Masha and oyka from Prokofiev. Audiobook Sophia Prokofiev - Masha and Oika (Children's radio)

Shishkina Elizabeth
Conversation with children on the topic "Profession seller"

Budget institution professional Education Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Yugra Nyagan Technological College Conversation: on the topic - “Profession seller” Completed: Art. Shishkina Elizaveta Alexandrovna Gr. Under-16 Checked: Bondarenko E. S. Nyagan 2018

Topic: Profession seller. Age: older Group: 5-6 years. Target: introduce children to sales profession. Tasks: 1. educational: enrich children's ideas about sales profession acquaint with the attributes necessary for work seller to get to know the content labor activity, show the importance of this professions learn to talk about professions. 2. Educational: develop speech, thinking, memory, attention, enrich vocabulary. 3. Educational: bring up respectful attitude to different types professions.

preliminary work: prepare children for a conversation about the work of a salesman, morale to adjust. introductory part: Let's talk today about the profession of a seller. Imagine that you and your mom go to the bookstore to buy a book for a friend. There are no books here! All books are divided into sections. Here is the children's book section. There are many books in elegant bright covers, with color pictures. There are fairy tales, stories, collections of poems for children. You start leafing through the books lying on the counter, and a bookseller. He knows everything about the books of his section! And who is the author of this book, and by what publishing house it was published, and what year of its publication. The seller smiles at you He is friendly and talkative. It is often said that "I need a book sell with conversation Salesman can advise you on which book to choose, what other books are in the store for this topic. Here he is handing you a beautifully published book about space. This is a deluxe edition. Just what you need. After all, your friend dreams of becoming an astronaut, he will be pleased to receive as a gift a magnificent book with vivid illustrations, which tells about the stars, constellations, about the flights of people into space. You leave the bookstore happy with your purchase! Sales Profession subdivided into several specialties. There is non-food vendors(clothing, footwear, furniture, books, electrical equipment, household goods, etc.) and food vendors(vegetables, fruits, confectionery and other goods). Main part: Listen to the poem. Seller Seller - well done! He goods sells - Milk, sour cream, honey. And the other - carrots, tomatoes, He has a rich choice! Third sells boots, Shoes and sandals. And the fourth - a table and a case, Chairs, hangers for hats.

The sellers of the goods know, Don't waste time. All we ask will sell. This is their usual work! What is work really made of? seller? Sellers come to the store before it opens. They need to have time to prepare the goods for sale, spread out on the showcase and counter. Salesman must know his product, its properties, remember prices, sizes, location of goods. Means, the seller needs a good professional memory! Besides, sellers electrical equipment - televisions, tape recorders, music centers, etc. must know how these electrical appliances work and explain to the buyer how to use them correctly. Considerable value has an appearance seller! His overalls should be immaculately clean, his hair should be neat. But the main thing, of course, is a kind respectful attitude towards people, politeness, tact, a charming smile. Agree, at the gloomy, sloppily dressed seller don't want to buy the item! Which people should choose sales profession? For those who love to interact with people. Because most of the time the seller is in public. The ability to maintain an even calm mood in any situation, restraint, tact, polite speech, a friendly smile and, of course, good health - these are the qualities necessary seller. What character traits should salesman? What products do you think sell food vendors? What should know bookseller? Why says: "The book needs sell with conversation» ? What should know electrical goods seller, household goods, shoe and clothing seller? What difficulties do you see at work? seller? What draws you to work seller? Would you like to elect in the future sales profession?

Final part:

Well done guys, you correctly and competently answered all our questions, now you know that salesman is an important profession.

Children ask questions.


Praise children for good behavior, reward for their activity in conversation

career guidance Work With students

with students in grades 1-4

on the topic: "Profession - salesman"

psychologist teacher

MOKOO "Ost'-Nerskaya basic general education

school with remedial classes"

Pascal Victoria Viktorovna

P. Ust-Nera, 2013 G

Game "Skillful seller"

The teacher gives the children cards with pictures of different things and products. One of the children is a buyer. The buyer in turn asks the sellers to tell about their things or products in such a way that they want to buy them.

After all the sellers talk about their things or products, the buyer chooses what he liked the most. The seller representing the purchased item or product becomes the buyer and the game continues.

Before the second round of the game, the teacher collects the cards, shuffles them and distributes them again to the children.

The best seller is the one from whom the most things or products are bought. This seller is rewarded with a prize.

Questions and tasks for the conversation:

If you were a seller, what would you like to sell?

What do you think is easier to sell: things or products?

Imagine that you are a seller and you need to sell some product,

Which does not sell very well, What will you do to get people to buy this product?

What do you think will happen to people if salespeople one day don't show up for work?

What qualities should a good salesperson have?

What do you think determines that some goods sell

Predominantly women or men?


L. Skrebtsova

Through the streets small town a thin boy wandered about. His Brown eyes they didn’t see anything through their tears, and their lips whispered the same question: “Why did the Lord take my mommy?” Those who met sympathetically said to the boy: “Do not worry, Thomas, we will help you, and we will assign your little sister to an orphanage.”

"I won't give up my sister!" - Thomas wanted to shout, but with fear he remembered that he had nothing to buy even bread.

A gust of cold wind forced the boy to thrust his frozen hands into his pockets. Suddenly his fingers found a coin. Thomas pulled out the find and remembered that his grandfather, the owner of a grocery store, had given him this worn coin.

“Take care of it,” said grandfather then, “this fiat coin will help you out, but you can use it only as a last resort.” Then grandfather died, the store was sold, and the coin was lost. At least I'll buy a carry of bread, Thomas thought.

The boy looked up and found himself standing in front of his grandfather's former store. Thomas opened the door and froze on the threshold, staring in amazement at the dusty shelves and desolation. Master Yang, seeing Thomas, jumped up and muttered guiltily:

Come on, son. Both of us were orphaned. My darling wife too
I left this world, and since then everything has fallen out of my hands.

I only went to buy bread, - the boy backed away.

Here, take it, but I don’t need money, - the owner of the store interrupted him. Old Yang was still talking, but Thomas put a coin on the counter, took a loaf of bread and ran out the door.

The next day, Thomas was surprised to find that his grandfather's coin was still in his pocket. "We must give it to the Shopkeeper," the boy thought. When Thomas entered the store, old Yang spoke with delight:

I've been waiting for you, Thomas, and I've brought milk for your little sister. Thomas, blushing, handed Jan an old coin.

“As soon as I earn money, I will definitely return the debt to Jan,” thought Thomas, carefully carrying a bottle of milk home. To his surprise, at home, he again found his grandfather's coin in his pocket. For a whole week, Thomas bought groceries and every time he thought with fear: “Why doesn’t the store owner notice that I’m not crying?”

Finally, the boy could not stand it and told Jan about everything.

Why are you talking about yourself, Thomas? - the old man was surprised. - You pay well. It's easy for me to count your coins. Since my wife died, customers have been avoiding my shop. Mr. Yang, I will help you clean up the shop tomorrow, - the boy promised.

The next day, Thomas came to old man Jan with his sister. By evening, the washed-out window was smiling, and over the entrance Thomas wrote in beautiful letters: “We are glad to see you!”

But the customers didn't come to old Jan's shop.

“What to do, how to help Mr. Yang?” thought Thomas as he walked home. As he thought about it, he almost ran into the old woman.

Be careful, boy. I can barely stand on my feet. Today my back hurts so much that I'm afraid I won't even go to the store.

You don't have to go, mistress, a thought suddenly dawned on Thomas. - I'll bring you everything you need from the store.

When Thomas completed the order of the old woman, she did not know how to thank the boy.

In the evening, Thomas told his sister Anya: “Then I also helped one young girl whose child fell ill. I bought food and medicine for her. Old Man Yang hasn't had such revenue for a long time as he does today.

You know, Anya, my grandfather told me that in his youth he was a traveling merchant, he went with goods from village to village. Everyone loved him and received him as an honored guest. I have now become like a grandfather.”

Soon, business in old Jan's shop went uphill. No matter what Thomas came up with. He brought an old radio set from home, and music was playing in the store. Little Anechka planted flowers in front of the shop. Old Yang no longer complained about the absence of her customers. On the contrary, they increasingly lingered in the shop to chat or listen to the news.

One day, Thomas saw an old woman crying on the street.

What's wrong with you, grandma? he asked sympathetically. - If it's hard for you to go to the store, I'll bring you everything you need.

I don’t need anything,” the old woman sobbed, “I left the house so as not to be a burden. My son, a toy craftsman, was left without a job. Children don't need wooden toys anymore.

At that moment, Thomas felt in his pocket for his magic coin and suddenly resolutely handed it to his grandmother.

Take this coin, please. It is inexchangeable and should only be used as a last resort, but this is exactly what you have. She recently saved me too, but now I'm making good money in Old Jan's shop.

The old woman thanked Thomas, but her eyes showed that she did not believe the boy. However, after three days, she brought a full bag of wooden toys to the store and said excitedly:

Son, your coin is really magical. For three days we have been buying bread and milk with it. My son sent these toys to you as a gift, do with them what you want. Thomas arranged the toys on a low table.

“Mothers with children often come to us. While they are shopping, the kids will play, ”he thought, and he was right. Now it was impossible to take the children home without a favorite toy. Thomas persuaded old man Yang to allocate a separate shelf for selling wooden toys. The old woman, the mother of the master toymaker, soon returned the magic coin to Thomas and said:

Take it, son, let this coin serve someone else. She is not only inexchangeable, but also happy. Our toys have become fashionable again in the city, and now we have no end to customers.

Thomas soon came up with another innovation. Before making a purchase, those who wished could check any product: scissors - for sharpness, thread - for strength, cheese - for taste. On small tables, Thomas arranged entire exhibitions of various goods and products.

Jan could not get enough of his smart assistant and once said:

You know, Thomas, we'll have to build a new store so we can accommodate everyone. You are an amazing seller. In a few months, you have achieved what I have dreamed of all my life: my store gives people joy.

It's all thanks to the fiat coin that my grandfather gave me, - Thomas smiled.

Questions and tasks:

Why did Thomas keep coming up with something new for his store?

If you were given a magic coin, what would you buy with it, and why?

Imagine that you need to recruit a staff of salespeople. What will guide you in your choice?

List the three basic qualities a salesperson needs.

Why are products mainly sold by women, and appliances, for example, by men?

Imagine that you are in the store of the future. Tell me about this


Scene "Seller and buyer"

Children are divided into pairs. One person in a pair is a buyer, the other is a seller. Each pair should come up with a small dialogue scene between the buyer and the seller.

Drawing "Our store"

Children are divided into groups and receive a piece of drawing paper. Each group should draw a new store. Each child draws his own department of goods in the store, but beforehand, the children must agree on what will be sold in their store.

Wherever we go: to a convenience store or a chain hypermarket, there will be a seller. Even the crisis of 2008, having devastated the job market, did not touch the sellers: they were still needed in every organization. On the eve of the professional holiday - Trade Worker's Day– try to expand our knowledge about sellers.

History of the profession

The history of the seller profession is directly related to the development of trade in our country and in the world. The process of barter (or barter) appeared long before money, but what happened can be called trade. Just goods were exchanged for each other without the use of any equivalent.

With the advent of money, the exchange process has changed and simplified: it became possible to easily exchange any goods for money. Minted coins were put into circulation from the 7th century BC. e.

The concept of " salesman” did not appear in Russian immediately. Once the main figure in trade was a merchant. He sold, bought, resold. There was also a prasol-buyer. He traveled around the villages and bought rural products, livestock, fish, and then formed batches of them and profitably resold them to larger merchants. And only with the emergence of large trading enterprises and department stores in late XIX century, the term "seller" was fixed.

Seller today: typology and job responsibilities

Being such a mass profession, the seller's profession opens its doors to many: both those who really love this profession and those who want to earn extra money temporarily. Because the profession of a salesperson has a wide typology: from a person working in a grocery store to a person in charge of negotiations and sales of products in a large corporation.
Any seller, first of all, must be a good psychologist and be able to communicate, be able to win over any stranger. Among the frequent requirements for the vacancy of the seller: competent speech, sociability, courtesy, responsibility, active life position etc.

Almost always sellers are young people from 18 to 40 years old. Elderly people are not taken because of the specifics of the work - they are on their feet all day. Under the age of 18 they do not take, because the seller is a financially responsible person.

good seller rules

  • Do not manipulate the buyer

The seller must strike a balance. On the one hand, he acts as an adviser, trying to win over the buyer and help him. On the other hand, he is motivated to sell as many goods/services as possible. But manipulating the buyer, trying to impose your taste on him or selling something at any cost is a bad sign. The buyer will not come to such a seller a second time, and in the conditions of fierce competition, the loyalty of the buyer and his desire to return are much more important than random earnings.

  • Don't be intrusive

A good seller will only offer help to the buyer when it is needed. He stands aside and waits. Intrusive service, when the buyer has just crossed the threshold of the store, and the consultant is already throwing himself at someone, causes only irritation and anger.

  • To be polite

How often do you hear stories from our people or tourists about how rude the salesman was to them. We attribute this to Soviet hardening, harsh climate, bad weather - whatever, but we are not ready to put up with this. Therefore, many people are sometimes ready to overpay, but to receive a polite treatment than to hope that this time they will not be rude / ignored.

Opinions about the profession

Went to work as a sales clerk at a kiosk after school. I had a specialized secondary education as an accountant, I continued to study at the university as a part-time student. From the pros: they took it without experience, the experience went, and it was possible to buy products at the purchase price. Natalia

Once a young man came in and said: “Girl, why don’t you smile at me? You owe me a smile! And you can’t say anything if you value your work, because the buyer is always right. Feedback from the forum

I worked as a consultant and it didn't bother me. But I'm on my feet all day. Communication with people is very useful: you learn to establish contact, you become more restrained. And there are a lot of administrators and managers growing out of sellers. If you behave correctly, you can build a good career. Feedback from the forum

We congratulate all workers in this industry on the Day of workers in trade, consumer services and housing and communal services. We wish you professional success and personal well-being!

Let's talk today about the profession of the seller. Imagine that you and your mom go to the bookstore to buy a book for a friend.

There are no books here! All books are divided into sections.

Here is the children's book section.

There are many books in elegant bright covers, with color pictures. There are fairy tales, stories, collections of poems for children.

You start leafing through the books on the counter, and a bookseller comes up to you immediately. He knows everything about the books of his section! And who is the author of this book, and by what publishing house it was published, and what year of its publication.

The seller smiles at you, he is friendly, talkative. No wonder they say that "a book should be sold with a conversation!"

The seller can advise you on which book to choose, what other books are in the store on this topic.

Here he is handing you a beautifully published book about space. This is a deluxe edition. Just what you need. After all, your friend dreams of becoming an astronaut, he will be pleased to receive as a gift a magnificent book with vivid illustrations, which tells about the stars, constellations, about the flights of people into space.

You leave the bookstore happy with your purchase!

The profession of the seller is divided into several specialties. There are sellers of non-food products (clothing, footwear, furniture, books, electrical equipment, household goods, etc.) and sellers of food products (vegetables, fruits, confectionery and other goods).

Listen to the poem.


The seller is great!

He sells goods

Milk, sour cream, honey.

And the other - carrots, tomatoes,

He has a wide selection!

The third sells boots,

Shoes and sandals.

And the fourth - a table and a wardrobe,

Chairs, hat hangers.

Sellers of goods know

Don't waste time for nothing.

Anything we ask will be sold.

This is their usual work!

What does the job of a salesperson really consist of?

Sellers come to the store before it opens. They need to have time to prepare the product for sale, put it on display and on the counter.

The seller must know his product perfectly, its properties, remember the prices, sizes, location of goods.

So, the seller needs a good professional memory!

In addition, sellers of electrical equipment - televisions, tape recorders, music centers, etc. must know how these electrical appliances work and explain to the buyer how to use them correctly.

The appearance of the seller is also important! His overalls must be immaculately clean, his hair neat. But the main thing, of course, is a kind respectful attitude towards people, politeness, tact, a charming smile.

Agree, you don’t want to buy goods from a gloomy, sloppyly dressed seller!

What kind of people should choose the sales profession?

For those who love to interact with people. After all, most of the time the seller is in public. The ability to maintain an even calm mood in any situation, restraint, tact, polite speech, a friendly smile and, of course, good health - these are the qualities a salesperson needs.

What character traits should a salesperson have?

What do you think the food vendors sell?

What should a book seller know?

Why is it said: "The book should be sold with a conversation"?

What should a seller of electrical goods, household goods, a seller of shoes and clothes know?

What difficulties do you see in the work of the seller?

What attracts you to being a salesperson?

Would you like to become a salesperson in the future?

The role of an adult is great, who draws the attention of the child to how this or that profession appeared and developed, to the importance of the work of representatives of any profession for the life of society. , stimulates the desire of children in the future to get an interesting and necessary profession and engage in useful work for the benefit of their homeland.

Acquaintance of children of senior preschool age with the world of professions involves solving various problems of labor education.

In the process of acquaintance, it is necessary to adhere to a certain system, forming in children clear ideas about:

- the name of the profession;

- the place of work of a person of this profession;

- material for labor;

- tools of labor;

- labor activities;

- the results of labor;

- personal qualities that are important for a representative of this profession;

- the benefits of labor for society.

We bring to your attention a lesson to familiarize older children preschool age with professions.

Lesson "Many different professions"

Program tasks: to acquaint children with the diversity of the world of professions in society, the history of their appearance; to form a cognitive interest in working people and their professions; expand horizons; to cultivate respect for work and people of any profession.

Material and equipment: Znayka costume, board, .

Lesson progress

Educator (V.). Guys, listen to the poem.

Nothing ever comes out by itself:

The letter itself does not come to our house,

The grain itself is not able to grind,

Cloth itself cannot become a suit,

Itself does not know how to cook jam,

The poem itself will not be written.

We have to do it all ourselves

With my head and with my hands.

V. Lunin

What is this poem talking about? (Children's answers.) Nothing will be done by itself, the work of people of different professions is needed. Today we will learn a lot of interesting things about professions. Znaika came to visit us. (An adult appears in the form of Znayka.) He is well acquainted with various professions and can tell us about them.

Znayka. Hello guys! Do you know what the word "profession" means? (Children's answers.) What professions do you know? To remember and name what professions exist, let's do with you little trip. Now we are with you in kindergarten. People of different professions work here. Who takes care of the children and educates them? (Educator, assistant teacher.) Who prepares food for children? (Cook.) Who does the laundry? (Laundress.) Who cleans the territory kindergarten? (Street cleaner.)

In the evening your parents will come to take you home. What are your moms and dads doing? (Children's answers.) Together with your parents, you will go home, maybe visit the store. Who works in the store? (Seller, cashier.)

The teacher on the board places illustrations depicting the relevant professions.

AT. You get on the bus, who drives it? (Driver.) You enter the house. Who built it? (Builders.) Before going to bed, your mother reads a book to you. Who wrote it? (Writer or poet.) That's how many different professions we could remember in just one small trip.

Now let's check how well you know the professions and the labor activities of people in these professions.

Didactic game "Guess the profession by labor actions"

Target: improving the ability of children to correlate the actions of people with their profession.

Game progress

The teacher with the children becomes in a circle, in the center of which is the child. Everyone goes around and says:

What are you doing, we don't know.

Let's take a look and guess.

The child in the center imitates labor actions, showing them not only with movements, but also, if possible, transmits them with sounds. For example, vacuuming the floor, driving a car, cutting hair, washing clothes, spinning in a dance, singing into a microphone, etc. Children guess who is doing it and name the labor action.

Znayka. What do you guys think, professions have always been? (Children's answers.) In ancient times, men were engaged in hunting, fishing, making tools for hunting and labor, and building a home. Women gathered fruits and berries, worked in the field, sewed clothes from animal skins, cooked food, maintained a fire in the hearth, and raised children.

Over time, craftsmen appeared: some of them made weapons well, others made dishes, others sewed clothes. This is how professions were born. Over time, they became more and more. Some professions appeared, while others disappeared. So, in the beginning there was a profession of a digger (this is a person who dug holes, trenches with the help of a shovel). But excavators appeared, and with them the profession of an excavator, and the profession of a digger disappeared as unnecessary. For a long time there was a profession of a cab driver (this person drove a wagon in which horses were harnessed), but cars appeared, with them the profession of a driver, and the profession of a cab driver disappeared.

AT. And today there are a lot of professions. All of them are important and necessary because they benefit people. How should people of different professions be treated? (You need to respect people of all professions, appreciate their work.)

Let's play with you now.

Didactic game "Do not miss the profession"

Target: the development in children of the ability to single out from a variety of words those that denote the names of professions.

Game progress

AT. We become in a circle. I will name different words. When the name of the profession comes up, you jump on the spot. Listen carefully: lamp, doctor, scissors, driver, talker, rose, builder, architect, fantasy, sparrow, painter, autumn, thunderstorm, leaf, hairdresser, salesman, sledge, mouse, librarian, stone, milkmaid.

Znayka. How does a person choose a profession? Why does one want to become a teacher, another a builder, a third an astronaut? (Children's answers.) That's right, a person chooses a profession depending on what he likes. Some from childhood choose their own future profession dreaming about her. Guys, what do you want to be when you grow up? (Children's answers.) What does a person need to do to make his dream of a profession come true? (You need to study well, know a lot, strive to fulfill your dream.)

AT. What does a person need to be appreciated and respected by people? (Become skillful, the best in your profession, so that people say: “He has golden hands”, “He is a master of his craft.”)

Znayka. There are many different and interesting professions. Each of you, when you grow up, will decide what to do and what profession to choose.

There are many different professions in the world,

And people need them all

From the simplest to the most important,

All of them are important in life.

S. Masincher

It is very important that a person chooses a job for himself. Happy is the one who does what he loves and earns money, who has chosen the right profession for himself.

AT. Let's remember what professions we talked about today? (Children's answers.)

N. Litvina, E. Smoler