Basta and Maxim Galkin Battle. Maxim Galkin called himself the most powerful comedian in Russia

Basta's show "GAZLIVE" is gaining momentum. Every day there are only more fans of the rapper's work.

Basta recently conducted an interview with Maxim Galkin. The comedian happily answered most of the questions, not trying to hide anything.

Galkin even surprised the audience with some answers. Recall that the meaning of Basta's transmission is that each invited hero is asked questions sent by fans. The name of the participant of the show becomes known a couple of days before the release.

The questions were from the category: “Maxim, did the pension reform scare your wife? Did she scare you?" Maxim frankly answered questions. “The pension reform did not scare Alla as much as the size of her pension, - shared Galkin. She has retired a long time ago. I mean in terms of the parameters of pension reform, and not about talent. So, when Alla first decided to find out what her pension is - now you will all fall - it was 2000 rubles! Leontiev at that time (it was about 10 years ago) had a pension of 10 thousand rubles. And that's only because he designed himself as a ballet! But in our family there is a workhorse - this is me, so no, we are not worried about retirement.

There were no spectators in the studio, only Basta and his assistants. Galkin was not afraid to announce his wife's pension, People's Artist USSR, laureate of the State Prize Russian Federation, Cavalier of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II, III and IV degrees. Everyone in the studio was surprised, Basta could not utter a word. After a moment's pause, the rapper said: "What an idler!"

Galkin felt at home in the studio. Maxim admitted that Alla often calls him an old man because of his tediousness. He said that for more than 15 years he has heard constant ridicule about the age of his wife. However, nothing bothers him. “I hope that I will always have the one wife that I have now.” “I don’t like old people. I love one person. I fell in love. I was 25, she was 52. But I don't care how old she is. I love her not for her age, but because she is like that, and we feel good together. And between us there was everything that happens between two people who love each other. ”Recall that Maxim and Alla formalized the relationship on December 24, 2011. However, this was only a formality: the lovers had been together for a long time. On the show, Galkin said that he had never thought about divorcing Diva. "Never! The last time we had a fight was 15 years ago.”– shared the comedian.

Maxim Galkin does not even remember what caused the quarrel. Love and respect reign in their family, they have no time to scandal, because both are busy with business. Each couple has their own responsibilities around the house. Alla Borisovna loves to cook, and Maxim often washes the dishes. When spouses relax together, they toss a coin, who drinks alcoholic beverages today and who does not.

“We don’t get drunk at the same time. We have a watch. The last time I got very drunk was at the birthday party of my friend Arman Davletyarov. I drank almost a bottle of whiskey. It was very fun. Then I drank with Dzhigan. God doesn't drink much. But it happens that she drinks, then I watch, " Galkin admitted.

The couple are happy with their lives, and do not want to change anything in it. Alla and Maxim devote a lot of time to their 5-year-old twins. The prima donna is often at home with Harry and Lisa while her husband tours the country and abroad.

In the new episode of the GazLife show, Maxim Galkin became Basta's guest. The well-known TV presenter spoke with humor about politics, reforms, and also admitted that he himself was thinking about launching the same channel. According to Galkin, now there is much more censorship on television than at the time when he began his career. That is why he hopes to create a channel in the future, like Basta's. He paid special attention to the topic of relations with Alla Pugacheva, which worries many.

Maxim is an active user of Instagram, which he runs personally. There he often shares videos featuring children, Lisa and Harry, or with Alla Pugacheva. In a conversation with the rapper, Galkin also discussed pension reform. He told how much money his wife receives.

“The pension reform did not scare Alla as much as the size of her pension. She has long since retired. I mean in terms of the parameters of pension reform, and not about talent. So, when Alla first decided to find out what her pension is - now you will all fall - it was 2000 rubles! Leontiev at that time (it was about 10 years ago) had a pension of 10 thousand rubles. And that's only because he designed himself as a ballet! But in our family there is a workhorse - it's me, so no, we are not worried about the pension, ”said Maxim.

According to the comedian, he often improvises in his performances, which the audience likes. The TV presenter has been successfully working on Channel One for a long time. In an interview with Basta, Galkin accidentally said that he had a fairly friendly relationship with Konstantin Ernst. “I have always loved interacting with children. When I had children, I trained on them. Konstantin Lvovich Ernst saw on a joint vacation how I communicate with my people and realized that it was mine, ”Galkin said about the Best of All show.

Many people believe that when Maxim turns 70, he will want a young wife for himself. The comedian does not believe that he will need another spouse.

“Alla is in very good health, so I would not cut off my current wife at 70. Alla and I have been living for 17 years. Talk about how I love the elderly, I heard it all many times. I fell in love with her. I was 25 and she was 52. I don't care how old she is. I love her not for her age, but because she is. We feel good together. Everything was between us, which is beautiful between two people who love. Therefore, we have children, they appeared, because they can appear only in love. Until the age of 25, I had many beloved girls. They were all my age. I felt great sexually. But when I saw Alla, that was it. She can't stand listening to music. But she is preparing for the anniversary, choosing songs, ”Galkin opened up.

Spouses manage to distribute many responsibilities. In particular, Alla Borisovna loves to cook, and Maxim always washes the dishes. In terms of recreation, they also have to choose entertainment. In particular, they can only take turns drinking heavily.

“We don’t get drunk at the same time. We have a watch. The last time I got very drunk was at the birthday party of my friend Arman Davletyarov. I drank almost a bottle of whiskey. It was very fun. Then I drank with Dzhigan. God doesn't drink much. But it happens that she drinks, then I watch, ”Galkin said.

As Maxim says, before the birth of children and moving to the castle, they lived without assistants, only the two of them in an apartment in Moscow. According to the artist, they almost never had serious scandals with Alla.

“We quarreled for one day for the last time about 15 years ago. I buckled. I am always the first to put up, ”said Galkin.

Now the couple devote a lot of time to Harry and Lisa, who turned 5 this year. Alla Borisovna devoted herself completely to motherhood, so she is in no hurry to return to the big stage. Maxim travels with concerts and successfully performs even abroad.

The comedian and TV presenter called himself the most powerful comedian in Russia. He gave a great interview to the rapper (Vasily Vakulenko). It was posted on YouTube on November 14th. "
“There is no stronger humorist in this country, of course. I am the most powerful comedian. I am now talking about a person who will come out and hold the audience for 2.5 hours, and they will laugh. I am the coolest,” said Galkin.

He does not consider other comedians, for example, or, as his competitors. Galkin respects the last two as professional presenters, but not comedians.

“Pavel Volya is a very cool and talented guy. I just haven't been to his concert, but I really like what he does. We have so few talented people in humor: if a person shows his talent, then it’s a sin not to admit it, ”Galkin believes.

Now the 42-year-old humorist is thinking about opening his own YouTube channel. There he intends to lay out political jokes, which are lacking on television today.

Maxim Galkin's interview with Basta - video (18+)