galkin laughed at the luxurious life of Yana Rudkovskaya and other celebrities

Maxim Galkin became an active Instagram user relatively recently, but a little more - and he will be able to call himself a millionaire blogger. And all thanks to the "action-packed" video with the participation of his children - Harry and Lisa. However, that was before. Now Galkin decided to turn his comical arrows in the direction of other, no less interesting stellar people. A few hours ago, he posted a new vlog dedicated to Yana Rudkovskaya and her “aristocratic breakfasts”. In less than a day, the video gained almost 400,000 views and 4,000 comments. Yana Rudkovskaya could not leave this, of course, “hit” story without her attention and gave an equally vivid answer.

Star breakfast. Dedicated to Yana Rudkovskaya and other Instagram aristocrats,” Maxim wrote.

Delicious dishes and fresh flowers are on the table. Breakfast is served with family silverware and crockery with monograms. And the company of Maxim, dressed in a formal outfit and resembling a real aristocrat, is made up of a small tame dog ... The frame changes, and now the hero of the video is already having breakfast "for real": sitting in the kitchen, reading the "yellow" press and having a snack, not looking up from the process, bun with boiled sausage. Maxim accompanies the funny video sequence with ironic comments. And it's really worth seeing.

Maxim Galkin has breakfast "in the style" of Yana Rudkovskaya

… and then shows how it looks “for real”

Yana Rudkovskaya's breakfasts, to which Maxim Galkin dedicated his video

The answer from Rudkovskaya - no less bright and ironic - was not long in coming. Yana is accustomed to responding to informational occasions of a similar nature with lightning speed.

Dear Maxim. Thank you for advertising my breakfasts, as everything is subtly noticed and even the #backstage of this event is wonderful! I am honored to be the subject of your parodies. Because, as everyone knows, you only pay attention to extraordinary women. Today's breakfast is our favorite dish, so I look forward to visiting. PS: I have prepared a white T-shirt.

June 26, 2017

The TV presenter shot a funny video on the topic of "rich" breakfasts of the wife of Evgeny Plushenko.

On a personal page on Instagram, Yana Rudkovskaya quite often posts photos of their own breakfasts. In the frame, there are almost always flowers, expensive silver dishes and several types of dishes on the table. In the comments on such celebrity publications, some users admire beauty and aesthetics, while others criticize Rudkovskaya for demonstrating a luxurious lifestyle. Apparently, Maxim Galkin also belongs to the latter. Today, a parody video appeared on the TV presenter's microblog, where he ridicules the similar behavior of his colleagues.

Star breakfast. Dedicated to Yana Rudkovskaya and other Instagram aristocrats, ”Alla Pugacheva’s husband signed the video. In the frame, the artist is captured against the background of a table decorated with silverware, on which there are all kinds of delicacies. “Butler, is the gonobobel on tartlets fresh? Everything is as Yana Rudkovskaya taught us, ”concludes the TV presenter and in the next episode appears in the kitchen with a sandwich in her hands. “Is it clear that the cakes are expensive? To make everyone jealous, ”Galkin ironically. In the comments to the publication, social network users support the artist's point of view and praise him for his great sense of humor.

By the way, this is not the first such video by Maxim Galkin. In one of the previous videos, the spouse of the Diva. According to the artist, he does not understand why celebrities talk about their working days in public. “It’s only the stars that can do this, the work is very hard,” the TV presenter makes a verdict at the end of the video.

Maxim Galkin registered on Instagram and now often pleases fans family photos and funny celebrity parodies. Last week, Maxim ridiculed the stars who constantly complain on the Web about their "hard" life. Now the artist has filmed a parody of Yana Rudkovskaya, who daily shares pictures of her “royal” breakfast with subscribers.

Maxim repeated Yana's morning ceremony exactly: he laid the table, put a vase of peonies, laid out cakes and silver cutlery. “This is how I usually have breakfast. This is a simple star breakfast. Butler, is the gonobobel on tartlets fresh? Everything is as Yana Rudkovskaya teaches us, ”Galkin said. Then the frame changes, and the artist is already having breakfast in the kitchen with a sausage with bread and ketchup. “Everything worked out okay, right? Can you see that the cake is expensive? Silver, is it silver? Listen, did you rent a Japanese garden? Well! Dress up again. And why these breakfasts are stars ... ”- the artist is indignant at the end.

Yana appreciated Maxim's humor and hurried to answer him on Instagram. Rudkovskaya published another photo of her breakfast (although it turned out to be sausages with vegetables) and turned to a comedian.

“Dear Maxim! Thank you for advertising my breakfasts, as everything is subtly noticed and even the #backstage of this event is wonderful! I am honored to be the subject of your parodies. Because, as everyone knows, you only pay attention to extraordinary women. Today's breakfast is our favorite dish, so I look forward to visiting. PS I prepared a white T-shirt)) ”(Spelling and punctuation more. - Approx. ed.).

On the eve of Maxim Galkin, who has long been ridiculing colleagues on his Instagram, over a spectacular blonde prone to boasting. Spiteful critics have long accused the successful businesswoman of excessive window dressing.


Netizens have repeatedly reproached Yana for wearing all high-profile brands for fabulous money, relaxing at luxurious resorts and every morning demonstrating expensive dishes on the microblog in the “My breakfasts” section.

Maxim shared a video in which he portrayed Plushenko's wife in a humorous way. “Star Breakfast ✨ Dedicated to Yana Rudkovskaya and other aristocrats of Instagram,” Galkin signed the funny video and added saying hashtags #God sent, #simplicity of thievery, #cover the kakyan, #netonsilvergoldateal, #sutranathrone, #yanabezzyana.

In a parody of Yana, the showman holds glamorous dog and demonstrates expensive dishes on the table. "Butler, is the gonobobel on tartlets fresh?" - the humorist asked the attendants, repeating the intonations of Rudkovskaya.

Then suddenly Pugacheva's husband found himself in an ordinary kitchen with a sausage and a loaf of bread in his hand. The TV presenter eats these simple human joys with great appetite, making it clear to numerous subscribers that the picture is on Instagram and real life Those are two big differences.

Maxim's subscribers took this video with a bang and praised him for his courage. Like, few people in show business dare to poke a colleague's nose into flaws. Especially if we are talking about Rudkovskaya. Whoever quarrels with her, then sprinkles ashes on his head and backs down, just remember Timati.

Yana's caustic answer to the joker was not long in coming. She posted another photo of her breakfast on Instagram and sarcastically turned to Galkin. "Dear Maksim, @maxgalkinru, thank you for advertising my breakfasts, as everything is subtly noticed and even the #backstage of this event is beautiful!" – Rudkovskaya praised the showman.

The picture shows sausages, picturesquely lying on collectible porcelain. “It is a great honor for me to become the object of your parodies. Because, as everyone knows, you pay attention only to extraordinary women,” Yana could not resist complimenting herself on her beloved.

The businesswoman is clearly in a good mood, because she invited Maxim to her home. “Today is our favorite dish for breakfast, so I’m waiting for a visit ✌🏻ps I cooked a white T-shirt)),” Rudkovskaya said and also pretty much mocked in the hashtags: # headings of breakfasts, # on the street, wings of the meadow, # zhdumax, # sausages will go well, # two pieces of sausages on the table.