Premium muses tv output buzovoy. The red carpet of the Muz TV award: half-naked Buzova and Sobchak in a "hairy" dress

She went to the MUZ-TV Prize with the hope of winning, because her name was on everyone's lips, and the clips in the first few days after the release gained millions of views on the Web. But, unfortunately, then the singer was not lucky. Left without a reward, she burst into bitter tears, but then pulled herself together. “I didn't lose. Today I am here, and this is already a victory, ”the girl said.

This year Olga continued to fight for a valuable plate. The singer and TV presenter appeared on the red carpet of the Award on horseback. “I rode a horse into Russian show business,” commented on her spectacular appearance star. Last year, Olga appeared almost naked at the event, but this year, on the contrary, she preferred a fluffy pink dress with a long train, which the designer created for her. Bella Potemkina. The train played a cruel joke on the girl: at some point he just fell off, but this only amused the star.

Olga Buzova riding a horse at the MUZ-TV Awards

Olga Buzova "lost" the train from the dress at the MUZ-TV Awards

Olga Buzova is impaled

The adventures of the star did not end there. On this day, she fought for victory in two categories at once: “ Best Song Runet" and "The best female video". The victory in the second was won by the singer Zara with the video “Peace to your home”, but best song Runet was Buzova's song "Few halves".

Having received the first MUZ-TV award in her life, Olga Buzova burst into tears. When she went out for the award, she could not cope with her emotions for a long time. “I need to think about what to say. Give me a sec. Oh, I didn't take anything. Ten seconds, ”the star gathered with thoughts. “I have been waiting for this for a whole year. I'm not only waiting for a plate, I'm waiting for a man. But I've been waiting for a man for over a year. But at least I got a plate today. Thanks to Armand Arman Davletyarov - CEO MUZ TV. - Note. ed.), which left the most important nomination for the final. Now you can finish the ceremony, because the show business princess is on stage with her well-deserved award. It's a country choice! Thank you very much,” Buzova said. Having delivered this fiery speech, the star ran to hug Philip Kirkorov.

Olga Buzova (already without a train) delivers a speech after receiving her first MUZ-TV award

Now that the singer has the main musical award of the country, it remains to wish her to meet a worthy man. Buzova is going to look for him in the reality show "Marry Buzova", which starts on TNT in the summer. Buzova announced the criteria for what kind of man she wants to meet in the project: “I need a man without diapers. And the first one I meet, who will be without diapers, who will be real, brave, strong, loyal, loyal, smart, will be next to me. This is an adventure for me. This is also a risk for me. But I really want to be happy. And I really want love. And, perhaps, it is this project that will give me all this. ”

Clip of Olga Buzova "Few halves"

Literally from every appearance in public makes a show. At the current MUZ-TV Prize, the singer was eagerly awaited. First, everyone remembers her triumphant appearance last year. For the forgetful: then Olga Buzova appeared from the shell and was practically naked. (You can see. - Note. ed.) Secondly, at the current award, she should sing along with Philip Kirkorov and Ksenia Sobchak.

Today Olga Buzova seems to have surpassed herself. She appeared on the red carpet of the MUZ-TV Award on ... a horse! True, the star did not pose for photographers on horseback. But even without a horse, Buzova made a splash. Her endless train could not fit in the lenses of photographers and, by the way, played a cruel joke on her: when Olga appeared on a horse, it simply ... fell off like a lizard's tail. The incident did not upset the star at all, but on the contrary, it cheered her up. After Olga got off the horse, the train was hoisted into place. By the way, the diadem complemented the image of the singer. Apparently, she is in the image of either a princess or a queen! By the way, this fabulous outfit for Buzova was created by designer Bella Potemkina. Rear view, by the way, in this case if not better, then definitely worthy of attention.

Olga Buzova "lost" the train from the dress

But one more intrigue remains - what composition will be performed by the trio of Olga Buzova, Philip Kirkorov and Ksenia Sobchak. Perhaps this will be Kirkorov's last hit "Mood color is blue", the video for which broke all records for views on YouTube. By the way, in the video Olga Buzova appeared in the form of a supermarket saleswoman. But Ksenia Sobchak was not involved in the video.

“Are you waiting for some kind of terrible quarrel or jealousy for Olga Buzova? I have already said many times: I am happy for her, I think that she did great career. We haven't worked together in years, and I haven't followed her. long years. But what is happening now in her life, I think it's wonderful. She dreamed about it for many years. Therefore, I am glad to participate with her in the ceremony, ”Sobchak expressed her opinion about Buzova’s work and their joint number at the MUZ-TV 2018. Transformation Prize.

Olga Buzova at the MUZ-TV Awards - 2018

Olga Buzova at the MUZ-TV Awards - 2018: rear view

We must pay tribute to the justice of the words of Xenia Anatolyevna, former member reality show "Dom-2" by leaps and bounds captures not only domestic show business, but business. So, in April of this year, Olga Buzova announced the creation of her own cryptocurrency Buzcoin and the whole empire BUZAR. In addition, on June 10, the star opens its first restaurant in Moscow. It is called BUZfood, and it will be a place where you can eat tasty, healthy, and most importantly inexpensive.

We also recall that in early March it became known that the name of Olga Buzova would officially become a brand. Under the Olga Buzova brand, it will be possible to produce music, video clips and shows, as well as produce glasses, clothes, accessories, stationery, medicines and even fertilizers. A little later, on the frequencies of TNT4, the BuzovaTV channel was launched, aimed at an audience from 14 to 44 years old.

The appearance of Olga Buzova at the MUZ-TV Awards last year

Olga Buzova came to the MUZ TV Awards last year in a crown and almost without clothes

By the way, in an interview with Vokrug TV, Olga Buzova said: I really like acting in films and serials. Now there are many offers from different studios and directors, but so far I don’t like what they offer. I dream of playing in some very interesting movie. It can be both drama and comedy - I love both genres. In general, I am open to suggestions and ready to consider them not only from Russian studios. I speak several languages ​​perfectly and am ready to act in Hollywood.”

This year, Olga Buzova plans to finally deal with her personal life. She decided to approach this issue in a businesslike way. Olga will look for a suitable man in the reality show "Marry Buzov", which starts on TNT in the summer. Buzova announced the criteria for what kind of man she wants to meet in the project: “I need a man without diapers. And the first one I meet, who will be without diapers, who will be real, brave, strong, loyal, loyal, smart, will be next to me. This is an adventure for me. This is also a risk for me. But I really want to be happy. And I really want love. And, perhaps, it is this project that will give me all this. ”

TNT launched a promo video for the new romantic show "Marry Buzova"

« New project TNT is not an adaptation of the Bachelor show. This is a new unique format that is being launched in Russia for the first time. There are no analogues of the show, ”the press service of TNT said.

Which has recently become a part-time singer, turns almost every appearance at events into a show. So she distinguished herself at the MUZ-TV award: the TV personality, dressed in a pale pink dress, arrived on the red carpet on a horse. A very long train attire fell and stretched for several meters.

Last year, Buzova chose the image of an "Aphrodite" mermaid. The girl's outfit was very bold. This time Olga wanted to feel like a princess from a fairy tale. She even wore a diadem on her head. True, the very train that stretched for the horse and Buzova fell off as soon as the TV presenter appeared in public. Oh, she didn’t manage to show herself in all her glory. But as soon as Olga stepped on the ground, the train was attached to her back, and then disconnected again. Some metamorphosis...

The creator of Buzova's dress is designer Bella Potemkina, known in the celebrity party. No fashion show is complete without fashion designer items. It has become almost a prerequisite for representatives of show business to flaunt in Bella's outfits. Each new collection of hers has Russian motifs, floral prints and lace.

And such a “magic” appearance of Olga Buzova on the main musical event year was positively received by the audience. They remembered the “naked” outfit of the TV presenter, which she demonstrated at the MUZ-TV award in 2017, and noted that this time the dress is much more modest. There were also those who did not like the fabulous image of Buzova. In their opinion, the girl too often tries to attract attention to herself in "freakish" ways.

Buzova without panties at the Fashion People Awards

But not only for this large-scale event, the telediva came in bright attire. So, the other day she appeared at the Fashion People Awards in a black bodycon dress, on the sides of which there are transparent inserts. It would seem, and what is bold and unusual in this image? The fact is that through these very transparent inserts it was clear that Buzova was without panties. But it didn't seem to bother the girl at all. On the contrary, she happily showed off her figure and was friendly with reporters.

This is not the first appearance of Buzova without panties in public. So, recently she gave a concert, to which she came without underwear in tight leggings.

Olga Buzova is glad that her life is developing in this way. The TV star said in an interview that she sleeps three hours a day, but this does not bother her, because she leads various projects that help her fulfill herself. As soon as Buzova said this, Philip Kirkorov began to kiss and hug her. His mood was upbeat: he laughed, joked and beamed with happiness.

Kirkorov has been friends with Buzova for a long time. She even starred in the hype video "Mood Color Blue" and again will play in the second video. It remains only to guess what this time the stars will come up with a very bold fantasy.