Dance school for children Obolon Minsk. Dance schools in the obolonsky district of Kyiv

One of the most common questions that parents ask is where to send their child so that he develops physically and emotionally, and at the same time enjoys activities. A successful combination of these criteria are modern dances for children. On the one hand, this type of activity has a positive effect on the development of a growing organism, promotes physical, mental and emotional development. On the other hand, dancing is a great pastime. After all, the child learns to communicate with other children, and also establishes a connection with the body, developing coordination of movements and a sense of balance. Thus, modern dances for children develop the necessary skills that will certainly be useful to him in the future.

Research confirms that toddlers and teens who attend a dance club for children are better developed and even achieve greater academic success. Those who do not engage in any type of physical activity study slightly worse than their peers. In addition, pediatricians say that the dance school for children is an opportunity to improve the health of the baby, because. exercises develop flexibility, improve posture, comprehensively develop the muscular frame.

However, not every dance school for children in Kyiv can give the child what he needs. Why do we advise you to opt for the Serebryansky Studio? Ekaterina Serebryanskaya, Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics and founder of the Studio, says:
"When choosing sports school I recommend that parents take into account three important components: the correct approach of teachers to pupils, a professional training program and qualified teaching staff.
That is why the coaches of the Serebryansky Studio clearly follow the author's methodology, developed by me and my personal trainer and mother all rolled into one. Teachers of the Studio annually improve their skills. We place the main emphasis on a professional approach to children and a playful way of teaching. A hallmark The studio is a reception in groups of children of any physical fitness and complexion.
We are always glad to meet you at the Studio. And if your child wants to attend dance lessons for children, the doors are always open for him in our branches in Pechersk, Obolon, Kharkiv and Kozin.

The Studio has developed professional programs for three age groups. In elementary school, kids from 2.5 to 5 years old learn the basic elements of dance, gymnastics and acrobatics. From 6 to 10 years of age, high school children begin to master more complex dance movements in combination with elements of gymnastics, choreography and acrobatics. And high school children, from 10 to 12 years old, are already performing at concerts and festivals with professional dance numbers.

At what age is it recommended to attend modern dances for children in Kyiv? Ekaterina Serebryanskaya, the owner of a successful sports experience, has her own vision on this matter: in groups sports dances Children are recruited from 6 years of age. Boys and girls learn dance elements in game form combined with elements of gymnastics, choreography and acrobatics. Thus, by the 6th grade, children are already performing with professional numbers based on previously mastered movements.
For very young children, from 2 years old, there are special groups "Mom and Me", where children can exercise with their mother or nanny. Having mastered the basic movements in such a preparatory class, it will be easier for the child to master the further sports program of the Studio.

Without a doubt, the classes offered by any dance school in Kiev on Obolon, Pechersk, Kharkiv or Kozin will captivate the child so much that he will strive to organize his day in such a way as to be in time for his favorite activities. So, at least, pupils of the Serebryansky Studio do it. Why? Because, regardless of whether it is a junior or senior school, dance lessons are easy and fun! Parents, too, can be completely calm: an exciting activity will definitely not leave time for bad habits. A new hobby will occupy your child so much that he will forget about everything. Teachers of the Studio and true professionals in their field love children, and children reciprocate. In addition, dancing for children in Obolon, Pechersk, Kharkiv or in Kozin of the Serebryansky Studios is also a guarantee of a harmonious physical development so necessary for the growing body of the child.

Dancing is creativity that helps to reveal the talents of the child, make him free from complexes and self-confident. The dance school in Obolon, Pechersk and Kozin - "Serebryansky Studio" - helps to liberate children, promotes their aesthetic development, setting a sense of rhythm, musical ear, coordination of movement. Classes preserve the flexibility that the child has from birth, the gait and figure change for the better, and by posture you can immediately say that the child is dancing! With the help of classes, children express themselves, know themselves and broaden their horizons. That is why dances for children in Kyiv are so in demand at the moment.

Dear parents, Serebryansky Studio is waiting for you and your children at any time school year! We recommend that you start with a trial lesson, which is held in any branch of the Studio. And you can always find out more detailed information by calling the main office or branch administrators from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.

Dear friends! We are glad to welcome you on the site Yoga & Pole Dance Studio!

Our studio opened in September this year and is located at Obolonsky prospect, 16, which is a 5-minute walk from m Minsk. In our studio, we are pleased to offer you pole lessons, yoga classes, dancing, fitness training, classes for children from 3 to 16 years old.

Pole dance prices

Cost and duration of pole lessons for newbies(those who just want to learn how to use the pylon) - 1 hour - one-time 80 UAH ab-you for 8 trains per month - 550 UAH 12- 800 UAH)

for intermediate and advanced levels- 1 hour 20 min - one-time 95 UAH 8 trains per month - 625 UAH, 12 - 850 UAH.

Cost and duration yoga classes- one-time lesson 95 UAH train 1 hour 30 min.

Yoga for kids- 45 min - 75 UAH.

Dance and fitness 1 hour - one-time 80 UAH ab-you for 8 trains per month - 550 UAH 12- 800 UAH.

If YOU have long dreamed of gaining strength, endurance, flexibility, then Pole Dance is exactly what you need.

Pole Dance is the harmonious development of your body with the help of a projectile called a pylon. Being engaged in Pole Dance you will really notice changes in your body in the near future. You will become noticeably stronger, your body will become more toned, and as a result of the combination of aerobic and strength training, your body constitution can change significantly. It's no secret that on the pole there is more load on the upper shoulder girdle, that is, the arms and back, but the body is a single system, because the load that you receive on the lesson affects your entire body, therefore the body will very quickly begin to change towards a more slender and pulled up.

The Pole Dance training for beginners is a mandatory warm-up and pre-preparation of physical training for the lesson.

The lesson itself directly on the pole begins with learning the simplest basic elements in the form of twists on the pole, which will noticeably begin to strengthen your hands, and leading exercises to mastering the first elements of Pole Dance. For beginners, you can start with 2-3 sessions a week - at the first stage, this will be enough, since you work with the weight of your body, and this is a significant load on the body, and in addition, your nervous system needs rest, since the first classes will bring a lot of sensation of friction of the skin and of course bruising. After 2.3 months, you will be able to increase the number of workouts when your body fully adapts to the unusual load for it.