Egyptian images on the walls. How to draw a pyramid with a pencil step by step

Quantonics - Quantum Approach

Description of psychotechnics Magnetism

The ability that is considered phenomenal among people is magnetism. No illusion! Everything is done by personal psychic power. You magnetize any objects (and not only metal ones) to any part of your body. The description gives a clear sequence of distribution of attention to some spectrums of sensations "within oneself", due to the occurrence and strengthening of which any object is "magnetized" to the body (to the arms, chest, head). It can also be objects made of plastic, glass, paper, wood.

Precautions are described, recommendations are given for further development these feelings. The work on "nurturing" and strengthening this type of sensations structures the whole body, leads to the strengthening of the body's immune system. You will be able to amaze relatives, acquaintances and friends with your “magnetic abilities” the very next day (if not the same day you “stir up” this dormant power in yourself).

So. First you need to prepare a metal spoon (or rather, several different sizes). After all, if a table spoon does not magnetize in view of its mass, then a teaspoon will “stick” faster. Then you can already magnetize to yourself in increments - the more confidently you do this, the harder you can hold objects on yourself.

Let's start with the head.

You need to sit in front of the table on the edge of the chair. The table is needed so that if the spoon falls, then at least not on the floor. Sitting on the edge of a chair is necessary in order not to relax too much, the back muscles will reflexively keep you straight and toned.

We take the prepared spoon in our hands, examine it, stroke it with our fingers from all sides, study it as if we took this object for the first time in our life, and we have never encountered such an object before. Let for a moment, but you need to stir up a state of surprise or sincere interest in the subject. In our case, a metal spoon. Why metal and not wood or plastic? Just because if you magnetize, then something metallic. After all, our consciousness knows that this is possible only with metal objects. We just need to turn on magnetism in ourselves, and first try with a spoon. So, an inner surprise flashed, even doubt. As soon as you caught it (or thought you caught it), we take the spoon in one hand (either), carefully look at it, concentrate on any point on the spoon so that there are no thoughts in the head. Let this also be short, a couple of seconds in total, but no thoughts for a couple of seconds. Concentrate your gaze so that the spoon begins to blur. It will work out that way if you concentrate on some point. Then we bring the spoon to the forehead and at the moment of contact with the skin of the forehead we mentally say “I am a magnet!”. We put a spoon to the forehead with a “scoop”, and “held it” to the tip of the nose, listen to the sensations on the skin and a little deeper inside under the skin (there is a skull bone), you can slightly press the spoon. The spoon touches two points: on the forehead and on the tip of the nose. Then, keeping attention on the sensations of the spoon on the forehead, we transfer attention towards the back of the head inside the head. At the same time, the gaze is defocused (it will be defocused anyway if attention is focused on internal sensations).
So, inside the head from the side of the back of the head, such distant and subtle sensations should appear, like “threads”, which appear one by one, increase in size and stretch towards the forehead, to the place where you put a spoon to your forehead. This is not from the middle of the head, but just a little back from the center of the head, from the side of the back of the head. We keep our attention on the spoon and on these sensations from the back of the head.
The first seconds are difficult, since attention cannot be directed in two directions at once, you will very quickly switch it either to a spoon on your forehead, or to sensations inside the back of the head. But after a while, you will understand that attention has nevertheless become simultaneous here and there, as soon as you “feel” these sensations in your head. It is generally a strange feeling - to feel the head at the same time from two sides. But this allows you to prevent any extraneous thoughts, a state of complete concentration and "prostration" is achieved at the same time. So (in order not to be distracted), as soon as you find that you are holding both the sensations of the spoon on your forehead and the sensations inside the head in the form of strings, immediately begin to gradually loosen the pressure on the spoon, slowly release your fingers. With the growth of internal sensations, you yourself will begin to understand that with the growth of internal sensations, as it were, the spoon sticks to the skin, is pressed in, as if these internal “threads” “grabbed” it. Holding these inner sensations, release your fingers - the spoon will remain on your forehead. You will feel its weight, that it is hanging in a vertical position, as if magnetized to the forehead. But it’s too early to rejoice (this is very important!), because you can’t even pretend that you are surprised. It is necessary, after the spoon has remained hanging, slowly, grain by grain, begin to lower your head forward so that the lower part of the spoon goes away from your nose and does not rest on it. You will find that the spoon is holding without any "help".

Common mistakes:

1. Haste, fuss, inability to concentrate.

2. If you pretend to be calm, then keep in mind that you are only pretending, but inside you are not calm and are engaged in self-deception. This is not a trick, and you are not a magician. Therefore, you will not “grope” the “threads” from the back of the head, and the spoon will not be magnetized.

The time to “turn on” usually takes about five minutes maximum, even for the most especially linear ones. Of course, provided that everything is done strictly as written. You can always stop the mental dialogue for a couple of seconds, and when you “find the strings”, then there will be no thoughts at all. As soon as you are delighted, an impulse of “joyful thought” will appear - the spoon will fall. If you keep yourself in such inner attention, you can be with a spoon for a long time, you can even walk around the room. With the growth of sensations, inner confidence will grow, and objects can be made heavier. Start with a metal spoon, it's easier. And then you can magnetize everything: lighters, glasses, fountain pens, etc.


1. Magnetism turns on quickly (i.e. people usually quickly recognize the right sensations), but if you suffer from migraines, other types of headaches - do not take this technique!

2. This technique indirectly affects the general tone of the body, increases resistance to disease, nervous system becomes stronger.

Attaching an object to the body.

1. Defocusing of the gaze, attention to the chest area, while inhaling, I imagine the direction of movement of energy (air) to the center along the chest area, as if there is a huge funnel, while feeling that the entire area in front of you, like the surface of a balloon, is attracted and deepened to the spine , from the back of the head to the coccyx.

2. I apply an object, I catch the difference in sensations in the center of the head (“threads”) and sensations in the body. The head attracts in the head (inner screen), as a part of me, I am one with this subject. At the same time, I don’t name the object, I don’t recognize it, that is, with a defocused look, there is complete silence in my head, the object is a part of me, my reality that sticks. To hold (stick), you can give a command to yourself - to hold the object. On the hand, if the object is held vertically, there may be a tingling and burning sensation in the center of the palm, as if this area in the center is filled with a thick substance.

3. There may be slight dizziness and a state of detachment after performing the technique. But these conditions pass quickly and painlessly.

P.S. Similar techniques are given for self-development. There are many of them, they are not as complex as they are often presented. However, the effect of contact with unusual abilities causes an increase in self-confidence, strengthens the body, self-esteem, personal status, etc. this description only a part, the "surface" is provided. The depth of development of these and other sensations provides much more opportunities than one might imagine.

Try! It `s very unusual!

Everything is possible! And it's easy to do. This is an unusual multidimensional reality, where everything always has its place, and you never interfere with anyone or anything.

"The reason for the publication of this message with the attachment of photographs of persons with objects stuck to them during performances in Ust-Kamenogorsk was information on the Internet that many years ago, as a result of watching my TV shows, a young woman suddenly had a reaction of sticking spoons and irons .

The conclusions of the "specialists" about the impact of "space" or "bioenergy", given in the video about this case, forced me, refuting them, to conduct a series of demonstrations of the induction of this phenomenon in a large mass of people at once. And, each time spending only three minutes on it.

My influence is not based on hypnosis, not “energy”, not a word. And the strongest psychological programming, directed into the sphere of the unconscious in the form of my so-called "invisible, inaudible, imperceptible arrows", the essence of which is even more mysterious than these stickings themselves.

A. Kashpirovsky.

Metal objects with a rough surface do not stick to bare areas of the body of a "man-magnet". Hence: the reason for the "sticking" of spoons, forks and even irons is ... atmospheric pressure, or rather, its asymmetry. As you know, it, this pressure, at sea level is even slightly more than one kilogram per square centimeter. And this is a real force that we do not feel at all; atmospheric pressure manifests itself as an observable force only when there is a difference in this pressure.

We put experience. We take a piece of glass and apply it to the window glass. The shard does not stick. Wet the shard with water or grease it with vegetable oil. The shard sticks. The same thing happens when different bodies are applied with smooth surface to the sweaty body of a person: on the outside of the applied body, the atmospheric pressure is normal, and on the attached side it is less, because at the moment of applying the body we put pressure on it and thereby displace the air from under it.

It's simple, gentlemen, comrade scientists and psychics: "biological magnetism" is the atmospheric pressing of objects to the human body. This conclusion is proven simple experiments in the pressure chamber: when the pressure is reduced, the adhered bodies "stick off". And it is no longer necessary to write doctoral dissertations on the topic of biomagnetism (it turns out that we also have such doctors of sciences).

Some forms of wildlife use atmospheric pressure to the substrate, such as snails, slugs and earthworms. And as a "contact fluid" for the effective displacement of air from under them, they use mucus. This allows them to "travel in comfort", albeit upside down, along the smooth ceiling of the film greenhouse.

There is a lot of mathematics in physics textbooks, but little of physics itself. Hence the "miracles". The force of Archimedes does not act on bodies hermetically attached to the bottom and walls of the vessel or on a caisson installed on the seabed. In these cases, the displacing force, due to the mobility and weight of the particles of the medium, simply turns into a pressing force of the pressure of the medium on the immersed body. This knowledge should be written in the natural history textbook for grade 4. True, the student will not need it, because he will have to explain the buoyancy force of Archimedes through the differentiation of pressure along the height of the liquid or gas column and calculate it by integrating the pressure of the medium over all points on the surface of the immersed body ... And this is exactly what Archimedes himself refused 2200 years ago, by "calculating" the displacement force with the help of conventional balances.

The allegedly lost treatise of Archimedes "On Floating Bodies" began with the following theorems: "All liquids and gases have weight and are under the pressure of the force of the weight of their own and higher layers"; "All transparent liquids and gases consist of identical, equidistant and relatively immobile (oscillating or trembling) particles in a state of mutual repulsion and unstable (or sensitive) equilibrium." And all his contemporaries considered air to be a weightless chaos, that is, a gas... Bodies or substances with a chaotic movement of particles really do not have weight. For example, an atmospheric fireball has no weight atomic explosion, near ball lightning, near a candle flame compressed by atmospheric pressure... But not only the chaos in the minds of scientists allows them to write doctoral dissertations on the topic of non-existent biomagnetism.

Science is born where one incomprehensible is explained by means of something even more incomprehensible, or where someone manages to turn the obvious into the incredible and where there is a lot of mathematics. See for yourself, a piece of glass wetted with water sticks to a window glass, and in your textbooks this is explained by the surface tension of water; the same shard of glass sticks to your forehead, and modern science explains this experience from the standpoint of email. magnetism, biomagnetism and intermolecular interactions. And this is when the correct explanation of these experiments could have been given as early as the 4th grade at a natural history lesson in the topic "Archimedes' Law" ...

If there is a desire, then all the laws of Archimedes are here: "ABC from future geniuses": the theme is "Archimedes' laws."


Good afternoon! Yesterday my daughter put the phone on my back (I was in a sitting position). But he does not fall, I straighten my back, and he hangs. I took spoons, hung them on the pectoral muscles, shoulders, even on the forearm - they hang. I was delighted. I'm special! I remembered that such people are shown on TV! I hung spoons for my son - they hang! Mothers too.

Thanks Igor!

I also have whole sets of dishes hanging on me ...
At a party or at a party I joke sometimes. You will accidentally draw a spoon across your cheek and release your hand, as if forgetting about the spoon. And the spoon hangs, does not fall. Then you pretend that you are looking for a spoon :)

An important skill, not that you can show oddities, attracting attention to yourself as MAN MAGNET, the importance is hidden from the eyes of others. This is a simple exercise to let you understand how you can feel the invisible, to feel the reality of the field of an object, a person, animal, how to touch the invisible part of everything that surrounds us. Thus faith is gained, certainty in existence subtle world, the world of invisible fields and energies. Gaining faith in yourself that you can feel it and even control it to some extent. In addition to faith, comes the understanding that through training, sometimes long and hard comes mastery of the ability. This rule applies to all areas of extrasensory perception, unless of course you have a natural ability in some direction, which already goes off scale without training.

Probably everyone has already heard or seen photos, videos, where a person attracts metal objects to his body. Some people have this property from birth. They are able to hold large amounts of metal objects on their bodies, or very large objects, irons, wrenches, even pans. Perhaps you even tried to put coins or spoons on yourself, some hold on to some, some do not.

Only for the readers of this site, if you do not have such a natural property, I will tell you how to learn how to do it.

How to learn to hold a coin fork or larger objects on the body.

To start try putting a coin or spoon to your temple or forehead, after wiping your forehead dry and the object with which you plan to work. How did it happen that the object is holding up? If not, do this.

Attach a coin or a spoon, with the plane to your temple, hold it with your hand for a while, but do not try to glue or press the object into the body. Just hold on lightly. Now feel the coolness of the metal and try to draw in this coolness. Take your time, feel the viscosity of this coolness, its substance, its density. Feel that this coolness is firmly attached to the subject and is part of it.. Feel that you can grab hold of it, pulling the coolness into yourself. You have your own power inside, a field similar to the field of the object that you could feel through the coolness of the object. You seem to take and hold the field of the subject with your field. At first there may be a feeling that you find it difficult to grasp the cold, there is a feeling similar to when you lie down your hand and it becomes naughty, and maybe everything will work out right away. Many immediately understand how everything happens.

Here is such an easy way. This, of course, is not yet the strength that people have by nature, but this is the beginning. Then everything depends on your perseverance and diligence. Training and more training. The principle is the same as with the muscles - the more training, the better the results, stop training - these muscles begin to weaken.


But do not forget about rest, these workouts take a lot of energy, so when your internal battery runs out, you will not be able to hold objects. And of course, if you use too much energy, you will have the usual consequences, such as overexpenditure of energy, weakness, mood can deteriorate, etc. But usually there is a quick recovery. If everything is properly calculated training and rest, then your strength will begin to increase, you will be able to hold objects more, and for a longer time.

In general, in life, the ability to attract objects is meaningless in itself, that is, there is no benefit from this. But for a beginner psychic, bioenergetics, this is an important stage in development and training. Skill and understanding how you feel the subject, its field will help further. On the same principle, you can feel and control various energies and possibly something else. Each extrasensory direction has its own "coolness" that you need to feel and be able to take it with your strength, you can say to merge. Specifically, in empathy, every emotion has energy, and you need to learn to take on this energy with your “energy hands”. Emotion in this case it will be like a cold spoon.