Indian names for girls and their meaning. Modern Indian names and their meaning

They call their children, I met such interesting indian names, Sanskrit, familiar by ear both from hymns, and from mythology in general.
Sunny has already written that Indians choose their names from the stars.
From other Indian acquaintances, I heard that they often give children the names of Hindu Gods, because then the Deity will patronize the child in life. And I have acquaintances of Hindus who bear the names of Gods. This Indian is very similar to Russian Orthodox tradition name the child according to the calendar, that is, in honor of the Christian saint to whom the day on which the child is baptized is dedicated, that is, they give him a name.

But some Indian names are just Sanskrit words, beautiful words denoting auspicious things, images, and even.
Found something interesting - Top 10 Most Popular Indian (Hindu) Names for boys and for girls.
Data published based on statistics. After some names, I wrote the meanings of these words, if I knew.

In India, there are several rules for choosing a name:

1. The name should be short.
2. The name should be easy to pronounce.
3. The name should be easy to remember.
4. The pronunciation and spelling of the child's name should not be difficult.
5. The name should not be too rare, but also too frequent.
6. You should be proud of this name, obviously meaning its meaning, meaning and relevance to your child.

Most Popular Indian Male Names

(for boys, that is)
1: Amit - Amit
2: Arjun - Arjun (translated as white, correlates with the legendary Arzhduna from the Mahabharata)
3: Aditya - Aditya (translated from Sanskrit as)
4: Pranav - Pranav
5: Samir - Samir
6: Nikhil - Nikhil (Nikil)
7: Arnav - Arnav
8: Rishi - Rishi (rishi is a sage)
9: Rahul - Rahul (probably very popular now and the boys are named after Rahul)
10: Anand - Anand (ananda is divine joy)

Other very popular Indian male names
Anil - Anil
Ajay - Ajay (Adzhey)
Pramod - Pramod
Abhishek - Abhishek (abhishek is a rite in Hinduism, by the way)
Tarun - Tarun

Top Indian female names

For girls;)
1: Maya - Maya (May) - illusion, illusiveness, this word came from Indian philosophy
2: Tara - Tara, Tara is in Buddhism
3: Shreya - Shreya
4: Arpita - Arpita
5: Ekta - Ekta
6: Kavita - Kavita
7: Laxmi - Lakshmi - wife, goddess of wealth, probably everyone wants to have their own Lakshmi
8: Jyoti - Jyoti (Jyoti) is just Light
9: Madhu - Madhu (Madu) means Honey
10: Aparna

India is the heart of South Asia. Until recently, we considered it the country of elephants and tea, relying on the logo of a delicious Indian drink. In fact, it is a great original country with its own way of life, ancient history, rich culture and religion. All this left an imprint on the names and their meaning. Incomprehensible from our point of view, they are filled with magic and magic.

Indian names and their meanings are almost always associated with mysticism. AT ancient india there was an opinion that a child at birth must be named correctly. And only upon reaching adulthood, he learned his real name and its meaning. This was done in order to scare away evil demons. Although there is no such custom for a long time, the rules by which the child is named are strict and determined by long traditions.

Indian approach to selection

In India, they responsibly approach the blame of the child, rightly believing that this determines not only the future fate, but also life path, and luck. Fearing evil forces and their influence, naming a child on a person, they took measures to veil their choice, not to make it public. And preference was given to the goddesses of India, believing that such patronage would help on the path of life.

Basic selection rules

When naming a girl, parents are guided by 4 rules:

  1. Do not choose long and confusing names.
  2. It must be natural. Easy to pronounce, one that is quickly remembered. It is undesirable to be mangled, so preference is given to easily pronounceable.
  3. Do not give preference rare names, just like the common ones. With him, you can feel lonely in society, which complicates the life path.
  4. It must be beautiful when written.
  5. You should be proud of it, it should be so harmonious and filled with meaning. Already in the name itself, a life path favorable for the child should be seen.

This approach came from antiquity. Over time, preference was given to more beautiful and melodious names. Today's children have two or even three of them. Preference is given to the classics. They are more associated with the valor and personal qualities of a person or the colorful phenomena of the natural world: the star - Revati, the river - Ganga or dawn - Usha, the spring - Vasanta, the wind - Anila, the earth - Ila. Exotics are not in high esteem. As variants of the name associated with virtue: modest - Avanti, pure - Amala.

Indian cinema has contributed to the choice. Indian female names have become in demand outside of this exotic country. Over time, changing a little, they began to be pronounced differently, which causes confusion and disputes about their origin.

What is the name of the girl?

India for a long time consisted of principalities, each of which had its own culture, values ​​and traditions. The custom by which the newborn is called also differs in its own characteristics. Despite such versatility, a girl is rarely given foreign name. They make their choice in the direction of tradition. Most often it is associated with mythology, Sanskrit and Vedic ancient texts: rain can be tamed - Indrani, divine - Divya.

Before naming a child, they listen to the elders, astrologers, and temple employees. Until now, it is believed that with an unsuccessful name, you can spoil the whole fate of the child.

They sound beautiful and remind you of the unsurpassed female beauty flower names: jasmine - Malati, lotus flower - Padma, flower - Pushma.

Indian female names are two components - personal and collective.

For a girl, the names of the goddesses of prosperity and wealth are often chosen - Lakshmi, Sita, power and power - Durga and Kali, marriage and wisdom Parvati and Saraswati. It is believed that the deities will patronize the child throughout life. In the choice of female names, there is a tendency to use the names and epithets of the wives of the gods Aditi, Deva, Bhavati.

A collective name, in our understanding, is a surname explaining in which territory of India he was born and to which caste he belongs. Hindu caste is fundamental throughout life. The surname indicates the position in society of the girl's father. When a woman marries, she takes her husband's surname.

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It is difficult to imagine something more mysterious and melodic than the beautiful Indian names of boys and girls. Their sound is like a real song. Arjun, Aishwarya, Rani, Priya, Esha - these magnificent names endow their carriers with a unique charm. They are associated with great Indian films whose sincerity and romanticism managed to win the hearts of millions of people around the world.

However, beautiful sounding is far from the only advantage of the local name-word. The advantage of popular Indian names is their meaning. It displays best qualities man and the most beautiful phenomena that exist in nature.

Features of choosing female and male Indian names

The linguistic, religious and caste differences of the Indian people have left a significant imprint on the local traditions of naming. In different regions of the country, parents name their children differently. Most often, newborns are given traditional Indian names for girls and boys. Most of them are borrowed from sacred Hindu texts and national mythology.

In order to provide children with the patronage of higher powers, they are named after goddesses. At the same time, a newborn child can be called beautiful male and female Indian names, the meaning of which is associated with various sacred objects and other attributes of religion.

Unlike Europeans, people born in India do not aspire to be unique. In view of this, children are rarely called exotic Western or Russian names in Indian. Preference is given to the traditional national names.

List of most common Indian boy names

  1. Aditya. Interpreted as "sun"
  2. Arjun. Translated into Russian means "white"
  3. Anil. Indian boy name meaning "divine wind"
  4. Vikrant. Means "mighty"
  5. Vir. Translated into Russian, it means "kind"
  6. Vishal. Referred to as "big"
  7. Krishan. Male Indian name which means = "black"
  8. Pranav. Corresponds to the name of the Hindu sacred symbol "om"
  9. Rishi. Interpreted as "wise man"
  10. Sonu. Indian boy name meaning "beautiful"

List of the most beautiful Indian girl names

  1. Aishwarya. Means "tulip" in Hindi.
  2. Jaya. Indian female name which means = "victory"
  3. Jita. Interpreted as "song"
  4. Kanya. Translated into Russian means "young lady"
  5. Leela. Indian girl name meaning "game"
  6. Priya. Interpreted as "beloved"
  7. Rani. Means "queen"
  8. Riya. Indian girl name meaning "singer"
  9. Sunni. Translated into Russian means "tactful"
  10. Shanti. Interpreted as "quiet"

Most Popular Indian Boys and Girls Names

  1. Currently, the most popular male Indian names are Vivan, Aditya, Ashwani and Arjun.
  2. In addition, boys are often called Krishan, Rohan, Ayan, Devdan and Vikran.
  3. The most common female given names in India include Ayana, Diya, Anika, Prisha and Riya.

Most names in India are derived from local languages(Hindi, Sanskrit, etc.) They are borrowed from Vedic texts or denote various objects or phenomena. Many include the names of deities. It is this group, formed on the basis of Sanskrit, that will be discussed below.

Most of the population of India is Hindu. But there are also Muslims and Christians. Among the former, Muslim names are common, and among the latter, European ones. Full names Indians are formed differently in different territories and different states. They may include not only the surname, name, patronymic, but also the designation of caste, parents' surnames, etc.

How to choose an option for a girl?

For a girl in India, they try to choose a simple and understandable name, easy to pronounce, so that it is not distorted. Hindus consider it important that it be beautiful when written and filled with auspicious meaning. With regard to naming, Hindus are a rather conservative people. Most often, by name, you can judge which caste or religion a girl belongs to.

Names Including Goddesses Are Popular in India e.g. Lakshmi, Sita, Radha. It was believed that this would give the baby the patronage of higher powers. Many parents, when deciding what to name their daughter, rely on the opinion of elders, temple ministers, and astrologers. The name of the child should correspond to his solar sign.

Rare names in Indian families are not held in high esteem. It is believed that such a person will feel uncomfortable, lonely in life. In some states, after marriage, a girl changes not only her surname or patronymic, but even her first name.

List of beautiful options in Russian and their meaning

Most Indian names originate from Sanskrit, the ancient language of the Vedic scriptures. They are melodic, gentle and have a benevolent meaning.

  • Abha (Skt.)- shine, luxury. Very attached to people, faithful.
  • Abhilasha (Skt.)- wish. Freedom-loving and sharp-tongued, she likes to travel.
  • Avani (Skt.)- Earth. Despite his attractiveness, he feels insecure.
  • Avanti (Skt.)- modest. Outwardly purposeful and powerful, inside modest and vulnerable.
  • Akanksha (Skt.)- wish. Always ready to take responsibility.
  • Amala (Skt.)- clean. A creative person with a rich imagination and good intuition.
  • Amita (Skt.)- infinite, immeasurable. Extremely motivated and active.
  • Anjali (Skt.) - offer. He will insist on his own, even if it leads to conflict.
  • Anila (Skt.)- air, wind. Friends can always rely on her.
  • Ankita (Skt.)- marked. Fidget and ringleader, loves to travel.
  • Anuja (Skt.)- born after, youngest. Constantly trying to prove something.
  • Arandhati (Skt.)- unrestrained. A man of words, different emotionality.
  • Archana (Skt.)- dedicated. Quiet and modest, prefers solitude.
  • Asha (Hindi)- hope. Courageous and independent, able to make decisions.
  • Bala (Skt.)- child. Strong, purposeful, easy to communicate with.
  • Bharat (Skt.)– India. Immersed in myself, passionate about my work.
  • Vasanta (Skt.)- Spring. It is characterized by sacrifice and selflessness.
  • Vijaya (Skt.)- victory. Kind, ready to give everything to relatives and friends.
  • Vidya (Skt.)- called. Sensitive, sensual, incapable of holding a grudge.
  • Devi (Skt.)- goddess. He sees the meaning of his life in helping others.
  • Jayanti (Hindi)- victorious. Can't live without change in life.
  • Jyotsna (Skt.)- Moonlight. Always knows exactly what needs to be done.
  • Dipali (Skt.)- row of lamps Sociable, easily makes friends.
  • Deepti (Hindi)- easy. She should always have the last word.
  • Indira (Skt.)- lunar. Assertive, honest, demanding of herself.
  • Indrani (Skt.)- can tame (rain). Sociable, direct, appreciates friendship.
  • Hindu (Hindi)- bright. Open and selfless, this is her strength and weakness.
  • Kala (Skt.)- artistic. In everything he strives for the ideal and demands this from others.
  • Kali- black and time eater. Terrible incarnation of the goddess Parvati. Very talented and versatile.
  • Kalpana (Skt.)- fantasy, imagination. Insightful, sincere, distinguished by kindness.
  • Kalyani (Skt.)- auspicious and wedding. Since childhood, she has been trying to help people.
  • Kamala (Skt.)- red. Powerful and purposeful, appreciates comfort.
  • Canti (Skt.)- the beauty. Punctual and reliable, you can rely on her.
  • Kiri (Hindi)- Amaranth flower. Loves change, active and cheerful.
  • Kishori (Hindi)- foal. Affectionate and docile, can not be alone.
  • Kailash (Skt.)- crystal. Reputable due to its reliability and honesty.
  • Lavanya (Hindi)- beauty, grace. Lives for others, forgets about his own needs.
  • Lalita (Skt.)- child. Despite its fragility, reliable and faithful.
  • Leela (Skt.)- a game. Bold, independent, her appearance gives energy.
  • Madhavi (Skt.)- from the springtime. Has numerous talents.
  • Manisha (Skt.)- wisdom. Reliable and self-confident, attentive to detail.
  • Mohini (Skt.)- bewitching. Charming and kind, but loves solitude.
  • Neelam (Hindi)- sapphire. Talented and eager to succeed.
  • Nitya Skt.)- always, forever. Always and in everything strives for the ideal.
  • Nisha (Hindi)- night. Closed, taciturn, but a master of his craft.
  • Priya (Skt.)- beloved. Selfless and kind, lives for the sake of others.
  • Punita (Skt.)- holy, pure. He has a bright talent, aimed at success.
  • Purnima (Skt.)- full moon. He sees the meaning of life in helping others.
  • Radha (Skt.)- successful. Talented and versatile personality.
  • Rani (Skt.)- queen. Strives to dominate, demands respect.
  • Rashmi (Skt.)- a ray of sunlight. Likes to take care of others, tender.
  • Savitri (Skt.)- sunny. Demanding of himself and others.
  • Saraswati (Skt.) is the owner of the lake. This is the name of the goddess of wisdom. Smart, loves to chat.
  • Sonal (Hindi)- golden. Bright and bold main feature- independence.
  • Sumantra (Skt.) is a good adviser. Bold and determined, usually becomes a leader.
  • Sunita (Skt.)- tactful. Can't sit still, loves change.
  • Sushila (Skt.)- good behavior. Attached and not independent.
  • Trishna (Hindi)- desire, desire. Demanding to others, does not tolerate lies.
  • Usha (Skt.)- dawn. Talented and bright, captivates.
  • Chanda (Hindi)- bright. Likes to be in the company, amorous.
  • Chandana (Skt.)- sandalwood. Balanced, practical, striving for the ideal.
  • Chandrakanta (Skt.)- loved by the moon. Powerful, but ready to sacrifice herself.
  • Shakti (Skt.)- strength, energy. Born for big things, distinguished by intuition.
  • Shivali (Skt.)- Beloved of Shiva. He sets the bar high for himself and those around him.
  • Esha (Skt.)- Desire, desired. Hardworking, sometimes talkative.

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Indian (Hindi) names

Indian female names

Abha- shine

Avani- Earth

Avanti- modest

Amala– clean

Amita- infinite, immeasurable

Amrit, Amrita- immortal

Ananda- happiness

Anjali- offer

Anila- air, wind

Anima- insignificant

Ankita- marked

Asha- hope

bala– young

Bharat– India

Vasanta- Spring

Vijaya- victory

Vidya- called

Vimala– clean

Wally- crawling

Gopinath- leader

Gori– white

Devi- goddess

Devika- little goddess

Derga– inaccessible

Jaya- victory

Jyoti– light

Jyotsana- Moonlight

Jita- song

Divya- divine

Ila- Earth

indira- the beauty

indu- bright

Cala- artistic

Kali- black and time eater

Kalpana- fantasy, imagining

Kalyani- auspicious and wedding

Kamala– red

Kant, Kanti- beautiful, desirable

Kiri- amaranth flower

Cor- a princess

Kumari- daughter

Laxmi, Lakshmi- goal

Lalit- playful

Lalita- child, teenager

Lata- the escape

Leela, Leela- a game

Madher- sweet

Madhu– honey

Mayan- illusion

Makta- liberated

Mala– necklace

Manjula- melodic

Maneesha– wisdom

Marwa- sweet marjoram

Mira, Mirra- prosperous

mohana– enchanted

mohini- bewitching

Neha- love the rain

Nile– blue, dark blue

Neelam– sapphire

Nikhila- all, whole

Niche- night

Padma- Lotus flower

Padmavati- like a lotus flower

Padmini- has lotus flowers

Parvati she is from the mountains

Perva– eastern

Pernima- full moon

Pratibha– talented

Pratima- idol, statue

Priya- beloved

Punita- holy, pure

Purnima- full moon

Rajni- queen

radha– successful

Rakna- created

Rani- queen

Ratna- precious stone

Rachan- created

Rashmi- a ray of sunlight

Reshmi– silk

Ria, Ria- singer

Sanjana- creator

Sandhya- dust

Sarala- straight

Saraswati- owner of the lake

Sarika- parrot

Swarna- good color


Sima- border, restriction

sita- from the myth of Rama's wife who was kidnapped by Ravanna

Sitar- star

Sitta- from the myth of Rama's wife who was kidnapped by Ravanna

Sonal– golden

Sri- beauty that illuminates

Sulabha- easy, simple

sumana- good-natured

Sumantra- a good adviser

sumati- prone to good

Sunita, Sunity- tactful

Tara- star

Uma- linen

Usha- dawn

Harsha- delighted or happy

Chanda- bright or violent

Chandana– sandalwood

Chandrakanta- loved by the moon

Shakantala- bird

Shakti- power

Shanta- tranquility, serenity

Shanti- peace, quiet

Sharmila- comfort, protection

Shivali- Beloved of Shiva

Shila- behavior

Shobha- shine

Shyama, Shyamala– black, blue

ashvoya- wealth

Ash- wish, desired

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Indian (Hindi) female names and their meaning


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