Artists accordion paintings. Garmash Michael and Inessa (Michael and Inessa Garmash)

We admire pictures that evoke a variety of emotions in us almost every day. They are painted by real masters. But it is rare to find masterpieces that come from the pen of two people at once. That is how, together, the spouses Mikhail and Inessa Garmash create paintings.

Very beautiful and romantic works are created by a married couple. They seem to be captured by a single creative impulse, which inspires them with one inspiration for two. And then they create the incredible beauty of the picture. The head of the family, Mikhail Garmash, painted his very first masterpiece at the age of 3, and at the age of 6 he was already actively creating his works in a specialized creative center for children. It is worth noting that the work of little Misha even received the highest awards at international competitions.

No one doubted that Mikhail would become professional artist. First he studied at the school, and then at the Academy in St. Petersburg. During this period of time, Mikhail's paintings were even exhibited in various galleries located in France. The wife of the artist, Inessa, for a long time did not know what to do in life. She graduated from both music and even ballet school. But once meeting at the bus stop with Mikhail, her fate was decided once and for all. Now the spouses create their paintings together, at the same time.

Married couples are relatively rare among acting artists. Harmonious couples are even rarer. And it is extremely rare for those who sign the fruits of joint creativity with a common signature. Anything like that family interaction sincerely happy. Here is the very necessary example of the correct relationship between a man and a woman against the general “normal” background of their frequent widespread mutual reproaches and claims. An example of support and creative mutual enrichment, instead of the usual look and ear of swearing between a woman and a man, proving a one-sided position "who is better." IN this case better is the ideal Unity, arising from the two Beginnings created by nature that complement each other ...

Mikhail Garmash was born in the city of Lugansk, in Ukraine, in 1969. He began to draw at the age of three, and from the age of six he began his artistic education. The starting point of his professional artistic path was the Lugansk Youth Creativity Center. From the Center, the works of the gifted Mikhail were sent to exhibitions in Ukraine, Russia, and neighboring countries. Mikhail received the first prizes from several art competitions. The first prize for the best poster was from a regional competition. It was in 1977 in my hometown. The next prize was from the International Youth Competition in 1978, which took place in Czechoslovakia. And another prize from the International Thematic Competition dedicated to the art of the circus, in the same 1978 in Hungary.

In 1988, Mikhail Garmash began teaching at the Lugansk Republican Art School. From 1989 to 1991 he served in the ranks Soviet army. In 1992 he began to study at Art Academy St. Petersburg.

While still a student, Mikhail began to exhibit his works in France, in several cities at once. At the same time participated in regular art exhibitions St. Petersburg. Here he received an honorary medal for stained glass work in the Suvorov Military Museum in St. Petersburg.

Inessa Kitaychik was born in 1972 in the city of Lipetsk. WITH early childhood showed remarkable abilities in ballet, gymnastics and music. After the end of the musical and ballet school Inessa, at the age of fifteen, entered the Luhansk school fine arts. At the age of seventeen, as one of the best graduates of the course, she continued her studies at the Lugansk Republican Art School.

Mikhail's acquaintance with Inessa is filled with romance and resembles the plot of the corresponding film. I'm not even entirely sure of the reality of some fragments of this story. Although, in life it happens and not so ...

They met when Mikhail arrived in Luhansk during a two-week military leave. The meeting took place at a bus stop on the last day of vacation. It happened what is called love at first sight. The very next day, Mikhail was supposed to return to the military unit, but did not return, preferring to draw Her ...

Mikhail painted Inessa not in the album with classical means, but on the walls of houses in the city of Luhansk, the walls of Inessa's entrance, while she was sleeping. Seeing the drawing, she appreciated the degree of Michael's feelings. And the city police assessed the drawings in their own way, and sent the hooligan to his military unit. The violator of the charter was duly arrested. However, he did not receive the execution of punishment, due to the credibility of the story of his destined acquaintance.

A year later, at the bus stop where Mikhail met his soul mate, he, in honor of this significant event, hung a bouquet of flowers.

As a result of that meeting, we see a rare not only family, but also a creative union of male and female principles. They paint pictures together. Often they depict the daughter of Mikhail and Inessa. They create not only paintings, but also stained-glass windows and mosaics. Exhibitions are held both in Russia and abroad.

I still need to write about how Inessa and Mikhail Garmash approached joint art ...

Several years passed after the conclusion of their union, the daughter Polina was born. During her father's absence, she childishly "tweaked" his painting, starting her artistic career. The picture was intended for the exhibition, and Inessa corrected the work, worrying that Mikhail would be upset. The corrected work was packed and sent to the exhibition. The work there was accepted, considered and highly appreciated. Mikhail recognized his wife's artistic handwriting. Since then, they have been painting together.

You can get a better idea of ​​the artistic family's work by viewing the slideshow below...

Married couples are relatively rare among acting artists. Harmonious couples are even rarer. And it is extremely rare for those who sign the fruits of joint creativity with a common signature. Any such family interaction sincerely pleases. Here is the very necessary example of the correct relationship between a man and a woman against the general “normal” background of their frequent widespread mutual reproaches and claims. An example of support and creative mutual enrichment, instead of the usual look and ear of swearing between a woman and a man, proving a one-sided position "who is better." In this case, the ideal Unity is better, resulting from the two Beginnings created by nature that complement each other ...

Mikhail Garmash was born in the city of Lugansk, in Ukraine, in 1969. He began to draw at the age of three, and from the age of six he began his artistic education. The starting point of his professional artistic path was the Lugansk Youth Creativity Center. From the Center, the works of the gifted Mikhail were sent to exhibitions in Ukraine, Russia, and neighboring countries. Mikhail received his first prizes from several art competitions. The first prize for the best poster was from a regional competition. It was in 1977 in my hometown. The next prize was from the International Youth Competition in 1978, which took place in Czechoslovakia. And another prize from the International Thematic Competition dedicated to the art of the circus, in the same 1978 in Hungary.

In 1988, Mikhail Garmash began teaching at the Lugansk Republican Art School. From 1989 to 1991 he served in the ranks of the Soviet army. In 1992 he began to study at the Art Academy of St. Petersburg.

While still a student, Mikhail began to exhibit his works in France, in several cities at once. At the same time, he participated in regular art exhibitions in St. Petersburg. Here he received an honorary medal for stained glass work in the Suvorov Military Museum in St. Petersburg.

Inessa Kitaychik was born in 1972 in the city of Lipetsk. From early childhood, she showed remarkable abilities in ballet, gymnastics and music. After graduating from the music and ballet school, Inessa, at the age of fifteen, entered the Lugansk School of Fine Arts. At the age of seventeen, as one of the best graduates of the course, she continued her studies at the Lugansk Republican Art School.

Mikhail's acquaintance with Inessa is filled with romance and resembles the plot of the corresponding film. I'm not even entirely sure of the reality of some fragments of this story. Although, in life it happens and not so ...

They met when Mikhail arrived in Luhansk during a two-week military leave. The meeting took place at a bus stop on the last day of vacation. It happened what is called love at first sight. The very next day, Mikhail was supposed to return to the military unit, but did not return, preferring to draw Her ...

Mikhail painted Inessa not in the album with classical means, but on the walls of houses in the city of Luhansk, the walls of Inessa's entrance, while she was sleeping. Seeing the drawing, she appreciated the degree of Michael's feelings. And the city police assessed the drawings in their own way, and sent the hooligan to his military unit. The violator of the charter was duly arrested. However, he did not receive the execution of punishment, due to the credibility of the story of his destined acquaintance.

A year later, at the bus stop where Mikhail met his soul mate, he, in honor of this significant event, hung a bouquet of flowers.

As a result of that meeting, we see a rare not only family, but also a creative union of male and female principles. They paint pictures together. Often they depict the daughter of Mikhail and Inessa. They create not only paintings, but also stained-glass windows and mosaics. Exhibitions are held both in Russia and abroad.

I still need to write about how Inessa and Mikhail Garmash approached joint art ...

Several years passed after the conclusion of their union, the daughter Polina was born. During her father's absence, she childishly "tweaked" his painting, starting her artistic career. The picture was intended for the exhibition, and Inessa corrected the work, worrying that Mikhail would be upset. The corrected work was packed and sent to the exhibition. The work there was accepted, considered and highly appreciated. Mikhail recognized his wife's artistic handwriting. Since then, they have been painting together.

You can get a better idea of ​​the artistic family's work by viewing the slideshow below...

We admire pictures that evoke a variety of emotions in us almost every day. They are painted by real masters. But it is rare to find masterpieces that come from the pen of two people at once. That is how, together, the spouses Mikhail and Inessa Garmash create paintings.
Very beautiful and romantic works are created by a married couple. They seem to be captured by a single creative impulse, which inspires them with one inspiration for two. And then they create the incredible beauty of the picture. The head of the family, Mikhail Garmash, painted his very first masterpiece at the age of 3, and at the age of 6 he was already actively creating his works in a specialized creative center for children. It is worth noting that the work of little Misha even received the highest awards at international competitions.

Mikhail Garmash was born in Lugansk, Ukraine, in 1969. He began to draw at the age of three, and from the age of six he began his artistic education. The starting point of his professional artistic path was the Lugansk Youth Creativity Center. From the Center, the works of the gifted Mikhail were sent to exhibitions in Ukraine, Russia, and neighboring countries. Mikhail received his first prizes from several art competitions. The first prize for the best poster was from a regional competition. It was in 1977 in my hometown. The next prize was from the International Youth Competition in 1978, which took place in Czechoslovakia. And another prize from the International Thematic Competition dedicated to the art of the circus, in the same 1978 in Hungary.
In 1988, Mikhail Garmash began teaching at the Lugansk Republican Art School. From 1989 to 1991 he served in the ranks of the Soviet army. In 1992 he began to study at the Art Academy of St. Petersburg.
While still a student, Mikhail began to exhibit his works in France, in several cities at once. At the same time, he participated in regular art exhibitions in St. Petersburg. Here he received an honorary medal for stained glass work in the Suvorov Military Museum in St. Petersburg.
Inessa Kitaichik was born in 1972 in the city of Lipetsk. From early childhood, she showed remarkable abilities in ballet, gymnastics and music. After graduating from the music and ballet school, Inessa, at the age of fifteen, entered the Lugansk School of Fine Arts. At the age of seventeen, as one of the best graduates of the course, she continued her studies at the Lugansk Republican Art School.
Mikhail's acquaintance with Inessa is filled with romance and resembles the plot of the corresponding film. I'm not even entirely sure of the reality of some fragments of this story. Although, in life it happens and not so ...
They met when Mikhail arrived in Luhansk during a two-week military vacation. The meeting took place at a bus stop on the last day of vacation. It happened what is called love at first sight. The very next day, Mikhail was supposed to return to the military unit, but did not return, preferring to draw Her ...
Mikhail painted Inessa not in the album with classical means, but on the walls of houses in the city of Luhansk, the walls of Inessa's entrance, while she was sleeping. Seeing the drawing, she appreciated the degree of Michael's feelings. And the city police assessed the drawings in their own way, and sent the hooligan to his military unit. The violator of the charter was duly arrested. However, he did not receive the execution of punishment, due to the credibility of the story of his destined acquaintance.
A year later, at the bus stop where Mikhail met his soul mate, he, in honor of this significant event, hung a bouquet of flowers.

As a result of that meeting, we see a rare not only family, but also a creative union of male and female principles. They paint pictures together. Often they depict the daughter of Mikhail and Inessa. They create not only paintings, but also stained-glass windows and mosaics. Exhibitions are held both in Russia and abroad.
I still need to write about how Inessa and Mikhail Garmash approached joint art ...
Several years passed after the conclusion of their union, the daughter Polina was born. During her father's absence, she childishly "tweaked" his painting, starting her artistic career. The picture was intended for the exhibition, and Inessa corrected the work, worrying that Mikhail would be upset. The corrected work was packed and sent to the exhibition. The work there was accepted, considered and highly appreciated. Mikhail recognized his wife's artistic handwriting. Since then, they have been painting together.

We admire pictures that evoke a variety of emotions in us almost every day. They are painted by real masters. But it is rare to find masterpieces that come from the pen of two people at once. That is how, together, the spouses Mikhail and Inessa Garmash create paintings.
Very beautiful and romantic works are created by a married couple. They seem to be captured by a single creative impulse, which inspires them with one inspiration for two. And then they create the incredible beauty of the picture. The head of the family, Mikhail Garmash, painted his very first masterpiece at the age of 3, and at the age of 6 he was already actively creating his works in a specialized creative center for children. It is worth noting that the work of little Misha even received the highest awards at international competitions.

Mikhail Garmash was born in Lugansk, Ukraine, in 1969. He began to draw at the age of three, and from the age of six he began his artistic education. The starting point of his professional artistic path was the Lugansk Youth Creativity Center. From the Center, the works of the gifted Mikhail were sent to exhibitions in Ukraine, Russia, and neighboring countries. Mikhail received his first prizes from several art competitions. The first prize for the best poster was from a regional competition. It was in 1977 in my hometown. The next prize was from the International Youth Competition in 1978, which took place in Czechoslovakia. And another prize from the International Thematic Competition dedicated to the art of the circus, in the same 1978 in Hungary.
In 1988, Mikhail Garmash began teaching at the Lugansk Republican Art School. From 1989 to 1991 he served in the ranks of the Soviet army. In 1992 he began to study at the Art Academy of St. Petersburg.
While still a student, Mikhail began to exhibit his works in France, in several cities at once. At the same time, he participated in regular art exhibitions in St. Petersburg. Here he received an honorary medal for stained glass work in the Suvorov Military Museum in St. Petersburg.
Inessa Kitaichik was born in 1972 in the city of Lipetsk. From early childhood, she showed remarkable abilities in ballet, gymnastics and music. After graduating from the music and ballet school, Inessa, at the age of fifteen, entered the Lugansk School of Fine Arts. At the age of seventeen, as one of the best graduates of the course, she continued her studies at the Lugansk Republican Art School.
Mikhail's acquaintance with Inessa is filled with romance and resembles the plot of the corresponding film. I'm not even entirely sure of the reality of some fragments of this story. Although, in life it happens and not so ...
They met when Mikhail arrived in Luhansk during a two-week military vacation. The meeting took place at a bus stop on the last day of vacation. It happened what is called love at first sight. The very next day, Mikhail was supposed to return to the military unit, but did not return, preferring to draw Her ...
Mikhail painted Inessa not in the album with classical means, but on the walls of houses in the city of Luhansk, the walls of Inessa's entrance, while she was sleeping. Seeing the drawing, she appreciated the degree of Michael's feelings. And the city police assessed the drawings in their own way, and sent the hooligan to his military unit. The violator of the charter was duly arrested. However, he did not receive the execution of punishment, due to the credibility of the story of his destined acquaintance.
A year later, at the bus stop where Mikhail met his soul mate, he, in honor of this significant event, hung a bouquet of flowers.

As a result of that meeting, we see a rare not only family, but also a creative union of male and female principles. They paint pictures together. Often they depict the daughter of Mikhail and Inessa. They create not only paintings, but also stained-glass windows and mosaics. Exhibitions are held both in Russia and abroad.
I still need to write about how Inessa and Mikhail Garmash approached joint art ...
Several years passed after the conclusion of their union, the daughter Polina was born. During her father's absence, she childishly "tweaked" his painting, starting her artistic career. The picture was intended for the exhibition, and Inessa corrected the work, worrying that Mikhail would be upset. The corrected work was packed and sent to the exhibition. The work there was accepted, considered and highly appreciated. Mikhail recognized his wife's artistic handwriting. Since then, they have been painting together.