Husband of Alice Vox. Ex-soloist of "Leningrad" Alisa Vox: biography

Anna Chipovskaya is a hereditary actress. The girl, called one of the first beauties of Russian cinema, shines on the covers of glossy publications, in advertising for popular brands, and in life she prefers theater and spending time with family and friends.

Petiteness (height - 168 cm, weight - 54 kg) and some kind of childishness in Anna's appearance help to successfully fit into the image of Turgenev's airy heroines, but characteristic, multi-layered roles are closer to her. The artist does not consider the demand, an enviable replenishment of the filmography, as a personal achievement, and, according to her, real professional victories can be completely counted on the fingers.

Childhood and youth

Anna Chipovskaya was born on June 16, 1987 in the family of an actress of the Olga Chipovskaya Theater and jazz musician Boris Frumkin. The father was much older than the mother, at the time of the birth of the child - an accomplished man who led the ensemble at the Melodiya record company.

Apparently, a big age difference became fatal and decisive, a crack appeared in the relationship, and as a result, a divorce. Now Boris Frumkin lives in Berlin and comes to Russia only on tour. But the musician saved and maintains a relationship with his daughter. Moreover, the father had a significant influence on his daughter in terms of musical tastes: Anna is a big fan of jazz, although she never mastered the piano.

Little Anya Chipovskaya grew up behind the scenes of the Vakhtangov Theater, where her mother worked. As the girl recalls, she was nursed by the masters - and, and Galina Konovalova, and. Was it worth waiting for another when, in early youth, Anna announced that she would be an artist. And although her parents, as well as grandparents, saw Anya as a translator and even sent her to a German linguistic gymnasium, the girl’s perseverance broke through this wall: after the 9th grade, Chipovskaya applied for admission to Shchukinskoe theater school.

Unfortunately, the girl failed her exams. It was a painful but useful blow to self-esteem. The future actress descended from heaven to earth, prepared well and the next year became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. This is how it started creative biography Anna Chipovskaya.


In 2009, Chipovskaya completed a course at the Moscow Art Theater School and was accepted into the theater troupe. While studying at the university, Anna quite successfully played on the stage of the Moscow art theater Katarina Cavalieri in the production of "Amadeus", as well as Judit in "Dance of the Albatross". These were the debut steps of Chipovskaya on theater stage.

In the Tabakov Theater, Anna immediately got serious roles. The actress played Fanshetta in the play Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro, Elena Vasilievna Karmina in The Marriage of Belugin, Glafira in Wolves and Sheep. In February 2016, the premiere of the performance with elements of melodrama and tragic farce in the railway surroundings "Nameless Star" took place. Anna Chipovskaya took the stage in the title role of Mona. He became the artist's partner on stage.

To this day, Anna plays in the production of "Kinaston", which tells about the English theater of the 17th century. In the role of bisexual actor Ned Kynaston, who conquered the audience by reincarnating as women, he performs. Based on the play by American playwright Jeffrey Hatcher, the film English Beauty was filmed in 2004 with the participation of Claire Danes, Billy Crudup and.

In Chekhov's "Three Sisters" Chipovskaya's partners are Arina Avtushenko ("Lev Yashin. The Goalkeeper of My Dreams") and Alena Lapteva ("The Diary of Doctor Zaitseva").

The play "The Elder Sister", written, is familiar to the audience from the film adaptation of the same name by Georgy Natanson, in which and are involved. The director of the Tabakov theater gave the play the name "Sister Nadezhda", and Anya plays Kirill's wife. The role of the latter is entrusted.


Anna Chipovskaya began to receive job offers in the cinema while still studying. In her 1st year, for example, she starred in the TV series “Operation Color of the Nation”. On the set, Anya had a chance to shoot from various kinds weapons, collect machine guns, perform dangerous stunts.

In October 2016, the actress appeared in the comedy Superbad. The original short film "Valentine's Day", which mixed love relationships, drugs and casinos, was turned into a feature film by producer and screenwriter Vasily Rovensky. The public is familiar with his projects “I remember, I don’t remember!”, “Classmates”.

On March 23, 2017, the melodrama "About Love" was released, in which Chipovskaya again got the main role. The heroine of Anna, a young translator, is happily married, but a chance meeting makes one wonder if this is really the case. The girl meets a man who is truly drawn to, and rushes between family and love. He played the role of the translator's husband, lover -.

The film "The Year I Was Not Born" is a film adaptation of the performance of the same name by the Oleg Tabakov Theater. The picture told about the period of the 80s, about the party boss, whose prosperous life crumbles before our eyes. main role the famous artistic director himself played, the other characters went to Anna, as well as to Pavel Tabakov.

Personal life

Chipovskaya tries to keep her personal life behind seven locks and gracefully evades answers to questions about the innermost. Anna is a rare guest at parties and rarely appears on the pages of the tabloids. However, the stormy romance of the student Chipovskaya with the singer, who persistently sought the attention of the actress for more than a year, nevertheless leaked to the press.

Vorobyov himself said that he was madly in love with Anya, but the explosive temperament of both caused the gap. Vorobyov's incendiary compositions "Bam-Bam" and "New Russian Kalinka", in which Anna starred, remained in memory.

For 4 years, Anna Chipovskaya met with Daniil Sergeev, creative director Moscow advertising agency "Firma". Daniel has a son from his first marriage Marcus. According to media reports, Ani's mother also approved of her daughter's choice. However, the businessman did not become the husband of a movie star.

The reason for the breakup was Daniil's banal jealousy for work and his beloved stage partners. Later, the actress said that there was no place for boring, narrow-minded men next to her, but she did not make a list of the qualities of a person whom she would trust.

Chipovskaya admitted in an interview that she sees no point in marriage and does not want to start a traditional family, to sit with children. Even as a child, the actress did not dream of a prince on a white horse or an ideal wife. Anna dreamed of travel and distant lands. The girl's plans were realized new lover, colleague in the shop . The artists played a couple in love in the comedy melodrama Horoscope for Luck.

Chipovskaya's friends told the press that the connection between Anya and Dmitry was not only on the screen. Endaltsev liked the actress for a long time, and after learning about Anna's break with Sergeyev, the young man began to delicately look after the girl. However, the couple does not show their feelings in public. Presenting the comedy Blockbuster at the Kinotavr festival, in which both played leading roles, the artists were just like friends.

By the way, Chipovskaya's close friends are just actors, classmates Alisa Gorshkova and Anna Seledets, as well as Konstantin Raikin's daughter, Polina Raikin.

Anna Chipovskaya maintains an account on Instagram. The actress has hundreds of thousands of followers. She posts photos and videos of new theatrical productions, occasionally shares with fans personal pictures in a cafe, in a swimsuit and with new haircuts, with a pet cat Kusey. The girl calls the cat her superman, and herself - his absolute slave.

Anna Chipovskaya now

In 2017, Anna appeared in the image of Dasha Bulavina in the TV series "", a film adaptation of the novel of the same name about how the intelligentsia experienced a revolution and the subsequent civil war. The most difficult for the actress, by her own admission, was the scene of the death of a child, after which Chipovskaya even fell ill. Luckily, Anya didn't have to play anymore that day, and she slept through the rest of the day.

The actress is predicted to be recognized in the international arena, since the rights to the film were bought by the Greek TV channel ERT-3 and the American platform Netflix, negotiations are underway with representatives of companies from another 10 countries.

The director of the series, Konstantin Khudyakov, invited Chipovskaya to new project titled "End of the Season". The actress announced this in the fall of 2018 on a page on the social network. Anna and two Julias - and - will play sisters living in the Baltic city and, like Chekhov's heroines, dreaming of moving to Moscow.

Anna Chipovskaya on the set of the film "The Baker and the Beauty" in 2018

The heroine of Anna in the comedy "The Baker and the Beauty" is a bitchy movie star. The character for the spoiled beauty is at first only an object of ridicule and a way to have fun, but sincere feelings change the girl's attitude to life and the people around her. The project attracted the actress not only by the character of the heroine. Chipovskaya wanted to star in a film where the episode fits in 25 minutes, and the story is told quickly and dynamically.


  • 2004 - "Dear Masha Berezina"
  • 2005 - "Men's Season: Velvet Revolution"
  • 2008 - "Labyrinths of Love"
  • 2009-2010 - Bros
  • 2011 - "Yolki 2"
  • 2012 - "Conductor"
  • 2013 - "Yolki 3"
  • 2013 - "Thaw"
  • 2014 - Shaggy Christmas Trees
  • 2015 - "Horoscope for good luck"
  • 2016 - "Pure Art"
  • 2017 - "Blockbuster"
  • 2017 - "Going through the throes"

Anna Borisovna Chipovskaya. She was born on June 16, 1987 in Moscow. Russian theater and film actress.

Mother - actress of the Theater. Evg. Vakhtangov People's Artist Russia.

In 2017, the actress starred in projects "The Road to Calvary"(Dasha Bulavina) and "Blockbuster"(Natasha). In Romanp Volobuev's criminal tragicomedy "Blockbuster", her heroine is a dazzlingly beautiful, but very poorly thinking robber. By the way, the plot is based on real story a girl who committed a robbery armed with an air pistol.

Anna Chipovskaya in the movie "Blockbuster"

She starred in the detective drama "Secrets of the City of En", in which Chipovskaya appeared as an eccentric, daring and curious blogger, inserting sticks into the course of a criminal investigation.

The actress is the beauty ambassador of the AVON company, she advertised cosmetic products on the First Channel of Russian Television.

Anna Chipovskaya - My Girl

A convinced hedonist: "I am an absolute hedonist to the tips of my nails. I like to live for my own pleasure, and I became an actress only and exclusively for this reason - because I like it. After all, a person is made happy only by what he gives himself with all his heart " she emphasized.

He does not like publicity, leads a closed lifestyle. “I don’t like parties, I live quite closed. All these openings of corners, presentations of new shoes, cocktails in honor of the release of something there are not interesting to me. I’d rather spend time with my family, friends, loved ones ... I, for example, don’t I would go to the Cannes Film Festival just to have fun," she says.

Regarding her socio-political position, Anna said the following: “I was born and raised in Moscow, I love this city madly and, of course, I worry about it. It hurts me to look at what is happening now. Therefore, yes, I go to rallies. "I agree in many respects with the opposition. The trouble is that they can only oppose something. They don't have a coherent program. Yes, let's say Putin leaves, and then what? Whom can they suggest? I'm in favor of not starting a revolution" at one point, but to force the current government to change, to make concessions. And yet I understand that if the situation does not change, then I do not want to raise my children in Russia. After all, our children, the elderly and the disabled are the most powerless in society ! Of course, I want my child to feel safe."

Anna Chipovskaya's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Anna Chipovskaya:

Anna had an affair with her classmate theater university Nikita Efremov.

In 2008, she had an affair with a singer and actor. He courted Anna for about a year. They met on the set of the singer's video (Anna starred in two of Vorobyov's videos - "New Russian Kalinka" and "Bam-Bam"). At that moment, Chipovskaya was still in a relationship with Nikita Efremov, so it turned out love triangle. In the end, Vorobyov still got his way. However, the couple soon broke up.

In 2011-2012, she was credited with an affair with an actor whom she met on a joint filming in the film "Spy". However, they themselves did not directly confirm their relationship.

Since 2013, Anna has been dating the creative director of an advertising agency, Daniil Sergeev.

For several years, there were rumors about the upcoming wedding of Chipovskaya and Sergeev, but Anna herself remarked about this: “To be honest, I don’t understand where the gossip about my marriage came from. I don’t want a wedding - I’m indifferent to it. I don’t understand why make so much effort to get married, if divorce is so easy these days.If you really need something that you strive for with all your might, then this something should stay with you forever, and not disappear in two years. I want a family, but the wedding itself is not so necessary for me. I can live with my loved one without a stamp in my passport. I am very freedom-loving, and marriage is another border."

Since the beginning of 2016, rumors began to appear more and more often about Anna's breakup with Daniil Sergeev. And in June 2016, the actress was filmed kissing producer Sergei Yakhontov during the Kinotavr festival (where she, by the way, arrived without Sergeyev).

Since the fall of 2017, Anna began an affair with an actor.

Filmography of Anna Chipovskaya:

2003 - Operation "Color of the Nation" - Anya
2004 - Dear Masha Berezina - Sveta Popova
2004 - Lily of the valley silver 2 - Sleigh
2004 - Bachelors - Zhenya
2005 - Male Season: Velvet Revolution - Vershinin's daughter
2005 - Reel your fishing rods - Paganini
2008 - Labyrinths of Love - Asya
2009 - Bros - Nastya Tsareva
2010 - Bros 2 - Nastya Tsareva
2010 - Bros 2. Continuation - Nastya Tsareva
2011 - Yolki 2 - Nastya's mother
2012 - 1812: Uhlan ballad - Panna Beata
2012 - It all started in Harbin - Lyudmila Yerzhanova
2012 - Conductor - Daria
2012 - Male Season 2. Time of Anger
2012 - Escape 2 - Alena
2012 - Spy - Nadia
2013 - Yolki 3 - Lena
2013 - Thaw - Maryana Pichugina
2014 - Calculator - Christy
2014 - Shaggy Christmas trees - mom
2014 - Green carriage - Marina
2014 - Non-random meeting - Margarita
2014 - Leaving nature - Alla Gulyaeva
2015 - Horoscope for good luck - Rita
2015 - Without Borders - Polina
2016 - Valentine's Day
2016 - Pure Art - Sasha
2016 - Superbad
2017 - About love - Nina
2017 - Blockbuster - Natasha
2017 - - Dasha Bulavina
2018 - Secrets of the city of En - Vera
2018 - - Vera Andronova
2019 - - Sasha Larina
2019 - Blues
2019 - Winners
2019 - End of the season
2019 - Intervention

Dubbing of Anna Chipovskaya:

2013 - Real Squirrel - Andy (Katherine Heigl)
2015 - Hardcore - Estelle (Hayley Bennett)

Clips featuring Anna Chipovskaya:

"Kings of night Verona" (musical "Romeo and Juliet")
"New Russian Kalinka", "Bam-Bam" (Alexey Vorobyov)
"My Star" ("Neonaut")
"Happiness" (musical "Romeo and Juliet")
"Cosmos" (Daria Charusha)

Songs of Anna Chipovskaya:

"My Girl" (Nirvana cover)