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Good afternoon all my readers and subscribers. Today I want to analyze the following saying: "In a healthy body healthy mind!" and to understand whether this saying is true. How can we develop ourselves in accordance with this statement and achieve health, not only physical, but also internal-psychological.

If you look at this saying in more detail, then it is not always true, because even among athletes there are a lot of villains, and, so to speak, immoral personalities. Nevertheless, if a person is physically healthy, then it will be easier for him to deal with his psychology.

But if a person is sick or has poor health, then he will not think about his psychological and spiritual development at all. Therefore, this expression is partly true. To be strong spirit, to achieve our goals and be psychologically stable, we must and cannot be otherwise.

Below I will give you tips, the implementation of which will help you develop both physically and psychologically at the same time.

1 Beat bad habits.

Although it sounds trite and hackneyed, but the implementation of this item will allow us to develop in parallel in both segments of life. What is Nicotine, alcohol, drugs, overeating. This is a way to fill the void in your soul. We feel bad and we replace this state with one of these bad habits. Thus, we poison not only our body, but also our soul.

2 Move more and walk in the fresh air.

For your health, it will be an excellent energy supply and the body will thank you in full. During a walk, you can calmly think, make plans for life, and decide on your goals. Determine what you think is the top priority in your life. Set a path and stick to that path.

It is for this reason that the ancient yogis went to the forest or mountains for a long time, and there they pondered their life.

3 Exercise on intention.

If you are already and they do not cause you doubts, then you can use this technique. It is about setting intention. Choose some physical activity, like running, and tell yourself that you are running for your goal.

For example, say to yourself, "I'm running today to grow my business." Trust me, it works great.

This results in a double effect. Your goal, if it is for you great importance, will encourage you to run, and vice versa. When running, you will remind yourself why you are doing it, thereby visualizing and bringing the desired closer.

4 Try to do in life what fills it with meaning.

If you do not enjoy what you are doing, then there can be no question of any spiritual development. You need to try to find your purpose in life, your path, and then follow it.

Most people float through life like straws wherever the current takes them. They depend on the government of their country, on the employer, on someone else. Yes, we live in a society and influence others, and others influence us. But the more successful a person is in his life, the freer he is from the influence of other people, and very often people achieve success in what they like very much.

In a healthy body healthy mind

Everyone, good afternoon! On this page, I want to talk with you about the close relationship between our lifestyle, health status and the mental and emotional component.

Actually, I invite my readers to philosophize together in order to understand all the familiar saying “A healthy mind in a healthy body”.

Today, in the turmoil of our everyday life, many people do not attach special significance your most valuable asset, your health. At the same time, their life priorities they consider advancing career ladder, wealth, full food, cool cars, apartments, mansions.

Such an attitude to life is usually always accompanied by malnutrition, sleep disturbance, nervous strain, stress, prematurely undermining health.

As a result, having the opportunity to buy the most Tasty food, a person cannot eat it, or, having a big house, not rejoice in it, but limit himself to the space of one room, worrying about his sores.

When did the phrase about a healthy body and spirit appear, who said it and how? How should we perceive the ancient truth today in relation to our modern reality? What real steps should a person take to ensure a full-fledged well-being in life?

Interesting? Stay with us!

A little background

Existing catchphrase about a healthy body and a healthy mind, which we know today, is a corrected expression expressed by the Roman satirist Julius Juvenal back in the first century.

What does it mean? Initially, in his verse "10 satires", this quote from Juvenal sounded exactly the opposite of the modern interpretation, and its meaning was that a healthy mind and body are a rare success. And this is also true.

Over time, the statements of the Roman satirist slightly corrected the English philosopher Locke and French writer Rousseau in the 21st century, which today has a familiar phrase for us.

They put into it the concept of a person's allegorical desire for harmonious development, which in reality is quite rare.

At the same time, expressing the desire for the ideal of harmonious development of a person’s soul and body, the goal of which should be constant work on oneself.

Special essences of perception of this issue

Whoever said this axiom about the relationship between bodily and spiritual health of a person, modern life in fact often refutes its verbal formulation, but makes many think about its truth.

So, sometimes healthy-looking people turn out to be spiritually weak, but seriously ill people demonstrate incredible fortitude, a desire for life in the fight against their illness.

Therefore, based on these examples, in order to be successful and healthy, a person must strive for a functional balance of the integrity of the structures of his visible and invisible state:

  1. Spirit.
  2. Souls.
  3. Bodies.

At the same time, if everything is clear here with the concepts of the body, but what does spirit and soul mean, I will try to explain to you a little abstractly.

The spirit is the basis of our mental and bodily health, and the soul is the totality of our:

  • Emotions;
  • Will;
  • Mind.

Many of us understand, realizing that our soul exists as long as our body functions.

Therefore, the vitality of any person or the level of his energy directly depends on how he treats his body, which, in turn, is directly proportional to his happy life. What does it mean?

The one who spoke about the harmony in the development of spiritual and physical forces in a person clearly understood that a healthy body does not always guarantee the presence of a person's spiritual well-being.

At the same time, today we understand that it is realistic for the wave to achieve this goal.

And to understand the success of this formula, it must contain such constituent aspects.

Rejection of bad habits

This phrase, although it sounds trite, but it is bad habits that injure a person’s soul or body, forcing him to go with the flow of life, filling his spiritual emptiness:

  • drugs;
  • alcohol;
  • Nicotine;
  • Overeating.

Involuntarily following them, a person consciously letting into his life:

  • Oppression;
  • fears;
  • Doubts;
  • Unbelief;
  • Diseases;
  • Indifference towards oneself and others.

This means that all these factors kill his vitality. But if a person gives up bad habits, tries to find his purpose in life, finds a favorite thing that he likes, learns to forgive insults, he will be able to free his spirit from the slavery of dependence on insults and unbelief.

At the same time, an active lifestyle, peace of mind, the use of clean water, healthy sleep, proper nutrition.

Physical activity

This aspect plays an important role for a person. Since it provides him not only with the preservation of physical health, but also helps him to strengthen himself spiritually. What does it mean?

By setting a goal in exercising to reach a certain level, a person trains his mind, thanks to new ways of thinking. Therefore, the desire to have a toned body involves not only the concentration of physical effort, but also a certain level of discipline.

At the same time, the combination of these factors increases a person's self-confidence, allowing him to:

  • Achieve your goals;
  • Achieve new successes at work;
  • Solve life's problems.

And now I want to turn to the optimists.

Are you tired of gray everyday life, stressed out, do you want to live in harmony with life, yourself and the world around you? It's fine!

Then sign up for gym, swimming pool, dancing or start jogging in the morning. Since numerous studies prove that regular physical activity helps a person to improve the functioning of the brain, activate self-esteem, increase self-confidence, which strengthen the spirit, but also the body.

If you want to learn more about how to achieve harmony between your body, self-consciousness or soul component, I advise you to subscribe to our blog!

All health, good luck, good spirits! Goodbye!

"Mens sana in corpore sano") is a popular Latin expression. Traditional understanding: keeping the body healthy, a person thereby maintains mental health in himself.

The expression is taken from Decimus Junius Juvenal, c. 61- ok. 127 (Satire X, line 356).
The phrase was taken out of context; in fact, Juvenal's train of thought was different. Here is how this quote sounds in a more detailed version

Órandúm (e)st ut sít mens sán(a) in corpore sáno.
Fortem pósc(e) animúm, mortís terróre carentem,
Quí spatiúm vit(ae) éxtrem(um) inter múnera pónat
Naturáe, qui férre queát quos cúmque labores,
Nesciat irascí, cupiat nihil ét potióres
Herculis aerumnás credat saevósque labores
Ét Vener(e) ét cenís et plúma Sárdanapálli.

(Translated by D. Nedovich and F. Petrovsky)

We must pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body.

To be able to endure any difficulties, -
A spirit that is not inclined to anger, does not know unreasonable passions,
Preferring the joy of the toils of Hercules
The feeling of love, and feasts, and the luxury of Sardanapal.

(translated by F. A. Petrovsky):

If you ask for something and offer sacrifices to the sanctuaries -
There is offal, sausage, which he cooked from a white pig, -
We must pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Ask a cheerful spirit that does not know the fear of death,
Who considers the limit of his life as a gift of nature,
To be able to endure any difficulties...

Orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore sano [orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore sano] - We must pray to the gods that a healthy spirit be in a healthy body.

The phrase Juvenal became popular after it was repeated by the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) and the French writer-educator Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). All authors proceeded from the fact that the presence of a healthy body does not guarantee the presence of a healthy mind. On the contrary, they talked about what should strive for this harmony, since it is rarely found in reality. Allegorically about the desire for the harmonious development of man.

Thus, the traditional understanding of this catchphrase is the exact opposite of the meaning originally invested in it: people perceive the second part as a consequence of the first. It would be more correct to say that the author of this saying sought to formulate the idea of ​​harmoniously developed person which has both.

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