If a person likes to dance psychology. Dance Movement Therapy

Self-presentation. Getting the participants to know each other. Development of group cohesion. Removal of emotional tension, tightness. Formation of installation on mutual understanding. Improvement of communicative culture. Development of cohesive action skills. Several options for a competent completion of the training. Several options for starting a training session. Group procedure psychological training . Participants come up with stupid cause-and-effect relationships. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants compete among themselves - who will come up with the longest hiatus (a series of vowels in a meaningful sentence). Reflection on the training situation. Getting to know the group. Getting the participants to know each other. Welcome and light warm-up. Formation of a trusting style of communication in the process of establishing contacts. Creation of positive emotional installations for confidential communication. Acquaintance of participants, discharge of the situation. Allows participants to get to know each other better and creates a more trusting atmosphere. Emotional discharge at the end of the training session. Diagnosis of the status of group members. The procedure is designed to liberate the training group, awaken reflection, develop the ability to find certain common patterns in everyday life. The task is to write a short essay, the end of which is already known (determined by the presenter with the help of lots). Emotional discharge at the end of the training session. Acquaintance, stimulating participants to quickly memorize each other. Warm up. Discharge. Formation of trusting relationships in the group, awakening of interest in the topic of professional self-determination. Helps participants learn about the first impression they make on others. Warm-up, relaxation, manipulation analysis. Cohesion of the group, formal opening of the training, self-presentation of the participants, receiving feedback from the participants. Emancipation of participants, training the ability to attract attention. Warm up. Set the participants to a transitional, trance state. Emancipation of participants. Group performance diagnostics. Acquaintance of participants with each other, increasing trust in each other. Development of predictive capabilities and intuition. Formation among group members of the installation for mutual understanding. Improving the skills of coordination and interaction at the psychomotor level. Development of imagination and empathy. Help participants get to know each other better. Demonstration to the participants of the importance of such qualities as energy, physical health. Warm-up, development of cohesive action skills. Improving non-verbal communication skills. Improvement of communicative culture. Emancipation. Greetings. Reflection on greetings. Warm-up, greeting the participants to each other. Mood reflection. Stimulation of group cohesion, removal of emotional stress. Warm up. Discharge. Acquaintance, creation of a trusting atmosphere. Warm up. Improving the atmosphere in the group. Mutual reflection. Discharge. intonation. The development of observation. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants get to know each other by throwing a ball to each other. Sometimes, to defuse the atmosphere of psychological training, it is enough just to tell everyone in turn some short anecdote from life. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants recall aphorisms and sayings, come up with counterphorisms and counter-sayings for them. The exercise will allow you to "stir up" tired, relaxed participants in a group psychological training. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants depict their daily activities. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants compete among themselves, who will more accurately detect a minute of time. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants construct a "fun composition" to show how much fun they have. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants write wishes to each other on sheets, and then make paper airplanes. If in the process of group psychological training, participants begin to show absent-mindedness, inattentive to the words of the leader and other participants, you can conduct an exercise to increase concentration. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants "exchange" their personal qualities. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants throw balls, trying to have as many of them as possible. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants compete to see who can best portray themselves as a sad clown. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants fantasize about what kind of sofa and in general what kind of atmosphere of relaxation they dream of. The exercise will allow the participants of the training to warm up physically, as well as remove negative emotional experiences, if any. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants set each other up in a positive way. A small physical warm-up in the process of group psychological training. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants try to guess each other by the sounds they make. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants in their imagination put things in their pockets. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants depict pitching on a ship. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants try to designate as many squares as possible with their bodies. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants come up with three personal qualities that together would form a kind of "composite". The exercise is intended for physical warm-up in the process of group psychological training, mood for further fruitful work. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants write their three favorite films on cards. Others have to guess who wrote it. The exercise is intended for a small physical warm-up of the training participants. It is recommended to include in the training programs of various kinds (both intellectual and communicative, and personal growth and others), if there is little physical activity of the participants. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants remember each other's hands by touch. The procedure of group psychological training. It is held at the beginning of the next training day - the participants somehow unusually, fashionably greet each other. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants join hands and try to send each other a "musical signal". The procedure of group psychological training. Participants "get rid" of negative emotions. Warm-up exercise in the process of group psychological training, designed to relieve the tension of the participants, develop their observation of each other. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants pronounce unexpected associations. The warm-up exercise will allow participants in a group psychological training to walk around the room a little and show wit. If in the process of group psychological training the participants were engaged in reflection and discussion of complex issues for too long, it may be necessary to defuse the atmosphere a little, to knock down excess seriousness from the participants (especially when switching to a new subject of training). Warm-up of group training participants. It is also useful for talking "silent" and developing listening skills. In the process of group training, sometimes there are cases when participants stay too long in one place. In order to cheer them up a little, as well as for a little warm-up of the brain, this exercise is intended. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants walk around the hall and look for the most comfortable point for themselves. The exercise is intended to create a kind, benevolent atmosphere in the group at the beginning of the training day. Can be used on the second and subsequent days of training. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are divided into arbitrary subgroups, other participants must guess the basis of the division. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants try to look through walls.

Each coach should have a whole set of simple and effective warm-ups in his arsenal to get to know each other, activate attention and increase the activity of participants. Warm-ups for training add dynamism to the process and make learning truly fun.

Warm-ups for getting to know each other

These exercises speed up the process of forming the participants' trust in each other, create a friendly atmosphere of communication and contribute to the activation of the participants.

  1. "Tell me about me". Divide the participants into pairs. For 5 minutes, they should discuss the following questions:
  • What do I expect from the training?
  • My most forte- This…
  • The best thing I do (I'm good at)...
  • What would I like to improve in myself?
  • What unites me with a warm-up partner?

After the discussion, each participant tells about his partner what he managed to learn from the conversation. We check with the person about whom the accuracy of the information was told whether everything was correctly transmitted.

  1. "My mom says I am"

The essence of the warm-up is simple: each participant talks about himself on behalf of another person. This can be any relative, acquaintance, colleague, leader, etc.

  1. "No one knows what I am"

The participants continue the two phrases "many know that I am..." and "no one knows that I am". This warm-up allows you to get to know already familiar colleagues from the other side and allows participants to open up more fully.

Warm-ups for attention training

Such warm-ups are often referred to as "afternoon warm-ups". The purpose of these exercises is to increase the concentration of participants' attention, to return them to a collected working state.

  1. "Thirty three"

Participants count aloud in a circle, starting with one. Those who come across numbers containing 3 (3,23,30, etc.), as well as multiples of three (6,9,12, etc.) should silently clap their hands. The one who makes a mistake is out of the circle. The game continues until the participants reach 33, or until there is a winner.

  1. "C Word"

Divide the participants into 2-3 teams (depending on the size of the group). Within 30 seconds, each team needs to find and memorize as many items in the room as possible with the letter "C". After 30 seconds from each team in turn voices its subject. The team that remembers the most items wins.

Warm-up options "Red object", "Light object"

  1. Next

Participants stand in a circle. The first participant throws the ball to any other and calls a number from 1 to 20. The one who caught the ball must immediately name a number 1 more. Then he throws the ball and pronounces his number from 1 to 20. The bottom line is that the participant is forbidden as “his number” to choose one that is 1 more than the one he called when he caught the ball. Example "5 - throws the ball. 6 - catches the ball second. 11 - throws the ball to the third. The third catches and calls 12.

At first, it is hard for the participants not to name a number by 1 more than the previous one on the machine. The exercise allows you to form the skills of maintaining concentration during intense activity.

Warm-ups - icebreakers

These warm-ups are similar to the familiarization warm-ups, but they are used throughout the training in order to increase the activity of the participants and activate them to work together.

  1. "Napkin"

The coach passes napkins around and asks everyone to take “as much as they need”. He then asks each participant to tell as many facts about themselves as there are napkins in their hands. Facts should be directly related to the topic of the training (for example: my ways to fulfill the sales plan)

  1. "Fruits"

The coach asks to pay for "apple", "orange" and "peach". Further, when he calls the word "apples" - all the "apples" stand up and change places, the same thing with "oranges" and "peaches". When the coach says "fruit salad", everyone stands up and changes places. After that, the participants remain seated in their new places.

  1. "And we are alike!"

Participants are divided into pairs and make a list of 5 common qualities (character traits, facts from life, work experience). After everyone is looking for a new pair. The one who finds the fastest common features with 5 participants receives a prize.

You can choose the training warm-ups that best suit your training and topics. In any case, warm-ups should not be ignored, as they are responsible for the dynamics of the work, the involvement and attention of the participants.



St. Petersburg2006

493 Trainer's Box: A collection of warm-ups needed in any training session. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006. - 208 p.

The exercises presented on the pages of this book serve to relieve tension, create a warm friendly atmosphere. They are also an integral part of the training of any subject. Ready-made "recipes" of exercises allow you to revive the training at any time.

The book is intended for trainers of any level of training, as well as for everyone whose work is related to the active training of personnel.

BBC 88.5

© A. Churichkov, V. Snegirev, 2006
© , illustrations, 2006
© Publishing house "Rech", 2006
ISBN -8 © , cover, 2006

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ........................... 7


1. Hello, dear .............................................. ............................................... ten

2. Crankshaft ............................................... ................................................. ....................... 12

3. Roll call ............................................... ................................................. ................... fourteen

4. Pass the item .............................................. ................................................. ......... sixteen

5. Fingers ............................................... ................................................. ....................... eighteen

6. Do it once!!! ................................................. ................................................. .............. 20

7. Far voyage ............................................... ................................................. ........ 22

8. All as one ............................................... ................................................. ................... 24

9. Bridge ............................................... ................................................. ........................... 26

10. Building ............................................... ................................................. ................. 28


11. Signal ............................................... ................................................. ......................... 32

12. Up to ten ............................................... ................................................. ................... 34

13. Balls ............................................... ................................................. ......................... 36

14. Give a friend a present............................................... ................................................... 38

15. Swap ............................................................... ................................................. .............. 40

16. Earthquake............................................... ................................................. ........... 42

17. Tyr-tyr, machine gun ....................................... ................................................. ........ 44

18. Guess the melody.............................................. ................................................. ........ 46

19. Interview ............................................... ................................................. ................... 48

20. Once upon a bus .............................................. ................................................. . fifty

21. Simulator

22. Civil Defense

23. Four elements

24. Fish, animals, birds

25. Snake

26. Perseus and Medusa Gorgon

27. Sleeping Pirate

28. Sculptor

29. Amnesia

30. Typography

31. Caribbean Crisis

32. Tiger hunting

33. Two camps

34. Once Upon a Time in America

36. Super Paperclip

37. Assemble a square

38. Web and spider

39. Cat and mouse

40. Docking

41. Holy place

42. Turn around

43. Rose? Carnation?

44. Bodyguard

45. Virtual walk

46. ​​Scout

47. Fishing

48. Kangaroo

49. Airplane

50. Like - dislike .............................................. .........................................

51. Seven ................................................... ................................................. ............

52. First people .............................................................. ................................................. .........

53. Race of locomotives............................................... ................................................

54. Wider circle .......................................... ................................................. ..............

55. Royal battle...................................................... ................................................

56. Ball ............................................... ................................................. ....................

57. Wave ............................................... ................................................. ...................

58. Centipede .................................................... ................................................. .......

59. Beauty and the Beast .............................................. .........................................

60. Animals ............................................... ................................................. ..............

61. Zoo............................................... ................................................. .................

62. Cat, dog .............................................. ................................................. .......

63. Pass the motion............................................... ................................................

64. Tricorne ............................................... ................................................. ..............

65. Fox hunting............................................... ................................................. ..........

66. Heroes ............................................... ................................................. .........................

67. Funny balls .............................................. ................................................. ...

68. The last chair.............................................. ................................................. ....

69. Invisible object.................................................... ...............................................

70. Fox and hares....................................... ................................................. ..........

71. Catch, fish .............................................. ................................................. ........


72. KVN ............................................... ................................................. .........................

73. Fire ............................................... ................................................. ...................

74. Wishing yourself.............................................. ................................................. ....

75. Handshake ............................................... ................................................. ........

76. In my own way .......................................................... ................................................. ...........

77. Make your neighbors happy.............................................. ................................................. .

78. I love you .............................................. ................................................. .........

79. Do you respect me? .............................................. ..................................................

81. Reflection............................................... ................................................. .............

82. Applause, applause .............................................. ......................

83. Behind enemy lines ............................................... ................................................. ...........

84. Couples ............................................... ................................................. .......................

85. What unites us? ............................................... ...............................................

86. Unique gait............................................... ...............................................

87. Lizards ............................................... ................................................. ................

88. Rain ........................................................ ................................................. ...................


89. Parade ............................................... ................................................. ......................

90. Physical exercise ............................................... ................................................. ............

91. Horseshoe .............................................. ................................................. .................

92. In the rain .............................................. ................................................. ...........

93. Snacks............................................... ................................................. .............

94. Gymnastics ............................................... ................................................. ...........

95. Charging............................................... ................................................. ...................

Literature................................................. ................................................. ...............

Dedicated to Mark Kukushkin, coach of coaches


Are warm-ups required during training? The answer to this question can only be unambiguous: not just necessary, but absolutely necessary.

What is a warm-up in training? This is a multifunctional psycho-gymnastic exercise, each function of which contributes to the successful implementation of the training.

The warm-up allows participants to quickly and easily switch from one topic to another, relieves unnecessary tension, improves mood, promotes group dynamics, maintains a working mood, allows you to relax and feel freer and, as a result, contributes to more productive assimilation educational material. But, most importantly, the warm-up is one of those highlights that can make training fun, dynamic, and fun.

Each trainer should have a stock of certain techniques that help the conduct of the training. Among them are warm-ups. Receiving information from various sources, whether it is periodicals or special scientific publications, the trainer collects the most liked techniques in his piggy bank and uses them in his work.

A novice coach has to make considerable efforts

lia to search for new techniques, sort through the mountains of literature. Sometimes, in order to facilitate the task, a beginner deliberately limits his arsenal. From training to training, he uses the same warm-ups, without bothering to further search for new elements.

Warm-ups, which today can be found in specialized literature and on the Internet, are, as a rule, translations of foreign authors, poorly adapted to the characteristics of the Russian audience. In addition, these translations contain a lot of related information, which is certainly useful, but makes it very difficult to find what you need.

The authors of the “Piggy bank for the coach” themselves went through similar difficulties, so they decided to give their colleagues a warm-up piggy bank, ready for use, mobile and light.

The book offered to your attention is intended primarily for beginner coaches. But it will not be superfluous in the arsenal of an experienced coach with a long work experience.

The "Piggy Bank for the Coach" provides ready-made warm-up recipes that do not require additional materials. You just need to open the book on any page, and your training will change, acquire a new zest. The compact size of the book allows you to carry it with you everywhere, which will save you from annoying awkward pauses, help to maintain and strengthen your image of an experienced, confident and energetic coach, inexhaustible in fiction and humor.


1. Hello dear

The perfect exercise for the second day. Sets up participants for fruitful, teamwork, helps to increase concentration.

The exercise can be done both standing in a circle and sitting.

The exercise is performed in a circle.

"Let's welcome friend friend. Greetings drawn to your neighbor on right. say hello with him: "Hellogo, dear (call name)! » and escort This kakim- someday gesture (bounce, cotton, bow).

Next participant also hello co their neighboron right, repeats gesture, dedicated him, and adds mine. And So on circle. New gestures repeat not should".

The coach should be the last to say hello in the same format.

2. Crankshaft

The exercise helps to concentrate attention, get positive emotions, brings the participants of the training together.

The trainer participates in the exercise. Participants sit in a circle.

"Everyone participant lays down my right hand on the left toLeno neighbor on right, a left hand - on the right knee neighborleft".

"Wave went on hourly arrow"

and claps his left hand on the neighbor's knee. "Wave", with the clapping of each participant with each palm on each knee of a neighbor, should return to the coach. Complicating the exercise: first, the trainer sends a wave clockwise with his left hand, and immediately another one, with his right hand counterclockwise.

3. roll call

Great exercise for team building training. Raises concentration. Increases the cohesion of the participants in the training.

Participants sit or stand in a circle.

"Your task name on ascending numbers from one before... (trainer calls number participants). Conditions:

It is forbidden call numbers in volume okay, in which stand.

Speak necessary on alone.

Call number maybe any from you.

If a number called simultaneously some Human, checkstarts at first".

The exercise can be made more difficult: a) give a task so that the participants put their heads down and do not look at each other; b) name the numbers in order, trying to get to the largest one without errors.

4. Pass the item

This fun warm-up helps participants realize their creative inclinations, uplifting, and increases group dynamics.

The exercise can be performed both in a circle and lined up.

The coach takes an object (a marker, a ball, a crumpled sheet of paper) and gives it to the nearest participant.

"Your task - hand over this thing his neighbor on the right and So on circle. And ways transmission do not repeat should. If a thing will fall, begin at first".

The most original can be rewarded with applause.

5. fingers

This exercise allows you to identify people who are the most active and positively disposed both to the training itself and to the trainer.

Participants sit on chairs.

"Now I I will ask climb only so many Human, howto I I'll show fingers".

The trainer shows various combinations of fingers: five, seven, nine, etc.

Also, this exercise can be used in team building trainings.

6. Do it once!!!

Thanks to this exercise, you can find out how much team members understand each other, who enjoys authority.

The trainer asks the participants to stand behind their chairs and gives the command:

"On the command "Do once! » you should raise their chairson the height one meter from gender. Attention, your task - opustyle chairs simultaneously".

As a rule, the first of the participants who commanded: “Do two” (“three-four” or “lowered”) is the organizing leader. If the chairs are lowered chaotically and disorganized, without a command, the coach should again command: “Do it again!”

7. Far voyage

A very simple warm-up that activates creative thinking.

A ball is required for the warm-up.

Participants should sit in a circle. It doesn't matter if they sit or stand. The coach is also in the circle, he starts the warm-up.

"Imagine yourself, what we re going in far swimmingon the beautiful sailboat. Before sailing we should divezit in hold all necessary for trips. ship canbut all, what whatever, necessary and unnecessary items and even kacues- or concepts, For example, such as "mythology" or "cybernetics". Everyone participant behind one once should submergethree things, beginning on the one letter, For example: bun, bongba, hippo. Need attentively track behind loading and not repeat. That, at whom ball, starts ship. He pronouncestheir three the words on the one letter and arbitrarily throws ball next participant. Who finds it difficult with definitions orloads then, what already loaded before him, out from games".

The game continues until the most attentive and resourceful remain. At the end, you can offer to applaud the winners.

8. All as one

The warm-up is aimed at rallying the group, at developing attention, intuition.

The trainer acts as a leader.

"Get up, please, in a circle. I I will think before three. On the check "three" everyone should throw out certain number of fingers on the one hand. I I will repeat check before those since, Byeall not will become throw out one number. Agree betweendu yourself it is forbidden. So, started".

A warm-up is performed until all participants throw out the same number of fingers.

9. Bridge

Warm-up is aimed at interaction with a partner, develops concentration.

A sufficient number of markers will be required for the warm-up.

The trainer divides the participants into pairs and lines them up against the wall. Place a marker on the floor in front of each pair.

"Task each couples - take this marker index fingers right hands behind tips, raise, carry before aboutopposite walls and back, again put on the formerplace. Do This need, not dropping marker".

You can let the couples race or take turns. With any approach, the coach takes on the role of arbitrator.

10. Construction

The warm-up is aimed at developing the skills of non-verbal communication, develops the artistic abilities of the participants.

"Now we with you we will build up. But This will notusual construction. To you have to build up silently. Generallyforbidden publish any sounds. Gestures and facial expressions permissible without restrictions. First exercise - line up ongrowth".

The coach notes the time, then tells the group how much time it took to execute the command and checks the correct execution.

"Following condition - line up on bloom hair, fromlight to dark (procedure repeats) » .


11. Signal

The warm-up is aimed at developing attention, a sense of rhythm, and gives motivation for a team style in work.

Everyone sits in a circle, the coach takes on the role of leader. To begin with, the trainer asks the group to pay off in order.

"So, now we all - employees secret services. Our task - hand over signal on walkie-talkie from one to another way, to chain not interrupted and signal not lost. Fortransmission begin clap myself on knees(coach sets the rhythm, slow at first). On the first cotton call mineroom, on the second - room Togo, to whom transfer signal, for example: "First - fifth". Fifth picks up relay race: "Fifth - eleventh" and So Further. Service loses Togofrom employees, who hesitated or wrong. This participantcoming out from circle. Rooms, retired or non-existent, oncall it is forbidden".

The trainer sets the pace of the warm-up, gradually accelerating it. The exercise is carried out until the participants begin to transmit the "signal" without errors.

12. Up to ten

The warm-up is aimed at developing the speed of reaction and concentration.

"Become, please, all in a circle. I I will leading".

The leader begins to turn around his axis and count aloud from one to ten. Then he stops, points to one of the participants and calls any number from one to ten.

"That, on the whom I pointing out, should show on the fingers named me number. Those, who costs on right, show on queues, also on the fingers, rest numbers before ten on increasing. That, who make a mistake or hesitates, becomes the leader.

The trainer must set a fairly fast pace from the very beginning and maintain it by stimulating the participants. Otherwise, interest in the warm-up can quickly fade.

13. Balls

Dynamic, exciting workout. Trains dexterity and attention. Suitable as an addition to a wide range of training topics.

3-5 balls are required for holding (sheets of paper crumpled into a ball can be used).

"Our task - toss friend friend balls thus, to neither one ball not fell on the floor. Ready? Started".

The coach alternately throws balls into the circle, the participants throw them to each other. After the balls have started to fall, a new instruction follows.

"Everyone from you should remember two Human: Togo, from whom is he receives ball, and Togo, to whom throws. Let's let's think: as do, to participated all? »

"Now change in places in arbitrary okay. But throw balls you should topics same people, what and in last once".

The third stage of the warm-up, as a rule, goes without problems, since by this point the participants have already remembered to whom they throw and from whom they receive the balls.

14. Give a friend a gift

This exercise helps reinforce positive emotions and also helps trainees make friends.

"Look on the his neighbor on right and think, what youhim donate. Present can what whatever: from TV beforehuge happiness. When come up with, not pronounce aloud".

Make sure all participants have decided on gifts.

"BUT now donate their gifts topics, to whom they prednameaning, but This necessary do without words, silently. If a your opponent guessed, what you him donate, means, is he accepts yourpresent and accompanies This emotional exclamation: "Wa- at"! »

The coach himself must set the “format” of the response: either it is an emotional exclamation, or some kind of physical movement.

15. Swap

This exercise perfectly increases group dynamics, relieves fatigue, and enhances concentration.

Participants sit in a circle. The coach (leader) removes his chair.

"Change in places those, at whom.... »

He names an object (or actions) that some people have, for example: black shoes, a ring on their hand.

"Those from you, at whom there is this thing, should swap places. Leading should be on time sit down on the free chair, and to whom chair not got, becomes leading. If a at you there isspecified thing, you obliged change seats on the other place. New leading repeats: "Change in places those, atwhom... »