Show Kirkorov and special effects as they are called. Philip Kirkorov presented a grandiose world-class show - “I

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Full house in the State Kremlin Palace. Record budget, hundreds of costumes and scenery, the strongest team of specialists, and not only from Russia.

This is his dream, passionate, daring, a dream that has stood the test of time, a dream that comes true on stage. All tickets for the premiere of Philip Kirkorov's show "I" in the Kremlin were sold out in another six months, I even had to make two additional concerts. And how could it be otherwise if the king of the Russian stage himself took up the matter, and with him the director of world renown.

Franco Dragone came up with 12 programs for the legendary Cirque du Soleil, forever changing the entertainment industry. He directed the Celine Dion show in Las Vegas, which later became one of the best-selling shows in history. By the way, it was there, in Vegas, that Dragon would meet Kirkorov.

" This great person, when he agreed to work with me, he said: "Only you wait for me for 10 years." And I say: "I'll be waiting for you." And waited. Today he made the most important program in my life with me," says Philip Kirkorov.

Tons of equipment, a unique transforming stage, elevators, hundreds of costumes, 96 people behind the stage and 75 on it, new generation LED screens, with dazzling 3D graphics - each song has its own unique pattern, and what is worth only one fountain, for the installation of which on the Kremlin stage, a special crane had to be used. And, of course, most importantly, your favorite hits and completely new tunes that you can't help but fall in love with - two and a half hours of live sound.

" This show will show people inner world Philip, his dreams and thoughts, it is very personal for him, that's why it is called - "I". We looked at his whole life, at everything that he had done over the years and decided: Philip will go on stage not in character, today he is what he is, real, crazy, vulnerable, touching, you definitely haven’t seen him like that yet " , - says the director of the show, Franco Dragone.

The show "I" is an experiment, no one has ever done anything like this in Russia. All the dancers out of almost 1,500 applicants were personally selected by Franco Dragone and choreographer Tony Testo, who worked with Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez. Rehearsed since the summer, every day and wear and tear.

"I'm on such an adrenaline rush, I'm on such a desire to turn this world upside down and give people a holiday. And everything that they see in the Kremlin today will go across the country to in full force", - says Philip Kirkorov.

However, we will not reveal all the secrets of the show, of course, because you need to see it with your own eyes.

“I came from Rostov-on-Don specifically for five shows. Of course, the fountain at the end is an indescribable sight, no artist in Russia, except Philip Kirkorov, can afford such a level of show,” says a fan of Philip Kirkorov’s talent.

"This is an endless holiday, it's such warmth, it seems to me, it comes from an artist who sincerely loves his audience. Today, of course, we were once again struck by the show with its scale. We left our little baby at home, we miss him very much, but it was worth it," the young people admit.

A few seconds - and now he is running on stage again to tell the story of a boy who spent his childhood behind the scenes of the circus, dreaming of becoming a great artist; about how he achieved fame and learned to cope with huge popularity; about what love is like and how sometimes you want to stop time; about this world, his world, which is definitely not limited to the word "I".

“This is the most precious thing I have now, these people who are on this poster, who created me, I am grateful to them, I will do everything for them,” says Philip Kirkorov.

The king of the Russian pop scene Philip Kirkorov performed with a grandiose show "I" in Voronezh.

Last year, Voronezh residents already saw this program, but, unfortunately, the Event-Hall concert hall of the Grad City Park could not accommodate everyone at that time, so it was decided within the framework of the last tour with this show to invite Philip to our city again. And again, the show "I" and the brilliant Philip Kirkorov gathered a full house. And how could it be otherwise, if for this artist the most important thing in life– the stage, the audience, the love of the viewer... If he (and such people on our stage can be counted on the fingers of one hand) invests a lot of money in his shows, then this cannot but cause a corresponding response from the public.

Recall that the show "I"– this is not just a concert, this is a real performance, during which each viewer could feel like a hero of a fantastic story, a traveler into the world of their own fantasies and dreams... The idea of ​​​​creating the show was born by Philip more than ten years ago, during a tour in Las Vegas. Then the artist got to the performance of the Cirque du Soleil, and a couple of years later he was on the Celine Dion show "A New Day ...". It was she who introduced Philip to the director of both projects.legendary modern director Franco Dragone. Philip himself was then busy preparing his show "DruGOY", Franco's schedule was also scheduled for several years ... But in the end the stars aligned, and the Belgian production director with his international team staged this unique show for Kirkorov.

"Voronezh laid the foundation for both the show" I "and my creative activity"

Once it was from Voronezh that the show "I" and its touring life began! You were the first to believe that this show would live!said Philip after a couple of welcome songs. - And, probably, it is no coincidence that I say goodbye to this show again in Voronezh. For me your cityiconic, and it is always a pleasure for me to perform in this beautiful cozy hall. The show "I" lasted almost 3 years, and with this autumn tour it ends to give way to a new show. December 25 at the "Olympic" I will present a new show with a very unbanal name"I + R" "Second Self". Well, what else could I think of after what happened? Yes, it may sound immodest, but if it were not for your thousands of "I" who have watched this show for these three years, and millions of "I" for all 30 years of my creative activity, there would be no my "I"

The audience supported the artist with enthusiastic exclamations, and he coquettishly continued: “Yes, yes, I have been doing this for three decades now. And I remember my first tour, which also took place in Voronezh! It was the Voronezh people who believed in me when I was just 20 years old It's easy to calculate how old I am now– fifty! Won't you say yes? Sometimes I look at myself and think: "Well, where are these 50?" And how important are these numbers? What matters is what's inside you! After all, it is you who give me this life-giving moisture, life-giving force, energy and mood... It is thanks to you that I do not age either in spirit or in body. And I understand that as long as there is youI have! How long this will last, I don't know. But I promise to go on stage and do new shows with enviable long as I see you in such numbers and hear you in such quality every evening! Thank you for coming!"

"Philip is very easy to work with!"

By the way, recently, within the framework of the interregional specialized exhibition "Style and Beauty", which was held in the capital of the Chernozem region for the sixth time, the famous make-up designer Sergey Turchaninov, who worked on the show "I" as a make-up stylist, visited our city. Sergey told the Gorkom36 correspondent about how he got into this show and how he worked with Philip Bedrosovich.

Once the phone rang, and I heard in the receiver: “Hello, we are calling you from Franco Dragone and Philip Kirkorov ...” The voice seemed to me very similar to the voice of my friend, and I immediately gave out: “Kolya, stop playing me!” And I knew that a tender was starting, that everyone wanted to get into the show “I” ... In general, when I realized that this was not a joke, I said: “Excuse me, but can I do it all over again?” It turned out that I was recommended by Valentin Abramovich Yudashkin, with whom we have been friends for 15 years. I worked with him personally and with his Fashion House...

According to the make-up artist, it was the easiest thing to work with Philip. "He is a great artist and a true professional. He never asks people for advice. If he directs, he can express his wishes. But if the director is in charge of staging his show, then only he is engaged in it. Philip completely trusts make-up artists, stylists, producers" ,– Turchaninov said.

According to the make-up artist, there were difficulties in the work. For example, none of the entire production team spoke Russian. "Spaniards and French from Dragone worked on the show– the people who put on the best shows in the world work in London, Dubai, New York. I was given the task by the production center to make makeup for 70 artists from scratch. It was a very long, laborious job. It is very difficult to work with foreigners, it is much easier to negotiate with Russians. At the Dragone production center, everything was scheduled by the second, and there was a struggle for every centimeter of paint. My task was to come up with makeup for 70 artists, I did not work with Philip himself. In addition, under the contract, I had to train all the artists to paint - I was given 48 hours for everything about everything. After all, they went on tour without me, and there they already had to apply makeup on their own. My task was to purchase special cosmetics, which were then tested on stage. The action goes on for 3.5 hours, the makeup should not have flowed under the spotlights. The hardest makeup everthe clown girl. She is wearing a latex suit, a wig, she is completely bleached, a lot of sparkles ... And she had to be taught how to do makeup! It was difficult, but interesting!" By the way, this same clown girlsmall ballerinamost of all "hooked" those present in the hall.

Surprise Day

Philip Bedrosovich was in a great mood, which he was raised before the concert. Administration concert hall Event-Hall gave Kirkorov a surprise by decorating his dressing room with exclusive black balloons, on which welcome words ("You are always welcome!", etc.) and achievements ("Sassy! Every year on a hype!", "Color mood black"– 72 million views!", "Mood colorthe main pop meme of the year!", "Show "I"300 concerts in 2 years!"). The singer immediately posted a video with original balloons on his Instagram, where he joyfully shared with his fans: "Look how they meet me! What great balls! So glad! Thank you, Voronezh and Event-Hall!"

Philip himself also never skimped on surprises and delighted fans with numerous new costumes and six new songs, among which, of course, those that the whole country already knows and sings– "Mood color blue", "Mood color black" and "Ibiza". The main hits of Kirkorov, the audience sang along with him in chorus, rising from their seats.

That's it! Thanks Voronezh! I will remember this wonderful evening of the farewell show "I" in your city. I love you! Raise your hands!

The concert ended new song"This life will love us" cabaret style.

After the performance, Philip Bedrosovich paid attention to his old fans. First, he invited an old friend Emma Kiseleva to the dressing room, with whom he has been invariably talking in Voronezh for three decades now. Emma Georgievna, as always, did not come empty-handed and brought a whole box of homemade pastries– his whole team had a chance to taste the pies of the Voronezh admirer of Kirkorov.

Then, having learned that his old admirer Olesya, whom Philip had taken to his concerts in St. Petersburg 20 years ago, was sick with oncology, he urgently demanded to bring a girl to him. A charming fan presented Philip with a gift from her photographs, and Philip did not remain in debt, and after words of support and sympathy, as well as a joint photo shoot, presented a devoted fan with a dozen gorgeous bouquets. For the girl, this was a real surprise, because it was Philip's concerts, according to her confession, that helped her fight with terrible disease. It was thanks to the invisible presence of the artist in her life that she found the strength to fight a terrible disease.

Will become a location incredible show Philip Kirkorov. One of the most talented and popular artists Russian stage will celebrate the next stage in its creative career, presenting the show program "I" to the fans. The premiere screenings, which took place on a grand scale in 2016, captured the imagination of more than thirty thousand spectators, among whom were many stars, representatives of business and government circles.

At the premiere, they noticed Dmitry Peskov with his wife Tatyana Navka, Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Valentin Yudashkin, Ani Lorak, Iosif Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Grigory Leps and Sergey Lazarev. Until the spring of 2017, Kirkorov's show will be seen by about a million Russians, Belarusians, Germans, Italians, Spaniards, Bulgarians, Latvians, Greeks, Israelis, because the artist promises to give 150 concerts on the best venues Europe and neighboring countries.

Announcement of Philip Kirkorov's concert

Philip Kirkorov's concert show in the Kremlin is a long-awaited event for all lovers of Russian pop music. The program, which bears the sonorous and concise name "I", was staged for the artist by the legend of directing Franco Dragone. It was he who gave the viewer best performances the incredible Cirque du Soleil and staged Celine Dion's memorable "A New Day" concerts, presented to the most demanding audiences at the Colosseum Theater and the Caesars Palace Casino.

The program, created for Philip Kirkorov, has become no less grandiose show that penetrates the very heart of the viewer. Moreover, Philip is already known as a master of extravaganzas that cause incredible delight among the public. Natural charisma, absolute dedication on stage, artistry, extraordinary costumes, talent, presentation and, of course, soulful songs have made this singer a favorite of millions of viewers of all ages for many years.

Spectators are waiting for the photo chronicle creative way artist, incredible ballet performances and, of course, songs performed by Philip Kirkorov, including new, but already loved by the audience hits: “You are my happiness”, “Somewhere not with me”, “Illusion”, “I will find you” , “Sirtaki”, “Love or Deception”, “In the Garden of Eden”, as well as compositions that have long become classics: “A little sorry”, “You, you, you”, “I will die for you” and other tracks of the artist.

The grandiose show was staged by the maestro of directing Franco Dragone

Each song by Philip is a kind of story that he invites you to experience with him. Incredible scenery and show ballet allow creating a special atmosphere and immersing the viewer in the world of composition. So, when the song “Love Me Always” is performed, the stage is illuminated by the soft glare of the moon, the hit “Flew” Philip sings, hovering over the stage, the composition “Sirtaki” moves the viewer into the heyday ancient Greece, and the ending of the song "Love or Deception" elevates the singer to the platform in the form of a blazing sun.

The show "I" is a whole kaleidoscope of plots and sketches that take the audience from the streets of noisy and bright Broadway to heavenly Eden, to lyrical Paris, to the ocean beach, to a sparkling throne room and a cozy room with the muffled light of a night lamp. Without a doubt, during the three hours that the program "I" lasts, the viewer will follow the change of plot with bated breath.

Philip Kirkorov's show is not just a concert, but a real performance, built according to the classical canons theatrical performances. The result of the collaboration between Philip and Franco resulted in a harmonious combination of ballet and theater with live scenery and an incredible light show that immerses fans in every new song, allowing you to feel all the meaning, emotions and experiences of the author and performer contained in it.

Tickets for Kirkorov's show in 2017 will cost from 1 to 20 thousand rubles

According to available information, ticket prices will range from 1,000 (for a seat on the balcony) to 20,000 rubles (for those who wish to watch their favorite artist from the front rows of the stalls). It’s worth buying tickets now, because as the date of the concerts approaches, there is a risk of being left without a seat - sold out shows at the Philip Kirkorov show have long become commonplace.

The history of the creation of the show "I"

12 years ago, the tour brought Philip Kirkorov to Las Vegas. In his free time from concerts, the king of Russian pop music decided to arrange an evening of relaxation for himself by visiting one of the performances of the du Soleil circus. What he saw impressed the artist so much that he decided to find out the name of the author of this colorful show, which breaks all ideas about the traditional circus performance. The author turned out to be the then novice director Franco Dragone.

Memories of the show were deposited in Philip's memory, gradually becoming a dream of an unusual program. Such a show was supposed not only to amaze the viewer's imagination, but also to reach the secret corners of the soul, awakening all the brightest and most humane. Over time, Franco's productions began to gather thousands of fans at the best concert venues USA, Europe and Arab countries. And now the concert-performance “I” is presented to the audience, born in the impulse of joint creativity of Philip Kirkorov and Franco Dragone.

The show "I" was the result of the close-knit work of dozens of specialists

And a few more facts about the concerts of 2017:

  • The production was attended by many professionals of the highest level. What is worth mentioning only the choreographer-producer Tony Testa, who worked on the best shows Michael Jackson, performances by Janet Jackson and concerts by Kylie Minogue!
  • Marcos Vinal himself, a world-famous star in the field of architecture and design, was invited for decoration solutions.
  • The light was the work of Alan Lortie, who has repeatedly been involved in staging concerts of the incomparable Lara Fabian, as well as in the sensational musical Notre-Dame de Paris.
  • The perfected arrangements belong to the authorship of the Frenchman Ivan Kassar, who had previously worked with Lara Fabian and Johnny Hallyday.
  • Philip's incredible costumes were designed by the authoritative team of Russian luminary Valentin Yudashkin.

The preparation of the show lasted for five long years and required an investment of six million euros, but this time was not in vain - the accuracy of each movement, verified notes, perfect sound and visual accompaniment made the program "I" an unprecedented event in the world of Russian show business, elevating it to a height the best pop concerts in the world.

In the foyer of the Kremlin, a real Museum of Kirkorov's costumes has unfolded, numbering 90 absolutely different images from different stages of his creative life. Each costume is a real work of art, with its own history and biography.

In the artistic foyer, in addition to the traditional press wall at such events, the perimeter is decorated with various photographs of Philip Kirkorov.

It can be definitely stated that each concert is expected to be completely sold out, and many viewers will want to re-immerse themselves in this wonderful atmosphere, experience an endless range of feelings more than once or twice.

Welcoming the audience, Philip Kirkorov said: “How happy I am today to see you in such numbers and hear you in such a quality! Starting your creative life on stage more than 30 years ago, I did not even imagine that such an event would ever happen in my life! It is still a mystery to me: what did I do to deserve such happiness - on the eve of my creative and life milestone, 10 days in a row to perform at main stage countries?! Not the easiest time, but very important for me. It means that when many years ago I first came out with a concert in Moscow, you believed in me and gave me the opportunity to believe in myself! I was looking forward to this meeting with you! Especially now that I'll be 50 in ten days! What is 50? For me, this is a number, a number and a reason to do such a show! I am grateful to the amazing, legendary director Franco Dragone, who saw and recognized my “I”, woven from thousands of your “I”. Thank you for giving me life for so many years, because the most important thing for me is to go on stage and sing for you!”

Of course, the anniversary block of concerts did not go without surprises for regular viewers who already know the show by heart.

Philip included in the program the metaphorical and allegorical composition "Three Happy Days", written to the music of Alla Pugacheva and the verses of Ilya Reznik, who was present in the hall.

Of course, Philip's family, Alla Victoria and Martin, Aunt Marie and Uncle Hari, Bedros Kirkorov were also present in the hall.

Show "I" is not just a solo concert or show famous artist, is a holistic, intriguing performance in which a kaleidoscope of feelings and emotions is harmoniously embodied.

One musical composition replaces another, each has its own plot, development of action and climax. Large-scale transforming scenery and innovative special effects, graceful and flexible ballet, presenting not only complex choreographic performances, but also extreme circus tricks, luxurious exquisite costumes of the best couturiers...

Marathon is open! We look forward to the next concerts, each of them will be special! Absolutely everyone who sees and hears this show “I” with their own eyes will experience an enthusiastic flight of the soul and inspiration!