Oleg Roy black square. Oleg Roy - White Square

White square. Destiny grip

© Rezepkin O., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017

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Thanks to my friends - the producers of the film "The Beginning. The Legend of Sambo, as well as personally to Georgy Shengelia and Sergey Torchilin, whose ideas inspired me to create this novel, and to my consultant on the political, economic, military and social aspects of the plot, Alexei Evgenievich Bitanov.

Dedicated to the memory of my son Zhenechka.

The events described in the novel do not claim to be complete historical accuracy and are fiction.

Flint heart

Novosibirsk met Spiridonov with variable clouds; apparently, it had rained not so long ago, the colors around were bright, juicy, the air was still saturated with moisture.

Having stepped onto the platform, Viktor Afanasyevich took out cigarettes and lit the last one, hiding the empty pack in the pocket of his tunic, in order to throw it into the trash if the opportunity arose. And then he saw Oshchepkov.

Victor Afanasyevich immediately recognized him, although he imagined it differently. Vasily Sergeevich turned out to be larger and older (the latter, however, is easy to explain - the photographs in the file were several years ago). He was dressed in a simple suit, the kind Soviet servicemen wear in the summer—a light-coloured blouse with patch pockets and slightly darker loose-fitting trousers. On his feet are army-style boots, in which the whole country then walked, regardless of gender and age. On his head is a bright, wide-brimmed hat, rather frivolous. A light raincoat is thrown over the arm - for some reason they are called mackintosh in the south of Russia.

Victor Afanasyevich purposely went in from the wrong side where Oshchepkov was looking, looking out for him, and said cheerfully:

- Vasily Sergeevich, are you looking for me? I am Spiridonov.

And he held out his hand to him, looking at the momentary confusion with a hint of malevolence. However, Oshchepkov controlled himself instantly.

How did I miss you? he exclaimed pathetically, firmly shaking the hand extended to him. - Glad to meet you, Viktor Afanasyevich, very well-heard.

- As I about you, - Spiridonov readily answered. - But, of course, I would like to get to know each other better, colleague. I must say I am impressed with your progress.

Oshchepkov was embarrassed, naturally, like a schoolgirl. The highest dan in juujutsu, I had to remind myself of Spiridonov. In behavior, and in the whole appearance of Oshchepkov, there was something childish, innocent, uncomplicated. This somehow did not fit in with his spy biography, nor with what was known about him as a juudoku.

– Absolutely! Oshchepkov replied enthusiastically. – You and I are united by juujutsu, and this, as you know, is much more than “grabbed-hooked-tumbled down”.

Viktor Afanasyevich nodded. For his taste, Oshchepkov was simple, like an engineer's pencil.

“Undoubtedly,” he smiled. I'm dying to hear your story. You've seen places I've only dreamed of visiting, Kodokan...

- In turn, I would like to get acquainted with your history, - answered Oshchepkov. “As I heard, you studied with a Japanese master. I know many of them. I would like to have at least one duel with you. You're training the Moscow police; they talk about you as a great master ...

“And you can’t wait to find out how true this is?” Viktor Afanasyevich smiled. How can I refuse you? I just need to find some hotel, and then ...

“I’ll take you,” Oshchepkov volunteered eagerly, “I have a cab driver. And a room has been booked for you at the Metropol… excuse me, at the Oktyabrskaya, it’s just that everyone here calls it the Metropol, as before.

And he smiled some kind of artless, completely childish smile. His smile was amazing.

- At the Metropol? Viktor Afanasyevich was surprised. - But why? I'm not some kind of NEP, I would be quite satisfied with a clean bed in some simpler hotel.

Oshchepkov was again embarrassed. But not in the way one might expect from a provincial official who grovels before a capital official and begins throwing beads in front of him (recall domestic satirists from Gogol to Ilf and Petrov). No, Vasily Sergeevich was not embarrassed because he felt "on slippery ground." His embarrassment came from the heart, from a pure heart:

– You are here because of me… You have come a long way, you have lost your business, you have left your students…

Viktor Afanasyevich stopped and spoke almost sternly.

White square. Destiny grip

© Rezepkin O., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2017

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Thanks to my friends - the producers of the film "The Beginning. The Legend of Sambo, as well as personally to Georgy Shengelia and Sergey Torchilin, whose ideas inspired me to create this novel, and to my consultant on the political, economic, military and social aspects of the plot, Alexei Evgenievich Bitanov.

Dedicated to the memory of my son Zhenechka.

The events described in the novel do not claim to be complete historical accuracy and are fiction.

Flint heart

Novosibirsk met Spiridonov with variable clouds; apparently, it had rained not so long ago, the colors around were bright, juicy, the air was still saturated with moisture.

Having stepped onto the platform, Viktor Afanasyevich took out cigarettes and lit the last one, hiding the empty pack in the pocket of his tunic, in order to throw it into the trash if the opportunity arose. And then he saw Oshchepkov.

Victor Afanasyevich immediately recognized him, although he imagined it differently. Vasily Sergeevich turned out to be larger and older (the latter, however, is easy to explain - the photographs in the file were several years ago). He was dressed in a simple suit, the kind Soviet servicemen wear in the summer—a light-coloured blouse with patch pockets and slightly darker loose-fitting trousers. On his feet are army-style boots, in which the whole country then walked, regardless of gender and age. On his head is a bright, wide-brimmed hat, rather frivolous. A light raincoat is thrown over the arm - for some reason they are called mackintosh in the south of Russia.

Victor Afanasyevich purposely went in from the wrong side where Oshchepkov was looking, looking out for him, and said cheerfully:

- Vasily Sergeevich, are you looking for me? I am Spiridonov.

And he held out his hand to him, looking at the momentary confusion with a hint of malevolence. However, Oshchepkov controlled himself instantly.

How did I miss you? he exclaimed pathetically, firmly shaking the hand extended to him. - Glad to meet you, Viktor Afanasyevich, very well-heard.

- As I about you, - Spiridonov readily answered. - But, of course, I would like to get to know each other better, colleague. I must say I am impressed with your progress.

Oshchepkov was embarrassed, naturally, like a schoolgirl. The highest dan in juujutsu, I had to remind myself of Spiridonov. In behavior, and in the whole appearance of Oshchepkov, there was something childish, innocent, uncomplicated. This somehow did not fit in with his spy biography, nor with what was known about him as a juudoku.

– Absolutely! Oshchepkov replied enthusiastically. – You and I are united by juujutsu, and this, as you know, is much more than “grabbed-hooked-tumbled down”.

Viktor Afanasyevich nodded. For his taste, Oshchepkov was simple, like an engineer's pencil.

“Undoubtedly,” he smiled. I'm dying to hear your story. You've seen places I've only dreamed of visiting, Kodokan...

- In turn, I would like to get acquainted with your history, - answered Oshchepkov. “As I heard, you studied with a Japanese master. I know many of them. I would like to have at least one duel with you. You're training the Moscow police; they talk about you as a great master ...

“And you can’t wait to find out how true this is?” Viktor Afanasyevich smiled. How can I refuse you? I just need to find some hotel, and then ...

“I’ll take you,” Oshchepkov volunteered eagerly, “I have a cab driver. And a room has been booked for you at the Metropol… excuse me, at the Oktyabrskaya, it’s just that everyone here calls it the Metropol, as before.

And he smiled some kind of artless, completely childish smile. His smile was amazing.

- At the Metropol? Viktor Afanasyevich was surprised. - But why? I'm not some kind of NEP, I would be quite satisfied with a clean bed in some simpler hotel.

Oshchepkov was again embarrassed. But not in the way one might expect from a provincial official who grovels before a capital official and begins throwing beads in front of him (recall domestic satirists from Gogol to Ilf and Petrov). No, Vasily Sergeevich was not embarrassed because he felt "on slippery ground." His embarrassment came from the heart, from a pure heart:

– You are here because of me… You have come a long way, you have lost your business, you have left your students…

Viktor Afanasyevich stopped and said almost sternly:

– But you are also going to leave yours… And not just for a long time. If everything goes as it should, you will be transferred to Moscow.

Vasily Sergeevich looked Spiridonov straight in the eyes and answered with a sigh:

“God knows, I wouldn’t want that!” I am affectionate. I get used to people, places… I loved Sakhalin, although there was nothing to love there, I loved Tokyo, although it is completely alien to us, I loved Vladivostok… Now I love Novosibirsk. But fate is not interested in our preferences. It's not my fault that Mashenka fell ill. - His eyes sparkled suspiciously, but Oshchepkov quickly pulled himself together: - In my defense, I will say that I have someone to leave the section. Others also need to grow, and I need to settle down in a new place. That is life…

Spiridonov nodded mechanically, and they continued on their way.

* * *

Leaving things at the hotel, Viktor Afanasyevich and his companion immediately went to the Osoaviakhim sports club, where Oshchepkov conducted classes. There were almost no cars in the city, and horse-drawn transport did not block the streets, and in general, compared with Moscow, Novosibirsk seemed quiet and patriarchal, which Viktor Afanasyevich recklessly did not fail to inform Vasily Sergeevich about.

He reacted, apparently with a slight offense, because he launched into lengthy explanations:

- Firstly, we are going to the peripheral quarters, away from, so to speak, the business center. And secondly, today is Friday. Everyone is in a hurry to go home, to relax after a week of work.

How about crime? Spiridonov asked, without showing any sign of being offended.

“God have mercy,” Oshchepkov replied with satisfaction. - In Vladivostok it was worse, and then they coped. And what about in Moscow?

Viktor Afanasyevich sighed:

“Not like before, but it could be better. Consciousness among the people is growing slowly. But we are working on it, so to speak, tirelessly and sparing no feet.

Vasily Sergeevich, most likely, did not understand the pun:

- Great! I am working with working youth, and I will tell you how many talents there are in this environment! Golden bottom. It’s good that the Soviet government gives them the opportunity to sprout, not like the old days: the grain fell into the thorns ... - Viktor Afanasyevich was silent, and Vasily Sergeevich continued: - Jujutsu changes a person, changes for the better. I noticed that many people came to me to "learn how to fight". Now they are completely different people.

Oshchepkov made it clear with a facial expression that it was about something else:

– Learned to live! They learned to think, and all thanks to juujutsu. By the way, how are you not hungry from the road? We can stop by the dining room, but I can’t offer a restaurant.

“Thank you, I’m not hungry,” Viktor Afanasyevich replied. With his usually meager rations and after yesterday's hearty meal at the station catering, he could not feel hungry for another three days. - But I should buy a smoke. I ran out, but at the station I didn’t notice the pedlars. I took it with me on the road, but I smoked everything ... On the train, you know what else to do? ..

“Then we’ll stop at a tobacco shop,” Oshchepkov decided, and asked the driver: “My friend, do they sell shag somewhere here?”

- At the crossroads there is a storehouse of the Potrebsoyuz, Vasil Stepanych, - he answered sedately, - but the goods there are worthless, one name is that tobacco, and so the straw is dry. Would you like to visit the Deshevkins? They have any smoke, he likes "Kino", he likes a bourgeois potion. True, prices are torn, the bourgeois are not finished ...

“Come on, my friend, be kind,” Oshchepkov asked, sitting more comfortably on the seat. - And you, Viktor Afanasyevich, generously forgive me, smoking, in my opinion, is a bad thing.

“Is your driver, or what?” - Viktor Afanasyevich missed the remark about the dangers of tobacco. Only moralizing was not enough for him here!

- Whose is "ours"? Novosibirsk? Oshchepkov was surprised.

“But how does he know you?” – in turn was surprised Spiridonov.

Oshchepkov smiled:

“And every dog ​​knows me here, let alone the working people. How is Yesenin? "In the alleys, every dog ​​knows my easy gait." But, fortunately, for a different reason.

If someone else had been in Oshchepkov’s place, Viktor Afanasyevich would have long ago decided that he was wondering, boasting of his exemplary lifestyle - it was absolutely impossible to imagine such a thing with Oshchepkov. It seemed that Vasily Sergeevich was completely devoid of even the slightest hint of dissembling and playing a role. They say that naturally strong people are kind. Indeed, very often, if not always, people become evil misanthropes because they are unhappy and see nothing better than sharing their misfortune with others. However, even strong people are not spared by misfortune...

White square. Capture Fate - description and summary, performer: Igor Sergeev, listen for free online on the site electronic library website

Two people approached a white tatami square with different sides- Victor Spiridonov, a noble officer who learned judo in Japanese captivity, and Vasily Oshchepkov, the son of exiled parents, who received a rank in the holy of holies of judo Kodokan. Two people who are passionate about a common cause, but separated by politics and personal views. And yet they might have gotten along if not for the betrayal. It is against him that both of them have to wage an uncompromising struggle, but what to do if the person closest to you is involved in it, if the bitter taste of poison is woven into your last love in life? .. Fate, like a judge in a duel, knows no pity.

White square. Capture Destiny listen online for free

White square. Capture of fate - listen to an audiobook online for free, author Oleg Roy, performer Igor Sergeev

Two people approached the white tatami square from different sides - Viktor Spiridonov, a noble officer who learned judo in Japanese captivity, and Vasily Oshchepkov, the son of exiled parents, who received a rank in the holy of holies of judo Kodokan. Two people who are passionate about a common cause, but separated by politics and personal views. And yet they might have gotten along if not for the betrayal. It is against him that both of them have to wage an uncompromising struggle, but what to do if the person closest to you is involved in it, if the bitter taste of poison is woven into your last love in life? .. Fate, like a judge in a duel, knows no pity.

About what: Continuation of the new dilogy of Oleg Roy - “ White square. Destiny grip". The novel is a psychological drama about two men united by one cause, but choosing different paths. They were separated by a huge gulf of misunderstanding, cruel betrayal and, of course, a woman. Here, the plot threads are woven into an intricate ball so tightly that it is impossible to guess what the denouement will be until the very end.

Genre: psychological novel, historical saga.

Why you should read it: This is a surprisingly bright and unexpected story about love, forgiveness, rivalry and perseverance. Based on real events, but at the same time not claiming to be historically accurate, it carries you into a whirlpool of intrigue and passion, exposes to the reader human soul in which strength and weakness, love and hatred, forgiveness and envy, nobility and revenge can coexist.

Quote: “This is really the Way, not a technique. The path you are on is the path of your life. Both Spiridonov and Oshchepkov are companions on this Path. It was the Path of everyone - and their common Path.
Here, on a white tatami square, nothing clouded the crystal purity of the world. In the radiance of their Path, everything became simple and clear. Spiridonov realized that both he and Oshchepkov were delaying this moment of coincidence that they both desired. They were birds in the sky of judo, but each was afraid to take off until the time. But he was not afraid for himself. I was afraid to be disappointed in the satellite. The light of judo revealed who is who.

Two people approached the white tatami square from different sides - Viktor Spiridonov, a noble officer who learned judo in Japanese captivity, and Vasily Oshchepkov, the son of exiled parents, who received a rank in the holy of holies of judo Kodokan. Two people who are passionate about a common cause, but separated by politics and personal views. And yet they might have gotten along if not for the betrayal. It is against him that both of them have to wage an uncompromising struggle, but what to do if the person closest to you is involved in it, if the bitter taste of poison is woven into your last love in life? .. Fate, like a judge in a duel, knows no pity.

The work belongs to the genre Modern Russian literature. It was published in 2017 by the AUTHOR publishing house. The book is part of the "Whims and Oddities of Fate" series. On our site you can download the book "White Square. Capturing Fate" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 5 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.