Read William Shakespeare's Hamlet in full. Golden Fund of World Classics - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Marina Kramer

Don't believe, don't be afraid, let go!

Don't believe, don't be afraid, let go!
Marina Kramer

Nicknamed "Pike" #2
Lawyer Varvara Zhigulskaya with great difficulty came to terms with the fact that her husband, famous composer and conductor Svyatoslav Lemeshinsky, suddenly showed up illegitimate son Makar. Although she did not interfere with the meetings of father and son, she was not going to let the boy into her world. And quite possibly so strange double life would have continued further if it were not for the case of the Snezhinka cottage settlement, which Varvara was engaged in. To get through it to the heirs of the owner of the village of Potemkin - his widow and daughter - the bandits who wanted to get the "Snowflake" did not disdain to kidnap Makar. And this event radically changed the life of not only Varvara ... Continuation of the novel by Marina Kramer "I'm not an angel."

Marina Kramer

Don't believe, don't be afraid, let go!

Civilization has led to the fact that it no longer matters who is right and who is wrong; what matters is whose lawyer is better.

W. Schwebel

© Kramer M., 2015

© Publishing House Eksmo LLC, 2015

Without the element of uncertainty, life loses its meaning...

John Galsworthy

- I want to warn you - now it will no longer be possible to play blindly. The lawyer is aware of many things, including your participation in the case.

- Nonsense. She only knows about me that I was interested in the affairs of the Snowflake - nothing more. I don't think she has the connections or brains to get the true picture. So we continue the search for the widow.

- Yes, I will continue the search ... In the end, your niece, you know better. But it seems to me that someone is behind her.

- Who? Well, who can stand behind a lawyer, even one like Varka? Well, she had some suitor from government jackets, I won’t say exactly who, but she was. But this is the maximum, and it’s not a fact that he will help her in case of something - such people usually hold on to their place with their teeth, they are afraid of scandals.

- I tell you for sure that she has connections, and these are not empty words. And these connections are far from being MVD ones.

– What do you want to say? That Varvara got into crime? This is nonsense. She is too scrupulous in everything that concerns the law.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you." Where did my people go? They didn't dissolve, did they?

“That's not my concern. I pay you money for specific work which you cannot fulfill in a quality and timely manner. And I will think about it too and make a decision. And deal with your problems and your stupid henchmen yourself, be kind. Give me a widow, that's all.

Saturday morning surprises

Wake me up only if bad news comes; and if they are good - in no case ...

Napoleon I Bonaparte

I hate phones. Honestly, on the one hand, this is, of course, a useful invention, but on the other hand, most often it is the phone that brings bad news. Even on Saturday, even on such a beautiful sunny - surprisingly - April morning in Moscow.

I was lying in bed and enjoying the first timid bird singing outside the window, the warm ray of sun breaking through the curtain on the window, the smell of fresh coffee coming from the kitchen - and then ... Then this filthy mobile phone rang, and the voice of Annushka's friend broke into my so comfortable and quiet morning world

- Varka! Varka, nightmare!

"Don't yell," I pleaded, wincing as if Annushka could see it. - What happened?

- Grandmother ... my grandmother is in the hospital!

Oh, my God… Annushkina's grandmother was eighty-seven, but she was still quite cheerful, did not need care, and every Saturday she went to the theater without an escort.

- What with her?

You won't believe it, you got hit by a car! - Annushka was close to hysteria, it was clearly heard in her voice.

“Yes, calm down first. Tears won't help anyone. Let's go in order.

- She went to the market in the morning - well, tell me, what the hell is the market at eight in the morning ?! No - she wanted fresh cottage cheese! Well, at the crossing, her car swept away - some idiot flew on a red one, - a friend sobbed, - disappeared instantly, of course, she doesn’t remember anything - neither the make of the car, nor even the color. It's amazing how she managed to get away with a broken leg and a concussion, I just don't understand!

– Where is she?

- In Sklifa. - A slightly dismissive note was heard in the voice of a friend - a successful lawyer from the largest gas company could not imagine that somehow her grandmother would end up in a hospital with mere mortals. - I want to go today, try to transfer to a more decent place, I already called my dad, he raises some connections from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Will you help?

I can’t say that the request, which looked more like a statement, really cheered me up, but Annushka is my only friend, and I could not leave her.

“Of course,” I agreed with a sigh, “only I need to get ready – I’m still in bed.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she thought, “I was completely running around, I didn’t even realize that it was still morning. Aunts are hysterical, they are of no use, everything is on me ...

- Come on ... Will you come to us? Svetik, it seems, is baking pancakes, - I suggested sniffing, and Annushka happily agreed:

- I'll go. Well, that's why some people have everything - including a husband with morning pancakes, while others, like me, are just a grandmother who got hit by a car?

I hung up and Annushka would repeat the same speech after she had breakfast with us. All my married life, and this is not such a short period, a friend idolized my husband and was desperately jealous, although she never made any attempts to attract his attention to herself. And the point was not even that Annushka could not destroy our friendship - just through this she would have easily stepped over - but that Svetik did not notice other women. Well, in any case, I used to think so ... Until I found out that my husband's seven-year-old son, who was born by his concert director, is growing on the side of my husband. It was a real shock, after which I left home and for almost a month I did not find the strength to see my husband and even just talk. And so far I have not come to terms with this fact, although I returned home. The boy, left alone after the unexpected death of his mother, now lived with his grandmother, and Svetik visited him on weekends. And I was very grateful to my husband for not trying to bring his son into our lives. I will never be able to have children again - the consequences of a turbulent love story in her youth - and long ago resigned herself to this, so she was not going to change anything. Fortunately, Svetik loved me so much that he did not go against me. I know that even my own mother considers me a monster - she said so in a telephone conversation, they say, you are not a woman, but some kind of monster. You might think that she herself is a model of an exemplary mother! And I can't bring myself to look at someone else's boy and know that my husband cheated on me. I already resigned myself to his existence, even insisted that Svetik communicate with him and do it openly. But to demand from me love for this child is simply cruel.

- Varenka, did someone call?

Brightwing appeared on the threshold of the bedroom, wiping his hands with an apron instead of a towel - well, it’s time to get used to this, although I still fall into a rage when I see this.

Yes, Annushka. Will go now. Can you imagine, Alevtina Petrovna got hit by a car, - I said, getting up.

- Oh you…

- Yes, I went for cottage cheese. We are now going to Sklif, Annushka wants to take her from there, she asked her father to raise the ties.

Brightwing sat on the edge of the bed, watching me search the dressing room for something to wear.

“I don’t think she did it for nothing. There are normal doctors in Sklifa, why disturb old woman?

- This is none of my business. If he wants to translate, let him. I was called for moral support, and I will provide it. Nothing more is required, no advice was asked either.

Cite ( text-align: center; margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-left: 0em; margin-right: 0em ) cite p ( text-align: center; text-indent: 0px ) subtitle ( font-size: 100%; font-weight: normal ) poem ( margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 0em ) stanza ( font-size: 100%; margin-left: 2em; margin-right: 2em ) dramaturgy William poetry Shakespeare Hamlet

The tragedy "Hamlet" is one of the pinnacles of Shakespeare's work. The play is based on the tragic story of the Danish prince Hamlet, who pretended to be insane in order to take revenge on the murderer of his father, who seized the throne. The internal spiritual struggle associated with the terrible discovery of the secret of the death of his father, combined with the rejection of the base environment of the royal court and the desire to correct the world, leads Hamlet to suffering, which causes his own death and the death of those around him.

1.1 - additional proofreading - Evgeny Great

1.2 - additional formatting, notes added

Historical and literary references and notes belong to M. Morozov.

William Shakespeare



As a playwright, Shakespeare began performing in the late 80s of the 16th century. Researchers believe that at first he processed and "updated" already existing plays and only then proceeded to create his own. own works. However, many of Shakespeare's dramas - among them such famous ones as "King Lear" - are deeply original reworkings of older plays or based on plots used in pre-Shakespearean dramaturgy.

Shakespeare's legacy consists of thirty-seven plays. The most famous of them are the comedies The Taming of the Shrew (1593), Much Ado About Nothing (1598), As You Like It (1599), Twelfth Night (1600), historical chronicles Richard III (1592) and Henry IV (1597), the tragedies Romeo and Juliet (1594), Othello (1604), King Lear (1605), Macbeth (1605), Antony and Cleopatra" (1606), "The Tempest" (1612). Shakespeare's greatest tragedy is Hamlet (1601), or The Tragic Story of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.

This tragedy embodied a bitter historical paradox, according to which the Renaissance, which liberated the individual and freed him from the oppression of medieval prejudices, was the beginning of the transition to a new social order - capitalist, with its prejudices, with its economic and spiritual oppression. “Thus, at the turn of two worlds,” wrote M. Morozov, a Soviet researcher of Shakespeare’s work, “the decrepit world of feudalism and the new, emerging world of capitalist relations,” a mournful image of a Danish prince appears before us. This sorrow is not accidental. It was also experienced by Shakespeare himself, in whose works mournful motives sound like paradise, many of his contemporaries also experienced it. The disintegration of feudal ties gave rise to the greatest flowering of liberated thought and living art. But the feudal world was replaced by the capitalist world, which brought new slavery for the people, new fetters for thought. The humanists of that era could only dream of the happiness of mankind, they could interpret life, but they were powerless to create this happiness, to change life. They created utopias. But they did not know and could not know in that era the real ways to realize their noble dreams. And the discord between dream and reality gave rise to “Hamletian” grief in them. The tragedy of Hamlet is, in its essence, the tragedy of the humanism of that era, which flourished in the cold morning dawn of the capitalist era.

Plot history

The legend of Hamlet was first recorded at the end of the 12th century by the Danish chronicler Saxo Grammatik. In ancient pagan times - thus tells Saxo Grammaticus - the ruler of Jutland was killed during a feast by his brother Feng, who then married his widow. The son of the murdered man, young Hamlet, decided to avenge the murder of his father. In order to buy time and appear safe in the eyes of the treacherous Feng, Hamlet pretended to be insane: he rolled in the mud, waved his arms like wings, crowed like a rooster. All his actions spoke of "perfect mental stupor", but in his speeches there was a "bottomless cunning", and no one was able to understand hidden meaning his words. A friend of Feng (the future Shakespearean Claudius), "a man more self-confident than reasonable" (the future Shakespearean Polonius), undertook to check whether Hamlet was insane. To eavesdrop on Hamlet's conversation with his mother, this courtier hid under a piece of straw lying in a corner. But Hamlet was careful. Entering his mother, he first searched the room and found a hidden spy. He killed him, cut the corpse into pieces, boiled them and threw them to be eaten by pigs. Then he returned to his mother, "wounded her heart" for a long time with bitter reproaches, and left her weeping and mourning. Feng sent Hamlet to England, accompanied by two courtiers (the future Shakespearean Rosencrantz and Guildenstern), secretly handing them a letter to the English king with a request to kill Hamlet. As in Shakespeare's tragedy, Hamlet replaced the letter and the English king instead sent two courtiers accompanying Hamlet to be executed. The English king affectionately received Hamlet, talked a lot with him and marveled at his wisdom. Hamlet married the daughter of the English king. He then returned to Jutland, where, during a feast, he got Feng and the courtiers drunk and set fire to the palace. The courtiers perished in the fire. Feng Hamlet cut off his head. Thus triumphed Hamlet over his enemies.