How to cancel a bid on ebay. How to cancel a bid on eBay before the auction ends

How to cancel a bid on eBay if the item is not needed

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The eBay online auction is well known to many users.

I have already written articles about this service:

Today I decided to tell you more about the auction on eBay. More specifically, how to cancel a bid on eBay, before the end of the auction or after the end of the auction. It is the ability to bid and buy various goods using an auction that often allows you to save a lot on purchases or purchase rare, collectible items.

It is not uncommon for a buyer to be unable to pay for a won lot. In this case, I want to know how to cancel a bet on ebay and get my money back.

How to cancel a bid on eBay after an auction has ended

According to the rules of the auction, the won lot must be paid. However, if this is not possible or there are other reasons, contact the seller and explain the situation.

There are two options for the development of events:

  1. If agreed, the seller sends a request to the buyer to terminate the transaction. The buyer will be required to accept this request by clicking on "Reply Now". Then, in the received message, confirm this operation;
  2. If the seller refused, your account is added to the lists of unpaid goods. If this situation is repeated repeatedly (maximum 3 times), then the account may be blocked by the site administration.

Other reasons for refusal

In addition to the situation when it is not possible to pay for the won lot, there are a number of reasons according to which it is possible to cancel your bid:

  1. Incorrect bet size. To cancel it, the buyer must use the special form provided by the site. Enter some information about the product. This is the lot number, an indication of the reason for refusing to purchase and confirmation of your actions. After this operation, you can make a new bet with the correct amount.
  2. Often there are situations when, during the auction, unscrupulous sellers correct the information on the exposed lot.
  3. If within 3-5 days the seller does not get in touch or a message is received that it is not possible to deliver the goods to your country.

It is worth paying attention to one more thing. If the buyer does not want to purchase the goods, and his bid is the only one for this lot, he is obliged to purchase it.

If there are several who want to purchase this product, then you can ask the seller to simply give way to another buyer. In any case, all issues are resolved exclusively with the seller, with the exception of the situations described above.

How to cancel a bid on eBay before the auction ends

If you're wondering how to cancel your bid on eBay before the auction ends, this case there is a certain time limit. If there are less than 12 hours left before the end of the auction, then you will not be able to cancel on your own.

However, it is possible to contact the seller and agree on a refund. When making a bet for more than 12 hours, it is possible to withdraw the payment. However, this cancels all those that were made earlier.

Also, the rules of the auction allow refusal to participate in it within the first hour from the moment the auction starts.

If the amount set for the lot has played and at the end of the auction you are the winner, then you must make a full payment.

However, if the buyer no longer needs the product, it is possible to contact the seller. In case of a positive response from the seller, return the funds. In this situation, you should be prepared for the fact that most often sellers leave negative feedback.

Bets that are "non-binding"

The eBay online auction uses another type of bidding called "non-binding". Since the site provides a wide range of offered goods for buyers, this type is extended to the categories of lots among "real estate" and "cars".

A "non-binding" bet means the possibility of waiving it at any time. That is, between those who sell and buy goods, there is no agreement to make a mandatory buyout of the lot.

What you should pay attention to when participating in the auction

If you look at the goods put up for auction, you can also see such lots, the cost of which does not exceed 1 dollar. In this case, you need to be extremely careful, since there is a high probability of stumbling upon a scammer. If $1 is the starting price, then this is just a good marketing move by the seller.

However, if this amount is the final amount, and the lot being sold, for example, is a tablet or something not cheap, then this is either a scam. Or a high probability of receiving a low-quality product. In this case, there is the possibility of a refund. However, it is worth remembering that all costs for the return shipment of the goods are borne by the buyer.

That is why it is so important to read the information on the product for sale. It is important that the seller has at least one positive review, and in general at least 95%. Also, do not conduct any transactions with the seller outside of the auction.


Thus, now you know the ways how to cancel a bid on eBay in different situations. However, you should not abuse this opportunity, since all information is indicated in the buyer's profile for the last six months.

With frequent use of bid cancellation, the site administration may block your profile on the site without the right to restore access. The online store may also suspend the shipment of goods to the address specified earlier in your account, even if the order was made by one of the relatives. So be careful when shopping on ebay.

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Everyone makes mistakes, and eBay buyers are no exception. You may have heard of the kid who played with mobile phone your dad and accidentally bought a car on eBay? This is the real story. Back in 2013, a toddler picked up his dad's phone after he used the eBay app to look at cars. She pressed enough buttons to complete her $225 purchase of a used Austin Healey Sprite.

Dad could have canceled the application, but he paid for the car and restored it. (Read complete history here.)

Bidding is the buyer's obligation

As a general practice, eBay does not encourage canceling bids. In fact, the wording from eBay about rates states:

An optional bid is a bid that shows the buyer's interest in purchasing the item, but does not create a formal contract between the buyer and the seller. All bids made in the Real Estate and eBay Motors car categories are considered non-binding.

Bidding on an eBay item does not create a binding agreement, but frequent bidding and then canceling a bid is not an accepted practice and too many pending bids can close your account eBay. eBay does not allow:

    Bidding with no intent to buy

    Remove a bid on an item that is not in the optional bid category

    Transaction issuance due to buyer or seller remorse

    Backing up a transaction because the buyers didn't bid high enough and the seller didn't add a reserve price

    By stating in the listing that bidding may result in an obligation to complete the purchase

Avoid Shill bets

Just make sure you really want to buy the item and do so.

eBay also frowns on a shill bid, which is an organized bid by a friend, relative, colleague, or someone the seller has asked to bid on the item to artificially inflate the price. Bidding Shill is a serious offense on eBay and repeat offenders will be banned from the site. Years ago, when eBay was mostly auctions, shilling merchants were a common way to artificially raise the final selling price of auction items. Users often had multiple user IDs and were even paid by the seller to enter fake rates. Today, this practice is not as widespread, mainly because auctions are not as reliable as they used to be, and many auctions end without a single bid.

How to cancel an application

eBay understands that accidents happen and that sometimes you need to cancel your bid. If you, your child, or your intoxicated friend bid on an item by mistake, follow these steps to void the bid.

    Review the conditions and time limits for canceling a bid in an auction-style listing.

    If you feel you have a good reason to cancel your application, please complete the application.

How to cancel a winning auction bid

If you bid by mistake and actually won the item, the steps are different. Contact the seller via the eBay messaging system and explain that you want to cancel the sale.

As long as they are frustrated, most sellers will honor the request and move on. Sellers get strike against them when sales are canceled due to damage or lack of inventory. eBay sellers cannot force buyers to pay, so if a seller makes any threatening or harassing statements, report it to eBay support.

How to cancel a winning best offer

The best offer is another situation where buyers can change their mind. Of course, sellers aren't happy to hear that buyers want to cancel a sale, for many, eBay is how they make a living. But buyers have the right to cancel the sale. Again, contact the seller and ask to cancel the transaction. No trader can leave another feedback, since the transaction will not be completed and the money will not be exchanged.

Bottom line, the transaction is not set in stone on eBay.

Respect the platform and understand that bidding and offering is an obligation to buy. Salespeople are people like you who are reasonable people and usually deal with buyers in an acceptable manner.

The eBay marketplace is known to many Internet users around the world. It is convenient to buy here, and the protection of the site allows you to make purchases safely and quickly. What about auctions? How to cancel eBay if necessary?

About auctions

An auction is a special way of selling a product, when the buyer himself sets the price. For example, the seller puts up for auction some thing and indicates the minimum cost. Additionally, the time until which the auction will run is indicated. You set your bid for the item. If no one beats it before the end of the auction, then you are the buyer and are required to pay for the lot.


Before participating in a virtual auction, it is worth understanding what eBay bidding is. First of all, it is a certain amount that you can spend on the purchase of goods. You yourself set its size depending on the minimum cost of the lot. The eBay marketplace offers several types of rates.

Automatic bid

Are you sure that you are ready to buy a certain product? And have you already clearly decided for yourself how much you are ready to spend on it? Then automatic bidding on eBay is just for you! This is an opportunity to immediately set a price limit for the lot. That is, you yourself determine and declare a certain amount, more than which you are not going to spend. Further, the system automatically tracks all bids that are on this lot. If someone outbids your last amount, the site automatically raises it on your behalf. And so on up to the limit that you have chosen. This is convenient if you really want to get the desired product, but there is no way to constantly monitor the course of the auction.

Manual rate

This type of bet is suitable for those who like to keep everything under control. Or for whom it is not important to purchase this particular product. In this case, you need to constantly monitor the lot and the rates on it. For example, if someone beats your price, you can simply change your mind to participate further.

Underwater rocks

Was your bet outbid by someone at the last moment? Definitely you didn't win. But not everything is so simple. The winner for some reason may not redeem the lot. In this case, the winner is the one who was the penultimate bettor. If this happened to you, and you no longer need the product, bidding on eBay is possible. You must contact the seller to indicate the reason why you do not wish to redeem the item. It is the owner of the item who can withdraw your bid. Fortunately, usually sellers simply re-list the item in the auction, and do not transfer it to other bidders.

General Provisions on Bidding

If you're wondering how to cancel a bid on eBay, chances are you've already done it. You don't need a lot or have you changed your mind? Unfortunately, you can no longer opt out. The eBay marketplace and its rules are well structured. For example, participation in auctions is voluntary, but has its own laws. Before you click the "set your own price" button, you need to consider whether you are able to pay for the purchase if you win. It would seem that there is no reason for eBay to withdraw your bid. But this is not really true.

Error in filling

If you accidentally indicated a very high value, then you can refuse to bid on eBay. To do this, you need to fill out a special form. Specify the reason for the cancellation. Be sure to enter the correct amount. In this case, your bid will be replaced with the one you really wanted to enter. This can only be done while the auction is still active.

Out of time

If your wrong bet has played, then according to the rules of the trading platform, you must pay for the purchase. But you can try to contact the seller to explain the situation. In most cases, people go towards each other, and the issue is resolved peacefully. Some sellers leave negative reviews for inattentive buyers for such oversights, and then re-list the item for auction.

Description replacement

Wondering how to cancel a bid on eBay? Read the description of the item being sold carefully. If during the auction the seller added new information about the item, and this does not suit you, then you can refuse the auction. For example, if you do not like the updated data, and the need for such a product has disappeared, then simply fill out the cancellation form. In this case, the site administration provides for the possibility of refusing the bet.

No contact with the seller

Are you bidding on a specific item but can't contact the seller for any question? Cancellation of a bid on eBay provides for such an option. If for some time the seller does not answer you, and the letters are returned with a note that the addressee cannot read them, then you can safely write to the support service of the trading platform. Be sure to indicate that there is no way to contact for communication. Your bid will be cancelled.

Bet time

Trading has its own rules. And eBay is no exception. So, for example, the fact when exactly the bet was made plays a huge role. The time period is conditionally divided into two parts: more than 12 hours and less than 12 hours before the end of the auction. What is the fundamental difference? You may, for good reason, cancel any bid if there is more than 12 hours left before the end of the auction. This is a two-way guarantee for both the seller and the buyer. In this case, all bids for this lot will be deleted. It is also allowed to cancel the auction within an hour after the start of participation. For example, if you change your mind or find a lot that is more attractive in terms of cost.

The rules stipulate that you cannot refuse to participate in the auction if the bid is made, and less than 12 hours before the end of the auction. Even the seller is unable to withdraw your application. How to be? If you win the auction, you can send a private message to the seller and not buy the item (if the seller doesn't mind).

Non-binding rates

Fortunately, the policy of the marketplace provides for such a thing as non-binding rates. What does this mean? What do you need to know before canceling an eBay bid in this case? Firstly, all this applies only to the category of goods "real estate" and "vehicles". Secondly, this species rates for such sales implies that you can opt out at any time. Non-binding means that there is no agreement between the buyer and the seller on the mandatory purchase of the lot. You can opt out at any time.

Other rules

In order not to think about how to remove a bid on eBay, read carefully. If you participate in several auctions at once with the same lots, you automatically agree to buy them all if you are lucky.

What threatens violation

Violation of the rules for participation in the auction leads to inevitable punishment. So, you can get negative feedback from the seller for an unredeemed lot. In addition, the administration of the eBay marketplace may issue you a warning. There can be three in total. After the third, your account will be blocked without the possibility of recovery. It is noteworthy that the site administration reserves the right to suspend sales to your address, even if the customer is a member of your family. Be careful when participating in an auction. Choose a product, read about the seller, try to contact him. This is a guarantee that you will not be in the red when trading.

Very often site visitors ask the question: “I changed my mind about buying a lot, can I cancel my bid?” No, according to the rules of the auction, you cannot refuse a bid. By placing a bid on , you agree to the rules of the auction, and you also undertake to buy the lot if you win the auction. The same applies to buying a lot at Buy it Now or Best Offer. The only exceptions are cases where the sale of this product is prohibited by law or User agreement, and also if the product is placed in the category "Non-Binding Bid policy" on

However, none of us is immune from mistakes, so the rules of the auction allow you to withdraw your bid, subject to certain conditions.

So, in what case can you cancel your bet:

1) If you entered an erroneous amount when entering the bet (banal typo). For example, instead of $9.99 you bet $99.99. In this case, you can withdraw your bid (read below how to do this) and enter a new, correct bid.

2) Other possible reason bid cancellation - if the description of the lot has changed significantly since you placed the bid. For example, during the auction, the seller added some characteristics of the product in the description that you are no longer satisfied with. Unfortunately, there are dishonest sellers who do this. In this case, you can also withdraw your bet.

3) Also, the reason for canceling the bid may be the lack of communication with the seller - if the seller does not respond to your letters for a long time, or the letters sent to him by e-mail are returned marked "Unable to deliver to the recipient"

If your reason for canceling a bid is one of the above, then you can withdraw it using the cancel bid form, but remember the following:

You can withdraw your bid if it is placed more than 12 hours before the end of the auction. In this case, all your previous bids on this lot will be cancelled. Keep this in mind if you cancel your bet due to an incorrect amount, you will need to re-bet.

If the bid is made less than 12 hours before the end of the auction on the lot, then you can cancel it only within an hour. And in this case, only your last bid will be canceled - all your other bids made more than 12 hours before the end of the auction will remain.

If you are unable to cancel your bid based on these terms (for example, you have a different reason for canceling your bid, or you bid less than 12 hours before the end of the auction), you can contact the seller of the item and ask them to cancel your bid. The seller can cancel your bids at any time. But in this case, you will have to rely on the decision of the seller - after all, he may refuse to cancel the bid (and, mind you, he will be right), or he may simply not have time to receive your letter before the end of the auction.

How is the process of canceling a bet on ?

If the conditions above match your case, then you can proceed directly to canceling your bet. To do this, follow the link: and fill out the "Bid Retraction form" - "Bid Cancellation Form".

In the "Item number of auction in question" field, enter the item number for which you want to cancel the bid.

From the "Your explanation of the retraction" drop-down list, select the reason for canceling the bet.

Click the "Retract Bid" button and on the page that opens, confirm the cancellation of the bid. That's it, the bet will be cancelled.

Do not forget to place a new bid on the lot if you canceled it due to an incorrectly entered amount.

How to cancel the Best Offer?

You can cancel your Best Offer only for the same reasons as discussed above:

1) You made a mistake and entered the wrong amount in the "Best Offer" offer
2) The description of the lot has changed significantly since your offer
3) The seller does not get in touch (does not answer letters and phone calls)

In these cases, you can withdraw your “Best Offer” offer by filling out the “Best Offer Cancellation form” (best offer cancellation form). To do this, you need to follow the link, enter the lot number for which you want to cancel the offer and click the "Continue" button. On the page that opens, you need to confirm the cancellation.

When canceling bids, remember that by doing so you will affect the outcome of the auction, which is often not at all profitable for both the seller and other participants in the auction. Also, keep in mind that all cases of bid withdrawals are checked by the technical support of the auction, and abuse of them may result in account suspension.

And, most importantly, remember that the number of bets you canceled is displayed in your "Feedback Profile" for 12 months from the date of cancellation. Such are the feedback of the system about your actions. That is, the sellers will see how many times you disrupted the auctions for the lots, and someday, this may do you a disservice. For example, you want to bid for some unique lot, and the seller simply forbids you to bid. Therefore, try to use this instruction as little as possible!

Cancellation of the auction bid by the seller (remove the buyer's bid)

The general principle of removing bids applies to both buyers and sellers. That. the seller can also remove the buyer's bid.

You can remove your bet for the following reasons:

1) The buyer asks you to cancel your bid and you agree
2) You must complete the auction because item for sale is out of stock
3) You made a mistake in the listing
4) You are concerned that a bid may be taken from a fraudulent buyer

How to cancel a bet?

If you need to cancel a bet:

2) Enter the item number, the username of the member whose bid you are canceling, and the reason you are canceling the bid.

3) Select "Cancel bid" (cancel bid).

You can read more about seller cancellations on this page:

Having unknowingly saved the item they like by pressing the Buy it Now button, or placing a bid on the lot to “just try it”, newbies do not think, and often do not know that they thereby agree with the rules of the auction, which prohibit reverse actions. In other words, you cannot cancel a bid, order, or Best Offer on eBay. Therefore, when performing any action on the eBay website, be extremely careful and first read the description of the product or lot, check whether the seller is reliable, ask him all the questions you are interested in so that there is no need to cancel your bid, and also read the detailed rules sites.

You can cancel an order or bid quickly and without problems only on goods whose sale is prohibited by law, or by the eBay User Agreement, as well as goods placed in the Non-Binding Bid policy category.

However, there are good reasons to cancel a regular order or bid on eBay. The site administration understands this, therefore, it has provided for cases in which it is still possible to cancel a bid on ebay.

  • an error in the bet amount - for example, $99.50 instead of $9.95;
  • significant changes in the description of the lot on which the bid was made, made by the seller during the auction;
  • lack of communication with the seller - a long absence of answers to letters, or the return of an e-mail marked "Unable to deliver to the recipient."
To cancel a bet in the above cases, there is a special form. However, you can only use it if your bid was made more than 12 hours before the end of the auction for the lot. If you use the form, the system will cancel not only the last bid, but also all the previous ones you made for this lot. If you are still interested in the item, do not forget to bid again.

If the bid was made less than 12 hours before the end of the auction on the lot, it can only be canceled within an hour from the moment of the bid. In this case, only your last bid is canceled, all your previous bids on this lot remain valid. You can also ask the seller to cancel the bid for you - he can do this at any time, but it’s not a fact that he will agree, because. interested in selling your lot.

How to cancel a bid on eBay

To cancel a bid on eBay, you must complete Cancellation form(Bid Retraction form).

In field Item number of auction in question enter the number of the lot you wish to cancel the bid on.

The drop-down list Your explanation of the retraction contains the above reasons for canceling the bid for the lot. Choose one of them:

  • entered wrong amount - an error in the amount of the bet;
  • seller changed the description of the item – the seller changed the description of the item;
  • cannot contact the seller - it is impossible to contact the seller.
And push the button Retract bid(cancel bid).

If the reason for your cancellation is also valid, but does not fit one of the three points, contact the seller. In any case, remember that the cancellation of the bid directly affects the result of the auction, which neither the seller nor other buyers are interested in. The site administration checks all cases of bid cancellations, and if their number is too large, the buyer's account is blocked. The number of bids canceled by the buyer is indicated in his Feedback Profile and is stored there for a year from the moment of cancellation. This data is available to sellers, which gives them a reason to refuse inveterate "cancellers" to participate in their auctions.

How to cancel a Best Offer deal on eBay

It is also possible to cancel the Best Offer only if you have a sufficiently solid reason, namely:
  • error in the amount of Best Offer (typo);
  • significant changes in the product description made by the seller after you made the Best Offer;
  • inability to contact the seller.
To cancel the Best Offer, you need to fill out a special Best Offer Cancellation form:

In field item number you need to enter the number of the lot, the offer for which you want to cancel, then you need to click Continue and confirm the cancellation.

Please note that canceled Best Offers are deducted as used from the total number of best offers available to the buyer. In some categories, it is impossible to make a new Best Offer

How to cancel an order on ebay.

eBay rules prohibit canceling an order that has been placed. In other words, if you clicked the Buy it Now button, you must pay. If payment is not made within three days from the moment of purchase, the seller opens a dispute about non-payment, and the buyer receives Unpaid Item Strike- warning about unpaid goods. The site is struggling with non-payment, because. in this case, he must return the commission for the sold goods (fees) to the seller, so after issuing three or four warnings about non-payment, eBay blocks the buyer's account.

The only way not to pay for an already ordered product is to ask the seller to terminate the transaction. Indicate a really good reason for this, because. it is profitable for any seller to sell his goods and cancel an already completed transaction just like that, he is unlikely to agree

To avoid Unpaid Item Strike if you are going to pay for the goods, but do not have time to do so within the specified three days, contact the seller and ask him not to open a dispute for a few more days until your payment. Do not delay payment, respect the promise given to the seller.

How to cancel a transaction on eBay

If you want to cancel the purchase of an item that has already been paid for, you can try to persuade the seller not to send it and return the money to you. Please note that this can only be done if the goods have not yet been shipped. If the seller agrees, he will have to initiate the cancellation of the transaction, you only have to confirm the seller's request to cancel the transaction ( Seller's request to cancel the transaction) by clicking on the appropriate link next to the purchased product. IN personal account opposite the product that was refused, the corresponding icon will appear on the return of funds to your account.

Despite the advice above, we recommend that you carefully weigh the pros and cons, read the description of the product and discuss it with the seller before placing an order or bidding on a lot, so that the need to cancel the order or the bid does not arise.

Happy shopping!