Questions for the story of a wild landowner. I

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

"Wild Landlord"


1. Who owns the words: “The world is sad - and I am sad with it; The world sighs, and I sigh with it. Moreover, I invite the reader to grieve and sigh with me":

a) N. A. Nekrasov; b) M. V. Lomonosov;

c) M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin; d) N.V. Gogol.

2 . Allegory is:

a) a phrase spoken foreign language;

b) expression of thought with the help of hints, which has a second, hidden meaning;

c) a special expression that can be interpreted differently depending on the situation;

d) a phrase that is not related to the subject of the conversation.

3. Satire as opposed to humor:

a) depicts something in a comic form; b) is not addressed to a specific event;

c) does not have a specific addressee; d) denounces vices, ridicules evil.

4. “Once upon a time, there were”, “how long, shortly”, “according to pike command"- elements of creativity:

a) fabulous b) spiritual; c) fable; d) epic.

5. In the lines “To be honest, I still thought that the rolls would be born in the same form as they are served with coffee in the morning!” - are used:

a) hyperbole; b) metaphor; For comparison; d) antithesis.

6. The newspaper read by the generals on the island was called:

a) "Bell"; b) "Moskovskie Vedomosti";

c) "Sankt-Peterburgskiye Vedomosti"; d) Izvestia.

7. Choose words or expressions that can be classified as colloquial:

a) "your excellency"; b) "mention about dinner";

c) "calligraphy"; d) "if", "couch potato".

8. The friendship of a landowner with a bear from the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" is an element:

a) grotesque; b) hyperbolas; c) metaphors; d) antitheses.

9. Choose real features in the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner":

a) flying men; b) friendship with a bear;

c) the savagery of the landowner; d) oppression of the peasants.

10. Despite the fact that men are the basis of life, Saltykov-Shchedrin still condemns them:

a) for laziness; b) for rudeness; c) for inertia, weakness of will; d) illiteracy.

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Wild Landowner",

"The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals"



The assignments were prepared by Selivanova G.G., teacher of the Russian language and literature,

Arhangelsk region

MBOU "Pogromskaya secondary comprehensive school named after A.D. Bondarenko, Volokonovsky district, Belgorod region

Test according to the fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Wild Landowner"


teacher of Russian language and literature

Morozova Alla Stanislavovna
With. Pogromets

Explanatory note

Test according to the fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Wild Landowner" for grade 7 allows you to determine the level of knowledge of students in this work. (UMK G.I. Belenky). The work contains questions on knowledge of the text, questions on the characterization of the hero, questions on the theory of literature.

Each question has three possible answers, one of which is correct.

The presented tests can be used in the lesson after analyzing the work.

I option
1. Indicate the years of life of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

3) 1824-1886
2. How many works does the book by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Tales"

3) 32
3. Sarcasm is

1) a way of expressing ridicule

2) a caustic expression of mockery

3) gross exaggeration
4. What was the hero of the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner” very dissatisfied with in his life?

1) a small pension

2) an abundance of men

3) the absence of a wife
5. Who did the landowner invite to visit?

1) bear

2) governor

3) neighboring generals
6. With whom did the landowner hunt hares?

1) with a wolf

2) with a bear

3) with a fox
7. Than wild landowner treat all the guests?

1) sausage

2) gingerbread

3) jam
8. What newspaper did the stupid landowner read?

1) "News"

2) "Moskovskie Vedomosti"

3) Moscow Review
9. What was the name of the landowner's servant?

3) Senka
10. After whose arrival did the landowner think about “what it smells like”?

1) a police officer

2) police captain

3) governor
11. What figurative means is realized in the title of the fairy tale?

1) metaphor

3) comparison
12. What happened to the landowner?

1) left the estate

2) remained wild, but power was not taken away from him

3) got rich

II option
1. In what year was the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" written?

1) "Domestic Notes"

2) "Contemporary"

3) "Epoch"
3. Allegory is

1) an allegorical image of an object in order to identify the most significant features

2) a kind of comic, merciless ridicule, criticism of the existing reality of a person, phenomena

3) allegory, with which the writer expresses his attitude to the depicted
4. Why didn’t the landowner even feel the cold in autumn?

1) put on a sheepskin coat

2) sat on the stove

3) overgrown with hair
5. Who bothered to return the peasant to the landowner?

1) provincial authorities

2) the landowner himself

3) neighbors
6. Where does he live main character tales of a wild landowner?

1) in some kingdom

2) in the Oryol province

3) in the Volga steppes
7. What golden word did the landowner read in the Vest newspaper?

2) try

3) down
8. What did the landowner, having gone wild, not have time to acquire?

3) tail
9. What is the name of the actor who visited the landowner?

2) Sadalsky

3) Sadovsky
10. Indicate the name of the wild landowner

1) Urus-Kildibaev

2) Uryupinskiy

3) Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev
11. What is the beginning of an action?

1) reading a newspaper

2) fulfillment of the desire of the landowner

3) the arrival of the generals
12. What way of walking did the landowner "consider the most decent and convenient"?

1) on all fours

2) riding a horse

3) in a carriage


I option

II option

1 - 2

1 - 1

Evaluation criteria:

"5" - 11 - 12 points,

"4" - 9 - 10 points

"3" - 6 - 8 points

"2" - 0 - 5 points

List of used literature
1. Author's development
2. Zolotareva I.V., Egorova N.V. Universal lesson developments in literature: Grade 7, - Moscow "VAKO", 2010 (several questions)

In the lesson, you will get acquainted with the theme of exposing serfdom in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin, using the example of the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner". you consider it genre features and highlight the main satirical devices creating the image of the landowner.

That is why M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin turned to this genre. His fairy tales are a separate, independent stage of his work, about the appearance of which S.-Sch. He reasoned as follows: “I owe the habit of writing allegorically ... to the censorship department. It tormented Russian literature to such an extent, as if it swore to wipe it off the face of the earth. But literature persisted in its desire to live, and therefore resorted to deceitful means…”

Their political tales S.-Sch. writes from 1883 to 1886. In them, the writer truthfully reflected the life of Russia, in which despotic and all-powerful landowners destroy hard-working peasants. A vivid example was the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner", which is written very sarcastically and witty.

Analysis of the fairy tale by S.-Sch. "Wild Landlord"

In this tale, the landowner dreamed of getting rid of the "servile spirit" in his possessions. Finally, all the men "miraculously" disappear. At first the landowner enjoys clean air, but then the economy falls into decay, and the landowner himself is completely wild, sank, turned into an animal.

Reading the work "The Wild Landowner", we immediately attribute it to the genre of a fairy tale:

  1. Fairy-tale beginning: "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a landowner."
  2. Middle "fabulous" formulas: "How much, how little time has passed"; "No sooner said than done…".
  3. Fantastic elements: “suddenly a whirlwind of chaff arose and, like a black cloud, meticulous peasant trousers swept through the air”; talking bear, "a swarm of men."
  4. Hyperbole (exaggeration): "And the earth, and the water, and the air - all of it (the landowner) has become!"; “He thinks what kind of cows he will breed, that no skin, no meat, but all one milk, all milk!”

The presence of fairy-tale elements does not prevent us from understanding the full depth of the conflict raised by the author in this work. This conflict is realistic and acutely social. It is connected with the political situation in Russia after the abolition of serfdom in 1861. The peasants still largely depended on the landowner. Here is how S.-Sch. their life: “He [the landowner] reduced them so that there was nowhere to stick his nose: wherever you look - everything is impossible, but not allowed, but not yours! A cattle will go out to the watering place - the landowner shouts: "My water!", a chicken wanders out of the outskirts - the landowner shouts: "My land!" And earth, and water, and air - all of it became! There was no more torch for the peasant to light in the light, there was no more rod than to sweep the hut.

The landowner can be called cruel, greedy, despotic. This attitude of the landlord towards the peasants was not isolated. It is no coincidence that the newspaper "Vest" is mentioned in the fairy tale, which is read by the landowner. It is her materials that he takes as a basis, as a guide to action: “The landowner will look into the newspaper Vest, as in this case he should do, and read it.”

The newspaper "Vest" was the printed organ of the part of the nobility, dissatisfied with the peasant reform. Many nobles saw a mistake in the fact that the legislature chose a system of peasant self-government, instead of leaving administrative power in the hands of the landowners. They believed that as a result of this, the landowners were ruined. By the way, this newspaper was first published weekly, and then daily with a circulation of 4,000 copies.

And so the landowner reads a newspaper and worries, “that the peasant does not decrease every day, but everything arrives, he sees and fears:“ Well, how will he get all the good from me?

So, from the very beginning, we begin to perceive the image of the landowner as collective, containing the typical features of this class.

The name of a hereditary Russian nobleman is by no means Russian - prince Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev. Before us is one of the methods of allegory: speaking surname . This Turkic surname did not arise by chance. Only the yoke of the Horde can be compared with the yoke of a serf, only the enemy will come up with the idea of ​​“reducing” the population, destroying the Russian breadwinner.

When reading a fairy tale, the most frequently used by the author is striking. epithet:stupid landowner. But if in Russian folk tales Ivanushka the Fool is not a fool at all, then the landowner in the fairy tale S.-Sch. really stupid. After all, he does not understand the obvious: his whole life depends on the peasants. Let's see what the life of a landowner has become without a hard-working peasant:

  1. Can't really receive guests.
  2. He cannot serve himself (neither wash, nor dress, nor cook food).

As a result, the house and economy fell into disrepair. But, despite all this, the stupid landowner continues to stand his ground, so to speak, he develops "strength of soul" in himself. And he dreams of how he will live without the peasants: “Thinks what kind of cars he will order from England, so that everything is steam and steam, and there is no servile spirit at all.”

Rice. 2. illustration ()

If earlier he “had a soft, white and crumbly body” and “lived and rejoiced at the light”, now he is unrecognizable: “All of him, from head to toe, was overgrown with hair, like the ancient Esau, and his nails were made, like iron. He stopped blowing his nose a long time ago, but he walked more and more on all fours ... He even lost the ability to utter articulate sounds and acquired some special victorious click, an average between whistling, hissing and barking. But the tail has not yet acquired.

We see the complete physical and spiritual savagery of a person: “He will go out into his park, in which he once did not live his body loose, white, crumbly, like a cat, in an instant, he will climb to the very top of the tree and guard from there. He will come running, this, a hare, will stand on his hind legs and listen, if there is any danger from where, - and he is already right there. As if an arrow will jump off a tree, grab onto its prey, tear it apart with its nails, and so with all the insides, even with the skin, and eat it.

Thus, The main idea of ​​the fairy tale was that the landowner cannot and does not know how to live without a peasant. In addition, the author wanted to show the importance of the peasantry in the economy of all Russia. After all, the disappearance of peasants in the landowner's possessions led to sad consequences throughout the province. The police captain comes to the landowner. He is very concerned that « You can't buy a piece of meat or a pound of bread in the bazaar." “The chiefs were worried and gathered a council. They decided: to catch and install the peasant, and to inspire the stupid landowner, who is the instigator of all the turmoil, in the most delicate way, so that he would stop his fanfare and do not interfere with the receipt of taxes in the treasury.

The tale ends with the fact that the wild landowner was caught, returned to his human form and forced to lead his former way of life. And what about the peasants?

“As if on purpose, at that time a swarm of peasants who had formed flew through the provincial town and showered the entire market square. Now this grace has been taken away, put in a whip and sent to the county. ”It is no coincidence that the peasants are shown through metaphor "swarm of men". The reader immediately has an association with a swarm of bees. And as you know, a bee is a symbol of a worker. Of course, this is a grotesque image, but the bitter truth is expressed in fantastic form. Men are likened to dumb creatures living a herd life. Shchedrin sincerely complains that the people are too patient, downtrodden and obscure.

Contemporaries of S.-Sch. appreciated the satirical gift. So, for example, Sofya Kovalevskaya wrote: “His name will remain in history not only as the name of the greatest pamphleteer that Russia has ever known, but also as the name of a great citizen who gave neither mercy nor rest to the oppressors of thought. Shchedrin really lived only for his time, but as Goethe so well said: "He who lived for his time, he lived for all times."

Literary theory

In fairy tales, Shchedrin showed himself to be a brilliant artist. He proved to be a master Aesopian language, with the help of which he was able to convey to the reader a sharp political thought.

The expression is associated with the name of the legendary Greek fabulist Aesop, who, according to legend, lived in the 6th century BC. Aesop, being a slave, could not speak freely and openly about many things. He was forced to resort to an allegorical (allegorical) fable form of expressing his thoughts. Hence, any ability to speak or express one's thoughts allegorically, in parables, allegories, was called the Aesopian language.

Satire (lat. satira) is a comic manifestation in art, which is a poetic denunciation of phenomena using various comic means: sarcasm, irony, hyperbole, grotesque, allegory, parody, etc.

  1. Didactic materials on literature Grade 7. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - 2008
  2. Homework in literature for grade 7 (Korovina). Author - Tishchenko O.A. - year 2012
  3. Literature lessons in grade 7. Author - Kuteynikova N.E. - year 2009
  4. Textbook on literature grade 7. Part 1. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - year 2012
  5. Textbook on literature grade 7. Part 2. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - year 2009
  6. Textbook-reader on literature Grade 7. Authors: Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. - year 2012
  7. Textbook-reader on literature Grade 7. Part 1. Author - Kurdyumova T.F. - 2011
  8. Phonochrestomathy in literature for the 7th grade to the textbook by Korovina.
  1. FEB: Dictionary of literary terms ().
  2. Dictionaries. Literary terms and concepts ().
  3. Dictionary Russian language ().
  4. S.-Sch. Wild landowner ().
  5. S.-Sch. Biography ().
  1. Compare the fairy tales "The Wild Landowner" and "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals." What unites them?
  2. Read the tale of S.-Sch. (optional). Find the features of the fairy tale genre in the text. Determine the topic, idea, conflict. Give examples of satire, irony.
  3. Think about the relevance of the fairy tales of S.-Sch.?

A comment. According to the program of V. Ya. Korovina, only 2 hours are provided for studying the work of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and just one fairy tale. Material for the study of other fairy tales can only be given with a program designed for 102 hours or through additional lessons of extracurricular reading.

During the classes

I. Checking homework.

Text query. (Quiz, competition)

What did the landowner have enough of?

What was intolerable to the peasant's heart?

In what newspaper did the landowner read important advice for himself, and how did it sound?

How do men formulate their conclusion about the owner when he starts to fine them?

Who was the first to visit the landowner and what was his impression of the deserted estate?

What were the consequences of the decision of the landowner on the scale of the province?

How many times and who called the landowner a fool?

How is the question played out in a fairy tale: “Do you know what it smells like?”

Why did the men fly over the city in a "swarm" and not a "flock"?

What important part could not be acquired by the landowner?

II. The word of the teacher, commented reading and analysis of the tale.

The fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" reflects the most complex processes of reform life. In it, these processes are presented as everyday manifestations of life. At first glance, everything in the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" is simple and clear, but this is far from being the case. Already the contemporaries of Saltykov Shchedrin were aware that the work of such an original master of the word, whose poetics was based on the “slave”, the Aesopian language, based on the techniques of allegory and allegory, had reached such a scale that it required deep reflection and explanation.

What brings the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" closer to the story about the peasant and the generals?

(It brings together the fact that in both cases the peasant, the peasant, is the breadwinner and creator of all life values. However, in The Tale ... "the generals are looking for the peasant, forcing him to work for themselves, and in the fairy tale" The Wild Landowner "on the contrary:" the Russian landowner ”, Prince Urus-Kuchum-Kaldibaev, expels the peasants from the estate.)

“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state,” the satirist traditionally begins the story, “there was a landowner, he lived and looked at the world rejoiced. He had enough of everything: peasants, and bread, and cattle, and land, and gardens. And that landowner was stupid, he read the newspaper "Vest" and his body was soft, white and crumbly. So, one of the reasons for the dissatisfaction of the "landowner" is named - the newspaper "Vest", which became a guide for the hero in life. This conservative newspaper, like M. N. Katkov's Moskovskie Vedomosti, urged the landlords not to make concessions to the peasants, and to try to preserve their privileges in the post-reform period. “The landowner will look into the newspaper“ Vest ”, - says the satirist, - as in this case it should be done, and will read: “Try!”

Only one word is written, - says the stupid landowner, - and this word is golden!

Let's decipher this mysterious word "Try!".

(It turns out that the landowner is not satisfied with the fact that “there are too many peasants in our kingdom!” The landowner sees that the peasant does not decrease every day, but everything arrives, he sees and fears: “Well, how I have everything good coming?")

Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev takes the most drastic measures, which, in his opinion, should have brought the peasants to complete ruin, and then to physical destruction, to the “reduction” of the now hated “muzhik”.

(This is also one of the methods of allegory. This Turkic surname did not arise by chance. Only the Horde yoke can be compared with the yoke of a serf, only the enemy will come up with the idea of ​​“reducing” the population, destroying the Russian breadwinner.)

It is necessary to inform the students that in the post-reform period there arose quite a few law firms that considered the claims of the landowners against the peasants. They offered their services through newspapers, advising fines for felling, for grazing on those lands that previously belonged to the peasant community, and after the reform, the landowners annexed these lands to their own. The illiterate peasants, for the most part, did not understand the new cunning rules and often even ended up on trial. A similar situation is described by Saltykov in a fairy tale.

The landowner and the peasants turn to God in turn. What is the difference?

(At the landowner's, God must indulge his whims - remove the peasants from his estate so that they do not interfere with basking; peasants turn to God as the only savior from death. toil!").

Teacher's word.

The plot of the fairy tale is the fulfillment of the desire of the "stupid landowner" and the peasants suffering from his arbitrariness. “The merciful God heard the orphan’s tearful prayer, and there was no peasant in the entire space of the possessions of the stupid landowner. No one noticed where the peasant had gone, but people only saw when a chaff whirlwind suddenly rose and, like a black cloud, the peasant's shorts swept through the air. The landowner went out onto the balcony, pulled his nose and smelled: clean, pure air in all his possessions became. Naturally, he was satisfied, he thinks: I will take care of my white body, my body is white, loose, crumbly.


Consider the steps to identify the stupidity of the landowner.

At first, the landowner decided to indulge in lordly undertakings, start a theater and invited not just anyone, but the most famous actor of that time Sadovsky with "actors". But the emptiness of the landowner's house, the absence of stage workers scared Sadovsky away. The dirty, not well-groomed landowner aroused disgust and mockery at his "stupidity."

The landowner's next attempt at entertainment is to invite the generals' neighbors to visit and play cards. Those who arrived exactly fall under the description that was given to the generals from the tale of two generals: "The generals, although real, were hungry, and therefore they arrived very soon." But they did not manage to visit. They could not marvel at the fresh air and the absence of a bored peasant, but this joy immediately came to an end as soon as the generals got hungry. The angry generals, calling the landowner stupid in their turn, “dispersed to their homes.”

Now the landowner had every reason to think about the correctness of his behavior. After all, the second time he is called a fool.

When doubts arose about the correctness of the chosen path, he decided to tell fortunes on the cards, but fortune-telling showed that he did the right thing, that "one must not look." “If,” he says, “fortune itself indicates, therefore, one must be firm to the end.”

Reading the dialogue between the landowner and the police captain.

(Students read the text in roles)

What is the difference between the landlord's dreams and reality?

(What the landowner fails to do in reality passes into his dreams. He has a dream that the governor is very pleased with his inflexibility, moreover, that for this inflexibility he was made a minister and “he walks in ribbons and writes circulars:“ Be firm and do not look!” He even dreams of living in paradise with Eve on the banks of the Euphrates and the Tigris.

Awakening brings him back to real life, where there is no habitual servant Senka, but suddenly a representative of the authorities appears in the person of the police captain. The police captain lucidly explained to the stupid landowner that with the disappearance of the peasants, the receipt of taxes and taxes had ceased, that the state treasury was empty, that the products produced by the peasants had disappeared, that the country was threatened with famine.)

And who in his dreams already saw himself as a minister for his "hardness" now falls into the category of enemies of the state. It was no coincidence that the police officer said goodbye to him: “Do you know what it smells like?” And the landowner already seems to be exiled, but suddenly a sensible thought dawns on him that maybe his “dear peasant” is there.

Here the landowner would change his mind, and he?

(On the advice of the Vesti newspaper, the prince does not relax and bends the old line. “No, it’s better to go completely wild, it’s better to let me wander through the forests with wild animals, but let no one say that the Russian nobleman, Prince Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev, from principles retreated!")


It is the unwillingness to give up principles to the detriment of oneself, to the detriment of the state, that the satirist defines as “savagery”, political civil and intellectual savagery. The rejection of new forms of life, conditioned by time, is one of the aspects of being a landowner, which allowed the satirist to call Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev a "wild landowner". The other side is the physical savagery, which, after the moral one, went in full swing.

How is physical savagery characterized by the author?

(The wild landowner “became terribly strong, so salen that he even considered himself entitled to enter into friendly relations with the same bear that had once looked at him through the window.” The landowner became truly “wild”, strong, uncontrollable, dangerous. Here already there was something to think about for the authorities, who "patronized the landowners").

How is the problem solved? Show the absurdity of the situation.

(“As luck would have it, at that time a swarm of muzhiks flew through the provincial town and showered the entire market square. Now this grace has been taken away, put in a wicker and sent to the county.” Without asking the muzhiks, they were taken as prisoners, in a cage, and yet less, they set to work with their usual dexterity: “And suddenly there was again a smell of chaff and sheepskins in that district; but at the same time, flour, and meat, and all kinds of living creatures appeared in the market, and so many taxes were received in one day that the treasurer, seeing such a pile of money, he only threw up his hands in surprise.

The absurdity of the situation lies in the fact that an innocent peasant, as a criminal, was "caught and set up", and a wild landowner, who acquired an animal appearance, despite the fact that he is "an instigator of all confusion", "it is most delicate to inspire so that he stops his fanfare and did not interfere with the receipt of taxes in the treasury.")

Read what happened to the landowner. What conclusion can be drawn.

(Without a “muzhik”, not only the economy falls into decay - due to the peasant, smelling of chaff and sheepskin, there is also a “cultured” landowner. This is understood by all those in power).

Which definition is more suitable for the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner": "humorous" or "satirical"? Look up the definitions of humor and satire in the dictionary.

MBOU "Pogromskaya secondary school named after A.D. Bondarenko" Volokonovsky district of the Belgorod region

Test according to the fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Wild Landowner"

7th grade


teacher of Russian language and literature

Morozova Alla Stanislavovna

With. Pogromets


Explanatory note

Test according to the fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Wild landowner" for grade 7 allows you to determine the level of knowledge of students of this work. (UMK G.I. Belenky). The work contains questions on knowledge of the text, questions on the characterization of the hero, questions on the theory of literature.

Each question has three possible answers, one of which is correct.

The presented tests can be used in the lesson after analyzing the work.

I option

1. Indicate the years of life of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

1) 1854-1906

2) 1826-1889

3) 1824-1886

2. How many works does the book by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Tales"

1) 23

2) 24

3) 32

3. Sarcasm is

1) a way of expressing ridicule

2) a caustic expression of mockery

3) gross exaggeration

4. What was the hero of the fairy tale “The Wild Landowner” very dissatisfied with in his life?

1) a small pension

2) an abundance of men

3) the absence of a wife

5. Who did the landowner invite to visit?

1) bear

2) governor

3) neighboring generals

6. With whom did the landowner hunt hares?

1) with a wolf

2) with a bear

3) with a fox

7. What did the wild landowner treat all the guests to?

1) sausage

2) gingerbread

3) jam

8. What newspaper did the stupid landowner read?

1) "News"

2) "Moskovskie Vedomosti"

3) Moscow Review

9. What was the name of the landowner's servant?

1) Sanka

2) Ivan

3) Senka

10. After whose arrival did the landowner think about “what it smells like”?

1) a police officer

2) police captain

3) governor

11. What figurative means is realized in the title of the fairy tale?

1) metaphor

2) epithet

3) comparison

12. What happened to the landowner?

1) left the estate

2) remained wild, but power was not taken away from him

3) got rich

II option

1. In what year was the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" written?

1) 1869

2) 1879

3) 1868

1) "Domestic Notes"

2) "Contemporary"

3) "Epoch"

3. Allegory is

1) an allegorical image of an object in order to identify the most significant features

2) a kind of comic, merciless ridicule, criticism of the existing reality of a person, phenomena

3) allegory, with which the writer expresses his attitude to the depicted

4. Why didn’t the landowner even feel the cold in autumn?

1) put on a sheepskin coat

2) sat on the stove

3) overgrown with hair

5. Who bothered to return the peasant to the landowner?

1) provincial authorities

2) the landowner himself

3) neighbors

6. Where does the main character of the fairy tale about the wild landowner live?

1) in some kingdom

2) in the Oryol province

3) in the Volga steppes

7. What golden word did the landowner read in the Vest newspaper?

1) forward

2) try

3) down

8. What did the landowner, having gone wild, not have time to acquire?

1) claws

2) wool

3) tail

9. What is the name of the actor who visited the landowner?

1) Schepkin

2) Sadalsky

3) Sadovsky

10. Indicate the name of the wild landowner

1) Urus-Kildibaev

2) Uryupinskiy

3) Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev

11. What is the beginning of an action?

1) reading a newspaper

2) fulfillment of the desire of the landowner

3) the arrival of the generals

12. What way of walking did the landowner "consider the most decent and convenient"?

1) on all fours

2) riding a horse

3) in a carriage


I option

Evaluation criteria:

"5" - 11 - 12 points,

"4" - 9 - 10 points

"3" - 6 - 8 points

"2" - 0 - 5 points

List of used literature

2. Zolotareva I.V., Egorova N.V. Universal lesson developments in literature: Grade 7, - Moscow "VAKO", 2010 (several questions)