Who wrote famously one-eyed. Famously One-Eyed: A representative of an ancient race of giants? Likho - Slavic mythology

In March 2017, a 31-year-old woman arrived at a local hospital in Barnaul, Russia. This woman, who preferred to remain anonymous, was already 41 weeks pregnant and only wanted to ask the doctors if her baby was healthy. What happened after, she is unlikely to ever be able to forget ...

The woman admitted to doctors that she had not undergone any examination during pregnancy. She also said that she does not trust doctors and is skeptical about traditional medicine. However, when after 41 weeks she still had no contractions, the woman nevertheless decided to go to the hospital.

The doctors performed a thorough examination and could hardly believe their eyes. The child did not grow up in the mother's womb, but in her abdominal cavity! This rare condition is a form of ectopic pregnancy where the embryo or fetus develops in the abdomen. The survival rate for such a pregnancy is extremely low, but in rare cases the child can be born healthy.

Without wasting a minute, the doctors sent the young woman to prepare for the operation. An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by the highest risk and danger, primarily for the child. All over the world, only ten cases are known when a baby was born healthy. In order to safely remove the child from the abdominal cavity, I had to do a caesarean section.

With such a complex procedure, both mother and child are at the highest risk. Removal of the placenta can lead to uncontrolled bleeding, which can be fatal. In general, the operation lasted almost two hours.

When the doctors removed the amniotic sac from the mother's abdomen, they witnessed a real miracle. The girl not only breathed, but was fully formed, healthy and already weighed about 4 kg. The proud mother decided to give her daughter a special name - Veronica, which means "winner".

This amazing story quickly spread throughout the country. You can watch one of the reports in the video below:

While Veronica still can not realize how lucky she is. According to her mother, her chances of survival were only 1 in 625 million. On the other hand, now a happy mother knows how lucky she is. In an interview, the woman promised that in the event of a new pregnancy, she would definitely go to the doctor immediately. The fact that these qualified people, despite all the difficulties, were able to bring her daughter into this world completely changed the attitude of the young mother to medicine.

The birth of a child is one of the greatest moments in life that a person can experience. Nevertheless, bearing a child is often accompanied by various difficulties and risks, so many future parents worry about the upcoming birth.

Fear of the hospital walls and the fact that something will go wrong during a visit to the doctor forced a 31-year-old woman from Russia to refuse to visit a antenatal clinic during pregnancy.

When the pregnancy came to an end, the woman did not feel any signs of an impending birth and began to worry. In the end, she had to seek medical attention... and when she finally got to the hospital, the doctors made a shocking discovery.

Last spring, in Western Siberia, a woman came to the hospital at a long pregnancy.

The woman did not trust doctors, and therefore was not observed by a gynecologist throughout the entire period. There were no routine examinations, no ultrasound, no consultations.

The woman was already at the 41st week of pregnancy, but the child did not even think to be born. Then she felt the need to visit the hospital to check on the child's condition.

When she finally got to the hospital, the doctors made a terrible discovery.

Ultrasound showed that the child was not in the womb, but in her abdominal cavity. This was a case of an ectopic pregnancy, in which a fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterine cavity.

This rare occurrence occurs in about 2-3% of all pregnancies. Most often, implantation of the egg during an ectopic pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tube, but in this case the embryo is fixed in the abdominal cavity, which happens even less often.

As soon as the doctors learned about the incident, the woman was rushed to the operating room. The case was associated with a huge risk for both the woman and the child: there are only a few known cases where ectopic pregnancy ended for mother and child without complications.

The child could be removed from the mother's body only by caesarean section. But even this procedure was full of risks, since the removal of the placenta could lead to massive blood loss.

The complex operation lasted for more than two hours.

In the end, the doctors saw a small miracle with their own eyes.

When the surgeons removed the fetal bladder, they realized that the girl was not just breathing - she was absolutely healthy and weighed more than four kilograms!

It was an incredible birth that went against all the laws of nature. According to doctors, the chances of survival were only 1 in 625 million!

The mother was so happy that she decided to name her daughter Veronica, which means "victorious"!

In a subsequent interview, she said that if she ever became pregnant again, she would definitely seek medical help from the very beginning of her pregnancy and carry out all the necessary tests.

Today, thanks to the professional actions of doctors, mother and daughter are healthy and lead a normal life!

Here you can watch a video report about an extraordinary case in medical practice:

I found it hard to believe what I saw on the video… If you too were impressed by the incredible efforts of the doctors, please share this article with your friends on Facebook!

Today, young couples are often in no hurry to have children. Career and relationships send this issue to the background for boys and girls.

However, the 22-year-old Kirsty Butler from the Welsh city of Swansea, things were very different. When it turned out that our heroine was pregnant, both she herself and her lover were delighted with this news.

Fate, however, has prepared a severe test for the unfortunate Kersti! I warn you right away: some points in the article may shock an unprepared person.

Colleagues were the first to notice changes in the appearance of the girl. Women hinted to the beauty that recently her stomach began to grow by leaps and bounds. Kirsty purchased a pregnancy test, which gave her a positive result.

According to the doctors' preliminary diagnosis, the woman was eight months pregnant. The mother-to-be shared their words with her lover. The young couple was in seventh heaven, not expecting what a terrible surprise fate would bring them ...

The results of the ultrasound examination shocked the lovers. As it turned out, Kirsty was indeed pregnant, but the embryo was only six weeks old. The true reason rounded belly of a woman was a huge tumor!

As it turned out later, the monstrous ovarian cyst reached 30 centimeters in length and 20 in diameter. The fact that the tumor was benign did not improve the situation much. The neoplasm had to be urgently removed, but Kersti's pregnancy greatly complicated the situation.

After consulting with doctors, the woman decided to postpone the operation to remove the tumor until the embryo was at least 11 weeks old. However, shortly before the appointed date, the baby's heartbeat disappeared. Kirsty suffered a miscarriage.

A little later, the doctors cut out the cyst. Along with the neoplasm, one of the woman's ovaries had to be removed. A huge tumor simply crushed him. And if the doctors had not removed the cyst, the other internal organs of the beauty would also soon feel her inexorable pressure.

Kersti and her lover steadfastly endured this terrible ordeal. Doctors say that the woman has not lost her ability to give birth, and in the future the young couple still hopes to have a baby. We can only wish the lovers good luck!