Yuri Loza on the death of Oleg Yakovlev. Yuri Loza spoke about the sudden death of Oleg Yakovlev

In numerous polls, where viewers were asked to vote for the participant they think they would choose, Lena was still in the lead. But, as they say, you can’t argue with feelings and emotions - I decided to try to build relationships with Marina.

We talked with Lena and found out what she thinks about this.

- Lena, what did you feel at that difficult moment when Sergey refused you?

I can definitely say that I was in a state of shock. This came as a big surprise to me.

- How did your parents react?

It was a very funny story. Back in Rome, I was the first to call my mother. I didn’t immediately talk about Serezha’s decision, but then I nevertheless admitted that his choice did not fall on me. Parents laughed into the phone for a very long time, thinking that I was preparing a surprise for them. Realized what was happening when I returned home alone. If they had not known him, maybe they would have taken what was happening easier and without shock. And so it was difficult for them to understand how this happened.

- On the air, you often confessed your love to Sergey. Did you regret what you said?

Basically, I never regret anything. Irina Yurievna, Serezha's mother, said a very cool thing: "Even the worst experience in a relationship is an experience!" And I agree with her: everything that happens in our lives makes us stronger.

I am constantly asked: how was it in reality? When I saw the releases, all the emotions surged with double force. I understand that I constantly said to Serezha “I love, I love”, but she herself never asked about what feelings he had for me. Perhaps it was my mistake, but everything that happened on the project was so romantic that it was impossible not to fall in love. Now, soberly assessing the situation, I understand the difference between falling in love and love.

Why do you think he didn't choose you?

When I returned home, I repeatedly asked myself this question. Now, after a while, I understand why he did it. On the last date, I told Serezha that I was really ready to move, change my life, give up everything, and I, unlike other girls, have something to give up. But I must understand who I will come as, because there must be some next stage in the relationship. Perhaps these words frightened him.

- You said you have something to lose. What did they mean?

I have a favorite job - I do choreography in a dance studio; I have a family, my own housing in Kyiv. Now I am recording a solo song and soon I plan to release a video... In general, everything that I have been striving for for many years professionally, I have received, and all this is in Ukraine. The only thing I didn't have before the project was a relationship. Therefore, to throw everything at random, leave to get fresh emotions, and then hear: “Well, that’s it, Lena, it wasn’t all very serious ...” - I couldn’t afford this.

- But did you manage to sort out your relationship? (On the project, Lena admitted that she still had feelings for Dima Twitter, a participant in the show "Everybody Dance! -6", where she also participated. - Auth.).

As for Sergei, you will find out at the final post-show (laughs). And with Dima we stayed good friends. This person is absolutely not ready for a relationship, not to mention a family.


From the very beginning I doubted that they could have something with Marina. But when I watched the episodes, I realized that something had begun between them, they were interested together.

Watch the final post-show of the Bachelor-5 project on Friday, June 5, at 20.00 on the STB channel.

Elena Golovan is a participant in the Dancing project, as well as the Bachelor show of the Russian and Ukrainian versions. Today Elena Golovan is one of the most successful choreographers in Russia and Ukraine, as well as a successful Instagram blogger. The number of Elena Golovan's followers on Instagram exceeds 150 thousand people.

Childhood and youth

Elena Golovan was born on June 3, 1994 in Ukraine in the city of Lubny. Elena was brought up in a full-fledged family. Mom and dad Lena Golovan became parents early, at the age of 22. To provide everything necessary for their daughter, they had to work from morning to evening. Lena understood her parents, she also had to grow up quickly. In order to become more independent, and help parents in the household.

Elena Golovan was fond of dancing from the very early childhood. At the age of 6, the girl's grandmother sent her to a dance club, where Lena began to learn choreography. At the age of 11, Golovan began to engage in sports ballroom dancing. It was in this direction that the first successes of the girl appeared. Lena began to receive awards at various city dance competitions.
After graduating from the 9th grade, Lena decided to enter the circus school. During her studies, Elena Golovan became the pride of her school. After three years, which Elena dedicated to dancing and studying, she received the specialty of a choreographer.

Dance career

Elena Golovan is a very diligent and purposeful girl. At a young age, she set herself the goal of becoming a successful dancer. The girl worked hard. During the day, Lena worked as a choreographer, and fanned her skills alone in front of a mirror.

Project "Dancing"

Elena Golovan took part in the project "Dancing on TNT" in 2015. One of the jury of the project - Miguel was surprised to see the girl on stage. Previously, Elena Golovan took part in Miguel's video, which he filmed for musical group"Unreal Boys"
The girls managed to pass the casting and get into the project with ease. However, after the third round, the girl left the show. Lena Golovan left the show, not because of a lack of professionalism, but because of a difference of opinion with the jury. The girl left with dignity. But soon, she was again invited to take part in the Dancing Battle of the Seasons project.
Elena Golovan did not succeed in winning the project "Dancing on TNT". However, she definitely managed to show herself as a talented dancer and extravagant choreographer.

Show "The Bachelor" with Ukrainian football player Sergei Melnik

In 2015, Elena Golovan decided to try her luck and take part in the Bachelor love show. The main hero of the project was Sergey Melnik. Elena easily went through all stages of the project. The girl got to the final, where there was a choice between her and Marina Kishchuk.
Sergey made her choice towards Marina. For Lena, this was a big surprise. The girl took the blow hard. According to viewers, Elena was one of the brightest participants in the fifth season of the Bachelor show.

Personal life

After numerous filming and participation in various television projects, Elena Golovan became very popular. For many men in Russia and Ukraine, Lena has become the ideal of a woman. Like many popular creative people, Elena Golovan tried to hide the details of her personal life. But she doesn't always succeed.
On the sixth season of the project "Everybody Dance", Elena Golovan met a young and promising dancer - Dmitry Twitter. After several weeks of communication, the guys began an affair. The whole of Ukraine followed the story of their love.
Young people were in a relationship for a year. After the break, they were able to remain friends, and to this day they communicate, supporting each other in any creative endeavors. Now Lena and Dmitry can be seen together in many dance projects in which they take part as a jury.

Show "The Bachelor" with Yegor Creed

Participation in the Ukrainian project "Bachelor" did not bring Elena Golovan success. Then the girl decided to take part in the Russian version of the show, and compete for the heart of Yegor Creed.
In 2018, Elena Golovan amazed all her fans by participating in the show "The Bachelor". The main male role in the project went to a promising handsome man -. Lena made an amazing first impression of herself. And at the first ceremony, Yegor without a doubt gave the rose to the girl.
On the project, Elena Golovan is often compared with because of the resemblance. The girls are similar on the outside. However, their interior is fundamentally different from each other.

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One of the brightest participants in the television project "The Bachelor", who fell in love with viewers with her amazing talent and amazing beauty, is Elena Golovan. Despite conflicting opinions, the artist has an uncountable number of fans. She was born in the city of Lubny on June 3, 1994 under the sign of the zodiac Gemini.

Possessing persistent determination and inner attractiveness, Lena achieves her goals. She is sociable, knows how to win over even rivals, has good thinking and a great sense of humor. The girl is endowed with excessive emotionality, always speaks directly and has her own opinion. The actress has a height of 164 cm and a weight of 46 kg.

Childhood and education

Lena Golovan grew up in friendly family, however, the main assistants in the development and achievement of what was planned were always the parents, who rarely praised the girl and sometimes did not believe in her success.

She started dancing at the age of 11 and managed to get the title of Candidate Master of Sports of Ukraine. Having studied nine classes at school and received gold medal, Elena enters the Kiev Circus Variety School with a degree in choreographer.

Carier start

At the age of 17, Elena participates in the beauty contest of her hometown of Lubny, where she wins an undeniable victory. In 2012, the girl tries her hand at the Everyone Dance project, but the performance turned out to be a failure. And only a year later, having taken revenge, Elena is among the twelve best dancers of Ukraine, conquering viewers with her dances in the modern style.

Having completed her participation in the dance project, Elena became a teacher of one of the dance schools city ​​of Kyiv, judged dance competitions, starred in one of the episodes of the TV series "Bardak" and gave regular master classes throughout the country. In the summer of 2014, she enters Ukrainian project"Bachelor". Today, in addition to dancing, the artist is interested in horseback riding, takes vocal lessons and is fond of psychology.

Personal life

In 2013, during the filming of the “Everybody Dance 6” project, Lena had a serious affair with a colleague, a participant in the same show, Dmitry Twitter. Having confessed their feelings to the whole country, the young people were in a relationship for about a year.

To this day, they remain friends and work together. In 2018, the girl takes part in the show "The Bachelor" on TNT, where she tries to build a relationship with the charming Yegor Creed.

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