Finally one morning savelich. Captain's daughter

Kuzmich, reprimanding me for the duel, said to me: “Oh, Pyotr Andreevich! I should have put you under arrest, but you are already punished without that. And Alexey Ivanovich is still sitting in my bakery under guard, and Vasilisa Yegorovna has his sword under lock and key. Let him think for himself, but repent. “I was too happy to keep a feeling of hostility in my heart. I began to ask for Shvabrin, and the good commandant, with the consent of his wife, decided to release him. Shvabrin came to me; he expressed deep regret for what had happened between us; admitted that he was guilty all around, and asked me to forget about the past. Being by nature not vindictive, I sincerely forgave him both our quarrel and the wound I received from him. I saw in his slander the annoyance of offended pride and rejected love, and generously excused my unfortunate rival.

I soon recovered and was able to move into my apartment. I eagerly awaited an answer to the sent letter, not daring to hope, and trying to drown out the sad forebodings. With Vasilisa Egorovna and with her husband I have not yet explained; but my suggestion should not have surprised them. Neither I nor Marya Ivanovna tried to hide our feelings from them, and we were sure in advance of their consent.

Finally, one morning, Savelich came to me, holding a letter in his hands. I grabbed it with trepidation. The address was written by the father's hand. This prepared me for something important, for my mother usually wrote letters to me, and he added a few lines at the end. I did not open the package for a long time and re-read the solemn inscription: "To my son Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, to the Orenburg province, to the Belogorsk fortress." I tried to guess from the handwriting the mood in which the letter was written; finally he decided to print it out, and from the first lines he saw that the whole thing had gone to hell. The content of the letter was as follows:

“My son Peter! Your letter, in which you ask us for our parental blessing and consent to marry Marya Ivanovna, daughter of Mironova, we received on the 15th of this month, and not only do I not intend to give you my blessing or my consent, but I also intend to to get to you, but for your leprosy to teach you the way, like a boy, regardless of your officer rank: for you proved that you are not yet worthy to wear a sword, which was granted to you to defend the fatherland, and not for duels with the same tomboys like you myself. I will immediately write to Andrei Karlovich, asking him to transfer you from Belogorsk fortress somewhere far away, wherever your crap goes. Your mother, having learned about your duel and that you were wounded, fell ill with grief and now lies. What will become of you? I pray to God that you improve, although I do not dare to hope for his great mercy.

Your father A. G. "

Reading this letter aroused different feelings in me. The cruel expressions, which the priest did not stint, deeply offended me. The disdain with which he mentioned Marya Ivanovna seemed to me as obscene as it was unfair. The thought of my transfer from the Belogorsk fortress terrified me; but what upset me most was the news of my mother's illness. I was indignant at Savelich, having no doubt that my duel became known to my parents through him. Walking back and forth across my cramped room, I stopped in front of him and said, looking at him menacingly: “You can see that it’s not enough for you that, thanks to you, I was wounded and spent a whole month on the edge of the coffin: you want to kill my mother too. - Savelich was struck like thunder. “Have mercy, sir,” he said, almost bursting into tears, “what


These materials are useful for students

  • Grade 8 (in the process of studying the topic - COMPOUND NOMINAL PREDICT)
  • Grade 9 (to prepare for the GIA - task B 3 and B 6)
  • Grade 11 (to prepare for the exam - task A 9 and B 4)

Read the sentences and consider the highlighted COMPOSITE NOMINAL PREDICT.

The more you look at ready-made examples, the more correctly and quickly you will orient yourself in search of the GRAMMAR BASIS of the OFFER, in its structure, which means you will save time to complete other tasks for the Unified State Examination and the GIA.

The material is arranged in accordance with the arrangement of the chapters of the story.

Comments are formatted in .

Explanations are given for some words - *

In order to make the content of the fragment more understandable, we advise you to read the information about the main characters of the story by A.S. Pushkin “ Captain's daughter».


Grinev Andrey Petrovich - father of Peter Grinev; prime major (the officer rank in the Russian army of the 18th century corresponded to the rank of lieutenant colonel), retired.

Grineva Avdotya Vasilievna - mother of Peter Grinev.

Grinev Petr Andreevich (Petrusha) - the protagonist story, the son of Andrey Petrovich Grinev. The story is told in his name.

Arkhip Savelyich - stirrup, granted to Pyotr Grinev as uncles.

Stirupny - a groom, a servant who looks after the master's horses.

Mironov Ivan Kuzmich - commandant of the Belogorsk fortress in the Orenburg province.

Mironova Vasilisa Yegorovna - wife of the commandant.

Marya Ivanovna Mironova (Masha Mironova) is the commandant's daughter.

Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich - an officer discharged from the guard for participating in a duel.

Catherine II (1729-1796) - Empress of All Russia from 1762 to 1796.

Emelyan Pugachev - the leader of the peasant uprising (1773-1775). He posed as "Peter Feodorovich III".


Chapter I. Sergeant of the Guard

From the age of five given away I was into the hands of the aspiring Savelich, for sober behavior granted to me as an uncle. (A.S. Pushkin)

I was busy deed. Need to know what's for me was discharged from Moscow geographic map. (A.S. Pushkin)

Day of my departure was appointed. (A.S. Pushkin)

The service, which for a minute I thought with such delight, seemed me heavy misfortune. (A.S. Pushkin)

My reflections were interrupted Savelich, who came to me with a cup of tea. (A.S. Pushkin)

Savelich so was amazed my words that he clasped his hands and was dumbfounded. (A.S. Pushkin)

to me it was a pity poor old man; but I wanted to break free and prove that I not a child. Money were delivered Zurin. (A.S. Pushkin)

Chapter II. counselor

My travel thoughts were not really pleasant. My loss, at the then prices, was important. (A.S. Pushkin)

I was approaching my destination. Sad deserts stretched around me, criss-crossed by hills and ravines. All was covered snow. The sun was setting. (A.S. Pushkin)

I heard about the blizzards there and knew that whole wagon trains have been them listed. (A.S. Pushkin)

But the wind seemed to me not strong; I hoped to get to the next station in advance and ordered to go faster. (A.S. Pushkin)

Wind meanwhile hour by hour was getting stronger.(A.S. Pushkin)

The kibitka moved quietly, now driving onto a snowdrift, now collapsing into a ravine and wading over to one side or the other. This is it looked like sailing a ship on a stormy sea. (A.S. Pushkin)

I got out of the kibitka. The storm still continued, although with less force. It was So dark that at least gouge out your eye. (A.S. Pushkin)

to me it was annoying, however, that he could not thank the person who helped me out, if not from trouble, then at least from a very unpleasant situation. (A.S. Pushkin)

“All right,” I said coolly, “if you don’t want to give half a ruble, then take something out of my dress for him. He dressed too easy. Give him my bunny coat." (A.S. Pushkin)

Tramp was extremely satisfied my gift. He escorted me to the wagon and said with a low bow: “Thank you, your honor! God bless you for your virtue. I will never forget your favors." (A.S. Pushkin)

Chapter III. Fortress

At the gate I saw an old cast-iron cannon; streets were cramped and crooked; huts low and for the most part covered straw. (A.S. Pushkin)

The constable led me to a hut that stood on the high bank of the river, on the very edge of the fortress. Half of the hut was busy the family of Semyon Kuzov, another was taken to me. (A.S. Pushkin)

We got to know each other right away. Shvabrin was very not stupid. Talk it was sharp and entertaining.(A.S. Pushkin)

“What is it, my father? his wife told him. - A meal a long time ago filed and you won't be called." “Do you hear, Vasilisa Yegorovna,” answered Ivan Kuzmich, “I was busy service: he taught soldiers. (A.S. Pushkin)

“And, complete! the captain replied. - Only glory that you teach soldiers: neither service is given to them, nor you know any sense in it. I would sit at home and pray to God; So would be better. Dear guests, welcome to the table. (A.S. Pushkin)

“Nonsense! the commandant said. We haven't heard anything in a long time. The Bashkirs are a frightened people, and the Kyrgyz taught. Probably, they won’t turn on us; but if they poke their noses in, I’ll set such a wit that I’ll calm down for ten years. ” (A.S. Pushkin)

Chapter IV. Duel

I was produced into officers. (A.S. Pushkin)

But, to my great annoyance, Shvabrin, usually condescending, decisively announced that my song not good. (A.S. Pushkin)

Shvabrin's presence It was to me unbearably. (A.S. Pushkin)

This evening I located would l to tenderness and tenderness. I liked Marya Ivanovna more than usual. (A.S. Pushkin)

Chapter V. Love

Since then, hour by hour was getting better.(A.S. Pushkin)

I am too was happy to keep in the heart a feeling of hostility. (A.S. Pushkin)

Neither I nor Marya Ivanovna tried to hide our feelings from them, and we were already sure in their consent. (A.S. Pushkin)

Finally, one morning, Savelich came to me, holding a letter in his hands. I grabbed it with trepidation. The address was written father's hand. (A.S. Pushkin)

The disdain with which he mentioned Marya Ivanovna, seemed me the same obscene, like unfair. (A.S. Pushkin)

I was indignant at Savelich, not doubting that my duel became famous parents through it. (A.S. Pushkin)

Savelich was amazed like thunder. “Have mercy, sir,” he said, almost sobbing, “what are you talking about? I am the reason that you was injured! God sees, I ran to shield you with my chest from the sword of Alexei Ivanovich! .. ”(A.S. Pushkin)

It was obvious that Savelich is in front of me was right and that I needlessly offended him with reproach and suspicion. I asked his forgiveness; but the old man was inconsolable. (A.S. Pushkin)

Since then, my position has changed. Marya Ivanovna scarcely spoke to me and tried her best to avoid me. Commandant's house became for me hate. (A.S. Pushkin)

Chapter VI. Pugachevshchina

This vast and rich province was inhabited many semi-savage peoples who have recently recognized the dominion of Russian sovereigns. (A.S. Pushkin)

fortresses were lined up in places deemed convenient, inhabited for the most part by Cossacks, long-standing owners of the Yaitsky shores. (A.S. Pushkin)

Soon everyone was talking about Pugachev. Rumors were different.(A.S. Pushkin)

“Listen, Ivan Kuzmich! I said to the commandant. “It is our duty to defend the fortress until our last breath; there is nothing to say about it. But we need to think about the safety of women. Send them to Orenburg if the road is still free, or to a distant, more reliable fortress, where the villains would not have time to reach. (A.S. Pushkin)

Chapter VII. Attack

I felt a great change in myself: the excitement of my soul It was I'm much less painfully than the despondency in which until recently was I loaded. (A.S. Pushkin)

"Where are you going? said Ivan Ignatich, catching up with me. - Ivan Kuzmich is on the rampart and sent me for you. The scarecrow has come." “Did Marya Ivanovna leave? I asked with heartfelt trepidation. - “I didn’t have time,” Ivan Ignatich answered, “the road to Orenburg cut off; fortress surrounded. Badly, Pyotr Andreevich! (A.S. Pushkin)

Our gun was charged buckshot. The commandant let them in at the closest distance and suddenly blurted out again. (A.S. Pushkin)

Tall sable hat with gold tassels was pulled down in his sparkling eyes. his face it seemed to me familiar. (A.S. Pushkin)

At this moment I can’t say that I rejoice at my deliverance, I won’t say, however, that I regret it. My feelings were too much vague. (A.S. Pushkin)

to be continued...


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Reading this letter aroused different feelings in me. The cruel expressions, which the priest did not stint, deeply offended me. The disdain with which he referred to Marya Ivanovna seemed to me as obscene as it was unfair.

The thought of my transfer from the Belogorsk fortress terrified me; but what upset me most was the news of my mother's illness. I was indignant at Savelich, having no doubt that my duel became known to my parents through him. Walking back and forth across my cramped room, I stopped in front of him and said, looking at him menacingly: “You can see that it’s not enough for you that, thanks to you, I was wounded and was on the brink of the grave for a whole month: you want to kill my mother too.” Savelich was struck like thunder. “Have mercy, sir,” he said, almost sobbing, “what are you bothering to talk about? I'm the reason you were hurt! God sees, I ran to shield you with my chest from the sword of Alexei Ivanovich! Damn old age got in the way. But what have I done to your mother?” - "What did you do? I answered. - Who asked you to write denunciations against me? Are you assigned to me as a spy? - "I? denounced you? Savelich answered with tears. - Lord, the king of heaven! So if you please read what the master writes to me: you will see how I denounced you. Then he took a letter out of his pocket, and I read the following:

“Shame on you, old dog, that you, despite my strict orders, did not inform me about my son Pyotr Andreevich and that outsiders are forced to notify me of his pranks. Is this how you fulfill your position and master's will? I love you, old dog! I will send pigs to graze for concealing the truth and indulging a young man. Upon receipt of this, I order you to immediately write to me, what is his health now, about which they write to me that he has recovered; Yes, in what place was he wounded and whether he was well healed.

It was obvious that Savelitch had been right before me, and that I had needlessly offended him with reproach and suspicion. I asked his forgiveness; but the old man was inconsolable. “This is what I have lived up to,” he repeated, “this is what kind of favors I have risen from my masters! I am an old dog and a swineherd, but am I also the cause of your wound? No, Father Pyotr Andreevich! it's not me, the accursed monsieur is to blame for everything: he taught you to poke with iron skewers and stomp, as if by poking and stomping you would protect yourself from an evil person! It was necessary to hire Monsieur and spend extra money!

But who took the trouble to notify my father of my behavior? General? But he didn't seem to care much for me; and Ivan Kuzmich did not consider it necessary to report on my duel. I was at a loss. My suspicions settled on Shvabrin. He alone had the benefit of a denunciation, which could result in my removal from the fortress and a break with the commandant's family. I went to announce everything to Marya Ivanovna. She met me on the porch. “What has happened to you? she said when she saw me. - How pale you are! - "Its end!" - I answered and gave her father's letter. She turned pale in turn. Having read it, she returned the letter to me with a trembling hand and said in a trembling voice: “It seems that I am not destined ... Your relatives do not want me in their family. Be in everything the will of the Lord! God knows better than we what we need. There is nothing to do, Pyotr Andreevich; at least you be happy ... "-" This will not happen! I cried, seizing her by the hand, “you love me; I'm ready for anything. Let's go, let's throw ourselves at the feet of your parents; they are simple people, not cruel-hearted, proud... They will bless us; we will get married ... and there, in time, I am sure, we will beg my father; mother will be for us; he will forgive me ... "-" No, Pyotr Andreevich, - Masha answered, - I will not marry you without the blessing of your parents. Without their blessing, you will not be happy. Let us submit to the will of God. If you find yourself a betrothed, if you love another - God be with you, Pyotr Andreevich; and I'm for you both ... "Here she began to cry and left me; I wanted to follow her into the room, but I felt that I was unable to control myself, and returned home.

I was soon completely recovered, and was able to go back to my quarters.

I soon recovered and was able to move into my apartment.

I impatiently awaited the answer to my letter, not daring to hope, but trying to stifle sad forebodings that would arise.

I eagerly waited for an answer to the sent letter, not daring to hope, and trying to drown out sad forebodings.

I had not yet attempted any explanation as regarded Vassilissa Igorofna and her husband.
But my courtship could be no surprise to them, as neither Marya nor myself made any secret of our feelings before them, and we were sure beforehand of their consent.

With Vasilisa Egorovna and with her husband I have not yet explained; but my suggestion should not have surprised them.
Neither Marya Ivanovna nor I tried to hide our feelings from them, and we were sure in advance of their consent.

At last, one fine day, Saveliitch came into my room with a letter in his hand.

Finally, one morning, Savelich came to me, holding a letter in his hands.

I took it trembling.

I grabbed it with trepidation.

The address was written in my father's hand.

The address was written by the father's hand.

This prepared me for something serious, since it was usually my mother who wrote, and he only added a few lines at the end.

For a long time I could not make up my mind to break the seal.
I read over the solemn address:-

I did not open the package for a long time and re-read the solemn inscription:

“To my son, Petr’ Andréjïtch Grineff, District of Orenburg, Fort Belogorsk.”

"To my son Pyotr Andreyevich Grinev, to the Orenburg province, to the Belogorsk fortress."

I tried to guess from my father's handwriting in what mood he had written the letter.
At last I resolved to open it, and I did not need to read more than the first few lines to see that the whole affair was at the devil.

I tried to guess from the handwriting the mood in which the letter was written; finally he decided to print it out, and from the first lines he saw that the whole thing had gone to hell.

"My Son Petr',-

“My son Peter!

“We received the 15th of this month the letter in which you ask our parental blessing and our consent to your marriage with Marya Ivánofna, the Mironoff daughter.
And not only have I no intention of giving you either my blessing or my consent, but I intend to come and punish you well for your follies, like a little boy, in spite of your officer's rank, because you have shown me that you are not fit to wear the sword entrusted to you for the defense of your country, and not for fighting duels with fools like yourself.

Your letter, in which you ask us for our parental blessing and consent to marry Marya Ivanovna, daughter of Mironova, we received on the 15th of this month, and not only do I not intend to give you my blessing or my consent, but I also intend to to get to you, but for your leprosy to teach you the way, like a boy, regardless of your officer rank: for you proved that you are not yet worthy to wear a sword, which was granted to you to defend the fatherland, and not for duels with the same tomboys like you myself.

I shall write immediately to Andréj Karlovitch to beg him to send you away from Fort Bélogorsk to some place still further removed, so that you may get over this folly.

I will immediately write to Andrei Karlovich, asking him to transfer you from the Belogorsk fortress to somewhere far away, wherever your foolishness has passed.

    Oh, you girl, donka red!
    Do not go, girl, young married;
    You ask, girl, father, mother,
    Father, mother, clan-tribe;
    Save up, girl, mind-reason,
    Uma-reason, dowry.
    folk song

    If you find me better, you will forget,
    If you find worse than me, you will remember.

When I woke up, for some time I could not come to my senses and did not understand what had happened to me. I was lying on the bed, in an unfamiliar room, and felt very weak. Before me stood Savelitch with a candle in his hands. Someone developed bandages with which the chest and shoulder were pulled together. Little by little my thoughts cleared up. I remembered my duel and guessed that I had been wounded. At that moment the door creaked. "What? What?" - whispered a voice that made me tremble. “Everything is in the same position,” Savelich replied with a sigh, “everything is without memory, for the fifth day already.” I wanted to turn around, but I couldn't. "Where I am? who's here?" I said with an effort. Marya Ivanovna came up to my bed and leaned towards me. "What? How are you feeling?" - she said. “Thank God,” I replied in a weak voice. - Is that you, Marya Ivanovna? tell me...” I was unable to continue and fell silent. Savelich gasped. Joy showed on his face. “I came to my senses! I came to my senses, he repeated. - Glory to you, Lord! Well, Father Pyotr Andreevich! you scared me! is it easy? fifth day!..” Marya Ivanovna interrupted his speech. “Don't talk to him much, Savelich,” she said. "He's still weak." She followed them and quietly closed the door. My thoughts were worried. So, I was at the commandant's office, Marya Ivanovna came in to see me, I wanted to put some questions to Savelich, but the old man shook his head and plugged his ears. I closed my eyes in annoyance and soon fell asleep.

Waking up, I called Savelitch and instead of him I saw Marya Ivanovna in front of me; her angelic voice greeted me. I cannot express the sweet feeling that took possession of me at that moment. I grabbed her hand and clung to it, shedding tears of tenderness. Masha did not tear it off ... and suddenly her lips touched my cheek, and I felt their hot and fresh kiss. Fire ran through me. “Dear, kind Marya Ivanovna,” I said to her, “be my wife, agree to my happiness.” She came to her senses. "For God's sake, calm down," said the oma, taking her hand away from me. - You are still in danger: the wound may open. Save yourself for me." With that, she left, leaving me in a rapture of delight. Happiness revived me. She will be mine! she loves Me! This thought filled my entire existence.

Since then, I have been getting better every hour. I was treated by the regimental barber, for there was no other doctor in the fortress, and, thank God, he did not play smart. Youth and nature hastened my recovery. The entire commandant's family took care of me. Marya Ivanovna never left my side. Of course, at the first opportunity, I set to work on the interrupted explanation, and Marya Ivanovna listened to me more patiently. She confessed to me, without any affectation, her inclination of the heart, and said that her parents, of course, would be glad of her happiness. “But think carefully,” she added, “will there be any obstacles from your relatives?”

I thought. I had no doubts about my mother's tenderness; but, knowing the rights and way of thinking of my father, I felt that my love would not touch him too much and that he would look at her as a whim of a young man. I frankly confessed this to Marya Ivanovna and, however, decided to write to the priest as eloquently as possible, asking for my parents' blessing. I showed the letter to Marya Ivanovna, who found it so convincing and touching that she did not doubt its success and gave herself up to the feelings of her tender heart with all the credulity of youth and love.

I made peace with Shnabrip in the first days of my convalescence. Ivan Kuzmich, reprimanding me for the duel, said to me: “Oh, Pyotr Andreevich! I should have put you under arrest, but you are already punished without that. And Alexey Ivanovich is still sitting in my bakery under guard, and Vasilisa Yegorovna has his sword under lock and key. Let him think for himself and repent." I was too happy to keep a feeling of hostility in my heart. I began to plead for Shvabrin, and the good commandant, with the consent of his wife, decided to release him. Shvabrin came to me; he expressed deep regret for what had happened between us; admitted that he was guilty all around, and asked me to forget about the past. Being by nature not vindictive, I sincerely forgave him both our quarrel and the wound I received from him. In his slander I saw the annoyance of offended pride and rejected love, and magnanimously excused my unfortunate rival.

I soon recovered and was able to move into my apartment. I eagerly waited for an answer to the sent letter, not daring to hope and trying to drown out sad forebodings. I have not yet explained myself to Vasilisa Egorovna and her husband; but my suggestion should not have surprised them. Neither Marya Ivanovna nor I tried to hide our feelings from them, and we were sure in advance of their consent.

Finally, one morning, Savelich came to me, holding a letter in his hands. I grabbed it with trepidation. The address was written by the father's hand. This prepared me for something important, for my mother usually wrote letters to me, and he added a few lines at the end. I did not open the package for a long time and re-read the solemn inscription: “To my son Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, to the Orenburg province, to the Belogorsk fortress.” I tried to guess from the handwriting the mood in which the letter was written; finally he decided to print it out and from the first lines he saw that the whole thing had gone to hell. The content of the letter was as follows:

    “My son Peter! Your letter, in which you ask us for our parental blessing and consent to marry Marya Ivanovna, daughter of Mironova, we received on the 15th of this month, and not only do I not intend to give you my blessing or my consent, but I also intend to to get to you and to teach you a lesson for your leprosy, like a boy, despite your officer rank: for you have proved that you are not yet worthy to wear a sword, which was granted to you to defend the fatherland, and not for duels with the same tomboys like yourself. I will immediately write to Andrei Karlovich, asking him to transfer you from the Belogorsk fortress to somewhere far away, wherever your foolishness has passed. Your mother, having learned about your duel and that you were wounded, fell ill with grief and now lies. What will become of you? I pray to God that you improve, although I do not dare to hope for his great mercy.

    Your father A. G. "

Reading this letter aroused different feelings in me. The cruel expressions, which the priest did not stint, deeply offended me. The disdain with which he referred to Marya Ivanovna seemed to me as obscene as it was unfair. The thought of my transfer from the Belogorsk fortress terrified me, but what upset me most of all was the news of my mother's illness. I was indignant at Savelich, having no doubt that my duel became known to my parents through him. Walking back and forth across my cramped room, I stopped in front of him and said, looking at him menacingly: “It seems that you are not satisfied that, thanks to you, I am wounded and have been on the brink of the grave for a whole month: you want to kill my mother too.” . Savelich was struck like thunder. “Have mercy, sir,” he said, almost sobbing, “what are you talking about? I'm the reason you were hurt! God sees, I ran to shield you with my chest from the sword of Alexei Ivanovich! Damn old age got in the way. But what have I done to your mother?” - "What did you do? I answered. - Who asked you to write denunciations against me? Are you assigned to me as a spy? -"I? denounced you? Savelich answered with tears. - Lord the King of Heaven! So if you please read what the master writes to me: you will see how I denounced you. Then he took a letter out of his pocket, and I read the following:

“Shame on you, old dog, that you, despite my strict orders, did not inform me about my son Pyotr Andreevich and that outsiders are forced to notify me about her leprosy. Is this how you fulfill your position and master's will? I will send you, an old dog, to graze pigs for concealing the truth and indulging a young man. Upon receipt of this, I order you to immediately write to me, what is his health now, about which they write to me that he has recovered; Yes, in what place was he wounded and whether he was well healed.

It was obvious that Savelitch had been right before me, and that I had needlessly offended him with reproach and suspicion. I asked his forgiveness; but the old man was inconsolable. “This is what I have lived up to,” he repeated, “this is what kind of favors I have risen from my masters! I am an old dog and a swineherd, but am I also the cause of your wound? No, Father Pyotr Andreevich! It's not me, the damned monsieur is to blame for everything: he taught you to poke with iron skewers and stomp, as if by poking and topapia you will protect yourself from an evil person! It was necessary to hire Monsieur and spend extra money!

But who took the trouble to notify my father of my behavior? General? But he didn't seem to care much for me; and Ivan Kuzmich did not consider it necessary to report on my duel. I was at a loss. My suspicions settled on Shvabrin. He alone had the benefit of a denunciation, which could result in my removal from the fortress and a break with the commandant's family. I went to announce everything to Marya Ivanovna. She met me on the porch. “What has happened to you? she said when she saw me. - How pale you are! - "Its end!" - I answered and gave her father's letter. She turned pale in turn. Having read it, she returned the letter to me with a trembling hand and said in a trembling voice: “It seems that I am not destined ... Your relatives do not want me in their family. Be in everything the will of the Lord! God knows better than we what we need. There is nothing to do, Pyotr Andreevich; at least you be happy ... "-" This will not happen! - I cried, grabbing her by the hand, - you love me; and I'm ready for anything. Let's go, let's throw ourselves at the feet of your parents; they are simple people, not cruel-hearted, proud... They will bless the pasture; we will get married ... and there, in time, I am sure, we will beg my father; mother will be for us; he will forgive me…” “No, Pyotr Andreevich,” answered Masha, “I will not marry you without the blessing of your parents. Without their blessing, you will not be happy. Let us submit to the will of God. If you find yourself a betrothed, if you love another - God is with you, Pyotr Andreevich; and I'm for you both ... "Here she began to cry and left me; I wanted to follow her into the room, but I felt that I was unable to control myself, and returned home.

I was sitting immersed in deep thought, when suddenly Savelich interrupted my thoughts. “Here, sir,” he said, handing me a sheet of paper covered with writing, “look if I am an informer against my master and if I am trying to confuse my son with his father.” I took his paper from his hands: this is Savelich's reply to the letter he had received. Here it is word for word:

    “Sir Andrey Petrovich, our gracious father! I received your gracious writing, in which you deign to be angry with me, your servant, that it is a shame for me not to fulfill the master's orders; and I am not an old dog, but your faithful servant, I obey the master's orders and have always served you diligently and lived to gray hair. Well, I didn’t write anything to you about Pyotr Andreevich’s brine, so as not to scare you in vain, and, you can hear, the lady, our mother Avdotya Vasilyevna, and so she fell ill with fright, and I will pray to God for her health. But Pyotr Andreevich was wounded under the right shoulder, in the chest, just under the bone, an inch and a half deep, and he lay in the commandant's house, where we brought him from the shore, and the local barber Stepan Paramonov treated him; and now Pyotr Andreevich, thank God, is healthy, and there is nothing but good things to write about him. The commanders, it is heard, are pleased with him; and Vasilisa Egorovna o "like a son. And that such an opportunity happened to him, then there was no reproach to the good fellow: the horse and about four legs, yes stumbles. And if you please write that you will send me to pasture pigs, and that is your boyar will. For this I bow slavishly.

    Your faithful serf Arkhip Savelyev.

I couldn't help but smile several times as I read the good old man's letter. I was unable to answer the priest; and to reassure my mother, Savelich's letter seemed to me sufficient.

Since then, my position has changed. Marya Ivanovna scarcely spoke to me and tried her best to avoid me. The commandant's house became a shame for me. Little by little I learned to sit alone at home. Vasilisa Yegorovna at first reproached me for this; but, seeing my stubbornness, she left me alone. I saw Ivan Kuzmich only when the service demanded it. I met Shvabrin rarely and reluctantly, all the more so as I noticed in him a hidden dislike for myself, which confirmed me in my suspicions. My life has become unbearable to me. I fell into a dark reverie that was fueled by loneliness and inactivity. My love flared up in solitude and from hour to hour became more burdensome to me. I have lost the desire for reading and literature. My spirit has fallen. I was afraid to either go crazy or fall into debauchery. Unexpected incidents, which had an important influence on my whole life, suddenly gave my soul a strong and good shock.