Ivan Aseev. Soldier of Victory Ivan Aseev

Remember the famous poetic lines "If the stars light up, then someone needs it." This is how people come into this world in order to fulfill their unique mission, to do the things necessary for their loved ones, friends, small homeland. From such patches, which is the life of every person,and a great veil of human history is formed.

The birth of each person is preceded by a whole series of events and circumstances that ultimately determine his fate.

Before proceeding to the story of the life of today's hero, the soldier of the Victory Ivan Aseev, let's go back a few years.

Father was a brave guyand mother is beautiful

Artem Aseev was born in 1885 in the village of Zherdevo, Fatezh district. Kursk province. At the age of five, he was left an orphan. In order not to leave the boy in the care of the state, the middle brother Ivan took him to Kyiv. He brought up until the age of 12, and then assigned to an art gymnasium. Outstanding abilities allowed Artem to become a brilliant professional. The young specialist was involved in the restoration work on Khreshchatyk, for which he received good money, 75 gold rubles.

Then the nineteen-year-old Artem was going to get married. And he decided to look for a bride in his native village. The matchmaker helped, who offered the capital guy, dressed like a dandy in a tailcoat and patent leather boots, to marry the blond beauty Pelageya. True, the girl was from a poor peasant family. Pelageya's mother at first did not want to give her daughter to a master. So she called a potential groom. That is why she was afraid of his coming. “Where is it seen, to woo a master for a beggar girl in a linen shirt, I don’t even have a dowry for her,” the woman lamented. But the "master" was persistent and nevertheless came to visit and took with him a treat for tea. The young man immediately liked the bride. And the appearance, decency and nobility of the guy found a deep response in the heart of the girl. Pelageya had a friend whose father kept a shop in the village. Here the newly-made husband bought everything necessary for his wife, and the young people left for Kyiv. They lived on Khreshchatyk for 12 years, and then decided to return to their homeland.

My father bought a hut in his native village, a tithe of land. Here they finally settled down. In 1925 I was born. Childhood passed like everyone else, - says Ivan Artemovich. - Finished seven years. It was February 1943, just Kursk had already been liberated from the Germans. We went skiing in the forest with the guys. I return home, and my mother is crying and holding the summons in her hands. "They're taking you into the army," was all she could say through her tears. And I had no time to think, since the Motherland called, then be kind, get together and go to her defense. My father was a strong fellow, brave and fearless. On him and tried to be equal. I knew already then how our soldiers shed their blood in battles.

My mother was a believer, - Ivan Artemovich continues, - before leaving for the army, they blessed me with my godmother and gave me a small metal cross with them ...

Throughout the war, the soldier carried it on his chest, on the left side, pinned to the pocket of his tunic with a pin. The veteran does not part with him to this day.

Front-line affairs

I went to the front, training went on for three months, and then I was assigned to the 266th reserve regiment, - Ivan Artemovich recalls, - the "caretakers" soon arrived.

So the young soldiers called the generals and colonels who commanded the armies. There was a selection of soldiers in different types of troops.

The 74th Rifle Division stood on the defensive in the village of Tishina Loshchina behind Ponyri all winter. The 360th regiment of the 120th mortar battery became the duty station of Private Ivan Aseev.

At the beginning of the German offensive on the northern front, I was a gunner, the soldier continues his story. - Soon an order comes from the command: "A German tank is moving from the side of Maloarkhangelsk to suppress our battery. It must be knocked out and set on fire."

I was chosen to carry out the combat mission. I was younger than the rest, not yet shot, as they say. In our battery there were many Siberian guys who had already been beaten by the war. They gave me a bottle of thermite and a grenade. I remember the heat is on, the tank is coming straight at me, rumbles so that it makes me terribly from this sound alone. Trembling in the whole body, you need to lie down under it. I lay down in a crater formed by a bomb explosion. He threw a grenade under the "tiger", which spun from the explosion. Then a bottle of thermite, the tank instantly flared up. I began to run, but not directly, but with a screw, as they taught. At that moment, the Germans jumped out of the hatch and fired machine-gun fire in my direction. The bullet hit the wrist, the blood flowed in a stream, but I managed to report on the fulfillment of the order. The comrades immediately ran up to me, took out bandages from my tunic, and tightened the wound. I spent a week in a field hospital.

In difficult front-line everyday life, there was a place not only for battles with the enemy. When the German attacks died down in the evening, the soldiers took the accordion in their hands and went to the neighboring Olkhovatka, the village was not completely evacuated.

Ponyrs passed several times from hand to hand, - my interlocutor continues, - a terrible thing happened. It was a real fiery cauldron: shells exploded, bombs exploded, planes covered the sky. There were also hand-to-hand fights. We were sent to reinforce the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet. They were brave, tall guys, they went forward even under a hail of bullets, thereby exerting strong psychological pressure on the Nazis. The Germans called them "black Russian death".

After the battles for Ponyri ended, Ivan was promoted to the rank of sergeant. For his valor and courage, Aseev received the medal "For Courage".

Copper cross saved from bullets

They say that a mother's prayer will get it from the day of the sea. Ivan's mother taught her son the main Christian prayer "Our Father" from a young age. After reading it three times and signing himself with the sign of the cross, the soldier went into battle. The mother also prayed and every evening she made 40 prostrations in front of the holy images.

During the entire war, Ivan Artemovich received four wounds.

My entire left side is shot through,” the veteran says, sighing heavily. - On the Kursk Bulge he injured his arm, in the battles for Belarus he was wounded in the left shoulder, for Ukraine - in the thigh. The bullet caught on a dinner spoon, which was in the pocket of his pants (it was tied so as not to be lost in battles), and went right through. In Berlin, a fragment of a mine hit the foot.

Although he was wounded several times, death never caught up with him. Ivan Aseev believes that he saved the cross.

Walked half the earth

And then the battle path ran in the same way as thousands of other soldiers of the 13th Army under the command of Konstantin Rokossovsky. Bryansk, Belarus, operation to force the Dnieper, Ukraine, Europe. The veteran has especially fond memories of the liberation of Belarus. Residents of the villages that suffered from the Nazis met the Soviet soldiers as the most dear and long-awaited guests, baked pies.

Ivan reached Berlin. He recalls that the enemy resisted to the last, but in the end laid down his arms.

We rejoiced and rejoiced, and from this feeling our souls seemed to soar to the sky, - Ivan Artemovich notes. - Walk this way and stay alive.

After the surrender of Germany, the 74th division stood in Berlin for another two weeks, a tense situation remained here.

Many Germans left the country, but the streets were still unsafe, says the veteran. - We tried not to go out one by one, more often we gathered in small groups, because the Fritz united in gangs and attacked us, inflicted injuries. It is especially bitter for me to remember how literally a couple of days before the formation of echelons to send our regiment home, my brother-soldier, comrade-in-arms, fell into the hands of such a gang. The wound he received turned out to be fatal. Three years on the front line, was never wounded, reached Berlin, and life was cut short ...

peaceful life

Demobilization has begun. But in native home, the sergeant returned to his parents, who by this time had moved to Kursk, only by the fall of 1945.

The son's parents immediately married.

Life goes on, you have to work, feed your family, - says Ivan Aseev. - And I went to get a job on the railroad. I was appointed assistant warehouse manager.

In this position, Ivan Artemovich did not work long. He was immediately noted as a responsible and executive employee and was sent to study at the Kursk Railway College. And soon he became the head of the train.

The former front-line soldier devoted all his time to study and work. Railway became not only a job, but also a destiny. The first marriage broke up. But then he met his Galina. 51 years soul to soul, hand in hand.

We never had any quarrels, no conflicts, - Ivan Aseev says about his now deceased wife, - we lived well. Everything that happened, you can’t retell, of course ...

Here is such a small sketch on a huge canvas of the history of the Great Patriotic War.

“Faces of the city. Faces of Victory»

The winners of the first stage of the photo contest "Faces of the City. Faces of Victory", which takes place as part of the campaign "Dawn of Victory - Kursk Bulge! Remember, love, be proud!"

The competition is held Public Chamber Kursk region, Council of Veterans. The competition was attended by students from Kursk and schoolchildren, who presented more than 50 photographs of various genres in four categories.

The second stage of the competition is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk. Photo works are accepted until April 30, 2013. Students and schoolchildren of the Kursk region are invited to participate in the competition. Details on the website of the Academy of Civil Service (www.kagms.ru).


Ivan Aseev
Name at birth:

Ivan Egorovich Aseev



Place of Birth:


Born February 19, 1913 on the territory of the modern Kherson region of Ukraine, in a village near Sea of ​​Azov. Worked as a builder. He took part in the construction of the Dneproges and the Azovstal plant.

Labor feat

In 1950, he was appointed foreman of the assembly team of Angargesstroy. As a foreman, he participated in the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station. For shock work Aseev in 1958 was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. He became the first Hydro-Builder Hero in the area. After receiving the award, he was sent to the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic for the construction of the Vilyui hydroelectric power station.

Died September 26, 1974. He was buried in the central city cemetery of the city of Nikopol (Ukraine).


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An excerpt characterizing Aseev, Ivan Egorovich

- Yes, why? - said the princess.
No one answered, and Princess Mary, looking around the crowd, noticed that now all the eyes she met immediately dropped.
- Why don't you want to? she asked again.
Nobody answered.
Princess Marya felt heavy from this silence; she tried to catch someone's gaze.
- Why don't you speak? - the princess turned to the old old man, who, leaning on a stick, stood in front of her. Tell me if you think you need anything else. I'll do anything," she said, catching his eye. But he, as if angry at this, lowered his head completely and said:
- Why agree, we do not need bread.
- Well, should we quit everything? Do not agree. Disagree... There is no our consent. We pity you, but there is no our consent. Go on your own, alone ... - was heard in the crowd with different parties. And again the same expression appeared on all the faces of this crowd, and now it was probably no longer an expression of curiosity and gratitude, but an expression of embittered determination.
“Yes, you didn’t understand, right,” said Princess Marya with a sad smile. Why don't you want to go? I promise to accommodate you, feed you. And here the enemy will ruin you ...
But her voice was drowned out by the voices of the crowd.
- There is no our consent, let them ruin! We do not take your bread, there is no our consent!
Princess Mary tried again to catch someone's gaze from the crowd, but not a single glance was directed at her; her eyes obviously avoided her. She felt strange and uncomfortable.
“Look, she taught me cleverly, follow her to the fortress!” Ruin the houses and into bondage and go. How! I'll give you bread! voices were heard in the crowd.

BUT Seev Ivan Egorovich - foreman of fitters for the construction of "Angaragesstroy" of the Ministry of Power Plants of the USSR, Irkutsk region.

Born on February 19, 1913 in the village of Petrovka, Sivashsky district, Kherson region, in a peasant family. Ukrainian.

In 1929, he began working as a coachman for a construction office at the Druzhkovka station.

Since 1930, he worked as a fitter, then as a smelter at the construction of the Dneproges, since 1935 - as a foreman of fitters at the installation of a gas generating station at the Azovstal plant (Mariupol).

Since 1941, I.E. Aseev has been working on the construction of the Krasnoyarsk thermal power plant, then he heads the Argazistroy assembly team at the construction of the Argazinskaya (hydroelectric) hydroelectric power station on the Miass River in the Chelyabinsk Region. In 1946, he, as an experienced hydraulic builder, was sent to the construction of the Krasnopolyanskaya hydroelectric power station on the Mzymta River, where he led a team of installers of the Sochigesstroy trust.

Since January 1950, he has been the head of the Angargesstroy assembly team at the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station.

A feature of the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station was that it was built in a seismically dangerous zone on the powerful, icy and fast Angara River in harsh climatic conditions.

In 1958, the builders commissioned the last two units of the Irkutsk HPP ahead of schedule, which was the first of six cascades of hydroelectric power plants on the Angara and the first large HPP in Eastern Siberia to operate at full design capacity.

At By order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 9, 1958, for outstanding achievements in construction and the building materials industry, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

Shortly after receiving the award in 1959, he arrived in the city of Lensk, Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, where he headed the installation site at the construction of the Vilyui hydroelectric power station.

After completing the installation of the power train in Mukhtui, the team of I.E. Aseev moved to the village of Chernyshevsky in January 1962, where they installed an oxygen station, compressor plants, a large concrete plant and several tower cranes.

The construction was unique both in scale and geography. All over the world there was no experience of building a hydroelectric power station in the harsh conditions of the North on permafrost. Eight years after the start of construction, the first hydraulic unit of the HPP was put into operation, and in 1970 the first stage of the Vilyuiskaya HPP was put into operation. For the successful construction of the hydroelectric power station, I.E. Aseev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

I.E. Aseev died on September 26, 1974, was buried in the central cemetery of the city of Nikopol (Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine).

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin (08/09/1958) and the Red Banner of Labor (03/12/1971), medals.

Biography provided