Google cadastral maps of land plots. What is a public cadastral map and how to use it correctly

All real estate objects, including land plots, are subject to mandatory entry into the state register. It was previously possible to check whether the site is registered, to whom it belongs, and to find out other information about it only in person at the territorial offices Federal Service cartography. Since 2010, an online service has appeared on the Web - a public cadastral map Rosreestr. Initially, the resource was not particularly useful, since the database was not updated regularly, and the portal did not always work adequately.

After carrying out the relevant work, the functioning of the service was significantly improved, and therefore it became much more convenient to use the card online, rather than contacting the executive service specialists directly.

This service is absolutely open to every user. It stores not only a graphical layout of real estate objects in the Russian Federation, but also cadastral information. After improving the portal and regularly updating the service, it became possible to find out the following information about objects:

  • General characteristics;
  • cadastral number and price;
  • exact coordinates;
  • FULL NAME. owner;
  • conditions for the use of real estate;
  • area;
  • serving local authority.

Outwardly similar to Google Maps, the public cadastral map of Rosreestr still has special functions and does not plot a route. It is assigned to search for specific objects according to the available data from a citizen.

What is the purpose of a cadastral map?

The main task of the online map is to provide information on real estate and land plots to all categories of the population. Purchase and sale, exchange and land surveying now cannot do without such an important process as preliminary verification of documentation with the official data of the service. Of course, electronic information will not replace paper documents, but it allows you to verify the veracity of the information provided and not fall for the bait of scammers. It is very important that the online portal also allows you to check information on neighboring sites. When buying a house or land, this moment is especially important, because if there is a protected object nearby, then, most likely, construction or another specific type of activity will be prohibited on the purchased territory.

The inclusion of the public cadastral map of Rosreestr into a separate electronic resource made it possible to relieve the burden on the employees of the executive body. The activities of real estate agencies with their clients have also been greatly simplified. To check the information, you do not need to register, there is no need to even know the exact address, because, being able to read the map, you can easily determine the location of the nearest objects. Just a few clicks will allow you to get the necessary information, but only for registered ones, i.e. entered in the register, real estate objects of the Russian Federation.

Those citizens who are not familiar with the principle of working with electronic maps of the area will also be able to figure it out pretty quickly. The cadastral map is exactly the same version as the book atlas. It depicts Russia with the current actual territorial and administrative division.

its only difference is that you can choose a substrate, as well as zoom in on objects, which you can’t do with a paper edition. In addition to a specific zone, users can also get acquainted with neighboring sites.

Possibilities of the cadastral map

For more than five years, a functional service has been helping citizens and professionals to find out information related to real estate around the clock. At the same time, the user does not need to make an appointment in advance, send official requests and perform other manipulations. In order for the public cadastral map of Rosreestr to become a real assistant, it is enough to have a computer with Internet access. The client does not need to have special knowledge, because the service is within the reach of anyone who knows how to use a regular card.

The online map provides the most invaluable assistance to such specialists:

  • lawyers;
  • surveyors;
  • realtors.

The work of people of these professions is directly related to real estate, land plots. Therefore, such a quick and simplified way of obtaining information significantly reduces the preparation necessary procedures, checking object and owner. Although the information is in the public domain, it does not violate the rights of homeowners, since the data is not a public or private secret. It is also impossible to commit criminal fraud with a property using only the information indicated on the online map.

Thus, the ability to use the card online allows you to save time not only for specialists, but also for ordinary citizens, as well as directly for employees of the executive service.

How to work with a cadastral map?

You can get to the page with the public cadastral map of Rosreestr either at or from the official portal by clicking on the appropriate link. All information is up-to-date, now it is updated every two days, which makes it possible for any citizen to quickly and on time receive the necessary information online, without fear of error. Externally, the service is very similar to the well-known Google maps, because the same substrates are used. A regular map allows you to see the names of cities, streets, house numbers and land plots. Here, the user is also provided with the cadastral number of the site and the above characteristics.

When you click on a specific area on top of the search bar, the substrate will be loaded

after that you can see the list of objects registered on the area on the map on which the mouse click was made.

After clicking on the Select button, an information window will appear, which will contain additional information, including:

  • special terms of use;
  • total area;
  • date of entry in the register;
  • date of amendment, etc.

You can find on the map absolutely any property that the user needs. The main thing is that it be registered and brought to the service. When working with a resource, a citizen will see a special field in which it is necessary to enter one of the items to search:

  • cadastral number;
  • indication of longitude and latitude;
  • the exact address.

If a citizen does not like the faceless standard appearance of the public cadastral map of Rosreestr, then he can easily change the backing of the service. To do this, go to the settings in the menu labeled as "Map Management". It offers the user the following options:

  • lack of a substrate;
  • standard administrative map of Russia;
  • orthophoto coating;
  • satellite imagery from EEKO and Esri.

The last two substrates are the most preferred, since often only the approximate location of the property is known. Then real photos with images of the streets will really come in handy. High-quality and modern images from space from two leading companies will help to understand the location of the object of interest to the client.

As for the map of the Russian Federation and orthophoto, these substrates also have a cadastral division along with an administrative one. This information is indicated in the block of information about a particular property or land plot, which makes it easier to determine the responsible territorial district and regional executive body.

At the same time, the block also contains information about when the last changes were made to the map itself or documents. Such data is indicated specifically so that the citizen understands how relevant the information is and whether there have been any recent changes that the owner could be silent about.

Mismatch of information in documents and on the resource

Information in official real estate papers and in the public cadastral map of Rosreestr may not match, but this is very rare. The main reasons for this data inconsistency can be the following:

  • lack of re-registration under new legislative norms;
  • no changes were made to the service.

Any of these items was a fairly frequent "guest" when the portal was still under development. Now the resource has been modernized and such errors have been eliminated. If a discrepancy between the information is found, you should either wait 24 hours until the database is updated, or send an official request to the territorial authorities, because, perhaps, the citizen has encountered fraud.

If the object is not on the service, then the client should ask a reasonable question whether the property exists at all, and whether it is properly registered. Any fraud, due to the fact that the card has become public, has become almost impossible.

The cadastral map is applicable if you urgently need to find out information about a land plot or other real estate. 24/7 access to the service allows you to use it at any time. convenient time without leaving the workplace or cozy home. You no longer need to send official requests to obtain public information. Also, the map helps to accurately determine the administrative affiliation, if there are doubts in this matter. This issue is important for the sale and purchase and other commercial and legal transactions.

The public cadastral map of Rosreestr has several more advantages:

  • preservation of history;
  • possibility of printing.

Thus, the user can "travel" through the objects considered earlier, as well as print out specific data about one or more properties or land plots that are of interest to him. This eliminates the need to re-enter data or rewrite information, and allows you to send a fax or electronic copy to the post office.

The public cadastral map of land plots is an electronic cadastral map of the Russian Federation, which is posted on the Rosreestr website. Its purpose is to obtain primary information about the desired land plot. This map displays all registered lands for 2017, information about which is stored in .

The public map of registered land plots of the Russian Federation was created and posted on the Internet in 2010. the main objective cadastral map - the availability of cadastral data for a wide range of people (employees of geodetic organizations, lawyers, realtors, ordinary citizens).

In accordance with Russian law, the information of the state. The real estate cadastre is publicly available information, which was previously quite difficult to obtain (it was necessary to stand in long queues in order to obtain the necessary information about the land plot of interest). A public map created and published on the Web has greatly simplified everything.

What information is available to citizens online when using a public cadastral map?

  • General information about the real estate objects of interest.
  • Accurate information about the cadastral division online, about territorial zones, about the administrative-territorial division of the country, about zones with special conditions for the use of the territory.
  • and see its limits in the cadastral quarter, view adjacent plots put on the cadastral register.
  • For the selected land plot, you can get information about the branches of the territorial Rosreestr serving the territory of this plot.
  • On a public map, real estate objects are displayed with certain marks - “recorded object”, “previously recorded object” or “temporary”.
  • You can see a map of Russia, satellite images, digital topographic maps.

What information about a land plot can be obtained using the Roscadastre public map?

  • Fixed cadastral number for the land.
  • The address of the location of the site, which is included in the state. real estate cadastre.
  • Fixed status of cadastral information (registered plot, previously recorded plot, temporary plot).
  • Date of registration of the site on the cadastral register.
  • What category of land does the land belong to?
  • Type of use of the site.
  • Plot area in accordance with title documents.
  • Form of land ownership.
  • Cadastral value.
  • Which organization or cadastral engineer registered a particular land plot with the Cadastral Chamber.
  • Date of updating data on the plot of land on the Public Map, as well as updating information on the cadastral district.
  • Service subdivisions of the territorial body of Rosreestr (name of subdivisions, their addresses, phone numbers of receptions).

In addition to information about the land plot on the cadastral map, information about capital construction objects has recently appeared. This information includes:

  • cadastral number of the registered capital construction object;
  • location of the object indicating the address entered in the state. real estate cadastre;
  • date of state registration cadastral registration;
  • type of ownership;
  • construction completion date;
  • date of commissioning;
  • cadastral value of the capital construction object;
  • status of information about the capital construction object;
  • area (in accordance with the documents);
  • number of storeys (ground and underground);
  • wall material;
  • the inventory value of the capital construction object and the date of its determination;
  • name and TIN of the performer;
  • the last date of updating data on the capital construction object.

The public cadastral map of land plots also provides useful information on territorial zones and zones that are endowed with special zones, by types and types of zones, as well as details of documents in accordance with which zones are established or changed.

Further on the map, you can get the necessary information about the borders by administrative-territorial division, that is, you can get acquainted with the list of documents that regulate the passage of a certain section of the border, with the name of the bordering units. The name of each unit of the administrative-territorial division, its type, OKATO code, the name of the capital, the number of settlements and municipalities, the number of Rosreestr offices in the territory are indicated.

The public map of Rosreestr provides information on the cartographic basis of the cadastre: name, type, source, update date, links to metadata published on the SDI Geoportal.

The list of opportunities that can be obtained by using a public cadastral map is wide. If necessary, you can always get general useful information about the land, but you need to understand that this information is indicative only and therefore cannot be taken as strictly documentary. Consequently, this card allows you to get information about a land plot of a primary nature, that is, to which quarter a certain land plot belongs, whether it is registered with the cadastral authorities or not, what it is and, accordingly, the cadastral numbers of neighboring land users. And by ordering a cadastral extract for a land plot, the applicant will receive an extremely accurate and up-to-date information.

User Questions:

  • Hello! Please tell me why the cadastral map data on the cost of a land plot in the city of Dzerzhinsky, Moscow Region, do not correspond to official data? And, in this regard, how reliable are other map data Thank you

Public cadastral map of Rosreestr is an Internet application where users can find information and information about the land plots they are interested in. To use it, you do not need to have special knowledge and skills. There is no need to register on the site and pay money. The service is very convenient: without leaving your home, you can get information about any land plot in Russia.

The map has a hierarchical structure, the entire territory is divided into subordinate cadastral units:

  • Cadastral districts. Correspond to the borders of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
  • Cadastral areas. Coincide with the boundaries of districts or large settlements.
  • Cadastral quarters. Combine urban or rural settlements, groups of agricultural fields or forest areas.
  • Cadastral plots. These are land plots of specific owners.
  • The boundaries of different cadastral units are marked on the map with lines of different thicknesses.

Where is the public registry map

Previously, access to the public cadastral map was carried out through the official website of the Rosreestr at the link But at present online map located at a different address:

This is a public resource, anyone can get acquainted with information not only about their own plots, but also about the plots of other owners, such as neighbors.

Please note that there are many "clones" of this card on the network. Be careful, you can trust only the information posted on the official portal of Rosreestr

Why do users need an online map

There can be many answers to this question. Suppose a person is going to buy land. Thanks to the service, he can make sure that the site really exists, its boundaries are defined on the ground, and the information is entered into the register by the cadastral engineer.

  • If there are disputes about the correctness of the definition of boundaries and the compliance of the area of ​​​​the site with the information indicated in the documents, the cadastral map is also very useful.
  • Some people want to know the cadastral value of the property, on the basis of which the land tax is calculated.
  • Also, using the map, you can make sure that your land is not in the water protection zone. Or there is no industrial zone nearby, where a plant may appear in the future.
  • On the map, you can determine the coordinates of the object.

Public cadastral map: instructions for use

Let's find a specific area on the map.

We go to the site, in the upper left corner we click on the "search" icon and select the "address" field. Then enter the address of the site and click "find".

To facilitate the search, first enter the name of the subject of the federation, then the district, then the settlement. If the settlement is large, you can specify the street and house number.

As an example, we entered a query: Tula region, Kurkinsky district, Orlovka village. The site displayed a list of addresses that it could find on our request. Click on the desired option in their list.

The public cadastral plan of the settlement is being rolled back.

Let's go back to left menu, clicking the magnifying glass icon again, and selecting the Point Objects button.

Now, by clicking on any point on the map, we will get information about the land plot within which the selected point is located.

Have you already noticed that there is a “+” and “-” sign in the lower right corner? They can be used to change the scale of the map.

Please note that there are white spaces between the plots. These are not free territories, people also live on them. It's just that they didn't carry out land surveying, and information about their sites is not reflected on the map.

Advice! When purchasing a land allotment, be sure to make sure that its boundaries are defined on the ground, otherwise you may subsequently encounter claims from the owners of adjacent plots, which will result in lengthy litigation.

The cadastral register tells us the following information about the plot:

  • Cadastral number and cadastral quarter of the plot;
  • Status and address of the land;
  • Land category: in this case lands of settlements;
  • Permitted use of land: this site can be used for personal subsidiary farming.
  • Full name of the cadastral engineer;
  • Date of registration of the site;
  • The date of change of information about the plot in the state real estate cadastre.

If you need to get an extract about your site, then from the information section go to the services section.

You can submit a request for information from the state real estate cadastre or the unified state register of property rights. Since there have been changes in legislation since January 1, 2017, this service is not available at the time of writing, due to the updating of information. In the near future, the ability to make requests online should return.

In accordance with the law, all documents are provided within 5 days. But to get them, you need to pay a state fee. Keep in mind that its size is lower for individuals, and higher for legal. Getting information via the Internet is much easier than waiting in line for an extract.

What else can you find out with a cadastral map

Using the "measurement" option directly on the site, you can measure the perimeter and area of ​​​​the site, and find out if they correspond to the data contained in the title documents. To do this, in the toolbar, select the measurements and by clicking on the map we trace the boundary of the site. The program calculated the area of ​​the plot for us, a little over 51 acres. This area corresponds to the information contained in the land management case for surveying the site.

Note the two small red rectangles. These are buildings that are registered with the cadastre. Hence the conclusion: on the map you can find not only plots, but also other real estate objects. If you click inside the red area using the "objects in point" function, information about the building will appear. From it you can find out the number of floors, the date of completion of construction, the commissioning of the premises, the building area and other important information.

You can go to the "map management" tab and select thematic layers. A map can show what category of land each parcel has, how the parcels are differentiated by cadastral value, or whether their position corresponds to the boundaries on a satellite image. It will take a long time to list all the possibilities. Since the menu is intuitive, the user himself will find the thematic maps of interest to him. Below is shown how the overlay of a public cadastral map on a satellite image made by Scanex looks like.

If necessary, the map can even be printed, and not as a picture, but in scale. To do this, go to the print tab and select the image scale. (By the way, it is not necessary to print on paper, you can save the map in pdf format).

So, we have considered all the possibilities that a public cadastral map gives users. If you still have any questions, then in the map menu there is an icon with a question mark. This is reference information. The tab contains information about the application, an agreement on use and a multi-page instruction manual. But most people work fine with the map without being familiar with these documents.

When registering, buying, selling plots, houses, apartments, people often hear incomprehensible terms, and this makes their actions difficult.

So first let's look at the definitions.

Any real estate object (for example,) should be put on, in other words, enter information about the object in the state register.

This information will confirm the existence of the object and will form the basis for the creation of a cadastral plan, i.e. schematic representation, which marked the boundaries of the land. In addition to graphic information, the cadastral plan includes the object, information about its location and area, characteristics of the boundaries, data on the rights to it, information about the border areas, and the purpose of the cadastre.

The system for collecting information about the boundaries of real estate objects, territorial zones, municipalities, entire regions and the entire Russian Federation is state cadastre.

Let's say you decide to buy a piece of land, questions immediately arise about its area, exact address, form of ownership, etc. This information is provided by the state cadastre, it is available to everyone. The exception is information that is a state or other secret protected by law.

Primary data source about the real estate object, contains information about the real estate, the rights and encumbrances registered on it. An extract is obtained in order to protect yourself when buying real estate.

Public availability of the official resource

The accessibility of the material is carried out with the help of an interactive search, in other words, an on-line help service.

It works in a similar way public cadastral map of land plots (PKK): the electronic cadastral map of the Russian Federation is posted on the website of Rosreestr. Her purpose is providing basic free information about all real estate objects listed in the State Register for 2019.

Ease of Search on the map is that after entering the cadastral number or address of the property, the user will be presented with all the data that is in the state cadastre.

Quickly to get data it is possible about objects and land plots, about administrative-territorial units, zones with special conditions of use, capital construction objects, cartograms of the cartographic basis of the State Property Committee, about territorial and functional zones and administrative borders.

The material provided by Rosreestr is relevant, in demand by a wide range of users: representatives of authorities and municipalities, lawyers, surveyors, builders, ordinary people.

Although map information is considered public, not all cadastral data is provided. If according to the Federal Law "On the State Cadastre and Real Estate" they do not belong to open documents, access to them is limited.

PKK is available for computers and tablets, as well as for smartphones.

Reliability of the received information

In 2007, the law of the Russian Federation “On the state real estate cadastre” was adopted, at the same time the concept of “state cadastre” was introduced, which was tied to the appearance of a cadastral public map.

The Cadastral Chamber of Russia is the official registrar of the country, and the PKK is an official public electronic document, on the basis of which documentary maps for the regions were developed.

But it must be taken into account that the information is indicative , so it cannot be taken as strictly documentary. The fact is that the map is continuously updated due to materials coming from the AIS of the GKN of the Rosreestr branches: the owners of the plots change, new objects appear, the boundaries of the territories are transformed ... Although the information should be updated within 3-5 days, in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation information appears much later .

Therefore, firstly, you need to keep track of the date of the last update of the data about the object. Secondly, remember that the maximum exact information you will receive only by ordering a cadastral extract for real estate.

What resources can be used

The PKK is located on the official portal of Rosreestr. It is also possible to download the map to your smartphone from the App Store or Google play. Accounting for visits by the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography totals 50-80 thousand user requests per day.

On the websites of regional and municipal USRR, you can also find regional and municipal cadastral maps. For example: PKK of the Moscow region or a map of the Crimea. The schemes of these maps are determined by the territorial affiliation and provide detailed information about the desired land plot, which is in private, federal or municipal ownership.

What information can be obtained

If you are interested real estate , you can clarify its address, cadastral number, the presence of an encumbrance, information about the area, the time of registration, etc. It also contains the contacts of the local Cadastral Chamber and the Rosreestr authority that controls this object.

PKK allows you to quickly find the one you are interested in land plot , view its boundaries and area, determine the address and cadastral number, cost and date of entry into the state register, check the form of ownership and status. You can even estimate its location in the complex of adjacent lands, find out the coordinates of the boundaries, measure the distance of the site from a certain object.

An administrative-territorial unit is characterized on the map by: the name, type, name of the regional center, the number of municipalities and the number of settlements.

Zones with special conditions of use territories, as well as zones with special conditions for the use of land in the RCC are determined according to the following data: type, description, details of documents regulating the borders.

Buildings and constructions, related to capital construction objects, differ: by type, current status, total area, number of floors, wall material, cadastral value and inventory parameters of the structure - this information appeared on the map recently.

Territorial and functional zones differ: by type, description, details of documents regulating the formation of territorial boundaries.

Cartogram of the Cartographic Basis of the State Committee for Natural Resources characterized in the PKK: by name, type, source of data, date of compilation, link to a card file of information located on the Geoportal of the SDI RF.

Administrative boundaries differ: in the names of those areas through which they run, and in the lists of documents that determine the plan for their passage.

Cadastral engineers working on the preparation of boundary and technical plans, using a map, can examine a particular area in detail.

How to order documents

As already mentioned, in order to be 100% sure of the information, you need to issue an extract from the USRR. To order You can directly in the resource window. When ordering an application, you should pay the state duty on-line, provide the cadastral number of the site and your e-mail for feedback, a link to the document will be sent to it. There is another possibility - to get a paper version at the nearest branch of Rosreestr or GKP or by mail. The application is processed within 15 minutes. The supporting document must arrive to the applicant within 2-5 days.

The amount of the state duty is determined by the type of the requested document and the status of the customer. For individuals, it is less than for legal entities.

For the rules for using the PPC, see the following video instruction: