What does the number 5 look like in nature. What does a number look like

The presentation and photo are necessary for the guys to facilitate the process of learning to count. Ask them to count the items in the photo or the topics shown in the presentation. Visual aids have always been of interest to children. Let the presentation and photo help start the lesson of the teacher who came to the children in grade 1.

Ancient form of oral folk art. They convey the attitude of people to the world around them, express the wisdom accumulated over the centuries. Figures played a significant role in the formation of these folklore genres.

If proverbs and sayings teach, instruct, then riddles develop ingenuity and ingenuity in children. And riddles in which numbers are involved also contribute to learning to count.

Any riddle is based on a metaphor. This remedy artistic expressiveness, involving the description of any qualities of an object or phenomenon by means of other objects or phenomena. Remember the well-known riddles about the night and the stars, where the sky is a blue canvas, and the stars are small carnations with which it is nailed. Indeed, if you look at the sky at night, the stars can be compared to nail heads.

Consider what comparisons riddles for children about numbers are based on. The most common number in folklore is seven. This is a sacred number, and the idea of ​​​​harmony, the ideal is associated with it.

So, seven is compared with a scythe, which mowed hay. Eight is very similar to a tumbler, because the number consists of two circles placed on top of each other. The two are often compared and drawn as a swan with its neck bent. Zero is very similar to a donut or a ball, and six and nine always act as twins.

Children have a lot of their own ideas associated with numbers. You can ask the guys not only to guess ready-made riddles, but also to compose their own.

This type of work develops:

logical thinking;

- fantasy;

- associative thinking

Which is very useful for a holistic creative development child.

Proverbs and sayings

These two words are often used together, although the two genres differ in their role.

The task of the proverb is to teach, instruct. That is why you will always find evaluative words in it, for example: "It is easy to rake in the heat with the wrong hands." The proverb emphasizes that a person seeks to do something at the expense of another, and condemns such behavior. But the saying may sound almost the same, but do not give an assessment, but only state the fact: “To rake in the heat with the wrong hands.” This is the main difference between sayings and proverbs.

For children, proverbs and sayings are often presented in pictures if we are talking about teaching aids or children's books. This makes it easier for children to understand the meaning of the statement. Yes, and picture books always looked more interesting.

Children often do not understand hidden meaning proverbs and sayings, so the task of adults is to explain to them this hidden meaning and make it clear that statements carry not only direct, but also figurative meaning.

Riddles, proverbs and sayings- this is a deep folk wisdom that children should definitely get acquainted with. These genres teach us harmony, goodness, striving for the ideal. And even the numbers in them come to life and become symbols.

In our modern life we have ceased to treat everything around us as a miracle, as something amazing. And in vain, because this is the beauty of life. And it is this feeling that we must instill in our children.

Proverb- a short sentence containing folk wisdom. Written in simple vernacular often has rhyme and rhythm.

Number 5 in proverbs and sayings:

Expensive - five, and directly ten.

Lost five and found seven.

Proverbs with the number 5 (five)

Go on the road - five s (five) to weave bast shoes.

Needed like a fifth wheel on a cart.

You can't buy friendship for a penny.

Sharp-witted and cunning - he lost his nose to five.

A cat with a paw, a bear with five.

One silly, but quarrels the smart five.

Glorious godfather - gave five altyns!

Do not be among godfathers - and do not drink kvass.

They don't give pennies for a penny.

Pahom is not worth a penny, but looks like a penny.

There are five fingers on the hand, and whichever you don’t bite, everything hurts.

On what four: lives and about five.

There are five thugs sitting in five wells.

Don't poke your nose, Friday, ahead of Thursday.

There are five fingers in the hand.

A verst closer, a nickel cheaper.

Of the five fingers I do not see a single one, but one in the eyes of seven.

There is no mass without five prosvirs, and the sixth is in reserve.

Expensive five, but straight ten.

Mother-in-law thought, five cannot eat; and the son-in-law sat down, and ate it at a sitting.

Bargaining for three altyns, and debt for five.

He threshes rye on five barns.

It's a marvel - a pig has a nickel snout.

A pig is not my brother, and five rubles is not money.

There are five kopecks - and the grandmother is in the market.

On an oak leaf in a penny - to be spring so.

Live for five!

Numbers in proverbs

Like the back of my hand.
The fifth wheel in the cart.

Number 5 in riddles

Mom looks with impatience
On the pages of the diary.
Waiting for the cherished assessment
With a naughty son.
But again, only fours.
There is no beauty ... (five)

Tricky riddles

Walked alone, found five rubles; three will go, will they find many? (five rubles.)

Poems about numbers.

Here is one or one,

Very thin, like a needle.

And here is the number two.
Love what it's like:
Arches the deuce of the neck,
Tail dragging behind her.

And behind the deuce - look -
The number three comes up.
Three - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

Three comes after four
Sharp elbow of a bulge.

And then she went to dance
number on paper five.
Stretched out her hand to the right
The leg was sharply bent.

Number six - door lock:
Hook on top, circle on bottom.

Here is a seven - a poker.
She has one leg.

The figure eight has two rings
Without beginning and end.

Number nine or nine
Circus acrobat:
If you stand on your head,
Nine will become the number six.

A number like the letter O
It's zero or nothing.
Round zero, so pretty
But it doesn't mean anything.

If on the left, next to him
We accept the unit
He will weigh more
Because it's ten.
S. Ya. Marshak.

Poems about the number 5 (Five)

E. Schwartz

Everyone should know about it

A person has five senses:

This is the smell

Taste and touch.

Don't forget the main two:

It is vision and hearing.

Irina Gurina

Poems about the number 5 (Five)

What is the Five so busy with?

She's cleaning up!

Five beavers carry water

Windows are washed by five cows.

Five mice carry a whisk

Five goslings are repairing her shelf,

Five kittens are doing laundry

Dust is wiped everywhere

Five funny mosquitoes

Knocking the dust off the carpets

five green frogs

They rush to their rescue.

Five hedgehogs wash the dishes.

It became clean - just a miracle!

Then they sat at the table

We drank tea and ate buns!

There are five children in the palm,

Five merry rascals.

All in a row they grab

They only rest at night.

What are their names, guess

Count the kids.

Fingers are easy to recognize -

There are exactly five of them on the hand.

At school I will receive

I am five in all subjects

I'm always with the Five

I will not spill water.

The star has five children

Five sparkling rays

They don't sleep at night

They all want to shine.

Misha will be five tomorrow

Knows this number Five.

five gifts she

Should give him.

Poems with the number 5 (five)

Who is knocking on my door
With a thick shoulder bag
With a number five on a copper plate
In a blue uniform cap,
It is he,
It is he,
Leningrad postman.

And then she went to dance
number on paper five.
Stretched out her hand to the right
The leg was sharply bent.

On the old linden in the yard
Great revival.
Someone hung at dawn
Such an announcement:

“The school for chicks is open!
Classes - from five hours.
Here you can even in summer
Learn all subjects!

And exactly at five hours of the morning
Bird children flew:
Sparrows, jackdaws,
Magpies, crows,
Tits and starlings.

What does a number look like 5 ?
On a sickle, of course
How not to know.

Lazy rain fell five hours.
The bunnies trembled under the bush,
And in the meadow a hundred mushrooms
They threw their hats up in delight!
Write a number five,
What to draw a hook.
But at the number, at the hook,
The line is painfully short.

Alexei came home from school.
He now came up with this:
- If I learn the verbs,
I give myself nickel.
If I learn prefixes,
I need a raise.

I sent eccentrics to the market,
Gave to weirdos pyatakov:
One nickel- on a sash,
Another nickel- on the cap
And the third nickel- So.
On the way to the market eccentrics
Mixed up everything nickels:
Which the nickel- on a sash,
Which the nickel- on the cap
And which nickel- So.
Only at night the eccentrics came,
Brought back to me nickels.
Sorry, but we're in trouble.
We forgot - which - where:
Which the nickel- on a sash,
Which the nickel- on the cap
And which nickel- So.

Vial with medicine
It's on the shelf.
Henry dejectedly
He looks at the glass.

Ah, how disgusting!
But days later five
Our hero will be
Healthy again!
One two three four, five,
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
Shoots directly at the rabbit.
Bang Bang! Missed,
The gray bunny ran away.
"Planet of Balls"

Walked balls - friends,
And there were buddies five.

This song is very sad
Very sad - even sad,
This song is so sad
What a disaster - even desperate.

One caught on a carnation -
The tail remained from the ball.

This song is very scary.
Very scary - even terrible,
This song is so terrible
Even the author is scared.

The second was pecked by jackdaws -
And he became like a washcloth.

This song - I don't want to know
I don't want to know - I don't like to listen,
I don't like listening to this song
What is absolutely unthinkable to sing.

The third slammed - it was a well-aimed pebble.
And the fourth got under the carriage.

This song - who sings it,
Who sings it will not say hello -
He gets sick with mumps, tonsillitis -
The mixture is so tasteless!

But fifth, imagine, and alive and well,
He flew to the Planet Balls.

This song is very nice
Very nice - even beautiful,
This song is so beautiful
Completely unbelievable!


Far - far beyond the seas, beyond the forests was the kingdom of Mathematics and the figures lived in it. They all lived very far from each other and rarely met ...


Lived - was in the kingdom of Mathematics Unity. She lived alone - alone in such a blue palace - a corner

And she had one corner there, where there was one table

and one chair, one cabinet, in which there was one cup

and one saucer. And in the store I bought a unit

all one at a time: one candy, one book, one boot ...

One was bored alone and she decided to make friends with someone and went for a walk around the kingdom. Suddenly, from behind a tree, a wolf jumped out towards the Unity. He was also alone and no one wanted to be friends with him, they thought he was evil. And Odinichka felt sorry for the wolf, and she invited him to play together. So the one and the wolf became friends and together they recited a poem:

I guys are one!

Very thin, like a knitting needle!

I look a little like a hook

Or maybe a broken branch.

I keep an account

And for that I am honored!


E still in the kingdom of mathematics lived the number Two. She also lived in her own house, like this:

Her house had two rooms.

The Two had a friend, a wise owl, and they were very fond of playing different games. They especially liked games with the number two:

How many ears are on the crown?

And how many eyes?

Well, how many arms and legs?

There was a beautiful lake near the Deuce's house, and swans swam in it. When the deuce came to the lake, the swans asked her to tell them a poem: Two looks like swans:

There is a neck and a tail too.

The swan can tell

How do we know the number two.


IN Troika also lived in the kingdom of mathematics. She lived in such a red palace

Everyone loved her because she was kind and obedient. Her house had three large rooms. Troika's neighbors were three bears. They all lived in love and harmony. Every day, Troika treated the little bear cub with three sweets. Once the bears gathered in the forest for mushrooms and invited the Troika with them, and she got so carried away that she got lost. Troika looked around and saw a clearing nearby, in the clearing she saw three hedgehogs. Troika treated each hedgehog with a mushroom, and they showed her the way home. At home, the three bears were very happy with the Troika and told her a rhyme:

Ouch! Rather look!

The number three has arrived!

Troika third of icons

Consists of two hooks.


D Another inhabitant of the Kingdom of Mathematics was the Four, she lived in such a palace

The palace had four rooms. The Hedgehog lived in one room, the Cat lived in the other, the Turtle lived in the third, and the mistress of the Four herself lived in the fourth. They had fun, sang and danced.

One day, the Four told their friends that there are four cardinal directions: north, south, east and west, and they wanted to go on a trip. They took four apples, four cookies, four juices with them, boarded a plane and flew north. There was a lot - a lot of snow and polar bears lived. The four with their friends were very cold and they decided to go south. It was hot in the south, unusual birds sang there and interesting animals were found. When our travelers got to the east, they were met by an oriental prince who proudly rode an elephant. And in the west, the Four introduced their friends to cowboys - brave heroes. The travelers were very tired and flew home to the kingdom of Mathematics. At home, the Hedgehog, the Cat and the Turtle composed a rhyme for the Four:

I have a flag in my hand!

Take a look, my friend

How good is he

Looks like a four!


Five lived in a beautiful green palace.

She had five rooms. In the biggest

There was a table in the room, around it were five chairs, and on the table were five cups and five saucers.

Around the palace where the Five lived was a large orchard. Apple trees and pears grew there. Five's neighbors were Bunny, Hedgehog and Squirrel. Once they asked the Five to treat them with fruit, and the Five said: “If you count how many apple trees and how many pears grow in the garden, then I will treat you.”

Then the Five treated everyone to apples and pears. And the Bunny, the Hedgehog and the Squirrel told her a rhyme:

The wind blows the sail

And the flag plays on the mast.

The wind wants to show

All the guys number five!


The Kingdom of Mathematics had the Blue Sea. And near the Blue Sea lived the Six. Here in such a blue palace, which had six rooms.

The Six had six kittens: the first was white, the second was brave, the third was smart, the fourth was noisy, the fifth had a red tail, and the sixth was very fond of sleeping. The kittens had six bowls from which they drank milk and six baskets in which they slept. Every evening, the Six gave milk to the kittens, and then put them to bed. Let's help the six feed and put the naughty kittens to bed.

And when the kittens lay down in their baskets, the Six told them a poem: On the fence by the gate

The number six came up:

Like a little snail

There is a curl and horns.


In the Kingdom of Mathematics, on Yellow Dandelion Street, there lived a seven. She lived in such a multi-colored palace

Seven has long been friends with the rainbow,

and so her palace was decorated with seven

rainbow colors. The palace had seven rooms.

Seven and Rainbow often had fun, black paint envied them, and on her orders, the robbers grabbed the Seven and threw them into the dungeon.

To free the Seven, you need to answer the questions:

How many colors are in a rainbow?

How many days in a week?

How many gnomes does Snow White have?

How many kids did the goat have?

Well done! Now Black Paint has released the number Seven, and for her release she will tell you a poem:

The sun is hot,

The heron spreads its wings

And straighten them out completely

Turn into the number seven!


The Eight lived in such an unusually beautiful palace.

She was chubby, ruddy, maybe a little plump,

but she never got upset about it and was always cheerful.

Eight loved cleanliness and often put things in order in eight rooms.

The Eight lived on the very edge of the kingdom, where it often snowed, and one day the Eight decided with their friend Spider to make a snowman. But for some reason they did not succeed except big clods snow. Let's show Eight and Spider how to make a snowman.

When the figure eight saw the snowman, she thought for a long time what number he reminds her of. The snowman recited a poem to her:

The figure eight has two rings

Without beginning and end.

Vanka - we will ask you to stand up

Show us the number eight

One circle and two circles

It's just my friend.


Even in the kingdom of Mathematics, the number Nine lived.

She lived in such an unusual palace in which

there were nine rooms.

One fine sunny day was at the Nine

birthday, she invited Chanterelle, Magpie, Mouse, Bunny, Hedgehog, Teddy Bear, Kitten and Wolf cub to her place. And the Nine did not know how to count and could not accommodate all the guests at the table:

How many chairs should be placed at the table?

How many cups should be placed?

How many pieces should the birthday cake be cut into?

The hostess also prepared a surprise for the guests, she asked them a riddle “What number will the nine turn into if it turns over”

The guests prepared a poem for the birthday girl:

The cat lay down on the ledge,

The fluffy tail hung down.

Kitty, kitty, what's up

You look like nine!

"ZERO and TEN"

IN Zero lived in the very center of the kingdom. He had a very interesting palace

there was not a single corner in this palace, there was nowhere to put a table, a chair. In general, it was empty. And so Zero

became an idler.

Somehow the sad Zero sat and cried, and at that time

figure One decided to visit other figures. And so she came to visit zero, brought a delicious cake, chocolate. One saw that Zero had nothing and invited her to her home. They spent the whole day together, liked each other and decided to get married. But how can they be, because they are different numbers, how can they live together. They thought and thought and came up with a common name for themselves Ten, so that no one could separate them.

Ten invited all the numbers to the wedding. There were a lot of treats, all friends came with gifts. Here is the poem they gave to the Ten:

Zero had a girlfriend

The one is a joker.

Over zero she was joking

And turned into a ten!

All the figures liked being together so much that no one wanted to leave home, and they decided to build Big city and name it Ziflandia. So they did, and began to live together and happily.

ten smart sisters

Everything has been counted for a long time.

Look side by side

FROM you are already familiar with them.

Textbook: THOSE. Demidova, S.A. Kozlova, A.P. Thin and others, “Mathematics”, grade 1, part 1.



  • introduce the formation and composition of the number 5, consider all cases of addition and the corresponding cases of subtraction related to the composition of the number, teach how to write the number 5.


  • develop cognitive interest, the ability to speak correctly, using mathematical terms, logical thinking, attention.


  • develop independence and discipline.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, computer; electronic textbook “Mathematics in primary school”, topic “Addition and subtraction within 10”. Work, task No. 1, simulator No. 1, task No. 2; "Maths. Account” (LLC “MOS”, Kaluga, 2005); presentation “How to write numbers”, cards with numbers, number models, drawings of petals from flowers.

I. Organizing time

The change flew by, the door creaked melodiously.
We quietly entered the classroom and the lesson will begin now.

Guys, today in the lesson for active work you will receive petals from flowers and at the end of the lesson we will make a large flower out of them - a seven-flower.

II. Knowledge update

1) Count on a numerical segment up to 10 forward and back. (A segment of the exhibition on the board is the children's.)

  • Count from 7 to 10, 10 to 5.
  • Name the previous number for 9, 6. How to get the previous number? How much is the previous number less than the next?
  • Name the next number for 4, 8. How to get the next number? How much more is the next number than the previous one?
  • What number is between 7 and 9, 3 and 5?
  • What number is to the right of 6, to the left of 1?
  • Name the neighbors of number 9.

2) Establish a pattern in writing a series of numbers and continue it left and right by one number. (Support is a numerical segment.)

3) Numbers on the board: 1234.

Name the number that can be obtained by adding two other numbers.

Name the number that can be obtained by subtracting two other numbers.

Make equals from these numbers.

4) Tasks in verse. Electronic textbook"Maths. Check" . Task “Number 5. Solve examples”.

Children use digital cards to show the answer. The result is checked on a numerical segment.

What number, which we have not yet studied, did you meet when solving?

III. “Discovery” of new knowledge and formulation of the topic of the lesson.

1) Restore the order in the row:

What number do you think wants to get to know us?

The number 5 really wants to be written with a sign - a number.

What is so special about this number? Where is it found?

2) Work with the textbook.

Open the tutorial on page 58, task number 1.

How did you get 5 wagons? So what should be done to get the number 5 out of 4?

Number row.

What number is 5 for 4? How to get it from 4?

How much more is 4?

And what number for 5 is 4? How to get it? How much less is it 5?

Tasks number 2

Why did you draw 5 dots?

Tasks №3

What number are we talking about?

IV. Fizminutka.

Well done! It's just a joy to work with you today and you deserve a little respite - a physical training minute! All the guys came out from behind their desks, stood up comfortably, stretched their arms forward, clenched their hands into fists! Look at me and repeat the words and actions in chorus.

One, two, three, four, five fingers came out for a walk (we straighten one finger at a time from the cam).

One, two, three, four, five hid in the house again (we put one finger into a fist).

And two more times!

Good! And now back to work! Grab your seats and go!

V. Acquaintance with the number 5.

(The teacher shows a card with the number 5).

Guys, whose portrait is this? What kind of stranger is shown here?

This is the number 5. This is how the number 5 is written.

Where did you meet the number 5? (We saw the number 5 on the pages of the textbook, on the ruler, on coins, on houses)

Presentation “How to write numbers”

Let's practice writing the number five correctly (showing a sample of writing the number 5). We begin to write the stick a little to the right of the middle of the upper side of the cage, we lead it obliquely down almost to the center of the cage, we write a semi-oval, touching the right side of the cage. On top of the stick, we write a wavy line to the right, reaching the upper right corner of the cell.

Workbook, p. 28, back. No. 2

(Disassemble the patterns, repeat the spelling of the studied numbers)

Presentation “How to write numbers”

How beautiful you are! And who did not turn out quite the way he wanted, it does not matter! Be sure to practice at home in notebooks and you will succeed!

VI. Primary fastening.

1) Task number 5 on page 59 of the textbook is performed in workbook No. 3 (p. 28). When completing tasks, we draw the attention of children to the key words in the margins of the textbook.

What number will be the number 5 for 4?

And the number 4 for 5?

We complete task No. 6 of the textbook in workbook No. 4 (p. 28).

On what basis were Petya's cars divided into groups?

What is the first part? (one)

What is the second part? (3)

What is an integer? (five)

What equalities can be made? (Writing in a notebook and on the board)

(Similar to Vova's drawing)

The composition of the number 5 is considered.

Five is…. (1 and 4, 4 and 1, 2 and 3, 3 and 2)

VII. Fizminutka.

VIII. Independent work.

a) Task No. 7 the textbook is completed in workbook No. 5 (p. 28).

b) At the same time, work is underway at the computer.

Electronic textbook“Mathematics in elementary school”, topic “Addition and subtraction within 10”. Work, task number 1; simulator number 1, task number 2.

Two students go to the computer to work. One student works at the computer, the second (advisor) observes and assists in case of difficulty or incorrect calculation of the first.

IX. Training exercises and tasks for repetition.

  1. Task No. 8 of the textbook is performed in workbook No. 6 (p. 28).
  2. Task number 9 of the textbook.

X. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what date did you meet today?

And with what number?

How to get the number 5?

Electronic textbook “Mathematics. Check". The task is “+.+1”.

And now, let's admire our flower. (Children glue the petals on the board). What a handsome man we have. Do you know why? It was you who worked so amicably and actively in the lesson that a seven-color flower blossomed.

Additional materials
Dear users, do not forget to leave your comments, feedback, suggestions! All materials are checked by an antivirus program.

Teaching aids and simulators in the online store "Integral" for grade 1
Simulator by Peterson L.G., Manual by Peterson L.G.

Number 5 and number 5, acquaintance

We are again going to the wonderful country "Mathematics". And our friend little Fox cub is with us, he also wants to gain knowledge. Get comfortable and go. Do you remember that in the country of "Mathematics" in the "Forest School" a smart Dwarf talks about mathematical wisdom.

But before going to the country "Mathematics", let's remember what numbers we already know, and who did we visit?

Well done, they remembered and the Fox was prompted. Now look at the next picture and try to guess: who are we going to visit today?

Find a pattern. Which row is missing cherries?

You already guessed that today we are going to visit the figure and the number

Number 5 with a big belly,
The five has a cap with a visor.
At school this number is 5
Children love to receive.

Meet the number 5

I'm a naughty five!
Dear all excellent students!
For me to be friends with you
There's a lot to know
Write, count and multiply.
And be sure to always read the encyclopedia!

Look at number 5.
How can we write it?
Put a vertical stroke
Below is a small circle
Above - a small tail.
The number 5 is in front of you!

The scoop with which we draw water is similar to the number five.

The seahorse that jumps in the ocean
our five is like a brother.

Look at your hand, you will see that there are five fingers on it.

Five lobes on maple leaves

The sea star has five rays.

Five lines in a musical line.
This will be the musical staff.
And on it all notes-points
Settled in place.

As you can see, guys, the number 5 is important and it is needed everywhere.

Any numbers indicate a quantity, and numbers are used to write a number. The number can be one or more digits.

All numbers that come before the number 5 are less than FIVE, and those after the number 5 are greater than FIVE.

Let's think together: what does the number 5 consist of?

Look at the following picture and say: how many circles does it show? And how many squares? How many triangles? How many pentagons? Find a pattern.

See how this figure can be written as examples:

The number FIVE consists of these numbers.

The Clever Dwarf gave the task to the Little Fox to solve the problems. Help him.

And now different problems for the number 5

Hen counts chickens
One two Three...
There are not enough chickens.
The chicken began to look
Call the little ones.
At the threshing floor one walks.
Hid in the grass second,
The most glorious and big.
Little chicks help her count
One two Three, ...

Two little chicks were sitting in the nest
Yellow and fluffy twin.
Two more peeked out of the shell,
Another one doesn't want to.
Count rather how many chicks are in the nest?

Early in the morning the Hedgehog went mushrooming.
In a grove under a birch, he found mushrooms.
A small honey agaric, two camelina and a white mushroom.
A fox hid under a leaf under an aspen tree.
Sister to all mushrooms.
Please help me count the mushrooms.
How much will? Smooth...

On the shore, the guys with a fishing rod are sitting,
Look carefully at the floats.
Fisherman Sasha caught two perches.
Fisherman Pasha caught two crucians.
And the fisherwoman Sonya caught a pike.
Here is such a big one, with a hand.
How many fish did the fishermen catch?
Help them count.
There will be fish...

Well done guys, all the problems are solved.
They helped the little fox, they didn’t forget about the Gnome!

We have learned the number 5.
We haven't forgotten anything.
Let's learn more!
And learn only FIVE!

Today we will finish the lesson happily.
The bell has already rung.
And tomorrow we'll meet again
To go back to the country
Where mathematics awaits us, with its smart inhabitants.

Alexander Savolainen, GBOU GYMNASIUM №1619

The presentation contains various educational material about the number "5": poems, proverbs, riddles.

The material can be used in mathematics lessons in grades 1-2.



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Slides captions:

Mathematics project "Number 5" The work of a student of class 2 "A" Alexander Savolainen Head: Matrosova L.V.

Introduction. Where do numbers live? Numbers live on various objects: In calendars and tram tickets, On clock faces, on houses, Numbers are hidden in book volumes, And in a store, and in a telephone, And on a car, and on a carriage ... Numbers are everywhere, numbers are all around. We'll look for them and find them right away.

Introduction. Where does number 5 live? I can not understand in any way, What is the secret of the number "5"? Wherever you look, it is everywhere: On the arm and on the leg, On the soldier's forage cap, And on the Christmas tree star. If we play hide and seek, Then we count to five, And in a notebook to mark Better numbers can not found. Dad gives me five minutes to go to bed. In the morning I also need to quickly lace up my shoes. Five minutes walk to school, And I go to the fifth grade. Five minutes change, Five kopecks worth kvass. Day after day, this puzzle It became easier to solve - If you are friends with this number, All things go to five!

Poems about the number 5 And then she went dancing On paper, the number five. She stretched out her hand to the right, sharply bent her leg. Author: S.Ya. Marshak *** What does the number 5 look like? On the sickle, of course, How not to know. Author: G. Vieru *** Write the number five What to draw a hook. But at the figure, at the hook, The fishing line is painfully short. Author: VB Bakaldin Easy to remember and understand - The number 5 looks like a hook. Author: V. Chernyaeva *** The fisherman knows his business! The number five is a hook for him. If you tie this number five With a fishing line to a stick, The stick will become a fishing rod ... There will be glorious fishing! Author: V.Chernyaeva Number five - with a big belly, Wears a cap with a visor. At school, this number is five Children love to receive. *** And this is the number five! It's easy to count to five. Hold each finger, say a number to your finger. *** The number 5 was proud - Wants to become a queen! To become a queen, You need to know a lot.

How to write the number 5? We got to number five. How can we write it? Put a vertical stroke, Lead a circle from it, How beautiful is the number five! We will write it. We will draw a semicircle, a stick, we will paint a tail. Five is the sister of the deuce. There are only fives in the diary. To write a deuce - Put five upside down. Author: A. Sosina Above - a small tail. The number five is in front of you! Learn to write it, To get fives!

Poems with the number or number 5 The number five again flaunts in the notebook, as in a parade. In a person, the number five You can immediately see: Five fingers on the hands, Five toes on the feet. On a five-pointed star Five corners shine forever. We love the number five very much. We receive it in a notebook. It means you are an excellent student And behave decently. This figure is just class! It makes us all very happy. Author: T. Lavrova *** One, two, three, four, five, The bunny went out for a walk. Suddenly the hunter runs out, shoots directly at the bunny. Bang Bang! Missed, Gray Bunny ran away. What is the Five so busy with? She's cleaning up! Five beavers carry water, five cows wash windows. Five mice are carrying a whisk, Five geese are repairing the shelf, Five kittens are washing clothes, Wiping the dust everywhere, Five cheerful mosquitoes are knocking dust from the carpets, Five green frogs are hurrying to their rescue. Five hedgehogs wash the dishes. It became clean - just a miracle! Then they sat at the table, Drank tea and ate buns! Author: I. Gurina *** At school, I will receive "five" in all subjects. I will always be with the Five I will not spill water.

Poems with the number or number 5 I'm sure you know Five Rays starfish. How many fingers are on the hand? Five. Can you name them for me? Author: V. Chernyaeva *** Who is knocking at my door With a thick shoulder bag, With the number five on a copper plate, In a blue uniform cap, This is it, This is it, the Leningrad postman. Author: S.Ya. Marshak *** The prickly hedgehogs have five hedgehogs - babies. And the striped cat has five mice friends. Author: K. Zelenaya Alexey came from school. He now came up with this: - If I learn the verbs, I give myself a penny. If I learn prefixes, I will demand a raise. Author: Agniya Barto *** Everyone should know about it. Humans have five senses: Smell, Taste and touch. Do not forget about the main two: - This is sight and hearing. Author: E. Schwartz *** The star has five children - Five sparkling rays. At night they do not sleep, They want to shine for everyone.

Composition of the number 5 Write the missing numbers so that in each petal the sum is the same number as in the middle of the flower

Composition of the number 5 Fill in the missing numbers

Composition of the number 5 4+1=5 In the yard 4 cats Quietly hid in a basket, They alone went to look for them. Count the cats. Five! There are 4 ducks by the pond, And one more - on the booth. The old dog began to grumble: - It's necessary, as many as five! 1+4=5 Frog under the bush, 4 more under the bridge. Gathered to count the stones. There are exactly five frogs in total! The cricket behind the stove rested, He played a song on the violin. 4 got under the bed. There are five crickets in total! 3+2=5 3 little mice on a swing With an appetite for drying spruce. 2 came to chat with them. How many mice? Roughly five. 3 funny little bears Ate sweet honey on the sidelines. 2 came to help them. How many bears? Exactly - five! 2+3=5 2 funny foals neighed loudly in the meadow. 3 came to play with them. There are five of them in total! 2 pretty chickens are chasing after the ball. 3 want to catch a cat, And there are only five chickens here!

Riddles with the number 5 How many fingers are on the hand And kopecks in a patch, A starfish has rays, Five rooks have beaks, Blades at maple leaves And corners at a bastion, A number will help us tell about all this ... (five) *** We have an essay, And the whole class got ready. The honors again In the diaries, only a number ... (five). *** Mom looks impatiently at the pages of the diary. Waiting for the cherished assessment of the mischievous son. But again, only fours. There is no beauty... Author: Svetlana Suvorova If you turn TWO over And take a close look, Look this way and that way again, Then we get the number... (five). *** 5 electric bulbs burned, 3 bulbs turned off. How many light bulbs are left? Answer: five. *** Five steps - a short flight of stairs, On the steps there is a song. Answer: stave. *** There were birds sitting outside the window, a dove, a thrush and three titmouse. We will ask students And diligent students: “Who is ready to answer us, How many birds are outside the window?” Answer: five.

Riddles with the number 5 There is, friends, such a bird, If it sits on the page, I am very happy, And the whole family is with me. Answer: Five. *** What is at the end of the page, decorating the entire notebook? What can you be proud of? Well, of course, in numbers ... (five) *** Five brothers - equal for years, different in height. Answer: fingers. *** List five days in a row, without naming any numbers or days of the week Answer: the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. *** How to write the word "mousetrap" with five letters? Answer: cat. Two mothers have five sons - one name for all. Answer: Fingers, hands. *** Bagels are hung on the step-ladder. Click yes click - five yes five. This is how we learn to count. Answer: Abacus *** Where is the fifth? Ira is crying, do not calm down, Ira is very sad. There were exactly five chairs, and now there are four. The younger brother began to count: - One, two, three, four, five. - Do not Cry! - said the kid. - After all, on the fifth you ... (sitting). *** Piglet is having fun, Pink hook on the back. Answer: Piglet.

Proverbs and tongue twisters with the number 5 Patter with the number 5: A quail and a quail have five quails. Go on the road - weave five (five) bast shoes. Needed like a fifth wheel on a cart. You can't buy friendship for a penny. Sharp-witted and cunning - he lost his nose to five. A cat with a paw, a bear with five. One silly, but quarrels the smart five. Glorious godfather - gave five altyns! Do not be among godfathers - and do not drink kvass. They don't give pennies for a penny. Pahom is not worth a penny, but looks like a penny. There are five fingers on the hand, and whichever you don’t bite, everything hurts. There are five thugs sitting in five wells. Don't poke your nose, Friday, ahead of Thursday. A verst closer, a nickel cheaper. Of the five fingers I do not see a single one, but one in the eyes of seven. Expensive five, but straight ten. Mother-in-law thought, five cannot eat; and the son-in-law sat down, and ate it at a sitting. Bargaining for three altyns, and debt for five. He threshes rye on five barns. This is a marvel - a pig has a snout with a nickel. A pig is not my brother, and five rubles is not money. There are five kopecks - and the grandmother is in the market. On an oak leaf in a penny - to be spring so.

You and the five should always be inseparable!