Dream Soldiers. “Why is the soldier dreaming in a dream? If you see a Soldier in a dream, what does it mean

Dreams lead a person into a world that is not subject to either thoughts or desires. Images are born at night, often incomprehensible and exciting. You can visit an alien planet, see outlandish animals and feel like someone you will never become in life.

But, waking up, many are wondering: why in a dream it was like this, and not otherwise. Sometimes what you see won't let go. The dream is remembered for weeks, and sometimes for years.

Wise ancient rulers often made government decisions after looking into the dream book. Indeed, in these books was collected the wisdom and experience of many generations.

Should we take pictures of battles literally? What is the meaning of the dream in which the soldier had a dream? Why do soldiers dream? Numerous modern dream books will help us figure this out.

According to Miller's dream book

The most popular is Miller's dream book. This scientist believed that dreams not only reflect inner world person, but also contain instructions, parting words. That is, in dreams you can consider the future. What is the dream of a soldier according to Miller's dream book?

Miller's dream book explains that a soldier dreaming of a woman portends the death of her reputation. Marching soldiers promise trouble that will ruin some undertakings. Becoming a soldier, on the contrary, promises to make dreams come true.

According to the English dream book

English dream book interprets a dream about soldiers in the following way: to see yourself as a soldier portends a job change. For a person associated with trade, this means incurring very large losses. A young girl will marry unsuccessfully, for a bad person. A battle in a dream promises a serious struggle in life.

According to Denise Lynn's dream book

Cherokee psychoanalyst Denise Lynn viewed dream interpretation as a labor-intensive job. She believed that the person himself should find the meaning of his dream. Not necessarily seen at night predicts the future. Maybe these are images of the past, something that excites.

A soldier in a dream is interpreted by Denise Lynn as a hint that an invisible battle is going on inside a person. Or in his life there is not enough composure, organization, discipline.

According to the dream book of the spouses Winter

Psychologists Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima advise trusting your intuition and choosing key dream images. It is their decoding that will reveal the secret of the dream. In their dream book, Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima interpret soldiers as circumstances that cannot be changed. They mess up something important. To become a soldier yourself means to accept such duties, which will be difficult and burdensome to perform.

Interpretation according to different dream books

The Christian figure Zealot, who is also called Simon Canonite, took the ancient Greek "Book of Dreams" as the basis of his work. The dream book of Simon Kananita warns: an unpleasant dream about people in uniform portends unsuccessful communication with those in power.

If you saw fighting soldiers, there will be worries about military operations. Teachings on the parade ground are dreamed of by those who are afraid of social changes, but they will overtake him. To put on a uniform yourself in a dream - to do the same in reality or to join the army loved one. To see a wounded or dead soldier means to lose your relative - the military.

And what does a soldier mean in a dream according to the Ukrainian dream book? The Ukrainian dream book says that a dreaming soldier warns of danger or illness. Also, such a dream predicts the onset of rainy weather.

A family dream book interprets a dream in which there were many soldiers in this way: hard, big work, for which no reward is expected. To be a brave soldier is to receive a good reward. For a woman to see a soldier in a dream means that her good name is in jeopardy.

The American dream book interprets the image of a soldier as a symbol of internal struggle.

The psychoanalytic dream book deciphers the dream of a soldier in an interesting way: it is about internal violence, obsession, something imposed. A wounded, old, sick soldier dreams of fear of suppression of the will, fear of impotence, deprivation of sexual power, castration.

The dream interpreter portends the knowledge of the secret to the one who sees the soldier. For a person suffering from eye diseases - healing, for a prisoner - an early release.

What is the dream of a soldier or many soldiers in a Chinese dream book? According to the Chinese dream book, to be hungry and sick among soldiers means to be happy soon, to catch luck by the tail.

The interpretation of the gypsy dream book is as follows: to see a soldier in a dream is a nuisance. The more soldiers, the more serious the trouble.

In a dream, in moments of relaxation, the subconscious directs, suggests ways and solutions. It is strange not to listen to yourself and perceive dreams only as color pictures. Many scientists, authoritative researchers recognized the value of dreams. This is how dream books appeared, the wisdom of which can be used today.

My friend and I are walking along the square. Everything seems to be normal, but it’s still somehow wrong, the area is deserted and gray. (the area actually exists). The weather seems to be bad, it's going to rain. We go into some kind of warehouse, there are a lot of soldiers, all in uniform, and then among them I notice my boyfriend, let's call him Maxim, also in soldier's uniform (here it should be noted that my boyfriend has never been in the army and not even going). I shout something to him, he comes up to me and we talk about something. Then some chaos begins, people begin to scatter in different sides and scream. My friend and I also began to worry and ran, but we did not scream. Maxim stayed there in the warehouse. Then they seemed to also run out into the street to protect people, but I don’t know from whom or from what. Everything looked like a kind of war, everything around was gray, stones and rain fell from the sky. My friend and I ran into some store, where we waited out all this chaos. Of course, we were very worried and everyone around us, who were hiding in this store, too. When everything more or less calmed down, we went out into the street, on the street, everything in the same square was gray and deserted, in some places corpses lay. In the middle of the square stood something like a booth on wheels, but with bars instead of windows and doors. I came closer and saw that there were soldiers in this booth. I came closer and saw a friend of Maxim (in real life I don’t know this person), I asked him: “Where is Maxim?” at first he averted his eyes, I asked him again, then again, in the end he said: "Maxim died, he was killed." I start to have a terrible hysteria, I scream something, from all that I screamed, I remember: “I don’t want and can’t live on anymore, I want to die too!” My friend tried to calm me down, but to no avail. The tantrum lasted for quite some time until I had no more tears left. During a tantrum, I hit against the wall of this booth, where the soldiers were located, and sat on the damp ground, wet from the rain. In the end, I gathered the remaining strength and DID NOT ASK, but wrote on a lilac-colored matter that had come from somewhere in front of the booth, and I didn’t write, but scrawled, in my opinion with my fingernail: “are you sure that he is dead?” He looked away and said, "I didn't read that!" Why me?!?!" He: “because I forgot how to read, on that piece of paper that I gave you it was written in red ...” (and he says this with some sarcasm and regret) I look down, in my hands mobile phone, something is really written on it in red, something short, of 3-4 letters, but I can’t read it, and there is no piece of paper! I have another terrible hysteria! I scream that I want to see his body! This is where the dream ends.

Information about myself: I am 19 years old, female gender, I can’t associate sleep with anything! But I would really like to know what it means, I can not forget it all day. By the way, I had a dream from Wednesday March 6 to Thursday March 7.




I dreamed that I was in the corridor big building I sort out the medicines and look for a sedative (this is understandable, because in the morning I had to go to an interview for a new job and I was very worried). Soldiers were walking along the corridor. I was in a bathrobe and I felt bad that they were laughing dirty. I wrapped my bathrobe and wanted to call my husband. I knew he was around here somewhere. But one of the soldiers took my cell phone. I got really scared. I wanted to take my cell phone. And then the soldier stabbed me in the heart. My heart skipped a beat and I woke up from this blow


The dream was like documentary with narration and my eyes as the camera. Night. Snow. I'm walking along some street, and a voice says words, I don't remember what, I only know that he was sarcastically warning me against something. I'm scared and hurt, but I can't do anything about it. People are walking towards. Coming up with them, I understand that this is a platoon of soldiers. The voice says some words, seems to be asking a question like “what if so?”, and the soldiers rush at me and start beating plastic bottles with water. It hurts a lot, I fall to the ground, but they do not lag behind. Panic sets in, I close my eyes ... and here I am in a small kitchen where about 10 people have gathered. They sympathize with me, examining my wounds, although I myself do not see them. I feel only pain from touch. It's very unfortunate that I was beaten for nothing. A person appears who starts laughing at me, I get up and get another blow. All the newly sympathizers jump on me and start beating me again. I'm scared, I understand that these people intend to kill me. Out of the corner of my eye I see the door opening slightly, a hand appears from behind it with a gun, which is pointed at me. Voice-over does not stop commenting on what is happening. A shot is fired, but by some miracle I manage to dodge it. Everyone freezes: the bullet hit the man who just beat me. He's dead, I can see blood on his sweater. Everyone around starts crying in repentance. They help me to get up, I am overcome by endless horror ... and I wake up. 23 years old, man, divorced his wife three weeks ago, but I'm trying to return the relationship. So far, everything is in limbo - neither yes nor no.


Voice-overs in a dream usually belong to complexes. Under the complex here you can understand a certain documentary film, once long archived in the brain. People without complexes never rely on "historical newsreels", but live on creative white-screen impulses. What I mean is that divorce was a “blow” for you, and in a dream a video archive was activated, where a whole collection of similar stories was selected. Complexes not only strive to hold their own film festival. Their main goal is to materialize, that is, to make a thematic selection life situations then, so that everything was "like in the movies." Of course, you are far from worried. best time but hope you have a job, friends? Leaving a family is not the worst event, there are much more important things that connect us to life. In general, the standard duration of the most difficult phase of experiences is 6 weeks, then depression becomes undulating and disappears in a year. Of course, if you do not slow down the process of experiences with vodka or tranquilizers. With them - everything is much longer.


I was a soldier. We are in the redoubt, the battlefield is ahead, the enemies in dark blue uniforms are forcing some kind of ravine, the cavalry is galloping, we are shooting, shouting. Guided by a third sense, I direct the gun a little to the side, a shot, smoke. A certain group of horsemen jumps out of cover and collides with enemies running in our direction. Confusion, short fight, and our victory. The enemy is beheaded. Their chief commander was killed by his own. My shot led to victory. Victory, she appeared, her name is Victoria. She struck and conquered me swiftly, a girl from a noble but poor family, we fell in love with each other. All my friends were amusingly shy in front of her, although she was not proud and arrogant. In her presence, one could not hear the swearing so familiar among the soldiers, everyone either bit their tongue or spoke without swearing, but with a stutter. Everyone straightened their shoulders and tried to look noble. She very easily entered our society. How long we were together, I don’t remember, everything was like a dream. But here we go to high society. We buy some clothes to make me look more decent, I remember new red boots, and I don’t know how, a car appears, it seems that this is our joint purchase. In the late afternoon we drive up to a large house, we are met by a porter. We go into the hall where there are a lot of people and little light, music, some kind of performance, tables, her sister. My fiancee immediately plunges into the world of art, I also try to understand what is happening on the stage, but first of all I look around where I got to. Everyone is well dressed, restrained, polite. Her well-dressed sister turns to me and whispers softly: “You need to change your socks” ... As if she doused me with water. I just put on new socks today. Apparently it's all about the boots, these new expensive ones do not protect against water at all. Somewhere along the way, there was apparently a puddle, and the feet were really wet, but is there such a smell from the socks? I go outside and go to the car. I take off my stupid boots, my socks are wet, at least wring out. I remember with a smile my old soldier's boots, they are obviously better and more reliable. But there is nothing to change socks. I go to the washbasin in complete confusion, can I wash it quickly? I don't know how they do it here. A certain man shied away from me, why I didn’t please him, I don’t understand. I wash my hands and wash my socks, then another man in a jacket with some kind of bright tie enters, apparently he also wants to wash, seeing me, he stops, I give way to the sink, but he shows with all his squeamish air that the sink, at which I stood, he will not come. I get really sad. No, this society is not for me. The performance is over, my Victoria comes out, all airy with burning eyes. She is from another world and she is very happy in this world. And I was a martinet to them and will remain. She talks about something, but there is already an abyss between us. I am from a different society, I do not enter her world and I want to enter. I don’t remember what we talked about, but apparently we didn’t hear each other that evening. Everything ... Now I become a girl and live her thoughts. I found a guy. Delight, joy, crazy love. I have been looking for it all my life and found it like I never dreamed of. I will go with him to the end of the world and share with him all the hardships and hardships. I brought him to my home. Everyone immediately liked him, he could not help but like him. My favorite performance is on, the actors are obviously fake, but it's still great. Fatigue, evening, talking about nothing, morning and disaster ... He left. He will never return again. Where is he from? Like him full name, Where to look for it? What happened? I remember every word. Yesterday I decided that everything was a joke and an abyss, and a different society. What is this society to me, sheer falsehood, I will follow him like a thread for a needle. Why didn't I say this yesterday? Just to find him, what happened? How did I let him stay alone in my company? I hate this performance, I hate my sister and I am ready to kill her. If only he would come back. Of course, he will return, yesterday he said something about the car that he would leave to me. He will definitely come to leave the car, if only he would come ... I wake up with tears. Worried all day. Apparently this is the most romantic dream. It's a shame how, as a soldier, I easily gave in to the pomposity of the aristocrats. How bad it is not to hear each other.

what are the soldiers dreaming of

You see soldiers marching in formation, this dream warns of excessive sympathy for others. You will have to devote more time to your personal affairs, because problems at work are very likely. Seeing yourself as a hero soldier is a good sign. You are lucky, your ideals will be embodied. For ladies from the military, it promises bad rumors and gossip.

dream soldiers

For the stronger sex, a dream about soldiers promises trouble or business difficulties. For women, this portends bad rumors and gossip.

soldiers in a dream

If the soldiers have weapons in their hands, then your work will be successful. Just dreaming soldiers prophesy anxiety and unpleasant chores. If you are sick, then seeing yourself in a dream as a soldier is a bad sign, your health will deteriorate.

dreamed of soldiers

Being a soldier in a dream means the onset of change, you may have to take care of new job. For people of trade, a dream about the military promises great losses. A woman should be wary of communication with a dishonorable person.

what are the soldiers dreaming of

Seeing a lot of military means difficulties in work. You will have to work very hard, but you will not get a decent return. A chance meeting with a soldier - a new business awaits you, it will probably be unpleasant for you.

Someone in a soldier's uniform - under negative circumstances, sleep portends unsuccessful communication with power and social structures. A soldier on the parade ground, exercises - you are afraid of social upheavals, and they will not bypass you. Soldiers in battle - if you just see them, you will be worried about the military cataclysms that have begun. If you participate as a soldier, or are the object of attention of soldiers, you have to go to the army or accompany your loved ones there. Soldier wounded or killed - your close soldier will become dangerously ill or die, and may also be killed or wounded.

Dream Interpretation Miller Soldier

If you dream of marching soldiers, it means that some kind of misfortune will greatly damage your work, and your compassion will exceed the boundaries of reason. If in a dream you see yourself as a brave soldier, it means that in life you will find the real embodiment of your ideals. If a woman dreams of soldiers, then her reputation will be in jeopardy.

Modern dream book Soldier

A dream in which you see marching soldiers predicts a period of great difficulties for you, but at the same time you will bypass your rivals. Seeing wounded soldiers in a dream is a sign that the failures of others will lead to serious complications in your affairs. Be careful, your feelings can take precedence over common sense. If in a dream you see yourself as a brave soldier, then in reality you will see the real embodiment of your ideals. A woman to see a soldier in a dream portends a threat to her reputation.

Your personal dream book Soldier

If in a dream you see soldiers marching along the parade ground, then, despite life's difficulties, you will be able to leave competitors behind you. If you dream that you saw wounded soldiers, then other people's problems will directly affect your affairs. Be careful, your feelings can take precedence over your common sense. A dream where you see yourself in the role of a good soldier means that in reality you will find a real embodiment of your own ideals. For a young girl, a dream in which she saw handsome soldiers warns her against a threat to her own reputation.

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Being among the soldiers portends great happiness, good luck. The officer and soldiers follow each other.

Dream Meaning - Soldiers

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

For a woman - a slander, gossip about her. For a man - loss in business.

How to interpret the dream "Soldiers"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The marching soldiers you dreamed about are a harbinger of what failures. An unfortunate incident will affect your affairs. In doing so, your compassion will transcend all limits of reason. If in a dream you see yourself as a brave soldier, then in life you will find the real embodiment of your ideals. If …

If in a dream you see "Soldiers"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A dream with marching soldiers portends some kind of trouble that will greatly damage your work. Your compassion will transcend all limits of reason. If in a dream you act as a brave soldier, some of your ideals may come true in reality. If soldiers dream of a woman ...

Dream Interpretation: what the Soldiers dream of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The dream in which you see yourself as a soldier portends that you will soon leave your current job and change it to another. This dream is a bad sign for a young woman - she will marry an unworthy man who will bring her misfortune. For …

If the Soldiers are dreaming, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dream of marching soldiers, it means that some kind of misfortune will greatly damage your work, and your compassion will exceed the boundaries of reason. If in a dream you see yourself as a brave soldier, it means that in life you will find the real embodiment of your ideals. If a woman dreams ...

Soldiers (See in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you see soldiers marching on the parade ground, then, despite life's difficulties, you will leave your competitors far behind. If you dreamed that you see wounded soldiers, then other people's problems will most directly affect the course of your affairs. Be...

Dream Interpretation: what the Soldiers dream of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A woman who dreamed of soldiers should beware of slander.

Dream Interpretation: what the Soldiers dream of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Your inner light. Strength, power, purity.

Dream interpretation online - Soldiers

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Marching soldiers do not dream of good. Some unpleasant circumstance can greatly damage your work, and your compassion will exceed the boundaries of reason. If you saw yourself as a brave soldier, then wait for the fulfillment of desires. The reputation of a woman who dreamed of soldiers may be in jeopardy.

Dream Interpretation: what the Soldiers dream of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A sign that some insurmountable circumstances may interfere with your plans. Being a soldier yourself in a dream is a harbinger of difficult or unpleasant duties that you may have to perform.

Dream Interpretation: what the Soldier is dreaming of, soldiers

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

You see marching soldiers in a dream - a serious shock awaits you, from which you will not recover soon. You see a wounded soldier in a dream - you will spend quite a long time in a state of isolation; you will look in yourself for the reasons for your failures; …

Sleep Online - Follow

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The snake follows the man - speaks of the betrayal of his wife. The officer and soldiers follow each other.

Sleep online - Officer

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The officer and soldiers follow each other.

Sleep Online - Military

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The military enters the house - great happiness. Seeing the defeat of the military in battle is a misfortune. The poor and hungry are among the military - great happiness, good luck. The officer and soldiers follow each other - a joyful event. To see the military that just came out...

Dream interpretation online - Soldier

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Submission is the basis of an effective army - do you want to be part of a system based on honor and tradition, or, conversely, do you dream of breaking free? What is the soldier doing in your dream? Is he protecting or attacking you? If you agree…

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