Fame points for 5 company world of tanks. Rules for accruing glory points in the third campaign

In the Third Campaign, the rules for accruing Fame Points have changed. Now Fame Points are received not only by players, but also by clans.

Fame points earned during the Third Campaign do not expire for clans or individual players when they leave the map.

Changing the clan does not affect the number of Fame Points earned by the clan or the player. The player after the transition retains all his Fame Points. The clan that the player leaves does not lose Fame Points. New clan, which the player enters, will begin to receive Fame Points from him only from the moment of transition.

Rules for obtaining Fame Points by clans

The Clan accumulates Fame Points earned by all its members according to special rules:

  1. The clan receives bonuses to Fame Points for completing the main strategic objectives first and second stages. The amount of points for each stage will be published in the announcement of a particular stage.
  2. After each battle, the clan receives the total number of Fame Points earned by all participants in the battle who are members of the clan.
  3. In addition, the clan earns a fixed amount of Fame Points for completing landing missions. See clause 5.7 of the Regulations.

Rules for obtaining Fame Points by players

1. Players receive Fame Points for each battle on the Third Campaign map.

The number of Fame Points that a player receives at the end of a battle is calculated by the formula:

Player Fame Points =Exp× E× T× Z× G

  • Exp is the total experience of the battle participants, divided by 15. Experience is counted without taking into account the premium account and bonuses for promotions.
  • E - campaign stage coefficient:
  • T - combat type coefficient:
  • Z — coefficient for completing secondary combat missions of the campaign:

Coefficients for the secondary tasks of the stages will be published in the regulations of each stage.

  • G is a game coefficient that is applied only in the third stage of the campaign (the formula will be published as part of the rules of the third stage).

2. Players receive Fame Points for completing a landing mission on the Third Campaign map. The amount of Fame Points that a player will receive for completing a landing task with a clan depends on his contribution to the task, but the player's prize cannot exceed 1/15 of the clan's total prize.

Player Fame Points =QP× P / A

  • QP- the total number of Fame Points for completing the task (see clause 5.7 of the Regulations);
  • P— the amount of Fame Points that the player received in battles while the clan was completing the landing mission (including in battles not related to the mission);
  • A— the amount of Fame Points that all players of the clan received in battles during the time the clan completed the landing mission (including in battles not related to the completion of the mission).

This formula prevents individual players from receiving an abnormally large amount of Fame Points, and also ensures that only players who participated in battles during the mission will receive a prize.

If a player was a member of a clan, but did not participate in battles during the landing task, then he will not receive Fame Points (if the clan fought at least 1 battle during the landing task).

3. Special case: completing a mission without fighting.

If during the execution of the task by the clan none of its players participated in battles, the prize is divided equally among all the players of the clan, however, each player can receive no more than 1/15 of the part.

Please note: if a player left the clan before the end of the task, he will still receive his share of the prize.

4. Players belonging to clans that took 1st-3rd places in the rating according to the results of the 1st and 2nd stages receive bonuses:

  • 1st place - Fame points earned during the stage are multiplied by 3;
  • 2nd place - Fame points earned during the stage are multiplied by 2;
  • 3rd place - Fame points earned during the stage are multiplied by 1.5.

In the event of a disputable situation regarding the accrual of Fame Points (suspicion of a “fake” battle, etc.), the game administration reserves the right to demand a record of the battle, screenshots and other information related to this situation. If this information will not be provided, the decision is made by the administration of the game. We strongly recommend that you enable the "Record battles for playback" option in the game settings.

November 30 to December 27 global map a large-scale gaming event will be held in which the best clan strategists and commanders will compete in planning and tactics. The players themselves are waiting for bonds, gold, unique chevrons and camouflage, as well as a new set of medals.

The best players will be able to exchange bonds for one of the five Tier X tanks that were previously given out as a reward for campaigns on the Global Map.

New approach to mechanics

By analogy with past events, clans and players will compete for personal and clan fame points, but the mechanics of their collection will change significantly.

1. There will be a lot of envy from the decisions of clan commanders: during the event, you can get strategic bonuses that give you an advantage in the fight for positions in the ranking. Some bonuses will increase the amount of points that players earn, while others will simplify the actions of the clan on the map. You can get them both from captured provinces and with the help of earned clan points.
2. Clans will have to choose: keep accumulating points or take a risk, withdraw from the map and invest everything accumulated in bonuses in order to get even more points in the future, as well as other non-combat advantages.
3. The playing field will be divided into three consecutive fronts, which differ in size and the number of points earned on them. Higher front - more points and higher competition, and hence the complexity.
4. The event itself will also be divided into three progressively more difficult stages, so that participants can better understand the game mechanics and, if necessary, revise their tactics.

All battles in the game event will take place in the absolute 15 vs 15 format on Tier X vehicles.

Award system

The playing field of Operation Gambit, as in previous events, will be divided into two regions, Western and Eastern, but the rewards and the way they are received will change dramatically.

1. The number of players who received an award is not fixed: now it is the percentage of the total number of participants who have passed the minimum threshold for points and battles. More participants - more winners.
2. Getting a personal reward primarily depends on how many points the player scores. But the successful actions of the clan will significantly increase it.
3. Clans will be able to count on the replenishment of the treasury with in-game gold. The total "gold" budget for Operation Gambit will be over 16,000,000 gold.

Player Rewards

In Operation Gambit, the rewards are more diverse than in all previous Global Map events.

1. Bonds. They will be received by 75% of players who have passed the minimum threshold for points and battles, and depending on the place of the clan, the player's reward can increase up to seven times.
2. Unique chevrons available for display in battle:
- Per outstanding achievements 1% of the best players, whose clan will be in the top 1% in the clan rating, will receive an exclusive patch "Legend of the Global Map".
- 10% of the best in the individual standings, regardless of the clan result, will receive a unique patch “Hero of Operation Gambit”.
3. Three versions of digital camouflage - one for each nation:
- Players who have passed the minimum threshold for fame points (100% of all those who get into the rating) will receive a summer digital camouflage, which was issued to a limited extent in past clan events.
- In addition to the summer one, 50% of players will receive a desert digital camouflage that has not been issued anywhere before.
- 25% of the best will also be awarded with a new winter digital camouflage, which will allow you to equip one tank of each nation in the game with a full set for any weather.
4. Unique medals:
- A set of medals will be raffled off as commemorative awards.
5. Tanks for bonds:
Players ranked in the top 30,000 in the individual standings will have the opportunity to exchange bonds for one of the five Tier X tanks that were previously given out:

About which tank for the campaign is better to choose!

In this case, it will be possible to use all bonds available on the account, and not just those earned during the event. There will be no new unique tank.

The exchange will be available for a limited time after the end of the event and will allow you to get the missing tank in the collection. Those who are not interested in technology will be able to spend bonds on other purposes.

Individually to the players of the famous game " World of Tanks» so-called glory points are awarded. Fame points have nothing to do with victory points, which are clan-based. You should be aware that, in the event of a player transferring to another clan, the fame points gained by him remain with him and do not burn.

Walk of Fame World of Tanks

Fame points are awarded to players for their participation in the battles that unfold on the Global Map. The base number of glory points is equal to the sum of the experience of all participants in the battle, divided by 15. There are certain rules for accruing glory points, which are strictly observed. As part of the World of Tanks game, the Walk of Fame represents players who get there based on the number of Fame Points they have earned.

Gamers have the opportunity increase the number of fame points gained if they participate in the completion of special, special and additional tasks of each of the stages of the game. After applying all the coefficients that increase the number of fame points, their final number is determined - and the player enters the walk of fame.

For each player, the Walk of Fame of World of Tanks has its own certain a place that can be viewed on the official website by going to your profile.

The number of glory points is subject to recalculation, which is carried out immediately after each game move i.e. 24 times a day. As for the rating, that is, the place that the player takes in the walk of fame, it is also recalculated - once every 24 hours certain time days. If a player gains a certain number of fame points, which, as shown by the WoT Walk of Fame, are the maximum, he receives a clan tank as a gift.

More information about the walk of fame and the accrual of glory points can be found in the relevant resources that are available on the Internet, for example, at