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A stretch ceiling in a house or apartment is a thing that has long been by no means transcendental, but quite real. Stretch ceilings, for many reasons, have ceased to be the prerogative of only rich people. Relatively inexpensive material, fairly simple installation, made this type of finish available to most homeowners.

Recently, such ceilings as perforated and 3D ceilings have become especially popular. They can be seen both in Karaganda and Saratov, both in Minsk and Zhytomyr. The popularity of the fabric ceiling has grown, more and more soaring ceilings appear. It is better to look at the latter on photo and video clips in order to visually appreciate their magnificence. The cornerstone for installation is a baguette for stretch ceilings, the choice of which, as well as the ability to work with it, largely depends on the quality installation of a stretch ceiling. In order for your ceiling to please you for many years, and not to be an eyesore until the next repair, or even not become the cause of the “construction of the century” and endless alterations, you need to choose the right materials, the list of which includes a baguette.

Many people ask how to attach a baguette to a stretch ceiling when there is a need to stick a foam plastic baguette in order to ennoble the wall-ceiling joint.

In this situation, there can be no two opinions: the baguette should absolutely not be glued to the stretch ceiling!

A stretch ceiling is a rather thin film that can be accidentally damaged, say, with a knife. But these are not all the nuances that can ruin a stretch ceiling, moreover, irrevocably. The integrity of the film can be broken, and therefore, during installation, the finishers work very carefully and accurately, so that, for example, the joint does not open. However, if you try to glue the baguette directly to the ceiling, you can also ruin the surface.

Causes of damage to the ceiling during gluing:

  • The thin film of the stretch ceiling can be dissolved with glue. Without knowing exactly chemical composition film and glue, this can be easily done, but it is hardly correctable.
  • The stretch ceiling is not a rigid structure, and the film, even with the slightest pressure, is movable. Therefore, it is unlikely that the sticking will turn out neat.
  • After drying, the glue can give some stretch to the ceiling, which will adversely affect appearance films.

Thus, in order to successfully avoid the listed nuances, the glue must be applied to the surface of the baguette that will be in direct contact with the wall. What kind of glue to use, you can ask the sales assistant in the hardware store. Liquid nails, for example, are quite suitable. There are a lot of adhesives, and it is simply impossible to exhaustively answer the question of what exactly needs to be glued! And the sticking itself is simple, and most importantly - accuracy.

And there are situations when suddenly a certain technological gap has formed at the junction of the wall-ceiling. It seems that a baguette sticker suggests itself, but, in this case, a flexible camouflage insert is provided. It is easy to set up and just as easy to dismantle as needed. A baguette is not always appropriate due to the increased curvature of the walls.

Stretch ceiling: do-it-yourself baguette installation

Installation of a baguette can be done by hand, without resorting to the help of specialists. The easiest task is to fasten PVC baguettes. Any baguette for stretch ceiling is installed on the wall.

Consider how to install a PVC baguette.


  1. After measurements, we cut the baguette to the desired size;
  2. We drill holes in the baguette with an electric drill;
  3. We mark the reciprocal holes on the wall;
  4. If the wall is made of wood, then such fastening is noticeably simplified - we simply fasten the baguettes with self-tapping screws, and if the wall is made of concrete or brick, then the holes are pre-drilled under the dowels with a perforator.

As can be seen from all that has been said, this work is not difficult - you just need patience and accuracy. PVC baguettes are installed even by non-professionals, since, as can be seen from the above, fasteners are elementary simple. If in the installation of aluminum baguettes there are difficulties associated with drilling aluminum, then when drilling PVC baguettes, such problems do not arise.

Recently, there are three types of installation of stretch ceilings: glazing bead (special tape), harpoon and wedge.

Quite often, a drywall box is used to reinforce the structure and install heavy plaster moldings and lighting.

Baguette dimensions for stretch ceilings: without a large spread

A baguette for stretch ceilings is not only the most important component, but also the key to the correct and reliable installation of a stretch ceiling.

The length of any profile, regardless of the material, is usually 2.5 meters.

The sizes of baguettes, depending on their profile, have different widths and heights.

Sizes by type:

  • PVC wall baguette. Width - 27mm, height - 10mm.
  • Baguette wall gapless. Width - 28mm, height - 13mm.
  • Baguette ceiling for seamless ceilings. Width - 27mm, height - 12mm.

All of the above baguettes have the same length - 2.5 m. Thus, the standard length varies from 2-3 running meters, and the average width is 26-28 cm.

How to fix an aluminum baguette for stretch ceilings: the right recommendations

Consider step by step how to fix an aluminum baguette. This baguette is made on automatic lines, on high-quality equipment, and therefore, all components are manufactured with high precision. This design is very durable, the connections need to be drilled with a drill, which creates additional labor.

Step by step:

  1. The baguette is cut to the desired size;
  2. The holes in the baguettes are pre-drilled with a drill. It will be more convenient to do this on the floor or on the table. The distance between the holes is approximately 20cm. The distance from the end of the baguette to the first hole is about 5-6 cm.
  3. The elements are attached to the wall. IN this case, a level is used, or a pre-drawn line. We mark the walls for holes.
  4. Having removed the baguette, according to the markings, we drill holes in the wall with a perforator.
  5. Fasteners are made with impact dowels or self-tapping screws.

Cutting baguettes is carried out either with a hacksaw or with a grinder.

The level of installation of a stretch ceiling, as a rule, is 3-4 cm lower than the base ceiling. The length of the screws is 3 cm, the diameter is 6 mm. It is with such fasteners that you can be one hundred percent sure of the reliability of the entire structure!

Types of baguettes for stretch ceilings: the design takes into account everything

The entire structure of the stretch ceiling is based on a baguette.

If the canvas is properly stretched, then it, without sagging, keeps its original shape for a very long time, and pleases the eye of the landlord.

Baguettes for the ceiling are of several types.

Types of baguettes (profiles):

  • Wall;
  • Ceiling;
  • separating;
  • Universal;
  • Fixing.

In addition, baguettes are divided into invisible and visible. This means that if one of the edges of the profile is visible and is slightly lower than the stretch ceiling, then such a baguette is called visible.

In addition, these profiles are further subdivided by type of material:

  1. aluminum;
  2. Plastic.

Aluminum baguette is the most popular, despite its higher price.

Its advantages:

  • It is, of course, more durable, and reliable.
  • The aluminum baguette appeared on the construction market somewhat earlier than the PVC baguette. They are used to being used by both designers and finishers.

The disadvantages of this profile include its heavier weight, as well as the fact that it is difficult to use an aluminum profile for two-level (or more!) curved ceiling systems. Drilling a profile for self-tapping screws is more laborious, and inconvenient.

PVC baguette for stretch ceilings: cheap and cheerful

A PVC baguette (aka plastic), of course, is much lighter in weight than an aluminum baguette, and more mobile.

This baguette has a number of advantages over an aluminum baguette.


  1. The baguette is ideal for curved ceiling systems, and is also widely applicable for multi-level ceilings;
  2. It is inexpensive compared to aluminum;
  3. The cost of work related to the installation of stretch ceilings, when using a PVC baguette, is much lower;
  4. Most finishers prefer to work with this profile.

However, the PVC profile has significant drawbacks.


  • With a significant tension of the ceiling, a deflection of the plastic rail may occur, up to its breakage;
  • Profile material is not always of high quality.

Based on the information provided, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the described profiles, it is necessary to make your rational choice.

The price of materials is almost the decisive factor in the age of budget repairs.

And only after weighing all the pros and cons, you need to finally make a choice.

How to glue a baguette to a stretch ceiling (video)

And in conclusion, I would like to note the following. Stretch ceiling - one of the most common and aesthetic types of ceiling decoration. It is a great alternative to drywall. Of course, everyone wants to make high-quality repairs, moreover, at minimal cost. As you already understood, a significant role in this event is played by the material from which the baguettes will be used. It is impossible to say unequivocally which is better, because it will not be entirely correct, because every material has its own advantages and some disadvantages at the same time. So, after consulting with the masters, sales assistants, as well as soberly weighing your budget, you need to make your right choice. Good luck decorating your home!

Baguette for stretch ceilings (photo)

New design solutions are not complete without new repair rules. In the old days, a high-quality painted ceiling and neatly pasted wallpaper were the ultimate dream and perfection. Modern materials and technologies have changed everything. Now in the design of an aesthetic interior, Special attention designers pay to numerous trifles. True, sticking baguettes to the ceiling cannot be called a trifle, since everything must be done carefully.

Having taken up such work, the owner of a country house or apartment will have enough many interesting tasks. In particular, the decorative elements that connect the ceiling to the walls look quite attractive. The lack of proper connection of these surfaces will simply spoil the impression of the repair, and it will look unfinished.

Watch the video on how to glue baguettes on the ceiling without the involvement of qualified specialists. From it you will learn that the idea of ​​​​quality repairs is rapidly changing. This is the result of the development of new design techniques and ideas. Today, high-quality cladding of ceilings and walls does not work without the use of decorative panels. Properly connecting the two planes, you get a single whole.

Ceiling skirting boards have several significant advantages. They are expressed as follows:

  • Behind them you can hide minor surface defects.
  • Ideal decor for walls and ceilings.
  • Lightweight plastic material.
  • Ease of installation. To install decorative elements, skills and special knowledge are not required. Even an unprepared person can correctly glue a baguette to a stretch ceiling.
  • Unlimited choice of colors and designs.
  • Thanks to low prices and independent work, the family budget is significantly saved.

All ceiling plinths presented by well-known manufacturers are made from the most different materials. They can be different in width, texture, smooth or with a decorative pattern applied.

Now many homeowners know how to glue baguettes on the ceiling with their own hands. Only a few do not dare to do such work. Here the main thing is to choose the right glue.

How to glue baguettes to the ceiling?

Not all decorative strips must be screwed to the ceiling and walls. Foam skirting boards are best glued. Manufacturers offer the following types of adhesives:

  • When choosing glue for a baguette on the ceiling, it is important to understand that in addition to firmly fixing the plank, it must quickly set, otherwise it will have to be held by hand for a long time, which is not very convenient. If you let go of the baseboard before the glue hardens, it will simply slide down.
  • When gluing baguettes on a stretch ceiling is carried out over wallpaper, then universal transparent glue or acrylic sealant is used. They provide a secure and durable fit.
  • Gypsum putty can be used as an adhesive only by gluing planks onto primed gypsum plaster.

Styrofoam ceiling plinths are in the greatest demand. They are easier to work with than other materials, and the service life is calculated in decades. For gluing baguettes on a stretch ceiling, it is not necessary to invite specialists. Everything can be done without their help.

An equally popular type of glue for decorative strips are liquid "nails". They quickly harden, turning into a kind of strong rods that securely hold the ceiling plinths. Thanks to this glue, the planks firmly and tightly adhere to the surface and will never fall off. Liquid "nails" are produced in sealed containers. Injected into pre-drilled holes with a mounting gun. The tip of this tool is so thin that it can deliver glue to the most inaccessible places. It dispenses the adhesive composition in metered portions, so that there is no excess on the panels.

For gluing baguettes to the ceiling, you can also use acrylic glue. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it dissolves in water and is able to reliably hold not only decorative foam plastic elements, but also cork, drywall, parquet board and piece parquet on the wall surface.

Often, putty remains after wall cladding. It can also be used as an adhesive. Finishing putty material is best suited, the excess of which can be quickly removed with a damp cloth. The result is a perfectly even seam.

You can glue a polyurethane baguette to a stretch ceiling using transparent glue, which is produced specifically for this material. It seizes almost instantly, so you need to work quickly, but carefully. Apply glue to the ceiling plinth in metered portions and keep a dry cloth ready. The decorative panels can then be wiped with a cloth soaked in solvent.

Many are interested in how much it costs to stick a baguette on the ceiling without involving professional builders. In this case, the costs will be associated only with the purchase of glue and a mounting gun.

Some homeowners prefer to glue their ceiling moldings with silicone adhesive. The reliability of such fastening is quite high, however, if you decide to paint the panels, then water-based paint will not work. You have to use varnish.

Many cannot stop at the right choice of glue. In this case, you can consult a specialist or a seller of building materials. They know exactly what works best for your decorative trims. You can also watch a video on how to glue baguettes to the ceiling and wallpaper.

Repairing an apartment or a country house with your own hands is beneficial not only financially. Having done it yourself, you will have no doubts about the quality of the work performed. Nothing is easier than gluing baguettes to the ceiling on your own. This work can be done even without an assistant. All you need is a stable stepladder, a set of certain tools and glue.

Here no special knowledge required, because it is clear that the corner decorative elements are fixed in the corners, connecting the ceiling and the wall to each other. Naturally, such skirting boards have two planes, one of which is attached to the wall, the other to the ceiling. First, corner baguettes are glued to the ceiling, after which straight strips are fixed.

Many consider a stretch ceiling to be an unreliable material. In fact, even PVC film can withstand significant loads and mechanical stress. It can only be cut with a knife or pierced with a sharp object. Otherwise, it is a material strong enough to support the weight of an adult or an incredibly large amount of water that has leaked from the upper floors on its surface.

This once again proves that you can stick baguettes on a stretch ceiling without fear of spoiling it. When the owner of the house does such work on his own, he works slowly but carefully, so he cannot damage the film, and even more so, the fabric.

The whole difficulty lies in the correct trimming of the corners of the ceiling plinths. This can be done with a miter box, a school square or a protractor.