Zhenya Galkin what where when. Rovshan Askerov: "A friend can go to hell!" Scandal behind the scenes “What? Where? When? Sergey shanovich, creative director of the "dancing" project on TNT

I started working in the announcer's “What? Where? When?" in 1989, after graduation, I was 24 years old. Usually two people sit with the presenter in the announcer's room: one monitors the timer and the score - this is work in the wings - and the second communicates with the presenter if he wants, for example, to consult whether to count the winnings or not; may suggest something during the game. First, I spent five years on the account, and then Natalia Ivanovna Stetsenko ( CEO Television companies "Game-TV" - approx. ed.) quarreled with Voroshilov on some broadcast, and he said that now I will be his editor.

Boris Kryuk in the announcer's room

Alexander and Elena Druz give interviews on the Internet broadcast

I felt Voroshilov very well as a leader. He and Natalia Ivanovna have developed a tradition of communicating with notes. While there is a minute of brainstorming of experts, you can’t talk - the microphones are on, therefore - only notes. Later, I came up with the idea of ​​putting cards with the names of experts in front of the monitor, and if I pointed to one of the cards, this meant that the version of this expert would be announced. In the notes, during the course of the program, I conveyed my observations: for example, “Friend fell asleep”, “where is Friends”. This means that half the game has passed, but the connoisseur of versions does not offer, shows little of himself, and the host, if he wants, can deal with him. It used to be that the host himself talked with one captain the whole game - then I wrote to him, they say, leave me alone, take care of someone else.

Editor Valentina Alekseevna Andreeva, who is responsible for communication with experts, has been working on the program for 25 or even 30 years. Fathers, mothers, wives, and children of experts recognize her by her voice. She remembers everything: which of the connoisseurs plays, who no longer plays, who does not play only this year, who went on vacation where. She gives me all this.

Approximately 6,000 questions from viewers are received per month, that is, 72,000 per year. Questions are handled by four disassemblers. We maintain a database of voiced questions, because it happened a couple of times that experts told us: “Guys, we actually already played this!”. This has not happened in the last five years. There are already about 5 and a half thousand questions in the database. There was such a case: the correct answer to one question was “fate”, and the expert answered “success” - I did not count the point then, but six years later, when this question was asked again and the experts answered “success”, I recognized the answer as correct.

The hunting lodge in the Neskuchny Garden is the only surviving building of the estate of Prince Trubetskoy, and since 1990 - set TV games "What? Where? When?"

There is a special group of “What? Where? When?", which demonstrates the incredible activity on the site. One person, Zhenya Galkin, turned out to be unique. He had the nickname Postman Pechkin - he is still called Pechkin. He was in love with the old scenery, and after the death of Voroshilov he fought with me all the time, demanded that the old chandelier be returned, or something else. I answered him from time to time. Then he said: "I'm used to you!" - and got a job with us. Now Zhenya broadcasts on the Internet before and after the broadcast - he communicates with experts, shows behind the scenes. Previously, Natalia Ivanovna and I believed that we were the ultimate truth, only we know what happened on the set of the program. After the appearance of this twenty-year-old guy (he is now 28), we gave up. Ask when this or that question was asked - he will tell you the year, the series, the team. True, I may forget the date. The most amazing thing in the story of Zhenya Galkin is that from the age of 12 he told his parents that he would work for “What? Where? When? ”, And they answered him:“ Zhenya, what are you doing! There’s only one thug!”

Sergey Shanovich, creative director of the DANCE project on TNT:

Each dance number - and there are at least 11 of them in the release - is thought out and done within four days. This is very fast, because in the industry similar numbers are made for several months. So we work every week until the New Year. Therefore, we are already dreaming of completing the project and shooting the grand final on December 29th.

After the creative team of the project determined the composition of the pairs for the next program, and the mentors Egor Druzhinin and Miguel with choreographers came up with the numbers for their teams, chose and coordinated the music for each number with the music editors, several workshops start working at once: artists, decorators, pyrotechnicians , stylists, graphics. We get an intermediate result 2-3 days before the broadcast, and final result- a full-fledged staged and designed number, as a rule, develops only on the day of the broadcast, when the director's and camera teams are already filming all the action on the stage. The decisive word, the verdict "on the air!" gives the main creator and producer of the project Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov. It takes the finished product from everything creative team, and it was he who gathered and inspired the whole team for this dance marathon. Together with creative producers Konstantin Obukhov and Armen Oganyan, they are building the dramatic plot of the program, which includes not only the dance numbers of the participants, but also their stories, which they tell before the performance.

Shooting choreographic numbers has its own specifics: not all theatrical effects, techniques from musicals or musical concerts work well in the format of the TV program. What captures and amazes us when we see it live cannot always be filmed in such short time in this timing and montage. To shoot a musical number, it must be storyboarded as music video or a scene from a movie, and then shoot frame by frame, like a staged shoot. This is not always possible in a TV program. We shoot with a lot of cameras and still we don’t have time to shoot everything, because the dancers move around the stage, tumble, fly.

We create a TV product, and our show should be interesting for its polyphony, the fact that all the numbers are different in atmosphere, and each time the dancers have a new choreography, different from the one that was in the last release. Creative team leaders Egor and Miguel can put on five "dark" numbers in a row - that is, those when the stage is pitch dark, and the dancer moves in the spotlight beam. This breaks the polyphony, therefore, no matter how much Miguel and Egor would like to think only about dance in their work, they participate in the TV project as directors. Music, light, sound, scenery, graphics - all these are equal participants in the show, creating the image of each dancer. You can put on any kind of choreography, but if it was shot wrong, edited, filed incorrectly, you will not be heard. When the program comes out and the audience watches it, you can say whatever you want about your concept, but the result of your work is what the viewer will see. It is impossible to explain to the viewer that you did not mean what he saw. It's like a printed word that you can't cut with an axe.

"Dancing" is a competition, and the participants receive the votes of the TV viewers. If this or that number revealed them, showed the audience how bright they are, these guys get more votes. And the defeat is made up of a dozen random factors - for example, the dancer did not open up emotionally, or the number itself did not reveal it, or the production team placed the accents in the wrong place.

Over the past broadcasts, 84 have already been made dance numbers. Some of them fall into the treasury of our special achievements. For example, in the first concert there was a stunning number "Bed - Window" by Alisa Dotsenko and Anton Panufnik. They had a relationship in life, and now they met on the project, hitting the same number. They were choreographed in such a way that on stage they seemed to relive the breakup, and the audience became witnesses of their personal history. It turned out to be an amazing, almost documentary drama.

There are numbers with a difficult plot, which the viewer most likely will not understand. In the thirteenth issue, the dance was built around the theme of a split personality. In a pair of two guys, one was a depressive character, the other was positive, and they had an internal dialogue. The scenery depicted a curved space - the door hung over the stage, first one dancer fell out of it, then, after internal twists and turns, another dancer climbed up the stairs to the door and fell from there. The performance was incredibly artistic, very theatrical, different from the whole show. And the audience liked it - everyone understood that it was mega-cool, although they did not fully understand the meaning. It no longer looked like a dance, but a performance, it is difficult to understand the essence of the action without an annotation.

The main decoration of the project is the so-called “openers”, for which the choreographers do not put on competitive numbers, but make special group performances. My favorite two for today are Yegor Druzhinin's Vitruvian Man and Miguel's Team, which became a hit on YouTube and Instagram.

Do I try as a creative director to adapt to the tastes of the mass audience? I think no. Designer Massimo Venelli said: “Of course, you can go to the square and protest about which pills are better to treat a sore throat, but when you get really sick, the doctor will prescribe the right pills.” When we are engaged in creativity, the biggest mistake is to leave it at the mercy of the crowd. Only professionals who have been doing their job all their lives and want to convey something to everyone else with their creativity can create something truly worthwhile. But if what you are trying to convey to the audience is not interesting in itself, then no matter how smart and subtle you are, you have no place in the media space.

Yulia Shamal, producer of the program "Anna Chapman and Her Men" on Ren-TV:

The heroes of the program are rich and popular men who have white spots in their biography, and Anna's task is to walk through these spots. After all, showing some perfectly smooth, like an egg, people in prime time is just a golden waste of time. We don’t invent tricky questions for guests - she herself. But, of course, she has an editor in her ear, whose instructions she usually does not listen to. Anna can't stand being pressured. What are we buzzing about in her ear? Well, let's say, on the set of the very first issue, Chapman was in the mood to flirt and smile at her first interlocutor, Joseph Prigozhin, but specifically in his case, irradiation with charm is not the way that would help Anya to reveal his secrets. So I said: “Be specific! Be tougher!

Among the guests of the program, we prioritize representatives of large businesses. But there is always one problem with them: they try to stay in the frame too dignified and respectable, but in the end they look dull. For example, Felix Komarov, the only Russian citizen who is a member of the Rockefeller Club and is considered part of the secret world government, did not say a word to Anya about politics. Listening to what he thinks about the weather outside the window was not at all interesting. As a result, the conversation lies on the shelf, waiting for a second attempt - we don’t put an end to such heroes, but put off recording with them for the future, hoping that someday these guests will still agree to answer all questions with a twist.

But if the guest is an actor, the releases are much more interesting. Alexey Panin came to us. Oh, how he talked about his mistakes, which he made in relations with his wife and daughter, how he promised to improve! He said that he was left without money, so much so that he didn’t even have enough for a ticket to St. Petersburg and for a gift for his daughter. Someone from the team even decided to help him out and gave him five thousand rubles.

When Chapman hosted The Secrets of the World, we wanted her to look like Agent Scully, a woman whose sexuality is framed by an extremely strict, businesslike image. When we launched Anna Chapman and Her Men, we decided that this time it would be just pure sex. I have been in television for many years and in my experience all female presenters need to "make" faces. But Anya is an excellent material by nature: she can be tired, unpainted and with a dirty head, but this will not spoil her at all, because, speaking the language theater directors, it has a charm.

On April 24, 2016, Neskuchny Garden hosted the finals of the spring game "What? Where? When?", where for the first time in the history of the games there were members of the Academy of viewers of the game "What? Where? When?": two-time winner of the Crystal Owl, librarian Svetlana Sumachakova from Gorno-Altaisk , owner of the Diamond Owl, treasurer Polyanskaya Zhanna from Syktyvkar, and owner of the Crystal Owl manager Sergey Chevdar from Ilyichevsk.

Unfortunately, the fourth academician, teacher Tatyana Medvedeva from Saratov, could not come.

Zhanna Polyanskaya, Ekaterina Mereminskaya, Sergey Chevdar, Svetlana Sumachakova, Elman Talybov (left to right)

Five teams of the club played against TV viewers in the spring series of games. Balash Kasumov’s team / Crystal Owl winner Mikhail Skipsky (St. Petersburg), two-time Crystal Owl winners Elizaveta Ovdeenko (Moscow), Yulia Lazareva (Moscow) and Dmitry Avdeenko (Moscow), as well as Elman Talybov (Baku), team captain - winner of the Diamond and Crystal Owls, holder of the title of "Best Club Captain" Balash Kasumov (Baku) / won 6:5 against the viewers in this series of the last one, got the right to play in the winter series, where she can compete for the right to participate in the main game of the season - the Final of the year. / Official website of the game "What? Where? When?" 1tv.ru /

Ekaterina Guseva and the quartet of Sergei Khutas performed in the musical break, and the Acapella-Express group completed the game - “this is an amazing combination of six magical voices, each of which is able to touch the most delicate strings of the soul, give real musical pleasure...” http://www. ae-vocal.com/people/

The team's performance produced very good impression. Mikhail Skipsky in the spring series of 2016 was recognized as the best player and received the first individual award in the club - the Crystal Owl. In December 2010, the anniversary year for the game, when the team of Balash Kasumov won the winter series of games and was awarded the “crystal nest”, Mikhail Skipsky became the owner crystal owl .

Elman Talybov became the owner of the "Crystal Atom" from the state corporation "Rosatom".

During the game, Mr. Kryuk recalled that in the finals of 2015 (the team of Balash Kasumov played), the Academy of TV Viewers “What? Where? When? ”, and from this season the mechanism for choosing the owner of the Crystal Owl is the same for both parties. If the connoisseurs win, then Sergey Novikov proposes his candidacy, if he is supported by the masters and the keeper of traditions, the decision is considered accepted. So it was before. Among viewers, Vladimir Verkhoshinsky proposes a candidate, and academic viewers should support him. In both cases, if there is no unanimity, then the leader determines the owner of the Crystal Owl.

Mr. B. Hook said that recently fell into his hands this unique book is in electronic format www.aif.ru And today he specially invited to the game of the editor-in-chief of the weekly "Arguments and Facts" by Nikolai Ivanovich Zyatkov and asked him to tell about how there was an idea to collect in one book the diaries of the children of the Great Patriotic War: “The idea was simple. Journalists collected diaries for the Victory Day and it turned out that they were not enough. And we decided to get to the bottom of how many diaries were left in archives, families, and even the authors of some diaries were still alive. And there was another moment. Anne Frank's diaries are known all over the world. And we, too, were a little offended that, apart from the diaries of Tanya Savicheva, almost nothing is known about other children, war veterans, blockade survivors, those who were in captivity. And we have collected almost everything that can be found today. There are 35 diaries here. And these are amazing records!”

“In my opinion,” said Boris Kryuk, “everyone should read this book, regardless of age. In general, when you read what a child wrote day after day in a concentration camp or besieged Leningrad, or in occupation, goosebumps.

The host of the game clarified: “Ms. Sumachakova, do you have such a book in the library of Gorno-Altaisk? You haven’t received it yet, are you the head librarian?” Sumachakova replied that she had not seen her. Mr. Kryuk asked the editor of the AIF weekly: “Mr. Zyatkov, can we donate such a book to the Chevalkov National Library in Gorno-Altaisk?” - "With great pleasure". Ms. Sumachakova, this is for you in Gorno-Altaisk. “Thank you very much,” thanked Sumachakov S.S. on my own behalf and on behalf of the National Library named after M.V. Chevalkov.

In this way, National Library named after M.V. Chevalkova became the owner of a wonderful book. Now everyone can read it.

Before the game. Connoisseurs answered questions from the 1976 game. Evgeny Galkin, editor of the game "What? Where? When?", spoke about what the rules were then, how the game went: http://chgk.tvigra.ru (Internet broadcast from Neskuchny Sad. Part one)

And by this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI0QKacOptM(Internet broadcast from the Neskuchny Garden, Part Two) Along with many interesting things, you can watch interviews with academicians.

In the year of the 40th anniversary of "What? Where? When?" the autumn series of games was opened by a team of employees of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Even before winning against the TV viewers, she defeated two hundred other teams of labor collectives who were sent to "What? Where? When?" applications since September last year. It was the first team of the labor collective in the history of the game that got into the program through a competition. By the way, it will start soon - for those who want to try their luck in 2016.

Although there was no competition for labor collectives until last year, the sixes, united by profession or common place of work, sat at the gaming table before. 10 years ago, on April 1, on the day when Channel One turned ten years old, the presenters of the “first button”, Arina Sharapova, Yana Churikova, Nikolai Drozdov and Yuri Vyazemsky, sat in the chairs of experts. The captain was director Vladimir Menshov - he then hosted the reality show "The Last Hero". The game captured them so much that Arina Sharapova, a person with a gigantic television experience, said loudly on the air: "Damn!" With a score of 5:5, the hosts took the "Decisive Round" - and Valdis Pelsh lost it! So TV presenters lost with a devastating score of 6:0. But in 2013, the team of TV presenters bounced back.

Valdis Pelsh and Yana Churikova in the program "What? Where? When?". Photo: frame from the program

In 2007, the team of the Cosmonaut Training Center named after A.I. Yu. A. Gagarin. Then they only dreamed of space, and now four of the six - Alexander Samokutyaev, Anton Shkaplerov, Anatoly Ivanishin and Sergei Ryazansky - have already been there. And for the benefit of the game. Last December, Samokutyaev and Shkaplerov asked a TV viewer a question about space scales while on board the International Space Station.

Let's move from space to the stars. 10 years ago in the anniversary season dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Club, in "What? Where? When?" played . In addition to him, the team included composer Alexander Zhurbin, poetess Larisa Rubalskaya, writer Tatyana Ustinova and deputy Oleg Morozov, and lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky was the captain.

Nikolai Baskov in the program What? Where? When? Photo: Natalia Nechaeva

The team scored three victories over TV viewers and Baskov was twice recognized as the best player in the team. And his Aria of the Hare from the cartoon "Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh" is considered, if not the best, then certainly one of the best "Musical pauses" in the history of the program. In a few seconds, the Basques managed to jump up from the table, run out of the crowded pavilion into the street, put on hare ears and reincarnate as a carrot lover doomed to death. The head of the ensemble of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Major General Viktor Eliseev, was waiting for the hare with a gun in his hands. This aria is worth spending a few minutes on.

On June 11, 2011, Gnesinka students performed less successfully. Because of the excitement, the young musicians lost to the viewers with a score of 6:1, with Denis Matsuev earning the only point. He didn't have the right version, but he had the right strategy. When the next question fell out, Matsuev said: "We take the help of the club." famous pianist appeared at the gaming table unexpectedly. That evening he performed in the Musical Pause, and since Denis had a birthday on June 11, the host gave him a gift: he invited him to sit at the table as the seventh player for one round. Having earned a point, Matsuev quickly ran away: two hundred guests were waiting for him in the restaurant. Although the Gnesins did not become experts, two members of the team found work thanks to this game: Egor Khripkov became the sound engineer of What? Where? When? ”, and Alexander Bakalov - the manager of the gaming hall, it is he who takes out the“ black boxes ”and beats the gong.

The former manager of the hall Andrey Lysenko began working in "What? Where? When?" thanks to participation in another program: in 1991 he played in the television game "Love at First Sight", hosted by Boris Kryuk and Alla Volkova. From 1993 to 2013, he beat the gong and took out the black box. What has not been there for all these years! For example, dust. Members of the film crew shook out the vacuum cleaners at home, and the collected dust was sifted through a sieve so that Lysenko artistically poured it onto the table - as an answer to the question of what the artist Gerard Dow struggled with, carefully closing all the drawers in the workshop and the workshop itself. Once a live cobra had to be placed in a box. Then experts were asked what unique security system guarded the blue sapphire "Star of Lanka" at an exhibition held several years ago in Stockholm. The editors of the program, Elena Byalko and Zhanna Rauzina, who were in charge of the props, then suffered a lot of fear. The owner of the cobra put the snake in a box with the words: "I chose the most non-poisonous one!" — and left. And the cobra, although not poisonous, was terribly unhappy with being placed in a cramped space and banged its head against the lid, trying to open it. Now Andrey is a television director “What? Where? When?" - it is he who sits at the control panel and “mounts” the program live, collects one from many pictures from different cameras, which the viewers see.

Andrey Lysenko in the program "What? Where? When?". Photo: frame from the program

The path to “What? Where? When?" and from the archive editor Evgeny Galkin. He has been a fan of the game since childhood and dreamed of working at the Igra-TV television company when he grows up. Parents told him: "What are you talking about! They only get there by acquaintance" - but he hoped. Once on the live "What? Where? When?" in 2000, 10 years he communicated with creative team programs, looked for how it could be useful, helped to systematize the archive. After graduating from the institute, Eugene decided to say: "I want to work for you." And in response I heard: "Yes, we have been thinking about you for a long time." So he was officially hired, and since 2011 Galkin has been broadcasting live on the Internet before and after the game “What? Where? When?" on the portal www.whatwherewhen.rf.

And about how Boris Kryuk 40 years ago participated in the creation of "What? Where? When?",.

To bookmarks

Before and after the live broadcast from the Neskuchny Garden, Evgeny Galkin leads to YouTube. Players and editors of the program give express interviews, share their impressions of the game in hot pursuit.

This time, the reason for the scandal was the controversial answer of Rovshan Askerov's team to one of the decisive questions of the game (the question of the tomato - see). The opinions of those present were divided: the majority was in favor of awarding a point to experts. But, as it turned out, not everyone agreed with this. At least the master of the game, Alexander Druz, did not agree.

What happened next? And then I will not comment on anything, I will simply give a video and a transcript of the “conversation” of the host of the Internet broadcast with Askerov and Friends after the end of the game. Well, the conclusions from this, to put it mildly, are not very beautiful story do it yourself.

Evgeny Galkin, TV company "IGRA-TV", member of the editorial team, webcast host (hereinafter E.G.): Master Friends about ten minutes ago said about the reputation that, they say, what a fine fellow Rovshan, he is not afraid to lose his reputation in front of millions of viewers.

Alexander Druz went to hell! I can say it harder. I am not at all concerned about the opinion of Master Alexander Abramovich Druz about my reputation. Because my opinion about his reputation is that he has no reputation at all.

The person who changed the answers, changed the answers for the sake of a point, he has no right to tell me anything at all ... And not a single person in this Club. Because in the coffin I saw them all with their opinion about my reputation!

When Alexander Ivanovich (disclaimer - author's note) Friends will be the standard of purity, decency, then we will talk!

Rovshan Askerov, player "What? Where? When? ”, The owner of the“ Crystal Owl ”(hereinafter - R.A.)

Friends joined the conversation.

E.G.: Alexander Abramovich, what did you say about Rovshan's reputation?

Alexander Druz, Master of the game “What? Where? When?”, winner of the Diamond Owl, six-time winner of the Crystal Owl (hereinafter A.D.) : Something that I can repeat again. Rovshan is absolutely right to put his reputation on the table in order for his team to win. Because the wrong answer was given.

R.A.: And I think this is the right answer!

HELL.: It's your problem!

R.A.: I have no problems at all!

HELL.: Well, actually pass black for white and white for black ...

R.A.: This is what I learned from Alexander Abramovich Friends! It was like that in the 90s, in the Blinov team, there were wonderful times. When Alexander Abramovich did the same, he changed his answer without hesitation in order to get a point!

HELL.: Remind me?

R.A.: Let me remind you! The situation about the Vietnamese temple, Sasha, reconsider this game somehow, how you perfectly changed the answer under pressure from Voroshilov.

HELL.: Good!

R.A.: Sasha, it's not for you in this Club to teach morality to anyone. You are the last person in this Club who can talk about morality, like a bandersha talking about decency!

HELL.: I fully understand that you understand quite well with brothels, otherwise you would not have been put on this ... (Here Friends clearly hints at the fact that nowRovshan Askerov - captain of a team of 5 expert girls- approx. author)

R.A.: You took me to Paris!

HELL.: We didn't go to Paris!

R.A.: We went! Were at the Place Pigalle! (Place Pigalle - red light district in Paris -approx. author)

E.G.: Well, in my opinion, your conflict dragged on!

R.A.: We have no conflict! I have no conflict!