Visa-free regime for Russians with the European Union. Visa-free divorce: Ukrainians will not be allowed into Europe beyond Romania

Despite the fact that the Maidan fairy tales did not turn into reality, Ukrainian President Poroshenko’s stash left one more, albeit chewed to the bone, about a visa-free regime between Ukraine and the European Union. And although the vast majority of these same Ukrainians are below the poverty line, and they do not have enough money even for a ticket to the coveted Europe, the dream of the opportunity to rush to Europe so easily warms up to this day. How is it in the Ukrainian proverb? "Fool with a thought rich" ...

Dream come true...

Ukrainians aspire to Europe not at all for recreation - they do not have money for this, but in order to earn this money there. Someone is still going to work officially, someone under the guise of a tourist, and someone illegally. And a visa-free regime would make life easier for many ...

The European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on Monday announced support for the granting of visa regime Ukraine. On the one hand, everything seems to be correct - now the European Parliament must approve the refusal of visas for short-term trips of Ukrainian citizens to the EU. This may happen at the parliamentary session in October in Strasbourg.

But something is not right here...

...and it doesn't come true!

The devil is in the details. If you carefully examine the problem of a visa-free regime for Ukraine, it will immediately become clear that this is not at all the lure expected by the patriots, which has been sold to them since the time of the Maidan calls.

To begin with, two concepts should be distinguished - the countries of the European Union and the countries that are part of the Schengen zone. These are different things and different legal agreements. And if the decision to abolish visas for Ukraine is taken by the European Union, then the countries that have signed the Schengen Agreement do not apply. Ukraine does not have any agreements with the countries of the Schengen area, and is not negotiating the abolition of visas with a group of countries that have signed the Schengen agreement. And this group will not make any decisions on a visa-free regime with Ukraine, since for this it is first necessary to conclude such an agreement between the countries of the Schengen zone.

This question has not yet been asked...

The Schengen area includes twenty-six European states and four non-EU countries: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Four EU countries remained outside the Schengen area - Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus. On all borders of these states, the passport control, and short-term visas issued by them are not Schengen, that is, they provide the right to visit only these states - entry, for example, with a Cypriot visa into the Schengen zone is prohibited. And one more thing - the countries of the Schengen zone can either accept the conditions that the EU develops, or not accept.

What does this mean?

If the European Union nevertheless cancels visas for citizens of Ukraine, will they be able to travel around Europe without visas? How else can they. To Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Cyprus. And in order to travel to the territory of the Schengen area, no one is in a hurry to provide Ukrainians with such a permit.

Today, without visas, Ukrainians can visit the countries of the former Yugoslavia in Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (up to 30 days), Macedonia, Serbia (up to 30 days), Montenegro (up to 90 days). And that's already good. The Baltic countries open Schengen visas for Ukrainians without any problems. Yes, you have to pay for it, but not much...

Therefore, before you rejoice at the abolition of visas, you should carefully read European laws.

The media are actively spreading information about the abolition of Schengen visas for Ukraine in the summer of 2017. Some sources even give exact dates. For example, Rikard Jozwiak, a Radio Liberty journalist accredited in Brussels, calls June 12 as the day of legalization of the visa-free regime for Ukraine in the Schengen zone countries.

It should be noted that before a short-term Schengen visa is no longer needed for Ukrainians, several more stages of various procedural procedures will pass. It is expected that by the end of February a document will be formulated reflecting the algorithm for suspending restrictions for Ukraine. Consultative meetings and approvals will be held in March, April will be marked by the consideration of materials in the European Parliament, and in May they will be submitted for approval to the EU Council.

A small hitch with the decision of the fate of Schengen visas for Ukrainians will arise in connection with the presidential elections in France. As soon as they are completed, one can count on rational consideration and correction of the document by the European Council. Otherwise, a Schengen visa for Ukraine may become a subject for speculation, which sensible politicians try to avoid.

It is important to know that the abolition of Schengen visas for short stays will allow Ukrainians to enter the territory of the countries European Union, as well as countries associated with the Schengen Agreement - Iceland, Switzerland, Norway and Liechtenstein. Ireland will remain an exception, for which visas will be valid. The stay can be no more than 180 days. Another important point- even after the Schengen visa is cancelled, Ukrainians will still have to carry a package of documents with them - for example, biometric passport and an insurance policy, and in addition, the visa-free regime does not give the right to study, live and work for hire in the EU countries.

The reaction to the elimination of the visa regime with Ukraine among European politicians is almost the same - this is a logical continuation of the integration processes that have been taking place for a long time. In a confidential interview with the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, one of the European parliamentarians said that the mood around the adoption of such a decision is quite unambiguous - we must go to it and bring the matter to the end.

The Brussels printed edition New Europe, which actively examines the issues and problems of the European Union on its pages, recently published a whole column devoted to the situation with Schengen visas for Ukraine. The article noted: "Ukraine has long sought to find a common language with the peoples of Europe. Those who do not know history well should remember the national interests of this country, in which the desire for European values ​​has been around for almost 100 years."

Some European media appeared to be more restrained in assessing that Ukrainians will not need a Schengen visa soon. Thus, the German columnist "Frankfurter Rundschau" in one of his materials cited the opinion of an official from the Ministry of Economics, who wished to remain anonymous. According to him, the process is very significant in political terms, but it will have no less impact on the development of the economic situation in the European region. According to the interlocutor of the publication, the economy of the Old World will only benefit from such integration.

One way or another, it remains only to wait for the results. The process, of course, is not as fast as many would like, but we can say with confidence that the situation has reached the finish line. In any case, everything will become absolutely clear in the summer and, most likely, from July 1, Ukrainians will be able to enter the EU without visas.

The Decree of the European Parliament and the European Council on a visa-free regime for citizens of Georgia entered into force on Tuesday, March 28. Although this regime is visa-free, it is not unconditional. Georgians should pay attention to the reservations and requirements that they must fulfill in order to exercise the right to enter the EU without first visiting the embassy or consulate of a European country.

To 30 countries - without visas, but not without conditions

Georgian citizens do not need visas to travel to all EU states, with the exception of the UK and Ireland. Visa-free regime also applies to non-EU countries Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

First of all, in order to be able to use this mode, you need to acquire a biometric passport. It is also important to remember that it is possible to stay in the territory of the Schengen states without a visa for a total of no more than 90 days within a period of 180 days. At the same time, this period is not fixed, but floating, so you need to be careful about travel dates if there is a risk of exceeding the allowed 90 days (you can calculate the allowable periods of stay using a special calculator at the link).

Violation of this rule may result in entry into the Schengen Information System (SIS) and a ban on re-entry into the EU.

You can not work, study - in short courses

The visa-free regime does not give the right to work in the EU countries - for this you need to separately obtain a work permit. Moreover, for employment in most EU countries, citizens of Georgia will still need a visa, even if they intend to work for no more than three months.

As far as education is concerned, if we are talking about short-term courses up to 90 days, you can do without a visa and special permits. But if the training period exceeds three months, then some documents will be needed. In this case, it is better to contact the embassy or consulate of the state where the training will take place, since in different countries the relevant rules vary.

Documents to take with you

When crossing the border of the Schengen zone, citizens of Georgia need to carry with them almost all the documents that are usually required to obtain a visa. One might be enough biometric passport, but the immigration officer has the right to ask to confirm the purpose and conditions of the trip, to prove the availability of sufficient funds for the stay in the EU and subsequent return.


In particular, to prove solvency, you may need to present traveler's checks, proof of booking accommodation, cash and even a credit card to check the limit. The required amount directly depends on the duration and choice of the country or countries of the trip. It can vary greatly: for example, in Latvia it is only 14 euros per day per person, but in neighboring Estonia it is already 94 euros per day.

In case of visiting relatives or acquaintances, you should have an invitation and information about the inviting person - address and phone number. Accordingly, if the goal is to participate in a business or scientific conference, then it is advisable to have an invitation to it with you. And if the purpose of the trip is study, then confirmation of enrollment in educational institution.

Travel medical insurance is not required, but the European External Action Service recommends that you still get it. The same applies to the return ticket.

Of course, citizens of Georgia will have to take a lot of documents with them on a trip, but they will not need to apply for visas at consulates, pay for them and wait for clearance.