A person with the gift of supernatural insight 11 letters. Ammon, prp

Intuition is the ability to connect to the Universal Consciousness, which sees the full picture of what is happening, and receive true knowledge. Intuition is a collective concept that includes clairvoyance, clairaudience, a sense of empathy and the gift of divination, since intuitive knowledge can come through different channels.

Intuitive knowledge can also manifest as thoughts and awareness that suddenly appear in our minds. This intuitive knowledge does not logically fit together and does not follow from the rest of our thoughts. This is from the category: I cannot know this, but I know.

Each person has the gift of intuition from birth, but the degree of development of this gift is different for everyone.

What determines the degree of development of Intuition:

From genetically inherited programs: if your ancestors developed this gift and trusted it, you are most likely an intuitive person. If your ancestors did not trust this gift or believed that God is unfair, betrays them, etc., then your intuition may be severely blocked.

Many of us have a historical fear of going insane or being destroyed if we begin to clearly hear the voice of intuition.

From the level of spiritual development: if in life you experience love and joy more often than resentment, fear and hatred, then it is easier for you to hear the voice of intuition and constantly be in contact with it.

And vice versa: if you have accumulated a lot of old heavy emotions: fears, anger, resentment, anxiety, hatred, irritation, etc., then all the energy is spent on maintaining these energies, and your difficult condition simply does not allow you to hear the voice of intuition.

From the worldview: if you believe that the intellect rules the world, and if something does not obey logic, then this does not exist, that you can only trust statistics and facts, then you will not be able to trust intuition, and it will be silent.

From the degree of use of your energy potential: you have probably heard that the potential of the human brain is used by 3-5%. In addition, the average person only uses about 10% of their energy system, as many channels are blocked and there are significant distortions in the functioning of the chakras. Energy blockades weaken intuitive abilities. In addition, a person constantly feels a lack of energy.

The channel of energy transmission from the heart to the brain is blocked. This is important because We receive knowledge through the heart, not through the brain. If this channel is blocked, the knowledge of the heart is not perceived by our consciousness.

From the degree of use of the potential of DNA. If you have not activated DNA, then use it for a maximum of 20-25%. There are "hidden" parts in our chromosomes that exist as a potential. These DNA structures must be activated in order to reveal intuition, the ability to maintain physical and energetic health, the ability to instantly manifest changes in reality, Creative skills to be constantly in unity with the Source of All That Is.

The first practical steps to activate Intuition:

The first thing to do to activate intuition is to cleanse yourself of old heavy emotions: fears, anger, resentment, anxiety, hatred, irritation, etc. In terms of energy, you need to raise your vibrations. You can use any spiritual technologies available to you for this - including thetahealing.

Here I will give 2 methods.

1. The simplest but most powerful method is Ho'oponopono.

It is described by Joe Vitale in the book Life Without Limits.

We cleanse ourselves by saying 4 phrases: - I love you. - I'm really sorry. - Please forgive me. - Thank you.

I am sorry that I unconsciously, unknowingly, turned out to be a part of what is happening, created it.

Please forgive me, for I did not know what I was doing, did not realize what was happening.

I thank you, Almighty, for cleansing, for taking care of me, because you alone cannot cope with this.

I love you - you reunite with the Divine, you kind of say "take me to yourself, take me to the Supreme."

The ho'oponopono technique works as a cleansing of those attitudes that block our progress towards happiness and harmony on a subconscious level. "Ho\"o" - "reason", "ponopono" - "improvement". The "reason" that with our thoughts we created a prison world for ourselves is our own thoughts. "Improvement" is the process of improving these thoughts in an active " thinking”, in the healing repetition of new thoughts.

Hooponopono in order to be at peace with yourself, to trust the Universe to guide you through this life (and trust means not to be afraid of anything) and, receiving and realizing through inspiration the desires of the Universe that it has prepared for you just for this life - enjoy life to the fullest (whatever happens to you at any given time).

You repeat these phrases to yourself as often as you like - at any free moment or if you are in an unpleasant situation, if you are scared or hurt.

In addition, make a list, list in it all the fears inherent in you, all life situations when you were hurt, you hated someone, you were afraid of someone or something.

Remembering each situation, repeat 4 phrases until you feel acceptance of the situation. Then move on to the next item on the list.

Give yourself 15-20 minutes a day for this exercise, and you will be surprised how powerfully your life and your well-being will improve.

2. Do the exercise "The Path of Love"

Make a list of all the people you have ever been offended, angry, hated, annoyed with, and those you have ever offended.

Close your eyes and take 3-4 deep breaths, saying to yourself: “I am the perfect embodiment of divine love. God is love, and therefore I am love.”

Call up in your mind an image of one person from the list. It can be a member of your family, friend, girlfriend, any other important person for you. Imagine that you are hugging this person while saying "I love you". Hold this feeling of love, allowing it to fill your entire being.

3. While holding this feeling of love, say to yourself "I feel love." After a few moments, say "I feel God." Say "Thank you" and let the feeling of gratitude and appreciation fill you.

4. Stay in this state for several minutes, imagining how your love radiates outward and embraces all people, the world, the Universe.

Practice daily and let pleasant miracles enter your life!

The 11th Siddhi brings a new spiritual vision to our future. Currently, at the time of writing this book, the next generation of such people is being born in the world, but with different tasks. The idealists of the future will bring more frequencies of siddhi, laying the foundation for a great new, but no longer technological revolution. The coming revolution will be a transformation of the human spirit itself.

Great task modern world- to bring clarity to the cosmic problem of good and evil. Mass consciousness based on left hemisphere brain, prefers light over everything else. The dark feminine principle of the right hemisphere was opposed to the light. That is why the surging waves of darkness always precede the appearance of the true light breaking through them. And this is very different from our projected image of light. pure light The 11th Siddhi has nothing to do with good and evil. It represents the transcendence of duality. You can see how tightly the 11th Gene Key is woven into spiritual and religious concepts. You can also see how powerful the Christian myth is about Eden and its Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. As long as we consider things in terms of good and evil, we accept the fall. In the future, when the great mutation initiated by the 55th Gene Key comes to humanity, the 11th Siddhi will destroy our perception of the world, symbolically uprooting the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. From now on, we will eat fruits directly from the Tree of Life, which radiates light. Light will become our food, nourishing our subtle bodies and gradually dissolving us in the very heart of the universe.

The 12th Gene Key with its shadow and siddhi is one of the most extraordinary and significant archetypes in the human genetic matrix. Each of the 64 Gene Keys corresponds to a chemical family known as a codon, a unit of the genetic code. In order to decipher the genetic code, scientists must find chemical markers called start codons and stop codons throughout this body of DNA code. Such punctuation marks play a special role in the genetic code. The 12th Gene Key, along with the 56th and 33rd, refer to stop codons or terminators in scientific terminology. On a purely archetypal level, these three stop codons, known as the Ring of Trials, can be seen as the three great mythical trials of a person on the path to self-realization. The 12th Shadow of Vanity represents the pinnacle of the Ring of Trials as the third and final aspect in this trilogy.

sh hinders the opening of your heart. Vanity is afraid that by living from the heart, you will lose all your strength.

The great secret of the 12th Shadow is language. It is believed that in the Garden of Eden, Adam swallowed an apple, which got stuck in his throat and remains there to this day in the form of an Adam's apple - a male Adam's apple. The Adam's apple represents the masculine mind, which is identified with your words, thoughts and actions, and therefore the larynx gives you the illusion of the power of the tongue. 12th Shadow - about love for

Sometimes it hides in things you don't talk about. It hides in your thoughts and feelings. Wherever there is self-identification, there is vanity. It is precisely because vanity transcends the ego that it becomes such an ordeal for a person. You may wonder what can be done about it? How to transform this shadow state? Well, since this shadow is incredibly illusory, it's best not to think about it at all. Even the thought that you can overcome your own vanity leads to more vanity! All you need to know is that as long as you feel separate from life, as long as you feel empowered and admired by your own individuality, vanity will be there. Only at a later stage of its development, when you approach the highest frequencies of the siddhi, will it finally be forced to let you go.

There are two kinds of vanity - gross and refined. The repressed nature of the 12th Shadow is a subtle variant, manifesting in some individuals as a sense of elitism. Elitism is a secret vanity. Such natures may externally agree with you, but inside they feel not at all what they declare. Often they refrain from commenting altogether, preferring to stay on the sidelines. This is an area for the spiritually advanced - those few who have done a lot of work on themselves. These people internally feel cleaner than the majority around them. They may take great pride in being different from others or standing outside of any worldview or system. Vanity reliably keeps a person from his much-needed inner essence transition to a higher level of consciousness. This will happen only when the moment of awareness of one's own vanity comes.

12th Gene Key, you will see its great power. Seeing differences means knowing what and who is useful to you. The energy of vanity is self-destructive until it is properly applied. This is where the Gift of Insight lies. Your vanity as a desire to be better or superior to others, you turn into an art, and the 12th Gift is deeply associated with art - with music, speech, dance, drama and, above all, with Love. Love of the 12th Gift is not universal love (as in the 25th Gene Key) - it is being in love. This is human love with all its dramas, obsessions, beauty and dangers. Vanity is love only for oneself, while discernment is primarily love for things and people that bring good health.

J±j partner of the 12th Gift - the 11th Gift of Idealism, so these people are also idealists, but they “1 understand that idealism requires a balance of pragmatism and insight; otherwise the ideal remains just an exaggerated dream. The Gift of Insight makes you stand out from the crowd - there is no choice, and because it naturally seeks a higher frequency. It represents the aspect of DNA, O, constantly striving for something higher and purer, and therefore openly challenging everything that is under the influence of compromise. Insight gives humanity the taste of X of a higher order operating from behind the scenes of life. That is why it so often appears *" in genuine art. The 12th Gift is not shy about truth, no matter how dirty it may seem. These people are well versed in food, music and language. They can become great artists, virtuoso musicians, poets, actors and mentors of mankind.Their gift is fearless immersion in the life drama with the ability to pass it through their veins and express it in feelings.

Associated with the thyroid gland, the 12th Gift contains a great teaching on transformation and death. All high art contains the same codes as the 12th Gift - that life is transformation and death is a symbolic shift of consciousness from one state to another. These truths have been encoded for centuries in great tragedies and comedies, and thanks to the emotional nature of man, they have been perceived and passed on. It is the thyroid system that controls our metabolism and has a huge impact on our overall energy, mood and breathing. Through laughter or crying, you enter the sacred realm of transformation. It is through laughter and tears that the transcendent enters the body, changing its chemistry and breathing patterns.

Vanity and purity are mirrors of opposite ends of the spectrum of human consciousness. In vanity, your lower self falls in love with itself, and in purity, the Higher Self falls in love with itself. We can say that purity is when God falls in love with you. And this can only happen when you enter the realm of Divine love. Your behavior, thoughts, feelings, the very air that you breathe, must respond to one goal - what the Sufis call falling in love with the Beloved. The Beloved is not something outside, it is the essence of your true nature, and you fall in love with your depth because everything is there.

Those who jumped over this abyss and entered the realm of the 12th Siddhi become like children. With their heart they can feel the Divine beyond desires, concepts, and yet it is a deeply human heart with a voice beyond words. People around them perceive them as if they are not of this world, although they express in the most natural way what it means to be human. In this state, nothing can stain their purity. The bodies of these people may be decrepit, even ugly, but their hearts sing the Truth of their nature. Those in whom this Siddhi manifests often lead the most modest, inconspicuous life. They quietly walk the world, sometimes living a completely ordinary life, and yet reminding everyone who meets them on their way that purity can really exist in human form.

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I wish you well beloved brothers in Christ!

1. You know that I am writing to you as to my beloved children, as "children of the promise" (Gal. 4:28) and children of the Kingdom, and therefore I remember you night and day, so that God saves you from all evil and that you asked [in prayers] and constantly baked about giving you [the ability of spiritual] discrimination and vision, in order to learn to see clearly and distinguish good from evil in everything 20 . For it is written: "Solid food belongs to the perfect, whose senses have been accustomed by practice to distinguish between good and evil" (Heb. 5:14). Those became sons of the Kingdom and are considered [children] of adoption 21 to whom God has given such [spiritual] vision 22 in all their affairs, so that no one can lead them astray. After all, a person is caught [by the evil one] under the pretense of good, and many are misled in this way, since they have not yet received such a [spiritual] vision from God. Therefore, the blessed Paul, knowing that it is the great wealth of believers, says this: “For this reason I bow my knees day and night for you before our Lord Jesus Christ, that I may give you revelation in the knowledge of Him, enlightening the eyes of your heart, to comprehend breadth and longitude, depth, and height, and to understand the love of Christ that surpasses understanding." (Eph. 3:14-19) 23 and so on. Since Paul loved them with all his heart, he desired that the great riches of which he knew, and which is [spiritual] vision in Christ, be bestowed on his beloved children. After all, he knew that if it was given to them, then they would no longer be troubled in anything and would not be afraid of any fear, but the joy of God would be with them night and day, and the work of God would delight them "more than honey and honeycomb" (Ps. 18:11). And God will always be with them and give them revelations and great mysteries that cannot be uttered by [human] language.

2. So, beloved [brethren], since you are considered my sons, earnestly ask [God] night and day, with faith and with tears, in order to receive for you this gift of spiritual insight 24 , which you, having embarked on the path of asceticism, have not yet acquired . And I, insignificant, pray for you that you reach such prosperity and [spiritual] age, which many monks do not reach, with the exception of a few souls dear to God in [different] places. If you want to come to such a measure of [spiritual growth], do not accustom yourself to visits from [any] monk who is known to be negligent, but move away from them, because they will not allow you to achieve success in God, but, on the contrary, will cool your warmth . After all, the most negligent [monks] do not have warmth [in themselves], but follow their own

New desires 25 and when they meet with you, they talk about [things] of this age. By such conversation they extinguish your warmth and deprive you of it, preventing you from succeeding. It is written: "Quench not the Spirit" (1 Tim. 5:19). It is extinguished by vain speeches and entertainment. When you see such [monks], do them a favor and run away from them without entering into communication with them. For they are those which do not enable a man to prosper during this life.

Be strong in the Lord, beloved [brethren], in the spirit of meekness.


20 St. Ammon speaks here of the gift of "spiritual discernment" (διάκρισισ, discretio); this concept is sometimes translated as "prudence". It usually denotes a virtue that is "essential and important point"sobriety" or more specifically - attention. According to the words of St. Macarius of Egypt, "a lover of virtue should take care of prudence (τῆς διακρίσεως ), so as not to be deceived in distinguishing between good and evil." "Of all the virtues, prudence is the greatest." According to Abba Pimen, "storage, attention to oneself and reasoning - these are the three actions of the soul." Zarin S. Asceticism according to Orthodox Christian teaching, v.1, book 2. St. Petersburg, 1907, p.585.

21 Wed Romans 8:15. St. Gregory the Dialogist remarks on this: the Creator of [everything] visible and invisible, the Only Begotten Son of the Father, came for the salvation of the human race (ad humani generis redemptionem) and sent the Holy Spirit into our hearts. Animated(vivification) To them, we by faith comprehended what we still cannot know by experience(scire experimento). And to the extent that we "received the Spirit of adoption" (Rom. 8:15), we no longer doubt that [the world] of invisible creatures exists(de vita invisibilem). N e. Gregoire le Grand. Dialogues, vol. III. Ed. par A.de Vogue et P.Antin // Sources chretiennes, no. 265. Paris, 1980, p.21.

22 To designate such a vision, St. Ammon uses the term ἀνάβλεψις (lit., "gaze fixed on grief"). It is noteworthy that St. Macarius, speaking of the spiritual rebirth of a person, associated with the "renewal of the mind", also speaks of "health and vision of thought"(ὑ γιότητα καὶ ἀ νάβλεψιν διανοίας ). Cm . Makarios / Symeon. Reden and Briefen, Bd.II, S.121.

23 St. Ammon quotes very freely, probably from memory; we translate as he quotes. The words "breadth", etc. "the essence is a figurative designation not of the breadth and comprehensiveness of knowledge, but of the eternity and immeasurability of the object of the knowable", i.e. "The immeasurable object of Christian knowledge is the love of Christ, manifested on the cross, and, consequently, the love of God, who sent His Son for the salvation of the world." See: Bogdashevsky D. Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Ephesians. Isagogical-exegetical study. Kyiv, 1904, pp. 479-481.

24 To denote spiritual vision, St. Ammon this time uses the expression τό διορατικόν τοῠτο χάρισμα , which probably means "spiritual insight" here. It was possessed, for example, by St. Pachomius the Great. According to Archimandrite Pallady, “in the great work of spiritual leadership in a numerous brotherhood scattered over nine monasteries, Pachomius could succeed precisely because the Lord granted him special insight. He developed this gift more and more in himself. He knew how to recognize a person from the first meeting ". Archimandrite Pallady. Saint Pachomius the Great and the first monastic community according to newly discovered Coptic documents. Kazan, 1899, p. 137.

25 Expression: τοἶς θελήμασιν ἑαυτᾧν ἀκολοῠθουσιν suggests selfishness (selfishness), which Orthodox ascetics considered the root and foundation of all sin, for "selfishly erecting one's "I" as the goal of one's life" resulted in "dissolution of world harmony, breaking the union with God and people and a constant struggle for existence. Such is the essence sinful life. It is very clear that a life according to God, a truly human and Christian life, must be the opposite of sinful. If there, in sin, we place our "I" as a life principle - above all and our will as a world law, the only obligatory for us then here, in the life of strength and spirit, - we must put in life principle renunciation of one's "I" and of one's will, of both-

To take on and take on the yoke of Christ, to accept His will as the law of one's life. In a sinful life, we fought with people because of our "I", animated by mutual hatred; here, in the spiritual Christian life, we must strive to unite with people, guided not by hatred, but by love for them. So, here are the two principles that make up the spiritual life: renunciation of one's "I" and one's will is a negative beginning, love for God and neighbor is a positive, creative beginning. "Sokolov L. The psychological element in ascetic creations and its significance for the pastors of the Church. Vologda, 1898, pp. 45-46.

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