Brest Fortress hero lottery drawing on November 16th. Good is returning

Luck smiled on the 59-year-old employee of Brestskoye Pivo OJSC. On the eve of the New Year, Viktor Ivanovich went to the Belarusbank branch on Cosmonauts Boulevard to pay utility bills. Issuing a receipt, the cashier Yulia Urvantseva offered to purchase the two remaining Pyaterochka lottery tickets. The man thought: "Oh, there was not!" and bought tickets. As it turned out later, he did not lose.

The draw took place on January 3, but the Brest resident found out about the win only after the Christmas holidays, when he checked the tickets with distributors.

- The woman who carried out the check, even her eyes widened from the amount she saw. Yes, and the win had a stunning effect on me., - the lucky man told Zarya. — So this is a New Year's gift - 105 million 528 thousand rubles! Shared immediately good news with his wife, she was also beside herself with happiness. Frankly, I have been playing the lottery for about 10 years, but this a large sum won for the first time. I can give advice to everyone: buy tickets regularly and luck will definitely come. You just need to play in a good mood, on an emotional upsurge, and then everything will work out.

After winning ticket passed the authenticity check in Minsk, Viktor Ivanovich was awarded a congratulatory certificate. And soon the coveted amount will be transferred to a personal bank account. The man has already decided where he will spend the winnings. The money will be invested in real estate, and will also go to improve health.

Incidentally, the situation last tickets turn out to be winning, quite common. Nikolai Zenyutich, head of the Belarusian Lotteries RUE department for the Brest region, recalled that a similar case had already happened in Brest a year and a half ago. The seller of the mobile shop, after returning the proceeds, bought the last "deuce" in the bank and gave the ticket to her grandson and granddaughter. As a result, the boy won 100 million rubles.

— So it is absolutely possible to win a large amount in the lottery, and the residents of our region regularly prove this., - Nikolai Zenyutich told Zara. — In total, for example, during the period of the Your Lotto lottery, the total amount of the prize fund amounted to over 300 billion rubles! The winners were awarded over 400 cars, 127 apartments, as well as gold bars and diamonds. There were also 74 Jackpots worth over 11 billion rubles. In addition to the republican, draws are held in the region local lotteries — « Bialowieza Forest" and " Brest Fortress-Hero". Their founder is the Brest Regional Executive Committee, and the purpose of the event is to receive additional funds for the purchase of sports equipment and inventory for educational institutions. In general, I want to say that the best gift for any holiday is a lottery ticket!


Instant lottery "Belovezhskaya Pushcha": the formed prize fund - 2.205 billion rubles, the number of tickets in the series - 300 thousand, the number of winnings - 115,571, the cost of one ticket - 15 thousand rubles.

Combined lottery "Brest Hero Fortress" 8th draw (draw - May 12, 2016): prize fund - 799,487,050 rubles, number of tickets - 80 thousand, number of winnings - 31,195, cost of one ticket - 20 thousand rubles. rubles.

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Physical education teacher Cherninskaya high school Fyodor Dmitruk became the owner of the main prize of the eighth draw of the Brest Fortress-Hero lottery. On Monday, at the regional Institute for the Development of Education, the lucky person was awarded a certificate for 50 million non-denominated rubles.

The regional lottery "Brest Hero Fortress", founded by the Brest Regional Executive Committee, has been delighting participants with winnings since 2012.

In addition to the main prize of 50 million rubles, such solid sums as 20 million, several prizes of 10 million each, and ten prizes of five million rubles each were raffled off. Prize fund formed in such a way that cash prize backed up every third ticket.

The purpose of the lottery is to raise additional funds for the purchase of sports equipment and financing of sports events of general secondary education institutions of the region.

Fyodor Dmitruk, who has been in office for almost 30 years, came to get the certificate with his wife Raisa and daughter Snezhana, they work at the same school.

I play various lotteries all the time. But the Brest Fortress-Hero turned out to be more successful, - the owner of the lucky ticket admitted. - Last year I won 250 thousand rubles and now - 50 million. I know for what purposes the proceeds from this lottery are used, and I always try to support the cause that I myself serve.

The ticket, as is usual with many, lay on the desktop for a long time among all sorts of documents, and the owner even forgot about it. And when I saw the drawing table in the Zarya newspaper, I decided to check it out. Of course, he did not believe his eyes, even once again checking all the numbers. With the idea that this simply cannot be, he called his daughter, who clarified the data via the Internet, then called the Brest department " Belarusian lotteries". There the doubts were completely dispelled.

“Perhaps,” says Fedor Nikolaevich, “we will spend part of the money on recovery, but so far we have not built specific plans for winning.

And the Dmitrukov family will continue to purchase tickets for the Brest Fortress-Hero lottery, since the proceeds from their sale are directed to a good and very necessary cause.