Monthly allowance up to 18 years. Child benefits after three years

Citizens with children aged over 3 years old, at the federal level there is only one child allowance per child and a number of regional payments. The procedure for their appointment, the size, conditions for receiving and the frequency of the transfers due are established by the regulatory legal documents of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

This payment is intended to support the underprivileged and certain categories of families. Therefore, it is assigned when providing aggregate information on the income of all family members for the specified period, the amount of which per household should not exceed the regional subsistence level for the previous quarter. Disabled people, large families, single mothers and other certain categories of citizens can apply for these compensations, regardless of the material well-being of the family, upon presentation of documents confirming their right to them.

All these payments are processed at the district department of social protection of the population (OSZN) at the place of registration of the applicant or at the territorial Multifunctional Center (MFC) if they accept documents in this district.

The order of appointment and payment remains the same as for the above described benefits up to 14 (16) years. Its size is also established for each subject of the Russian Federation by separate regional laws. It is assigned depending on need and financial security of families.

The prerequisite is to provide certificates from the school about the child's studies in the current academic year indicating the number of the order to transfer it to this class.

  1. If this year the package of documents has already been updated, but due to the student reaching the age of 16, the transfers have ceased, then the recipient must provide the OSZN (or MFC) specialist with a certificate of the child's studies at school.
  2. If parents have applied for a payment for a high school student (from 16 to 18 years old), and basic information has not been provided for more than a year (or for the first time they applied for these funds), then you must provide a complete set of documents, attaching an additional certificate for this student.

Payment term depends on the period of study of the child and on his age:

  1. If he graduated from school before the age of majority, then the payment is due only until the end of his studies;
  2. If before the age of 18 he moved to the next class, it is necessary to provide a certificate of study in the new academic year;
  3. If the certificate was provided from the current class after the age of 16, and the income information provided last year expired, then you need to update the package of documents, while re-submitting a certificate for the same class is not necessary.
  4. The payment is suspended until the age of majority if the student is recognized as fully capable or if he is married;
  5. If during the period of study he turns 18 years old, then the allowance stops.

You can apply for a payment after the child reaches the age of majority or graduates from school within six months. In this case, the supplement will be no more than 6 monthly benefits.

Most parents, one way or another, face certain financial difficulties while raising their child. After all, children require not only attention, but also certain material investments. First, the baby needs diapers, strollers, a crib, sliders. Then he grows out of it all, and it's time to buy toys, and soon textbooks and a briefcase. With all this, the cost of food and clothing for the child must always be taken into account.

Russia in this moment conducts an active demographic policy, one of the aspects of which is to increase the birth rate and support young families. To help parents, the government has determined special payments - allowance for the care of a minor child. This is a small but significant financial assistance to families with children. In this article, we will analyze the details of this bill - who is entitled to the allowance for a child under 18, what is the procedure for obtaining it, and what is the amount of payments in 2017.

Who is eligible for benefits?

Not all families can receive financial assistance from the state. In order to apply for financial support, the following conditions must be met:

  • both parents of the child must be citizens Russian Federation;
  • family income (that is, both parents) does not exceed the average. The average income is calculated not at the federal level, but at the regional level, so it is different in each region.

Of course, to receive benefits in the family must be a minor child. It does not matter whether he is a native or adopted.

How much will be paid in 2017?

It’s impossible to talk about the amounts of payments in a nutshell. First, the amount of the allowance depends on the composition of the family. For example, for a complete family with working parents, the allowance will be the smallest and amount to less than 2,718 rubles per month, and for a single mother, the amount of the allowance will be doubled. Secondly, the amount of monthly payments is not determined at the federal level, each region sets its own conditions. Thirdly, the allowance also depends on the child himself - if he is disabled, then monthly allowance increases to approximately 6,000 rubles per month.

Thus, in order to accurately find out the amount of material assistance, you need to refer to the legislation of your region.

How and where to apply in 2016-2017?

The application, along with a package of documents confirming the right to payments, must be submitted to the local branch of social guardianship authorities (or social protection authorities, which is the same thing). The full list of documents required for the application is given below:

  • child's birth certificate or passport;
  • an extract from the house register confirming that the child lives with you (this extract can be obtained from the passport office to which your house is attached);
  • certificate of family income for the last three months (you must submit documents for all working family members. For example, if the family is complete and both the mother and father of the child work in it, then it is necessary to submit 2-NDFL certificates from the workplaces of both the mother and father If the child is raised by a single mother, then she presents only her documents, without turning to the father of the child);
  • if there is a disabled child in the family, it is also necessary to submit documents confirming his disability;
  • the application itself, which is drawn up in a free form.

If for some reason your family is not eligible for benefits (for example, you incorrectly calculated your income, and it turned out to be higher than the average for the region), then the social guardianship authority will notify you of the refusal and explain the reason. Otherwise, your account will begin to accrue monthly benefits.

When a child reaches the age of sixteen, it is necessary to submit a certificate from his school that he continues to study at a secondary educational institution. If this certificate is not presented, payments will stop.

For families with low level income, social state support is provided in the form of a child allowance, which is paid for children under 18 years of age. This payment is assigned to one of the parents. Due to the fact that each subject of the Russian Federation determines the amount of assistance independently, the amounts of payments may be different.

What payments are accrued monthly and to whom they are due

With the birth of a child, parents have the right to apply for a monthly allowance, which is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Monetary support can come from the local budget or federal. The amount of benefits received will directly depend on the territorial basis, namely, on the place of residence of the family. Child allowance under 18, paid monthly, is due to the following categories of citizens:

  • families with a low average annual income;
  • mothers of many children and guardian families;
  • families who cannot work due to disability or have a disabled child;
  • children whose parents serve in the army on conscription;
  • student parents;
  • single mothers.

What determines the amount of the monthly allowance

The current amount of benefits paid in a particular region can be found in the district social assistance service. They surrender there Required documents. The allowance for children under 18 is due to families whose income meets the established limit.

Despite the fact that the family provides the department with certificates of all income received for six months, the cash payment is assigned to only one parent. It is also very important that the child lives with his parents. If a child after 16 years of age stopped studying and got a job, then social payment stops.

Who is eligible for lump-sum payments?

To receive a one-time payment related to the birth of a child, a family must meet certain requirements, namely, parents must have citizenship of the Russian Federation, the family's income must not exceed the average income level established in the region of residence. A one-time allowance will be paid to the family, regardless of whether the child is a child or a foster child.

Types of one-time benefits

Currently, there are several types of financial assistance that families can count on after the birth of a baby.

The benefit related to pregnancy and childbirth is paid in case of early registration of the mother in the antenatal clinic. This benefit encourages expectant mothers to start diagnosing as soon as possible. developing fetus in order to prevent possible pathologies. The amount is paid on the basis of a certificate from an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Parents receive maternity capital in the event of a second child in the family. Such a payment is issued in the form of a monetary obligation and can be used for certain family needs.

A one-time grant is paid to parents immediately after the birth of the child and has a fixed amount established by the regional authorities. Moreover, with the appearance of several babies, the allowance increases.

How to complete paperwork correctly and in a timely manner

The procedure for applying for child support is simplified as much as possible. Parents do not need to stand idle for long hours in various organizations, but it is enough to apply with the required package of documents to the one-stop shop. Any member of the family can submit documents.

The time limit for considering eligibility for benefits is 10 days. In case of refusal, the parents will be informed of the reason. If the eligibility period has been missed, the benefit cannot be reinstated.

What you need to apply for assistance

In order to receive child benefit up to 18 years of age, certain documents must be submitted to the social service.

  1. Copies of the passport of the father and mother or a document confirming the receipt of paternity, a birth certificate of the baby.
  2. An application for the purpose of payment with the required details of the bank account to which the money will be received.
  3. A document confirming the disability of the child or family members.
  4. If the child is 16 years old, then a certificate from the educational institution confirming the continuation of education will be required.
  5. Certificate of cohabitation of the child with parents.
  6. A document confirming the income of parents for the last six months.
  7. Copy of marriage certificate.

In what cases the child allowance until the age of 18 is terminated

There are cases when the payment of the assigned allowance may be suspended. The most common reason for suspension of payments is the excess of the established minimum level of the total income of parents. Also, child allowance until the age of 18 is not due to parents deprived of their rights.

In connection with the annual indexation of benefits, untimely documentary evidence of benefits may cause a decrease in the total amount and suspension of payments for an indefinite period.

Help in kind: what you can count on

Financial assistance is not the only thing a family with children under 18 can receive. For low-income parents, the state provides non-monetary benefits up to 18 years of age, which is provided in the form of services or in kind:

  • Dairy products provided to a baby up to 2 years old, and in case of disability or chronic diseases - up to 15 years old.
  • Providing free medicines up to 3 years, large families - up to 6 years.
  • Preferential transportation of children in public transport up to seven years old.
  • Free kits for newborns received at maternity hospitals.

Various cash and in-kind benefits are a significant help to many families. Government program support for the poor is developed every year, helps to find ways out of difficult life situations and stimulates a good birth rate of the new population of the country.

  • One-time payments to parents
  • Monthly compensation
  • Required documents
  • Other help for parents
  • Termination of payments

Child allowance for a child under 18 is one of the types of state social support for mothers and fathers whose income is below the subsistence level. This type assistance can only be assigned to one of the parents. Its size is set by each subject of the Russian Federation independently and can be changed.

In order to make it easier for families to cope with the parental role, the state provides financial support. You need to know about the amount of payments and how to arrange them. How much are parents paid?

Since the current year, the implementation of social reform has begun in Russia, which will make possible a new approach to the provision of financial assistance. This will significantly increase payments for minors.

The amount of financial support will depend on many factors. For example, money can come from the federal budget, or it can come from the local one. Thus, the amount will directly depend on the place of residence of the father and mother. Federal and local laws govern all payments.

Compensation for a child under 18 can be paid in several ways. In particular, to be carried out at a time, but most often any federal or local financial compensation is of a regular nature.

To receive all the required payments, you need to meet several mandatory parameters. Firstly, mom and dad must be citizens of the Russian Federation. Secondly, their total income should not exceed the average income, which is calculated at the level of the region where a particular family lives. It doesn’t matter if mom and dad have a baby or an adopted baby.

One-time payments to parents

As soon as replenishment is expected, it is already possible to deal with future payments. After the birth of the baby, the mother and father are entitled to receive a lump sum compensation from the federal budget. All families with minors, wives of conscripted servicemen will be able to receive such financial support. Adoptive parents will also receive payments.

Today there are the following types of financial assistance:

  • compensation for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • grant at the birth of children;
  • maternal capital.

In addition to federal payments, Muscovite parents are entitled to a number of other compensations that they can receive. One-time Moscow grants:

  • assistance to women who are registered in medical institutions before the 20th week of pregnancy;
  • compensation for the birth of a baby;
  • payment for the birth of three or more children at once;
  • subsidy for adoption, taking under guardianship;
  • allowance for families in which the age of the father and mother has not reached 30 years.

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Monthly compensation

When a child is born in the family, mom and dad can hope to receive subsidies for a new family member. Every month, young parents are able to receive an allowance from the federal budget aimed at caring for a baby. The same assistance is provided to the families of military men serving on conscription.

If a Muscovite family has a child under 1.5 years old, then his parents are entitled to receive child benefits from the city government. They should receive the following monthly assistance:

  • allowance for mothers who raise a child without a father;
  • subsidy to the children of military conscripts;
  • allowance for parents who, due to disability, cannot work;
  • compensation to parents raising children with disabilities;
  • assistance to student families;
  • compensation to large families;
  • assistance to foster families;
  • subsidies for low income families.

The amount of the allowance depends on the number of minors, the income of the father and mother, social level and other nuances. Details can be obtained from the social services in your area. There you need to draw up all the compensation due to parents.

Benefit for a child up to 18 years of age is due to families whose income is less than that established in this region. Moreover, only one member of the family can receive assistance. He must provide documents confirming the total income of the parents. The low rate of the latter is a necessary principle for obtaining such compensation. In addition, it is obligatory for minors to live with their mother and father. The amount of compensation depends on where the family lives. The same monthly allowance is due to children and families of guardians.

Most often they say "allowance for a child under 18", but in fact we are talking All same about payments until 16 years. After the age of sixteen, the subsidy for the child will remain if the minor continues to study at a general education institution.

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How to apply for child support?

Applying for child support is now easy. It is only necessary to follow the clear instructions provided by social workers and collect the entire list of documents.

Within 10 working days, the social authority will check the received documents and inform about decision for this particular family. If additional certificates or copies of documents confirming income are needed, their list will be given to the father and mother.

If parents are denied compensation or payments, they will be informed specific reason failure. This may be the lack of work with working capacity, non-registration at the labor exchange. They can refuse if the father or mother has not officially confirmed their parental leave.

It should be noted that it is impossible to receive the due payments for the past period.