Exhibition in Mikhailovsky Park. How the "Imperial Gardens of Russia" are arranged and why you can't stick a shovel in the Mikhailovsky Garden

Saint Petersburg is a city with rich history. Each successful event held here once has every chance of obtaining the status of "annual". So it happened with the exhibition of landscape art "Imperial Gardens". Initially, it was planned as one of the venues for the capital's holiday, but today it has become a place of pilgrimage for residents, guests of the city and foreign tourists.

What to see: history and program of the event

The first festival called "Imperial Gardens of Russia" was held exactly 10 years ago and was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 110th anniversary of the Russian Museum. The main exposition to this day is the exhibition-competition landscape design: every year specialists are given a theme, in accordance with which they compose their compositions on one of the segments Mikhailovsky garden.
"Imperial Gardens of Russia" is called the first Russian festival of landscape art, it is put on a par with major events of this kind in Europe.
In 2018, the exhibition will be held from 21 to 27 June and will be called "Flower Assembly". For the first time, its location will be the Summer Garden with many magnificent fountains and ancient sculptures of mythical characters and gods. Hundreds of annual flowers imitating a bright living carpet will be planted on the territory of the Parade parterre. The arched structures of Berso will be decorated with floral compositions, and the designers will add citrus trees and pots of geraniums to the Birds' Yard bosquet. Bosquet "Menagery Pond" will turn into a flower fantasy with petals and reflections of flowers.
The program includes botanical lectures and floristic workshops, fashion shows. For lovers of live sound, concerts with the participation of musical groups will be held.

Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia 2018": how to get there?

The nearest metro stations are Nevsky Prospekt and Gostiny Dvor. Also available ground public transport- near the stop "Summer Garden" and "Garden Bridge". At a distance of 600 meters lies Nevsky Prospekt, from where it is possible to get to any point of the Northern capital.

You can buy a ticket for the Flower Assembly event on our website online. To do this, click the "Buy ticket" button in the upper right part of the page.

What to see nearby?

After visiting the exhibition, you can look into the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood and feel the art of architecture of the early 20th century. Not far from the Mikhailovsky Garden is located

Mikhailovsky Garden in St. Petersburg is one of the most popular and well-maintained parks, which is located in the very center of the city. In this rare monument of landscape 18th architectureearly XIX centuries on the same territory, two different styles of landscape art are uniquely combined - regular or French, and landscape, English. The park is also characterized by the architectural harmony of the embodied plan of the great architect Karl Rossi - the unity of the building of the Mikhailovsky Palace and the natural landscape of the Mikhailovsky Garden. The garden is protected as an object cultural heritage federal significance.

Area: 10 ha

Where is

The territory of the garden is limited by Sadovaya Street, the Moika River and the Griboyedov Canal. To the south of the Mikhailovsky Garden is the Mikhailovsky Palace, as well as the buildings of the Ethnographic Museum and the Benois Wing. Near the northwestern part of the Mikhailovsky Garden is the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood.

Entrance to the garden

Visitors can enter from Sadovaya Street or from the Griboedov Canal embankment. Entry fee: free.


Mikhailovsky Garden appeared in early XVIII century, by decision of Peter I, simultaneously with the Summer Garden. At first it was called the Third Summer Garden, because the first two gardens belonged to the tsar, and in this they began to build a castle for the tsarina, Catherine I. The general plan of the three Summer Gardens was commissioned by the sovereign architect Jean-Baptiste Leblon. In those years, the territory of the garden was more extensive than today, and the planners had to drain the site by constructing additional channels to drain the water.

At the current location of the Rossi pavilion, a compact Catherine Palace with a golden spire was built, which was called the Golden Mansions. Fruit trees, berry bushes were planted around, and pineapples and bananas were grown in greenhouses. Nightingales caught in three provinces were brought to the garden. Alleys in the form of green corridors alternated with ponds in which live fish were bred.

Anna Ivanovna III, having become king, started a large-scale restructuring of the garden, allocating a large place for hunting wild boars, hares and deer - yagdgarten. For hunters, special galleries were built, the stone walls of which protected from random bullets. When she was in the garden, a soap house appeared - an imperial bath with a fountain and rooms for relaxation.

Years later, Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli built for Empress Elizabeth Petrovna the Summer Palace and a labyrinth garden with a main alley leading to Nevsky Prospekt. The garden was laid out in the then fashionable regular style, with cruciform alleys, trimmed trees, fountains and marble statues. In the garden, flower beds were also laid out and pavilions, gazebos and slides with swings were installed.

Since 1817, the construction of the Mikhailovsky Palace began, after which the garden began to be called Mikhailovsky. It was again rescheduled, trying to give a more natural, "landscape" character. Instead of ponds for fish, an English lawn appeared, vegetable gardens were replaced by paths for horseback riding. And on the site of the Golden Choir, the architect Rossi built a pavilion-pier for small boats of the imperial family.

Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich settled in the palace with his wife Elena Pavlovna, who often organized extensive high-society festivities in the garden. The Mikhailovsky Garden was opened to the public in 1898, 3 years after it was transferred to the Emperor's Museum Alexander III. True, according to the sign on the gate, not everyone could visit the garden: soldiers and dogs were forbidden to enter.

Wrought iron lattice of the Mikhailovsky Garden

In 1881, the Narodnaya Volya mortally wounded Emperor Alexander II on the embankment of the Catherine Canal, near the Mikhailovsky Garden. In memory of the tragedy, the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, known as the Savior on Blood, was built on this site. In order to separate the temple from the Mikhailovsky Garden, an art nouveau lattice was made, which is an interweaving of bizarre large flowers and leaves, decorated with gilded details. Forged elements of the fence alternate with columns, flowerpots and urns, and a memorial plaque is placed at the site of the wound of Alexander II.

Video review of the fence of the Mikhailovsky Garden

modern garden life

In 1999, the Mikhailovsky Garden was transferred to the State Russian Museum. Since then, there has been a phased reconstruction of the garden in order to return it to the appearance outlined by Carl Rossi. Over the years, new trees have been planted, and paths have been removed, distorting the original intent of the architect. A bust of Karl Rossi appeared near the Rossi pavilion, and busts of the artists Karl Bryullov and Alexander Ivanov were installed in the garden, copying the original sculptures. works of XIX century.

Events in the Mikhailovsky Garden

Mass events such as concerts and festivals are regularly organized in the garden. Every summer in the Mikhailovsky Garden is held summer festival"Imperial Gardens of Russia", which demonstrates original ideas in the field of landscape design. Members of the British royal family related to the Russian imperial house.

In 2018, for the first time, not the Mikhailovsky Garden, but the Summer Garden was chosen as the venue for the XI Imperial Gardens of Russia festival (from June 21 to 27). According to the plan of the organizers, the transfer of the venue of the event to the favorite garden of Peter I is symbolic for the celebration of 300 years since the issuance of Peter's decree on holding assemblies. In June 2019, in the Mikhailovsky Garden, you could show your Creative skills to create costumes as part of the inclusive project "Art Transformations".

Exhibitions in the Mikhailovsky Garden

In 2017, as part of the Imperial Gardens of Russia festival, an exhibition of Russian avant-garde was held in the garden. And in May-June 2018, visitors to the Mikhailovsky Garden could admire the author's benches painted by artists who participated in the international action "Peace Shop".

How to get to Mikhailovsky Garden

The garden is located in the central district of St. Petersburg, so it can be reached from different parts of the city by choosing the most convenient public transport route.

Not far from the entrance to the Mikhailovsky Garden there are stops of ground public transport: bus: No. 3, No. 22, No. 27, No. 49, K212, trolleybus: No. 5, No. 22 and tram: № 3.

From Metro Gostiny Dvor"(Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya or green line): exit towards Gostiny Dvor, onto Sadovaya street. Go straight ahead, after about 350 m you will see the lattice of the Mikhailovsky Garden on the left.

From Metro Nevsky Prospekt(Moscow-Petrogradskaya or blue line): exit towards the Griboyedov Canal, along the embankment, pass the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood. Then go along the fence of the Mikhailovsky Garden to the entrance.

From Palace Square: go towards the embankment of the Moika River near the Pevchesky bridge. After crossing the bridge, turn left. Then follow the embankment, skirting Konyushennaya Square, to the second Garden Bridge.

On the car: the garden is located opposite the Mikhailovsky Castle, by car you need to go to Sadovaya Street.

On the Taxi: it is convenient to get to the Mikhailovsky Garden using applications for ordering a taxi operating in St. Petersburg (Yandex. Taxi, Uber, Gett, Maxim).

Video review of the Mikhailovsky Garden

Mikhailovsky garden on google-panorama

On June 10, in one of the most famous and well-maintained parks in St. Petersburg - Mikhailovsky Garden, the IX International Festival of Floristry and Landscape Design "Imperial Gardens of Russia" will open. The event will delight visitors with original flower arrangements, bizarre park figures from living plants, colorful installations. Within the framework of the festival, the competition "Flowers of Life", an enchanting show program, unique master classes from the participants are planned.

Information about the festival Imperial Gardens in St. Petersburg

On June 10-19, the most significant event in the world of floristry and landscape art in the country and throughout Europe, the Imperial Gardens festival, will be held in the Northern capital of Russia.

The history of the event began in 2008, when the State historical Museum in cooperation with the Charitable Foundation of a member of the British royal family - Prince Michael of Kent and the Horticultural Union Russian Federation organized a grandiose exhibition of flowers for the townspeople. Since that time, the festival has been held annually, bringing together the best gardeners, architects and designers from all over the world, who want to demonstrate their skills to the public.

Every year, within the framework of the event, an exhibition-competition for the best garden and park composition is held. The organizers determine the theme of the exposition and the names of the nominations in which the participants will compete. The concept of the upcoming event will be the theme of childhood. The contestants will be invited to make their childhood dreams come true - to create play spaces, fabulous art objects, bizarre figures out of flowers and other plants.

What will surprise the IX Festival Imperial Gardens of Russia

The Imperial Gardens of Russia is a grandiose event on a global scale, which every season attracts more than 100,000 visitors to the Mikhailovsky Garden. The organizers promise that this year's exhibition called "Flowers of Life" will be no less interesting than the previous ones.

During the festival, the park will turn into a world of children's dreams and fantasies. Here you can see real miracles from flowers and ornamental plants: fairytale heroes and toys, a mysterious garden where the spirit of magic hovers everywhere, fantastic sculptures and figures.

Citizens and guests of the region will be able not only to admire the works of talented masters of landscape design, but also attend concerts, theatrical performances under open sky, exciting workshops for adults and children.

Where the event will take place, schedule, information for visitors

A grand flower festival will take place international importance in the period from 10 to 19 June in St. Petersburg. The exhibition and accompanying events will be located on the territory of the Mikhailovsky Park, at the address: st. Engineering, 4.

Information for visitors

  • During the days of the festival, the park will be open to the public from 10:00 to 22:00.
  • The cost of a complete entrance ticket is 250 rubles, preferential - 50 rubles.


The Imperial Gardens of Russia is a great opportunity to spend leisure time with the whole family in the open air in one of the most beautiful parks in the city, admiring magnificent flower arrangements and installations. In addition, an interesting and rich program awaits visitors, consisting of theatrical performances, concerts, film screenings, interactive games and master classes.

X International Festival of Gardening and Landscape Art "Imperial Gardens of Russia"

From June 9 to 18, in one of the most beautiful parks in the city, as part of the Imperial Gardens of Russia festival, visitors will be presented with unusual landscape compositions in the style of avant-garde art.

Mikhailovsky Garden
Embankment of the Griboyedov Canal, 2B
metro Nevsky prospect, Gostiny Dvor

From June 9 to June 18, the Mikhailovsky Garden of the Russian Museum will host International Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia".

This is a grandiose event in the field of landscape and garden art, which has been held annually since 2008. It is among such famous landscape events in the world as: Chelsea Flower Show (Chelsea flower show), London; Flower Show in Hampton Court (Hampton Court Palace Flower Show), England; International "Festival of Gardens" in Chaumont-sur-Loire, France.

As part of the festival, visitors will find numerous garden installations, art objects, exclusive avant-garde souvenirs, as well as a bright and interesting program with science and entertainment shows, lectures, concerts, theater performances and master classes.

The central event of the holiday will be an exhibition of landscape compositions, which will be held this year under the name "AVANTGARDENS". The participants in their works will try to interpret the concepts and images of avant-garde art in the space of the Mikhailovsky Garden. In addition, the environmental theme will also be touched upon, since 2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology in Russia.

Opening hours of the park during the festival: June 9 from 14:00 to 22:00, from June 10 to 18 from 10:00 to 22:00

Ticket price: adult 300 rubles
Entrance preferential - 100 rubles (for persons under 18 years of age, students of universities and pensioners upon presentation of a relevant certificate)
Family ticket for parents with children (2 adults + 2 children) - 600 rubles

The program of events of the festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia"

14:00 Opening of the Mikhailovsky Garden for visitors

15:00 Master class from the cycle "Avant-garde floristry" from the company "FO-MI": "Avant-garde and synthesis of arts: collage" (Larisa Reshetova, florist)

16:00 Science and entertainment show from the student club of ITMO University "Physic'sLand": "Chemical Palette of Knowledge"

17:00 Presentation of the project “Movement of blue. Russian-German meeting", with the participation of the authors of the project and the German song ensemble "Lorelei" (head - Natalia Kraubner)

21:00 AKHE Engineering Theater: performance "Foam of Days". *Oil Meadow

13:00 Master class from the cycle "Avant-garde floristry": "Suprematism: bouquets of vegetables" (Anna Nazarova, "Very good")

14:00 Science and entertainment show "Physic'sLand": "Physics of creating beauty"

17:00 Vanguard online. How are avant-garde art and modern technologies? Presentation of the online encyclopedia of the Russian avant-garde by the project curator Alexander Kremer

18:30 Performance by Anton Adasinsky and the avant-garde theater "Derevo" "Wolf Tango-HARAM". buttered meadow

19:00 Concert by Alexander Manotskov and Courage Quartet

12:00 Ceremony of awarding participants of the exhibition "Avangardence". With the participation of the vocal studio "Debut" (head - Marina Temkina) and the studio of sign singing "Singing Hands" (head - Marina Durkina).

13:00 Master class from the cycle "Avant-garde floristry": "Surrealism"

14:00 The project of the department of excursion and lecture work of the Russian Museum "Alley of Artists": master classes of St. Petersburg artists for children and adults, with the participation of pupils creative studios St. Petersburg.

Folklore and game program "Russian fair fun" (Ethnocultural center "Kitezhgrad" DDT "Izmailovsky")

17:00 Lecture "Malevich, Mondrian, Kandinsky: utopias, pragmatics and eternal flourishing". Lecturer - Alexei Boyko, Candidate of Art History, employee of the Russian Museum, Associate Professor of St. Petersburg State University

18:30 Performance by Anton Adasinsky and the theater "Derevo" "Wolf tango-WARMBLOODED". buttered meadow

19:00 Concert of the musical group "VolkovTrio"

20:00 Choral naumachia (water performance). Staging of Velimir Khlebnikov's super story "ZANGEZI". Joint project: Gleb Ershov, Petr Bely, Vladimir Rannev, Sofia Azarkhi, Andrey Rudyev, Ilya Grishaev, Semyon Motolyanets, Lera Lerner, students of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University, graduates of the PRO ARTE school.

* Alley at the Big Pond: 14.30-20.00 Project of the Excursion and Lecture Department of the Russian Museum "Plein Air in the Mikhailovsky Garden": a blitz exhibition children's drawing"Vanguard"

12:00 Dance music concert “I will only hear a polka in the distance…” performed by young musicians Art Support Foundation "Art-Line" ( artistic director- Tatyana Malysheva)

14:00 Master class from the cycle "Avant-garde floristry": "Constructivism: botanical drawing" (Elena Smirnova, "FO-MI")


16:00 "Sculpture in the Garden" Dialogue between artist Vladimir Zagorov and art critic Alexei Boyko

18:00 Concert by Alexei Aigi and Ensemble 4'33"

14:00 Master class from the cycle "Avant-garde floristry": "Expressionism: moss panels" (Ekaterina Nikolaeva, florist)

15:00 Science and entertainment show "Physic'sLand"

16:00 Lecture "Performances in the garden: episodes of history and modern practices". Lecturer - Roman Osminkin, researcher, poet, art critic

18:30 Concert "Journey to silver Age and the world of the avant-garde”: Marina Morozova (soprano), Tatyana Savinova (piano)

20:30 Igor Baskin and d-sound project, Concert for Malevich

11:00 – 16:00 "Ecoenvironment", a program of the North-West Center for the Support of Environmental Education

Children's performances creative teams, environmental tales and propaganda teams, fashion show

Demonstration of videos of the winners of the Open City Film Competition “From the Year of Cinema to the Year of Ecology”

Master classes, presentations

Information table on separate waste collection of the Association "Separate Collection" ( 12:00-18:00 )

Program "City of Masters" ( 12:00-16:00 )

* Rossi Pavilion 12.00-18.00 GreenLab site. School computer graphics"ART-I-SHOCK": creation of ecological graffiti, art workshops

* Children's playground 12:00-16:00 Ecological games for children "We comprehend the secrets of nature"

16:00 Science and entertainment show "Physic'sLand": "What comes to mind."

17:00 Master class from the cycle "Avant-garde floristry": "Paper flowers" (Evdokia Aseeva, "FO-MI")

13:00 Master class from the cycle "Avant-garde floristry": "Organic direction: florarium" (Oksana Stoyan, "FO-MI")

15:00 Science and entertainment show "Physic'sLand"

16:00 Lecture " landscape architecture metropolis at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century. (Russia, Germany, Austria): traditions of the avant-garde in contemporary contexts”. Lecturer - Alexey Sholokhov, Associate Professor of St. A.L. Stieglitz

19:00 "Second of the sky". Video program by Igor Baskin

12:00 Language animation from drb - cafe "Blue Rider" (Foundation for the Support and Development of Russian-German Relations "Russian-German Meeting Center")

13:00 Master class from the cycle "Avant-garde floristry": "Primitivism"

15:00 Science and entertainment show "Physic'sLand"

16:00 "Images of Gardens and Parks in the Paintings of Viktor Borisov-Musatov and the Blue Rose Artists". Lecturer - Elena Stankevich, art critic, head of the methodological department of the Russian Museum

18:30 Ecological master class from drb - Blue Rider Cafe

19:00 Concert of the Molotov Ensemble

20:00 Performance by Anton Adasinsky and the theater "Derevo" "Wolf Tango-ZOVYAZ". buttered meadow

12:00 Architectural master classes from the "Society of Young Architects": "Avant-garde architecture in layouts". For children 4-7 years old

13:00 Master class from the cycle "Avant-garde floristics": "Abstractionism" (Olga Kulakova, florist)

14:00 Architectural master class from the "Society of Young Architects": "Architectural experiments". For children 8-16 years old

16:00 Lecture "Here there will be a garden city ...". Decorative projects of revolutionary urbanism. Lecturer - Alexander Kibasov, philosopher, leading methodologist of the Russian Museum

17:00 Lecture “Ghosts of the Revolution. Architecture of the Leningrad avant-garde. Lecturer - Dmitry Simanovsky, translator, author of the project

18:00 Performance by Anton Adasinsky and the theater "Derevo" "Wolf Tango - SNAKE TIME". buttered meadow

19:00 Concert of the AVIA group with the participation of the sports group. AVIA under the leadership of Anton Adasinsky

12:00 Language animation by drb - Blue Rider Cafe

13:00 Master class from the cycle "Avant-garde floristry": "Futurism"

15:00 Science and entertainment show "Physic'sLand"

16:00 Lecture "Flowers of the world flourishing": the art of P.N. Filonov. Lecturer - Alexei Kurbanovsky, art historian, critic, chief researcher of the Russian Museum

18:00 Closing ceremony of the festival

Events take place on main stage festival, on the Berm of the Mikhailovsky Palace (exceptions are marked *)

* Rossi Pavilion - Master classes led by professional artists from the author's studio ART CONTACT & KotARTis Daily from 11.00 to 20.00

*Children's Playground - Project "They draw there". A series of performances from the group "North-7" and students of the Academy of Arts

The program is subject to change, which will be published on the website: igardens.ru/imperial-gardens-festival/

Map of the festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia"

Detailed map of the festival: umap.openstreetmap.fr/ru/map/gardens_131959#17/59.93980/30.33438