Diamonds is the hero of what work. "Lilac Bush" main characters

In the story Lilac Bush, the author tells us about the Almazov couple - a young family, a poor officer and his wife. Nikolai Almazov is a simple young man, a military man, moderately quick-tempered and moderately restrained, hardworking.

The story begins with a description of the behavior of Almazov, who returned from the exam and is quite angry about the stain that he left on the drawing and turned into bushes. It turns out that the professor who took the exam knows this territory very well and knows that there are no bushes there. Nikolai is sad and angry, apparently he will not graduate from the academy, since he will soon need to return to the regiment.

Nevertheless, Nikolai is helped in everything by his wife, who can always find a way out of the situation. As the author himself writes, only thanks to the perseverance of Vera, Nikolai continued to enter the academy and entered the third time. It was thanks to his wife that the officer continued to study and received the necessary support.

Accordingly, we can conclude the relative tenacity of this person, he strives for the best for himself and his own family, but cannot always cope with his own emotions. And now he also does not know how to respond to the current difficulty, he scolds the professor and himself a little. This is the tendency to self-criticism, that is, he does not shift all the blame on the professor and talks about how he himself should have acted.

Also, Nikolai is an honest person, he cannot even think about deception, and at the end of the story he regrets the deception of the professor, thanks to which he was able to pass the exam. Here, of course, you need to make a remark and talk about this deception, which is not deceit or something like that. If to speak in simple words and not delve into demagogy, then such behavior is quite acceptable in the moral sense.

At the end of the story, we see how Nikolai rejoices at the completed exam and begins to praise the professor, describe him positive traits. From this we conclude what a positive and sincere person this hero is. He openly rejoices at a pleasant event, enjoys and remembers it with laughter, which only strengthens relations in the Almazov family.

Option 2

Young officer Nikolai Almazov, dreaming of getting a good education, tries to pass the exams at the academy, but gets into a mess. The area plan drawn by him is not accepted by the professor because of non-existent bushes applied to it, with which Nikolai tried to sketch an accidentally planted blot.

In complete despondency, not knowing what to do, Nikolai returns home to his wife and tells everything that happened. Vera, thanks to her female ingenuity, solves the problem of an inactive husband. And the next day, Nikolai, thanks to his wife, passes the exam and turns out to be a student at the Academy. He already tried to enter this very academy twice and all to no avail. And now for the third time he comes only with the faithful filing of his wife.

Against the background of Vera, Nikolai looks like a complete loser. He so often returns home in a depressed state that his wife always keeps an arsenal ready with a cheerful smile on duty and a lot of tricks to help her husband. Nikolay perceives every negative event in his life as the worst thing that could happen. He is immediately attacked by blues, melancholy and despondency, which do not allow even trying to find some kind of solution.

Despite all this, Nikolai is not at all a mediocre person. The drawing, which he personally made for the exam, was made at the highest level and highly appreciated by experts. His work was spoiled by his own negligence and sloppy behavior. The green spot that accidentally fell on the paper played a cruel joke. Instead of turning to his wife for help, Nikolai, horrified, tries to quickly erase it, thereby leaving even more dirt.

A few years of hard work could be wasted time. An indelible shame threatened Almazov for many years to come if he had not been able to prove to the professor the existence of bushes in reality. Nicholas was expected to return to the military unit without any prospects for a decent education, as well as a comprehensive censure.

The presented image of Nicholas does not give the right to say that he is a weak hero. He tries to act in proportion to his strength and mood of character. He loves his wife Vera very much and appreciates her opinion. Without her, Nikolai would have met the fate of a failed careerist. In their family there is complete trust, loyalty and love.

The happy ending of this story turns out to be a triumph for the young Almazov couple. Together they plant a lilac bush as a symbol of happiness and good luck for their joint future.

Composition The image and characteristics of Nikolai Almazov

The story The Lilac Bush is not entirely serious and in some ways even comical, it may seem like a kind of entertainment created by Kuprin to create a positive mood for readers. This is a story about a young married couple who are faced with yet another difficulty.

Nikolai Almazov put an inkblot on the drawing and drew bushes there. He studied at the military academy and drew a certain area, which was known to the professor taking the exam. As a result, Almazov, who did not confess to true reason"bushes" and began to argue with the professor, he has to go to the territory to prove his own innocence.

With this sad news, he comes home and then we recognize a rather impulsive person. Almazov is ready to say goodbye to his own training and return to service in the regiment with nothing. Only now his wife Vera insists on the opposite and suggests simply planting a lilac bush, where it is on the drawing.

The author gives a rather meager description of the main characters of the story, we mainly understand about these characters from actions and behavior. Nikolai Almazov at the beginning is rather sad and irritated, and then he turns out to be pleased and even praises the professor. In some ways, he is dependent on his own wife, but there is no negative aspect in this, he is just used to it.

Vera harmoniously complements her spouse and gives him the necessary support. Nikolay, in turn, also shows concern. For example, when they go to plant a bush, he tries in every possible way to insist that Vera go home to rest and not linger there.

In fact, it is difficult to consider these heroes separately. They form a single whole, strong as a diamond. Hence the special choice of the names of the main characters by the author.

We observe such unity in the final part of the story, when both heroes recall their own enterprise with a laugh and understand each other without words. They are completely harmonious and completely given to each other. Therefore, the figure of Nikolai Almazov in this story is simply a male hypostasis (or part) of a good family way, which Kuprin describes.

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Kuprin is very close to the topic human relations, happiness, love. The story of a separate family, where they are used to solving problems together, pushed the author to the idea of ​​the work. In Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush", the characters are faced with a serious problem, which is solved thanks to the wisdom and love of Verochka, the wife of the protagonist. Description main character, her quick, thoughtful decisions, her desire to achieve the perfect result, dedication - the most important scenes in the story, they reveal the secret happy relationship. The author does not give a direct description of Verochka, her actions very clearly reveal inner world and spiritual qualities of a woman.

Characteristics of the heroes “Lilac Bush”

main characters

Almazov Nikolay Evgrafovich

For two years in a row, a young officer has been trying to enter the academy. In the third year, having passed all the exams, he failed latest project. The professor turned out to be a good connoisseur of the landscape, and Nikolai's tricks did not help correct the mistake. Thanks to his wife, he proves to the professor the presence of bushes the next day after the failure. He apologizes, and Almazov is accepted into the academy. A hardworking, persistent, diligent young man wins thanks to his wife's faith in him and her wisdom and resourcefulness.

His wife, Vera

Wife Verochka a true friend and Nikolai's assistant. She believes in him, helps in preparing for exams, makes drawings, spends family funds based on the needs of her husband. Smart, kind, selfless woman. Her wisdom rescues her husband when his latest project fails. She suggests planting bushes where he indicated them on the drawing (due to a spot of green ink, Nikolai depicted bushes, but the professor argued with him that there was no vegetation in that area). A wise wife sells the last expensive things to a pawnshop, the spouses buy lilac bushes from the gardener and plant them that same night.


German, an excellent specialist, an excellent teacher, a principled, honest person. Almazov calls him a monstrous pedant. The professor apologizes to the young officer, referring to his age. He tastes the lilac leaf, wondering how he didn't notice the bushes before. Lilac becomes - a symbol of a young family, the favorite flower of Nikolai's wife.

Minor characters


The main characters of “Lilac Bush” are united common goal but morally and intellectually the woman prevails. She is spiritually stronger, calmer, wiser than her husband. She is the guardian angel of the family, its foundation. It is noteworthy that the man himself is to blame for the problem with the delivery of the project. His wife helped him with the theory, with the drawings, but he put a “blot” with green ink, tried to erase it, which completely ruined the work. At this moment, one feels the irresponsibility and immaturity of the young officer's act: such an attitude to the final work is unacceptable. Nikolai is exhausted by exams, nervous tension, and an unbearable study load. Only the faith and perseverance of his wife save him from a breakdown, he cannot betray her hopes. Kuprin writes about true, sacrificial love, capable of devoting oneself to another person, dissolving in him. Such a family is doomed to be happy, because the idea of ​​the story is taken by the writer from personal experience.

Nikolai Almazov image and characteristics of the hero of the story Kuprin Lilac bush.

general characteristics. Nikolai Almazov is the main character in the novel "The Lilac Bush" by A. I. Kuprin a.

This man is a diligent family man who respects and loves his wife. FROM early childhood Nikolai dreamed of studying at a military academy, for this he worked hard and hard.

He can be called a flexible, hardworking person. Nicholas can also be described as a conscientious and honest person.

After he deceived the professor, he regretted it for a long time. The negative qualities of Nicholas are his temper, cowardice, irritability and pessimism.

Behavior. At the beginning of the work, Nikolai looks tired, depressed and sad. After another failed exam, Nikolai Almazov reveals himself to the reader as a rather nervous and impulsive person. From indignation, he often wrinkles his forehead and spreads his arms to the sides, thereby showing his helplessness.

Family relationships. Nikolai is married to Vera Almazova. Vera is a wise girl, unlike Nikolai, she always believes in a favorable outcome of any business. AT family relationships There is nothing negative about Vera and Nikolai; Almazov always treats his wife simply and even a little instructively. However, having suffered another failure, Nikolai obeys his wife in everything and follows her instructions.

In a situation where Vera offered to plant lilac bushes overnight, it should be noted that Nikolai did not shift all the troubles of the upcoming work to his wife, but forgetting his pride, he went with her to the pawnshop and to the gardener. This act can characterize Nikolai Almazov as a person who is ready to fight for his reputation and family happiness.

role in the plot. During the next test to enter the academy, Nikolai completed assignments for the drawing exam. All night Almazov designed the plan of the building, but in the morning a spot miraculously appeared on the drawing, which the young man had to disguise as lilac bushes. The professor of the academy, having seen the drawing, did not want to accept the work, noting that there were no lilac bushes in the given territory. The youth in this difficult situation showed resourcefulness, imagination and ingenuity, he began to argue with the professor and defend his work.

The examiner did not have a long discussion with Nikolai and announced his intention to check in the morning if there were lilac bushes near the building. Returning home in a depressed state, Nikolai turned to his wife Vera for help. Once again, the wife found a way out by offering to plant lilac bushes overnight in the place where they are depicted in Nikolai's drawing. During the night, lilac bushes were planted, and Nikolai's examination paper was successfully passed.

A remarkable Russian classic, who brilliantly succeeded in both short and long stories (suffice it to recall Shulamith), AI Kuprin was born in 1870 in the family of a hereditary nobleman. A man who sincerely loved his homeland survived a difficult emigration. In 1936 he was allowed to return to Russia, but the writer did not find the strength to recover from the experience, and in 1938 he died in Leningrad. Best years life fell at the turn of the century. There was talent, a desire to write, there were friends and family. A. I. Kuprin, a lover of life and an unusually prolific writer, was incredibly popular in the years in which his work flourished. Being close to the Chekhovs (at one time he courted the playwright's sister Masha, and even competed in this enterprise with his friend Bunin), the talented prose writer well learned the classic's advice on the brevity of the narrative as an indicator of talent.

Nikolai Almazov is a typical intellectual

Nothing is said about the appearance of her husband in Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush", and Verochka is described as a beauty. She is mobile, she has a beautiful, nervous face. There is no doubt for a second that she is madly in love with her husband. If a woman is next to a loved one, she is usually happy. Beautiful, loving and beloved, very energetic, resourceful and enterprising - such is the characteristic of Vera Almazova.

Her beloved husband, one might assume, was also good-looking - after all, for some reason she loved him so selflessly. AI Kuprin describes in two phrases an indecisive, lack of initiative, prone to decadent moods of a person. Irritable alarmist - here a brief description of Nikolay Almazov. Although, how not to panic when the title of a qualified engineer is under threat, and with it the hopes for a decent, comfortable life. Everything was given to him with great difficulty. He failed twice in the entrance exams to the General Staff Academy. If not for the wife, there would be neither the second nor the third (successful) admission. Nicholas and Vera Almazov - clearly not in favor of the first.

There are people for whom everything is harder than for others, and this does not develop a fierce enthusiasm for them, but, on the contrary, plunges them into despondency. But, obviously, he is kind, in his own way he recognizes the primacy of his wife. Everything relies on her. Difficulties seem to whip up the wife, she feverishly searches for and finds a way out of the situation.

Will enter the burning hut ...

The comparative characteristics of Nikolai and Vera Almazov do not indicate that they are antagonists, but rather that they complement each other.

The story begins with the arrival of an extremely upset husband home - he can hardly wait for the moment when his wife opens the door for him. He falls into a chair, clenching his hands to a crunch, tossing his briefcase, tossing blueprints. AT this moment life for him is over or passed by. He takes out his anger on his wife. And so, obviously, it was always or often, because the author speaks of the habit developed by Vera to meet troubles with a cheerful smile.

Although the lieutenant is obviously a talented person. The last, final drawing of the area, according to experts, was excellently done, it is beautifully painted (illuminated), but the trouble is, at the last moment, a tired diploma student puts a green blot at 3 o'clock in the morning. Trying to remove it makes it even worse. In order to somehow get out of the situation, he draws bushes in this place. But if he immediately turned to Vera for help, maybe everything would have worked out, because her secretary talents are enviable. During all four years of her education, she was right hand husband. The difficulty is that the teacher, to whom the drawing was handed over, did not believe in the existence of bushes in place of the blot, since he knew the site, according to Nikolai, "better than his bedroom." Word for word, and in the presence of a large number of people, Nikolai was offered to leave for the area the next day early morning. The lieutenant faces the bleak prospect of a shameful return to the regiment, the impossibility of receiving an education in the near future, and a public accusation of lying. Nikolay turns sour, suffers, grumbles and is inactive.

Cell of capitalist Russia

The comparative characteristics of Nikolai and Vera Almazov do not humiliate the husband - he is the way he is. It’s just that Nikolai would not have taken place without Vera, in any case, as a specialist. It was she, Verochka Almazova, who stirred him up, made him tell everything, came up with a plan, collected and pawned her jewelry, including the family diamond ring. It was she who found the gardener, persuaded him, persuaded him to wake up the workers at night and plant bushes on the site, overlay them with turf so that everything looked natural. Vera interfered with everyone with her fussiness, so she wanted to carry out her plan. Everything worked out. The leader was convinced of the existence of bushes and apologized, explaining everything by forgetfulness due to old age. The next day, this young woman, who is fully characterized by typical Russian selfless sacrifice, looking out for her husband (it was absolutely impossible to go with him), instantly understood, felt right away that everything would be fine further on ..

An amazing story - capacious, interesting and infinitely cute.

Everything ended great

At all short story(only 4-5 pages) The Lilac Bush, published in 1894, vividly demonstrates Kuprin's skill as a novelist. Describing just a day from the life of a small (he and his wife) family of a lieutenant, the story presents a fairly clear picture of that time - the relationship of people, Russian characters, the purchasing power of the ruble, finally. A laughing couple walking down the street, holding hands, and surprising passers-by, just stands before the reader's eyes. Suburban street (because the object depicted in the drawing, obviously, was outside the city), a young engineer and his beautiful wife wander along it. They are happy. With this in mind, one can make the first comparative characteristics Nicholas and Vera Almazov. The family laughed at home too, looking at each other and at the same time remembering the same situations of what had happened.

"The Lilac Bush" does not take up even five pages, but clearly demonstrates the life of Russian people in the distant nineteenth century. The short novel describes the characters of the heroes typical of that era, relationships, everyday nuances and even the economic component. Main actors The story was a happy couple - a young engineer and his wife, whose future is built by their own hands.

History of creation

Kuprin's work was published in October 1894, in the 305th issue of the Life and Art newspaper. The essay describes Russian reality, a country that was lost due to political upheavals and revolutions. The most valuable in it were people whose characters contained decency, a sense of duty, justice, patriotism and faith in a brighter future.

The title of the novel describes what was happiness for the wife of Nikolai Almazov, the protagonist. loved lilac, and this plant symbolized happiness for the girl. Just as other people find joy in material wealth, creative and career achievements, Vera appreciated love and care loved one. For the Diamonds, lilac represents the new life stage, which is why it was chosen for the name.

It is curious that the biography of the author was reflected in the story. Kuprin received his education at the Moscow Institute for two years, but left it. Nikolai Almazov studies at the Academy of the General Staff with difficulty. Education is not easy, and the hero also makes a mistake that leads to an uncomfortable position for the character. The wife helps to take the right steps to keep his honor. The solution is a lilac bush planted outside the city.

"Lilac Bush"

Young officer Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov, thinking about the future, gets an education. He successfully passes the exams until the moment of the report for the knowledge gained in the subject "Instrumental Survey of the Terrain" comes. The plan, which he drew by hand, was not accepted by the professor, since the young man accidentally put a large green blot on it. Trying to hide the oversight, Almazov added a green bush in place of the spot. The professor was confused by the image of vegetation in the area, which he knew "better than his bedroom."

Returning home, Almazov told his wife about what had happened and that the teacher intended to personally verify the fact in order to expose a possible deception. The hero, who entered the Academy with the help of Verochka, understood that his fate was sealed: the prospect of expulsion arose. The officer's wife turned out to be a savvy girl and offered to restore justice by planting a lilac bush in the right place. Verochka had to sacrifice jewelry. With twenty-three rubles earned at the pawnshop, young people hired gardeners and corrected Nikolai's oversight.

The next day main character barely waited for the moment of triumph, because the professor admitted the mistake. The story ended with the victory of the Almazov family over a difficult and controversial situation that could tarnish their reputation and become an obstacle to a happy life.

Comparative characteristics of Nikolai Almazov and Vera Almazova

The story shows two opposite images, which cannot but be compared with each other, because the two are absolutely different person- Verochka and Nikolai are representatives of the same family.

The appearance of Nikolai Almazov is not described in the story, and the image of Vera is conveyed in detail. She is beautiful girl with a lively, nervous little face whose love for her husband cannot be questioned. The husband reciprocates. It is logical to assume that Nikolai is good-looking, because in this case the characters would ideally complement each other.

The energetic heroine is distinguished by resourcefulness and enterprise, while the husband often behaves like " small man', dropping his hands. He is indecisive and unambitious, prone to panic, does not believe in himself and is not able to make non-standard decisions. Nikolai wants to provide the family with a comfortable existence, having received a specialized education and becoming a qualified specialist. But this business is given to a young man with great difficulty.

Nikolai failed the entrance exams to the academy twice and was able to adequately pass the test for the third time with the help of his wife. Almazov frankly loses against the background of Vera, but the characters complement each other favorably. It’s not the first time for Nikolai to come home upset, so Vera already has a cheerful smile in store and is ready to rush to the rescue of her beloved. Nikolay perceives every negative event as a tragedy, not trying to find a way out of the current situation. At the same time, bright ideas came to the head of his wife more than once, saving the situation.

Nikolai is by no means mediocrity. The drawing made by him is worthy of the highest praise of specialists. The work of the diploma student is spoiled by indiscretion and carelessness. A large green blot was placed on the drawing due to fatigue. It is impossible to remove her, although Vera could certainly save her husband in this case too.

Four years of work could go down the drain. The shame threatening Almazov after visiting the depicted area by the professor would hardly have been washed away without consequences. The officer was threatened with a return to the regiment, the lack of prospects for education and a comprehensive condemnation.

Illustration for the story "The Lilac Bush"

The characterization of Nikolai does not prove that he is a bad and useless person. He tries to the best of his ability, loves his wife, listens to her opinion, but Nikolai could not have succeeded as a specialist without her support. Verochka motivates her husband. For his sake, the girl sacrifices everything she has, even a family heirloom. The girl finds resources, arranges night work with gardeners and thinks about how to make everything look as natural as possible.

The finale of the story becomes a triumph for the Almazov family and a personal victory for Verochka. The lilac bush planted by young people symbolizes a happy life and a successful future, which they have achieved together.


“Without a wife, he, perhaps, not finding enough energy in himself, would have given up on everything. But Verochka did not let him lose heart and constantly maintained his vigor in him ... "
Almazov was covered in dust and could barely stand on his feet from fatigue and hunger, but his face shone with the triumph of victory.