Educational tasks for children 3 years old. Account assignments. An example of a linguistic task for the development of logic

Task 1 (To kids. Games for kids.) In this game for 3 year olds your little one will get to know the color red. We are sure that your smart little child has long known and knows how to correctly name all the primary colors. However, repetition is the mother of learning. Moreover, we will repeat the colors while playing. This toddler game will be loved by kids. In it, it will be necessary to choose the appropriate ones from the black-and-white pictures offered for choice and color them in red. Strengthen your child's familiarity with flowers in Everyday life. For example, you can arrange a competition game at home or on the street: who will find more objects of the selected color.

Task 2 (For kids online. For kids for free) We continue to study colors. In this game, you need to choose the appropriate black and white pictures that you can color in yellow. We have specially selected items that are well known to the child, so there should not be any difficulties with choosing a color. After completing the task, ask the child to remember what other items yellow color he knows (eg, sun, dandelion flower, coltsfoot flower). Strengthen the knowledge of colors in everyday life. Well suited for learning colors are plasticine modeling and colored paper appliqué.

Task 3 (For children 3 years old. Games 3 years old.) In this task, a 3-year-old child will consolidate the material covered in previous lessons. He will continue to learn to compare objects by length, compare aggregates (groups of objects) by quantity based on pairing. In the first part of the task, you need to compare 2 trains (red and yellow) in length and determine which of them has more wagons. The task is complicated by the fact that the trailers in the trains are of different lengths, although the total length of the two trains is the same. In the second part of the game for children 3 years old, the kid must determine which train rides more rabbits. Such games are very useful for kids, because. develop their logical and mathematical abilities.

Task 4 (Games for children 3 years old. Games for children 3 years old.) In this game for children 3 years old, the child will get acquainted with the concept of logical sequence for the first time. Similar tasks are very often found in educational aids for older children (logic series, logical tables). The essence of such tasks is that the child must determine the pattern in accordance with which objects are located in a row or table and fill in (pick up) the missing elements of the row or table. Simple tasks for finding patterns are also available to kids. In the first part of the game for children 3 years old, it is necessary to determine what color the last board of the fence should be painted. In the second part of the task, pick up the missing bead for the beads.

Task 5 (Developing games for children 3 years old.) In this educational game for children 3 years old, the child develops the ability to compare groups of objects based on pairing, and also forms an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaintaining quantity. Similar games are useful in real life. For example, make balls and sausages with a child from plasticine. The number of balls and sausages should be the same. Ask your child what is more? To answer this question, the child can make pairs of plasticine figures: a sausage ball, a sausage ball, etc. By pairing, he makes sure that the number of balls and sausages is the same. After that, put all the balls in a pile, and put the sausages in a row to make a long sausage. Ask the child, what is more now? To understand that the number of items has remained the same, the child must pair up again.

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On the preschool age the child has a period of intensive mental development. Formation logical thinking- a very important and difficult moment in the life of a child.

It starts at about 1.5 years old, but already in 3-4 years it moves to a qualitatively new level.

Is it possible already in such early age develop logic?

Help develop the basics of logic will help well logical games for children 3-4 years old.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

At the age of three, great changes take place in the mental development of children. During this period, the child usually ends in a crisis. three years of age, there is a perception of oneself as a separate person.

A three-year-old child moves from subject-effective thinking and direct manipulations to visual-figurative thinking.

Thanks to the rapid development of speech, the baby expands his vocabulary, his first grammatical constructions are formed.

The child learns to compare and generalize, can analyze not only real objects, but also just pictures.

He is still playing simple games(cubes, pyramids, sands), but the beginnings of role-playing games. The kid gradually learns to replace one object with another, to play "pretend".

Formerly, in order to solve a problem, a child imagined actions with objects and their results in his mind. Now, with the development of the sign system of concepts, he already operates with words and numbers, replacing the surrounding objects with concepts.

These new possibilities of the child's brain are called abstract thinking, otherwise logic.

Features of the development of logic in 3-4 years

Logic is an important human tool in the process of cognition. The ability to think logically enables a person to understand what is happening around, find connections in phenomena and objects, generalize, analyze, solve various problems, draw conclusions and much more that life itself requires from him.

In the process of these actions, a person uses certain techniques:

  • determination of the composition, structure and organization of parts and elements of the whole;
  • orientation to the essential features of phenomena and objects;
  • determination of relationships between phenomena and objects;
  • detection of trends and patterns of development;
  • building hypotheses and discovering consequences;
  • conscious argumentation of logical operations.

Certainly, three year old does not have a sufficient level of logical thinking, which is necessary to perform all these functions. But the process of formation of these logical methods through visual-effective thinking and their subsequent improvement is the development of logical thinking.

The peculiarity of the development of logic in 3-4 years is manifested in the fact that the thought process is emotional in nature. It is interesting and exciting for a child who, while playing, without going into unnecessary details, seeks to substantiate, prove, search for reasons.

The development of logical thinking in a child is evidenced by the appearance of a huge number of questions - Why? How? Where? What for? and others.

Many psychologists and educators, studying this issue, note the need to purposefully develop the capabilities of logical thinking in children, since the set of logical techniques, even well-learned ones, is only the potential for mental development, and not the development itself, which is possible only with constant practice. these tricks.

And, since the leading type of activity for a child of 3-4 years old is a game, it is with the help of game activity that the development of logical abilities in children should begin.

In the conditions of the game, the child creates generalized images, analyzes the game situation. The game organizes the complex process of mastering skills in an interesting form for the child, gives mental activity a fascinating character.

Types of games that develop logic for children 3-4 years old

Logic games will teach the child to compare objects, find similarities and differences, generalize, establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions. While thinking about the game, the kid tries to independently reason, think about the process and the result.

The first logic games

These games are very simple. With their help, basic logical techniques are trained.

Identify and distinguish the properties of objects, compare them children also learn on cubes and balls of different colors and sizes, insert frames and other very toddler games.

The ability to generalize objects into groups according to their characteristic properties trains with games like lotto, where cards with the image of objects or phenomena combined into one group are collected on the same field. For example, fruits, vegetables, seasons.

The ability to distinguish a part from a whole, to compose a structure help toys that are divided into parts. For example, puzzles, cubes with parts of the picture, all kinds of constructors, even transformer robots.

Ability to compare and analyze they are good at teaching riddles in which, by the sign, it is necessary to guess the object. For example, green, not a crocodile, prickly, not a hedgehog. The children really like the game on the cards "find the extra item."

Associative thinking trains with a game where you need to match cards with images of various objects, but logically related to each other. For example, a cloud is an umbrella, a plate is a spoon, a football goal is a ball, and others.

Somewhere around the age of 4, the child begins to use the sign system more and more confidently. At this age, it is already possible to connect games using letters and numbers. A very useful game at this stage will be a game in which you need to correlate the number of objects depicted with a number.

The development of thinking takes place in different directions, therefore logic games can be divided into different types depending on their direction.

Games for the development of intelligence and resourcefulness

Games of this direction encourage children to think actively, think quickly and find the right solutions. For example, the game "chain". Children throw a ball to each other and, depending on their age, name either words denoting a group of objects by properties, for example, fruits, vegetables, domestic, wild animals, seasons, or words that begin with the same letter, the last letter of the previous one. words. Another familiar game - "edible - not edible", and others.

Games for the development of intelligence

Among the games in this direction, games where it is necessary to build or continue a certain logical chain predominate. Many variants of such games are presented for sale in the form of sets of cards. This group also includes mathematical chains and puzzles. The most popular of them are Sudoku - Japanese puzzles. Some Sudoku require more than one hour to solve, but there are also simpler ones that a child of 3-4 years old can handle.

Speech games for the development of logic

These games will be useful for development correct speech in a child, increase vocabulary, as well as the ability to accurately select definitions.

Linguistic logical task- this short story, in which there is some mystery. And instead of answering a few questions addressed to the child. He can answer them if he understands certain laws of nature, he can build logical connections. In the process of solving the problem, different methods of thinking are involved: the selection of various properties, comparison, analysis, generalization. Also, the child must independently formulate a clear answer.

An example of a linguistic task for the development of logic

“Once in the forest, after a night when it rained with might and main, a beautiful sunny morning came. Winnie the Pooh and Piglet ran out into the yard and immediately saw two huge puddles. One is bigger - for Winnie, the second is smaller - for Heel. Friends with pleasure began to jump in the puddles! Tigrulya soon joined them. Together they decided to call the Rabbit as well. Everyone ran to him, but Rabbit, as you know, was a very busy person, so his friends had to persuade him for a very long time. When the Rabbit nevertheless agreed, and everyone returned to the Rainy Glade, they found that the puddle winnie the pooh became very, very small, and the Pyatochka puddle disappeared altogether!
- How so? Piglet was surprised. - There was a sea here recently, and now there is not a drop of it left. Where did the puddle run to?

After the answer, or explanation of the teacher, you can invite the children to conduct several experiments. For them, you will need two brushes and two glasses of water. One - with a simple one, the second - with the addition of salt. Brushes soaked in different glasses should be drawn on dry asphalt paths. The liquid will evaporate and the salt will remain. You can draw such stripes in the sun and in the shade. Let the children try to explain what is happening and how.

Also here can be attributed such games, where children are offered to describe what is drawn in the picture, make up a story from the pictures, continue the fairy tale they heard, and more. Closer to four, you can offer a game of "turning words." In this game, you need to alternately change one letter in a word until, as a result of a chain of transformations, the desired word is obtained. Examples of such chains: house-catfish-juice; kit-cat-mouth; edge-cut-mole.

Game "Continue the word." Children stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other. The one who throws says the beginning of the word, and the one who catches it ends it. You can play by naming synonyms, antonyms of words.

Graphic games

These games should be singled out in a separate category. Their purpose is to use hand-eye coordination. Usually such games are collected in notebooks and collections, there are children's periodicals. These are different labyrinths, logical tables, where you need to answer a question, draw something, draw, mark something. This category includes games geometric shapes, rebuses, crossword puzzles. The simplest graphic game for developing logic is tic-tac-toe. A child can cope with a three by three tablet as early as 3.5-4 years.

We suggest you work with your child on a very good book “Logic 3-4 years old. Test tasks":

Computer games for the development of logic

In most cases, these are logic games for which cards with pictures are used, only in the format computer game. The child is attracted by bright animation, familiar cartoon characters, interactivity of the game. For him, this is also the construction of a new model of relations “man-machine”, where he acts as a manager. The process of mastering the mouse develops hand-eye coordination.

There are many computer logic games that can be played online. On gaming sites, they are usually separated by the age of the child. There are many examples of such games, these are associations, and mosaics, sudoku, the games "Extra Object", "Cold-Hot", "Artist's Mistakes", "Connect by Dots" and others.

Larger PC games containing multiple progressively more difficult levels may require installation on the computer. The Russian company "1C" has released a whole educational collection "Smart Games", among which there is a part "Development of logic and imagination".

When a child works at a computer, it is very important to observe the following rules: 1. Strictly limit the time spent at the computer. For a child of 3-4 years old, a 10-15 minute lesson will be enough.
2. Control the correct position at the computer, monitor posture and breathing.
3. After class, do a little physical warm-up and warm-up for the eyes.

Books with games for the development of logic

Various collections of games can also be purchased in printed form. Today, bookstores offer a wide range of books with games for the development of logic for children. different ages, as well as collections of graphic tasks. Many books on the development of intelligence and logic were written by the famous Moscow teacher L.Ya. Bereslavsky. He has been working in this direction for more than 15 years and is the author of several unique teaching methods. All of these books can also be purchased online. Here are some of them:

  • L. Bereslavsky, A. Bereslavskaya "Modern game methods for the development of intelligence", Moscow, 2010
  • L. Bereslavsky, A. Bereslavskaya "Logic in the country of the alphabet", Moscow, 2005
  • L. Bereslavsky “Childhood of the intellect. System of games and exercises”, Moscow, 2000
  • L. Bereslavsky “The ABC of Logic. How to help a child learn easily and with pleasure”, Moscow, 2001
  • I. Toporkova, S. Shcherbinina, S. Gavrina "Big book of the development of logic for children 3-6 years old", Academy of Development, 2009
  • A. Ward " Creative games for the development of logic in children. Image. Number. Combination”, Centerpolygraph, 2012

As you can see, logic games themselves are very diverse and involve different kinds thinking. They, of course, should be used for children 3-4 years old in order to develop intelligence and logic, since such development is possible only in the process of practice and constant training of already familiar logical techniques. Also, logic games include elements for the development of speech, imagination, fine motor skills, memory, and an integrated approach to the development of the child guarantees the formation of a multilateral developed personality.

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Educational games for children 2 years old
Educational games for children from 3 years old Learn to read!

What should a child know at 2-3 years old?

Fine developing child at the age of two or three years should know:
1. the words "mom", "dad", "woman", "grandfather", etc.;
2. a few simple rhymes;
3. the name of the primary colors;
4. distinguish objects by size and quantity;
5. know your name;
6. show on fingers how old the baby is;
7. speak sentences of two or three words.

1. Task for comparison

Which picture has a lot of ducklings, and which one has one duckling?

Which picture has a lot of chickens, and which one has one?

2. Tasks for the score

How many cartoon characters are in this picture? Show this number with your fingers.

How many balls are in the picture? Show this number with your fingers. Say it loud as they burst.

3. Tasks for logic

What can be useful in summer, and what - in winter? Why?

Draw parts of the items that are missing.

Choose the right patch for each rug.

Who is big and who is small in these pictures?

Pick up chairs for the cubs.

Choose a door for each house.

Choose what a cow can give us?
Choose what a bee can give us?
Choose what the chicken can give us?

Combine items as you see fit.

4. Tasks for recognition of primary colors

Name each item. What colour is he?

Continue the row. What color should the next circle be?

5. Tasks for acquaintance with figures

Which of these shapes is called a circle?

Which of these shapes is called a square?

Name the shapes in this picture.

Color the shapes in different colors: the circle is red and the square is blue.

Which shapes are the same color?
Which figures are the same size?
Which figures are the same in shape?

Circle the shapes.

Circle the first and second figures and continue the row.

Connect similar shapes with a line.

6. Tasks up to three

How many dots are drawn in the picture in the first row?
How many dots are drawn in the picture in the second row?

How many combs are in the picture? Show this number with your fingers.

How many toothbrushes are in the picture? Show this number with your fingers.

How many washing machines are in the picture? Show this number with your fingers.

How many sofas are in the picture? Show this number with your fingers.

How many teapots are in the picture? Show this number with your fingers.

7. Addition and subtraction

How many dots will there be?

How many knives are in the picture?

How many lanterns are in the picture?

Masha had 1 spoon, she gave it to her mother. How many spoons does Masha have left?

Sasha had 2 light bulbs, he broke one light bulb. How many light bulbs does Sasha have left?

8. Comparison of objects by length, width and height

Which bike is longer?

What is the longest object in this picture?

What is higher table or chair?

9. Spatial arrangement of objects (left, right, above, below, in the middle)

Which item is on the left in this picture?

Which item is on the right in this picture?

Which item is higher in this picture?

What item is in the middle of this picture?

What is the item at the bottom of this picture?