Kobyakov, Yuri Alexandrovich - Lopasnensky region at a sharp turn in history. Need your help!!! Museum of the Defense of the Sredny and Rybachy Peninsulas Approximate word search

The photo shows a unique place, the Musta-Tunturi Ridge, the Museum of the Defense of the Sredny and Rybachy Peninsulas and its creator and keeper - Yuri Alexandrovich Kobyakov.

Many have been there and personally know this man. Among people traveling and jeepers, this place is quite famous. But I think those who have not been to these parts, this post will not leave indifferent.

Yes, this museum is not the Louvre or the Hermitage, it's just small house, in which the history and memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, who gave their lives and did not let the enemy into our land, are collected by the forces of almost one person.
I am sure for a Russian person, and not only for a Russian, for a Belarusian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Armenian, Uzbek, for all nationalities whose ancestors gave their lives in the fight against fascism, the memory of the heroes and the traces of that war are more valuable than large halls and beautiful exhibits .

So, this museum is in danger. Officials put up the land on which it is located for sale and offered Yuri Aleksandrovich participation in the auction along with entrepreneurs who want to build a tourist base in this place. Not only does Yuri Alexandrovich not have such means to compete with businessmen, but he also legally cannot do this, because his organization is non-profit and cannot bid.

Text of the original letter:

President Russian Federation V.V. Putin
From the chairman of the public non-profit
Pechenga regional organization
"Musta - Tunturi - the memory of the defenders
Rybachy and Sredny peninsulas
TIN 5109003746 / KPP 510901001
Yu.A. Kobyakova
Residing at:
184430 Zapolyarny Murmansk region,
st. Kosmonavtov, 12, apt. 39
d.t. 65736, b.w. +79211638268
[email protected]

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!
The chairman of the public non-profit Pechenga regional organization "Musta-Tunturi - in memory of the defenders of the Rybachy and Sredny Peninsulas" Kobyakov Yu.A. appeals to you again on this issue. asking for help to keep folk museum and the NGO, created to preserve the memory and monuments, mass graves of the peninsulas during the Second World War, patriotic work.

Since 2008, we have been unable to resolve the issue of renting a site for the building of the Museum of Military Glory on the Sredny Peninsula with the district administration. Although tourist complexes grow like mushrooms on the peninsulas, without paperwork, no one requires them. We were required. Officials fooled us for a long time, offering to draw up paperwork for land lease in different ways. And in May 2013, we learned that the site would be put up for auction, in which “you can participate” along with entrepreneurs. (“On sending information” No. 1519 of 05/07/2013, chairman of the property management committee of the Pechenegsky district of the Murmansk region L.V. Komarova.)
But according to the Charter, we do not have the right to participate in the auction as a non-commercial NGO.
Officials want to destroy the people's patriotic movement, to seize the site, which we have been preserving and restoring since 1987 on a voluntary basis.

In 2012, over 6,000 people visited the museum, including 2,000 teenagers and children. With the blessing of the Archbishop of Murmansk and Monchegorsk Simon, a spiritual and patriotic youth center was opened.
Volunteers built 3 chapels: A. Nevsky, St. George the Victorious and A. Pervozvanny at mass graves.
Business is arranged for officials-entrepreneurs at the graves.

With respect and hope for a righteous solution to the problem,

Yu.A. Kobyakov

Your signature

Because with the Internet, Yuri Alexandrovich, to put it mildly, is not very good, it is advisable to print the letter and send it by mail. The address is in the text. But if it's difficult, not convenient, or something else, you can at least scan the signed letter and send it to the e-mail specified in the text (but it's better by mail anyway). And yet, please indicate your data, just a signature will not be enough, you need to indicate at least minimal information about you, at least your address. If you don’t be afraid, the passport number is optional, but when we signed this letter, Yuri Alexandrovich was very worried that the officials would not believe the simply collected signatures, we still need to prove that we signed real people. In general, it is desirable, in addition to the full name. specify any other data, which is at your discretion.

Addition from Galina Bystrova about the creators of the museum

Galina Bystrova. I support Andrei in the fact that we will not be there, but the museum should be. And as the author of many interviews with Yuri Alexandrovich, I want to say that Yu.A. Kobyakov always notes: the museum was created by M.G. Oreshet, Lieutenant Colonel D.V. Dulich and himself, Kobyakov, who presented the house as a museum (besides). It just so happened that he works every day in the museum on the isthmus of the peninsula. And everyone goes to him.

So I'm taking my Sunday school for the third time. And no at Yu.A. Kobyakova commercial interest from 30 children and their parents, teachers, believe me, no. Some hassle. And along the routes laid out by him, he himself drives. And with donations from visitors to the museum, the chapel of Alexander Nevsky and the parish of the Holy Trinity Church (Zapolyarny), a 100-kilogram bell was purchased and the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" is painted.
Everyone comes to work voluntarily!
By the way, Kobyakov remembers the contribution of everyone. More details about everything in the selection on the site -

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Only a few lines could be found in print and on the Internet about the life and ministry of Hegumen Ilarius (Babykin), the last rector before the closure of the Ascension David Hermitage in 1930. Meanwhile, it was our countryman, outstanding personality with a difficult fate. A peasant and an artisan, a novice in a monastery, a hierodeacon, a hieromonk, a treasurer, and then the rector of a holy monastery, a parish priest - such is the long and dramatic life path hegumen Ilarius, begun and finished in his native Lopasna land.

In the 500-year history of the holy monastery, there were two tragic periods when it was defiled and devastated.

This first happened in 1618, when Polish troops approached Moscow with the intention of overthrowing the newly elected Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov and placing the Polish prince Vladislav on the throne of the Russian state. Then the Poles were helped by a 20,000-strong detachment of mercenaries - "Lithuanian people and Cherkasy" (Zaporozhye Cossacks) led by Hetman Peter Sahaydachny, who on his way through Russian lands set fire to Orthodox churches and houses of fellow believers, exterminated both small and old. After an unsuccessful attempt to take Moscow, in winter the Cossacks retreated to Ukraine through the southern Moscow region, where they burned the Serpukhov settlement, captured and plundered the Voznesenskaya Davidov Hermitage, the rector of which was hegumen Mercury (1613-1624). Then, after the detachment of robbers left, the monastic life was quickly restored.

300 years later, after the revolution of 1917, a long period of decline and ruin of the holy monastery began, which lasted 75 years. In the most difficult times - from 1923 until the closure of the Voznesenskaya Davidov Hermitage in 1930 - Abbot Ilariy was its rector, whose whole life was devoted to his native Lopasna region.

He was born in the village of Dedyakovo, one of the most ancient in the Bavykinskaya volost of the Serpukhov district. For the first time it is mentioned in the scribe books of 1627-1628. as one of the villages of the possessions of the Ascension David's Hermitage - "Dedyakovo on the Bezumna River, and in it there are 10 peasant and bobyl households." This meant that even then about 80-90 people lived in Dedyakovo - for our area after the devastation of the Time of Troubles, it was a large village. Since then, Dedyakovo has been part of the parish of the Transfiguration (Novospassky) church in the village of Legchishchevo, which also belonged to David's Hermitage.

Since 1762, Dedyakovo became a government village, the land and peasants of which belonged to the state. This gave the peasants certain advantages: they could speak in court, own property, and make deals. This contributed to the emergence of wealthy families in the village. During the 19th century and before the revolutions of 1917 there was a period of prosperity for Dedyakovo, which became one of the largest villages in the Bavykinskaya volost.

In 1852, there were 41 households in the village, where 419 peasants (200 men and 219 women) lived. After 34 years, according to the Zemstvo census of 1886, there were already 100 peasant households in which 600 people lived (296 men and 304 women). At the beginning of the twentieth century. the number of residents of Dedyakovo decreased only slightly due to the departure of part of the peasants to the cities: on January 1, 1917 there were 90 households (557 people). The Babykin clan was then considered one of the oldest and most influential in the village: families of this surname lived in 14 courtyards (about 90 people in total).

In the world of the hegumen of the Ascension David's Hermitage, Ilarius was called Ivan Fedorovich Babykin.

His parents were a peasant from the village of Dedyakovo, Fyodor Mikhailovich Babykin, born in 1840, and Pelageya Semyonovna, born in 1842, "a peasant daughter, freed by Mr. Artsybashev." From the metric record of 1859 about their marriage in the church with. Legchishchevo follows that the mother of the future hegumen comes from the village of Voskresenka in the neighboring Turov volost of the Serpukhov district, the owner of which was then the landowner N.A. Artsybashev.

In the archive, it was possible to find an entry in the parish book of the Church of the Transfiguration with. Legchishchevo, according to which the future hegumen, Ivan Fedorovich Babykin, was born on June 19, 1862, and on June 20 he was baptized by the parish priest Fr. Alexander Spassky (dates are given according to the old style).

I.F.Babykin’s childhood passed in a large rural yard, where (according to the Zemstvo census of 1869) three Babykin brothers, Aleksey, aged 33, ran a joint household; Ivan, 31; and Fedor, 27 years old. Their father, Mikhail Babykin, had died by that time, and the eldest of the brothers was the head of the household. Close relatives in three generations lived in two huts, a total of 17 people - from a three-month-old baby to the 71-year-old mother of the Babykin brothers, Anna Petrovna. Families together led a strong peasant economy, in which there were 2 horses and 3 cows. In addition to farming, the brothers were also engaged in the traditional craft for Dedyakovo - they made sheepskins. By the way, this family business of theirs developed and flourished for several decades, right up to the first post-revolutionary years. Yes, since the 1990s. XIX century and until 1918, the cousin of the future hegumen Ilarius - Matvey Ivanovich Babykin - managed the village tannery for the production of morocco and laika, which, however, only 4 workers worked, his brothers.

Ivan Babykin received elementary education at the local village school. Most likely, it was the nearest, located 3 versts from his village, Legchishchevskoe zemstvo school of Bavykinskaya volost, founded in 1863. Then this school served 9 villages, including the village of Dedyakovo. Every year, up to 50 children studied in three groups - junior, middle and senior.

October 12, 1881 priest of the parish Church of the Transfiguration in the village. Legchishchevo about. Dmitry Makhaev married “Serpukhov district of the Bavykinskaya volost of the village of Dedyakova, the peasant son of Ivan Feodorov Babykin, Orthodox confession, 19 years old”, and “Serpukhov district of the Badeevsky volost of the village of Lopasni, the peasant daughter, the maiden Daria Dmitrieva, Orthodox confession, 21 ½ years old”.

The surviving data of the selective census of 1886 give some idea of ​​the father's house, the closest relatives and the family of Ivan Fedorovich Babykin himself.

They lived then in a separate hut. His father Fyodor Mikhailovich was 45 years old, he, along with his eldest son Ivan, made a living dressing sheepskins. Mom Pelageya Semyonovna, 42 years old, took care of the entire household. Ivan Fedorovich's wife, Daria Dmitrievna, and one of his sisters, Praskovya, aged 18, helped the family by doing "unwinding silk" - a popular craft of the Lopasna peasant women, which consisted in manually winding the finest threads from silkworm cocoons.

By that time, Ivan Babykin had two sons - three-year-old Pavel and one and a half year old Peter.

His younger brothers, Gerasim, aged 12, and Alexei, aged 11, were still in school. There were also younger sisters - Tatyana, 8 years old, Elena, 7 years old, and one-year-old Agrafena.

In July 1905, after the death of his wife, the life of 43-year-old Ivan Fedorovich Babykin changed dramatically - he left worldly life for a monastery, becoming a novice of the Ascension Davidov Hermitage. In this holy monastery on November 23, 1906, he was tonsured a monk under the name Ilarius. He was ordained a hierodeacon on November 9, 1907, and a hieromonk on January 25, 1908. For several years he was rector of a monastery compound in Moscow, which included a chapel near the Moskvoretsky Bridge, where the especially revered ancient miraculous icon of the All-Merciful Savior was kept. Largely thanks to the labors of Hieromonk Ilarius in 1911-1912, on the eve of the 400th anniversary of the Ascension David Hermitage, appearance the Moscow chapel was renovated, and inside it was beautifully decorated. Like thousands of other churches and chapels, after the revolution, in the 20s, it was closed. The miraculous icon of the All-Merciful Savior then disappeared without a trace.

Hieromonk Hilarius in 1911 was appointed treasurer of David's hermitage. In 1913 he was awarded a gaiter, and in 1916 - a pectoral cross from the Holy Synod. After the death of the rector of the Ascension David Hermitage, Archimandrite Valentin (in the world Venedikt Egorov), Ilariy from April 8 to October 30, 1916, acted as rector of the holy monastery.

From 1916 to 1923, when Archimandrite Nikon (in the world Nikolai Solovyov) was the rector of the monastery, Ilarius continued his ministry in the monastery. It was during these years that the active destruction of the way of monastic life by the Bolshevik authorities began, almost all property was confiscated, and the churches located in the monastery were closed.

In 1923, after the appointment of Archimandrite Nikon as a bishop in the Perm diocese, Ilarius, in the rank of abbot, became the last rector before the closure of the Voznesenskaya David Hermitage.

The 1920s were a time of rapidly gaining momentum in the anti-God policy of the then ruling Communist Party in the USSR - the CPSU (b). Thousands of Orthodox churches, monasteries and chapels were closed. Tens of thousands of clerics were disenfranchised, expelled from churches, left without a livelihood, arrested and sent to camps, exiled to remote regions of the country. Even then, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Stalin (Joseph Dzhugashvili), put forward the thesis about the “aggravation of the class struggle as we move towards socialism,” during which the Russian Orthodox Church became one of the main targets for brutal repression.

This cup did not pass and many inhabitants of the Ascension David's Hermitage, whom the authorities and the OGPU perceived as dangerous "state criminals", "a legal counter-revolutionary force that enjoys influence among the masses." One by one, the authorities closed the monastery churches, despite the protests of the believers.

At the end of the 1920s, the OGPU actively collected information about the “counter-revolutionary activities” of the monks of David’s Hermitage, carried out a series of arrests, after which the abbot and the few remaining inhabitants were expelled, and the monastery was abandoned by 1930. completely closed.

Then it was dangerous for Abbot Ilarius to return to his native village of Dedyakovo, located only 3 km from the monastery. One of his cousins, Aleksey Alekseevich Bybykin, was arrested in 1937 and shot for “counter-revolutionary agitation” (rehabilitated in 1989). And two other cousins ​​since 1918 were classified as an “exploiting class” and deprived of voting rights: Matvey Ivanovich Babykin was listed as a “breeder”, and Ivan Ivanovich Babykin was the owner of a bakery in Moscow.

Perhaps that is why hegumen Ilarius, after being expelled from David's hermitage, moved to the neighboring Serpukhov region, where for some time he served as a simple priest in the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which is on the churchyard of Rechma near the village of Novinki. By the way, this choice could not have been accidental: this church was only 1.5 km from Voskresenki, native village mother of the abbot, where his relatives could live. Then hegumen Ilarius, obviously due to his age and state of health, left the service. According to the then laws, he, as a former clergyman, was deprived of voting rights until 1937, could not receive a pension and food cards. At the end of the 1930s, the Kazan temple shared the fate of many local churches: it was closed, ruined, and its last priest, John Golov, was repressed.

On December 22, 1938, at the age of 76, hegumen Ilariy (Ivan Fedorovich Babykin) died of heart failure. He spent his last days in the village of Pleshkino, Lopasnensky district - just a few kilometers from the Kazan Church, his native Dedyakovo and the Voznesenskaya David's Hermitage, dear to him.

Unfortunately, there is no information about where the ashes of Abbot Ilarius rested. For now, only a few assumptions can be made.

First. For residents of the village of Dedyakovo, the parish church was the Transfiguration (Novospassky) church with. Legchishchevo. There Ivan Babykin was baptized, where he was married to his wife. For centuries, his ancestors and relatives were buried in the cemetery at this church. It is located just 2 km from the village of Pleshkino. In addition, it was this church that historically belonged to the Desert of David. But it should be noted that in 1937 the last rector of the church in the village. Legchishchevo, Hieromartyr Fr. Vladimir Krasnovsky was shot on false charges of "counter-revolutionary agitation", and the church was closed. Therefore, there is a question: were burials allowed in the church cemetery in Legchishchevo in 1938?

Second. It cannot be ruled out that hegumen Ilarius could be buried in the cemetery of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the village of Stary Spas. This church is a parish for the inhabitants of the village of Pleshkino, where the clergyman died. It is also close to the village, 3 km. And most importantly, the Starospasskaya Church, where it was possible to bury the deceased clergyman, was never closed, even in the terrible years of Stalinist repressions.

Almost nothing is known about the possible descendants of Abbot Ilarius. Only a record was found that in 1917, his eldest 35-year-old son, Pavel Ivanovich Babykin, was listed as living near the Davidov Hermitage and even participating in the elections of deputies of the Constituent Assembly (although he was neither a monk nor a novice). Younger son Peter was born on January 10, 1885, there is no other information about him.

In the mid 30s. in the village of Dedyakovo, close relatives of hegumen Ilarius remained to live: his own younger brother Alexei Fedorovich Babykin, born in 1875, with his wife Alexandra Timofeevna and their sons - Fedor Alekseevich, born in 1909, and Mikhail Alekseevich, born in 1917 .

I would like to believe that this publication, on the eve of the 500th anniversary of the revived Ascension David's Hermitage, will help in the search for new and clarification of existing data about the life of our countryman Abbot Ilarius (Babykin), his service for the benefit of all Orthodox in the Lopasna region.

If any of the readers have any additional information about Abbot Ilaria and the place of his burial, about his possible descendants, photographs and documents related to them, please respond: mob. 8-903-612-82-39, Yury Alexandrovich Kobyakov.

Yuri Kobyakov, local historian,

headman of the village of Peshkovo SP Barantsevskoe

In the article the name of the village is given as it was in the first documentary mention of 1627-1628. and in most documents up to late XIX in., - "Dedyakovo", and not "Didyakovo", as the village is called now.

Need your help!

A wonderful person lives on the Kola Peninsula - Yuri Alexandrovich Kobyakov. This man founded the Museum of the Defense of the Sredny and Rybachy Peninsulas on the Musta-Tunturi Ridge.

You know what kind of battles were fought on Musta-Tunturi. Yuri Alexandrovich's stories about the battles for the peninsula during the Great Patriotic War entered our film. The ground is still soaked with blood there, and you climb up the hill on the shells like on a carpet. This is a museum under open sky and there are simply no analogues to such a museum in the world.

Yuri Alexandrovich Kobyakov together with his wife and members of the automobile expedition.

Museum exhibits. Search engines find these things every year.

Chapel of Alexander Nevsky, built in 2007 by officers of the Vympel unit.

Why am I telling all this?

To the fact that this museum is in danger. Officials put up the land on which it is located for sale and offered Yuri Aleksandrovich participation in the auction along with entrepreneurs who want to build a tourist base in this place.

Not only does Yuri Alexandrovich not have such means to compete with businessmen, but he also legally cannot do this, because his organization is non-profit and cannot bid.

We constantly followed this story and there were hopes that at some point the officials would calm down. But now, apparently, a new round has begun.

I would be grateful for the repost, friends!

About the soldiers of the armies of Russia and France,

who participated and died in the battles on October 2-4, 1812 near the Nikolsky churchyard in Rovki on the Lopasna River (now the Chekhov district of the Moscow region)

In late September-early October 1812, the army partisan detachment of Colonel Prince N.D. Kudashev, created by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army M.I. - Young) and up to the Kaluga road.

Some combat clashes took place in the immediate or relative vicinity of the Nikolsky churchyard in Rovki on the Lopasna River (it was located 2-3 versts from the village of Lopasni).

Early in the morning 2 October Most of Kudashev's partisan detachment (two incomplete regiments of Don Cossacks under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Kharitonov and Yesaul Panteleev - only about 500 people) arrived from the area of ​​the village of Molodi to the village of Lopasnya.

Immediately upon arrival, information was received about the enemy in d. Sergeevo(about 5-6 versts from the village of Lopasni and about 2 versts from the Nikolsky churchyard in Rovki). Colonel Kudashev immediately sent a detachment of Cossacks to the village of Sergeevo to "hold" the French.

On the same day, October 2, Colonel Kudashev sent a party of Cossacks from both regiments under the command of Lieutenant N.P. Pankratiev and Yesaul Anokhin to village Khlevino(in a straight line about 7 miles from the village of Lopasni and about 5 miles from the Nikolsky churchyard in Rovki), where French foragers were located under the cover of enemy infantry and cavalry. The Cossacks attacked them, scattered the infantry through the forest, pursued the cavalry for a long time, killed 16 French cuirassiers.

In the morning October 3 information was received that in the area Nikolsky churchyard on the Bobrovka river(near the current village of Sharapovo, in a straight line about 12-13 miles from the village of Lopasni and about 10 miles from the Nikolsky churchyard in Rovki) there are 2 regiments of cavalry and 2 regiments of enemy infantry.

A party of Cossacks under the command of Yesaul Anokhin was sent for reconnaissance. On the way to the village of Nikolskaya (Nikolsky churchyard) and the village of Alferovo Cossacks met French foragers and 21 people were taken prisoner. Then, pursuing the rest, they stumbled upon a large detachment of French cavalry and returned without loss to the village of Lopasnya.

The 4th of October a detachment of 300 Cossacks under the command of Colonel Kudashev set out from the village. Lopasni to the area of ​​the village of Alferovo (in a straight line about 15 versts from the village of Lopasnya and about 12 versts from the Nikolsky churchyard in Rovki). On the way, I came across a large detachment of French cavalry - about 1,500 people, which was moving towards the Serpukhov road. Kudashev decided to attack and stop the French. As a result of a heavy battle and a long skirmish, the French were stopped, 70 people. of them were taken prisoner.

Cossack losses: Esaul Panteleev was killed, the centurion Popov was wounded and taken prisoner, 10 Cossacks were killed and wounded.

The study of the data presented and the geography of the events of those years suggests that both Russian and French soldiers who died in the battles on October 2-4, 1812 could be buried at the Nikolsky churchyard in Rovki - a cemetery that was closest to the village. Lopasni, where the army partisan detachment of Colonel N.D. Kudashev was based these days. Their burial near the Anno-Zachatievsky Church in the very village. Fall is unlikely, because then it was a church, next to which, basically, the owners of the estate from the noble Vasilchikov family and clergymen were buried.

Oral reports of local residents that in the 30s. XX For centuries, during earthworks in the cemetery near the ruined St. Nicholas Church in Rovki, elements of uniforms and insignia of soldiers of the French army were found, confirming the assumption that the remains of Russian and French soldiers during the Patriotic War of 1812 can rest here.

Yuri Kobyakov, local historian, member of the Coordinating Council

Chekhov district in preparation for the celebration

200th Anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.