Kvass from black rye bread at home.

On hot days, there is nothing better than cooling kvass. In addition to quenching thirst, it restores strength and gives vigor. Today's material is dedicated to those who want to know how to make real kvass from bread. As always, all actions are easily carried out at home and are reinforced step by step instructions. Let's not delay, let's get started!

Kvass homemade, bread for 3 liters: "classic"

  • filtered water - 3 l.
  • granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  • dry yeast - 10 gr.
  • black bread crackers - 200 gr.

This bread kvass recipe is considered a classic of the genre; everyone can easily make a drink at home.

1. Break crackers into large pieces. If you have fresh bread on hand, it must first be dried and broken.

2. Boil water in the amount according to the recipe, leave for 7 minutes for partial cooling.

3. Prepare a 3 liter jar. Pour sugar with breadcrumbs into it. Pour in water so that 5-7 cm is left to the neck. Stir and let the contents cool.

4. When the solution reaches room temperature, add the yeast. Seal the container with a capron lid. Wrap the bottle with an old sweatshirt or blanket. Record 12 hours (fermentation).

5. After a specified period of time, the drink will be ready. Pass it through gauze fabric folded in 4-5 layers. Cool down and taste!

Now you know how to make kvass from bread, which does not contain harmful substances. Agree, at home everything is easier than ever!

Alcoholic kvass from bread for 5 liters

  • breadcrumbs - 300 gr.
  • filtered water - 5 l.
  • granulated sugar - 0.5-1 kg.
  • yeast powder (dry) - 6 gr.
  • lemon - 3 gr.

1. Before you make alcoholic bread kvass, you need to take care of the presence of crackers. They are easier to work with at home. But if there are no crackers, dry 0.5 kg. bread to get 0.3 kg. crackers.

3. Prepare a sieve or colander by lining it with 3-4 layers of gauze. Pass the composition with crackers through the filter, do not get rid of the cake. According to the recipe, you still have 2 liters left. water, they must be boiled.

4. Put the soaked crackers from the colander back into the pan, add boiled water (2 l.). Cover, insist a couple of hours. Pass the solution through cheesecloth again, this time discard the cake.

5. Read the instructions on the yeast to dilute it. Usually they do this: pour the yeast into a bowl, pour in a small amount of water and leave for half an hour. During this time, the yeast is activated.

6. We tell further how to make kvass from bread. Now combine all the water (3 + 2 liters), enter activated yeast, lemon and granulated sugar in an amount of 500 gr. Mix the ingredients, leave for 10-12 hours at home at room temperature. Do not close the drink, just put a few layers of gauze on the container.

7. After a couple of hours, check the drink, bubbles should form on its surface. This means that everything is done correctly. Then wait for the final infusion, take a sample. If the fortress is not enough, add another 300 gr. sugar and wait 6 hours.

8. Try again. If this time the kvass is weak, add the remaining 200 gr. sweetener and again soak kvass for 5 hours. If desired, the amount of sand can be further increased, but this is not necessary.

9. If everything suits you, send kvass to the cold for 7 hours to stop the fermentation process. After a predetermined time, the drink will be ready, it remains only to filter it.

Kvass from bread without yeast

  • sugar - 0.3 kg.
  • unwashed raisins - 50 gr.
  • black bread - 0.5 kg.
  • water - 5 l.

Since making kvass from bread is quite simple, consider another recipe for making it at home.

1. Chop the bread into small pieces and dry in the oven. Make sure the breadcrumbs don't burn. Otherwise, the taste of the drink will be bitter.

2. After that, bring the water to a boil, add 250 gr. granulated sugar and crackers. Stir. The finished wort must be cooled to 23-25 ​​degrees. Pour the composition into a fermentation container.

3. The container should be approximately 85-90% full. Add raisins and mix well. Wrap the neck of the container with gauze. Store in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 23 degrees.

4. If raisins High Quality, then after 2 days the fermentation process will begin. After another 2 days, strain the drink through cheesecloth. Add the remaining sugar and stir.

5. Pour the drink into bottles, add 3 pcs to each. raisins. Seal container tightly with lids. Keep the composition for about 10 hours in a dark room at room temperature.

6. After that, the drink must be stored in the cold. After cooling, taste bread kvass. Keep in mind that at home, the shelf life of a drink without yeast is only 4 days.

Bread kvass with yeast

  • pressed yeast - 20 gr.
  • water - 5 l.
  • sugar - 0.25 kg.
  • black bread - 0.5 kg.

Before making kvass from bread, it is worth noting that when cooking at home, the amount of sugar can be increased. Rely on your own taste.

1. Cut the bread and roast in the oven, do not let it burn. Boil water at the same time, then cool to room temperature. Pour the liquid into the fermentation container.

2. Add crackers to the container, cover with gauze and leave for 2 days in a dark place. Dissolve the yeast in a cup according to package directions. Pass the wort through cheesecloth and squeeze out the crackers.

3. Pour the prepared wort into the fermentation container. Pour in 200 gr. granulated sugar and yeast. Mix thoroughly. Cover the container with a loose lid. The gas should come out gradually.

4. Leave the workpiece in a dark room for a day. After that, kvass can be bottled. Distribute the rest of the sugar evenly. Seal the container tightly and keep it in the dark for several hours.

5. Cool the drink to 10 degrees. You can try again after a few hours. The recipe for homemade kvass is quite simple. Black bread drink has a standard preparation technology.

There is nothing difficult in preparing such a drink. Now you can easily quench your thirst on hot days. Since it is easy to make kvass from bread, it is worth experimenting with various recipes at home.

There are drinks that were made in ancient times and do not stop making today. Honorary kvass became the hero of our article! We will tell about its benefits and the secrets of creation, provide popular recipes this product.

Kvass kills pathogenic bacteria and improves bowel function

There are about 400 types of drink. It is not easy to find a person who does not like this refreshing liquid. In Russia, both tsars and poor people drank it. It was believed that she adds strength, improves digestion and quenches thirst well. Let's get to know our hero better.

This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first glance. The process, of course, drags on for several days, but most of this time the product is created by itself. Your business is small.

Consider how to cook kvass at home.

Cooking rules

  1. Use only natural bread. Without various additives.
  2. Apply clean water. It is best to buy water in a bottle or draw from a well.
  3. Make sure that the croutons do not burn (they should be baked until golden brown), otherwise bitterness will be present.
  4. For cooking, use dishes made of glass, plastic or enameled steel.
  5. Be sure to check the yeast for freshness.


  • Add raisins, they help the liquid ferment and fill it with bubbles.
  • Leaves of blackcurrant or mint will help to make the taste brighter.
  • If you are a lover of a sharp taste, leave the drink longer.
  • You can add your favorite berries, fruits or vegetables to it (the main thing is that they are combined). Do experiments.
  • Do not wash raisins.
  • Dry crackers without spices and oil.
  • Sugar releases carbon dioxide, which creates the soda effect.


After several days of fermentation (no more than four), be sure to place the drink in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the fermentation process will continue, and you will get full-fledged alcohol, and not what was originally planned. Do not forget to remove the leaven in time.

Keep the liquid for no more than a week, after this period it is not recommended to use it.

Useful properties of bread kvass

You can talk about the benefits of homemade bread kvass for a very long time. We list the main positive properties:

  1. treats dysbacteriosis;
  2. improves bowel function;
  3. strengthens the immune system and the cardiovascular system;
  4. improves metabolism in the body;
  5. removes unhealthy cells from the body;
  6. kills pathogenic bacteria;
  7. eliminates bad cholesterol;
  8. helps to treat glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, cataracts;
  9. fights gas and heartburn.

Kvass without yeast at home

This type of drink has its undeniable advantages. It does not have a specific taste, and it does not harm health. After all, no one will argue that yeast is not the most useful ingredient, and it is better if they are not present in this proven liquid. Consider how kvass is made without yeast at home.


  • black rye bread - half a loaf
  • 30 g unwashed raisins
  • 70 g granulated sugar
  • two liters of purified water

Probably, someone will be surprised to read that raisins do not need to be washed. Therefore, it is worth leaving an explanation here: the so-called wild yeast is preserved on the surface of the raisins. They will help our product to start fermentation. They should not be washed off.

Step by step preparation:

  1. cut into small cubes of bread;
  2. put them on an ungreased baking sheet and dry at a temperature of 170 degrees for 3-4 minutes, until a pleasant smell appears (do not fry, otherwise the liquid will turn out bitter);
  3. pour the prepared croutons with boiling water;
  4. add sugar and mix thoroughly;
  5. wait until the product has cooled down and pour in the raisins;
  6. pour into a fermentation jar, protect the neck with gauze so that insects do not climb there (the lid should not be covered);
  7. send the drink to a dark warm place;
  8. the appearance of foam is a sign of fermentation;
  9. three days after the onset of fermentation, strain the liquid through four layers of gauze and squeeze out the pulp;
  10. try the drink, and if it is not sweet enough, add more sugar (the liquid should taste slightly sweet);
  11. pour the liquid into the bottles and leave a few centimeters of free space in front of the lid;
  12. send for six hours in a warm dark place;
  13. then transfer to a cool place (refrigerator, cellar);
  14. after five hours, the drink can be consumed.

You will get a wonderful homemade bread kvass without yeast. Store it no more than five days in a cool place.

You can use the rest of the starter three more times. It should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

choose good bread! The quality and taste of the resulting drink depends on it.

Kvass from rye flour at home

Sometimes it is also called "village". It has a pretty simple cooking method.

Ingredients for kvass from rye flour at home:

  • 450 grams rye flour
  • three liters of purified water
  • eight unwashed raisins
  • 180 g sugar

Starter preparation

Kvass from rye flour saturates the body with vitamins and minerals

  1. pour a table into 250 g of flour. a spoonful of granulated sugar
  2. carefully pour a small amount hot water, stirring constantly
  3. bring to a homogeneous consistency (should look like thick sour cream)
  4. throw in raisins
  5. pour into a jar, then bandage with a gauze bandage
  6. leave for two to three days in a dark and warm place
  7. after a day, pull out the raisins
  8. when a sour smell, foam and hiss appear, the sourdough is ready

Preparation and fermentation of kvass wort

The first step is to update the starter. To do this, it is worth adding a dining room l. flour and two - sugar.

To mix everything. Put in a warm place.

Bring 2.5 liters of water to a boil. Pour two hundred grams of flour and one hundred grams of granulated sugar into a container.

Add hot water gradually (until the consistency of liquid sour cream). Then add some more water and stir. Add the rest of the water and then mix well again.

Cover the container with a lid and wrap it in something warm. When the mixture has cooled to 30 degrees, add the previously prepared sourdough to the liquid. Mix, cover with a lid.

Send to a dark and warm room for six hours. Wait for the appearance of bubbles and foam.

Carbonation and exposure

  • Strain the drink through four layers of gauze and bottle. Leave a few centimeters free to cover. Close containers tightly.
  • Move the liquids to a cold place for several hours so that they are saturated with gas. Check bottle pressure periodically. If necessary, bleed the gas so that they do not burst.

Bread kvass at home


  • fresh yeast - 10 grams
  • sugar - three tablespoons
  • rye bread - two handfuls
  • water - 400 ml

Kvass for three liter jar:

  • leaven
  • crackers - three handfuls
  • sugar - three tablespoons
  • a handful of raisins


a) pouring water b) infusion in warmth; c) straining; d) kvass wort for reuse; e) pouring into a bottle and sending to the cold; f) ready drink

Kvass from oats at home: a recipe

It is the favorite drink of many. It has a wonderful aroma and taste. Make it better in combination with honey.

We will provide you with a recipe for kvass from oats and honey at home:

  • soak the oats for two hours;
  • then fill it with a liter of water with 30 g of sugar and drain after four days;
  • fill them with 1/3 of a three-liter jar;
  • pour in 1⁄2 cup honey;
  • add 7 raisins;
  • fill it with warm boiled water, leaving some free space;
  • stir the resulting mixture;
  • cover with gauze so that insects do not get inside, insist two or three days in warmth;
  • put in the refrigerator for 6 hours;
  • try it!
    Honey delicacy is excellent in treating a sore throat, only in this case you should drink it warm.

Beet kvass at home

Surprisingly, beet kvass also exists, and we will tell you how to cook it at home.


  • chop a large ripe beet and put in a container;
  • fill with 2 liters of water;
  • dissolve 4 tbsp. Sahara;
  • add a crust of stale rye bread;
  • cover the neck with gauze and leave the drink to ferment in a warm place for several days;
  • then filter, bottle and send to the cellar or refrigerator.
    The drink can also be made from other vegetables. Experiment!

Kvass: simple recipes

The best kvass recipe rye bread at home. How to choose the ingredients, secrets and subtleties of making a tonic drink.

2 l

3.5 days

30 kcal

5/5 (1)

Kvass began to be prepared thousands of years ago. It replaced modern sodas for people and remains our favorite today. In hot weather, it perfectly quenches thirst and restores strength. And the best thing is that we can make kvass ourselves from bread or bread sourdough for kvass at home.

But first, let's figure out what kind of bread kvass is beneficial and what harm. It can harm only people who suffer from gastritis or ulcers, hypertension and cirrhosis of the liver.

It is also not recommended for young children and pregnant women. But what home-made bread kvass is useful for, many have known since childhood. It contains vitamins of groups B, PP, E. It contains useful trace elements and substances that help improve metabolism, reduce weight and maintain immunity in general.

I always loved grandfather's kvass when I came to the village, and today I want to tell you how to make homemade kvass from black bread according to a simple old recipe.

Kitchen appliances: oven, two cans (3 and 0.5 l), spoon, knife.

Required Ingredients

For sourdough

For kvass

  • Rye crackers - 200 g (3 handfuls).
  • Leaven.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

How to choose the right ingredients

To make kvass tasty, like in childhood, you need:

  • Take only quality yeast.
  • Self-dry croutons from two or more types of high-quality rye bread.
  • Use clean filtered water.

Cooking process

  1. Pour a couple of handfuls of bread into a small jar. Add yeast, sugar and cover with water. Mix well and close the lid. Leave for 2 days in a warm place in direct sunlight.

  2. Cut the bread into cubes and place on a baking sheet. Put in the oven for 40 minutes until the bread turns into browned crackers. Let them cool down. Then put 3 handfuls of ready-made crackers and sugar in a large jar. Slowly pour in 1 liter of boiling water, stirring all the time. Cool the mixture to room temperature and add the starter. Stir thoroughly, cover the jar with gauze and place for another day in a warm sunny place.

  3. When kvass is ready, strain it through a sieve, pour into another bowl and refrigerate for another 5-6 hours. After that, cold fresh kvass can be drunk!

Video recipe for making kvass

Now watch a video where a man tells how to make bread kvass at home. He explains all the nuances of making kvass, clearly shows and comments on each of his actions.

What to serve kvass with

Kvass is a drink that is great on hot days. At such a time, you don’t feel like eating at all, and therefore it’s not customary to serve anything to him. But you can, for example, make a delicious afternoon snack for children and serve a fresh bun or a couple of stumps with cold kvass. And there are many recipes in which kvass is used as the basis for cold summer soups.

To make kvass at home, it is not necessary to have rye flour on hand, a delicious drink can be made from bread. It is the main ingredient for making kvass, black bread is most suitable for this business. It is baked with the help of sourdough, there is no yeast in its composition. Sourdough is made from flour, water and salt. The composition of black bread contains lactic bacteria, which create the fermentation process. Kvass, made at home, has many useful substances and is quite pleasant in taste. Among rye types of bread, we most often use Borodinsky.

Kvass from black bread is made quite often in hot weather. The product is added to various dishes: okroshka and the rest. Real homemade kvass has many useful vitamins that have a positive effect on the human digestive and cardiac systems.

Bread kvass at home

Today we will prepare a delicious drink consisting of rye crackers and yeast. First we will make the leaven, then we will do the kvass.

Sourdough Ingredients:

  • rye crackers (dried bread) 120 g.
  • fresh yeast 15 g
  • sugar 4 tbsp
  • hot water 3 l.
  • jar 3 liter.

For kvass:

  • crackers 3 slices of rye bread.
  • warm water 2.5 liters.
  • sugar 6 tbsp


1. First, dry the slices of rye bread in the oven.

2. Let's start the sourdough. We put crackers and sugar in a jar.

3. Fill the bread mass with boiling water. Do not pour to the top, fill the jar to the point of constriction. Set aside temporarily.

4. We wait until the temperature in the jar becomes about 35 degrees. Next, we begin to work with the yeast: pour ¼ cup of warm water and stir the yeast until it is completely dissolved.

5. Add the yeast liquid to the jar. We cover the top with gauze and leave for a day and a half in a warm place where the temperature is above 21 degrees.

6. After 24 hours, you may notice a thickening at the bottom of the jar, which acts as a leaven.

7. It is better to pour out the liquid that has formed in the jar. This is the first batch of kvass, but it is impossible to drink it, because yeast is strongly felt in the first portion of the drink.

8. We get bread from the jar that floats. We take out the starter, rinse the jar and put the starter back.

9. Do not worry, with each new portion of the drink you will feel less and less of the taste of yeast. The starter will gain momentum and give the kvass a wonderful flavor. Let's start cooking.

10. We fill in the sourdough about 5 tbsp. Sahara. Choose the quantity yourself, if you are not a fan of sweets, then put 3-4 tbsp. We throw a few pieces of rye bread, pour warm water to the narrowing point of the jar and leave it in a warm place for a day and a half. Don't forget to cover the jar with gauze.

11. Kvass is ready, we move it into containers and cork with a lid. We throw out the bread and start the procedure from the very beginning, remove excess leaven from time to time so as not to spoil the taste of kvass.

Homemade bread kvass with yeast

Another cooking option using yeast.

  1. Rye bread is cut into slices and sent to the oven for drying. In no case should it burn, otherwise bitterness will be felt in kvass.
  2. Pour the dried bread into a jar, sugar (4 tablespoons) and pour boiling water over it. Keep in mind that a 3-liter jar will require about half a loaf of crackers. Leave space in the container for diluted yeast with water. They need to be bred when the water temperature is about 35 degrees. After we close the jar with gauze and put it in a dark place for 36 hours.
  3. To speed up fermentation, you can add a little raisins.
  4. It remains to strain the kvass and can be poured into containers. We add a few raisins to each bottle, they will make the taste more intense. We put the bottle in the refrigerator.
  5. Further, kvass can be made without adding yeast. The jar will have to be supplemented with sugar, breadcrumbs and raisins. Fill it with water and repeat all the steps in a circle.

Delicious kvass without yeast

Kvass, in which there is a taste of yeast, is not drunk so well, most people do not drink this drink at all. Today we will prepare an excellent bread drink, but without yeast.

  1. We need all the same rye bread. Cut into slices and dry in the oven. Boil water, meanwhile fill the jar with breadcrumbs. As soon as the water cools down, you need to dilute about 10 tablespoons in it. sugar, then pour the syrup into a jar. If fermentation is slow, add a few raisins.
  2. We cover the jar and leave it for several days. After 36 hours, fermentation is activated, later - after a couple of days, you can take a sample from the first batch.
  3. Pour kvass into bottles, throw away half of the soaked bread from the jar, add some crackers, 3 tbsp. Sahara. We close the jar again with gauze and set it to ferment. It will now be prepared faster - in 12 hours the drink will be prepared. Actions can be repeated as much as you like, kvass will still be just as tasty.
  4. The largest amount of ingredients is required only for the first starter. Later, the amount of sugar will be reduced to 4 tbsp. To speed up fermentation, use raisins or add more sugar.
  • To get really tasty kvass, you need to use a jar or enamelware for sourdough. Otherwise, the drink may give off iron.
  • The amount of sugar depends on your taste. Please note that for the first portion of kvass, you need to put more of it.
  • The more you dry the bread, the richer the taste of the drink will be. Make sure that the crackers do not burn - kvass will have an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • The temperature at which fermentation occurs plays a special role. The higher it is, the faster fermentation will begin. If the temperature is low, then kvass can peroxide.
  • You can speed up fermentation with raisins. Also, dried grapes will give the drink sparkling and fill it with carbon dioxide.
  • Wet bread should not be thrown away, even if you don't plan on making the drink again. It can be placed in a container and sent to the refrigerator. As you decide to cook, heat the crackers, add sugar and start the sourdough process again.

Probably one of the most delicious, common and honorable drinks during a feast in Russia, kvass has always been considered. After all, the Slavs mastered the production of this wonderful drink for the first time more than a thousand years ago, even before the formation of Kievan Rus itself.

Due to its special composition, homemade kvass quenches thirst very well, gives the body energy and therefore increases efficiency. This drink improves digestion and increases appetite. It also helps to better digest meat and fatty foods and restores the balance of fluid and salts in the body. Due to fermentation, lactic acid and other equally important acids are produced. And when it enters the intestines, it acts like yogurt or kefir, neutralizing all the harmful microflora and thus maintaining the beneficial one.

How can you still make delicious kvass from bread at home? And I will tell you about this below, where all the most best recipes described in detail and illustrated with step by step photographs.


  • Rye bread 1/2 roll
  • sugar - 60 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

To prepare delicious rye kvass we need to prepare all the necessary products. Then we cut the bread into slices, put it on a baking sheet and send it to a sufficiently preheated oven until all the pieces are browned.

Then we take them out of the oven, let them cool a little and transfer them to a three-liter jar.

We also pour 60 grams of sugar there and pour boiling water up to half the jar. And leave for 10-15 minutes, so that all the crackers are sufficiently soaked.

Now we take gauze, fold it into two or three layers, put a jar on the neck and put an elastic band on it.

We leave for a day. After that, for convenience, pour the finished drink into bottles through gauze and put it in the refrigerator.

Drink kvass and be healthy!

A simple recipe for kvass at home from dry kvass


Dry kvass - 5 tablespoons with a slide

sugar - 5 tbsp. l

raw yeast - 5 grams

Cooking method:

We take a three-liter jar, pour five tablespoons of dry kvass into it, the same amount of granulated sugar and half a teaspoon of raw yeast.

Now pour boiled, chilled water to the very top, mix. We dress over gauze and leave at room temperature for two days.

Then, filtering, pour into another jar, or bottles, close the lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Our prepared drink is ready, serve it chilled.

On the leaven that remains in the jar, you can make another drink and for this you need to add the amount of ingredients indicated above: dry kvass, sugar, water. You do not need to put yeast. Where in a day kvass will be ready.

Kvass from rye flour


  • Rye flour - 1 kg
  • water - 10 liters.

Cooking method:

In this recipe, we need to make batter on water, without adding salt. Pour 1 kg of flour into one liter of water. And mix thoroughly until smooth.

We shift the dough into a jar, cover with gauze, wrap it with several layers of dense fabric and put it away for two or three days in a warm place.

Pour the risen, fermented dough with warm, boiled water and leave to ferment at room temperature.

After the kvass is ready, you need to pour it through gauze, and then use it.

As the finished drink is consumed, add the required amount of boiled water to the jar of sourdough and pour in the appropriate amount of rye flour.

How to make kvass from dry kvass without yeast


  • Dry kvass - 1 cup
  • sugar - 2/3 cup
  • boiled water - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

To prepare a drink, we need a 3-liter jar, into which we pour a glass of dry kvass and fill it with hot boiled water, just pour more carefully so that the jar does not burst.

We also add sugar there, the amount is indicated above, mix a little, cover with a loose lid or napkin and leave for about two days in a warm place.

We filter the finished kvass into another bowl, close it and put it in the refrigerator so that it cools.

Kvass from bread with yeast


  • White bread - 1/2 roll
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l
  • dry yeast - 1 pinch
  • raisin.

Cooking method:

Cut the bread randomly and dry it in the oven until golden brown. If it burns, then kvass will have a bitter taste.

Now let's prepare the starter. And for this, pour 1/3 of all crackers into a jar, two tablespoons of sugar and pour half a liter of boiling water. We are waiting for all the contents to cool down and add a pinch of dry yeast.

In no case should yeast be added to a hot mixture, as it will simply die.

Stir, cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for two days.

The starter is ready.

And now we transfer three full handfuls of crackers into a three-liter jar and add four tablespoons of sugar, pour boiling water up to half the jar, mix and leave to cool.

We put the prepared sourdough into the resulting mixture, add boiled water at room temperature to the neck of the jar. And leave, covered with gauze for one or two days, depending on the temperature of the room.

Then we filter the kvass through the previously prepared bottles and put 3-5 raisins in each, then remove it to cool in the refrigerator.

And strained sourdough can be used in the next portion of your favorite summer drink.

How to cook kvass with kvass wort (video)

Enjoy your meal!!!