Vietnam mores, customs, traditions and rituals. Customs and traditions of Vietnam

Aries. Don't plan anything big. It's time to take a break and relax a bit. If you do not have such an opportunity, then do only the most necessary things and do not take on increased obligations. But try to get compensation with pleasant meetings and interesting events.

Taurus. The day will fly by quickly and imperceptibly. If you don’t have a soul for any business, then leave the solution of these problems for a few days. Now is a good time to properly relax and gain strength. Try to get away from clarifying the relationship.

Twins. Refrain from discussing or condemning anyone, as the spoken words can come back to you like a boomerang. AT given period you will have a very high energy potential and will be able to withstand any adversity. But you can count on help only in good deeds.

Crayfish. Before you do anything, you first need to think things through. Now nothing can be left to chance, hoping that time will tell right exit. If you are not sure that you are right, then do not neglect the help of loved ones. Right now they can give very good advice.

A lion. This period is not quite suitable for the development of violent activity. Now it is best to stick to a neutral position in everything, pretend to be a kind of gray mouse. Although some prospects may appear before you in the most rosy light, it is still worth weighing all the pros and cons. In a relationship with a loved one, peace and tranquility will reign.

Virgo. Circumstances will present you with one task after another, and it will take a lot of time and energy to solve these tasks. But with respect to love, things can be much better. This day is conducive to a romantic candlelit dinner, and indeed to a harmonious relationship with a loved one.

Scales. You can plan difficult things, you have the strength to cope with them. Any negotiations must be held at the highest level. If the opportunity arises, then go to distant lands with your soul mate. And if there is no half yet, then traveling is a good chance to find a mate.

Scorpion. During this period, you have no right to make a mistake. Any actions, words and even thoughts must be carefully weighed. Now it’s worth distributing the loads more rationally, as well as adjusting your menu. This will make you more efficient, alert and energetic throughout the day.

Sagittarius. On this day, an inexplicable stubbornness may wake up in you. You will stand on your own, even erroneous, opinion, without explaining to anyone the reasons for such behavior. This will not be to the taste of the people with whom you work. On this basis, conflict is possible. To avoid this, dedicate your colleagues to the problems, and together you can find a way out of this situation.

Capricorn. You will feel good both physically and emotionally. At least, from the irritating factors should not arise. Try to spend more time outdoors, as this will help you stay in a good mood.

Aquarius. This period is unfortunate for someone who is going to sort things out, resolve disputes and establish contacts. But for those who need inspiration, this day promises good luck. If a new “object” appears on your horizon today that will cause you a love interest, then do not rush into the pool with your head.

Fish. On this day, you will be happy with yourself. Almost everything that you think of, you can bring to life with brilliance. And it will not go unnoticed by others. And the praise and approval of loved ones and colleagues will encourage you and give you new strength to conquer the next peaks.

Having absorbed the traditions of centuries of history and the trends of modernity, the culture of Vietnam demonstrates an excellent example of synthesis that allows the country to take its rightful place in the current dynamic world, while remaining original, not absorbed by globalization processes. The features of this culture will be very interesting for inquisitive travelers.

The original culture of Vietnam

By my roots vietnam culture goes to the very depths of its long history. The La Viet traditions closely merged with elements of Han culture, and in the south there was a very significant Khmer influence. In new and latest historical times strongly influenced by the European culture and Marxist ideology.

Religion in Vietnam

In this socialist state, most of the population adheres to atheistic views. Religion in Vietnam is a mixture of Buddhists (about 10%) and Catholic Christians (almost 7%). There are other beliefs, but they are very few in number.

Economy of Vietnam

Modern is heavily influenced by the state. Despite the reforms forced by the communists after the crisis of the 1980s and the disappearance of most of the socialist countries, market relations are not present in all spheres of life, there are noticeable distortions in the development of certain sectors of the national economy. Nonetheless, Vietnam is experiencing some economic growth, which is facilitated by changes in the international trade environment.

Science of Vietnam

The modern one is quite well known in the world scientific community. This is medicine, where Vietnamese scientists firmly occupy a leading position in the field of studying the effect of dioxin on humans, and state-supported research and development in the field of nanotechnology, and applied fields of knowledge.

Art of Vietnam

The most attractive for travelers is. Majestic temples, beautiful examples of folk crafts, national music and choreography side by side with modern architecture theater, literature.

Vietnamese cuisine

It is best known for its wide range of condiments, the most famous of which is Phu Quoc fish sauce. Geography of Vietnam seriously affected the diet of its inhabitants. There are three national cuisines in the country!

Customs and traditions of Vietnam

With their wealth and diversity, they can give odds to many more populated countries.

Sports of Vietnam

Modern can be safely called folk. Almost every inhabitant of this interesting country addicted to some kind of athletic activities. In 2007, Vietnam was one of the countries hosting the Asian Football Championship.