Fried zucchini and tomatoes. fried zucchini

Zucchini is a wonderful low-calorie vegetable, which is part of the dishes not only in Russian and European cuisine, but is also actively used in eastern countries. The benefits of zucchini for human health can not be overestimated, it is rich in vitamins B and C, cleanses the body of toxins, removes cholesterol.

A lot of various dishes are prepared from zucchini, up to jam, but most often it is fried and used as a full-fledged second course or side dish, sometimes fried in vegetable oil, the vegetable is a component of another, more difficult to prepare dish. Fried zucchini breaded with flour, dough, breadcrumbs, grated hard cheese, herbs, etc., there are a lot of options, the main thing is to learn the basic principle of processing the product. Zucchini cooks quickly, they can be eaten both hot and cold.

Fried zucchini - food preparation

Before you start frying the zucchini, it should be cleaned of the skin and seeds (when we are talking about young vegetables, this stage can be avoided), cut into pieces or circles, salt a little, roll in breadcrumbs and put in a hot frying pan poured with vegetable oil. Quite often, fried zucchini is cooked with grated garlic. Garlic is used only after the dish is almost ready, they are smeared with an already fried vegetable.

fried zucchini- best recipes

Fried zucchini with garlic

simple and popular recipe fried zucchini with garlic will be a help for any housewife who does not know how to please her household.

- 1 zucchini (size depends on the number of family members);
- 50 grams of wheat flour;

- 2 garlic cloves
- salt;
- ground black pepper.

Cooking method

We cut the young zucchini into circles, if the vegetable is “older”, we clean it from the peel and seeds, cut it into small pieces. Pour flour into a separate plate, add salt, ground pepper, mix. Roll the pieces of vegetable in flour, fry the prepared zucchini in a frying pan, previously poured abundantly with vegetable oil. The vegetable quickly absorbs oil, so you need to make sure that there is always enough of it, otherwise the zucchini will burn. The zucchini should be turned over at the moment when it is browned.

After the zucchini is fried, it must be greased with garlic passed through the garlic, pour over with mayonnaise or sour cream. The dish is served hot or cold, depending on preferences, can be used as a side dish for fish or chicken.

Fried zucchini with mushrooms and tomatoes

Zucchini goes well with mushrooms and other vegetables, the following recipe is an example of this.

- 1 kilogram of zucchini;
- 300 grams of white mushrooms;
- 5 tomatoes;
- 100 grams of butter;
- 4 tablespoons of flour;
- 4 tablespoons of sour cream;
- ground black pepper;
- salt;
- greenery.

Cooking method

Cooking should start with frying zucchini. We clean the vegetable from the skin and seeds (if necessary), cut it, roll it in flour mixed with salt and pepper, fry in butter.

We start working with mushrooms, they should lie down in boiling water for several minutes, then they should be cut into small pieces, pour sour cream, salt a little and simmer until tender.

Tomatoes must be peeled (this is easy to do if you first scald the tomato with boiling water), cut them into small pieces, salt, pepper, fry in a pan.

Fried zucchini with mushrooms and tomatoes are served on the table on a common dish, first mushrooms are laid out, then zucchini, tomatoes, everything is covered with greens on top.

Korean fried zucchini

Residents of Korea, like our compatriots, fry zucchini, but serve them on the table with a spicy sauce. Get to know the recipe.

Ingredients for cooking zucchini:
- 1 medium-sized zucchini;
- 50 grams of wheat flour;
- 100 grams of vegetable oil;
- salt.

Sauce Ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons of soy sauce;
- 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar;
- a little sesame oil (on the tip of a spoon);
- ½ teaspoon toasted sesame seeds;
- 1 tablespoon of boiled water;
- hot red pepper (a few pieces);
- green onions.

Cooking method

It’s worth starting the preparation of the dish with the creation of the sauce, it will infuse and acquire the desired aroma while the hostess manages the zucchini. Mix vinegar, sauce, sesame oil and water, add very finely chopped peppers and green onions, send sesame seeds there. The sauce must be thoroughly mixed and left to infuse for 1-1.5. We clean the zucchini, chop, salt, roll in flour, fry in vegetable oil. Serving the dish to the table in the following way: a bowl with sauce is placed in the center of a large plate, fried zucchini are laid out around.

Jewish fried zucchini

In Jewish cuisine, fried zucchini is cooked with sour cream, herbs and walnuts.

- 100 grams of zucchini;
- 10 grams of wheat flour;
- 10 grams of vegetable oil;
- 20 grams of sour cream;
- 10 grams of walnut kernels;
- greens (celery, dill, parsley, etc.);
- salt.

Cooking method

Peel the zucchini, cut into small pieces 1-1.5 cm thick, roll them in wheat flour, to which salt was previously added, fry in vegetable oil. Jewish-style fried zucchini is served with crushed walnuts, chopped herbs and sour cream.

Before cooking, the zucchini must be washed, peeled and removed from the skin and seeds, if the vegetable is young, it can be cut and fried without getting rid of the skin and seeds.

You should not fry the zucchini too much, they should be a little raw inside, then they can be brought to readiness, covered with foil on top, otherwise porridge may turn out or they will burn quite noticeably.

Zucchini tastes great, both hot and cold, so don't worry about it. fried vegetable cools down quickly, perhaps so, you will like it even more.

We suggest you cook fried zucchini. In our article you will find the most interesting and proven recipes for fried zucchini.

Fried zucchini is the most popular dish of this vegetable, and perhaps the most delicious. It has its own unique taste and aroma, which is known to almost every inhabitant of our country. Since childhood, many people remember how mothers and grandmothers cooked this dish. Today, there are many variations of fried zucchini. They are cooked with potatoes, meat, mushrooms and other ingredients. But, no matter what they are cooked with, the dish always turns out to be tasty and healthy. After all, zucchini, in any form, contains many vitamins and nutrients. In this regard, they are one of the best vegetables in the world.

Secrets of cooking fried zucchini

Before cooking, the zucchini must be cleaned of the skin and seeds. However, if the vegetable is young, then this should not be done. Can be washed and immediately cut for cooking.

You don't need to overcook the zucchini. It is better if they are a little raw inside. They can always be brought to readiness by covering with foil. If overcooked, they become loose, or simply burn out.

Zucchini tastes good not only hot, but also cold, so there is no need to worry about the fact that the zucchini has cooled down. There are people who eat it only in this form, and for the rest, the dish can be warmed up.

Classic recipe for fried zucchini with garlic

This is a simple and very popular recipe for fried zucchini, which can please everyone at home.

For cooking you will need Ingredients:

One zucchini;

Fifty grams of wheat flour;

One hundred grams of vegetable oil;

Two cloves of garlic;

Salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook fried zucchini:

The ingredients are quite simple, and the cooking process itself is simply elementary. Young zucchini must be cut into circles. If the zucchini is of impressive size, then it must first be cleaned of seeds and peel, and then cut into small pieces.

Flour is poured into a separate plate, pepper and salt are added. This whole mixture is stirred. Then the pieces of zucchini should be rolled in flour and put in a frying pan, previously anointed with vegetable oil. It is always necessary to monitor the oil level, as the vegetable constantly absorbs it. If there is little left, then it is better to add so that the vegetable does not burn. After the zucchini is browned, it must be turned over to the other side and fried in the same way.

When the zucchini are fried, they can be smeared with sour cream or mayonnaise on top, after sprinkling with chopped garlic. The dish can be consumed both hot and cold. It all depends on the tastes of a particular person and his preferences.

Fried zucchini with tomatoes and mushrooms

Zucchini is a vegetable that goes well with mushrooms, meat and other vegetables. In the following recipe, it is combined immediately with vegetables and mushrooms. So, to cook fried zucchini with tomatoes and mushrooms, you will need the following: Ingredients:

One kilogram of zucchini;

Three hundred grams of porcini mushrooms (any others are possible);

Five tomatoes;

One hundred grams of butter;

Four tablespoons of flour;

Four tablespoons of sour cream;

Pepper, salt and herbs to taste.

Cooking fried zucchini with mushrooms and tomatoes:

Now you can go directly to the cooking process.

The preparation of the dish begins with roasting zucchini. To begin with, they must be cleaned and cut into pieces, then each roll in flour and fry in a pan, after sprinkling with pepper and salt to taste.

Now we can move on to the mushrooms. They need to be cleaned, poured with boiling water for a while, and then stewed in sour cream until tender, adding a little salt.

Now you can proceed to the preparation of tomatoes. First they need to be cleaned, then cut into small slices, fry in a pan.

Serve the dish on the table on one plate. First, mushrooms are laid out, then zucchini, and only then tomatoes. From above, you can decorate everything with greenery for aesthetics.

Fried zucchini in a slow cooker

This device penetrates more and more deeply into the culinary life of housewives. Now in many families it is already available. It is very convenient, and significantly speeds up the process of preparing any dish, regardless of the ingredients. Yes, even fried zucchini can be made in a slow cooker. This, by the way, is a very simple and interesting method that requires detailed consideration. To cook fried zucchini in a slow cooker, you will need Ingredients:

Small zucchini with a total weight of about six hundred grams;

Five cloves of garlic;

Vegetable oil;

Salt to taste.

Cooking fried in a slow cooker:

All the ingredients are ready, you can start cooking. To begin with, it is worth washing the zucchini and peeling them, then cut the vegetable into circles so that each one is four to six millimeters thick.

Now it’s worth salting the zucchini on all sides and putting them aside for about fifteen minutes. This procedure will get rid of excess juices. And this has a positive effect on the finished dish.

Now you can move on to chopping garlic. This is best done with a garlic press, but other devices, such as a fine grater, can also be used.

Now directly about cooking in a slow cooker. It is necessary to pour vegetable oil into it and turn on the "heating" mode. After the oil begins to boil, it is necessary to put the zucchini in the slow cooker and fry them for three minutes on each side. After that, you can get all the zucchini from the slow cooker and put a little garlic on each piece. That's basically all, fried zucchini in a slow cooker are ready!

Fried zucchini with pesto

Such a common vegetable as zucchini is widespread not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. He is part of many diet meals Mediterranean countries. This vegetable pairs well with pesto and fresh basil. The following recipe combines these products. So, for cooking you will need:


Twelve small zucchini;

A glass of olive oil;

Two lightly crushed garlic cloves;

Two handfuls of basil leaves;

Two tablespoons of pine nuts;

Salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook fried zucchini with pesto sauce:

Now you can move on to cooking. You should start with zucchini. They must be cut into slices 1 centimeter thick. Then they should be sprinkled with salt and put in a colander. Leave them like this for about an hour.

After that, you need to wash and dry each slice. Then you can already place them in a frying pan with olive oil and fry. Readiness can be checked as follows: the zucchini should change color to beige and be soft.

Now you can start making pesto. In order to do this, you need to crush the garlic, chop the basil leaves and pine nuts in the hub or in a blender, gradually adding the rest of the oil. This must be done until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Now you can add garlic and beat it all. For mixing, a blender or food processor is suitable.

Ready-made zucchini are laid out on a dish, and pesto is placed on them with a tablespoon. The dish is then garnished with basil leaves and served.

Korean fried zucchini

In Korea, just like ours, people have appreciated the taste of zucchini for a long time, and this dish is included in the diet of many Koreans. They cook them in the traditional way, but there is one significant difference from our standard recipe. They use a very spicy sauce, the ingredients, by the way, for which you can now easily find in any store. So, the Korean-style fried zucchini recipe is now available to everyone. The ingredients needed are the following:


One young squash;

Fifty grams of flour;

Vegetable oil for frying;

Salt and pepper to taste;

Two tablespoons of soy sauce;

One tablespoon of rice vinegar;

One spoon of boiled water;

Two or three green onion feathers;

Half a tablespoon of toasted sesame seeds;

Hot chili pepper;

Cooking fried zucchini in Korean:

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in the list of ingredients. Now all this is sold in any supermarket.

For cooking, it is best to use young zucchini, which can now be bought at any vegetable store. all year round. Plus, the cost is not as high on them as in previous years. Instead of flour, you can use ready-made batter mixture. Sesame oil must be added for smell.

Having collected all the ingredients, you can start cooking Korean fried zucchini.

To begin with, you should start preparing the sauce so that it has time to infuse a little while the zucchini is being prepared. For this, all the ingredients necessary for it are taken, namely: rice vinegar, soy sauce, green onions, sesame oil, pepper, sesame seeds, water. All the ingredients are mixed and everything, the sauce is absolutely ready. Now you need to set aside so that all the ingredients are saturated with the taste of pepper and onions.

Now we can move on to the zucchini. They are cut into thin slices. Now you need to roll them in flour and fry in a pan with vegetable oil. After that, they can be laid out on a napkin to get rid of excess oil. The whole zucchini is prepared in the same way. Further, everything is arranged in a typical Korean style. A cup with sauce is placed in the middle of the plate, and fried zucchini are laid out along the edges. Everything, now you can put the dish on the table. To eat, you need to dip the slices into the sauce, or you can go the simple way and just pour the slices on top of the sauce.

Thus, as numerous recipes show, fried zucchini is not such a simple and uniform dish. Today there are about a hundred different recipes for this dish. Here are the most popular and common in our country. It is hoped that this article will help housewives turn an ordinary fried zucchini into a culinary masterpiece.

The season of fresh vegetables is approaching and, as a result, new impressions from eating vitamin dishes with their participation. Particularly popular in the list of young fruits are zucchini. Their tender, neutral-tasting flesh surprisingly transforms when fried, radiating an amazing aroma, and in combination with garlic and om it creates an simply indescribably appetizing culinary composition.

How delicious to fry zucchini in a pan in circles?


  • wheat flour - 75 g;
  • freshly ground black pepper (optional) to taste
  • ground sweet paprika (optional) - to taste;
  • dried (optional) - to taste;
  • unflavored vegetable oil for frying - 65 ml.


Frying zucchini fruits is not easy, but very simple. To do this, we wash the vegetable, wipe it dry and cut into circles up to one centimeter thick (no more). Spread the mugs on the table in one layer and add some salt. After about ten minutes, we blot drops of moisture with a napkin, season the vegetable, if desired, with ground pepper, paprika or dried oregano to choose from, dip in wheat flour and spread in one layer in vegetable oil heated in a frying pan without aroma.

After the vegetable mugs are browned on both sides, put them on a plate and can serve, supplementing with mayonnaise and chopped garlic if desired.

How delicious to fry zucchini with garlic in a pan in batter?


  • medium-sized young squash fruits - 2 pcs.;
  • coarse table salt - to taste;
  • garlic cloves - 3-5 pcs.;
  • fresh sprigs of dill and parsley - to taste;
  • flavorless vegetable oil for frying - 65 ml;

For batter:

  • chicken large eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 70 g.


Starting to cook fried zucchini in batter, cut the prepared fruits into circles no thicker than one centimeter, add some salt and put them in any bowl for twenty minutes. After a while, we drain the separated juice, and dip the vegetable slices in a mixture of eggs and flour, simply stirring it beforehand until smooth. Immediately spread the zucchini in one layer in the vegetable oil heated in a frying pan without aroma. After the vegetable has acquired a golden crust on both sides, lay the slices on a dish and crush with finely chopped garlic cloves and fresh herbs.

How to fry zucchini with mayonnaise and garlic?


  • medium-sized young squash fruits - 2 pcs.;
  • coarse table salt - to taste;
  • wheat flour - 70 g;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs.;
  • classic Provencal mayonnaise - 190 g;
  • fresh ripe tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • fresh sprigs of dill and parsley - 2-3 pieces each;
  • vegetable refined oil for frying - 65 ml.


The initial stage of cooking fried zucchini according to this recipe is not much different from those described above. In the same way, we wash and wipe the vegetable dry, and then cut it into circles, without exceeding the requirement for thickness. Namely, vegetable slices must certainly be thinner than one centimeter, otherwise they can burn faster than completely fried. We add some salt to the vegetable circles, and after ten minutes we blot the separated moisture with a napkin.

Now we bread the zucchini circles in flour on all sides and place them in a pan, after pouring some refined oil in it. Lay the browned vegetable slices in a single layer on a dish. We clean the garlic cloves, squeeze through a press or finely chop with a knife and mix with mayonnaise. My tomatoes, wipe dry and cut into circles or slices, depending on the diameter.

We flavor each zucchini circle with garlic mayonnaise, put a slice of fresh tomato on top, a little mayonnaise again and crush all the beauty with finely chopped greens.

The dish can be decorated without the participation of tomatoes, seasoning the vegetable slices with garlic mayonnaise and sprinkling with herbs.

vegetable marrow - a guest in the beds of gardeners, as well as one of the cheapest summer vegetables . He has record low level calories , but at the same time useful for the body due to rich composition of vitamins and microelements .

Zucchini is a fairly affordable vegetable from which you can cook a lot of interesting and tasty dishes.

Despite all the undeniable benefits of this product, unfortunately, in the arsenal of most housewives there are only 1-2 recipes for squash dishes, but in vain! This vegetable in different variations can act as a side dish, main course or light snack.

The following are 5 must-have versions that you need to adopt - these are the most affordable and "not hackneyed" zucchini dishes. Quick Recipes(in a frying pan) are prepared in an elementary way, which means that such dishes are “too tough” even for beginners. Moreover, for various reasons, not every kitchen has an oven or microwave, unlike a frying pan, which is always at hand.

So, top 5 fried recipes.

Appetizer with tomatoes

Zucchini and tomato appetizer

This version of a simple but tasty snack can be safely attributed to No. 1 in the category "Dishes from zucchini (quick recipes in a pan)". It can be an alternative to a salad for dinner or suitable for a light snack.

  • zucchini (better young, small diameter)
  • tomatoes for decoration
  1. Cut zucchini into thin rounds (thickness 5-10 mm). The thickness can be varied based on preferences: the thinner the slice, the more crispy and dry the zucchini will come out in the end. Each piece should be well salt and add to the pan . Fry on both sides until the color of the vegetable turns golden.
  2. Tomatoes cut into slices or semicircles, if the tomatoes are large.
    Put a piece of tomato on top of the fried zucchini - snack is ready!

In this recipe, zucchini, due to the fact that they are fried without flour, batter, come out quite elastic and juicy.

If you beautifully beat this appetizer with greens and original serving, you can safely meet guests.

Zucchini pancakes with meat

The principle of preparation is the same classic version zucchini fritters, only you need to add fresh minced meat to the “dough” (preferably chicken, which cooks faster).

  1. If the zucchini is “old” and the peel is rough, it is advisable to remove it. Young ones can not be cleaned. Zucchini are cut into thin long slices - "tongues" : first make a cross cut, and then cut along. Put the slices in a bowl and add seasonings, garlic. Stir gently so that each piece of zucchini is well seasoned.
  2. Next, prepare the batter: Break chicken eggs into a bowl, beat a little with a fork , then add half a glass of kefir, salt and mix all the ingredients well. little by little add flour until the mixture is formed in consistency resembling thick kefir. The batter is ready.
  3. Each slice of zucchini is first rolled on all sides in flour, in batter and then fried in a pan.
  4. Sour cream sauce is perfect for zucchini in batter: for sauce finely chop any greens, a couple of garlic cloves, a little salt, spices and season with a few tablespoons of sour cream (amount of product based on personal preference).

Zucchini fried in batter

Based on this recipe, you can cook an amazing original appetizer.

For filling:

  • cottage cheese - 200g
  • a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • greens to taste
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • salt pepper
  • Knead cottage cheese using a fork to obtain a uniform consistency, add seasonings and herbs, garlic, mayonnaise . Mix all ingredients thoroughly. On a slice of pre-fried zucchini in batter, put a little curd mixture on the edge and wrap it with a roll.

    If desired, you can secure with a skewer.

    Zucchini stew with vegetables

    In a pan, you can cook a light and satisfying zucchini stew - a quick universal recipe for a dish that can be spread on bread like caviar, served as a side dish for meat, or simply eaten as an independent dish.

    • 2-3 zucchini
    • 1 carrot
    • 2 tomatoes
    • 1-2 garlic cloves
    • greens to taste
    • spices

As you can see, it is not difficult to diversify the menu and add original zucchini dishes to the culinary arsenal. Quick recipes (in a frying pan) will allow you to prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner for the family in a matter of minutes from the available products and adequately meet unexpected guests.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Zucchini is one of the most popular vegetables in our latitudes. The squash harvest always pleases with generosity, therefore, in the season, white-green elongated fruits cost literally a penny. Housewives usually buy them in large quantities to pickle for the winter, prepare a lot of caviar, canned salads and snacks. And, of course, it can’t do without frying “for now”. But not everyone knows how to make it tasty and without hassle. A little lower I will tell you how to fry zucchini in a pan, the recipe with a photo is very simple and easy to remember.


- young zucchini - 1 pc.;
- chicken egg, selected category - 1 pc.;
- cow's milk - 1 tbsp. l.;
- wheat flour - 4 tbsp. l.;
- salt and black ground pepper - to taste;
- odorless vegetable oil - for frying;
- mayonnaise or sour cream - for serving;
- garlic - for serving.


1. It is desirable to fry young zucchini. They can be cut whole without peeling and core, because their top layer is not yet rough, and the seeds are small and soft. But this does not mean that ripe vegetables are not suitable for frying. They just need to be prepared: peel and cut out the seeds. In this case, the zucchini is cut into oblong sticks, and not in circles, like young vegetables. In any case, wash and cut the zucchini.

And it also turns out very tasty.
0 / 5
be sure to try it!

2. Beat the egg into a small bowl. Give him some milk. Whisk with a fork to mix the yolk and white. It will turn out a lezon - an enveloping egg mass, which is needed so that the breading sticks well to the zucchini.

3. Sift flour, mix with salt and black pepper. You can add other dry spices to taste, combined with vegetables.

4. Dip each piece of vegetable into the milk-egg mixture and bread in wheat flour with salt and spices.

5. Warm up the vegetable oil well. Put zucchini in it. Fry them over medium heat for 2-4 minutes (depending on the thickness of the circles) until golden brown. Then flip over with a spatula and continue cooking on the other side. Bringing the zucchini to readiness will take about the same amount of time. Roasted zucchini will be soft on the inside and crispy on the outside.

6. In order not to serve the dish with excess heat left after frying in a pan, spread each serving of cooked zucchini on a stack of thick paper towels. As the wipes get soaked with grease, change them.

7. Fried zucchini is traditionally served hot or warm. By themselves, they do not have a pronounced taste, so they must be seasoned with finely chopped garlic mixed with chopped herbs (most often dill) and mayonnaise or sour cream. With such a simple sauce, squash rounds are smeared on top. Another popular option for serving fried zucchini is "turrets". Fold the fried rounds in a small pile, alternating them with fresh tomatoes, also cut into circles. Spread garlic sauce between layers as well. Well, I served zucchini with home-dried tomatoes. It also turned out very tasty and aromatic. Now you know how to fry zucchini in a pan, and you don’t really need a recipe with a photo. But you still save it to peep while cooking.

We also invite you to prepare