Draw a reptile. How to draw lizards: two options

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Hello dear guests and readers of the blog! The wedding theme inspires me a lot, so today I will tell you how to decorate glasses with your own hands. There will be workshops and ideas for decorating these romantic symbols.

As you probably know, one of the main traditions that accompanies a wedding event is the breaking of glasses. But it used to be like this - now this tradition is increasingly being abandoned or a spare pair (simpler in design or repeating the main one) is being broken.

At one time, my husband and I were somehow not puzzled by the decoration of our wedding glass couple. And in vain Do not make such a mistake - use creative thoughts to the fullest!

What are the glasses decorated with?

Anything! Basically, of course, these are satin ribbons, lace, various kinds of rhinestones and beads. But here you can add more polymer clay, self-adhesive paper, twine and even knitted fabric. How? Then you will see everything!

DIY wedding glasses: master classes

For decoration, you will need simple glasses, artificial petals, satin ribbon, lace and decorative elements.

Ribbon and lace

First you need to wrap the stem of the glass with a satin ribbon. Then make a skirt with one or more layers of lace, gathering it at the top. Tie this skirt around the base, tie a satin bow. It remains only to glue rhinestones or other decorative elements.

rose decoration

For this glass, prepare artificial rose petals, glue or a glue gun, decor. All that is needed is to carefully glue the petals at the junction of the stem and the main part. Attach the petals in layers, one after the other, to end up with a flower. You can decorate it with rhinestones and satin ribbon.

Lace decoration

The materials are all the same. First you will need to cut a piece that is equal in length to the circumference of the glass, then glue it on the glue gun. Approximately the same piece will go to decorate the legs: to do this, gather the lace along the very top with the help of a “forward needle” seam. Fasten the skirt at the very bottom.

Bride and groom

Prepare the fabric, veil, braid, satin ribbon and decorative items. A butterfly can be sewn very simply: fold a square of black fabric in the middle and wrap it with a small piece of the same material.

For the groom's glass, cut the ribbon as shown in the photo, then fold the other piece of ribbon so that it resembles a shirt collar. Glue all the elements to the glass.

With the bride's version, everything is much simpler - you just need to attach a braid to the glass, gather the veil, covering the place of its connection with the braid with a beautiful rhinestone.

Ideas for decorating and decorating wedding glasses

Using satin cord

For both of these glasses you will need soutache cord, ribbon, glue, veil. The main part of the work is to wrap the leg and bottom of the bowl with a cord, gradually fixing it with glue. Such a simple decor makes it possible to dream up with additional elements - bows, flowers, petals.

Polymer clay

If you have worked at least a little with this material, then it will not be difficult for you to make the same leg, as if wrapping clay around it. The same applies to roses - one minus - you need to take a non-baked version that dries in the air.

Below you see a similar, but slightly more complex version. The difficulty lies in creating openwork elements.

And here to create interesting image approached in a very original way - they used two cute little dragons that wrap around the legs of the glasses. But it may well be chanterelles, bear cubs, swans, etc. - it all depends on your imagination. These will be one of the most original wedding glasses. Please note that at the same time as their originality, they are very minimalistic, which also attracts attention.

The next option is quite theatrical, covered with beautiful patterns. With the help of polymer clay, it is quite possible to bring it to life at home.

It is an unusual idea to use flower patterns for glasses (not counting the classic rose). Daisies, lilacs, chrysanthemums and many others - all of them will be the highlight of your wedding couple.

Painting stained glass or acrylic paints

This is a great option, as paints are available to anyone, and they are easy to handle. The main thing is to draw a sketch in advance of what you would like to place ultimately on the glass, and only then get to work.

The option in the photo below, for example, is decorated with both painting and beautiful polymer clay flowers.

The next couple is suitable for an exotic style wedding. The painting is done stained glass paints, additional decor was not used at all.

The paints look especially elegant and stylish in combination with a satin ribbon and various accessories. The pattern, as in the photo, is easy to make, because these are simple curls and dots.

Do you want to celebrate your wedding in a comic, light style? Then you need an idea with two cute cartoon faces, each signed "Mrs" or "Mr". With this design, the glasses will not need to be additionally decorated, that is, the creation process will be reduced significantly.

Other materials

Continuing the thought of a humorous direction in the design, I cannot help but note an option that resembles glass jars with handles. Compared to an ordinary pair of glasses, these, of course, will lose in fragility and sophistication. But, if everything is in order with a sense of humor, then this interesting option will be to the liking of the bride and groom. Inscriptions can be made using adhesive stencils and paints.

Love brevity? Then you will definitely like a couple of glasses below - only the inscription and the symbolic image of the mustache and lips. By the way, they can be made using self-adhesive paper (for reliability, you can varnish it). In the same way, you can make any other simple patterns.

An option for the bride and her friends (ideal for a bachelorette party and further celebration). For a bachelor party, you can make similar ones, only decorated in a masculine style.

For needlewomen working in the knitting direction, I also found interesting idea decoration of wedding glasses. They surprisingly combine homeliness and elegance - ideal for a family celebration with a small number of guests (oh, why didn’t you think of it yourself at the time?))

If the wedding is planned in the summer, then it can be decorated in a marine style, including glass companions of the bride and groom. You will need twine, blue-and-white striped grosgrain ribbon and fittings in the form of a steering wheel, anchor and other attributes of marine life for this.

An elegant and very simple option is the design with a satin ribbon and dragonflies. Nothing superfluous Of course, it is absolutely not necessary to use dragonflies - any decorative elements at your discretion.

Finally, I can say that the most difficult thing in the design of glasses with your own hands is to engrave. Especially named. That's why I want to show you beautiful options personalized glasses, which in the future can be decorated independently - it will turn out "2 in 1".

How do you like ideas for decorating the main wedding attributes? Did you like it? Share your impressions in the comments and be sure to subscribe so as not to miss the news in the future

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Hello dear artists! Today we continue to draw the heroes of Mortal Kombat, this super popular game franchise. And the character that we will draw today will be a mysterious and dangerous warrior who was present at the very beginning of the story. This ninja is a very secretive, plastic and incredibly formidable servant of Shang Tsung, in many games he has a human figure, and the skin and facial features of a lizard.

I think everyone has already guessed that today's lesson will be devoted to. The Reptile will look according to its appearance in the film “Mortal Kombat”, beloved by our editors. Note that, as is the case with other major ninjas - and, Reptile looks different in different games, films and series of the franchise.

In some games, like Mortal Kombat 3: Ultimate, Reptile is a man in a green ninja suit. In later games, the human form is lost, and our hero takes on a creepy, scaly face. Well, now we will draw a classic Reptile!

Step 1

Let's start with a stickman - a man made of sticks and circles, which we draw in order to convey the main proportions of the character, his pose and position on a piece of paper. We see Reptile a little from above, and he himself is significantly bent in the body and crouched a little. In addition, the Reptile stands sideways to us with its head turned. All this must be reflected in the stickman. Please note that at this stage the head should be disproportionately large, but do not overdo it.

Step 2

A very short step, in it we will mark the face with two perpendicular (that is, forming a right angle) lines. The first will indicate the line of vertical symmetry, and the second - the line of the eyes. With the vertical line, everything is clear, it just has to divide the face into two halves, but there is an interesting point about the horizontal one - it should be slightly curved to convey the tilt of the head and the look from under the brows.

Step 3

In the previous step, we started to draw a little head, in this we go a little lower and draw the silhouettes of the arms and torso. The hand closest to us is very clearly visually divided into the shoulder, forearm and hand; note that the silhouettes of the arms should convey the type of sleeves that hide them - this part of the suit fits the arms a little (although the suit is not as tight as, for example, u or). The reptile costume is quite dense, but nevertheless, there should not be a lot of excess fabric here.

Step 4

Now it's up to the lower body and legs. The easiest way to draw these parts of the body, representing them in the form geometric shapes- belt and inguinal region in the form of a triangle, femoral parts of the legs in the form of large cylinders. The calf of the leg closest to us also looks like a cylinder, but the same area on the leg farthest from us is slightly different - it is turned sideways, and we can see a characteristic thickening upward from the foot to the knee. The feet themselves are also turned to the side.

Step 5

The silhouette is ready, and now we can begin the detailed drawing of our mysterious Mortal Kombat character. Just one point - if you doubt the correct proportions or posture, it seems to you that the head is too big or too small, the legs are unnaturally apart, or something else, use the proven method. Hold your sketch up to a mirror and look at its reflection. In it, all the wrong proportions and errors in the construction of the pose will be very noticeable and will immediately catch your eye.

After everything is fixed, we begin the detailing. As always, we start from the head and move from top to bottom. And in this step, we will outline two parts of the costume that hide the heads - the upper one, which fits the head from the forehead to the back of the head, and the lower one, which will later become a beautiful voluminous mask.

Step 6

Now, along the line outlined in the second stage, draw the eyes. They have a narrow almond-shaped cut, and the pupils look almost like vertical lines (our character has an almost completely human appearance, but it is the eyes and especially the pupils that should betray his bestial essence). Draw eyebrows with two lines slightly thickening towards the nose, outline the beginning of the nose itself and sketch a couple of lines located almost perpendicular to the eyebrows - these will be wrinkles, they should convey tension and aggression in the look.

In general, it will look like this:

Step 7

Let's draw the mask itself. With lines of medium thickness we denote the horizontal parts of the mask - 4 on each side, and in the center there should be an empty area for the next step. Give the edges of this area the necessary volume, denoting them in several lines, as in our sample. Then draw wrinkles to represent the bags under the eyes and apply a small but thick shadow around the cheekbones.

Now let's take a look at the overall plan:

Step 8

This step will be short and simple - in a small area that forms the center of the mask and is located in place of the mouth, draw a pattern in the form of teeth and straight vertical lines.

Well, the general plan:

Step 9

With the mask finished, now let's go a little lower and detail the torso. The angle in our drawing is very unusual, because of it the lower part of the torso is practically invisible - which means that the main part of the work will touch the upper one. With a wide strip we denote the part of the vest that covers the shoulder. We draw the inner parts of the vest, which are next to the stomach and back.

Then we will impose a few folds on the vest, and also draw a little of its edges. Immediately under the vest we draw a belt, on which we also apply a few folds and make a border at the edges, as well as on the vest. We complete the stage and draw literally a couple of folds on the neck of our ninja. By the way, the piece of clothing that we conventionally call the “vest” is actually called the “kataginu” - this is a part of the costume that the creators of the Mortal Kombat universe slightly modified to put their own in it.

Step 9

Let's draw a hand. Before that, we suggest taking a breath and watching a very cool compilation of finishing moves from Reptile from various games in the series.

Probably, many were overwhelmed by nostalgia for funny fatalities from early Mortal Kombat games. And now it's time to move on and become cool artists!

So, we draw the Reptile's hand closest to us - it will not be difficult at all, since it is hidden by the sleeve of a tight suit. Let's erase the guide lines from the previous steps and slightly adjust the silhouette of the hand to be like in our sample. Let's put some folds on the shoulder, draw the armor that hides the forearm (pay attention to the border located on the edges of this armor). Usually drawing fingers is quite difficult, but today's hero is an exception. Give the fingers the correct shape, placing them at about the same distance from each other.

Step 10

Let's draw the hand farthest from us. It will not be difficult at all, given that only the forearm, dressed in armor and a brush, is visible. Also in this step, draw the lower part of the katagina, which hangs from the waist to about the level of the knees.

Step 11

Our drawing lesson dedicated to the next hero of the Mortal Kombat game series is coming to an end, it remains only to draw the legs. At this stage, we will deal with the one that is closer to us. Let's give it the desired shape, outline the places of the folds in the area of ​​the knee joint and erase the extra lines from the previous stages.

Let's draw an elastic fabric, which is tied crosswise around the lower part of the lower leg, and also draw a short line that divides the foot into two parts. In general, drawing Reptile's legs is not difficult at all, because his costume includes rather spacious pants that do not fit his legs, and, accordingly, do not require the drawing of muscles and joints.

Step 12

We draw the second leg by analogy with the previous step, except that the foot will be turned completely to the side, and the folds in the knee area will look like checkmarks.

Step 13

The final step, in which we have to work a little with the shadows and paint over the dark part of the suit. The light falls on the Reptile from the back, that is, to the right of us, which means that the opposite side should be shaded especially densely. An interesting point - in the suit of our warrior there is quite a lot of black fabric, we must also shade it. Just remember to leave a streak of light from the illuminated edge.

Cover the dark parts of the costume with hatching in several layers crosswise. Adjust the intensity of coloring in different parts of the suit by selecting the desired number of layers. Do not forget to shade the shoulder part of the katagina (the shadow is cast by the head), as well as the lower part hanging down to the knees (the shadow is cast by the body).

It was an article on the Mortal Kombat universe, in which we told you about how to draw a Reptile. After such a difficult job, you can relax and enjoy the well-filmed duel between Liu Kang and Reptile from the 1995 movie Mortal Kombat. The special effects still look quite watchable, and for its time it was a real breakthrough and the pinnacle of technology, coupled with a sense of taste and a high level of skill of the film crew.

And our team says goodbye to you to prepare even more lessons for you. step by step drawing! As usual, we invite you to unsubscribe in the comments about which of the heroes of films / games / books you are waiting for in our step by step lessons. All the best and stay healthy!

Many reptiles, such as lizards and snakes, are covered in scales, sometimes of very bright colors. Drawing such a surface is very difficult, since the scales, like mirrors, reflect the colors surrounding the reptile. At the end of this section you will find an exercise in which, using the example of a chameleon, it is described in detail how to draw scales.
The bodies of other reptiles, such as turtles, are covered with a hard shell. It's pretty easy to draw. The most important thing to understand is how light bounces off a solid surface. If you evaluate the tones correctly, you can correctly draw the change of planes. To convey the shape, you need to use several different tones as the areas of the surface move away from the light. There may be protrusions and dents on the shell, for the transfer of which you will also need various shades paints.
When drawing with a graphite pencil, you can create different tones by changing the pressure. Start with light pressure. When the form satisfies you, you can increase its strength. When painting with oils or acrylics, you can cover the entire carapace with a medium tone, and then, when the paint dries, apply lighter and darker tones. Before applying a dark tone over the base, check it on a piece of paper to make sure you choose the right one.
Turtle shells are covered interesting pattern. Whatever material you are working with, sketch out the pattern first. Start with light pencil strokes as corrections are likely to be required. It makes no sense to carefully draw the pattern of the shell, in order to later find an error in scale. Carefully consider how the individual parts of the pattern go into one another and form something whole. This is the secret of the correct image of the shell.
Having decided on the pattern, you can move on to color. When working with oils, acrylics, or pastels, start with mid-tone base colors. When they dry, you can apply light and dark colors according to the direction of the drawing. Watercolor should be painted “raw on wet”, so that the colors pass one into another, creating a variegated effect.
In general, we can say that the surface of the turtle shell is rough, not shiny. The height of these roughnesses is small, but we should not forget about it. To convey the texture of the shell, pay attention to the highlights. Although the shell protrusions are small, they still have a shaded and illuminated side. To correctly depict the texture, use the dry brush technique (when working with watercolor or acrylic) or sgraffito. You can draw details with ink or oil pastel over the dried watercolor.

Turtle in mixed media

First, the main colors of the shell and fins were applied with acrylic paint, and then the artist painted the shell with oil pastels. strokes oil pastels applied quite loosely. Then the colors were shaded with a soft cloth in the places where necessary.

multicolor lizard

This tree agama is a very interesting object for the artist, as its head is different in color from the body. It is not necessary to draw each scale, but you need to try to create a general impression of scalyness.

Drawing on the shell

Reptiles such as this Galapagos tortoise have a very complex shell shape. Please read it carefully before starting work. Be sure to sketch.
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