Yusupov theater poster for June. Home Theater of the Yusupov Princes

The uniqueness of the Yusupov Palace largely lies in the fact that it was possible to maintain a full-fledged home theater. Today the mansion welcomes different corners Russia and other countries of all who are not indifferent to history, art, theater and music.


F. Chopin, P. Viardot, F. Liszt, F. Chaliapin, L. Sobinov once shone on the local stage. From the stage came the poems of Blok, Yesenin, Mayakovsky in the author's reading. Today, the theater repertoire consists of classical performances: the musical production of "The Gypsy Baron", " Magic world Palace for Children”, promenade performances “Princess Czardasha” and “The Merry Widow”.

Passing through the oak dining room, antique and Nicholas halls, you will pass to the theater. Here this action is called a "promenade-performance". In this case, the 1st and 3rd acts of the production take place directly in the theater itself, the intermediate section is shown in largest hall Palace - White-columned banquet hall.

What should you know when visiting the Yusupov Palace?

How to choose a ticket? The best seats are located in the front rows in the center.

What to do during intermission? There are long breaks between performances - about 40-45 minutes. Tip: be sure to use this time to walk around the palace enfilades and get acquainted with the art collection.

Are there activities for children? Excursion programs for children of primary and secondary age contain a large amount of educational information, interactive and game elements. The educational walk around the palace ends with a theatrical performance.

Where to eat? The buffet can disappoint discerning gourmets, so we advise you to have a bite the day before.

Note to guests. The theater has Wi-Fi (open access).

How to get there?

To get to the Yusupov Palace, you can use public transport:

  • Art. m. Admiralteyskaya, Nevsky prospect- buses No. 3, 22, 27, trolleybuses No. 5, 22 (stop Ploshchad Truda)
  • Metro Sadovaya, Spasskaya, Sennaya Square- fixed-route taxi No. K124, K186, K350 (get off at the corner of Glinka and Moika embankment)

If you decide to get to the Yusupovs' mansion by private car, you should know that on weekdays it is very difficult to find a free parking space.

Interior of the Yusupov Theater

Home theater is designed for 180 guests. The small size did not prevent the Home Theater from having the necessary components of a full-fledged theatrical space. The hall complies with the necessary requirements for acoustics, taking into account all the subtleties of theatrical architecture.

The Tsar's box and stalls, tiers and an orchestra pit are equipped here. The chairs placed in the hall have been preserved from late XIX century, and the scenery and the curtain are still raised by hand. The curtain canvas depicts the Yusupov Palace in Arkhangelsk (Moscow Region).

Booking a table at the buffet

You can personally book a table at the buffet before the show starts.

Epilogue: Gourmet Treats

A worthy end to a visit to the Yusupov Palace will be lunch or dinner in a good restaurant. Nearby are marvelous establishments that will delight you with exquisite cuisine and a pleasant atmosphere: "Itali" on Bolshaya Morskaya, "Russian Empire", "Ryumochnaya No. 1". Having made a preliminary table reservation through our call-center, in any of these restaurants you can get a 5% discount on the phone from the check amount.

Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street is certainly one of the most aristocratic streets in Moscow. The name was given to her after the Nikitsky convent, founded in late XVI century and located on the site of the current square and metro substation on the corner of the street with Bolshoi Kislovsky lane.

Not far from Nikitsky Gate Square, on the corner with Leontievsky Lane, there is a 5-storey building that has personally survived several dramatic pages. Russian history. This is the city estate of P. A. Pozdnyakov - the Yusupovs, called Pozdnyakov's house. The house was originally a two-story building built in the 18th century by an unknown architect.

His real story begins in early XIX century, when the estate was acquired by Chief Marshal Grigory Nikitich Orlov, “chamberlain and cavalier”. A little later, the estate was acquired by Pyotr Adrianovich Pozdnyakov, a passionate lover of the theater. Here from 1810 to 1817 there was one of the most famous theaters Moscow - Pozdnyakov Theatre. Pozdnyakov rebuilds the building included in Kazakov's Album of Particular (Private) Buildings. A new building appears, in which it was arranged theater Hall. The director at the Pozdnyakov Theater is Sila Sandunov, a former comic actor of the court theater in St. Petersburg. By the way, it was he who built the well-known Sandunovsky baths. The wife of Peter Pozdnyakov was instructing young serf actresses. The fame of the theater spread throughout Moscow, and even went beyond its borders so that there was no end to the audience at the performances! Many came to see the owner of the theater, who liked to dress up in fancy clothes and saunter around his theater. Even Griboedov, in his play Woe from Wit, described Pozdnyakov's theater.

The building was not damaged by fire and the French theatrical troupe of Prince Gagarin. placed in it. On September 25, 1812, the French troupe Bursay presented its first performance on the stage of the Pozdnyakov Theater. Emperor Napoleon visited the theater once, as evidenced by the singer, who was asked to repeat the aria for him. In total, 11 French performances were given here. Despite this, the building was destroyed. Pozdnyakov restored the home theater and began to give charity performances.

In 1822, the estate was again rebuilt by a new owner - Nikolai Borisovich Yusupov. Here he also arranges a theater, but not as popular as under Pyotr Pozdnyakov. Here Yusupov, at the request of P. A. Vyazemsky, was visited by A. S. Pushkin.

Later, ownership changed hands several times. For some time there was a watch shop of Pavel Bure, as well as a shop known at the beginning of the 20th century "Ancient Coins and Things".

After 1917, the house was once again built up to five floors, but part of the building along the lane remained three-story. Now there are several shops and offices here. But if you enter the Kovry store from Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, then you will find yourself in the Pozdnyakov Theater Hall. Until now, you can imagine those wonderful performances that adorned theatrical Moscow a couple of centuries ago.

There are few interiors in the architecture of St. Petersburg that would evoke such a united enthusiastic reaction from everyone entering, regardless of age and nationality, as the Home Theater of the Yusupov Palace. It is rather difficult to surprise the sophisticated public of St. Petersburg with anything, but in the unique interior of the Yusupov Theater, created in the 19th century and which has come down to us in its original form, the audience today has the opportunity to see theatrical performances. Home theaters already in the second half of the nineteenth century were an unusual thing. It is a tradition, rather, of the eighteenth century. In the magnificent Yusupov Home Theater, according to eyewitnesses, the whole theatrical Petersburg gathered! During these years, Emperor Nicholas I said that theaters were preserved in St. Petersburg only by the Yusupovs and Sheremetevs. Serf artists, eminent musicians, titled aristocrats - who just did not perform on this stage. Such well-known performers as F. Liszt, Polina Viardot, P. Barteneva, F. Chaliapin, L. Sobinov, Anna Pavlova appeared on this stage. M. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhsky, L. Minkus, E. Napravnik, G. Berlioz were behind the conductor's stand of the theater. Music salons and theatrical productions of the Yusupovs gathered famous and high-ranking guests, among whom were often members of the Russian imperial family. One cannot but pay attention to the impeccable acoustics of the White Column Hall - the largest in the palace. It was in the White Column Hall of the Yusupov Palace in February 1836 that the first rehearsals of M.I. Glinka's "LIFE FOR THE Tsar", which became the ancestor of Russian opera music. Big ones sound equally good here. symphony orchestras, and jazz, and romances. And today playbill Yusupov Palace is very diverse. Here you can listen to new productions of classical operas and sparkling operettas, see fragments of Russian ballets performed by leading artists of St. Petersburg, and theater performances for children. The best pieces of music continue to sound within these walls. Orchestras conducted by Y. Temirkanov, S. Gorkovenko, the Kremlin Orchestra, the ensemble Chamber Soloists of St. Petersburg, soloists Mariinsky Theater, Mikhailovsky Theatre, State Conservatory, theaters of the Musical Comedy more than once could appreciate the merits of this magnificent concert hall. New theatrical productions - promenade performances, in the interiors of the Yusupov Palace, allow each act to unfold in different halls: on the stage of the Home Theater, in the White Column Hall, in the Hall of Mirrors. Opera masterpieces by W.-A. Mozart sound in luxurious interiors. The opera The Magic Flute, full of light and kindness, is fanned by the charm of the music of the great composer. The main motive of this philosophical tale for people of any era is love and kindness. And for the sparkling operettas of I. Kalman and I. Strauss, full of cheerful light, the main halls of the palace serve as natural scenery. Spectators, moving from room to room, find themselves either in the prince's house, or in the Orpheum cabaret, or at the ball of Prince Orlovsky. theatrical performance in the ancient interiors of the Yusupov Palace will emphasize the sound of the delightful music of the most wonderful operas and operettas. The theater poster of the Yusupov Palace invites Petersburgers and guests of the city to a special theatrical performance - "Yusupov Divertissement", consisting of arias of famous operas, romances and fragments of classical ballets performed by soloists of the Opera Theater and ballet them. Mussorgsky. The Yusupov Palace also has the honor to invite you to the program “Gala Evening at the Yusupov Palace with a ballet divertissement”, as the ceremonial performances were called back in the 17th century. Our guests have a unique opportunity to take a tour of the main halls of the palace, visit the exposition “Grigory Rasputin. Myths and Reality” and enjoy a ballet performance at the Home Theater performed by soloists of theaters in St. Petersburg. The theater poster of the Yusupov Palace is compiled two months in advance, and you can either purchase tickets for an evening already scheduled for a specific date or set your own date - in case of ordering and paying for more than 50 tickets for a specific performance. In this case, the date must be agreed with us two months before the event itself. “Musical promenades” is a combination of an excursion with musical and dance numbers, these are unique theatrical performances, where stage action passes from one ancient interior to another, enjoys constant success with the audience. Execution classical music in the ceremonial halls and living rooms, including on genuine Yusupov instruments, allows you to immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of an aristocratic home. The theatrical playbill of the Yusupov Palace invites our young guests to visit the cycles of entertaining and educational meetings for schoolchildren and their parents “The Magic World of the Palace”. Ideas and plots for the development of events were taken from the history Yusupov mansion on the Moika. The unique aristocratic atmosphere of the Palace, saturated with living history, will help young participants to penetrate the veil of secrecy, to discover a truly "Magic World of the Palace", in which the Yusupov princes collected and carefully stored their treasures. The cycle consists of several thematic meetings, each of which has its own name and theme. Theatrical performances are intended for children aged 6 to 12 years. The theatrical performance will help our young guests to learn how the old balls were held, what the mysterious “language of the fan” meant, how the richest collections of works of art in Russia were created, what works of painting, sculpture, porcelain, jewelry were owned by the famous Yusupov dynasty in the country, how unique interiors for art collections, how palace hiding places were arranged ... Little guests will come into contact with amazing stories and the secrets of the Palace associated with the treasures of the Yusupovs! Each theatrical performance will contain a special surprise in the form of theatrical performances and games! We are restoring the long-lost tradition of secular salons, and the theatrical poster of the Yusupov Palace offers guests another unique program "Concert in the tapestry living room". This theatrical performance includes a story about the history of the Yusupov Palace on the Moika, a tour of the state rooms, poetic dedications to members of the Yusupov family, and, of course, music. Execution musical works on the old Yusupov harmonium and a unique duo of harmonium and piano. The refined atmosphere, which is characteristic of all cultural and theatrical events of the Yusupov Palace, still forms the basis of its creative life. Tradition and innovation coexist harmoniously within the walls of an old princely house. We will always be glad to see you among our guests.

One of the most luxurious Palaces of Culture of the Northern capital is, in my opinion, the recreation center of educational workers, located on the Moika embankment at number 94. It is understandable that our teachers inherited such splendor from the former owners of this building - the Yusupov princely family, who emigrated safely after the revolution abroad. We must pay tribute to the fact that the current owners of the Yusupov Palace not only carefully preserved the princely heritage, but began to dispose of it wisely. In addition to standard and thematic excursions through the halls of the palace, the employees of the Palace of Culture constantly organize performances, concerts and other cultural events in the Yusupovs' home theater, which is part of the palace complex.

In my opinion, it is the small theater (only 180 seats) that makes the most unforgettable impression on visitors to the Yusupov Palace. I would like to tell a little about this temple of Melpomene and Thalia.
The history of the home theater began immediately after the purchase of the palace by Boris Nikolayevich Yusupov in 1830. According to the project of the architect A.A. Mikhailov, a new three-story building was attached to the previously existing building on the eastern side, the palace wings were combined, and they housed art galleries and theater. Interior decoration auditorium with magnificent gilded stucco has come down to our time in the form in which it was completed in 1858-59. architect Ippolit Antonovich Monighetti.

To top it off, a staircase brought from Europe was added to the entrance to the auditorium from the side of the palace apartments in 1863. It was with this staircase that a curious incident occurred. Nikolai Borisovich Yusupov, the son of the first owner of the palace, traveling through Italy, saw her in one of the old villas. He wanted to buy just a staircase, but the owners could only sell it together with the villa. Prince Yusupov had to buy the entire building in order to take the stairs for his theater. And the villa remained in Italy.

The entire theatrical Petersburg gathered in the Yusupovs' home theater! Who just did not perform on this stage: Franz Liszt and Pauline Viardot, Fyodor Chaliapin and Anna Pavlova. The famous composers Mikhail Glinka and Alexander Dargomyzhsky, Ludwig Minkus and Hector Berlioz were at the theatre's conductor's podium. Musical and theatrical performances of the Yusupov Theater gathered famous and high-ranking guests, including members of the imperial family.

Currently, educators regularly hold a wide variety of performances and musical performances within the walls of the Yusupovs' home theater, involving soloists from the Mariinsky and Mikhailovsky theater, conservatories and operettas.

The highlight of some performances is that each new action can take place in a new place: not only in the theater, but also in the white-columned or mirrored halls. For example, for the sparkling operettas by Imre Kalman and Johann Strauss, the main halls of the palace serve as natural scenery. Spectators, moving from room to room, find themselves either in the prince's house, or in the Orpheum cabaret, or at the ball of Prince Orlovsky.
With the help of such productions, the home theater of the Yusupov princes has now received a second life. And the spectators who come to the theater can not only admire the amazing beauty of the interiors, but also enjoy the excellent acoustics, as well as the skill of actors and musicians.

Petersburg is a city of theatres. Today there are more than a hundred of them. Here and drama theaters and opera and ballet theatres, musical theaters and puppet theaters, philharmonic and chapel, variety theater and mime theaters, theater and concert venues. In their decoration - luxurious imperial and modestly democratic. But among them there is one - the most precious pearl in the theatrical crown of the city - this is the home theater of the Yusupov princes.

The miniature theater, designed for 180 people, makes an indelible impression on all visitors to the Yusupov Palace. It began to be built almost from the moment the palace was acquired by Prince Boris Nikolayevich Yusupov from Countess Alexandra Vasilievna Branitskaya in 1830.

According to the project of the architect A. A. Mikhailov, a new three-story building was added to the previously existing building on the eastern side, the palace wings were combined, and they housed art galleries and a theater. The interior decoration of the auditorium with magnificent gilded stucco has survived to our time in the form in which it was completed in 1858-1859 by the architect Ippolit Antonovich Monighetti.

In the magnificent Home Theater of the Yusupovs, according to eyewitnesses, the whole theatrical Petersburg gathered. Serf artists, eminent musicians, titled aristocrats - who just did not perform on this stage! Such well-known performers as Fernc Liszt, Polina Viardot, Praskovya Barteneva, Fyodor Chaliapin, Leonid Sobinov, Anna Pavlova went to her. Mikhail Glinka, Alexander Dargomyzhsky, Ludwig Minkus, Eduard Napravnik, Hector Berlioz were behind the theatre's conductor's podium. Musical salons and theatrical performances of the Yusupovs gathered famous and high-ranking guests, among whom were often members of the Russian imperial family.

White Column Hall

And today the theatrical poster of the Yusupov Palace is very diverse. Here you can listen to new productions of classical operas and sparkling operettas, see fragments of Russian ballets performed by leading artists of St. Petersburg, and theater performances for children. New theatrical productions - promenade performances, in the interiors of the Yusupov Palace, allow each act to unfold in different halls: on the stage of the Home Theater, in the White Column Hall, in the Hall of Mirrors.

mirror hall

For example, for the sparkling operettas of Imre Kalman and Johann Strauss, full of cheerful light, the main halls of the palace serve as natural scenery. Spectators, moving from room to room, find themselves either in the prince's house, or in the Orpheum cabaret, or at the ball of Prince Orlovsky. A theatrical performance in the ancient interiors of the Yusupov Palace will emphasize the sound of the delightful music of the most wonderful operas and operettas.

Come and enjoy

In the meantime, we will begin a short tour of the theater. The Yusupov Theater is unique in many ways. As everyone has long known, the theater begins with a hanger. This saying is not valid here. There is a hanger, of course, but it is located at the other end of the building. And our theater hall begins with the "foyer". This "foyer" is the Roman Hall, decorated with busts, vases and candelabra.

In the middle of the hall is a staircase that leads to the pearl of the palace - THEATER. In most theaters in the world, to get into the theater hall, you have to climb the stairs. And in this case- go down.

This staircase appeared in 1863, and a curious story is connected with it. Prince Nikolai Borisovich Yusupov, traveling through Italy, saw her in one of the old villas and "fell in love at first sight." He offered the owner to buy it, but he refused to sell it separately from the villa. Without thinking twice, Yusupov bought a villa, took the stairs with him, and left the building in place.

So we went down to the theater hall. At the bottom step of the stairs we are met by a small entrance hall.

We pass it and find ourselves in the "holy of holies". The hall consists of a parterre and two tiers

By the way, the chairs and sofas on the sides of the hall are genuine. Sitting on them you can feel like an influential person.

The ceiling of the hall is decorated with a large plafond with an allegorical scene "Morning chases the night" by the artist E. Lipgart (1899).