Sultan Abaev. Abaev Sultan Shamsutdinovich

Everyday life eastern harem Kaziev Shapi Magomedovich

Sultan is a dangerous profession

Sultan is a dangerous profession

The history of the Sultan's dynasties eloquently testifies that the danger of conspiracy, murder, and overthrow from the throne has always existed, like a shadow of the throne of the padishah. Therefore, taking care of one's own safety was one of the main "professional" duties of the Sultan. And in this matter of national importance, the sultans preferred excesses to shortcomings.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote in The Fountain of Bakhchisarai:

Giray sat downcast;

Amber smoked in his mouth;

Silently servile yard

He crowded around the terrible Khan.

... Does revenge burn bloody,

Did he open a conspiracy in the army,

Are the peoples of the mountains afraid,

Or the machinations of the crafty Genoa?

No, he misses warfare,

Tired formidable hand;

War is far from thoughts.

Is it treason in his harem

The path of crime has entered,

And the daughter of bondage, neg and captivity

Giaur gave her heart? ..

Robert van Gulik gives an example from Chinese history: “Because the emperor was especially vulnerable to attack while playing with women, his security was ensured in the most rigorous manner. All doors leading to the inner apartments were kept closed and heavily guarded. In order to prevent any attempt by women to attack their reigning lover, the palace enforced ancient custom, according to which a woman who was to share a bed with the emperor was stripped naked, wrapped in a cloak and taken to the imperial chambers on the back of a eunuch. Thus, there was no way she would be able to hide the weapon on her.”

From the book The Writer and Suicide author Akunin Boris

From the book The Writer and Suicide. Part 2 author Akunin Boris

A dangerous profession ... And the thought of death is dear to my soul. A.S. Pushkin The duty of intellectuals as a class is to commit suicide. E. Che Guevara Of the three characteristics by which a person tries to define his fundamental difference from other representatives of the terrestrial fauna

From the book Chechens the author Nunuev S.-Kh. M.

Sultan Magomedov Sultan Magomedov was called a folk singer, a folk nightingale in Chechnya. Since 1957, his voice has not ceased to sound, delighting and inspiring people. The original, charming voice of Sultan Magomedov is impossible to forget, having heard at least once. "Far from

From the book Ballad of Education author Amonashvili Shalva Alexandrovich

Sultan Abaev The famous Chechen landscape painter Sultan Abaev was born in 1954 in the village of Khevergan in the Frunze region of Kyrgyzstan. The family returned from deportation to Chechnya when Sultan was four years old. Artistic ability showed up at the Sultan in early childhood. As well as

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Sideshow A dangerous prank Question from Ninza: - Could you remember your childhood pranks? I'll tell you about one such prank - a dangerous one. It was in the summer of 1943. There was a war. I was then 12 years old, and I was in the village with my grandfather and grandmother.

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Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah: a fabulously wealthy sultan A small enclave on the island of Borneo, the Brunei Sultanate is also one of the world's oldest and richest states. The discovery of oil fields changed the fate of Brunei and made her the envy of all

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Dangerous idea Maybe we got excited? Maybe the idea of ​​unification is not only useless, but also dangerous? Maybe, on the contrary, it is necessary to disperse in an amicable way and live in peace, without interfering with each other? After all, we see that our attempts to unite systematically end in failure.

This is a joint project of the bank with Pushkin Museum, where until September 15, 2019 the exhibition “Shchukin. Biography of the collection»
  • 20.06.2019 The rusted skeleton of a weapon was found in a field in the 1960s, almost 70 years after mysterious death great Dutchman
  • 17.06.2019 After the action "Young Atheist" held in 1998, a case was initiated against Ter-Oganyan under Article 282 of the Criminal Code (inciting hatred or enmity). Under the threat of imprisonment, the artist left for the Czech Republic
  • 13.06.2019 The rivals of the marine painter in the competition "Great Names of Russia" were Empress Catherine the Great, Admiral Pavel Nakhimov and surgeon Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luka)
  • 07.06.2019 Jeff Koons is the most expensive living artist. His sculptures are made by the French manufactory Bernardaud - one of the main manufacturers of Limoges porcelain.
    • 21.06.2019 Sold 50%. Bought Moscow, Sergiev Posad, the city of Engels, Saratov region, etc.
    • 21.06.2019 Last Saturday auction house Literary Fund sold paintings, drawings, porcelain, books, maps, autographs, photographs, etc. for 57.9 million rubles. The top lot was a painting by Valentin Serov - 18.75 million rubles.
    • 20.06.2019 On Saturday, June 22, in the Russian Enamel House, as part of a monthly auction, buyers will be offered 516 lots of paintings, drawings, icons, silverware, porcelain, glass, jewelry, etc.
    • 19.06.2019 The traditional twenty AI Auction lots are ten paintings, five sheets of original and two printed graphics, work with collage elements, a photo album and a porcelain plate with the author's painting
    • 14.06.2019 Statistics this time will be general: regular plus curated auctions ended with the sale of 23 out of 40 lots - 57.5% of the catalog
    • 06.06.2019 The premonition did not disappoint. The buyers were in good spirits and the auction went great. On the very first day of Russian Week, the top 10 auction results for Russian art were updated. Almost $12 million was paid for Petrov-Vodkin
    • 23.05.2019 You will be surprised, but this time I have a good feeling. I think that buying activity will be higher than last time. And the prices are likely to surprise you. Why? There will be a couple of words about this at the very end.
    • 13.05.2019 Many believe that such a high concentration of very wealthy people inevitably creates adequate demand in the domestic art market. Alas, the scale of purchases of paintings in Russia is by no means directly proportional to the sum of personal fortunes
    • 24.04.2019 From the previous predicted IT breakthroughs, surprisingly, many did not come true. Maybe for the better. There is an opinion that instead of help, the global Internet giants are leading us into a trap. And only a small part of the richest population figured out in time what was what
    • 29.03.2019 The students of Stroganovka who met in the morgue were destined to become the inventors of Sots Art, the instigators of the "bulldozer exhibition", dealers in American souls and the most recognizable representatives of independent Soviet art in the world.
    • 13.06.2019 They brought to St. Petersburg works of art created using artificial intelligence. Among the participants is the French art group OBVIOUS, who managed to effectively monetize this work.
    • 11.06.2019 In the Gallery of European and American Art of the XIX-XX centuries. from June 19 you can see selected works by A. Giacometti, I. Klein, Basquiat, E. Warhol, G. Richter, Z. Polke, M. Cattelan, A. Gursky and others from the Fondation collection Louis Vuitton, Paris
    • 11.06.2019 From June 19 to September 15, queues will line up for the exhibition of about 150 works from the collection of Sergei Schukin - paintings by Monet, Picasso, Gauguin, Derain, Matisse and others from the collections of the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin, the Hermitage, the Museum of the East, etc.
    • 11.06.2019 About 170 works by Goncharova from museums and collections from all over the world, including Russia, were brought to London for the exhibition.
    • 07.06.2019 Until the end of June, the Tsereteli Gallery on Prechistenka is hosting a large solo exhibition of Konstantin Alexandrovich Batynkov, who is celebrating his 60th birthday this year

    St. Petersburg is home to quite a few masters of culture, people from the North Caucasus. There are quite a few Chechens here working in different areas. Among them is a wonderful artist, Sultan Shamsutdinovich Abaev.

    He was born in 1954 in the Kyrgyz village of Khaidarkan. Times are not easy for people of Chechen nationality. After all, in 1944 there was an eviction of the population of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and then in 1957 there was a restoration of the republic. In 1958, Sultan was four years old when his parents, together with him and his younger brother Lechi, returned to their homeland. There began new life. In the late 60s, Sultan Abaev studied at the Grozny art studio and art school visual arts. The artist Viktor Lamtyugin was then the director and teacher of Sultan Abaev. Viktor Petrovich was at that time a well-known artist of Checheno-Ingushetia. He instilled in his student a love for the traditions of the Russian realistic school. Further, in 1974-1978, Sultan Shamsutdinovich studied at the Makhachkala art school, which at that time was leading in the North Caucasus. After graduation, he went to the Argun art studio, where Sultan worked for a short time and in 1981 entered the Leningrad Institute of Sculpture, Architecture and Painting named after I.E. Repin, as the famous academy was then called arts.

    Sultan Abaev studied in Leningrad for six years. In 1987, he graduated from the institute and stayed in our city, but despite this, the artist does not break ties with his homeland, he traveled to his native Baysangur. Baysangur is the village of Novogrozny.

    It is noteworthy that from 1987 to 1991, the Bulletin of the Academy of Arts was published, in which articles were published about artists living in Leningrad, including Chechen ones. But then, after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the publishing house was closed. In 1994, the war began in Chechnya, for the Sultan it was a serious test. The fatal year of 1994 was a blow not only to the entire Chechen people, but also to Russia as a whole. The first channel of Russian television showed all the events related to the hostilities in the North Caucasus. The war affected not only the Chechen Republic but also neighboring Dagestan in 1999. The second company of 1999-2003 crossed out everything. Despite the war, Sultan Abaev, like other Chechen artists of St. Petersburg, tried to paint pictures on peaceful themes that create a positive mood. For many years of his work, he has done many works dedicated to the historical life of the Motherland and its national history. One of his works is dedicated to the famous Chechen-Ingush towers. It was written in the initial period of the post-war revival of the republic in 2004. The towers standing against the backdrop of a peaceful sky personify eternity itself. There is a legend that they appeared even before the appearance of the Chechens on earth. And on the map of the master, they are a symbol of eternal life. The artist tried to make the work so that there was not even a hint of war. The towers, by their very antiquity, personify the peaceful life of not only Chechens. They belong to all mankind and belong to him for all eternity.

    Ivan Pereyatenets

    Sultan Shamsutdinovich Abaev(November 1, 1954, the village of Khaidarkan, Kadamzhai district, Batken region, Kyrgyz SSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian Chechen artist, member of the unions of artists of St. Petersburg and the Chechen Republic, member of the Union of Artists of Russia (2002), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.


    Born in deportation on November 1, 1954 in the Kirghiz SSR. Started drawing early. In 1958, the family returned to their homeland. In the late 1960s, he studied at the Grozny art studio and art school. His teacher was the artist Viktor Petrovich Lamtyugin. In 1978 he graduated from the Makhachkala Art College.

    In 1987 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Sculpture, Architecture and Painting named after I. E. Repin. After graduating from the institute, he remained to live in Leningrad. But he does not lose touch with his homeland - many of his works are based on her landscapes.

    In 1991-1993 he lived in Sri Lanka and Seoul. He displayed impressions from this stage of his life in a series of paintings dedicated to Sri Lanka and Korea.

    Works in a workshop that once belonged to famous artist Vasily Vereshchagin. Engaged, in addition to professional, teaching and social activities. His works are kept in private collections in Germany, China, USA, Poland, Japan and other countries.

    Born in deportation on November 1, 1954 in the village of Khaidarkan, Frunzensky district, Osh region, Kirghiz SSR. Started drawing early. In 1958, the family returned to their homeland. In the late 1960s, he studied at the Grozny art studio and art school. His teacher was the artist Viktor Petrovich Lamtyugin. In 1978 he graduated from the Makhachkala Art College.

    In 1987 he graduated from the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin. After graduating from the institute, he remained to live in Leningrad. But he does not lose touch with his homeland - many of his works are based on her landscapes.

    In 1991-1993 he lived in Sri Lanka and Seoul. He displayed impressions from this stage of his life in a series of paintings dedicated to Sri Lanka and Korea.

    Works in a workshop that once belonged to the famous artist Vasily Vereshchagin. Engaged, in addition to professional, teaching and social activities. His works are kept in private collections in Germany, China, USA, Poland, Japan and other countries.