Who is koumiss friend jov. Star team Black Star Mafia: composition, history of creation

remote sensing data- data on the surface of the Earth, objects located on it or in its interior, obtained in the process of surveying by any non-contact, i.e. remote methods. According to the established tradition, remote sensing data include data obtained using ground-based, airborne or space-based imaging equipment, which makes it possible to obtain images in one or more parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Spatial resolution of space images of the Earth is the main characteristic of satellite images.
Classification of images by spatial resolution:

  • Space images of very low resolution 10,000 - 100,000 m;
  • Low resolution satellite images 300 - 1000 m;
  • Space images of medium resolution 50 - 200 m;
  • space pictures high definition :
  • space images of relatively high resolution 20 - 40 m.;
  • satellite images of high resolution 10 - 20 m.;
  • space images of very high resolution 1 - 10 m.;
  • Ultra-high resolution satellite images are less than 0.3 - 0.9 m.

will help to solve thematic tasks of the assessment natural resources And environment:

  • Structural geology;
  • rock complexes;
  • Minerageny;
  • Hydrogeology;
  • Geomorphology;
  • Exogenous geological processes;
  • Anthropogenic impacts during subsoil use.

  • Surface waters:
  • Land hydrology;
  • Hydrology of the seas and oceans;
  • Anthropogenic impacts on surface waters.
  • Aquatic bioresources:
  • Hydrobiology;
  • Anthropogenic impacts on aquatic biological resources.
  • Soils:
  • Soil genetic types;
  • Dynamic properties of soils;
  • Anthropogenic impacts on soils (lands).

  • Vegetation cover:
  • non-forest vegetation;
  • Anthropogenic impacts on non-forest vegetation;
  • forest resources;
  • Protection and protection of forests;
  • Anthropogenic impacts on forests.

  • Animal world:
  • Terrestrial animal world.
  • Atmospheric air:
  • atmospheric circulation;
  • cloudy;
  • Anthropogenic impacts on atmospheric air.

  • Atmospheric precipitation and snow cover
  • Precipitation;
  • Snow cover.

  • landscapes
  • natural landscapes;
  • Anthropogenic impacts on natural landscapes.

  • Anthropogenic objects
  • residential areas;
  • Communication objects;
  • Agriculture.

  • Use and development of territories
  • Land management;
  • Cartographic activity.

Space images of very low resolution:


Download QuikSCAT Space Images

Using QuikSCAT satellite imagery:

  • SeaWinds equipment, which is a scatterometer - a high-frequency microwave radar for determining the speed and direction of the wind near the surface of the ocean. The measurements are based on the change in the properties of the reflected radar radiation when small waves (ripples) appear on the ocean surface under the influence of wind gusts.

Using Meteosat satellite images:

  • Provides an uninterrupted view of the weather.

Low resolution satellite images:

Free space images (pictures of the earth) allow you to gain experience in space technology, develop your scientific and technical potential and create a production structure for participation in future state and international projects.
Advantages free space images:

  • stimulating the development of the internal geodata market;
  • stimulating the rapid development of the remote sensing data market;
  • an increase in the number of secondary processing companies and users;
  • emergence of new geoservices and services.


    • Baranov Yu.B., Berlyant A.M., Kapralov E.G., Koshkarev A.V., Serapinas B.B., Filippov Yu.A. Geoinformatics. Dictionary basic terms.
    • Classifier of thematic tasks for assessing natural resources and the environment, solved using materials from remote sensing of the Earth. Revision 7. - Irkutsk: Baikal Center LLC, 2008.

Navigation maps may be needed in a variety of situations. Either you are lost in the forest, or you are looking for the necessary street in the city. A service that can help you deal with this is Google Maps. It consists of a couple of applications. Namely: from the site Google Maps and Google Transit (program for laying the route). Due to the fact that Google transmits data directly from the satellite, with the help of these maps you can find out detailed diagram route, house numbers, street names, and how you can walk or drive (by car, bus, bike) to your destination.
This service is a great guide covering many areas of life: from traveling to planning a walk or going on vacation.


The map for users can be displayed in two versions:
  • traditionally ( topographic map, analogue of Mercator);
  • satellite images (not online, but taken some time ago).
According to the Mercator projection, the map scale was created, which is constant: it decreases towards the equator from the poles and vice versa.
A sister project to Google Maps - Google Planet (corresponds to the globe) complements the service of images of the Earth's poles.


Not all countries disclose information about the location of their facilities. Therefore, places on the map where there are classified areas, shaded. These include, for example, the White House, the Capitol.

Different resolutions on the map have different plots of land. The lower the population density of the territory, the less details are known about it. Some places on the map are hidden under the clouds. Although not all objects were taken from the satellite. Images of some of them were obtained thanks to aerial photography from a height of 300 meters or more. In such places, the detailing of the terrain reaches high values.

Service interface

Google Maps is very easy to manage. This app was made for people and that's how it works. On the left side there is a button to switch the appearance of maps ( topographic or satellite view). And on the right side of the screen, the user can find zoom buttons ( increase and decrease).
The system allows its users to enter the address or name of an object and obtain information about its location, address, coordinates, appearance. For some zones, the service of recognizing “what is there” is available, while Google Maps will show which object (gas station, museum, shop, theater) is located there.

Google online maps very widely used javascript service. New sections of the map are displayed on the page as the user moves it around the screen. If the address of a specific object was entered, the page reloads and the location of the searched place is displayed on the map with a dynamic red marker icon.

In order for the map to be hosted by the owners of other sites, Google announced a free service: API Maps(Application Programming Interface) in 2005. This map can be added to any area of ​​the site. them on this moment there are more than 350 thousand worldwide.

About Google Maps

As of 2011, Google Corporation announced that it provides its mapping service to more than 150 million customers. This makes the service one of the largest and grandest Internet navigation services.
Interactive Google Maps is a free service provided courtesy of Google Corporation that does not contain ads, but only provides high-quality and verified information about the location and purpose of objects around the world.

Satellite map of Russia how much in this offer!
And if you are interested satellite view in real time?
A long time ago we got used to the process of globalization and the Internet.
We can communicate with anyone through the World Wide Web.
But not so long ago, progress in this direction stepped forward.
In this article you will find satellite map of Russia in real time online
(you can also find any cities on the map, for example) and a map of webcams in Russia.

If you want to look at Planet Earth in REAL TIME as if from a satellite, use the Google Earth provided below.
Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. If you do not have Google Earth, you will be prompted to do so. If you logged in through the Opera browser, viewing is not possible. This is best done in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

Enter any object you are interested in in the box and click "Forward!":

The dream of many science fiction writers about a “vidophone” has come true, such as the Strugatsky brothers, for example. Now Russia in real time is available to anyone who has access to the Internet. We can communicate with each other not just by sending messages to a faceless person on the other side of the monitor, but also to see and hear him.

Live communication is hard to overestimate. And that's great. Now, having bought a webcam, anyone can show himself to the whole world and compatriots in particular. Still, it is much more pleasant to communicate on mother tongue than trying to translate foreign language in online mode. This is no longer given to everyone. Russia in real time- a miracle of science and technology.

By opening a site such as the one below, for example, anyone can see another city, see what is happening now, several thousand kilometers away.
Distance is no longer a hindrance to communication. We can find everything Russian webcams, connect to this broadcast and watch, listen, talk and convey your emotions to the interlocutor. I think everyone agrees that webcams are great!

And another way to see the satellite view live, this is a wonderful program for displaying a complete three-dimensional model of our planet, you can even see the terrain, the mountains are high, the water in the seas sways, and special cultural monuments presented in the mode - Google Planet. If you do not have Google Earth, you will be prompted to do so. If you logged in through the Opera browser, viewing is not possible. This is best done in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

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