This boy is very cute and doing well. What is good and what is bad

Vera Viktorovna Kamsha

Blue gaze of death

Part two

© Kamsha V.V., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E "", 2017

“When the emperor leaves the empire,” the ancients frightened, “the Golden Lands will sink into the abyss of disaster.” “The ball of fate will break away,” the Gogan sages warned, “and woe to those who get in its way. About what will happen if the one who, by all indications, is the emperor returns, the predictions were silent, but he returned and demanded first a guitar, and then a report. Finishing this, Viscount Valme realized that all his previous assignments were not so special, because the “Fleabag of Fates” is rolling around somewhere and considers itself inevitable. It's all for nothing."

V. "The Hanged Man"

I am a person who belongs to no one and who belongs to everyone.

Charles de Gaulle

Bakria. Handava. Talig. Akona

400 K.S. 7th day of Autumn Waves

It got colder and Valme woke up a little. The viscount was not going to get up, but they began to lick him. It was strange: after vigils and libations, Marcel prudently left the dog on the street, and they drank pretty much yesterday.

The viscount opened his right eye: there really was Kotik in front of him. The wolfhound smiled tactlessly, and Marcel enjoyed life in the morning only in exceptional circumstances.

- Where did you come from? groaned the viscount, pushing his stubborn muzzle away. - And why the draft? Did you open the window? Are you flying now?.. Nightmare!

“I brought Gotti,” said the draft. - If someone truly loved wakes up, awakening becomes less terrible.

“If this is a dream,” the viscount snapped, “then, despite Kotik, it’s disgusting.” And why is there no Gerard in it?

The Valmon heir lied. The alleged dream would be disgusting if it were really such. To wake up and realize that Roque is still in the hole, and you are looking for special assignments for yourself and lying to the ladies, eminences and bakrans ... But not this! Marcel hurriedly sat up and tossed aside the blanket of spotted skins. Barsov, presumably.

I wonder why the god Bars does not forbid hunting tailed relatives? Although the great Bakra allows one of his children to milk, cut and eat others. Let with respect and gratitude, it does not change the essence.

It blurted out. Clever Kitty brought a baldric with a sword and now he was waiting for a well-deserved gingerbread.

“Now,” the viscount assured the dog. “Duke, what a beast you are. Yes, I protest and, as I warned in a dream ... that is, yesterday, I turn to “you”. with the officers special assignments don't behave like that!

“Blooddershaft has no reverse,” Raven replied absently. The way he looked made me want to immediately shove my dearest dad down the hole. Unless, of course, the hole affects everyone, and not just Alva, and if it has not yet grown.

“Brudershaft is nothing more than a formality,” Valme yawned widely, like a dog. “I didn’t get enough sleep, and you’re still a beast.”

“The first person I picked up in the middle of the night,” Roque said thoughtfully, “was my mother, and that was thirty-eight years ago. Then it became a habit of mine to keep people awake. During what mystery did we part?

- What? Marcel didn't understand. There were no cookies on the table, so I had to shovel clothes into a pile and take care of my pockets.

“You said that we parted during the mystery,” Roque reminded. He scoffed, which convinced him of his authenticity no worse than a shadow, this time sunny.

“I have to repeat it again and again,” the heir of the Valmons said with dignity. - You are a beast.

- I do not argue, although those whom I annoy usually choose other words. So what was this mystery?

- It was a hole! Marseille exploded. The cat barked in puzzlement, Roque only raised an eyebrow.

- Which one? This bastard obviously didn't want to budge. Well, about the hole so about the hole!

- Nadorskaya. Round, no bottom. By the way, I had a nail in my boot!

- It's really annoying. - Roque beckoned Kitty, and the villain immediately climbed up to kiss. - The last thing I remember is the evening at Matilda's, after which something happened to me. Yesterday I found almost the same people doing the same thing, but several months have passed. This puzzled me, but the stars clearly point to the beginning of the Autumn Waves. Who was born to Eteri?

    Rated the book

    So, the second part of the third book of the third volume of the fifth novel of the cycle "Reflections of Eterna" has been read. And I came at the end of my acquaintance with the events of this book, that the well-known expression "You are beautiful as the dawn" can be safely used as a curse. Only, when writing, do not forget to write the word "dawn" with a capital letter.

    In terms of the abundance of water, nothing has changed here - another bottomless sea. In terms of promoting the plot, they also did not succeed very well. True, here we finally looked into Ollaria again and admired with our own eyes what was going on there. Yes, the characters finally got their asses up and started ranting as they moved. These are the ones I'll start with. There are spoiler points, but not to say that these are spoilers in the literal sense of the word. There will be a fat spoiler at the end, but this routine is hidden under the cat. And this time I'm in detail. Let's start...

    I'll start, of course, with Roque "Our All" Alva. He's kind of melancholic though. Some detached, as if hovering somewhere, either in the clouds, or in the Sunset. When you finally see him in action, you understand that something is not right here with him. There is no spark, no excitement, no that same spark as before. The feeling is that he would have stayed in Handava with great pleasure: he fucked with Eteri, strummed the guitar, drank with Matilda and Boniface, and in between these most worthy activities, he philosophized on the theme of nightingales and roses. Or listened to ancient legends from the lips of Eteri. But duty calls!

    But the Savignacs somehow came to life. The elder-senior has become more like a man, jumping through the windows to the ladies, joking as best he can, in general, he has ceased to be just a function. The elder-junior looks like himself from the time of the Felp company. And the younger-junior has become smarter, not that completely, but progress is evident. Although he still does in places something like “Ay, na ne na ne! The barn is on fire, burn and the hut!”, But in much smaller quantities. I am glad that in this part there is very little Arletta with her parables.

    As did Julian. I don't understand why she gets so much attention. And in general - why is this character shown to us and put into action? Well, we knew that Veizel had a wife, well, okay. Why include it in the story? What is its role and significance? For color? Or to drag Mallit to Prydd's castle so she could preemptively kill the primordial? Well, OK. But why serve it in such quantities? And it would be okay if a normal character was, albeit narrow-minded, but to make such a klutz out of her ... This is some kind of walking and always broadcasting some kind of horror! And you begin to understand why Kurt was all in the war and was in the army. Yes, anyone will run away from such a fool. Even under the guns, even under the bullets, even in the reserve army.

    There, by the way, Laraka. Also a terribly annoying character, causing the same bewilderment. If not more.

    Saligan. Ramon (or Raymond, in the text this way and that way) just blossomed. But at the same time, in an amazing way, he managed to evoke at the same time both the old disgust towards him, and some respect for his resourcefulness and a well-played role. However, I consider this a plagiarism on Marseille during the reign of Aldo Beloshtanny.

    Marcel himself is the same. At least someone does not change so much that they become different from themselves.

    Happy Priddy. Pleases with them and Germont Arigo. The Neumarinens do not please, old age is affecting something, insanity is coming ... it is not clear. It is difficult for me to explain that they went on about their Urfrida. Not happy either.

    We figured out the characters - to the storylines. It is not clear why the Drixen and Gayifa lines are drawn in such detail. Suppose we want to show what is happening there. But why so detailed? A quarter of a book to one, a quarter of a book to another. Why do we need this talking shop and showing "cinema" in the style of "here and now" from scene to scene in all its details? Then Orestes comes to the Savignacs and tells all this, but briefly, the very essence, which is important for the plot. After all, the point is the essence of what happened there, and not what position Bruno takes when he thinks. I can these all unnecessarily detailed descriptions and forgive dialogues where the main line goes. But what's with the drix? Or has it also suddenly become one of the main lines? Who the hell and why? What's the point of this? What, besides increasing the amount of text, does this give us? Yes, nothing really. Although, maybe someone wanted to watch Bruno and others like him. Or there was not enough of another small group of leftists who briefly ran through the characters in the face of the officers of the Driksen army. Masses are not enough. Well, what if? I can only understand the attention paid to Falsenburg as a character who has been "in business" for a long time, that is, in a book, and who is one of the important, plot-forming characters. And then, I think that it was unnecessary to paint his heroic raid in such detail.

    About Capras is generally funny. He is in doubt all the time given to him and is looking for money for guns. And for some reason, all this, as well as what is happening around us, is again described in great detail.

    I can justify such details and repetitions only where the main characters appear. Their talking shop is justified, as they are finally starting to bunch up, because the time has come to do great things and save the fatherland. After all. Accordingly, they need to tell each other what, where and how it happened, tell in detail, discuss, analyze and draw some conclusions. But otherwise, the most detailed sucking of everything and everything seems superfluous to me. From some pieces of the text even yawns came, as this has already been described and discussed. And even more than once.

    Well, for dessert - "the most delicious." What, throughout this endless story, has excited readers the most? What was the main riddle connecting one with the other? What was there so much discussion about? At the expense of what various theories were built, formulas were calculated, conjectures were expressed? Sovereignty! So, that fat spoiler. I hide.

    spoiler Curthian arcane system merged. They waited for it to be spelled out and explained, that in the latest books readers will be told how what is transmitted, who is who and what is what. But everything turned into an absurdity. We observe that the power of the deceased master returned to Rakan, and was not transferred further. Well, they thought that Davenport would be the successor, because he heard the stones and felt something there. But no. To Rakan. So what? And the fact that this very Rakan can take and give it to anyone. And without any there magics and rituals. Just said and voila! - the new master is ready. Here Larak turned up. "That's it, you are the Lord of the Rocks now," Roque broadcasts, referring to Avon. - "And do not buzz me!" And really everything. Avon Larak - Lord of the Rocks. And there is no blood and other garbage. What did you dream about when you read the summary? And here is how. I, after reading the episode with the transfer of command, thought about it. So maybe Alv's cancer is explained that way, huh? Maybe in fact there are no secrets and long chains of Rinaldi - Borrasca - Alva at all? Imagine that, in fact, Ernani, having discussed the surrender of Kabitella Ollaru with Ramiro, put his hand on Alva’s shoulder and said: “That’s it, you are Rakan! Fits in with Rakan's newfound possibilities? Quite. And we were wondering... Idiots.collapse

    And finally, joy. The release of the third volume of Breaking Dawn was announced in September. Hallelujah! And then, after they began to say again that "Now work in progress on the design of the third, penultimate book", I have already begun to prepare for another five years of waiting for the last two books. Well, according to tradition. But no. Let's breathe.

    Rated the book

    We waited five years... And it would be better not to wait.
    A book series that once won my tender love with a detailed description of palace intrigues, military battles (on land, at sea and in the mountains) and geopolitics, interspersed with religious cults and ancient legends degenerated into something absolutely obscene. The dead here rise from their graves, all the women and girls, previously different from each other, like night and day, firmly agree that they are foolish women and they urgently need a man (and friends too), goodies pathetically broadcasting about their own genius, doing it with such aplomb that they and their "brilliant" plans (reminiscent of the jokes of cruel teenagers, at least the level of categoricalness is the same) begin to vomit. Politics? War? Somewhere in the background. And here, move over, they will read a moral to you, seasoning it with badly hidden quotations from the classics, how do you like Duke Alva, literally repeating Eugene Onegin? And Bakranskaya folk song"Katyusha"? Previously, the author somehow disguised his quotes, and took them not so much popular works. There, to the greener grass - the literary language, it used to be better too. I don't know who changed there - editors, proofreaders, betas, but the result is depressing. Especially compared to the first books in the series.
    Perhaps I will leave hopes for the appearance of the "Wild Wind". And sympathize with Dick Oakdell, the victim of politics double standards. But once upon a time there was a time!

    Rated the book

    I had an extremely fruitful vacation - I finally closed the Kamsha gestalt and, I must admit, not without pleasure. By and large, I have only complaints about Midnight, for feeling like I'm reading a crime news feed, and not good old fantasy and, occasionally, to individual characters. For example, a strong desire to attach Mallit somewhere, because the further she goes, the more she resembles a passing red banner, which the boys pass from hand to hand, some doomed, some with relief.
    What's good about these four books is the lack of slack in the storylines. Considering that I dragged on finishing the cycle until the release of Dawn, I also didn’t have to wait for an explanation for a bunch of years. Although the sudden patroness of Robert surprised by the choice and method of causing care and doing good. Well, Santa Barbara in the Priddov family is something. She and the Savignacs basically became my two favorite families in the cycle. They seem to be friendly, and loving, and caring, and at the same time rare psychos. It's just that the breeds of cockroaches in their heads are different. I think it's because some are northerners and others are southerners.

    But back to the beginning. That is, to Sunset, where the author began to escalate the coming Armageddon by all means available to her. Personally, the influx of mysticism did not bother me, because on the whole it is appropriate and even justified and with a failed base, which is no less pleasant. At the same time, Katarina's death turned out to be somehow senseless and stupid. She is not sorry, but there is a discrepancy here. Either Katarina is a smart manipulator who survived for years in the Ollarian viper and not only thanks to the protection of Alv and Savignacs, and then she behaved uncharacteristically stupid with the Deacon who flew off the coils, or Katarina is not so smart, but then how did she manage to set people up so famously while remaining white and fluffy? By the way, I really hope that by the end of Dawn we will be told why Her Majesty so wanted to get rid of the Prydds and the Oakdells and, in general, who the hell gave it up?
    Deacon's death itself was also strange. Or rather, invisible. Largely due to the strongly peculiar afterlife, Impressions from the series are delirious and delirious. The conscience is there, or what the Oakdells have instead of it, an overdose of impressions, a pathological craving for Alva, who will understand everything and save ... In short, a boar and a boar, so I was only worried about Roque's already battered psyche in case he had this nonsense dreaming too. Thanks to the twitter feed for letting me know he's got such a cool afterlife. I don’t even know, I imagined purgatory differently.
    At Midnight, the darkness thickened a little more than completely, but it's nice that the central actors the author began to quickly drive into heaps - this immediately sharply and qualitatively reduces the number storylines per square meter of text. Reading has become more convenient, especially considering that there are much more events going on. The previous favorite characters remained with them, but Juliana is something! Such an incredible woman can only be related to Valdez. She is also Mad, albeit in her own way, but I feel sorry for Irene in this context, because Baroness Weisel, launched on Priddov, is a new word in domestic torment. Arigo something with Valentine, they dumped on the war, and Irena is very, very well brought up. Poor girl. I hope she remembers to write a letter to Arlette thanking Louise.
    But I do not approve of the indecent number of corpses. Moreover, let’s say that Veizel was struck down by a stray bullet (or he could have beautifully blown up a hare or whalers), although I don’t really understand, why the hell was this necessary for the plot? Levi's death is even more sudden and indistinct. He didn’t become a ghost, he also didn’t become a native, he dragged away an indecently many secrets behind him, that is, he became absolutely useless. Outside the context of Dawn, Marianne's death is generally some kind of mockery, and if Nikola and Veizel die in the process of fulfilling their duty, then Marianne simply dies. Stupidly falling on the threshold. In short, basically Midnight is about death, the impending darkness and a little about family traditions Priddov. Their equanimity is especially touching in everything related to the daily routine. Well, just think, my sister rushed at her brother with a knife during dinner. The lady needs to be taken away to rest and the next change can be served. Lovely, just lovely. More charming only is the indomitable desire of the Savignac brothers to throw at each other everything that lies badly and show tongues to others.
    Dawn immediately hints at the enlightenment of the plot. Here, Roque returns from the already legendary hole with traces of complete rejuvenation and, suddenly, Laracom on a trailer. As I understand it, the Dukes and Lords of Nador are his karma, but I hope that Louise will still be grateful. Well, here you have weddings, novels, pregnancies and, in general, the predominance of love of life over the general crap of what is happening. Robert and Larak, of course, are in their repertoire, but they are walked by Roque and Marcel, and if they do not get out of depression, the elder Valme always remains. You understand, after communicating with him, people not only begin to understand cheeses, but also behave decently, because the opposite can interfere with the count, and everyone knows what Valma does with annoying obstacles. Won Ro was already so imbued that he even began to delve into the secrets of sheep breeding.
    Well, I can not help but admire Selina. Her exit to Lionel with pressing girlfriend problems is a separate extravaganza. So I whinnied, like a cavalry morisco, despite the dead of night. It was wonderful, as Marcel would say (oh, almost poetry turned out), and no less wonderful was the efficiency with which the marshal responded to the request.
    And last but not least: young Felsenburg is still smart, the Adrianians are touchingly reminiscent of my favorite Jesuits, adjusted for the universe, and therefore cause double tenderness. It's also nice to know that old love does not rust. Even more than ten years later. So with Kabitela I still have full-fledged love, which I wish you too)))))

© Kamsha V.V., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E "", 2017

“When the emperor leaves the empire,” the ancients frightened, “the Golden Lands will sink into the abyss of disaster.” “The ball of fate will break away,” the Gogan sages warned, “and woe to those who get in its way. About what will happen if the one who, by all indications, is the emperor returns, the predictions were silent, but he returned and demanded first a guitar, and then a report. Finishing this, Viscount Valme realized that all his previous assignments were not so special, because the “Fleabag of Fates” is rolling around somewhere and considers itself inevitable. It's all for nothing."

V. "The Hanged Man"

I am a person who belongs to no one and who belongs to everyone.

Charles de Gaulle

Chapter 1
Bakria. Handava. Talig. Akona
400 K.S. 7th day of Autumn Waves


It got colder and Valme woke up a little. The viscount was not going to get up, but they began to lick him. It was strange: after vigils and libations, Marcel prudently left the dog on the street, and they drank pretty much yesterday.

The viscount opened his right eye: there really was Kotik in front of him. The wolfhound smiled tactlessly, and Marcel enjoyed life in the morning only in exceptional circumstances.

- Where did you come from? groaned the viscount, pushing his stubborn muzzle away. - And why the draft? Did you open the window? Are you flying now?.. Nightmare!

“I brought Gotti,” said the draft. - If someone truly loved wakes up, awakening becomes less terrible.

“If this is a dream,” the viscount snapped, “then, despite Kotik, it’s disgusting.” And why is there no Gerard in it?

The Valmon heir lied. The alleged dream would be disgusting if it were really such. To wake up and realize that Roque is still in the hole, and you are looking for special assignments for yourself and lying to the ladies, eminences and bakrans ... But not this! Marcel hurriedly sat up and tossed aside the blanket of spotted skins. Barsov, presumably.

I wonder why the god Bars does not forbid hunting tailed relatives? Although the great Bakra allows one of his children to milk, cut and eat others. Let with respect and gratitude, it does not change the essence.

It blurted out. Clever Kitty brought a baldric with a sword and now he was waiting for a well-deserved gingerbread.

“Now,” the viscount assured the dog. “Duke, what a beast you are. Yes, I protest and, as I warned in a dream ... that is, yesterday, I turn to “you”. They don't behave like that with officers on special assignments!

“Blooddershaft has no reverse,” Raven replied absently. The way he looked made me want to immediately shove my dearest dad down the hole. Unless, of course, the hole affects everyone, and not just Alva, and if it has not yet grown.

“Brudershaft is nothing more than a formality,” Valme yawned widely, like a dog. “I didn’t get enough sleep, and you’re still a beast.”

“The first person I picked up in the middle of the night,” Roque said thoughtfully, “was my mother, and that was thirty-eight years ago. Then it became a habit of mine to keep people awake. During what mystery did we part?

- What? Marcel didn't understand. There were no cookies on the table, so I had to shovel clothes into a pile and take care of my pockets.

“You said that we parted during the mystery,” Roque reminded. He scoffed, which convinced him of his authenticity no worse than a shadow, this time sunny.

“I have to repeat it again and again,” the heir of the Valmons said with dignity. - You are a beast.

- I do not argue, although those whom I annoy usually choose other words. So what was this mystery?

- It was a hole! Marseille exploded. The cat barked in puzzlement, Roque only raised an eyebrow.

- Which one? This bastard obviously didn't want to budge. Well, about the hole so about the hole!

- Nadorskaya. Round, no bottom. By the way, I had a nail in my boot!

- It's really annoying. - Roque beckoned Kitty, and the villain immediately climbed up to kiss. - The last thing I remember is the evening at Matilda's, after which something happened to me. Yesterday I found almost the same people doing the same thing, but several months have passed. This puzzled me, but the stars clearly point to the beginning of the Autumn Waves. Who was born to Eteri?

- Girl ... Wait, but you left her!

- Eteri is too well brought up to start talking about children as soon as they say hello, and I was not right in the head. So, I fell into the Nador hole. How and when?

– Fifteenth Summer Waves, – Valme did not begin to darken. "So you're not kidding?"

- I remember yesterday it was inappropriate. How did we end up in Nador?

- Zoya ... Captain Zoya Gastaki. She had business with you, but she became a native ...

“Wait a minute,” Alva grimaced, but for some reason did not raise his palms to his eyes. – Do you have any wine? I'm not ready to talk about Captain Gastaki soberly.

“By the way, you were the first to kiss her hand!”

So I've finally lost my mind.

“There was a reason for the kiss,” Marcel was determined to be fair. “You know, somehow I don’t want wine, that is, I don’t want wine without anything ... Have you had breakfast?”

The barber wished good morning and set to work. The youngster must have been tempted to tell the monsignor that he was pale, but a good barber knows when it is best to remain silent. Tactlessness is the privilege of an equal who is gaining friends, and Lionel learned to put one in his place at Arigo, where his mother often went in her time. These visits were endured with difficulty, although they gave a lot ... It was in Gaillare that the future Count Savignac learned that people can be unpleasant, and he learned to deal with them. Emil was impudent and tried to run away, Lionel answered politely and in detail. So polite and so detailed that the hostess began to offer "dear Lee" to play in the park or look at books. Lee played and watched; one volume, bound in scarlet and embossed with gold, pleased him so much that his mother had to exchange the book for some kind Countess Arigo rubbish. Which one, Lionel forgot, the longed-for “Lives of Sixteen Lions” were also forgotten, but in the history of Magnus Rucius there was at first glance a trifle that fits perfectly with one of Roque’s “reservations” ...

“I have finished, monsignor,” the barber reported. - There is a very strong wind today. It's because of the sunset...

“Perhaps,” agreed the Proemperador, who almost ran off into the aforementioned sunset, and the master left. Left alone, Savignac peered into his reflection - the pallor was impressive, and the sunken eyes strove to close. At the same time, Lionel was in an excellent mood, since there was now one less question. They swore by blood not in vain - she could listen and hear the least! True, a lot of it leaked out yesterday ... More than in Torka, when the corporal-berger pulled the shoulder of the bewildered tenent in no time. I wonder if Reinsteiner will explain where the bloody puddle came from in his dwelling? Lionel tried to put himself in the place of the baron - everything turned out that Eugen washed the floor and wall personally. And, of course, wiped it clean.

The windows were closed and plastered over, but the bells rang through the double-paned windows. It's time. This morning, the Proemperador did not leave absolutely urgent matters, but he could not lie down. If you delay the exit, Emil, who is probably already dangling under the door, will drop it off, giving another reason for rumors, which, thanks to the refugees, are enough. Lee, imitating Marianne, bit his lips a couple of times, forcing them to blush, and decided to play a little joke.

The passage for the servants allowed those who were jostling in the waiting room to enter the rear. It turned out that in addition to Emil with Reinsteiner, Arno also appeared. The brothers, standing shoulder to shoulder, watched Eugen interrogate the unfortunate barber. It was impossible not to sneak up in this situation, and Lee crept up.

Do you want to change masters? he inquired. - I do not advise. You get a great shave.

Good morning, Lionel. “Become a Proemperador horse, Reinsteiner would immediately examine his legs and gums. - How did you sleep?

- Few. But it's better to get up yourself than to be lifted up, as Melchen would put it, caring and anxious.

“Today you should lie down,” the baron pronounced. “I will receive the morning reports as commandant of Akona.

“Take it,” agreed Lionel, noticing a case with running greyhounds on the adjutant's table. – Relay from the Proemperador of the South?

Yes, Monsignor. Satz-Alan glanced at his watch. “Arrived three quarters of an hour ago.

- Is there anything urgent?

“Only a letter from Count Valmont.

It's not just, it's a lot. Bertram wrote before, but to his mother, after all, a mother is a mother, to bombard her sons with letters. This did not infringe on the dignity of the regency, and a week's delay did not solve anything. And here is a trusted courier from the Proemperador of the South to the Proemperador of the Northwest and Nador. Bad.

“Eugen,” suggested Lionel, leading the trinity, ready to cackle, away from the ears of the adjutants, “since you undertook to replace me, stay for breakfast.” Arno, where is your report?

- Which?

– That you are tired of hanging out in Akona with brother marshals.

– Undoubtedly, you. "Crow" or "octopus"?

- Mister Proemperador, I am happy to serve at the headquarters of the Southern Army!

“Crows, octopuses, or Old Pridda?”

The brat clapped his eyes - he thought. There was a buzzing in my ears, it was chilly and I terribly wanted to sit down. Just sit down... Is Emil today the spitting image of Arno, or is it Arno the spitting image of Emil? It's funny ... There are three of them, and they are all fighting, and the mother came closer to death than others. The kid with his hurricane was the second, and he and Emil go head to head. It was hotter in Gaunau than in Felp, but murderers were wandering around Felp.

“Octopus,” the brother finally decided. He was going to hang out in Akona and save, he was predictable.

You will receive the order tomorrow afternoon. Everything, gentlemen.

All. Turn around, close the door, finally collapse into a chair, close your eyes. Not long to count up to four hundred and get down to business! Valmont is not inclined to sound the alarm in vain, and he has not yet been seriously mistaken. The only one of all - old, young, military, civilian, southern, northern ... He was not mistaken and was not worried, or maybe he was worried, he just did not show it. It knocked, it creaked ... You'll sit here, how!

– Lee!.. Lee, are you okay?

"I'm fine, but you're growing wings." Chicken.

- Fainting is, in your opinion, the order?

- If I were in a swoon, I would not interfere with your clucking, and in general, Mr. Commander, you would go to command. It will become unbearable, come in to make sure I'm alive, but please, not before evening.


Mom carefully collected and kept all the insults inflicted on her by dad - the wrong gift for the third wedding anniversary and even more wrong for the eighth, an unpraised dessert, unnoticed traces of tears or a noticed reddened nose ...

“I took after my mother,” Marcel said firmly, “I don’t forget anything, and I am offended. Extremely. There was a stone with bronze rings, and I had a nail in my boot.

“I’ve already hardened about the nail,” Alva assured. - Forever. What happened to me next?

“From the living room,” corrected Raven. - It is interesting that Matilda mistook me for a stallion, which Eteri reported about. Luckily, the ladies had drunk enough not to be surprised.

- Why should they be surprised? Valme made Kotik happy with a piece of cold lamb. - Only I saw the hole, but Matilda saw Zoya, and Boniface heard about her. You have a good appetite - better than before.

“The penultimate time I, apparently, ate the fourteenth Summer Waves. In the evening.

“Then we had breakfast. I turned out to be right: the meat, despite Zoya, was not rotten ... I must tell you that natives go by special roads, when you look from them, everything seems topsy-turvy.

In any case, I managed to get hungry. Raven wiped his hands and quickly took off, almost tore first his jacket, and then his shirt, after which he turned his back on the viscount. Marcel whistled like a Conner. The scars that had caused the panthers to squeal and groan disappeared, as if Kotik had licked them off. The presented back was smooth, except for a pair of dark moles below the shoulder and under the shoulder blade.

“No,” said the still curt Marcel. The scars were terrible, but few people saw them, and if they did, it was almost certainly drunk, so they were not too much of a nuisance. Here without them it became somehow wrong, almost like without a shadow.

“So I overestimated Eteri’s tact,” Raven concluded and began to dress. For such calmness, I want to embed, and my mother once threw a vase at my father. He dodged and wrote out the first seedlings from Urgot, they were not yet asters and no longer a family.

- If you gave Eteri the opportunity to be tactful, you might have noticed that she managed to give birth.

- At first I somehow lost sight of the fact that a lady should be in a delicate position; then, of course, I remembered, but this was already the second visit. What I forgot to ask is about the husband; is he alive I hope?

Are you hinting that you are not going to marry a widow?

- We will see. So where is Barkha, or has he been renamed again?

“Until the birth of his second son, His Highness will remain Barkha,” Valme spread his arms like an embassy. “At present, he and his guard are patrolling the still Gayif border, and Bakna is inspecting them. His Majesty is very pleased with this. Do you think horns are a disgrace for a bakran or vice versa?

Everything depends on the horns. Who knows about the hole?

- Papa and Zoya with Aramona. That is, natives know that you are where you wanted to be.

“Funny,” Roque looked familiarly through his glass. No, it was positively he, albeit without scars! “Whenever I get to where I want to be, I have to go back. If Bertram knows, the Countess Savignac knows.

- The Countess is in the north. Daddy will never write about untimely things, and you failed very inopportunely.

- The main thing is that only you and your father know that I was dying.

- We don't know anything! I did not see a corpse, only a hole. Marcel raised his glass. - Your health!

The glasses collided, there was a melodic ringing that did not want to subside. Alva ran a hand across his face.

“I hope this head doesn’t hurt for a while,” he remarked with some absent-mindedness. - Report.

- Again?!

“You haven’t even started yet,” Roque picked up the last piece of meat and gave only this and the waiting Kotik. “My death is irrelevant, besides, the Valmons decided that it did not happen, I am inclined to agree with this.


“... I won’t undertake to say when it became too late to teach you,- the Proemperador of the South grunted from his distance, - so get our news and dispose of them at your non-trivial discretion ...»

The wish was worthy of Bertram, the news... Nothing comparable to Melnikov Meadow or Ollaria happened. Till.

Gaifa is still strange and unattractive, the corsairs continue to ruffle the coast, the newly-minted "Servillius" is gathering forces, the Moriscos too. In Alata, some ardent and at the same time mercenary heads want to round off the possessions at the expense of Agaria and Gayifa. It's just that hotheads who didn't get into Karoi's corps are eager to fight at least somewhere, besides, for some reason they don't like the new peacock. Albert waits, but he is loyal to Talig, there is not the slightest doubt about that.

Urgot, Felp and Bordon are quiet and calm, Agaria, who was boiling up, calmed down, but there is evidence that some of the rats dispersed by the "lions" slipped into Talig, and among these rats a handsome Felp general wormed his way, about whom it would be good to ask Emil.

In the province entrusted to Bertram, everything is proceeding as expected, even the war, although the gentlemen of the Danarias tried to break the blockade in three directions at once. They fought furiously and somewhere even skillfully: one must think they got hold of smart officers. The scoundrels were summed up by the lack of cavalry, the poor training of volunteers, and the fact that they tried to attack in several places at once. The Canallians, with the help of the militia and the people of Epinay, successfully fought back, and Epinay himself showed himself very decently. The Countess Savignac can be pleased: she was not mistaken in the son of an old friend - she prepares recruits wisely, gets along with the Canallians, and sets the brains of former rebels. The former Proemperador Ollaria himself has no time to think now, but in the winter he will probably try this too.

Bertram himself is thinking now. About whether there is a connection between the Hagar guests and one, already Taligoy, oddity, for the time being, he considers it right to report that

“On the fourteenth day of the Autumn Winds, the army of Kadel left its camp on the Agarian border and moved north. As an explanation, which no one demanded, the obliging Zal sent a copy of the secret regency order he had taken with his own hand: they say, it’s hard in the north, hurry to help. At the same time, the army for some reason moved around the defenders of the Ring. Such a thing does not fit well with haste, but, most importantly, I cannot imagine that you, even on behalf of the regent who is on very timely treatment, would not inform me of such a decision. In addition, one gets the impression that the drafter of the order either does not know about the truce, then it is not you and not the sick Neumarinen, or hides his knowledge. The latter is absurd, since the news will inevitably overtake the army on the march and cause legitimate surprise even among senior officers. Too much is absurd this year, but the sash of a velvet robe dangling from a wild sycamore tree is also absurd. Unless it's the tail of a leopard..."

If the Proemperador of the South were someone simpler, he would have rested on the fact that the Cadelian army is needed in Epinay. Bertram did not resist, but doubted, while Lionel had nothing to doubt - he was going not to recall Zal, but to change him. On Fagetti. The letter that Rudolph had begun was lying in the bureau, the easiest thing would be to finish it and, without waiting for an answer - the removal of Hall would not cause objections - to drive the new commander towards the Cadelians. With a proper escort, and with Ray Calperado, since Aramon's maiden is needed in Akona.

Savignac went up to the bureau and even unlocked it, but limited himself to that. Marshal ran his fingers over the light carved wood and went over in his mind all the Zaleys he knew. The family was dirty, not stupid and very, very careful. His representative could not decide on anything without the paper hung with seals, and even more so he would not hasten to meet the drix. If Lionel had the confidence that Zal was still Zal, the marshal would have considered that, under a plausible pretext, he was running away to where it became peaceful, only dogs do not necessarily rage, this also happens with hares and hedgehogs. The old Marge wouldn't have done much. And the former Orestes. And the former commander of the whalers, who pulled Reifer's infantry over to him and set off to capture Maragona ...

A knock prevented trying on the skin of a mad hare - the tactful Reinsteiner gave the bloodless Proemperador time to take a cheerful pose. Lee used the baronial courtesy to collapse in his chair.

“Nothing worthy of attention,” the baron reported, “was heard during the reports. I had to give a number of orders, I am ready to substantiate them.

– Did you have any doubts?

- I won't have any more. Eugen, I should apologize for the blood spilled on your chest. Were you able to get the room up and running?

- Yes. Before the blood clot, it's washed away cold water without much effort. Apologies are unnecessary, since what you have done is for our common good. We have understood a very important thing, but it raises more questions than answers.

When I cleaned the blood, I thought a lot. The easiest way to explain the behavior of siblings, especially twins. Herman and I performed the old Berger ritual and are twin brothers, it can be assumed that Duke Prydd and Viscount Se, who switched to “you” during the battle on Melnikov Meadow, also became so. This explains Pridd's receptivity: he sensed Arnaud's anxiety and was able to relate it to you, but then what do my feelings mean? It would be easier if Herman was a close relative of the Savignacs, but this is not so. Did you smile, did I say something funny?

- No, - Lionel half-lied, - but, listening to you, I begin to feel like an unar.

“Such things are said to me quite often,” Berger said with satisfaction. – The fact is that I moved to Talig quite late, and before that I studied the language from books. My speech is more correct than yours, which awakens the memory of mentors. I suppose in twenty years they will begin to perceive Duke Prydd in the same way, but for now he is too young. So what do you think of my guess?

“It does not explain the behavior of my brothers. Emil had been pestering me since sunset, but at dinner he calmed down and got bored. Neither him nor Arno can be called restrained. Unlike Pridd, it was he who could not restrain himself. And, since you mentioned Melnikov Meadow... There were four of you there, try to remember your feelings.

- I already talked about this with Herman. We felt uncomfortable, but this can be easily explained by the approaching hurricane and the defeat we suffered. I would like to return to our action yesterday. It turns out that Herman already had a need to ride into the sunset. It was on the road, and he and his people managed to see the famous wandering tower. Lionel, I really want to continue this conversation, but in connection with the case, Fock Dahe ordered that prominent citizens of Acon be assembled and I think it’s wrong to be late.

"So don't be late," Savignac agreed. - Eugen, it is very possible that I will soon need at least two regiments ready to carry out any order. When I speak any, I mean the one that the Taligois may not complete or not complete.

“I’ll try to answer not like a mentor from Laik,” the berger smiled, as if an iceberg flashed in front of the ship’s bow. “Do you need a certain number of executioners?” They will, but we must make sure we kill the right ones.

“We will soon find out. Zal, known to you, having lied to Valmon, went west, supposedly to join my brother's army. The question is, is he running from a possible fight with the Danarii, does he want to join them, or does he intend to become like them? I'm sending out scouts, but we'll start preparing today. If Zal is afraid, Fagetti will replace him, no, we will move the army. Do not wait until the infection covers the entire west.

. The Hanged Man (Man Le Pendu) is the highest lasso of the Tarot. The card speaks of the need for self-sacrifice in the name of achieving the goal. Perhaps it is necessary to renounce worldly values, to neglect material gain. Sometimes the card indicates the need to realize that life is not limited to the material side only and existing problems should be looked at from a different angle. PC: self-doubt, sometimes - fear, interference in your life by strangers. The card may mean that your plans are doomed to failure, as you are afraid of difficulties.

Is there something urgent?

Only a letter from Count Valmont.

It's not just, it's a lot. Bertram wrote before, but to his mother, after all, a mother is a mother, to bombard her sons with letters. This did not infringe on the dignity of the regency, and a week's delay did not solve anything. And here is a trusted courier from the Proemperador of the South to the Proemperador of the Northwest and Nador. Bad.

Eugen, - suggested Lionel, leading the trinity ready to cackle away from the adjutant ears, - since you undertook to replace me, stay for breakfast. Arno, where is your report?


About how tired you are of hanging out in Akona with your brother marshals.

Undoubtedly you. "Crow" or "octopus"?

Mr. Proemperador, I am happy to serve at the headquarters of the Southern Army!

- "Crow", "octopus" or Old Pridda?

The brat clapped his eyes - thought. There was a buzzing in my ears, it was chilly and I terribly wanted to sit down. Just sit down... Is Emil today the spitting image of Arno, or is it Arno the spitting image of Emil? It's funny ... There are three of them, and they are all fighting, and the mother came closer to death than others. The kid with his hurricane was the second, and he and Emil go head to head. It was hotter in Gaunau than in Felp, but murderers were wandering around Felp.

- "Octopus", - the brother finally decided. He was going to hang out in Akona and save, he was predictable.

You'll receive your order tomorrow afternoon. Everything, gentlemen.

All. Turn around, close the door, finally collapse into a chair, close your eyes. Not long to count up to four hundred and get down to business! Valmont is not inclined to sound the alarm in vain, and he has not yet been seriously mistaken. The only one of all - old, young, military, civilian, southern, northern ... He was not mistaken and was not worried, or maybe he was worried, he just did not show it. It knocked, it creaked ... You'll sit here, how!

Lee!.. Lee, are you okay?

I'm fine, but you're growing wings. Chicken.

Fainting is, in your opinion, the order?

If I were in a swoon, I would not interfere with your clucking, and in general, Mr. Commander, you would go to command. It will become unbearable, come in to make sure I'm alive, but please, not before evening.

Mom carefully collected and kept all the insults inflicted on her by dad - the wrong gift for the third wedding anniversary and even more wrong for the eighth, an unpraised dessert, unnoticed traces of tears or a noticed reddened nose ...

I went to my mother, - Marcel said firmly, - I do not forget anything, and I am offended. Extremely. There was a stone with bronze rings, and I had a nail in my boot.

I have already hardened about the nail, - Alva assured. - Forever. What happened to me next?

From the living room, - corrected Raven. - It is interesting that Matilda mistook me for a stallion, which Eteri reported about. Luckily, the ladies had drunk enough not to be surprised.

Why should they be surprised? - Valme made Kotik happy with a piece of cold lamb. - Only I saw the hole, but Matilda saw Zoya, and Boniface heard about her. You have a good appetite - better than before.

The penultimate time I, apparently, ate the fourteenth Summer Waves. In the evening.

Then we had breakfast. I turned out to be right: the meat, despite Zoya, was not rotten ... I must tell you that natives go by special roads, when you look from them, everything seems topsy-turvy.

In any case, I managed to get hungry. - Raven wiped his hands and quickly took off, almost tore first his jacket, and then his shirt, after which he turned his back to the viscount. Marcel whistled like a Conner. The scars that had caused the panthers to squeal and groan disappeared, as if Kotik had licked them off. The presented back was smooth, except for a pair of dark moles below the shoulder and under the shoulder blade.

No, the still brief Marcel announced. The scars were terrible, but few people saw them, and if they did, it was almost certainly drunk, so they were not too much of a nuisance. Here without them it became somehow wrong, almost like without a shadow.

So, I overestimated Eteri's tact, - Raven concluded and began to dress. For such calmness, I want to embed, and my mother once threw a vase at my father. He dodged and wrote out the first seedlings from Urgot, they were not yet asters and no longer a family.

If you gave Eteri the opportunity to be tactful, you might have noticed that she managed to give birth.

At first I somehow lost sight of the fact that a lady should be in a delicate position; then, of course, I remembered, but this was already the second visit. What I forgot to ask is about the husband; is he alive I hope?

Are you hinting that you are not going to marry a widow?

We will see. So where is Barkha, or has he been renamed again?

Until the birth of his second son, His Highness will remain Barha, - Valme spread his arms like an embassy. “At present, he and his guards are patrolling the still Gayif border, and Bakna is inspecting them. His Majesty is very pleased with this. Do you think the horns are a disgrace for a bakran or vice versa?

It all depends on the horns. Who knows about the hole?

Daddy and Zoya with Aramona. That is, natives know that you are where you wanted to be.

It's funny, - Roque familiarly looked through the glass. No, it was positively he, albeit without scars! - As soon as I get to where I want, I have to return. If Bertram knows, the Countess Savignac knows.

Countess in the north. Daddy will never write about untimely things, and you failed very inopportunely.

The main thing is that only you and your father know that I was dying.

We don't know anything! I did not see a corpse, only a hole. Marcel raised his glass. - Your health!

The glasses collided, there was a melodic ringing that did not want to subside. Alva ran a hand across his face.

I hope that at least this head won't hurt for a while, - he remarked with some absent-mindedness. - Report.

You haven’t even started yet, - Roque picked up the last piece of meat and gave only this and the waiting Kitty. - My death is irrelevant, besides, the Valmons decided that it was not, I am inclined to agree with this.


“... I won’t undertake to say when it became too late to teach you,- the Proemperador of the South grunted from his distance, - so get our news and dispose of them at your non-trivial discretion ...»

The wish was worthy of Bertram, the news... Nothing comparable to Melnikov Meadow or Ollaria happened. Till.

Gaifa is still strange and unattractive, the corsairs continue to ruffle the coast, the newly-minted "Servillius" is gathering forces, the Moriscos too. In Alata, some ardent and at the same time mercenary heads want to round off the possessions at the expense of Agaria and Gayifa. It's just that hotheads who didn't get into Karoi's corps are eager to fight at least somewhere, besides, for some reason they don't like the new peacock. Albert waits, but he is loyal to Talig, there is not the slightest doubt about that.

Urgot, Felp and Bordon are quiet and calm, Agaria, who was boiling up, calmed down, but there is evidence that some of the rats dispersed by the "lions" slipped into Talig, and among these rats a handsome Felp general wormed his way, about whom it would be good to ask Emil.

In the province entrusted to Bertram, everything is proceeding as expected, even the war, although the gentlemen of the Danarias tried to break the blockade in three directions at once. They fought furiously and somewhere even skillfully: one must think they got hold of smart officers. The scoundrels were summed up by the lack of cavalry, the poor training of volunteers, and the fact that they tried to attack in several places at once. The Canallians, with the help of the militia and the people of Epinay, successfully fought back, and Epinay himself showed himself very decently. Countess Savignac can be pleased: she was not mistaken in the son of an old friend - she prepares recruits wisely, gets along with the Canallians, and sets the brains of former rebels. The former Proemperador Ollaria himself has no time to think now, but in the winter he will probably try this too.

Bertram himself is thinking now. About whether there is a connection between the Hagar guests and one, already Taligoy, oddity, for the time being, he considers it right to report that


“On the fourteenth day of the Autumn Winds, the army of Kadel left its camp on the Agarian border and moved north. As an explanation, which no one demanded, the obliging Zal sent a copy of the secret regency order he had taken with his own hand: they say, it’s hard in the north, hurry to help. At the same time, the army for some reason moved around the defenders of the Ring. Such a thing does not fit well with haste, but, most importantly, I cannot imagine that you, even on behalf of the regent who is on very timely treatment, would not inform me of such a decision. In addition, one gets the impression that the drafter of the order either does not know about the truce, then it is not you and not the sick Neumarinen, or hides his knowledge. The latter is absurd, since the news will inevitably overtake the army on the march and cause legitimate surprise even among senior officers. Too much is absurd this year, but the sash of a velvet robe dangling from a wild sycamore tree is also absurd. Unless it's the tail of a leopard..."

If the Proemperador of the South were someone simpler, he would have rested on the fact that the Cadelian army is needed in Epinay. Bertram did not resist, but doubted, while Lionel had nothing to doubt - he was going not to recall Zal, but to change him. On Fagetti. The letter that Rudolf had begun was lying in the bureau, the easiest thing would be to finish it and, without waiting for an answer - the removal of Zal would not cause objections - to drive the new commander towards the Cadelians. With a proper escort, and with Ray Calperado, since Aramon's maiden is needed in Akona.

and asked the little one:
- What is good and what is bad?-
I have no secrets -
listen, kids,

Dads of this answer
I put it in a book.
- If the wind tears the roof,
if the hail rumbled -
everyone knows this is
bad for walking.

The rain came and went.
The sun in the whole world.
This is very good
both big and children.

Usli son is blacker than the night,
dirt lies on the face, -
Clearly this is very bad.
for baby skin.

If the boy loves soap
and tooth powder
this boy is very cute
does well.

If a wretched brawler beats
weak boy,
i don't want that
even put it in a book.

This one is screaming: - Do not touch
those who are smaller!
This boy is so good
simple sight!

If you broke in a row
book and ball
all the guys say:
bad boy.

If the boy loves work,
pointing at the book
write about it here:
he is a good boy.

From a crow to a peanut
ran away, groaning.
This boy is just a coward.
This is very bad.

This one, albeit with an inch,
arguing with a formidable bird.
Brave boy, okay
useful in life.

This one climbed into the mud and is glad
what a dirty shirt.
They talk about this
he is a bad slut.

This one cleans boots,
washes his own galoshes.
Although he is small,
but quite good.

Remember this every son.
Know any child:
will grow out of the son of a pig,
if the son is a pig.

The joyful boy went, and the baby decided:
"I will do good
and I will not p lo x o.