Draw the underwater world step by step. How to draw an underwater world



Quiet! Quiet! Someone is knocking on us.

Appeared in the distance

A cook in a white cap.

The cook, though young,

From flour completely gray-haired.

He stepped over the threshold...


I baked a cake for everyone!

At the cheerful cooks

There is a gift for the kids.

1st cook.

Igor and Vasily

The dough was kneaded.

2nd cook.

Katya and Marinka

We made the stuffing.


Light smoke curls -

Now the pie is ready.

We invite all guests.

We serve pie.

The cooks bring out a sham pie.

Leading. Well, pie! Let's cut it.

He cuts the cake, and there are gifts. Distributes to children.


The sound of a cheerful pipe is heard, Emelya enters the hall.


Hello children!

What - did not recognize Emelya?

I went to you for a long time - a whole week.

I rode on the stove and counted the bricks.

I'm not that simple

I won't go like this again.

I know a joke

I will make you laugh.

Turn around for a minute -

And I'll quietly say:

By magic,

At my will -

Let there be a fun game!

Any outdoor game is held at the discretion of the music director.


By magic,

At my will -

Let it be what you want!

Children. Present!


Come in, bake, with gifts

Come here, hurry up!

An oven enters the hall (an adult is inside the oven).

Emelya distributes gifts.


By magic,

At my will -

Go, bake, walk outside!

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye

Goodbye, kids!


In the corner of the hall there is a lake made of cellophane, blue paper and grass. In the middle of the lake, there is a large lily with a yellow center. A gift is hidden inside the flower. At the end of the holiday, a game is played: "Who will get to the lily sooner without getting their feet wet." The child who picks the lily the fastest gives it to the leader.



Under the beam of hot, gentle -

At the bend of the stream -

blue little snowdrop

Suddenly flashed from under the leaf.

He is today, at dawn,

Awakened from sleep.

He himself is quiet, inconspicuous,

But spring comes with it.

And the snowdrop calls everyone,

Waiting for guests from all over the world.

Here they fly across the sky


Through valleys, forests and lawns,

Awakening nature from sleep

Not as a guest, but as a hostess,

Young spring comes.

Spring enters the hall. She is wearing a light, airy long dress, with a wreath on her head. Branches in the hands of Spring. Spring greets children.


I am Spring, I am Spring

All nature is in love with me.

Leading. Spring is red, what gift did you bring us?


I brought for the meadows

flower bedspread,

I brought for the fields

Walls ringing rain.

Brought for the Christmas tree -

new needles,

For aspens and for birches -

A whole load of fresh leaves.

Puts the branches in the basket. A basket of flowers is brought into the hall. Spring is dancing. During the Dance of Spring, branches are replaced with flowers.

Leading. Children, look, the flowers have already blossomed.

Children are given a flower with a gift.

fairy tale book

A large Book of Fairy Tales is installed in the corner of the hall.

Spring is on the first page. After the song about Spring, a voice is heard: "Thank you, children, for a good song."

You sang this song about me

And I give you this book.

Open the first page

Guess what it says.

(Three bears are drawn on the page.)

We are behind the forest, at the edge,

All three of us live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint -

What fairy tale are we from?

Three bears come out.

Senior bear.

The three of us live in the forest,

In his forest house.

Mikhail Ivanovich - it's me,

My wife is Nastasya.

Yes, my son is quite a baby,

And his name is Mishutka.

Bears dance, sit down with the children.

Pinocchio comes out from behind the book.


This is very good, even very good!

I came here from a book:

There is a jacket and pants.

I am cheerful, I am ruddy,

Nothing that is wooden.

Was a log - became a boy

And a fun little brat.

This is very good,

Very well!

Guess without a hint -

What story did I come from?

The host invites him to sit down, but he continues to sing.


I am a cheerful Pinocchio,

My nose is sharp

My nose is long.

I will do all the work

Wooden shoes.

Get in a circle with me

Hold on tight to your hands.

Let's start a round dance

We will dance and sing.

General dance with Pinocchio. For a holiday from magic book you can invite other characters.


Snow Maiden. Santa Claus, you promised children gifts, where are they?

Father Frost.

I decorated the Christmas tree in the forest

Cooked for the guys.

He hung it on the branches

Apples and chocolate.

Without me minx tree

ran away to kindergarten,

She's standing here somewhere

She looks at the guys.

Tree, tree, appear!

Tree, tree, show yourself!

(The tree is not shown.)

Oh, I completely forgot, we need to start a fairy tale. Here she begins.

Begins winter fairy tale. Music plays, the lights go out, only small lights are on the Christmas tree.

Girls-"snowflakes" perform their dance. At the choice of the music director, they can perform the dance of "stars" or "herringbones".

After the dance, the children, together with Santa Claus, repeat the words:

“Christmas tree, tree, appear!

Tree, tree, show yourself!”

A Christmas tree made of hoops and light bulbs appears at the doors from a snowdrift. hoops different sizes they are tied with a cord, decorated with branches, light bulbs, gifts are tied to them. The top of the Christmas tree is connected by a cable to a block system. The whole structure is first covered with a sheet.

When the children say the words, the teacher will imperceptibly stretch the cable through the block and the tree will seem to grow out of a snowdrift.



Bi-ba-bo dolls

Grandfather Gardener

In the corner of the hall there is a two-level screen. The back level of the screen is decorated with garden trees (apple, pear, etc.). At the bottom of the screen is a mitten.

Gardener(looks around). Where do I put my mitten? She was here, one is, and the other is not.

Bug, Bug! Help me find a mitten.

Bug runs in, searches all over the screen, shrugs his shoulders, and both leave. Mouse appears.


That's how small the hut is!

Sheepskin glove!

Near the Christmas tree lies

I will live in a mitten.


Bunny runs out.


Poor jumping bunny!

I ran through the spruce

I was shivering from the cold.

And the road to your mink

Lost with a fright.

I'm happy that under the tree

I met a mitten.

And who is here? What people?

Who lives in a mitten?

mouse. I am a mouse. And who are you?

Bunny. I am a jumping bunny. Let me in.

mouse. Come, let's live together!

Lisa appears.


A red fox walks through the bushes, through the forests.

Looking for a mink somewhere to warm up and sleep.

And who is in this mitten,

Little mitten?

Fox. I am a fox sister. Let me live with you!

Together. Come, let's have fun together!


Just don't wrinkle my tail

Don't lose beauty.

The wolf appears.


The leaves are crumbling

Animals are waiting for winter

And a gray wolf

Boring alone.

Hid in a burrow

All forest outfit

Whose house is this?

Who lives in it?

The animals answer and ask: “Who are you?”


I am a top, a gray barrel.

Let me go.

Beasts. Come in. It's more fun together.

Bear appears.


The bushes crackle under their shaggy paws.

I'm walking, wandering through the spruce forest,

By frequent deadwood.

I climbed into the hive for honey,

I thought the bees were all asleep

And they caught up with me

Nose and ears bitten.

I can't find peace

The nose burns with fire and burns.

Mitten... What is it?

Who lives in a mitten?

The animals answer and ask: “Who are you?”


I am a clumsy bear, furry,

Let me go.

Animals. Well, get in!

Mouse. Oh, I crushed my paw!

Fox. Stepped on the tail!

Hare. I crushed all the skin!

Wolf. He ruffled all my fur!

Bug runs in, runs to the mitten

Bug. Who's in the mitten?


Five of us in a mitten

We have a lot of fun

And from here to the autumn forest

No way are we leaving!


Won't you go? And I will bark at you:

Woof! Woof! Woof!

The animals run away. The bear hesitated.


Oh, the dog is a feisty enemy,

I'll run away to the ravine!

Bug. Woof! Woof! Woof!

Bear. I'm running away now, but I can't get out.

The gardener enters, the bug shows a mitten, it is heavy, there are gifts for the children.

> Surprise moms....

Surprise moments for the holiday of Autumn.

They played very well
They showed their skill!
(Suitable for basket).
Here is the magic basket
I'll give you the leaves!
(Gives the leaves, the host puts them in a vase).
There were many songs and dances...
All fun, look!
We sang and danced
All tasks were completed.
What a beautiful bouquet
How many leaves! Once! Two! Three!
Hedgehog, Hedgehog, hurry up
You look in the basket!
Autumn promised us all
What a lot of gifts in it!
Hedgehog (looks around the basket, but finds nothing in it).
How did you miss it like that?
After all, the basket has changed ...
No, there are no gifts in it ...
What to do? How embarrassing! Guys, do you know who touched the basket?
(Children answer that it is a fox).
Ah, so this is again the tricks of the cheat-Fox!

Music sounds, Fox enters the hall.
Who here remembers me? Who needs me?
We needed! Well, tell us, Lisonka, didn't you touch the magic basket? Didn't you change it?
No no! Not me!
And the guys say that you!
What are you! Hedgehog, honey, don't listen to these guys! They all lie!
Well, Fox, tell the truth, otherwise I'll stab you with needles!
(Scares the Fox, she backs away, waving her arms).
OK OK! Well, think about it, changed baskets! There was nothing special about yours, only sweets.
Where are they? Give them here! After all, Autumn sent these sweets to the guys in a hotel!
I can't give them away!
Why so?
Yes, because I ate them! They are very tasty and sweet! (Looks for something in his pocket, takes out an apple). There's only one apple left! (Gives the apple to the Hedgehog).
Hedgehog! What to do now? There is only one apple, but there are so many guys out there, there won’t be enough for everyone!
Hedgehog (thinks, then speaks mysteriously).
Will have to tinker! (Puts a real apple on a tray.) And you guys help me! Let's say the magic words together: "One! Two! Three! Apple, grow!"
Children (in chorus). Once! Two! Three! Apple, grow!

The apple remains the same.

Yeah. Something is not working for us. You'll have to tinker differently. Come on, close your eyes. Tight tight! Don't peek, otherwise it won't work! (Quiet music sounds. Adults change a real apple for a large papier-mâché apple, inside of which there are sweets intended for treating children). Now imagine that our apple began to grow! Here it becomes more, more ... even more! Do not open your eyes, otherwise everything will disappear ... (The music suddenly stops). Look, this is how we got an apple!
Wow! Give me that apple! After all, there are so many of you, and the apple - as it was one, so one remains!
So what, but big! And probably not easy! Let's say together: "One! Two! Three!"
(Children repeat the words).
And let's see what's inside!
(Raises an apple, sweets pour out of it).
And here are the gifts from Autumn! Yes, there is enough for everyone!

Cheerful music sounds, adults distribute treats to children.

Well, all the guys have delicious gifts, and I'll take this big apple for myself!
Stop, stop, Lisa! We will take this apple to the forest and treat all our friends - forest animals! Goodbye, guys!

The hedgehog and the Fox leave the hall to the music, taking the magic apple with them.


The game "Magic Shawl" is held.
Fun, upbeat music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, perform various dance movements. Suddenly, the music changes to a quieter, calmer one. Children squat and cover their eyes with their hands. Autumn, straightening a large scarf, goes around the guys to light music and covers one of them with a scarf.

The game goes into a surprise moment.

Once! Two! Three!
Who is hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn!
Answer quickly!
Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed it, then they raise the handkerchief. The child, who was under the scarf, jumps to the cheerful music, and everyone else clap for him. Playing for the last time, Autumn covers with a scarf a basket of apples, quietly brought into the hall. Autumn speaks again. The children say the name of the child who, in their opinion, hid under the scarf.
No! All the guys are here! Who then hid under the handkerchief?
We raise the handkerchief
What's under it, now we'll find out!
What is this? Basket!
(Pushes back the leaves covering the apples.)


Host (looks at the clock).
Oh, guys, it's time for us to join the group, toys are bored without us. Bunny, we had a good time with you. We promise that we will visit you again.
I have a large carrot in my garden. I want to give it to you. It is not simple, but magical.
And why is she magical, seemingly ordinary?
And you open!

The presenter opens a carrot, and there ... gifts that are distributed to children. To cheerful music, children leave the hall for a group and take a magic carrot with them.
And here we are! And here we are!
Fly agaric.
Look what wonderful bumps we brought you as a gift! (Shows the children the contents of the basket). The largest, selected! Wow, food!
Wait, wait, dear mushrooms! After all, we don’t have squirrels here, we have boys and girls here. (Pointing to the guys). We don't eat cones!
And what do you eat? What do you love?
Well ... pears, apples! Really guys?
Fly agaric.
Oh, Borovichok, what should we do now? We don't have any apples. Only cones! There are so many of them, a whole basket! What to do? What to do?
Apparently, there is no magic here!
Fly agaric.
Oh, and who will be the magician?
Yes, it looks like I have to! And you guys will help me! Do you agree? Well then, everyone close your eyes ... And you, Amanita, make sure that no one peeps, otherwise the magic will not work!

Mysterious music sounds. Children sit with eyes closed. And adults quickly change the basket with cones for the same basket with apples. At this time, Borovik utters magic words.

Transform, bumps,
spruce, pine,
In fragrant apples,
Juicy, honey!
Well, that's it!
You can open your eyes!
Fly agaric.
Hey, yes Borovik! Ay, well done!
Well, fly agaric, let's distribute gifts to the guys!

Cheerful music sounds, adults distribute apples to children.

Fly agaric.
Nice, we had fun
Played, frolicked!
And now it's time
Break up, kids!
. Autumn sisters bring a large fake watermelon, in it - a treat. The children thank Autumn and the sisters and leave the hall.

Tomato. And now I'll tell you riddles,
I will listen to your answer.
Guessed or not?
Tomato makes riddles for children, puts on hats for those who guess.

1. He is green, striped,
Like a balloon, pot-bellied.
And cut, look
The flesh is red inside.
How good does it taste
It's called ... (watermelon).

2. Everyone is rounder and redder
He, in a salad, is tastier than everyone,
And the guys from a long time ago -
They love it very much ... (tomato).

3. Ohm is very, very green
And oval, elongated,
Tomato faithful brother,
It also asks for a salad.
Did you finally guess? Well, of course ... (cucumber).

4. Round, ruddy, I hang on a branch,
Adults and kids love me. (Apple)

5. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

Tomato. Come out vegetables and fruits,
We will play with you
We will choose the most important.

Tomato. I told you that the most useful vegetable is ... (names the child who won the relay)
Autumn. What are you, a tomato,
Every vegetable here is useful,
They cure all diseases.
And cabbage, and onions,
and green zucchini
Carrot and lettuce
everyone is very happy to eat.

Cipollino runs in.
Cipollino. I know which vegetable is the healthiest. It's an onion! He does not care about illness and without him the food will be completely tasteless. So I brought a gift to the children - a lot of onions. Be healthy and don't get sick.
Tomato. This is a great idea you came up with. I'll go and get a basket of tomatoes. Let the children eat for health (runs away).
Autumn. Of course, we are grateful to you, dear Cipollino, for the present, but how will the guys eat onions?
Surprise moment: Autumn turns onions into apples (each apple (it is advisable to take large green apples) is wrapped in corrugated yellow paper, shaped like an onion, the top is made of green paper). The tomato also runs away and takes out 3 liter jar canned tomatoes.

Miracles of Santa Claus for preschool children.

Author: Yukhnina Sofia Vladimirovna, music director
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 36", Perm region, Krasnokamsk

surprise moments for new year holidays"The Miracles of Santa Claus for Preschoolers"

Description: Dear Colleagues! I offer you surprise moments for the finale New Year's matinees. This article will be of interest music directors, teachers - organizers. Age category children 2 - 5 years.
Target: Create a festive atmosphere, New Year's mood, expectation of miracles and fabulous surprises.

Magic dipper (for children 2-3 years old)

Grandfather Frost danced in front of the kids, sits on a chair.
Father Frost:
Oh, I'm tired, now some water,
I'd like a cold drink.
Snow Maiden:
Sit down, grandpa, take a rest,
Here is a beer from a ladle.
The Snow Maiden gives Santa Claus a beautiful ladle, inside of which lies finely chopped rain.
Dear Santa Claus,
Did you bring gifts?
Father Frost:
For a holiday for you
I've got something here
Now I'm blowing into the ladle
And I'll conjure quietly.
One two Three!
Christmas tree give us gifts!
(It blows into the ladle, sparkling rain scatters, takes out gifts from under the Christmas tree)

Ah - yes, Santa Claus, well, a magician!

Snowball (for children 2-3 years old)

I option.

It's good in winter, isn't it?
The kids are so excited for winter!
Sledges, skis, it's snowing,
Christmas tree, holiday - New Year!
And the children are happy with the gifts
Did you bring them to the kids?
Snow Maiden:
Here they lie, in a bag,
Oh, oh, oh, at the very bottom.
Santa Claus folded
Don't forget about gifts!
(Pulls out snowball)

Snow Maiden:
Eat, my children
It's snow candy! (Marshmallow)
II option.
Father Frost:

I'll get a lot of snow
For the guys I blind someone
I made this one myself
I'll give it to you guys
Roll my snowball
In a cheerful bright house!
What a big snowball
And there are a lot of snowflakes in it!
Father Frost:
Well, my magic staff,
Open up the snow!
One two Three!
Snowball give us gifts!
(Pulls out a white marshmallow from a large snowball)
I will treat you with funny gifts,
Snowy, frosty.
Here is a marshmallow, it is snow-white,
And it tastes amazing!

Sweet Christmas tree (for children 2-3 years old)

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
This holiday is bright
Give it to all the kids
Delicious gifts.
Grandfather Frost brings an artificial Christmas tree, on the branches of which hang chocolates, New Year's chocolate toys.
Santa Claus:
Magic Christmas tree grew in the forest
And on every branch
Kids for candy.

"Little Red Riding Hood" (for children 3-5 years old)

Santa Claus is standing by the Christmas tree
Hiding a laugh in your beard
Don't torment us too long
Untie the sack!
Santa Claus is looking for a sleigh with gifts.
Father Frost:
Oh trouble, trouble, trouble
No gifts for kids.
Today in the cold winter season
I came out of the forest, there was a severe frost
I put a mountain of gifts on a sleigh
And in the kindergarten "Rainbow"
Carried quickly.
I hear somewhere the choir sings,
So people are waiting for me.
I was in such a hurry that I even sweated.
Of course, I managed to go to the Christmas tree with the guys.
But look - there are no sleighs anywhere
And where are the gifts, who will give me the answer?
Little Red Riding Hood:
I know lumberjacks live in the forest,
They will help us, they will find gifts.
Father Frost:
Now I'll hit my staff five times
And the lumberjacks will be here.
(He knocks. Woodcutters enter the hall.)
Through the snowdrifts they made their way,
We know you've been waiting.
Santa Claus, look
This holiday is bright
We brought for children
Delicious gifts!
Father Frost:
Thank you my racers!
I commend you, you are great!
Little Red Riding Hood:
Even though I'm in the forest
Doesn't look like a fox.
I wear red dress
But not a fly agaric at all!
And rightfully so I'm proud
That for all honest Rus'
The best thing to eat is candy
that was named after me.
Santa Claus distributes gifts, Little Red Riding Hood treats children with sweets.
Father Frost:
Well, that's all, you need to say goodbye
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!

Leading: Today we have collected

your acquaintances and friends

To celebrate in this hall

New Year's Day quickly

Now let everyone be happy

And the lights are burning all around

For laughter of joy and songs

We called the guys here

DANCE (A bunny comes out)

Bunny: I hurried to the holiday

To friends soon

Carrying the New Year and gifts

But Baba Yaga robbed me

I stole everything, sorry. ( Bunny is crying

LEADING: Bunny don't cry

We will find her

We will return soon

And you play here with the kids

In the midst of a cheerful atmosphere


BUNNY I played with you friends, not a few

Now I'm going to the forest to look for my mother

LEADING Let's sing to the bunny

merry song

To make it fun for him to go


And they forgot me beautiful

All about the Christmas tree and about the Christmas tree

And what's good about her

All long barbed

After all, the truth, children, is prickly.

No, I'm the best, the most beautiful

LEADING Grandma decided to celebrate the New Year

But of course this number will not work

Having fun without a care

But there is a job for you

Baba Old Yaga

He took all the gifts from the bunny


I can't stand everything

Give me Yaga

One, two, three come here

Submit to my will


FATHER FROST What are you doing villain

In the New Year you interfere again

Freeze forever

Well, give it all away!

BABA YAGA Okay, okay, I've already improved.

Played with you, danced

And I'm already giving you gifts

FATHER FROST Can you still do good?

BABA YAGA Let's go bunny help me

Bring gifts

While BABA YAGA AND THE BUNNY ARE GONE FOR GIFTS At this time round dance

KHOROVOD Gifts are brought on sledges

BUNNY Friends thank you from the bottom of my heart

There is no more gift:

Christmas tree lights are good

The star is shining bright

BABA YAGA: Oh, I want to have some fun (Baba Yaga is dancing)

KHOROVOD- "Christmas trees - stumps"

BABA YAGA. Now let's all play together!

The game "Flying on a broomstick"

LEADER: Patience is coming to an end!

Where is Santa Claus? Well, come at last!

Come on friends, we will call him,

And the Christmas tree, as usual, we will light it right there!


Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter.


Hello dear children and adults!


Hello everyone, How beautiful and fun you are!


Hello Santa Claus, Hello SNOW MAIDEN!

Happy New Year!

Father Frost

Happy New Year,

Happy New Year

Congratulations to all children

Congratulations to all guests!

I was with you a year ago

I'm happy to see everyone again

And ready to dance.

Together with you right now.

Stand up guys

Hurry to the round dance

Song, dance them fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.


Grandpa, I think we're missing something!


You are right, granddaughter, our Christmas tree is burning with multi-colored lights.

Gotta fix it! Guys help!

1,2,3 - Christmas tree burn!

They lit the tree.


To make the holiday brighter

To make the fires burn bright

We invite everyone to dance

To make the tree hot!


Everyone who is very friendly with the song,

Who dances and sings

Will definitely spin

Our fairy tales round dance!

DANCE: OH! How Santa Claus dances.

LEADING: Guys, let Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden rest a little,

And we'll show them how we can tell poetry

Go out the smallest mini-center, checkpoint.

SNOW MAIDEN: You are a grandfather, rest, and we will play

Who is the smartest and most resourceful?

Guys, join hands.

You will walk in a circle, and I will ask questions.

If I say correctly, you will answer in chorus: “I believe,” and if not, then “wrong.”

Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? - - Right!

He arrives promptly at seven. Right? - Wrong!

Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? – Wrong?

He wears a fur coat and galoshes. Right? – Wrong?

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold. Ver- Wrong?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden. Right? - Right?

We went to the Christmas tree with you. Right? - Right?

The deuces were carried in the diary. Right? - Right?

Santa Claus will come, he will bring gifts to everyone. Right? - Right?

Father Frost: Well, I had a little rest and now I want to see which of the guys is the most dexterous and attentive (holds the game "Take a chair")

LEADING: round dance, round dance

dancing little people

Dance by our Christmas tree.

We are ready for the whole year

DANCE: Hello Santa Claus

LEADING: Holds a competition "Who will inflate the balloon faster"

SNOW MAIDEN: We celebrate the New Year with a song

Let's celebrate the New Year with a dance.

And who knows the poem about the Christmas tree?

Maybe read it to us?


BABA YAGA: Invites all mothers, grandmothers to a round dance - the game "We'll go"

BABA YAGA, FATHER FROST, SNOW MAIDEN, parents are dancing.

BABA YAGA: I am the most beautiful, the best!

Let's play a game

LEADING: And now the guys will tell Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden poems:

KHOROVOD: "You have Santa Claus"


He takes out a magic box and announces a contest-game. “My forest animals have prepared their tasks for you, and we will now find out what it is.

Opens the chest - these are riddles,

This is a bunny puzzle.

The Snow Maiden gives candy for the correct answer.

The game "The best dancer of the year" Children's fun.


Let's have fun carefree!

But there is a job for you!


I took all the presents!

Hurry up friends!

We can't live without gifts!


Grandpa, Yaga got it!

After all, I promised a long time ago

Don't be naughty here on New Year's Eve

Do not rage, do not rage!


Friends minutes flew by

The hall was filled with loud laughter.

We played jokes, we sang

But everything comes to an end


It's time to say goodbye

It's time friends! Need to forgive

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart

Let the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids!


I wish you success in the New Year

More cheerful ringing laughter

More cheerful friends and girlfriends

So that everyone laughs around with you


Goodbye!, until we meet again


With a cheerful song we take you home

The most precious thing for us is that we make friends with a fairy tale



Here is the New Year's holiday, it's time for us to finish

The children wished a lot of happiness to everyone today:

Be kinder smarter, more courageous

Keep joy for everyone

And now, goodbye to everyone

And see you again!

I wish you health and joy

So that life is without grief and worries,

Happy New Year to all of you

Let it be happy